hay fever (allergic rhinitis) - edgar cayce · hay fever, vol. 1 circulating file edgar cayce...

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Circulating File

HAY FEVER (Allergic Rhinitis)

Vol. 1

A compilation of Extracts from the Edgar Cayce Readings

Edgar Cayce Readings Copyrighted by Edgar Cayce Foundation

1971, 1993-2010 All Rights Reserved

These readings or parts thereof may not be reproduced

in any form without permission in writing from the Edgar Cayce Foundation

215 67th Street Virginia Beach, VA 23451

Printed in U.S.A.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Circulating Files are collections of verbatim quotes of what Edgar Cayce said during his readings on a given subject or, in some cases everything. We have medical circulating files which focus on the over 9,000 health-related readings with subjects from Acidity-Alkalinity to Weight Loss. We also have non-medical circulating files on a broad range of topics, for example Egypt: Sphinx, Pyramids, and Hall of Records, Fear and Its Far-Reaching Effects, Advice to Parents, Serving in Accord with Ideals, and Business Advice.

Each circulating file is simply a collection of reading quotes or full readings given for different individuals on a similar subject or disease. The A.R.E. cannot and does not suggest treatments for physical ailments nor make claims about the effectiveness of the therapies. We encourage anyone working with the health readings to do so under a doctor's care and advice.

The circulating files support the research aspect of the Cayce work. We appreciate any feedback informing us of progress made in improving one’s life or achieving good health by applying suggestions given in the readings. Please send any feedback (testimonies, experiences, results, etc.) to:

Library: Circulating File Desk A.R.E. 215 67

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Virginia Beach VA 23451 Or e-mail: CirculatingFiles@edgarcayce.org

Please note: The complete Edgar Cayce Readings are available through the members only section of our web site, EdgarCayce.org or on CD-ROM.

Some circulating files contain commentaries or summaries written by physicians. These reports are to be used as a basis for further research in the form of controlled studies, and should not be misinterpreted to be either a refutation or an endorsement by the doctor. Referral doctors wanting to borrow a file for an extended period may do so by writing to the Library: Circulating File Desk.

Our hope is that through the Cayce readings you will find the wholeness and oneness which is God's plan for us.

Blessings, A.R.E. Member Services Team

There are in truth no incurable conditions…. 3744-2

This Circulating File consists of an overview and the Edgar Cayce psychic readings on hay fever. The information is not intended for self-diagnosis nor self-treatment. Please consult a qualified health care professional before following any advice contained within this file. Articles may be included because the information supports the remedies and therapies described in the Edgar Cayce readings or are of a helpful nature. Their inclusion does not imply endorsement or recommendation. Before following any advice contained in the articles, please seek the counsel of your doctor.

Products may be purchased from Baar Products, the official worldwide supplier of Edgar Cayce

health care products: www.baar.com or call 800-269-2502.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Hay Fever (Allergic Rhinitis)

Contents Pages

A. Introduction to the Edgar Cayce Readings on Health & Healing 5

B. Commentary on Allergy by James Kwako, M.D 9

C. “Hay Fever” from Edgar Cayce Encyclopedia of Healing 16

D. “Blessed Ragweed – The Most Hated of Weeds” by Robert Clapp 18

E “Breathing Better and Easier” by Elaine Hruska 23

F. Extracts from the Readings 26

G. Case Studies from the Readings:

1. Reading # 410-1, 42-year-old woman 38

2. Reading # 452-2, 28-year-old man 43

3. Readings # 795-3, 4, 4-year-old girl 46

4. Reading # 808-8, 31-year-old woman 52

5. Reading # 934-2, 24-year-old woman 56

6. Readings # 1771-1, 3, 21-year-old woman (cured) 60

7. Reading # 1861-9, 35-year-old man 70

8. Reading # 2090-2, 39-year-old woman (cured) 72

9. Reading # 2384-1, 38-year-old man 75 10. Reading # 2801-6, 61-year-old woman 78

11. Reading # 2812-1, 30-year-old woman 83

12. Reading # 3211-3, 55-year-old man 89

H. Reports from Members 92

I. Herbal Breathing Product – Cayce Formula by Baar 95

J. Illustration of Bottle Type for Inhaling Fumes into Nostrils and Throat 96

K. Related Circulating Files and Research Bulletins*: 1. Asthma

* Circulating Files & Research Bulletins are available from A.R.E. membership services at (800) 333-4499 or: http://www.edgarcayce.org/circulating


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


2. Catarrh: Nasal 3. Dermatitis 4. Eczema 5. Hay Fever, Vol. 2 6. Osteopathy 7. Hives (Urticaria) 8. Sinusitis 9. Suggestive Therapeutics

(Q) What should be done for hay fever, to prevent sensitiveness to dust, feathers, pollen, lint, lettuce, pears, and tobacco smoke?

(A) Most of this is imaginative, and the responses will be as the impulse to USE these very things themselves in their activity in the body! and as would be in taking that termed preventatives, they become a portion of the impulses in the system. See? For, as the body in its vibrations along the cerebrospinal system is set in accord with a perfect vibration in each ganglia along the system, then these are only that builded (that is, these sensitivenesses to those conditions named; and others as they would be seen), and they become a portion of the consciousness in the use of all of them. Handle them! Use them! Smell them! And know they will not affect you, unless you let them! 386-3

(Q) Are the injections necessary this year to relieve hay fever? (A) This could be said, yes, and it could be said, no, for it depends upon how thoroughly the body follows through and as to where the periods for the injections from the allergies are spent. It is not necessary if following through or if the period is spent in some other environ. (Q) When will the hay fever condition pass so no further injection will be necessary? (A) This again depends upon how these are carried through and where they are carried through. For if there is built the body-consciousness that nothing else will do - nothing will do! 3436-3, M 46


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Introduction to the Cayce Readings on Health and Healing

No matter what illness or ailment concerns us, certain basic principles about

health and healing are relevant. These are the premises upon which all of the Cayce health information rests. For those who would like to make a more careful study of these basic principles, the recommended Circulating File is entitled Principles of Healing. Here, in essence, are the ideas found in that file. They may prove to be very useful to your study of the specific ailment that requires healing for you.

The first fundamental idea about healing requires that we maintain a creative balance between two principles:

1. All healing comes from the infinite - that is, from attunement and harmony with our spiritual source. The infinite is just as accessible and available in the visible, physical world as it is in the invisible realm.

2. At the same time, each person must take responsibility for his or her own healing process. No one can simply sit back and wait passively for healing to occur.

This second principle - the need for self-responsibility - can take many forms.

For example, healing requires attunement, and no one knows better than ourselves exactly what has gotten us out of attunement. Often, if we look closely at our lives, we can see (without needing a gifted medical clairvoyant such as Edgar Cayce) what's causing our illness.

To illustrate self-responsibility further, the human body has a marvelous, innate drive to heal itself, but we've got to do our part to help. A broken bone will naturally try to mend; however, the fracture needs to be set properly for the healing to be complete and effective. Cayce stresses the healing ability of the body:

Remember, the body does gradually renew itself constantly. Do not look upon the conditions which have existed as not being able to be eradicated from the system. . . Hold to that KNOWLEDGE - and don't think of it as just theory - that the body CAN, the body DOES renew itself! 1548-3

Another important principle relates to energy medicine, a new field for which

Edgar Cayce was a pioneer. His readings consistently speak of the roles played by vibrations or vibratory forces - right down to the level of individual atoms. According to Cayce, there is a type of consciousness that exists in each atom. Although most of the passages about the atomic physics of healing seem rather esoteric, it might be easier to follow the analogy of the attunement of a stringed musical instrument. A violin or piano that is out of tune makes sour, discordant music - symbolic of disease or illness. Just as a skilled musician can bring the instrument back into attunement, we experience healing when our vibrations - right down to the atomic level - are adjusted in a correct manner. In essence, all healing is bringing the vibrations into harmony from within.

Balance among body, mind, and spirit is another key to Cayce's philosophy of healing. For healing to be complete and lasting, we must recognize and meet the needs of each of these three levels. Virtually no illness or disease can be treated successfully at only one of these three levels.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


What's more, Cayce affirms that the human body will naturally stay healthy - and even rejuvenate itself - if a kind of internal balance can be maintained. “Dis-ease” starts when one part of the body draws energy from another part. One portion of an organism may become overcharged with the creative life force, while another portion becomes undernourished. The result is a gradual disintegration of the body and the onset of illness.

The opposite of this sort of disintegration is rejuvenation. The readings assert that we are continuously rebuilding our bodies. Within any seven-year period, each cell is replaced. If we'll allow it, our bodies will transform any problem and resuscitate any condition. But our ingrained habits usually block this healing potential - the habits of action and, even more potent, the habits of mind.

What role do drugs and medicine play in the healing process? Cayce's philosophy clearly sees a place for them, but warns of misunderstanding how they work and of expecting more of them than is possible. Any healing method attempts to create an experience of oneness, in hopes of then stimulating a similar response in the body. For some people in some situations, a drug may be the best way to accomplish this - just as in other cases surgery may be the best way to stimulate healing. Medicines can be a practical application of the one life force. Occasionally they must be very potent in their reactions in order to get the patient through an acute illness. But Cayce from time to time encouraged people to consider the herbal formulas he recommended to be tonics and stimulants, rather than medicines.

The dangerous side of medicines is their potential to diminish the body's own healing work. This is what Cayce alluded to when he warned about “palliatives” that deceive the soul with half-truths and temporary relief. It's also what he meant when he warned that we shouldn't come to rely on any condition outside of ourselves that could be assimilated by the body inwardly. All of this is to say, take the medications prescribed by the physician you trust. Keep in mind this thought: what those chemicals can do is temporarily - and somewhat artificially - give your body an experience of greater oneness.

Healing that really takes hold and lasts must come from changing one's inner consciousness and vibration. That happens most effectively from consistent and persistent human effort (that is, engaging one's desires, purposes, and will) - something that pills all too easily allow us to skip.

These have been long-standing. Do not take the treatments just a few days, or even a few weeks, and expect to be well - and then revert to old conditions. But be consistent and persistent! Have periods when these will be taken (that is, ALL of those things indicated) for two, three to four weeks. Then rest by leaving them off a week. And then be just as patient and just as persistent as though you were beginning all over again. 976-1

Cayce's healing philosophy includes other insights that can help us avoid

misunderstanding. For example, one principle states that the best treatment procedures sometimes cause a temporary worsening of conditions. If we didn't recognize this possibility, we might give up just before the benefits begin to appear. A closely related principle states that when a body is re-establishing its attunement, it tends to be more sensitive. Again, if we misunderstand that heightened sensitivity, we might not see the good that is slowly being effected.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


The mind is a focus of other healing principles. The unconscious mind plays a role in many illnesses and diseases. One example of this is the karmic factor in health problems. Memories from previous incarnations, stored in the soul mind, can trigger problems in the body. Of course, we shouldn't go so far as to suppose that every health challenge has past-life roots; nevertheless, the perspective of reincarnation can help us understand what we could possibly be dealing with as we seek healing.

The familiar Cayce axiom, “Mind is the builder,” leads us to wonder exactly which attitudes and emotions best foster healing. The readings emphasize several:

Self-acceptance. As we rid ourselves of self-condemnation, we make room for healing forces to enter.

Optimism and hope. We're encouraged to expect healing. Patience. It's much easier and quicker to destroy health than it is to rebuild it.

We need to be willing to patiently invest whatever time is required.

Alongside these specific attitudes and emotions, we're invited to use the creative potential of visualization to stimulate our own healing. The mind's image-making capacity can be directed in such a way that we “see” the healing transformation taking place. This is not something that's accomplished in a single visualization session. Like all the Cayce health-promoting approaches, it requires persistence and works best in conjunction with other healing methods.

Perhaps the most important principle of the mind's relationship to healing concerns purposefulness. A person can experience temporarily an outer healing - that is, in the physical body only - yet still be spiritually sick. What cures the soul? A commitment to a purposeful life. Not just any purpose, but instead one that reflects care for other people.

On occasion a reading from Cayce would pose this question to the person who was ill: What would you do with your life if you were healed?

What would the body be healed for? That it might gratify its own physical appetites? That it might add to its own selfishness? Then (if so) it had better remain as it is. . . But first the change of heart, the change of mind, the change of purpose, the change of intent. 3124-2

The position of Cayce's psychic source was simply this: Why correct the physical condition unless there's also going to be an inner correction? People who are looking for both inner and outer healing are the best candidates for restored health and vitality. In Cayce's philosophy, healing should equip us to be more useful to others.

With this ideal of service in mind, we might also wonder just how we can be channels of healing to others. What principles govern our efforts to be healers to those for whom we have concern? One principle is based on the spiritual connections that exist between all people. It states that as we bring the experience of oneness into our own consciousness, it can profoundly help someone else experience oneness, attunement, and healing. Cayce's way of putting it was, “...raising the Christ Consciousness in self to such an extent as it may flow out of self to him thou would direct it to.” (281-7)

For this to be most effective, the recipient must desire such help and have requested healing prayer. Of course, we can always pray for someone, even if that


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


individual hasn't asked us. But it's important that we not assume we know what's needed in any person's life. For one who hasn't specifically asked for prayer, we can simply offer prayers of protection and blessing, rather than try to direct healing energies to that person or for a specific condition.

It is also important to remember that each reading was given for an individual. It must be emphasized that no suggested treatments for any particular ailments should be “lifted” from any individual reading and tried by another individual except under the supervision of and with the cooperation of a physician or licensed health care professional. However, there were many suggestions that were given over and over, and these can be studied to find how they apply to ourselves. These healing principles can be grouped in four categories that referred to as CARE.

Circulation – moving the blood around the body through therapies such as massage or spinal manipulation

Assimilation – encouraging the body to pull the proper nutrients from the food by eating the proper foods and in the proper combinations

Relaxation – taking time to rest and let the body recuperate and counterbalance the daily activities

Elimination – removing the waste products from the body through therapies such as sweats, colonics, and fume baths

For more information about CARE and recommendations on the lifestyle described in the readings, please see Dr. Harold J. Reilly’s Handbook for Health. There are also many verbatim collections of the readings in other Circulating Files, Research Bulletins, and Treatment Plans for individual diseases which may be purchased through Customer Service at 800-333-4499.

The A.R.E. is interested in having all the material in the health readings reviewed by physicians and health care professionals who also provide summaries of their findings in the hope that the information may prove beneficial to others. When time and finances permit it is planned to have all the information in the health readings read by one or more physicians and the subject matter summarized. Please send any feedback to:

Library: Circulating File Desk A.R.E. 215 67

th St

Virginia Beach VA 23451 Or e-mail: CirculatingFiles@edgarcayce.org

To obtain health items mentioned in the readings, contact our official worldwide distributor, Baar Products at 800-269-2502 or Baar.com.

We do not advocate a do-it-yourself process. Please seek out the advice of a health professional before implementing any recommendation.

In summary, the Cayce readings remind us that our natural state is wholeness and health. An innate wisdom within ourselves knows what's needed for healing. We should expect to get well, and we should be willing to do our part to make it possible. “Those that expect little of the Lord receive little; those that expect much receive much - if they live it!” 1424-1

Blessings, A.R.E. Member Services Team


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Commentary on Allergy by James Kwako, M.D.

I. Introduction

Current medical opinion on allergy has many very interesting findings in light of the Edgar Cayce readings. Allergy is considered to be an abnormal reaction to a normal substance. The abnormal reaction is generally accepted as an inherited characteristic, but more recently it is felt that the tissue affected and the degree of sensitivity are not inherited. Prigal suggests that, "Today one is wise not only to consider whether symptoms might be due to allergy (i.e. inherited) or to infection or to psychological stress (they can arise from each of these), but infinitely more fruitful to ask how much allergy, how much infection, how much psychological stress. Since each is a form of stress, perhaps their interrelationship is mediated by the pituitary-adrenocortical axis." Szentivanyi suggests that the constitutional abnormality common to all atopic patients, including these with asthma, is an inherited or acquired partial blockade of the beta adrenergic receptors regardless of the precipitating factors (immunologic, infections, psychic). Excessive irritability of the respiratory tract reflects a diminished responsiveness of the beta adrenergic receptors of the bronchial glands, smooth muscle and blood vessels of the mucosa. The diminished response of the adrenergic receptors results in a failure of the normal homeostatic defenses against bronchoconstrictive stimuli operating either directly or by way of reflex cholinergic pathways. According to Szentivanyi and Fishel, the adrenocortical steroids and catecholamines appear to function largely as a single unit. Physiological levels of corticosteroids may be essential to maintain the normal response of adrenergic receptors to stimulation, which seems to be evidenced by the popular use of steroids and sympathomometic agents for the relief and prevention of nasal and bronchopulmonary symptoms.

Common symptoms and signs of allergy include sneezing, rhinorrhea, lacrimation, itching, Eustachian tube blockage, conjunctivitis, palatine and pharyngeal itching, and wheezing. According to Ashley, acute attacks of respiratory allergy are usually produced by one or a combination of several triggering mechanisms: sudden changes of temperature and humidity; mental or physical fatigue; chilling; emotional upsets; overindulgence in food, tobacco, or alcoholic beverages; constipation; or contact of an overpowering dose of an inhalant (dust, pollens, irritating gasses, paint, insecticides). He states that all place stress upon the autonomic nervous system by overstimulating the parasympathetic nerves or understimulating the sympathetic system, and that "the lower the threshold of tolerance to stress and the more unstable the sympathetic-para-sympathetic balance, the more apt the individual is to develop allergic manifestations when subjected to any one of these stresses."

The respiratory tree is a single physiologic unit. Mullins and others proved many years ago the existence of an interrelationship between the lymphatic drainage of the upper and lower respiratory tract. The lung roots, paranasal sinuses, the middle and inner ear should be considered as a clinical unit which


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


participates in a common immunologic and physiologic response to allergy and infection.

Clinically it is well recognized that viral infections of the respiratory tract frequently precede bacterial invasion. Horesh, in studying the relationship between allergy and infection noted that environmental stress may activate bacteria, commonly referred to as the jolt reaction. Subsequently these bacteria may initiate infection or cause a hypersensitivity reaction, directly or indirectly; the latter may be the result of increasing the reactivity of the bronchi to chemical mediators and nonspecific irritants, as suggested by Szentivanyi and Fishel.

There are many theories concerning the etiology of allergy. Most authorities agree about the importance of infection, allergens and the psyche and there is new interest about the autonomic nervous system but there is less agreement about the way in which these interrelate to cause allergic manifestations.

The Edgar Cayce readings have very specific comments about allergy. It is defined as "the effects of the imagination upon any influences that may react upon the olfactory or the sympathetic nerves." (3400-2) To one asking, "Am I allergic to any substances?" Edgar Cayce replied, "Did you ever consider what is meant by being allergic? Most of it is in your imagination! Do you imagine things? Then you are allergic to it." (3586-1) To another he stated that, "This is rather a fad. To be sure individuals may become allergic to certain conditions because of excess of certain elements in the body. But these are rather exaggerated oft." (3172-2)

These statements are sensible in light of the influence of spirit and mind on the body. "Imagination" seems to refer to the process of creating mental patterns or thought forms, much or all of which takes place in the sympathetic ganglia. These patterns might have been created in recent childhood or past life conditions to produce physiologic and structural alterations. The imaginative forces reside in the sympathetic nervous system, which is the major response organ of the body to the conscious mind and the environment.

Etiologic factors vary widely. External substances that seem to trigger allergic manifestations include all of those previously mentioned as well as chocolate, white of egg, wool, aluminum, paper, ink color and noises. Not only foods are implicated but certain combinations, such as sea foods taken with, "Any sort of sweets or any of those foods that are of an acid nature.... Certain types of berries, if combined with other foods." (2772-4) Colors or lights that are especially mournful and deep can initiate symptoms.

Or acute allergic reactions are stimulated by mental conditions, such as nervous tension, emotions, suggestion or karmic patterns. A 40-year-old female developed allergy because of a previous experience as a chemist when "she used many of those various things for the producing of itching in others" from having "self's own way." (3125-2) II. Physiological Considerations

Q-5. What should be done for hay fever, to prevent sensitiveness to dust, feathers, pollen . . . and tobacco smoke?


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


A-5. Most of this is imaginative, and the responses will be as the impulse to use these very things themselves in their activity in the body!... 386-3

What is the imagination, or imaginative forces and how do they affect a

person physically, mentally and spiritually? Our thoughts, impressions and desires build something real in our physical vehicle. The mediator of imagination seems to be the sympathetic nervous system. As the various ganglia or centers of activity are impressed, vibratory patterns are built. If these patterns are contrary to the ideal, an incoordination develops, usually between the sympathetic and cerebrospinal nervous systems. Inefficient nerve impulse prevents adequate circulation and lymph drainage. The former supplies nutrients which allow for constant rebuilding and regeneration. Lymph drainage carries out the used energies and foreign substances, providing a cleaner environment for cell workings. ". . . as the plasms as have to do with coagulation are positive, and those of flowers or of any of the pollens that come from same, or vibrations, are negative – then they produce irritation." (2884-1) Substances that are foreign to our system will be "coagulated" and eliminated. However, if we build impressions of negativity of substances, such as foods, color, sound or people, then these become recognized as foreign to our system. One might say, that reactions to substances may be created to trigger the immune system, and that the reaction to even normal substances may be exaggerated as we so choose.

There are primarily three physiological causes of allergy. A supersensitive sympathetic nervous system predisposes an individual to react to environmental substances. This class includes those with a genetic or familial history. It is more likely to be imaginative in nature and subsequently karmically related. The second class involves those with a specific physical condition, which causes allergic symptom manifestation during periods of stress, especially seasonal or atmospheric changes. Examples of this class are birth injury to the spine, cholelithiasis, chronic indigestion, constipation, diabetes mellitus, endocrine dysfunction or spinal abnormalities in areas other than the lower cervical and upper dorsal spine. The third group of people have a susceptibility to the whole body, as a result of a general debilitation usually associated with anemia, neurosthenia, malnutrition, neuritis, arthritis or multiple sclerosis.

The primary pathology of allergy is an abnormal nervous system function that produces a supersensitiveness. The mediator of allergic symptoms is the autonomic system as a whole, more specifically the lower cervical and upper dorsal areas. "It is true that the cervicals are the more active to the nasal passages and soft tissue, but it is from the upper dorsals that the coordinations of the patches of the sympathetic system go to those activities in the mucous membranes in antrum and nasal passages the more...." (3180-3) The coordinating function of the upper dorsals seems to be very important, but it is also aided by a cooperative effort of the cervical spinal and the vagus nerves, the combination of which controls the circulation to the upper respiratory tract. As the circulation is subsequently compromised and is impaired, nutrients are less available, the acid-alkaline balance is disturbed and local areas deteriorate.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


However, the coordination and efficiency of these areas are dependent upon nutrients available as related.

The lymphatic system is affected by neurological and circulatory changes. With incoordination, there is increased facilitation and irritation. Subsequent swelling of the sympathetic chain places a burden on the eliminatory organs, the first of which is local lymph vessels. "Here we find the sources or causes of allergies to some foods, some pollens, some odors. Noises to the body are also just as bad at times. This is a self-consciousness of the lymph patches or spots where there is connection or association with the centers along the cerebrospinal system." (3224-1) The self-consciousness of the lymph patches may be a limited ability due to the formation of impressions contrary to the ideal. This may result in a confused function that over-reacts to normal substances or attempts to eliminate that which is constructive. This may occur anywhere along the nerve tract, most likely at its endings in the mucous membranes. Whatever may be the situation, a poor elimination allows for infection to establish itself, for scar tissue to develop, and for the cycle to crystallize more firmly.

Allergic conditions may have origin in a previous lifetime. As in that experience in Atlantis, the thought forces brought into being were of the animal and the natural tendency of abhorrence arose from seeing these things take form as menaces, or seeds of indiscretion . . . in the experience." 288-29

This 27-year-old female doubted herself, feared her creations and maybe

was overly responsible for her work, but is being allowed a chance to rebalance and further evolve. Another person used her knowledge of chemistry to produce itching in others only to find it in herself this time.

The effects of allergic conditions are as widespread as the causes may be varied. The incoordination between the sympathetic and cerebrospinal systems are a physiologic source of many symptoms other than allergic manifestations: e.g., hot flashes, fatigue, stiff neck, back and legs, indigestion, neuritis, arthritis, and the development of chronic sinusitis and asthma. These difficulties may be fostered by a continual misuse of the mind and emotions, as with this 40-year-old woman: "To continue to stress in the mind the physical conditions to be applied by others or to continue in the mind of self to find fault with those things that apparently disagree or cause allergies, is to continue to build that which is harmful for the body...." (3125-3) The autonomic nervous system is the mediator; it is influenced by internal events, including karmic memories, and reacts to external events, depending on its balance and coordination.

III. Suggested Therapeutic Regimen

The imaginative forces, in the Cayce readings, have a major effect in the formation of allergies. The responses in the body to the environment of substances, conditions and people depend on the purpose directing their use in daily activity. The cerebrospinal and sympathetic nervous systems may be broken by aggravations, grudges or poorly controlled emotions and thus seem to


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


require a coordinated spiritual and mental effort. A decision is required as to what we know to be helpful, morally good and what the creator would have us do in considering its creation.

A 43-year-old female, allergic to flowers and animals, was suggested to look for "the awareness that they must be one and ARE one." She was also given a prayer: "Thou, O Lord, art holy in Thine dealings with Thy fellow man. I, O God, am Thine – body, mind and soul! Purge Thou me, that I may be one with Thee – and through that power Thou givest me make known to others the beauty, the love, Thou hast shed on me." (264-45)

Physical applications focus on an inhalant, manipulation and diet. The most common suggestion given to an individual with coryza, post nasal drainage or sinusitis is an inhalant. The main purpose of the inhalant is to stimulate the nerves of the mucous membranes. There are two kinds of inhalants that are recommended, the alcohol inhalant for the upper respiratory tract and the steam inhalant for the lower respiratory tract. Although varying in substances added and amounts given, there are general matters in the readings from which the presently available inhalants have been made. Ingredients Steam Inhalant Alcohol Inhalant Grain alcohol 2 oz. Oil of eucalyptus 180 ml. 30 minims Oil of turpentine 60 ml. 10 minims Oil of pine needles 10 ml. 5 minims Balsam of tolu 10 ml. 15 minims Compound tincture of benzoin q.s. ad 500 ml. 20 minims These are accompanied with directions for use.

Manipulation is useful for many acute situations and for virtually all chronic conditions. Even though one has a familial or genetic tendency, it is essential to have coordination of the cerebrospinal with the autonomic nervous system and sympathetic with the parasympathetic nervous system. The lower cervical and upper ' dorsal areas relate especially to the upper respiratory tract. One broad generalization also suggests that if basic chiropractic techniques are used that they be followed with a vibrator.

Basically, a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables is recommended. Approximately 80% of one's food should be alkaline reacting, since an overly acid system predisposes one to respiratory tract infections. Whole grain cereals and raw foods, especially greens, are desirable. Foods generally to be discouraged include sweets, large quantities of dairy products, fats or starches, raw apples, and chocolate. [For further information concerning general dietary suggestions, please refer to Edgar Cayce on Diet and Health or Nourishing the Body Temple.]

Climate and atmospheric conditions are factors in many illnesses, especially allergic rhinitis and sinusitis. Many people asked in their reading about the benefit of moving to a drier climate. The answer invariably was that that could be helpful if indicated by other factors in the person's life, but that a higher


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


altitude was of greater benefit. Thus, a current "dust researcher," Alfred Frankland, has found that dust in higher altitudes is drier and less active, possibly due to a decreased number of house dust mites. However, Cayce observed another phenomenon of higher altitudes: "In this particular body we find that in certain climates the sun and the sun's rays would be most beneficial and in others most harmful – because of the actinic value of the rays in those vicinities of a high altitude." (3224-1)

Desensitization is a primary therapeutic tool of nearly all allergists. The readings often commented on the use of injections, but had a very consistent view.

To be sure, there may be given those elements hypodermically that will react upon the body, but common reasoning should indicate that such is not as effective as would be nature's reproduction of itself in the body-forces. This may be attained by the stimulation of the sympathetic centers and those where the lymph and emunctory circulations function with the assimilating sources in and through this body. 3224-2

It is recognized that symptoms are relieved in this manner. However, an

alternative method is suggested in the readings. For those sensitive to ragweed, one might find the young plant and chew the leaves only. Choosing a young plant implies that it be taken prior to its pollinating season, in agreement with a common desensitizing principle of allowing two to three months to build immunity. In addition, it is an element which may be a more significant factor in some.

The emphasis in this commentary has been on the respiratory components of allergy, mainly because it is the most common aspect in humans as well as in those seeking counsel from Mr. Cayce. However, the gastrointestinal and cutaneous forms of allergy were recognized and were largely explained by many of the above suggestions and ideas. The only major difference in these forms seems to be an emphasis on more efficient assimilation and elimination, and that cutaneous disorders largely result from improper eliminations. In addition to the above, these would especially require careful dietary instructions, possibly castor oil pack applications to the right upper quadrant, and colonic irrigations.

A comment about prognosis is especially worthy. Consistent with much of the advice given through this source, there is a great deal of hope for chronic allergic sufferers. After three osteopathic treatments a two-year-old male could drink fresh milk for the first time without reaction. Although not completely cured, "(He) didn't seem like the same child," reported his mother.

Immediate results were rarely offered; however, complete normalization was suggested to many, as was prevention of asthma and hay fever. "With these corrections and minding the diet, you can forget you ever had any hay fever; for you won't!" (261-8)

In summary, allergies are seen in the Cayce readings as originating in the mind, especially in the imaginative aspect of the mind. The role of the mind is


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


often mentioned in this consistent theme: The spirit is the life, the mind is the builder, and the physical is the result.

Thus, we would administer those activities which would bring a normal reaction through these portions, stimulating them to an activity from the body itself, rather than the body becoming dependent upon supplies that are robbing portions of the system to produce activity in other portions, or the system receiving elements or chemical reactions being supplied without arousing the activity of the system itself for a more normal condition. 1968-3

James Kwako, M.D.


1. Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary, 24th ed., Philadelphia and London: W.B. Saunders Co., 1957.

2. Advances in Asthma and Allergy, Vol. 1, No. 2. 3. Otolaryngologiz Clinics of North America, Vol. 4, No. 3. Edgar Cayce readings referenced: 261-8, 10 394-10 934-2 2094-2

264-45 550-5 1202-2 2395-1

288-29 759-3 1734-4 2534-1

386-3 903-55 1968-3 2541-5

2772-4 3172-2 3400-2 5196-1

2884-1 3180-3 3436-1 5226-1

3040-1 3224-1, 2 3586-1

3125-1, 2 3372-1 3808-1 2/3/77 Gladys Davis' note: For some complete Edgar Cayce readings for individuals with so-called allergy diseases see the Circulating Files under the specific title; e.g.,

"Asthma," "Dermatitis," "Eczema," "Hay Fever," "Hives (Urticaria)," "Sinusitis," etc.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Hay Fever The Edgar Cayce Encyclopedia of Healing

Hay fever is an acute allergic reaction to pollens or other irritants.

Frequently the cause of repeated colds in children, symptoms include nasal discharge, watery itching eyes, and attacks of sneezing. Asthmatic attacks may also occur.

Eight individuals, who ranged from five to sixty-four years old, each received one reading concerning hay fever.

Edgar Cayce found the most prevalent cause of hay fever, discovered in seven of the eight cases, was spinal misalignments or subluxations, usually located in the dorsal or cervical areas of the spine. These disorders would disturb the mucous membranes of the throat, nasal passages, and lymph circulation, making the body "very susceptible to inflammation as a result of pollens, dust, and odors for it accentuates the olfactory and the lymph circulation” (5039-1).

Other contributing factors involved were poor circulation, mentioned in four cases and which lowered the body's resistance to infection, and poor assimilation, which could weaken the body by reducing the supply of available nutrients. Treatment

The treatments were consistent for individuals with hay fever. In seven cases, the use of an inhalant was suggested whenever the hay fever symptoms were severe. These inhalants had a grain alcohol base, to which small amounts of various stimulating expectorants were added, such as oil of eucalyptus, rectified oil of turpentine, tincture of benzoin, oil of pine needles, and tolu balsam.

To alleviate subluxations and lesions and to relax the nerve centers, spinal manipulations were advised in six cases. These were to focus on the dorsal vertebrae in almost each case, coordinating the alignment of other areas.

Dietary advice was also given for six individuals, and recommended were foods that were alkaline, easily digested, and body building. On the menu were fruits and vegetables and lighter proteins (fish, fowl, and lamb) in moderation. To be avoided were starches and sweets. Further, colonies were suggested in two cases and a change of climate in one.

To help build immunity to pollen, one individual was prescribed doses of a tonic made from ragweed that was prepared in the springtime by simmering a pint of tender young leaves in a pint of distilled water. When half of the water was cooked off, the remainder was to be strained and grain alcohol (fifteen percent) added to act as a preservative. The dosage advised was half a teaspoon a day during the months of July and August. Case History

Follow-up reports were received in only two of the cases, with one individual noting beneficial results due to following the reading, and the other, who did not follow Cayce's suggestions, noting no improvement.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Although there was no follow-up for case 5196, a man of forty-five years who suffered from hay fever, Cayce found that the allergy was due to a spinal problem which caused a strain on the muscles and nerves supplying the entire sensory system. The bronchi and trachea had become taut, and the respiratory system was subsequently sensitive to certain substances in the environment.

To provide temporary relief and aid expectoration, Cayce recommended use of a grain-alcohol-based inhalant containing eucalyptus, turpentine, oil of pine needles, and benzoin. When the inhalant had been used for a week, two to three times daily, osteopathic adjustments were to begin and were to concentrate on the brachial centers, coordinating the upper cervical, lower dorsal, and lumbar vertebrae. Wet heat was to be applied over the spine before each treatment.

The man's diet was to contain large amounts of raw vegetables and all fruits except raw apples. Fish, fowl, and lamb could be eaten in small amounts. Sweets, starches, and especially fried foods were to be avoided.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Blessed Ragweed - The Most Hated of Weeds by Robert O. Clapp

The A.R.E. Journal, July 1971

The thought of ripening ragweed makes uncomfortable millions of people whose noses begin to run and eyes water during the pollen-bearing months. They know that with the beginning of the fall season they have many days and nights of discomfort ahead of them. In reading number 644-1 Cayce refers to ragweed as "the most hated of weeds" – and rightly so to those who suffer from hay fever. Although many people have a loathing for this weed, and even though the herb books rarely ever mention ragweed, the Cayce readings did not neglect it. There are over 125 references to ragweed in the readings indexed under Prescriptions: Ragweed.

Scanning the index cards we find ragweed referred to in connection with many diseases and ailments: catarrh, diabetes, digestion, epilepsy, intestinal problems, nephritis, pelvic disorders, psoriasis, rheumatism, etc. It is a specific for appendicitis. But the vast majority of references to ragweed are in connection with an incoordination of assimilations and eliminations. Basically, then, the herb has to do with the stimulation of the eliminative process.

To 953-18 Cayce said "Take small quantities of ragweed occasionally to assist in proper assimilation," and to 903-35 he said, "[ragweed] is a good eliminant with a vegetable base. But it must be chosen very young, and the leaves alone chewed – don't spit it out because it is bitter! It's not poisonous, and it is a good eliminant….”

Mrs. 454 was told that her physical condition was very good in most respects but warned that there was a tendency for the body "to overtax self" which might lead to diabetes. Continuing, her reading said:

Will there be taken [If there will be taken] in the system, at regular

intervals, those properties that are not habit forming, neither are they effective towards creating the condition where cathartics are necessary for the activities through the alimentary canal - whether related to the colon or the jejunum, or ileum - yet these will change the vibrations in such a manner as to keep clarified the assimilations, and aid the pancreas, the spleen, the liver and the hepatic circulation, in keeping a normal equilibrium. These [properties] would be found on those of the ambrosia weed, made in this manner:

To 6 ounces of distilled water, add 3 ounces of the GREEN ragweed, or ambrosia weed. Steep for sufficient period to reduce this to half the quantity. Then strain, adding to this 2 ounces of simple syrup, with 1 ounce of grain alcohol. Shake the solution before the dose is taken. The dose would be half a teaspoonful twice each day, when the period for taking has arisen - or take it about once each month, for three or four days. This will aid the digestive system, will aid the whole of the ELIMINATING system. 454-1

A number of factors work in favor of ragweed: it is plentiful and cheap,

within the grasp of anyone. You can gather it yourself or buy it dried from an herbal supply house. It is not poisonous or harmful or, according to Cayce, habit


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


forming. Making the formula such as 454 is easy. Distilled water may be purchased at any drugstore. A simple syrup is made with equal parts of sugar and water, the preservative, grain alcohol can be purchased at any liquor store. Anyone who is least bit handy in the kitchen should have no difficulty.

One of the curious things about plant classification is the names given to certain herbs. Cascara sagrada is otherwise known as sacred bark; a synonym for the castor oil plant is the Palma Christi – the hand of Christ; Buchu leaves are otherwise called Diosma, meaning divine order. (Incidentally, all of these plants figure prominently as prescription items in the Cayce readings.) In Greek mythology ambrosia was the food of the gods and some translators interpret ambrosia as "not mortal". Is it coincidence, then, that the generic name for the lowly ragweed is ambrosia, a word used interchangeably with ragweed in the readings? Could it be that the ancients knew of an intrinsic value in ragweed that modern man who wages chemical warfare with the plant hasn't yet discovered?

A variation of the eliminative formula, indexed also under Incoordination of Assimilations and Eliminations appears in this excerpt:

To meet the needs of the conditions at the present, we would first cleanse the system with a mild cathartic; preferably that as would be found in combining the ragweed with senna. This combination: To 3 ounces of ragweed add 8 ounces distilled or rain water. Reduce to half the quantity. Strain, adding sufficient alcohol to preserve same. Adding THEN to same 2 grains of senna. Shaking well together, the dose would be teaspoonful every evening until at least half to two-thirds of the quantity is taken. 3826-1

Here a more sophisticated formula was recommended:

In 4 ounces of simple syrup we would add: Tincture of Ambrosia Weed..............2 ounces, Tincture of Stillingia...............1/4 ounce, Tincture of Wild Ginseng.............1/4 ounce, Syrup of Sarsaparilla Compound.......1/2 ounce. Shake the solution together before the dosage is taken. The dose

would be half a teaspoonful three times each day. The addition of these properties in the system will change the digestive forces as to assimilation, causing or producing less of an acid in the digestive system, clarifying a coordinating force (that is, with the correction and the vibration added with same) between the liver and the kidneys, and making for a nearer normal balance. 666-1

To say that modern man has neglected ragweed is not entirely accurate. There are perhaps fifty to one hundred references to Simmons' Liver Regulator in the index to the readings – an item no longer on the market – and Simmons' had as its basic ingredient ragweed along with licorice and cascara sagada. A fifty-two year old woman, bothered by sciatica tendencies, asked:

Q-3. Have the sweats and massages been given correctly? [By Jane

Witcher, Ph.T.] A-3. They have been given very well, but not in just the manner



Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


We would keep up the eliminations. The liver needs stirring more, see? These we would carry through to stir the liver to better activity; not with the minerals as much as with vegetables. As we find, the Simmons' Liver Regulator now would be the better, whether it is in the powder or in the liquid form. But these we would keep up, so that there are at least two or three eliminations daily.

Q-4. Did the colonic do any good (apparently it only irritated)? A-4. It did good. Thus the needs for the colon to be drained so as to

allow the better assimilations for the body. Q-5. Is the mineral oil I am taking good for me? A-5. Not unless the rest of the pockets of the colon are cleansed. Q-6. Should I take olive oil, say a teaspoonful with each meal? A-6. This is very well, but what is needed is to cleanse the colon and the

secretions of the liver and the gall duct increased. Thus the form of vegetable forces indicated. For this is ambrosia weed, with sufficient of the licorice and cascara to aid in stimulating and in fitting it for the body though the better way would be to eat the ragweed itself! 404-13

Another reference to Simmons' follows:

Then, after the [Castor Oil] Packs have been given for five days, begin with taking small doses of the Essence of Ambrosia Weed. PREFERABLY this would be taken green, or NEW; prepared in this manner:

Put about half an ounce of the green Ambrosia Weed in a pint of water. Let this come thoroughly to a boil (after the Weed has been bruised and put in the water, you see). Then take off and strain; and to the quantity that is left - which would be about two-thirds of a pint, you see - add one ounce of Pure Grain Alcohol, that it may be preserved.

The dose of this would be half a teaspoonful three times each day (after the meals), until there are THOROUGH eliminations through the alimentary canal from the taking of same; that it may act upon the liver.

This is better for the body than taking even the Simmons Liver Regulator; which is of the same, but is combined with licorice and other compounds that, for THIS body, would NOT be so well. 1880-1

One can conjecture that Cayce would see the day when Simmons' Liver

Regulator would no longer be available. In the reading for a seventy-six year old man suffering from pneumonia, Cayce again gave an alternative which can easily be compounded.

The Calcidin is well, as is also the Alophen, but BETTER STILL would it be were those properties for the ELIMINANT be OILS - WITH those of either the ragweed or the Simmons' Liver Regulator, which is ragweed and licorice and a little senna. These would be MORE effective, and the OIL NECESSARY to take the inflammation out, or through the intestinal tract….

(Q) How much oil should be given? (A) Two teaspoonsful of the Russian White Oil and HALF a teaspoonful

- in about half an hour afterwards - of the Simmons' Liver Regulator, or it may be compounded in that of the ragweed, or ragweed tea, made in THIS manner: This would be preferable to make it from the original.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


To 6 ounces of distilled water, add Ambrosia weed 2 1/2 ounces. Steep, or slow boil, for 20 minutes. Strain off. Then add:

Licorice in solution....................1 1/2 ounce, Syrup of Sarsaparilla Compound............1/4 ounce. Cut 1/2 dram Balsam of Tolu in 2 ounces of alcohol and add to same. The dose then would be, after the oil, see - about half to three-quarters

of an hour - half a teaspoonful. Take until there is a thorough evacuation from the bowel. 303-18

Anyone who has ever tasted ragweed will know that it is bitter as gall which probably explains why licorice or syrup were included in various formulas. Those who like to take short cuts and avoid the bother of collecting the necessary ingredients, the measuring, straining, mixing, etc. might simply bend over and pluck a tender tip of ragweed, chew and swallow.

It wouldn't be fair to discuss ragweed without including something for the hay fever sufferers. Reading for such an individual, Mr. Cayce told him how he could build up a natural resistance to ragweed during July and August so that by September there would be bettered conditions for the body.

Now, as we find, there are conditions which tend to disturb the body at

specific periods. Hence, as is indicated, there are certain seasons or periods when the vibrations of the body, or the relationships which are established in the nerve centers, are such as to cause the body to become allergic to conditions which exist in or under certain environs, or certain pressure experienced by climatic reactions in the body.

These reactions come from what may be called or set up as vibrations in certain centers between sympathetic and cerebro-spinal system, and thus the body in such periods is subject to conditions which manifest in irritation to mucous membranes of the nasal passage and throat, bronchi and larynx or, as sometimes called, rose fever or such natures. These, for this body, are particularly from the ragweed.

Thus, we would find in this particular season, before there is the blossoming of same, the body should take quantities of this weed. Brew same, prepare, take internally and thus war or ward against the activity of this upon the body itself.

Then, through the period, also take that as an antiseptic reaction upon the nerves of the nasal passages, or the olfactory nerves of the body.

These will prevent, then, the recurrent conditions which have been and are a part of the experience of the body. This will enable the body to become immune because of the very action of this weed upon the digestive system, and the manner it will act with the assimilating body, too. Well, just don't get too heavy, for it will make for an increase in the amount of assimilation and distribution of food values for the body.

Thus we would prepare the compound in this manner: Take a pint cup, gather the tender leaves of the weed, don't cram in but just fill level. Put this in an enamel or a glass container and then the same amount (after cleansing of course, don't put dirt and all in but put in same amount by measure) of distilled water, see? Reduce this to half the quantity by very slow boiling, not hard but slow boiling, strain and add sufficient grain alcohol as a preservative.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Begin and take it through the fifteen days of July and the whole of August, daily, half a teaspoonsful each day.

Thus, we will find better eliminations, we will find better assimilation, we will find better distribution of the activities of foods in the body.

Then, use through the latter portion of August and September, this as a combination: prepare in the manner indicated, putting together the ingredients only in the order named. First we would prepare a bottle with a large-mouth, two vents through the cork and these vents capable of being corked themselves with a small cork. Neither of the vents is to enter the solution, so use a six ounce container. In this container put four ounces of grain alcohol (at least 90% proof), then add in the order named:

Oil of Eucalyptus.................20 minims, Rectified Oil of Turp..............5 minims, Compound Tincture of Benzoin......15 minims, Oil of Pine Needles...............10 minims, Tolu in Solution..................10 minims. When this is to be used, shake the solution together, remove the corks

from the vent, inhale deep through the nostril so as to enter the nasal passages, also to the upper and back portions of throat, both passages. Shake between each deep inhalation.

Do these and we'll have better conditions for the body. Do for the body-forces use wheat germ in the morning meal with the cereal, which may be taken a teaspoonful over a good bowl of cereal, then add the cream and a little sugar if desired.

Do these and we'll have bettered conditions for this body, [5347]. Ready for questions. (Q) To the amount of the ragweed we would use how much alcohol? (A) That should be done by the prescritionist or the chemist, just to

preserve same. 5347-1

As we study our surroundings it becomes evident that nothing in nature is

intrinsically bad, it A the way we use a substance that determines its value. We see this concept so often supported in the Cayce readings: red wine is a blood builder; cobra venom a medicine; the deadly foxglove (digitalis) and castor beans are a heart remedy in the first instance and a varied healer in the second. The same is true of ragweed. Rightly understood, it can be of great value to mankind. Aside from its healing powers the significance of ragweed in the readings might well be to emphasize our need to understand how objects in nature can be used constructively in the spirit of "subdue the earth and replenish it." If we can come to understand (through application) the helpful use of weeds, our encounter with ragweed can indeed be a blessing.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Breathing Better and Easier

by Elaine Hruska True Health Newsletter


Nothing can be more miserable or aggravating than being unable to breathe adequately when suffering from a cold or other congestion. Since the Northern Hemisphere is now in the throes of the winter season, the likelihood of this happening is much greater. According to a power point presentation from the Idaho State University College of Pharmacy, it is estimated that 100 million colds occur in the U.S. annually, resulting in 250 million days of restricted activity, 30 million days of lost work, 22 million physician visits, with a direct cost of $15 billion yearly. That some relief can be had through use of an inhalant is certainly welcomed news.

A popular remedy, this particular inhalant was mentioned in over 300 readings and recognized for its wide use for all sorts of respiratory problems: asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, colds, congestion, coughs, emphysema, hay fever, pleurisy, pneumonia, post-nasal drip, sinusitis, sore throat, and tuberculosis. While the formula varied slightly in different readings, it usually contained pure grain alcohol to which was added a number of oils (eucalyptus, pine needles, rectified oil of turpentine) plus compound tincture of benzoin, tolu balsam, and rectified creosote.

Luckily one reading itemized for us the beneficial effects of these ingredients: “…the activities of the eucalyptus and the activity from the Tolu are to clarify or purify the lung tissue itself. The activity of the Turpentine is to act upon kidneys and liver for the assisting in tuning or toning the activity with organs for better eliminations through the system, while the other ingredients as they act upon the mucous membranes give better actions through the lymph circulation in the body-forces.” (1641-2)

Instructions for Its Use Several readings give further directions on its preparation. Made in the

order of ingredients as given in the reading, the inhalant is placed in a six- to eight ounce large-mouth bottle. The solution fills only a portion of the container; this is so that the fumes, after the bottle has been shaken, can be inhaled


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


through a breathing tube placed in a hole in the lid. When not in use, corks are placed back into the holes. It is most effective when used regularly several times a day, such as in the morning after arising and in the evening before retiring, “or when there is a tickling or coughing, or the inclination for sneezing…when these occur any time during the day…” (2186-1)

With each use the container is shaken so that the fumes are released into the bottle. Then follow these directions from one reading: “Inhale into one nostril, holding the other, then into the other side; also into the throat—letting the fumes go into the lungs—not swallowing the inhalant, but inhaling the fumes, see? Hold either side of the nostril as it is inhaled in the other nostril.” (2186-1) One reading said to inhale into the nostrils twice and the throat once (1641-2).

Any time that fumes are inhaled the lungs are stimulated, the fumes functioning as an expectorant (assisting the lungs to slough off excess mucus) and as an antiseptic. Indications from the Readings

In addition to some of the effects already mentioned, the inhalant assists in “the clarifying of the muco-membranes of head and throat…reducing the tendency for the glands to over-stimulate the muco-membranes and thus relieving the irritations.” (335-1) As “an antiseptic and a healer, [it] will prevent the sneezing, as well as the tendency for the lymph to drip from nostril and nasal passages.” (2801-6) It also helps with “purifying those areas through which sensory influences are at times clogged” (1641-2), and acts “not only as an antiseptic for the blood supply…but will also…act as an antiseptic through the intestinal system.” (318-5) For a person with bronchitis the “inhalant [would] cleanse throat and bronchi of those disturbances that contribute to the upsetting of the liver and the digestive forces…” (2975-1) To summarize: “…the properties in the inhalant are also purifying to the body, to cleanse or to correct causes.” (3094-1)

Several success stories are also reported in the readings. An A.R.E. member in Rancho Cordova, California, described her condition in a 1973 letter: “In 1950 I started having bad headaches. The Reese-Stealy Clinic ran tests and found I was allergic to house dust and dry-grass pollen giving me chronic sinusitis.” She took a series of shots and pills for the next twenty-three years. After joining the A.R.E., she learned about the inhalant, ordered it, and began using it mornings and evenings “very faithfully. No more headaches, eyes swelling, sneezing, or choking. So I never went back for any more shots or pills from my doctor.” (2186-1, Reports #9)

Another woman’s husband had a terrible cold and couldn’t get an appointment with two separate doctors because they were too busy. His wife’s boss, who knew about Edgar Cayce, happened to have a bottle of the inhalant in his desk drawer and offered it to her. She took it home, her husband “tried it a couple of times that night before he went to bed. The next day he was fine, no coughing or sneezing. I couldn’t believe it, but there he was, no cold. He said he felt fine. I told him we saved money by not going to the doctor.” (2186-1, Reports


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


#8) A construction worker, he didn’t miss even one day of work. The inhalant has no harmful side effects, can be used as often as desired,

and is sold today (with breathing tube included) by Baar.com the Official Worldwide Supplier of Cayce Health Care Products as Herbal Breathing™.

Herbal Breathing with Inhalant Tube Specifically formulated to invigorate and support your body's natural

healing mechanisms.Excellent for nasal passages, sinuses and lungs. Also formulated to aid the body's response to combat allergies. Versions of this formula were suggested in the Edgar Cayce Health Care Philosophy over 300 times for a wide variety of issues including: asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, colds, congestion, coughs, emphysema, hay fever, pleurisy, pneumonia, post-nasal drip, sinusitis, sore throat & tuberculosis. "...when there is a tickling or coughing, or the inclination for sneezing...when these occur any time during the day..." (2186-1) "Inhale into one nostril, holding the other, then into the other side; also into the throat - letting the fumes go into the lungs - not swallowing the inhalant, but inhaling the fumes, see? Hold either side of the nostril as it is inhaled in the other nostril" (2186-1) "the clarifying of the muco-membranes of head and throat...reducing the tendency for the glands to over stimulate the muco-membranes and thus relieving the irritations" (335-1) "an antiseptic and a healer, [it] will prevent the sneezing, as well as the tendency for the lymph to drip from nostril and nasal passages" (2801-6) "purifying those areas through which sensory influences are at times clogged" (1641-2) "inhalant [would] cleanse throat and bronchi of those disturbances that contribute to the upsetting of the liver and the digestive forces..." (2975-1) Suggested Use : The bottle is half filled with solution with the upper half becoming the fumes. Shake the bottle then open the top and place the tube in a short distance, then breathe in the fumes. Breathe deeply through each nostril and then in through the mouth, exhaling after each. One breathing tube is included with every Herbal Breathing bottle. Ingredients: Oil of Eucalyptus, Tolu Balsam, Compound Tincture of Benzoin, Oil of Pine needles, Rectified Oil of Turp, and Rectified Creosote in a Grain Alcohol base.

There is 4 fluid ounces in each 8 ounce bottle (Note: the bottle will be 1/2 full with liquid and 1/2 full with fumes.)


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Extracts from the Readings

261-8, M 45 (Banking, Investments), 2/4/33

(Q) Each year beginning in May and lasting through July I have hay fever. Is there any way of preventing this?

(A) Hay fever, as we find, comes from three different direct sources, or the classifications of those who suffer from such a condition may be put under three general heads:

Those subject to odors, peculiar fermentations taking place in the atmospheric conditions throughout or wherever the body may be located. In such cases it is the supersensitiveness of the sympathetic system.

Then there is the class wherein there are physical conditions existent in a body that produce, under the impulses of the atmospheric pressures created at such seasons, the tendencies in that direction.

Then there is the general debilitation that exists, which makes the WHOLE body susceptible to the general condition.

This particular body, as we find, is subject to the second class. So, there should be kept the general condition in the body that we have

specified, as to bettering the resistance in the general physical forces. Also (AT that particular season) make specific corrections in the

cerebrospinal system. Then, as a cleanser - or a PREVENTATIVE, in the form of an antiseptic

for the general muco-membrane system (which will reduce the condition about 95% - and that would be well for the body!), prepare this as an inhalant:

In a container twice the size of the quantity, or an 8 ounce glass bottle - preferably a large-mouthed bottle requiring a cork that may be pierced with 2 small glass tubes, one a bulb on the end, where it may be inhaled into the nostrils and into the mouth, put 4 ounces of pure grain alcohol (which should be 190 proof). To this we would add, in the order given:

Eucalyptol, Oil of................20 minims, Canadian Balsam....................5 minims, A solution of Benzosol, a saturated solution.....5 minims, Rectified Creosote.................3 minims, Tincture of Benzoin...............10 minims, Oil of Turp........................5 minims, Tolu in solution..................30 minims.

Keep this tightly corked except when being used. When ready to use, shake solution together and inhale deep into the lungs (as in smoking a cigarette) and into each side of the nostril, night and morning.

With these corrections and minding the diet, you can forget you ever had any hay fever; for you won't! [7/5/33 See 341-40, Par. 10-A advising 261-8, Par. 26-A inhalant as preventive on Boy Scout trip for one of the boys subject to hay fever. It worked!]


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


261-10, M 45 (same man), 6/24/33

(Q) The treatment given for hay fever [261-8] afforded temporary relief only. By also using Zyl or Vem, both of which have a petrolatum base, I can keep reasonably comfortable. Any further suggestion?

(A) We would keep these in this direction; that is, keeping comfortable by the use of the combination - but we would also have those corrections made occasionally (not so that they become rote) that will assist in ERADICATING the cause of this return, see? that is, the osteopathic adjustments or manipulations, that will aid in these applications being more effective in keeping comfortable…. 261-28, M 49 (same man), 5/16/37

(Q) The hay fever season for me is about to start. Any further suggestion than previously given? [See 261-8, Par. 26-A.]

(A) Use the spray that has been indicated, and the inhalant. Then with this general strengthening, keeping the manipulations occasionally, we should keep it down this time. Just determine in self you're not going to have it this time!

Then we are adding to the system those things that create the resistances and produce the enzymes, that are an active portion in the lymph circulation. Hence keeping the eliminations good throughout, and with those properties as indicated for the carrying out of the toxic forces and the building up, we can put on some weight and some strength and some vitality….

(Q) Any further advice? (A) As we find, again, as has first been indicated, there is just before the

body, physically, mentally, spiritually, a real awakening, a real opportunity. Keep, then, optimistic; but know from Whom, of Whom, all force, all

power, all might comes; for it is not of self but as a gift entrusted from on High to him who is willing, capable, able, to make known that love which keeps the world alive.

5/21/71 GD's note: Ingram's Pharmacy says that Compound Tincture of Benzoin is made from Benzoin, Alcohol and Aloe Vera.

From THOMAS'S MEDICAL DICTIONARY 1889: "Tincture of Benzoin: The pharmacopoeial name (U.S. 1880) for a tincture made from twelve parts of benzoin, in a coarse powder, two parts purified aloes, in coarse powder, eight parts of storax, four parts of balsam of tolu, and a sufficient quantity of alcohol to make one hundred parts."

3644-1, F 31, 2/1/44

(Q) Am I allergic to dust, and does it cause my colds? (A) Who isn't? All of these are just part of the general debilitation - the inability of the circulation, because of these disturbances, to call into play, as it were, sufficient of the leucocytes to destroy dust. Or any sufficiently strong odors are just as harmful to the body as dust.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


386-3, F 20, 10/25/33

(Q) How can I prevent my nose from discharging from time to time? (A) By the creating in the system, through the vibrations being set up

through the manipulative forces that are to be administered in the upper dorsal and whole cervical area, the renewing of the activity of impulse throughout the body. With the use also of the active principles in the inhalant.

(Q) What should be done for hay fever, to prevent sensitiveness to dust, feathers, pollen, lint, lettuce, pears, and tobacco smoke?

(A) Most of this is imaginative, and the responses will be as the impulse to USE these very things themselves in their activity in the body! and as would be in taking that termed preventatives, they become a portion of the impulses in the system. See? For, as the body in its vibrations along the cerebrospinal system is set in accord with a perfect vibration in each ganglia along the system, then these are only that builded (that is, these sensitivenesses to those conditions named; and others as they would be seen), and they become a portion of the consciousness in the use of all of them. Handle them! Use them! Smell them! And know they will not affect you, unless you let them!

(Q) How can I obtain a resistance power against outside annoyances? (A) By building in self that thought given in the suggestions, that the

reactions in the body are normal, and all that is desired to be shut out may be shut out from self! And do not remain so much alone with self and self's own dependence upon other influences! 494-1, adult woman, 1/21/34

(Q) Can anything be done to improve hearing? (A) Remove these pressures. These are secondary indications, as

indicated. If they are allowed to remain too long, of course, there will become the adherents that naturally arise from poor circulation through all portions of the system, and specifically - as indicated - in the sensory activities, that radiate from the first dorsals to the base of the brain.

(Q) Can anything be done for my varicose veins? (A) We would remove the pressure in the lumbar area, and it will care for

the better part of these conditions. (Q) What can be done to overcome exhausting effects of summer heat? (A) Have the liver acting better, and the general conditions in the system,

so that the blood pressure and the pressures in the system will respond much easier to climatic conditions. For, there is the inability for the adjusting of self to varied temperatures or to varied conditions that surround the body; more from the torpid activity of the blood supply and specifically of the liver, as indicated, than from other conditions. And all of these have arisen from the first impulses in the cerebro-spinal areas, as indicated. Through such subluxations there have been produced such pressures that they hold off the activity of the nerve impulse through the portions of the body, and have gradually made for accumulations.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


These conditions have been gradually being builded in the system. Then, without their corrections, without the diet's change, there began the reactions in the organs as indicated.

Do as we have outlined, and we find we will bring - as indicated - the near normal conditions for this body.

(Q) What can be done for the hay fever? (A) Remove this pressure! It hasn't hay fever in the present! But these

are impulses. Hay fever arises from three specific causes. The supersensitiveness to certain pollens or certain activities that occur in the atmospheric pressure at certain periods of the year or season. Then from specific conditions that arise from pressures in those areas that affect the bronchi and larynx, specifically. And those specific conditions that exist in the cerebro-spinal area, where there are such pressures that prevent a normal flow of blood. Two of these are apparent in this particular condition. The removal of these pressures will make for a much nearer normal reaction.

Do these, as we have outlined, for we must not only reduce the pressures in system but re-vitalize, revivify, the activities of the organs that cleanse the system. 494-4, same woman, about to have surgery for prolapsed uterus, 6/22/39

(Q) Can body's heart stand the operation? (A) Provided there is the cleansing of the system, or the preparation of

same FOR the operation; AND that there is the combination of the anaesthesias used, rather than too much of the one; or of that as should be, as we find, partly of the gas AND the ether also, or the ether in the latter portion of same….

(Q) Should any osteopathic treatment be given before operation? (A) These, to be sure, are beneficial for the general elimination, but in the

hospital they will not be practical. So, it would be best that these be given before, or one be given daily for two or three days, and then have the hospitalization for the cleansing and the preparations necessary for the operative forces. Do that.

(Q) Is there anything body can do to relieve hay fever? (A) For this the natural effect of the anesthesia as a part of the experience

should be a helpful influence. This body is especially allergic to certain pollens, and this be aided by the

very activity of the two characters of anaesthesias used. Afterwards we will find that the use of an inhalant would be well

occasionally, - that is, when the body is free - or partially from the effect of the anaesthesia; for it will require several months, to be sure, to be entirely FREE of the effect upon the nervous system. But after two or three weeks we would use this compound as we will give, which will be most helpful and beneficial to the body for the irritation to the soft tissue of the frontal as well as the back antrum.

To 4 ounces of at least 90% pure grain alcohol - in a bottle twice the size of the quantity of the solution, with two vents in the cork or stopper in the large-mouthed colored bottle preferably - add, in the order named:


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Oil of Eucalyptus.................20 minims, Rectified Oil of Turp..............5 minims, Compound Tincture of Benzoin......15 minims, Canadian Balsam....................5 minims, Tolu in Solution..................30 minims. The vents would be kept tightly corked when not being used an a inhalant,

and shake the solution well before removing the corks; then remove BOTH of the openings and inhale into the nostrils and also into the mouth the fumes from this compound. Use this whenever there is the inclination for the mucous membranes to be irritated, or when there is the sneezing or the sniffles, and we will find it will allay the temperature as well as the inflammation. 464-23, F 62, 9/7/38

As the body is subject to influences at the particular season for inflammation to the mucous membranes of the head and throat, these become more aggravated.

Then, as we find, in these considerations of the general conditions, and the slowed circulation causing greater accumulation of influences or poisons or drosses in the system:

We would have a full massage - preferably in the present we would have this regularly once a week, at least, until four or five or six have been taken; the full hydrotherapy treatments. This would include first especially the colonic irrigation, then a massage - after the heating of the body to increase the flow of the superficial circulation in the body. Use Pine Oils in the Fume Baths, as well as using Bay Rum and Salt in the rubs to produce a greater sympathetic or superficial irritation as it were to cause the greater flow to the outer portion of the body.

Keep the eliminations sufficiently increased as to rid the system of the attempts of any activity of the body through such treatments to throw off the poisons and excesses of influences in the body. Do these.

And for the throat and mucus membranes, for the stimulation even through this WITH the manipulative forces as would be given at such periods of the hydrotherapy treatments to increase the efficiency of the eyes, the ears, the taste and all the organs of the sensory forces, we would use an inhalant - prepared in this way and manner:

In an 8 ounce container prepared with two openings in the cork, that might be stopped when not used, we would put 4 ounces of Pure Grain Alcohol. Then add, in the order named:

Oil of Eucalyptus.....................20 minims, Compound Tincture of Benzoin..........15 minims, Rectified Oil of Turp..................5 minims, Rectified Creosote.....................3 minims, Tolu in Solution......................30 minims. Shake the solution when ready for use, leaving the corks in the small

openings, you see - which would be glass tubes in or through the cork. Then


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


remove both corks and inhale the fumes through the nostrils and through the mouth, as you would inhale cigarette smoke. Do this at least two or three times a day. This will aid the sympathetic and the lymph circulation to alleviate irritations in the nasal passages and the head and antrum, as well as the throat and the bronchi and larynx, even the lungs themselves - for a stimulated circulatory force that would be most beneficial.

As to eliminants taken, we find that the vegetable compound would be much preferable for this body, especially, to mineral salts or of that nature. Such then as Inner Clean or the like would be the more preferable.

Also we find that the diet has much to do with the disturbances. Not too much sweets - though honey or of such natures can be a part of same if desired. Vegetables are preferable to quantities of meats. Not that meats are not to be taken at all, but no fried meats for the body. 550-5, M 63, 5/15/34 Wife’s letter: "Also for the past yr. and a half he has had what they term hay fever and sneezes a great deal and very severely.”

(Q) What causes apparent hay fever, and sneezing? (A) With the corrections that we find will be gained by the manipulative

measures over the body; that is, from the 9th dorsal upward, we will relieve those pressures that tend to make for an irritation in the muco-membrane of the nasal passages, by the removal of those pressures in the upper dorsal and cervical area that tend to make for this irritation to the bronchi and to the nose.

This is an attempt rather of the circulation to adjust itself under the general strain that has existed and does exist in the system.

With the use of antiseptics that may be taken in the form of the inhalant that would be prepared in this way and manner, we will find the irritation will be allayed:

To 4 ounces of pure grain alcohol in an 8 ounce container, preferably with a glass cork, add in this order:

Eucalyptol..............................20 minims, Rectified Oil of Turp....................5 minims, Benzosol in solution....................15 minims, Rectified Creosote.......................2 minims, Tincture of Benzoin.....................10 minims, Tolu in solution........................30 minims. Keep this well corked, but when there is the tendency for sneezing or for

running of the nose, inhale DEEP through the nostrils, after shaking together, FROM this container, see? This may be done about two, three, four times each day, or whenever there is the tendency. This acts as an antiseptic to the muco-membranes of the nasal cavity. It may also be breathed once or twice into the mouth or throat, to relieve irritation there.

And with the manipulation, and with the change made by the properties that will act upon the liver, spleen and pancreas and the eliminations of the alimentary canal, the distress should be relieved.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


550-8, M 65, 3/20/36

As we find, while there are many changes in the physical forces of the body since last we had same here, some of the conditions have become in a manner acute; from the general building up of poisons due to the lack of proper eliminations through the proper channels of elimination.

And these poor eliminations tend to make for an acidity in the body that is of a disturbing nature. Not the character of acidity so much that comes from the character of FOOD as always taken, but the very nature of poor eliminations and inflammation in the circulation from the lack of the proper circulatory forces being assimilated or carried makes for specific conditions that become disturbing in extremities; as in the lower limbs, in the feet; as in the throat, nasal passages, and those tendencies for the mucous membranes of same to become inflamed.

These are the effects of poor distribution and assimilation throughout the body.

In meeting these conditions as we find in the present: First we would begin with the neuropathic applications for the body,

making the treatments to follow the nerve impulses from solar plexus center - or 9th dorsal downward to the extremities; then from the solar plexus upward - as TOWARDS the arms or OUT the arms from the brachial plexus or center. These we would take every day for periods of two weeks, and then rest from same a period; for in this manner they will be much more activative.

We would also use an inhalant to act as a tendency for preventing the activity of bacilli that produces reactions that become disturbing; or to act rather as a cleansing than as a curative agent for the nasal passages. Such an inhalant would be prepared in this way and manner:

To 4 ounces of Pure Grain Alcohol, or at least 85% to 90% alcohol - pure grain, in a 6 ounce container (preferably with a glass cork or stopper), add - in the order named:

Oil of Eucalyptus.............10 minims, Compound Tincture of Benzoin….20 minims, Rectified Oil of Turp..........5 minims, Canadian Balsam................5 minims (because this turns the solution

white at times, do not become disturbed; for it will be assimilated, when the solution is shaken well), Tolu in Solution..............30 minims.

Shake the solution well when the fumes are to be inhaled, especially night and morning - or when there is the tendency for the sneezing or for irritation in the throat and in the head.

We find it would be well also to use the Radio-Active Appliance, for it would be helpful to the circulatory forces in making for the body's being able to rest and to overcome this tired condition that is so prevalent at times when there are these disturbances from poor eliminations. Keep the anodes of the Appliance clean, or polish well before being attached. And let the Appliance be in the ice solution for fifteen to twenty minutes before applying to the body; opposite extremities of the body. Keep same attached to the body from thirty to forty minutes each evening as the body is ready for retiring, or it may be kept on for an


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


hour or an hour and a half - this is not too long. But do not make the applications as ROTE. Rather KNOW within self that the purposes for helpfulness are being accomplished.

Keep the diets tending towards an alkalin reaction, but body-building forces. And when starches are taken, do not take these with too great quantities of carbohydrates; neither take fats with too great a quantity of starches. These kept in the outline that has been indicated would be much preferable for the body. 3109-1, M 2, 7/26/43

(Q) Will there be a tendency towards asthma and hay fever in later life? (A) Not if the osteopathic corrections are made properly along the spinal

column, so that the whole of the lymph circulation is changed. 903-35, F 41, 7/18/43

(Q) Considering conditions around the body, should she remain in ... for the winter and continue her various activities or would it be better for her to live in NYC?

(A) Continue in the surroundings the helpfulness to others, which is much better than shutting self in or becoming dependent.

(Q) Would it be well to take a trip to Mexico City in August? (A) If it chooses to go to Mexico City! But be rather a hard trip for the

body, and there are things to be considered also other than self. (Q) Where would be the best place to go to aid the condition of her hay

fever, and what will relieve her now? (A) A higher altitude would be better, and where it is somewhat drier.

These are the conditions that are conducive to hay fever. If remaining in the lower altitude, the use of an inhalant such as we have

indicated for hay fever would be very well. [see directions [which were enclosed] [261-8] for preparing inhalant.]

(Q) What particular weed or flower is causing it? (A) Ragweed! (Q) Since hay fever is usually caused by an allergy, can the Forces

describe the particular allergy which is causing this condition to this body, so that the body can stay away from it?

(A) As just indicated, smell one of the weeds, try it on self and see! But if you chew it as it is growing, you may relieve yourself from it! It's a good eliminant, too! It is one of the best eliminants with a vegetable base. But it must be chosen very young, and the leaves alone chewed - but don't spit it out because it is bitter! It's not poisonous, and it is a good eliminant, and it will relieve the allergy - or eliminate that causing the hay fever FOR THIS PARTICULAR BODY! For it is not caused by the same in all. (Ambrosia weed - another name for ragweed. It is the basic ingredient of the eliminant on the market called Simmons Liver Regulator.)


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


1291-1, M 36, 11/15/36

(Q) How can frequent colds be prevented? (A) As has been indicated, these arise from over-acidity. When we keep a

normal balance between the acids and alkalines for the body, we will find colds will be prevented. For, colds that are the more common to all bodies do not react in an alkaline condition. An alkalinity is destructive to colds. Hence any of those influences that may be had to alkalinize the body; not Alka-Seltzer but any of the citrocarbonates that make for the proper reactions to the lymph and the emunctory circulation will relieve cold. Citrus fruit juices taken occasionally, if there is the tendency for a cold, will create an alkalinity in the system such as to remove same.

When there are distresses to the mucus membranes of the throat, as we have indicated that arise, a little spray of Atomidine would be most efficient; acting as a cleansing, healing, astringent and antiseptic agent for the mucus membranes. The proportions would be about half a teaspoonful to an ounce of distilled water. Use as a spray for throat and nasal passages.

(Q) What causes the hay fever? (A) This arises from those same inclinations as we have indicated, and

thus the spray as given will be the greater help for same. (Q) Would this same treatment benefit my son's [1292]'s hay fever,

apparently inherited? ..., Okla. (A) We would have for THIS body, [1292], a correction made in the 1st and

2nd dorsal, osteopathically; and we will find it will remove a great deal of this tendency. The INCLINATION is rather from sympathetic conditions, but the physical reaction there through osteopathic treatments will change these conditions.

1724-2, M 40, 12/23/38

(Q) What effect does the hay fever condition have on the stomach condition, and what should be done for the hay fever?

(A) The drippings - or the natural flow of the inflammatory forces, which when taken into the stomach produce greater irritation. And this goes with the mucous, or aids in forming mucous; as did the cold that was had some ten weeks - yes, some twenty-eight weeks ago, see? that formed the greater portion.

Whenever there is the inclination for sniffles, or cold, the use of an inhalant prepared in this manner, will reduce this tendency for the inflammation from nasal passages or from the throat to cause disturbance:

To 4 ounces of Pure Grain Alcohol - in a 6 or 8 ounce container, with the opening sufficiently large to put 2 vents into the cork, that may be kept closely corked when not in use - add, IN THE ORDER NAMED:

Oil of Eucalyptus..................20 minims, Compound Tincture of Benzoin.......15 minims, Rectified Oil of Turp...............5 minims, Tolu in Solution...................20 minims.

Shake the solution well and inhale mornings before any meal is taken, and evenings upon retiring, - or at other times if there is the tendency for sniffles or any erudition from the nasal or antrum passage.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


2094-2, M 70, 5/3/40

(Q) What will relieve the condition of hay fever? (A) This as we find is the inflammation of the mucous membranes as

produced by the general atmospheric pressures and the conditions where certain influences act upon the mucous membranes.

We find that the use of an inhalant would be helpful, which is in itself only a protection - or to prevent infection by any particles or fumes inhaled, or odors. Prepare same in this manner:

To 4 ounces of Grain Alcohol, add - in the order named: Oil of Eucalyptus...............20 minims, Rectified Oil of Turp............5 minims, Compound Tincture of Benzoin....15 minims, Tolu in Solution................30 minims. Keep this in a container twice the size of the quantity of the solution. Shake

well before inhaling. Preferably have two vents into the space above the solution. Keep both corked well. Inhale in the nostrils once or twice a day, or whenever there is irritation. It acts as an antiseptic and as a purifier, and prevents irritation from any stress upon the mucous membranes.

(Q) I often have a similar condition to hay fever even in the winter time. What is the cause?

(A) Inflammation to mucous membranes; and the applications and the inhalant indicated will keep down such.

(Q) Does it come from external or internal influences? (A) As just indicated, it comes from both! At times it arises from fumes,

pollen, odors. At other times it arises from the lack of air flow over the lungs, affecting the mucous membranes through which the air passes. Hence at times the throat becomes infected, as well as the mucous membranes of the nasal passages. Hence the inhalant.

Do as indicated, - we will find bettered conditions for this body. 2186-1, F 27 (Teacher), 5/6/40

Now as we find, there are those physical conditions of which the body should be warned; and measures should be taken to correct same in the present, to prevent disturbances that might arise in the body.

We find that there are weaknesses and inclinations. Thus the warnings as would be indicated.

These, then, are conditions as we find them with this body, [2186]. First, in the blood supply, - here we find there are the tendencies towards

impoverishments, especially as related to the vital energies, and the inclination for the body to use those forces in some directions to sustain the vital energy which should be in those directions of resistance building and of keeping a better chemical balance through the system. (continued on the next page)


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Thus the impoverishment is not only indicated in the blood supply but in those directions of some impoverishment to the activities of certain glandular forces of the body itself.

We find that these arise from the lack of care and attention, or those inclinations for the activities of the body to DRIVE the body, - in the lack of proper rest at all times, lack of proper distribution of its energies in recreations that should bring rebuilding and replenishing forces, when they are used by the energies of the body rather in the inclination towards dissipation of the energies, - without the resistances being replenished in the system.

Then, - with the better hours, the lack of so much stimulation that is destructive to the digestive forces, - we would have such applications as to replenish the system; stimulating centers in the cerebrospinal system as to bring better resistances for the body, making for rest to the body, and bringing the energizing forces as may be supplied with the correct activity of the glandular system in the diets, and with stimulation for the PROPER activity of the glands AND diet.

Thus we will bring better influences and forces for the body. Also there are those tendencies, from this lack of the supplying to the blood

force, for inflammation or weakness through the mucous membranes; causing the nasal passages, the antrum, and the soft tissue of the head and throat to become supersensitive to environs or activities about the body.

These should be taken into consideration also, and we will find that the body may resist cold and those inclinations for sneezing and irritation that arise at times through these portions of the body.

As to applications for bettered conditions, then: We would be more careful as to the budgeting of the time. Take time for rest

and recuperation. Take time for activities in which the exercising of the body-physical makes for resuscitation and not for detrimental conditions.

Refrain from stimulations as of ANY influence of carbonated drinks or intoxicating beverages or any carrying malt in same; that is, as a stimulant. Malt as an active principle in the DIGESTIVE system would be very well, yet - as we find - even this may be taken in a better form for the body, - as we will suggest.

Also: Have at least six to ten general osteopathic treatments, to RELAX the body; especially through the areas from the 9th dorsal to the 1st cervical, and in the latter portion of such treatments coordinating the areas from the lower portion of the sacral and lumbar to the lst cervicals.

Then, as to the diet: Here we find that citrus fruit juices in quantities, regularly, will be helpful. Drink

at least a pint of orange juice, with the juice of half a lemon squeezed into same, each day; for periods of ten days, - then leave off for a period of ten days, and then take again for another ten days, and so on.

With the meals take ADIRON; one tablet with each meal, or three tablets each day, - one at each meal. Take a whole bottle of sixty tablets in this manner, leave off a few days, and then take again, - and so on, continuing to take same for several months in this manner, - and then gradually lessen the periods of


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


taking same, provided the system has been replenished sufficiently that there is not the fatigue when leaving same off.

Prepare an inhalant in a large-mouthed, dark glass bottle, with two vents through the cork, - and these vents corked with smaller corks. Let the bottle be at least a six to eight ounce container.

To 4 ounces of Pure Grain Alcohol, add - in the order named: Oil of Eucalyptus ...............20 minims, Compound Tincture of Benzoin.....15 minims, Rectified Oil of Turp.............5 minims, Rectified Creosote................3 minims, Tolu in Solution.................30 minims. Shake the solution when it is to be inhaled night and morning, or when there

is a tickling or coughing, or the inclination for sneezing at other times also, - that is, when these occur any time during the day; but inhale regularly of mornings upon arising, and of evenings when retiring. Inhale into one nostril, holding the other, then into the other side; also into the throat, - letting the fumes go into the lungs, - not swallowing the inhalant, but inhaling the fumes, see? Hold either side of the nostril as it is inhaled in the other nostril.

Do these, and we will bring better conditions for the body.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Air: Exercise: Walking Par. 30 Business Advice Par. 38-A Chiropractic: Spine: Subluxations Par. 16--18, 20 Cold: Congestion: Susceptibility Par. 5, 29 Diet: Citrus & Cereal Par. 33 : Menu: Toxemia Par. 31—35 Electrotherapy: Vibrator: Spine: Subluxations Par. 16--19 : Violet Ray: Par. 19 Eyes: Glasses: Change Par. 28 Hay Fever: Spine: Subluxations Par. 8, 23--26 Head Noises: Spine: Subluxations Par. 5, 8 Healing: Consistency & Persistency Par. 13 Inhalants: Alcohol, Grain: Hay Fever Par. 24, 25 : Balsam, Canadian: Par. 24, 25 : Benzoin, Tincture of: Par. 24, 25 : Creosote, Rectified: Par. 24, 25 : Eucalyptus, Oil of: Par. 24, 25 : Tolu in Solution: Par. 24, 25 : Turp, Rectified Oil of: Par. 24, 25 Kidneys: Urine: Acidity Par. 6 Liver: Kidneys: Incoordination Par. 6 Neuropathy: Spine: Subluxations Par. 19 Osteopathy: Spine: Subluxations Par. 16--18, 21 Physiotherapy: Spray: Cream of Tartar: Hay Fever Par. 23, 26 : Salt: Par. 23, 26 : Soda: Par. 23, 26 SPINE: SUBLUXATIONS Teeth: Spine: Subluxations Par. 27 BACKGROUND OF READING 410-1 F 42 B1. 9/10/33 Mr. [779] wrote: "...Miss [319]'s sister, Mrs. [410], says even if you come no nearer than Birmingham, she will go there to see you...she is interested in both Physical and Life readings..."


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


TEXT OF READING 410-1 F 42 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, VA Beach, Va., this 21st day of September, 1933, in accordance with request made by self - Mrs. [410], new Active Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc., recommended by Miss [319].

P R E S E N T Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.

R E A D I N G Time of Reading 10: 40 to 11: 10 A.M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Ala. (Physical Suggestion) 1. EC: Yes, we have the body and those conditions that disturb the better physical functioning of the body. 2. As we find, there are many minor conditions that are contributory to specific effects in the better functioning of the body. These, as we find, have to do with some impingements or subluxations in the nervous systems, and the effect this disturbance produces in the nerve and blood supply. And the effects of these disturbances being, as it were, treated; the irritations from such produces the conditions that we find disturb the body in the activity of the sensory system, as related to eyes, ears, nose and throat, as well as disturbances in the digestive system, and the general inability of the mental and physical body to cope with these irritations produced throughout the system. 3. These, then, are the conditions as we find them with this body, Mrs. [410], we are speaking of: 4. The BLOOD SUPPLY, in the general, may be considered very good; under the existent conditions. Then, these are the disturbances in the blood supply: 5. With the tendency for irritation in the head, neck, nasal passages and throat, the attempt of the body to meet these repressions and distresses or irritation caused in the muco-membranes, there is the tendency for colds to be easily contracted; the head noises at times; irritation to the eyes; all form for making or producing an excess of used or unused forces in energy to these portions of the body, hence clogging the bloodstream. (It should be understood that these are effects.) Hence the metabolism is not wholly balanced; to be sure, at times more excessive in both directions than at some others. 6. As to the eliminations, this condition produces or causes an irregularity in the activities of the drosses even removing in the alimentary canal, causing at times a tendency for congestion in the liver area; from the excesses of the characters produced by such a disturbance in the functioning of the liver as an excretory and secretive organ. This at times also produces a reflex to produce, with the activities of the kidneys an excess, or at other times (dependent upon the food values to produce or assist in a tendency of a disturbed hepatic circulation, from these same conditions as described - you see - in the head and neck) an overactivity or underactivity. And, at such times the examinations would show an acidosis effect in the urine itself. 7. As to the nerve system, or SYSTEMS: As we have indicated, we find this the greater cause, or the effect and cause both, of disturbing to the better physical functioning of the body.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


8. There has long remained in the upper dorsal (specifically in the 3rd and 4th dorsal area, and the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th cervical area) repressions or subluxations; and these make for a tenseness in the activity of the lymph and the blood supply to the head, throat, neck, eyes, nose, and all the activities of the organs (in their functioning) of the sensory system. At times there is seen the tendency for clearing of throat; at times the muco-membrane irritation in the nose, as well as tendencies for disturbance from - or to be supersensitive to - pollens, or certain elements as of gaseous elements, producing that known as rose fever (in the muco-membranes), or tendencies for the muco-membranes of nose to become easily irritated - and to run, as it may be termed, or the secretions from same; producing irritations to the eyes, and a drumming in the ears. 9. These are effects, and the subluxations in the areas indicated have gradually builded thickened tissue in the areas where the organs of the sensory system function; thus adding to the distresses, as to bring the conditions that exist with the body in the present; the basic condition arising, as we have indicated, from the pressure in the dorsal and cervical area. 10. As to the effect produced in the ORGANS of the system proper: 11. Brain forces, activities of the mental abilities of the body, are very good. 12. The indications throughout the organs of the sensory system are as we have given, though the organs themselves are not as yet in such a distressed condition that they will not respond to an alleviating of the pressures in the areas indicated. 13. To be sure, the condition has been of long-standing; it will require some persistence and consistency in the applications that may be made for the correction of the conditions. And, while the body will respond to a great extent, as we find, there need not be expected a cure instantaneously; for the system has attempted - and does attempt to adjust itself to the misdirected forces in the whole of the physical organism. Hence it would be found that there would be periods when the body would feel a great deal better, and others when there would be the tendency for the conditions to appear to become rather aggravated than helped. Yet, they will gradually - through the proper applications, through the proper administrations for those things that would harmonize and coordinate with those resistive forces in the physical functioning of the body - bring about the near normal conditions. 14. The organs of the body, then, as we have indicated, show the effect of these conditions rather than - as yet - being disturbed other than in the functioning. 15. In meeting then the needs, or in outlining for the body that which we find will be the correct manner to bring about a normalcy, and stop the deteriorating forces in the general physical functioning body, [410]: 16. First, we would begin with manipulations AND ADJUSTMENTS for the dorsal and cervical area, in particular; and the rest of the body to make for a coordination of the corrected impulses AS these applications progress. 17. As we would find, these may be done either through osteopathic adjustments and general manipulation, or through chiropractic adjustments and through the use of the electrically driven vibrator following same.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


18. Now, get the difference between these: If the osteopathic manipulations are given, do not use the vibrator. If the chiropractic adjustments are given only, then USE the vibrator - at least every other day, evenings preferably, when retiring. 19. Or, there may be used the neuropathic treatments and adjustments, and with THIS method of treatment we would use both the vibrator AND the plain Violet Ray - over the areas specifically as indicated; that is, from the 8th or 9th dorsal to the base of the brain. These treatments would be used once or twice each week, while the treatments neuropathically would be given two or three times each week. 20. If the chiropractic adjustments are chosen, they would be given - in the beginning - every day, for a week or ten days; then they might be given only twice or three times a week. 21. While the osteopathic adjustments would require about three times a week in the beginning, and about once a week after two or three weeks. 22. As to the period required for such treatments, these should be taken rather in courses; and we do not find that one would be preferable to the other, provided they are carried in the order or in the line as we have given. 23. For the conditions in the nostril, and those tendencies for the hay fever or rose fever that comes from such irritations, it would be well that there be used a spray occasionally - of equal parts of soda, cream of tartar and salt. Salt, soda, cream of tartar, see? This may be made and kept, of course, but should be warm before being used. Use a level teaspoonful of each to two glasses of DISTILLED water, which may be put in an atomizer and used in the nasal cavities once or twice a day. 24. Especially in the evenings when there is the tendency for the sneezing, or for the irritations to be aggravating, or occasionally when needed, we would use an inhalant prepared in this manner: 25. To 4 ounces of pure grain alcohol, add:

Oil of Eucalyptus...............20 minims, Rectified Oil of Turp............3 minims, Rectified Creosote...............3 minims, Tincture of Benzoin.............15 minims, Canadian Balsam..................2 minims, Tolu in solution................30 minims. Keep in a container with glass cork, at least a six to eight ounce container.

Shake before it is inhaled into the nostrils and into the throat. This will reduce the irritation. This we would use when necessary; not sufficiently to disturb the respiratory system, but it may be used two or three or four times a day. 26. The spray or wash, as we have outlined for the cleansing of the muco-membranes of the nose and throat (in the atomizer), would be used twice each day, morning and evening, rather as to wash out the head - see? 27. We would also have some LOCAL attention to the teeth. These need LOCAL attention, but they will be found to be much improved when the general condition, especially the circulation to the head, has been renewed or revived to near normalcy.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


28. Also we will find that the conditions of the eyes will improve. We would not change the lens in the present, but after the second or third week of whichever treatment is chosen (for the manipulations and adjustments) we would have the glasses changed; for conditions will be different in the vision, and the reactions from the properties given will have been seen. 29. As may be indicated from that given, none of the conditions save the tendency for the fevers in the muco-membranes of the head and throat and neck, that become recurrent are distressing; yet they are irritating and aggravating continually to the body. For, in damp, rainy, cool or bad weather, the body suffers from cold feet, and the tendency to take cold easily; yet the disturbance is in the head, neck and throat, that produces these very conditions even in the feet! disturbing the circulation! 30. As to the matter of activity, we would advise as much activity mornings and evenings in the open air as possible. Walking is the better exercise for the body, but be in the open air as much as possible; at least once or twice each day. 31. We would give this as an outline for the diet, though it may be altered considerably at times for the body: 32. Mornings - citrus fruit, or citrus fruit juices, with cakes or stewed fruits or coddled egg, or a little bacon and eggs with toast, coffee or Ovaltine. 33. This menu may be changed at times to cereals, but do not use cereals with citrus fruit juices! This combination will be found to gradually become harmful to the better digestive forces of the system. 34. Noons - an all-green vegetable meal; with at times also soups or broths, or the like. 35. Evenings - a well-balanced vegetable diet; not too much meats at any time; preferably fowl, fish or mutton when meats are taken. 36. Do these, and - as we find - it will be necessary in six to eight weeks that there be a change in the general outline, which may be followed through these channels. 37. Ready for questions. 38 (Q) Is it best that I rent my home now or wait until spring? (A) As we find, there is the possibility that through the month of October, or in the early portion of same, it may be rented to an advantage; if not, don't worry about it - for it may be done in the spring - April or May. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 410-1 F 42 R1. 10/8/33 "...I was very pleased with the report you gave me and hope that the treatments you advise will be beneficial to my general condition and especially my eyes and nose, as that is my main trouble and I have been suffering a great deal the past few weeks with the hay fever. I think you are doing a great work and I hope to have the pleasure of meeting you personally sometime soon, for I am most interested in the work you are doing..."

R2. 12/27/33 Mr. [779]'s letter: "...I saw Mrs. [410] a few weeks ago and she advised me that she and her sister [Miss [319]] were both feeling much better now..." 4/18/34 She obtained a Life reading, 410-2.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 452-2 M 28 Bartlett's Familiar Quotations: 106-b Par. 14-A Circulation: Incoordination: Spine: Subluxations Par. 10-A Diet: Environment: Locality Par. 12-A HAY FEVER: TENDENCIES Inhalants: Alcohol, Grain: Hay Fever: Tendencies Par. 7 : Balsam, Canadian: Par. 7 : Benzoin: Par. 7 : Creosote, Rectified: Par. 7 : Eucalyptol: Par. 7 : Tolu In Solution: Par. 7 : Turp, Rectified Oil of: Par. 7 Osteopathy: Hay Fever: Tendencies Par. 6, 7, 13-A Skin: Complexion: Spine: Subluxations Par. 11-A SNEEZES SPINE: SUBLUXATIONS Work: E.C.: Validity Par. 14-A BACKGROUND OF READING 452-2 M 28 7/17/32 Mother [255] submitted questions, saying she had not yet told [452] of his Life Rdg. as the time was not yet ripe. She submitted questions, including: "What can be done to remove cause of sneezing attacks? What can be done locally to relieve same?" TEXT OF READING 452-2 M 28 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, VA Beach, Va., this 22nd day of July, 1932, in accordance with request made by his mother - Mrs. [255], Active Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.

P R E S E N T Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mildred Davis.

R E A D I N G Time of Reading 10: 45 A.M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., N.Y. (Physical Suggestion) 1. EC: We have the body here, [452]. Now, as we find, while there are very good conditions in many respects, there are disorders that might be easily corrected in the present that would prevent much disorder later on; also bring about better conditions for the physical functioning of the body. If these are allowed to remain, as we find, from the character of the conditions, there must of necessity be


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


builded in the system that which will allow the system to become more and more susceptible to influences that will affect the body from the outside, of material natures, as we shall see from how and where the effect is in the body. 2. These, then, are conditions as we find them with this body, [452]. 3. In the BLOOD supply, this we find very good save the effects that are seen occasionally from those reactions from conditions that affect the nerve and blood supply sympathetically. 4. In the NERVE portions of the system, in the cerebro-spinal system we find there have been some impingements in the upper dorsal and cervical area, where the organs of the sensory system, especially, are involved. Those particularly in the 3rd and 4th dorsal, in the 4th and 5th cervical area, as affect the nerve impulse to the nasal and throat activities, the sense of smell, and the sense of FEELING in the relationships to the AUDITORY forces of the body. With these impulses hindered, the body has become more and more susceptible to particles that may float in the air, or that affect the muco-membranes of the nasal cavity and the soft tissue that supplies those nutriments in circulation, in nerve impulse. Hence the body is BORDERING on that which would develop into what may be termed hay fever, or an inflammation of the muco-membranes of throat and head, by pollen, dust, sound, water - any effect that AFFECTS such membranes. Hence the resultant effects upon the body, and the tendency for the ducts of the face, of the eye, of the mouth, of the salivary glands, to OVER function, or produce irritations in the system. These are better at times than at others, when the body is more free from those things that irritate. The BASIS or CAUSE, however, is in the inflection as produced in the nervous system, in the dorsal and cervical area. 5. As to the ORGANS of the system that are affected by these, these - we find - are rather of the secondary or sympathetic nature, and with the correction of these conditions in the present we would find that the system would be relieved of a great deal of inconvenience and make for a better functioning of the body throughout. 6. Then, to make for these corrections, we would have the adjustments osteopathically given, with the antiseptics that would CLARIFY the throat and nasal cavities - in the form of a preparation as in this: 7. To 4 ounces of grain alcohol, in an 8 ounce container, we would add:

Eucalyptol, Oil of...................20 minims, Benzoin...............................5 minims, Rectified Oil of Turp.................5 minims, Rectified Creosote....................8 minims, Canadian Balsam.......................5 minims, Tolu in solution.....................40 minims. Shake solution together when it is to be inhaled. When there is the

spasmodic condition of sneezing, or the tendency to cough, or irritation, or tendency to clear the throat, this we would inhale in throat and in nasal cavities two or three times. This is only an antiseptic, but will clarify the muco-membranes of the throat and head, and assist in relieving the pressure in the system, PROVIDED those adjustments are made in the dorsal and cervical region.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


8. We would follow these, and we will find bettered conditions for this body, [452]. 9. Ready for questions. 10. (Q) What causes perspiration of hands? (A) Unequaled circulation, produced by pressure in those regions of the brachial centers, as indicated from those impingements in the upper dorsal region. 11. (Q) What can be done locally for impurities on face? (A) Do as we have outlined for these conditions, and - as has been indicated - when the circulation of the body has been readjusted, through the relieving of pressures to the upper portion of the system that affect the muco-membranes and soft tissue of the face, neck, head, throat, we will find these will clarify themselves. Keep the eliminations open. 12. (Q) If body goes to NoVA Scotia, is there any suggestion as to diet to keep body in good physical condition? (A) As we will find, the greater needs are for the correct adjustment in the dorsal and cervical area, with the properties as indicated for the clarifications of the inflammation that is produced by the irritation in the mucomembrane. As to the diet in other conditions, surroundings or positions, this - to be sure - depends a great deal upon the surroundings, the temperamental effects that are created upon the system, but those that will keep a normal equilibrium and those that are in accord with the surroundings - or those that are GROWN in the surroundings are the better for the body, provided the eliminations are kept nominal for the system. 13. (Q) How often should the adjustments be given? (A) Were three to four such treatments given, a day between each one, these SHOULD correct this - at the present state. 14. (Q) How can it be proved to body that the source of this information is in harmony with his work. [In the Christian ministry] (A) This must be found within self by that which may aid in the physical conditions, as this: These will be indicated as we have found here. Will the tests be made, or the conditions be followed out by one that may make such examinations for the locations, then these bringing their results should prove; for "Proof of the pudding is in the eating". We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 452-2 M 28 R1. 8/3/32 Father [378]'s ltr.: "Altho [452] is still rather skeptical, he followed the rdg. like an obedient child and was immediately relieved." R2. 8/9/32 Mother [255]'s letter: "Enclosed you will find questions for two rdgs. One for myself as regards a group, and one for my son, [452], Mental-Spiritual. I can see he has been much impressed by the results of his Physical Rdg. He has not sneezed again. He had asked several osteopaths about his back, they all said it was alright. He remembers the time he wrenched his back. I am having this rdg. for him with his knowledge, altho I wrote the questions... His trip to NoVA Scotia has been postponed until Oct." 8/25/32 See 452-3.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 795-3 F 4 Diet: Hay Fever Par. 11 Environment: Climate: Hay Fever Par. 5, 15-A : Michigan Par. 15-A : Virginia: Virginia Beach Par. 15-A HAY FEVER Inhalants: Alcohol, Grain: Hay Fever Par. 6--9 : Benzoin, Compound Tincture of: Par. 6--9 : Benzosol: Par. 6--9 : Creosote, Rectified: Par. 6--9 : Eucalyptus, Oil of: Par. 6--9 : Tolu in Solution: Par. 6--9 : Turp, Rectified Oil of: Par. 6--9 Nature: Flowers: Allergies Par. 12, 13 Osteopathy: Hay Fever Par. 3--5, 10, 16-A BACKGROUND OF READING 795-3 F 4 8/5/35 Mrs. [601]'s wire: "Doctor says [795] has hay fever and recommends going to northern Michigan. Please give reading on same - send answer to us special delivery. [795] will be at ..." TEXT OF READING 795-3 F 4 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 5th day of August, 1935, in accordance with request made by the cousin, Mrs. [601], Active Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc. P R E S E N T Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.

R E A D I N G Time of Reading 4: 10 to 4: 20 P.M. Eastern Standard Time. Detroit, Mich. (Physical Suggestion) 1. EC: Yes; we have had this body and those conditions about same here before. 2. Quite a difference do we find in the disturbing influences or forces from that we have previously indicated. While many of the conditions are greatly improved, there are many changes. 3. These conditions that exist should not have been allowed to develop. Had there been kept the drainages to the eliminating systems, through the osteopathic manipulations as were indicated through the upper dorsal and cervical areas, we would not have had this inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat, nasal passages, the antrums, soft tissues, even into the bronchials and lungs, that exists in the present.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


4. We find that even yet the drainages set up osteopathically in the manner indicated, so that we have a stimulation to the drainages to the lungs as well as the alimentary canal, would materially aid in alleviating this tendency for this SYMPATHETIC swelling that occurs, which produces this drainage from the lymph glands in these portions of the system. 5. The change in the climatic conditions as indicated would be well, provided such osteopathic manipulations may be had THERE also. 6. We would also use an antiseptic inhalant prepared, for THIS - body, in this way and manner, so that the fumes may be inhaled or breathed into the body: 7. To 4 ounces of PURE grain alcohol, in a 6 to 8 ounce glass-corked container, add (in the order named):

Oil of Eucalyptus....................20 minims, Compound Tincture of Benzoin.........15 minims, Rectified Oil of Turp.................3 minims, Rectified Creosote....................2 minims, Benzosol in solution (or a solution made by dissolving Benzosol in

alcohol).......................10 minims, Tolu in solution, or Tincture of.....40 minims.

8. Keep this corked except when it is inhaled (after shaking well) both through the nostrils and deep into the lungs. This is not to be taken internally, you see; just the fumes INHALED. Best to hold one side of nostril to inhale; and don't inhale too strong at first, not too close to the mouth or nostril. 9. This will act to alleviate the swelling and inflammation. 10. Also the osteopathic manipulations should reduce those conditions that CAUSE the overflow. 11. Keep the diet alkalin. 12. Keep in the open, but away from pollens of any nature, especially flowers that are heavy-pollened, as any of the wild flowers or cosmos or the like. Roses are different. 13. Do this, as we find, and we may relieve these conditions so that they will not become constitutional; as is ordinarily indicated from this type of rose fever or the pollen fever. 14. Ready for questions. 15. (Q) Is northern Michigan a good place for the body to be taken, as the doctor advises? (A) Northern Michigan or the seashore, as Virginia Beach. 16. (Q) Is this hay fever, or what is commonly called hay fever? (A) As just indicated, it is an inflammation of the mucuous membranes, produced by an overflow - which causes a swelling or rose fever; not roseola but rose fever; or the lachrymal ducts, the nasal passages, the throat become irritated by this swelling, SYMPATHETICALLY - which may be drained off, as indicated, by osteopathic corrections in the areas outlined. Do as we have indicated for the best for this body. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 795-3 F 4 R1. 11/24/35 She was present with her father and uncle for 795-4.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 795-4 F 4 Appliances: Wet Cell: Glands: Incoordination Par. 5--12, 19-A Diet: Glands: Incoordination Par. 14--18, 21-A, 22-A : Sugar: Warnings Par. 14--16 GLANDS: INCOORDINATION HAY FEVER : Preventive Par. 20-A Home & Marriage: Parenthood: General Par. 23-A Osteopathy: Hay Fever Par. 3, 7, 12, 19-A Prophecy: Prognosis: Hay Fever Par. 13 Soul Development: Human Relations Par. 23-A BACKGROUND OF READING 795-4 F 4 B1. See 795-3 on 8/5/35. TEXT OF READING 795-4 F 4 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at the Warshawsky home, 3046 Webb Ave., Detroit, Mich., this 24th day of November, 1935, in accordance with request made by the father - Mr. [862], Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.

P R E S E N T Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. [795], Mr. [862], Mr. [1059]; Bessie L. Warshawsky and Abe Warshawsky; Gladys & Charlie Dillman, Anne Winston and her sister (a Mrs. Marcus), and HLC.

R E A D I N G Time of Reading 11: 20 to 11: 45 A.M. Eastern Standard Time. Detroit, Mich. (Physical Suggestion) 1. EC: Yes, we have the body [795]; this we have had here before. 2. We find conditions are much improved in the general physical forces of the body since last we had same here. 3. While there are still those tendencies in the developing body that may cause troublesome activities to the body, we find that if there will be the continuation of those activities which have been indicated for the improvement and the betterment - these given occasionally, once a week for periods of three to four weeks and then a rest period of an equal time, and then taken again - these would make for those corrections such as to bring about a normal condition in the physical forces.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


4. Also there have been those tendencies in the glands' secretions in portions of the system; or the lack of the vitality necessary for the making of a coordination in the chemical forces, or in the plasm of the body itself. This is indicated in the body through those activities to the mucous membranes in the sensory forces; a tendency for the lack of the proper hormones in the blood stream, through the lack of coordination in the assimilating forces of the body. 5. And these, as we find, may be aided the more properly through the activities of the low form of electrical forces through the galvanic or Wet Cell Appliance; where there would be carried to the body the elements or the vibrations from metals that coordinate with the plasm in the NERVE energies of the body. 6. These taken or applied in the present would prevent the developing of those conditions where centers are affected from the conditions about the body in the form of pollen, or change in atmospheric pressure, or that influence the sympathetic forces through certain centers or ganglia as to produce spasmodic conditions in the plasm of the lymph and the emunctory activity through the sensory forces. 7. Hence, at the same period when there are those manipulations or corrections given, we would use this galvanic appliance carrying a low vibration from the metal of Gold. But this would be applied somewhat different here, than ordinary. For these are DEVELOPING forces in this body. Hence there must not only be made the coordination from the upper dorsal plexus but also the coordination between the distributing forces through the developing of the atomic structures in the lower portion - or from the axis of the lower lumbar region; that all the organs of the pelvis, the organs of digestion, as well as the organs of the circulation, will become affected by or through those vibratory forces set up in these manners. 8. In making the applications, then, these should be one of the copper plate, the other of the nickel plate. The anodes or plates would be attached in this manner: 9. At the first application, apply the small copper plate first - to the BRACHIAL center, as coordinant with the secondary cardiac plexus, or at the 2nd dorsal center or plexus. Then the larger nickel plate, which should be cupped so that it makes for the creation of a vacuum - as it were - UNDER such applications, so that there is kept also the close contact with the body, would be attached last - over the umbilicus, or a portion of the umbilicus plexus and the lacteal duct center. 10. In the next application, attach the copper plate first - over the 4th LUMBAR plexus; for those activities to the lower limbs, to the organs of the lower portion of the body, or through the pelvic activity and the assimilating system. Then the nickel plate would be attached last, again to the lacteal duct portion and the umbilicus center - on the right portion of the body. At each application the nickel anode would pass through the Gold solution, in the proportions of one grain to one ounce of distilled water. 11. These would be applied or attached alternately, in this manner, for twenty to thirty minutes; one application made one week and the other the next. 12. Following such application give the gentle massage that makes for a specific relaxation in the centers in the cervical area and in the central dorsal system - or 9th and 10th dorsals and the lower lumbar, that produces a coordination of the


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


ganglia along the system so as to distribute the energies to the system and to set up the drainages in a normal manner. 13. Thus we will find those tendencies for the irritation to the mucous membranes of the throat, the head, the nasal passages, will become nil; and the body become normal. 14. As to the diets for this body: These should be somewhat out of the ordinary, as we have indicated; though not in such an extreme manner as to make for confining the body to activities that become as hardships. Beware of EXCESSIVE acid-producing foods; though it must be considered that the body in its developing stage requires sufficient of those energies from sugars that are proper for the system. Hence the sweets should be of such natures that they do not form a character of acid that becomes detrimental to those very tendencies that are being overcome by the applying of acid in the body through the metal forces. 15. Hence sweets or sugars from the sugar cane should be tabu. Use rather those that are of a vegetable or fruit nature, or the sweets that are contained in such. 16. Hence the Health Foods that are combined with beet sugar, or with saccharin, may be used in the candies or the pastries; that may be a part of the diet. 17. But at least once each day, even for the developing body, have a green raw vegetable meal; or fruits and nuts. 18. These should be, with those outlines as indicated, the diets for this body, [795]. Ready for questions. 19. (Q) How often should the Wet Cell Appliance be used? (A) As indicated, WHEN there are those applications for the manipulations. Once a week for three to four weeks. Rest for almost an equal period; then take again. These treatments, as indicated, should be given AT THE SAME TIME - or during the same period, or just previous to the manipulative forces for the stimulation of those areas as indicated. 20. (Q) Following these suggestions will prevent the reoccurrence of the hay fever? (A) As indicated, this as is effective in a body - and especially a developing body - is from an excess of those tendencies for the body to become affected easily by influences from without. This stamina as may be added by the application of those influences indicated will not only PREVENT but build in the body-forces, in its developing state, the RESISTANCES to those tendencies! 21. (Q) May milk be included in the diet? (A) This may be a portion, provided it is sterilized or pasteurized. 22. (Q) Cream? (A) This may be a part, or half and half. Not too rich, for it carries vitamins that become rather hard on the digestive forces. 23. (Q) Any further advice for the body, or those responsible? (A) As we find, much might be said as to those things or manners in ministering for the welfare of the developing body.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


As ye give in these services for the preparation and expression of a soul in a body, in a material world, KNOW that as ye sow ye reap also. Then, let those experiences of those ABOUT the body in its formative years be as a hopeful helpfulness. Not of self, or self-indulgence to the developing body; but in praise and glory, and honor, to Him who is the GIVER of LIFE itself. Thus there is offered to each soul the opportunity to make an expression of that hope and faith that is found in doing good, being kind, being patient with the fellow man. 24. We are through with this reading. REPORTS OF READING 795-4 F 4 R1. 1/27/36 Mrs. [601]'s ltr.: "Should Mr. [862] decide to use the battery for [795], whenever we get the necessary anodes, he can use the [988] battery." R2. 4/22/36 Mrs. [601]'s ltr.: "I rec'd a ltr. fr. Thos. House in re anodes for [795]. Her mother cannot understand anything in re [795]'s rdg. in spite of the fact of what she saw and heard, so I will not discuss this anymore until she or Mr. [862] decide to make their own request in re same. It is too bad but we know that this cannot be forced."


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 808-8 F 31 Appliances: Radio-Active: Nervous Systems: Incoordination Par. 5, 10, 17-A Asthenia: Nervous Systems: Incoordination Par. 22-A GLANDS: INCOORDINATION : Salivary: Digestion Par. 18-A HAY FEVER Inhalants: Alcohol, Grain: Hay Fever Par. 8--11, 23-A : Benzoin, Compound Tincture of: Par. 8--11, 23-A : Creosote, Rectified: Par. 8--11, 23-A : Eucalyptus, Oil of: Par. 8--11, 23-A : Tolu in Solution: Par. 8--11, 23-A : Turp, Rectified Oil of: Par. 8--11, 23-A NERVOUS SYSTEMS: INCOORDINATION Osteopathy: Nervous Systems: Incoordination Par. 6, 7, 10, 17-A Prescriptions: Atomidine: Glands: Incoordination Par. 16-A, 17-A : Mucilose: Eliminations Par. 20-A BACKGROUND OF READING 808-8 F 31 8/24/38 "I was wondering if it might be well to ask about my hay fever. Every fall I get a slight case... Last yr. I didn't have it so bad but several weeks ago I had a slight case of it and then it disappeared. That was a little bit earlier than I usually have it." TEXT OF READING 808-8 F 31 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 30th day of August, 1938, in accordance with request made by the self - Mrs. [808], Active Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.

P R E S E N T Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.

R E A D I N G Time of Reading 4: 05 to 4: 15 P.M. Eastern Standard Time. Washington, D.C. 1. GC: You will give the present physical condition of this body, with suggestions for further corrective measures; answering the questions that may be submitted, as I ask them. 2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [808]. 3. Now as we find, in a general way conditions are very satisfactory.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


4. There are periods, however, when there is more or less of an irritation in the nervous system, and the feeling as of uneasiness. 5. Hence as we find, it would be well to use the Radio-Active Appliance occasionally; twice or three times a week. Make the connections positive, of course, and keep the plates very clean. 6. Once or twice a week, until eight or ten are taken, we would have an adjustment - a GENERAL adjustment throughout the whole system. 7. This should tune or tone the body in such a way and manner that there will be the continued coordination of the glandular forces to function the nearer normal. 8. For the irritation that arises at times from the supersensitiveness of the mucous membranes to odors or particles of the reactions from the ragweed and the pollen of others at this particular season, we would use and inhalant - prepared for this body in this manner: 9. To 4 ounces of Grain Alcohol (at least 95%) - add, in the order named:

Oil of Eucalyptus...................20 minims, Rectified Creosote...................2 minims, Compound Tincture of Benzoin........15 minims, Oil of Turp..........................5 minims, Tolu in Solution....................25 minims. This would be put in at least an eight ounce - six to eight ounce large

mouth bottle (while the solution itself will not be more than four ounces, see?), with a cork stopper - or rubber stopper; with two small glass tubes into the upper portion or vacuum portion of the bottle, see? One tube maybe much shorter than the other, you see - and both would be kept tightly corked when not in use. These two vents or tubes would be in the stopper or the cork to the bottle, see? Such a container would be preferable. 10. When ready to inhale, shake the solution well, then open both vents and inhale the fumes - not the solution itself - through the nostrils. into the throat. Not as a spray but inhale the fumes that arise from the combination of these properties. It will act upon the mucous membranes in such a way as to not only PREVENT the irritation but make bettered conditions in these directions - with the manipulations and the vibratory forces set by the activities of the Radio- Active Appliance. 11. Twice a day for the inhaling should be sufficient, morning and evening. However, if there is a case or cause for irritation, then it may be inhaled extra. Shake the solution and then inhale. Of course, close the tops of both the openings when shaking it. 12. In the matter of the diet, keep to those things that make for a normal balance for the eliminations. 13. In the activities keep in the open when not in contact with the pollen to which the body is subject - or sensitive. 14. Do these and we will make for the better forces for this body. 15. Ready for questions. 16. (Q) Should I continue to take the Atomidine? How often?


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


(A) We would make this farther apart, though continuing to take it. Now, take one minim in water about Mondays and Thursdays - of morning before any meal, of course. 17. (Q) Is there still a deficiency in the glands? (A) Rather, as this is a nervous reaction in the present, there is the need for the toning or tuning or coordinating through the manipulative forces, and the creating of a balance by the use of the Appliance. 18. (Q) Are the seeds in figs too rough for the intestines in this body? (A) Not too rough, if the figs are well ripened and WELL masticated - or plenty of the salivary gland activity with same. In other words, don't eat and wash them down with water! 19. (Q) Is my diet properly balanced? (A) This is very good. Follow those indications as we have outlined. 20. (Q) I am taking "Mucilose" for evacuation of the bowels - Is this harmful to my system? (A) This as we find is very good. 21. (Q) What would be the means of building this body up to a healthy normal condition? (A) To keep a normal balance or coordination throughout the system. It is in very good condition, if those precautions as indicated will be adhered to in the present. 22. (Q) What makes me feel so exhausted most of the time? (A) As indicated, a nervous condition. 23. (Q) Where may I have the prescription for the inhalant properly filled? (A) Anywhere where there's a good drug store! Or the body may obtain each of these ingredients and by using a dropper prepare it herself! This would possibly be the more SURE way. If the proper bottle is obtained , it would be well to prepare same itself. 24. (Q) Any to her suggestions? (A) Do these things, being precautious for the activities of the body that produce the proper eliminations, and we will bring the better forces for this body, [808]. We are through with this Reading. REPORTS OF READING 808-8 F 31 R1. 9/8/38 [808]'s ltr. to EC: Dear Dr. Cayce:

"Received my reading last week but wanted to get my first treatment before writing you. I think the reading very good and was quite pleased with it. [2784] is going to have my prescription for the hay fever filled by a druggist that he knows, but the druggist has been away so he is awaiting his return to have it filled. I had the special bottle made in one of our laboratories so will let you know how it works out. I'm hoping that a regular drug store will have the ingredients that is prescribed, but if not, I will have to seek another source and make it up myself.

"Well, anyway, I had my first adjustment treatment last night and I felt like a million dollars after. I slept last night like I haven't slept for weeks. I took my reading to Dr. Bolkhardt and he read it very carefully and gave my treatment


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


accordingly. The thing I like particularly about Dr. Bolkhardt is that he reads your instructions very carefully and tries to do exactly as you say, no more, no less. There were a few vertebrae in my back that he said were out of place and they were awfully sore, but they felt fine this morning. I think I will have the ten treatments as they do make me feel so good. I'm also taking the Atomidine as ordered. The reading said this should be taken father apart but stated to take one drop on Monday and Thursday of every week. Before the reading said to take it every 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th of each month. Maybe it means instead of taking it four days in succession to take the drops farther apart like two a week. Well, anyway, I'm taking it as the reading directs and also using the radio active. It says positive - Is mine positive?

"I'm trying to carry out your instructions to the letter so I know that I am bound to feel like a million dollars. When I get the next Check Reading I bet I will be 100% perfect, if there is such a specimen. However, if I would continue to feel as good as I do today, I would never complain.

"I will let you know how I make out with the prescription. Must go now but thanks a lot for my reading - It has helped me a lot already and I have had only the one treatment." Love to all, [808]

R2. 9/21/38 [808]'s ltr. to EC: Dear Dr. Cayce:

"Received your letter and have been intending to write you every day for a week. [2784] was able to obtain the inhalant and it certainly has relieved my hay fever. The peculiar part about it is that which I took the top off the bottle that it came in to smell it, it wasn't very strong and it didn't seem as though I was getting any of the fumes at all. I poured it into my special bottle (designed by you) and believe it or not, but the fumes were very perceptible. It made my head feel so clear and refreshing. That sounds like imagination and one would really almost have to try it to see the difference. Well, anyway, I use it morning and night as indicated and outside of a couple of normal sneezes and sniffles, I haven't been annoyed at all with hay fever."

R3. 10/31/38 [808]'s ltr. to EC: "I haven't been bicycle riding for several months now but have been getting in

my usual walks. My hay fever has disappeared entirely and although I still feel awfully exhausted at times and have difficulty sleeping, I think I'm much better than I was. Perhaps this excitement caused by building this house is responsible for most of it. I'm still taking my treatments from Dr. Bolkhardt as indicated although I have had eight [the number indicted in the reading] treatments. I think perhaps I will have one more and then quit. It is a good thing [2784] isn't of the same make up that I am because he has really had the whole responsibility of the house and has had to do an awful lot of running around taking care of things. However, I expect to be like that someday too. When you get finished with me I probably will have inexhaustible energy! How about that?"

R4. 12/12/38 See 808-9.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 934-2 F 24 Air: Drafts: Warnings Par. 18 : Sun Par. 17 Diet: Hay Fever Par. 14--16 Digestion: Indigestion: Acidity Par. 24-A Doctors Suggested: Crews, Gena Lowndes: D.O. Par. 25-A Electrotherapy: Vibrator: Spine: Subluxations Par. 25-A HAY FEVER : Preventive Par. 11—13 Headache: Spine: Subluxations Par. 27-A Inhalants: Alcohol, Grain: Hay Fever Par. 11--13 : Balsam, Canadian: Par. 11--13 : Benzoin, Compound Tincture of: Par. 11--13 : Creosote, Rectified: Par. 11--13 : Eucalyptus, Oil of: Par. 11--13 : Tolu in Solution: Par. 11--13 : Turp, Rectified Oil of: Par. 11--13 Osteopathy: Spine: Subluxations Par. 8--10, 22-A Pregnancy: Miscarriages: After Effects Par. 7 Psychosomatics: Hay Fever Par. 19 SPINE: SUBLUXATIONS Vertigo: Circulation: Incoordination Par. 23-A BACKGROUND OF READING 934-2 F 24 7/11/35 She submitted questions, the main concern being severe attacks of hay fever. TEXT OF READING 934-2 F 24 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 11th day of July, 1935, in accordance with request made by the self - through Active Membership of her husband, Mr. [391], in the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


P R E S E N T Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mrs. [934].

R E A D I N G Time of Reading 10: 50 to 11: 10 A.M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., VA (Physical Suggestion) 1. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [934], present in this room. 2. Now, as we find, the physical forces of the body are such that rather would there be the warnings as respecting tendencies in the physical functionings of the body; in order that these may be corrected in the present and thus prevent a great deal of distress or disorder later on. 3. These, as we find, arise from specific conditions that exist; which arise from pressures that produce the tendencies for lack of proper distribution of that assimilated. 4. Hence under the existent conditions that have been produced by these tendencies, it is necessary that there be created the proper balance in the body as related to the manner of assimilation - and as to what IS assimilated. 5. Then, these are the conditions as we find them with this body, [934] we are speaking of, present in this room: 6. The BLOOD SUPPLY we find very good in many respects, yet there are tendencies for those subluxations that exist to produce disturbances in the vegetative or sympathetic nervous system; which with the continuation must eventually bring disarrangement or disorder to the office of the organs that are being impaired by such tendencies. 7. These indications, then, are of a peculiar or DEFINITE condition in the NERVE PRESSURE as produced in specific centers; that is, in the 1st and 2nd dorsal and almost throughout the entire portion of the cervical area, with a REFLEX action from a condition that has existed for some time in the pelvic organs as to make for such tendencies in the system. [She told us she had suffered a miscarriage in 1/35.] 8. The pressures in the upper dorsals make for the disturbed circulatory force through the throat, the head, and the tendency for the inflammation of the mucous membranes of same - including, of course, the sinus, antrum, and all the soft tissue about the head. If these effects are continued, from the same character of pressure, eventually the sensory forces must be effected as related to the organs of the hearing, or the eyes, as well as the organs in the digestive area. 9. Hence we find that those corrections necessary should be made in the upper dorsal and cervical area, in specific adjustments. And these would preferably be made over a long period but in a CONSISTENT manner; not too often in the specific treatments. That is, we would have the treatments once or twice a week for the first three to four weeks; then once a week covering a period of two to three months would be the more preferable manner, in order for these to react PROPERLY in the system. 10. The specific centers to be relieved are the 1st, 2nd and 3rd dorsal, and - as indicated - throughout the CERVICAL area; and with once or twice or three times (dependent upon the activity) a coordinating of the 4th LUMBAR center WITH the


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


brachial and the hypogastric and pneumogastric plexus through the cervical areas. 11. We would also find it most beneficial for the irritations as produced in the mucous membranes to use a compound as an inhalant; and for this body, for this special irritation in the nasal and throat passages, it would be prepared in this way and manner: 12. To 4 ounces of pure GRAIN alcohol, add:

Oil of Eucalyptus.....................20 minims, Compound Tincture of Benzoin..........15 minims, Rectified Oil of Turp..................5 minims, Canadian Balsam........................3 minims, Rectified Creosote.....................5 minims, Tolu in solution - or Tincture of.....40 minims.

This would preferably be kept in a glass-corked container at least twice the size of the quantity; or a six to eight ounce container, see? Shake this together ONLY when to be inhaled. Shake and then inhale the FUMES only deep into the nostrils and into the throat; deep into the trachea and the bronchial tubes, as you would inhale smoke. Keep the solution corked except when inhaling same, and especially when shaking same up, see? The vacuum or the space ABOVE the solution in the container is to RETAIN the fumes that form by the activity of these properties one upon the other, and hence it is preferable to have a glass-corked container. 13. Use this whenever there is the tendency for the sniffing, or those early periods of the morning, or between ten-thirty and three when there is more than the ordinary irritation, and just before retiring. Inhale THROUGH the nostril and INTO the throat and lungs. These properties are only antiseptics, but they tend to create through the sympathetic system an effectual PREVENTATIVE for this irritation. 14. As to the matter of diet and exercise of the body, as related to the general conditions that exist in reference to those tendencies created in the digestive system and in the area of the caecum and through the activities of the lacteal ducts and the gall duct area: 15. Keep more of an alkalin-reacting diet. Not too much of meats of any nature. Use more of the vegetables and fruits and nuts. Or nuts may be included in cereals, provided they are cereals that make for the building not only of bulk but that carry the necessary elements, salts and vitamins from the activity of same; such as wheat, rice (preferably the uncut or unpolished rice), crushed or cracked or rolled wheat, rolled oats, and all such. 16. Let the greater portion of one meal each day, or almost the entire meal, consist of raw vegetables. 17. Let there be not too much activity in the middle of the day, or of the sunshine. The early mornings and the late afternoons are the more preferable times. For the sun during the period between eleven or eleven-thirty and two o'clock carries too GREAT a quantity of the actinic rays that make for destructive forces to the superficial circulation - which is disturbed by those activities of the system in the present. [See 934-2, Par. R3.]


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


18. Be mindful that there is not too great a draft at any time upon the body. 19. As for those things that make for the irritation to the mucous membranes of the throat, or the cold, or the tendency for the sniffing by the body as indicated at times; these arise more from the pressures upon the cervical and upper dorsal areas than from pollen. For the body may experience that even by the talking of such conditions it will affect the body just as quickly as would the smelling of any of the pollens. Hence it is a SYMPATHETIC reaction from a pressure that affects the vegetative nerve system. [See 934-13, Par. 9-A on 6/30/42.] 20. Do that. 21. Ready for questions. 22. (Q) What causes my back to ache at the base of my spine; also my ankles and arches? (A) As indicated, those pressures in the lumbar area where the sympathetic forces to the locomotories make for a disturbing in the circulation. We would remove those pressures as indicated, which are more in the UPPER portion; yet, as indicated, should be corrected in the lumbar and sacral areas for the coordinating of same WITH that released by the activity of the correction in the upper portion. 23. (Q) Why do I get dizzy spells? (A) The circulatory forces disturbed; hence making for a flushing of the blood to various portions of the body. 24. (Q) What causes the sieges of indigestion? (A) Super-acidity; through the activity of the ducts that secrete those fluids for the digested forces, that may be corrected through not only the spinal treatments to make a change or variation in the flow through the sympathetic nervous forces to the blood supply but through the diet itself. Do those things as indicated and we will find these will disappear. 25. (Q) Would Dr. Gena Crews of Virginia Beach be the right one to give the treatments? (A) She would be especially good, in that she would give or include the pulmonary activity for the lung forces; which she has, and not many have! 26. (Q) Are these ailments partly responsible for my being irritable and impatient at times? (A) Almost wholly. 27. (Q) Are these illnesses responsible for my headaches? (A) They are. Do these things. Make these specific corrective treatments as indicated, using the diet outlined - and the inhalant for the cleansing of the head, and we will find we will bring the corrections; not only a great deal of PREVENTION for disorders but RELIEF and correction of these disturbances. 28. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 934-2 F 24 R1. 9/11/35 See 998-1 for her mother. R2. 11/22/35 See 934-3, one month pregnant.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 1771-1 F 21 Anemia: Tendencies Par. 33-A Breathing: Shortness: Hay Fever Par. 34-A Chiropractic: Osteopathy Par. 23 Cold: Congestion: Hay Fever Par. 6 Diet: Acidity & Alkalinity: Hay Fever Par. 25 : Citrus & Cereal Par. 25 Doctors Suggested: Dobbins, Frank P.: D.O. Par. 36-A Exercise: Hay Fever Par. 25 Eyes: Glasses: Unnecessary Par. 31-A Feet: Exercise Par. 25, 32-A HAY FEVER Inhalants: Alcohol, Grain: Hay Fever Par. 24, 35-A : Balsam, Canadian: Par. 24, 35-A : Benzoin, Compound Tincture Of: Par. 24, 35-A : Eucalyptus, Oil Of: Par. 24, 35-A : Tolu In Solution: Par. 24, 35-A : Turp, Rectified Oil Of: Par. 24, 35-A Osteopathy: Hay Fever Par. 23, 35-A : Teeth Par. 29-A, 30-A Physiology & Anatomy: Hay Fever Par. 6—23 Prophecy: Prognosis: Hay Fever Par. 23 Psychosomatics: Hay Fever Par. 11, 12, 17, 37-A Spine: Subluxations: Hay Fever Par. 4 Work: E.C.: Quotations & Similes: "Good For Something" Par. 37-A XERODERMA


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


BACKGROUND OF READING 1771-1 F 21 None. TEXT OF READING 1771-1 F 21 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 28th day of December, 1938, in accordance with request made by the self - Miss [1771], new Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc., recommended and sponsored by her aunt, Mrs. [1770].

P R E S E N T Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. [1771] and [1770]. R E A D I N G Time of Reading ... Ave., 4: 00 to 4: 30 P.M. Eastern Standard Time. Long Island, N.Y. 1. GC: You will go over this body carefully, examine it thoroughly, and tell me the conditions you find at the present time; giving the cause of the existing conditions, also suggestions for help and relief of this body. You will answer the questions she submits, as I ask them: 2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [1771]. 3. Now as we find, the suggestions for corrective forces would be rather in the direction of preventative or protective suggestions, for inclinations and weaknesses which exist physically and suggestively in the forces and influences of the body. 4. These as we find primarily - where corrections are needed - arise from a subluxation which exists in the cerebrospinal system; and the effects of these to the system tend to produce those conditions which at times give the greater distress to the body. 5. These then are the conditions as we find them with this body, [1771], we are speaking of, present in this room: 6. In the blood supply we find there are the inclinations for an acidity. In the PRESENT it arises more from congestion or cold, but there are also those conditions in the lower portion of the cervical and upper dorsal where the subluxations cause to the throat, the bronchi and to the soft tissue of the nasal passages and face those conditions where the weaknesses there cause the tendencies for inflammatory forces at seasons, or at those periods when there is congestion in the system. 7. These are indicated in the manner in which the blood supply eliminates these through the eliminating systems; as to cause or produce at times a dryness to the skin, over portions of the body. This is from the attempt of the lymph to supply the necessary influences for drainages; yet calling on or drawing from the system in this manner produces a flow of lymph in throat and in the nasal passage. 8. In this manner we find the disturbance becomes then a superficial one, and disturbs the activities of elimination. 9. The eliminations through the perspiratory system become disturbed. Hence we have a clogged condition for the respiratory system. And unless the alimentary canal or the urinary canal is kept free, these produce the excess acid forces in the body.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


10. With the excess acid we have then a congestion in the liver. For this entering or carrying the greater quantity of the blood stream for purification by the activity of the chemical forces of the body, becomes irritated, - or the lack of the proper elimination through alimentary canal, or the respiratory system - through the purifying of same by the oxidization of the breath - tends to make the body have a feeling of a tickling in the bronchi and larynx, owing to the repression in the subluxation through the upper dorsal and lower cervical areas. 11. In the nervous system, - here we find one that might be said to be well balanced in its nerve system; that is, the cerebrospinal, - exceedingly active in the abilities in its selectiveness of what would be considered reactions to the nerve forces of the body. Yet owing to the pressures upon the superficial circulation, as has been indicated at times, the body becomes irritated, - at itself more than with others, at those repressions which arise from these conditions. 12. These are then, as we have indicated, the manners in which the body, seeking to justify itself through suggestive forces, makes those suggestions as to the causes of same. 13. Remove the repressions in the cerebro-spinal system, that relate to the activity of the superficial and the sympathetic or vegetative nerve system, and we will remove a great deal of the cause of the disturbances. 14. In the functioning of organs themselves, - here we find, as indicated, - the brain forces are very selective, or a reaction that is good. 15. The organs of the sensory system, as related to eyes, ears, nose, or the organs of the senses, these - save as they are affected by the conditions which cause irritations at times - are good. 16. The throat, bronchi, lungs and larynx, - as indicated, owing to conditions which existed and do exist in the upper dorsal and the lower cervicals, we find disturbance through these areas. 17. This is functional, not organic; not necessarily hereditary, save by suggestion, but it's a very good way to produce a condition that may become as a static force or influence in the body. 18. In the actions of the heart, - these are steady and well. 19. The digestion is very well, except when there is the tendency for the mucous membranes to be inflamed and the natural inclination for the superacidity; though it is rather in that position that the appetites vary a great deal. 20. Hence we have at times a NERVOUS indigestion. This is from the conditions that are sympathetic in the system from the disturbance as indicated to liver and digestive forces as related to eliminations. 21. Through the activity of the liver and spleen and pancreas, and the gall duct in its activity as related to fats, - all of these as we find, save as indicated that are sympathetic, are very good in the present. Owing to the present congestion, some inflammation is indicated - as congestion only. 22. Through the activities of the jejunum, colon, the alimentary canal, the organs of the pelvis and the activity of these, - these we find in SYMPATHETIC reaction to all of the disturbances.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


23. Then, we would remove the repressions or subluxations that cause repressions to nerve impulses; through osteopathic adjustments, NOT chiropractic; for they need to be coordinated with the lumbar, sacral and coccyx area; as well as the vegetative center. And hence should be done in a manner as to make the coordinating of the whole of the cerebrospinal system; from the subluxations which exist in the upper dorsals and lower cervicals. This should require not more than ten such adjustments. 24. Keep on hand a compound to use as an inhalant for throat and nasal passages. This will keep away cold, or the inclinations for recurrent conditions of the inflammation through the mucous membranes of the nasal passages; and will tend to clear the conditions AS there is the release of those subluxations so as to clear the system by the renewed circulation. Prepare same in this manner; in a six ounce container, preferably a large mouthed DARK bottle, the cork to which should have two vents, preferably these of glass, that may be easily corked, but not too large. Neither of these vents would extend into the solution, but into the space above the solution. In the bottle put, IN THE ORDER NAMED:

Pure Grain Alcohol..................4 ounces, Oil of Eucalyptus..................20 minims, Compound Tincture of Benzoin.......15 minims, Rectified Oil of Turp...............5 minims, Canadian Balsam.....................3 minims, Tolu in Solution...................20 minims.

This is to be kept where it will be out of strong light, but when ready to use, shake together, remove both of the small corks, and inhale the fumes in each side of the nostril and into the throat. Shake each time it is to be inhaled; not to be sprayed, not to be taken or used in any manner save as INHALING the fumes, so that these act upon the mucous membranes of throat and nasal passages. 25. In the matter of diet and activities of the body, here we find, for this particular body, that definite exercises would be most beneficial; those of an evening, just before retiring, should be the circular motion of the muscles below the diaphragm, or from the waistline down; while those of a morning upon arising should be of the upper portion of the body. And a most excellent exercise for this body would be to stand where there is plenty of fresh air, though not too great a draft, - for there should be very few clothes when taking this exercise, - and rise gently on the toes. As the body rises, stretch arms GENTLY, not swiftly, high above the head, bringing hands together in front of self, then back as far as possible; standing on the toes when doing this. This to be repeated then down on the heel, then gradually rise, - about three times, see? This will make for the strengthening of the structural portions and ESPECIALLY of the diaphragm AND the tendency for the pressure which has existed for some time in the area indicated to become again out of alignment. 26. As to the diet, - keep at least an eighty percent alkalin-producing diet to a twenty-percent acid-producing. Do not take citrus fruits AND cereals the same day; but take plenty of orange juice on the days this is taken. This if it is mixed with a little lemon juice is much preferable, and better acting upon the system.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Not too much of the rich combinations such as sauces or the like. The plain foods are much preferable for the body; or, as would be expressed in some sections, plenty of corn and hominy would be well for the body - if it is prepared properly. 27. Do these and as we find we will correct those disturbances which tend to make for weaknesses that might later develop into conditions that would be very detrimental. 28. Ready for questions. 29. (Q) Should I have my other two wisdom teeth removed? (A) This will be very well. But we would have some of these corrections made osteopathically before we had them removed; at least two or three, and we will find not quite so much trouble in the removal. 30. (Q) Will that correct my bite, or should I wear braces again? (A) This should correct the bite. See, we should make some corrections here in the cervical and the dorsal, especially to the vagus center which extends along to those portions of the thorax; that would make for quite a helpful condition in this direction. 31. (Q) Should I wear glasses for close work? (A) This as we find would not be necessary if these corrections are made, and ESPECIALLY if that type of exercise as we have indicated is CONSISTENTLY attended to. 32. (Q) Would this treatment in turn correct my feet, which are too highly arched? (A) As just indicated, there is the need that there be the coordination of those conditions in the lumbar, sacral and coccyx; WITH the subluxations removed in the upper dorsal and the cervical. And then WITH the stretching of the limbs and structural portions, there will be brought a normal balance especially in the bursa which bring the correct balance to the arches of the feet. 33. (Q) Do I have anemic tendencies? (A) This might GROW into same. In the present, no. The tendency might easily be said to be there, owing to the very nature of the lymph disturbance in the throat and bronchi and the nasal passages. But with the removal of the causes of same, this should NOT be a part of the condition. 34. (Q) What is condition of heart (which affects breathing)? (A) It isn't the condition of the heart that affects the breathing; it is that condition of the impulse from the cerebrospinal nerve plexus to the bronchi, and the affecting of the breathing causes the pulsations or quick impulse to the heart. See, this comes to more of the bronchi from the 1st and 2nd dorsal, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th cervical. 35. (Q) Will this inhalant prevent hay fever throughout spring and summer? (A) Make the corrections, and we will find this will prevent not only colds but those inclinations which have existed in that direction. 36. (Q) Where would you suggest I go for osteopathic treatments? (A) Dobbins. 37. (Q) Any other advice for the body at this time? (A) In keeping the body-physical in accord, let the mental attitude ever be in that of constructive influences and forces. Not only have a body-beautiful for the perfecting of health but for that of being good FOR something.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Make all associations, all contacts BETTER for self having been among others. This will not only make for that attitude of hopefulness, creativeness more beautiful, but make the lives of others more joyous, more hopeful also. 38. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 1771-1 F 21 R1. 12/29/38 See 1771-2, a Life Reading. R2. 3/2/39 report by Dr. Dobbins: "Technical diagnosis would be Hay Fever - Xeroderma. Yes, the reading described her condition; in my opinion the suggestions for treatment were proper. For 1 month patient has been under my care; it is too early to tell about results with Hay Fever. The skin condition has not improved as yet." R3. 6/1/39 Aunt [1770]'s letter: "[1771] thought her Hay Fever was a thing of the past but a day out in the country under a blossoming tree proved it to be otherwise." R4. 6/22/39 Letter: "I was disappointed that my Hay Fever came back to me again this year and with such severity. Here come the questions...My Hay Fever hasn't bothered me as much since being in ..., Mass. It is always worse from the time I get up until about noon, when it peters out and doesn't bother me again until next day." R5. 6/26/39 See 1771-3, her second Physical Reading.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 1771-3 F 21 Catarrh Par. 22-A Diet: Beverages: Milk Par. 18-A : Environment Par. 13 : Hay Fever Par. 13 Doctors: Dobbins, Frank P.: D.O. Par. 3 Exercise: Feet: Arches Par. 21-A Feet: Arches Par. 21-A : Callouses Par. 15 HAY FEVER: CURED Inhalants: Alcohol, Grain: Hay Fever Par. 9 : Benzoin, Compound Tincture Of: Par. 9 : Bottle: Colored Par. 8 : Creosote, Clarified: Hay Fever Par. 9 : Eucalyptus, Oil Of: Par. 9 : Tolu In Solution: Par. 9 : Turp, Rectified Oil Of: Par. 9 Osteopathy: Hay Fever Par. 6, 10, 19-A Physiotherapy: Massage: Myrrh: Feet: Callouses Par. 15 : Oils, Olive: Par. 15 Skin: Pimples Par. 23-A Spine: Subluxations: Hay Fever Par. 4 Teeth Par. 24-A Xeroderma: Cured Reports BACKGROUND OF READING 1771-3 F 21 None. TEXT OF READING 1771-3 F 21 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 26th day of June, 1939, in accordance with request made by the self - Miss [1771], Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


P R E S E N T Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.

R E A D I N G Time of Reading ... St., 3: 55 to 4: 05 P.M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Mass. 1. GC: You will give the physical condition of this body at the present time, with suggestions for further corrective measures; answering the questions she has submitted, as I ask them: 2. EC: Yes. 3. As we find, many conditions are very good; and there have been some helpful experiences with those corrections that have been made. 4. However, those interferences in the subluxations that have existed, exist again in the upper dorsal and through the cervical area. This has allowed for a period of return of the inflammation through the mucous membranes of the nose, as the body has become subject or allergic to certain odors or conditions. 5. The general condition, as we find, though, has changed somewhat. 6. But we would have the corrections again osteopathically in the areas indicated. It is not necessary for a great number, and not too close together; once a week should be sufficient, making SPECIFIC adjustments. 7. In the present, and in the present environs, we would prepare and use another inhalant, in this strength or combination: 8. Put this combination of ingredients in a 6 to 8 ounce bottle (colored; brown or blue bottle), with sufficiently large rubber or cork top to have 2 vents or inlets (with small glass tubes) into the vacuum or space above the solution. Keep these openings tightly corked, except when ready to use. 9. To 4 ounces of Pure Grain Alcohol (at least 90% proof), add - in the order named:

Oil of Eucalyptus.....................20 minims, Compound Tincture of Benzoin..........15 minims, Rectified Oil of Turp..................5 minims, Clarified Creosote.....................3 minims, Tolu in Solution......................30 minims.

When ready to use, shake the solution well, then remove both small corks from the vents or openings, and inhale the fumes - not the solution but the fumes from the solution, into the nostril; also once or twice into the throat. 10. This as we find will tend to clarify this irritation, and - combined with the osteopathic corrections - remove the disturbances there. 11. Beware of sweets in the diet. Have fruits and vegetables preferably as the main portion of the diet. Not too much of those things that are of the starchy nature. 12. Keep the eliminations well. 13. Use fruits, nuts, berries of all natures or characters that are grown in the environ of the body, especially. 14. Do these and we will bring the better forces and influences for the body.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


15. Where there are irritations in portions of the feet, or in the ball of the foot, we would massage same with an equal combination of Olive Oil and Tincture of Myrrh each evening when ready to retire. Heat the oil to add the myrrh. Massage this thoroughly into the soles of the feet and ESPECIALLY in that area where there is the callous condition. Of morning before putting on the hose, do the same thing; rest only a few minutes after rubbing same into the body and then put on the hose, see? 16. Do these and we may bring the better conditions for this body. 17. Ready for questions. 18. (Q) Should I refrain from drinking milk? (A) Do not drink raw milk. Not necessary to refrain from other milk, if it is desired to be taken. Malted milks, especially, are very well, if properly prepared. 19. (Q) What is condition of back? Why does it ache from standing a long time? (A) As just indicated, there have been some mis-adjustments. Hence we would have those corrections along this line, especially in the areas indicated, and also in the lumbar and sacral axis. 20. (Q) What will correct the metatarsal arch? (A) The corrections in the way as has been indicated. 21. (Q) Would you recommend special foot exercise? (A) It would be well if there would be this exercise night and morning; night before retiring - but after the massage as indicated, see; and of morning just before putting on the hose - after the massage has been given: Stand erect (without anything on the feet, of course). Then raise the arms, gently, slowly, over the head, - directly over the head. Then gradually rise on the toes. Then, as the body relaxes or lowers itself, lower the hands also, the hands extending in front of the body. Then rock back upon the heels, with the hands extended sufficiently to strain or to exercise the bursa of the heel, or those portions of the heel AND the arch, you see, to aid in strengthening. Doing this, together WITH the massage of the properties indicated through heel and arch, and especially over the frontal portions of the foot, we will bring better conditions for same. 22. (Q) What causes the excessive mucous condition of the system? (A) Lack of the proper eliminations. But if there will be the character of diet as well as the exercises and corrections indicated, this should be corrected. 23. (Q) Can anything be done for pimples and breaking out of the skin? (A) The exercise and the diets are better than lotions or applications, see? 24. (Q) Do the wisdom teeth still need to be removed? (A) They still need some local attention. If there is the indication (as may be found) that one or more need extraction, be well to attend to same. 25. (Q) Is circulation of both systems normal now? (A) Not normal, or else we would not have those disturbances in the superficial circulation or in the extremities. Do as we have indicated for this body. 26. We are through with this Reading.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


REPORTS OF READING 1771-3 F 21 R1. 7/8/39 Letter: "I am happy to report that there is an improvement since I have been using the new inhalant... I have kept the old inhalant, as it is still strong, and it was suggested that the new one be used in these environs. Would you interpret that to mean I should return to the old inhalant [in 1771-1] when in New York?

"At present my nose and sneezing doesn't bother me so much but my eyes are still quite irritated at times. I hope this will gradually clear up.

"I shall resume treatment with Dr. Dobbins when we are in Nev York but at present can do nothing. Is there any doctor in Boston or Brockton that you know of who would give me the treatments as specified?

"I am also using the olive oil and myrrh massage and doing the exercise. That I do three times night and morning. Do you think that is sufficient? With massaging, inhaling and exercising, in addition to my regular nightly ablutions, I shall never get to bed and Auntie [1770] thinks it takes me much too long already to get ready for bed...

"The condition of my skin and excessive dryness has, I think, been taken care of so that it is now normal, and my back is so greatly improved. I am continuing the exercises as suggested in the first reading [1771-1]." R2. 8/12/39 Aunt [1770]'s letter: "[1771] got immediate relief from the new inhalant; says she's hardly had a sniffle since taking it, and it's wonderful! She looks radiantly happy." R3. 7/12/46 (While visiting again in Mass. after several years absence) she ordered a refill of the inhalant in 1771-3, from Meredith Drug Co. in VA Beach, so that if she did have an occurrence of the Hay Fever while there she would have the same inhalant handy." R4. 7/21/51 Report in answer to questionnaire: "I had Hay Fever, seasonal from childhood, spring to frost, in varying degrees of severity - running eyes as a child but doctor said not bad enough to put me through all tests - not gasping for breath as in asthma, etc., so we didn't do anything.

"The inhalant in the reading gave immediate relief [1771-1 and 1771-3]. I didn't use braces again [1771-1, Par. 30-A re correcting bite.] - hadn't used them for 7-8 years when I obtained the reading and asked the question. I wore glasses for close work occasionally, but haven't used them now for years - not the slightest need for them. I did the foot exercises - high arches had caused callouses from standing, etc. I did the exercises, took treatments, etc., haven't had any more trouble, callouses disappeared.

"Seasons go by without noticing the Hay Fever, then once in a while a slight touch of it - especially bad while visiting a few years ago in Denmark during haying season; I did not have the inhalant with me. It always gives relief, so since then I always have it on hand."


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation



Allergies: Tendencies Par. 11-A



Ears: Deafness: Tendencies Par. Background, 10-A Electrotherapy: Vibrator Par. 12-A : Violet Ray: Cataracts Par. 5, 6, 10-A--12-A

Hay Fever: Tendencies Par. 11-A

Healing: Spiritual Par. 7, 13-A


Meditation: Visualization Par. 7, 13-A

Osteopathy: Lesions Par. 4, 10-A

Prescriptions: Adiron: Body-Building Par. 5, 11-A

Psychosomatics: Healing Par. 13-A

Rest: Cataracts Par. 7

BACKGROUND OF READING 1861-9 M 35 7/23/41 Comment when coming to be present for the reading: "My ear feels as if it is clogged - it is impossible to hear at times." TEXT OF READING 1861-9 M 35 This psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 23rd day of July, 1941, in accordance with request made by the self - Mr. [1861], Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.

P R E S E N T Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mr. [1861] and Mrs. [2072]. R E A D I N G Time of Reading 10: 35 to 10: 50 A.M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., VA 1. GC: You will give the physical condition of this body at the present time, with suggestions for further corrective measures; answering the questions, as I ask them: 2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [1861]. 3. As we find, there are bettered conditions in the general physical forces of the body than when we last had same here. While there is not so much change in the specific reactions from the sensory forces, we find that the general physical health improved is gradually aiding also in the vision.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


4. There needs to be kept the activities of the adjustments. We would make these at least twice each month, if this is practical. We find that this should aid in creating a better influence through the body. 5. With the violet ray vibrations we would add elements or chemical forces as a tonic, - in the form of ADIRON, in a mild form but taken consistently for at least a period of six to ten weeks. But only take one tablet a day for five days out of each week - five successive days, you see, and not skipped; five days out of each week for some eight to ten weeks. 6. The violet ray to the eye we would take not longer than a minute, using the double eye applicator. The bulb applicator we would use for a minute or minute and a half, from the area of the 4th dorsal to the base of the brain, and around the side of head and neck. 7. Then keep up the rest, - the regular exercise, walking AND resting, AND the spiritual meditations. Use these regularly. Have a set period for same. SEE the activities that are being created by the applications, as to how - from the vital forces of the body itself - there is being supplied those energies for purposeful influence in the vision. 8. Do that. 9. Ready for questions. 10. (Q) What can be done for ear trouble? (A) The treatments more regularly; that is, the osteopathic adjustments in the neck and in the upper dorsal, you see, and the violet ray around the neck and back portion of head. 11. (Q) What can be done for occasional attacks of hay fever? (A) Most of this comes from the conditions in which allergic reactions are attained by the poor assimilation, and not the proper distribution through the areas from the upper dorsal and cervical to the nasal passages. Hence the better stimulation through those areas as indicated with the violet ray, and the addition to the body of those assimilated properties as indicated in the Adiron, should eliminate the causes and bring the bettered conditions for the body. 12. (Q) Should vibrator treatments be kept? (A) Keep the vibrator treatments especially, though, for the area from the lower portion of spine to that area where the violet ray begins. Not that it is not to be given over the upper area, but more or deeper should the vibrator be given below that area where the violet ray is used. 13. (Q) Any other advice? (A) Keep that same helpful and hopeful mental attitude towards the using of the vision, and the mental and spiritual self, for helpfulness to others. 14. We are through with this reading.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 2090-2 F 39 Attitudes & Emotions: Constructiveness Par. 19-A Diet: Hay Fever Par. 11, 12 Exercise: Air Par. 17-A : Bicycle Riding Par. 17-A : Walking Par. 17-A Forces: Creative Par. 19-A HAY FEVER: CURED Individuality & Personality Par. 19-A Inhalants: Alcohol, Grain: Hay Fever Par. 8, 9, 15-A : Benzoin, Compound Tincture Of: Par. 8, 9, 15-A : Eucalyptus, Oil Of: Par. 8, 9, 15-A : Tolu In Solution: Par. 8, 9, 15-A : Turp, Rectified Oil Of: Par. 8, 9, 15-A LESIONS Obesity: General Par. 16-A Osteopathy: Lesions Par. 7, 10 Underweight: General Par. 16-A BACKGROUND OF READING 2090-2 F 39 B1. 2/10/40 She obtained a Life Reading - See 2090-1. TEXT OF READING 2090-2 F 39 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the home of David E. Kahn, 20 Woods Lane, Scarsdale, N.Y., this 30th day of November, 1940, in accordance with request made by the self - Mrs. [2090], through Mr. [437], Active Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.

P R E S E N T Edgar Cayce; Hugh Lynn Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mr. [437] and Mr. [257].

R E A D I N G Time of Reading 11: 05 to 11: 20 A.M. Eastern Standard Time. New York City.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


1. HLC: You will give the physical condition of this body at the present time, with suggestions for corrective measures; going over the body carefully, examining it thoroughly, answering the questions, as I ask them: 2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [2090]; this we have had before. 3. As we find, most of the changes have been toward helpfulness for the body. 4. There ARE specific conditions, we find, causing those conditions that become aggravating, though, at times. 5. These we find in the present: 6. In the area between the 2nd and 3rd dorsal there is a lesion, upon the left area here, that produces deflection in the circulation of the lymph to the mucous membranes of throat and head, nasal passages. This deflection causes the irritations and the overflow of the lymph. This in return at times causes through the membranes of throat that irritation, and through the digestive system at times an upsetting of the activities there; that causes anxieties and irritation. 7. WE would, in the present, first give that there be had some three to six specific osteopathic adjustments in this area; coordinating the upper cervicals with the adjustments. 8. Then, - as an antiseptic, which will allay the condition, as well as relieve the tensions (when the osteopathic corrections are made) that produce irritation in the nasal passages and throat, - we would prepare a compound from which there would be inhaled the fumes. Have this prepared in a container - an eight ounce container - in which two vents may be put in the cork of the container, neither of which should extend into the solution. 9. To 4 ounces of pure Grain Alcohol (at least 90% to 100% proof), add - IN THE ORDER NAMED:

Oil of Eucalyptus..............20 minims, Rectified Oil of Turp...........5 minims, Compound Tincture of Benzoin...20 minims, Tolu in Solution...............15 minims.

Keep the vents closed or tightly corked except when in use. Then, shaking the solution well, remove both small corks and inhale through the longer vent, first through one side of the nasal passage, then the other; also into the throat and lungs, - inhaling the fumes that arise from the solution being shaken, you see; shaking the solution each time before using. It is not to be used as a spray, you see, but only as an inhalant; inhaling the fumes that rise through this evaporation. 10. These as we find, with the osteopathic corrections indicated, will bring the bettered conditions for this body. 11. As to the matters of the diet, - the body should refrain from pastries or from much of sweets. Rather have at least one whole meal each day of raw, fresh vegetables; or else some of these at two meals each day; such as: carrots, celery, lettuce and the like. Have more of a vegetable diet, with vegetables well cooked, of all natures, and the raw salads. These we would keep as the principal diet until there is at least relief from this pressure and irritation. 12. To be sure, this does not mean that the body is to eat ONLY these; but in general let these be considered mostly in the diet for the next two or three weeks, particularly.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


13. Doing these, we will find we will bring the better conditions for this body. 14. Ready for questions. 15. (Q) Is the preparation which I hold in my hand [given for Mr. [257]] the proper mixture for the inhalant as recommended for the body? (A) This is proper for the conditions for which it was recommended, but for THIS body, [2090], it is not in the proportions nor prepared in the ORDER to fit these specific conditions. DO as we have indicated here, for the better conditions of this body. 16. (Q) What is the best weight for the body? (A) When there is the better health (for EACH body, and this body), the weight should be the NATURAL development and not the attempts - unless for specific reasons - to maintain this or that weight, see? 17. (Q) What type of exercise is best for the body? (A) Walking is the best exercise. Bicycling, - either stationary or in the open, - is well. These are the better types of exercise. The open air activity is better. 18. (Q) In what way can this mental body function to carry out the plans she has for helping Mr. [437] in The American Way? (A) As we find, the plans that have been and are being developed - through the varied associations and connections, as well as the abilities of the entity in the suggestions as to contacts and also script - are the better means, through the MENTAL forces, of helping in such an undertaking. 19. (Q) Is there any other guidance or advice for the body at this time? (A) Keep the mental attitude ever in that way of being constructive or creative. Rather than the personality, manifest more the INDIVIDUALITY in every way. 20. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 2090-2 F 39 R1. Remarks [after 2090-2]: Absolutely correct. Has sneezing spells every day and symptoms something like hay fever. Also digestion gets upset. R2. See subsequent interim correspondence under 2090-1 Reports. R3. 2/1/41 Mr. [437]'s wire: "Can you arrange health reading for Mr. [2442]... This request comes from Mrs. [2090] who has wired me that as a result of her reading she has been cured of her hay fever or whatever it was that was ailing her. R4. 2/16/41 [2090]'s letter to EC: ... Fifth Avenue Dear Mr. Cayce: This letter is from the former [...]. I am now Mrs. [...] of New York. Your cure is perfect! I took your advice and followed your treatments and low and behold, I no longer sneeze. Enclosed you will find a check - I hope this covers Mr. [2442] and myself. Thanks a million.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 2384-1 M 38 Chiropractic: Not Recommended Par. 10 Diet: Hay Fever Par. 15 HAY FEVER HYPERTENSION: TENDENCIES Inhalants: Alcohol, Grain: Hay Fever Par. 13, 14 : Balsam, Canadian: Par. 13, 14 : Benzoin, Compound Tincture Of: Par. 13, 14 : Eucalyptus, Oil Of: Par. 13, 14 : Tolu In Solution: Par. 13, 14 : Turp, Rectified Oil Of: Par. 13, 14 Intestines: Colonics: Hypertension Par. 12, 18-A Nervous Systems: Incoordination Par. 5, 7 Osteopathy: Spine: Subluxations Par. 10, 11, 18-A, 19-A SPINE: SUBLUXATIONS Work: E.C.: Readings: Physical: Not Followed Par. R2

BACKGROUND OF READING 2384-1 M 38 B1. Told us there was just one thing he wanted to know; how to get rid of his hay fever of several years standing. Nothing has ever seemed to help except change of climate. TEXT OF READING 2384-1 M 38 This Psychic reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 19th day of October, 1940, in accordance with request made by the self - Mr. [2384], new Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc., recommended by Mrs. [845].

P R E S E N T Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Mr. [2384] and Mrs. [845].

R E A D I N G Time of Reading 3: 50 to 4: 10 P.M. Eastern Standard Time. ..., Virginia. 1. GC: You will go over this body carefully, examine it thoroughly, and tell me the conditions you find at the present time; giving the cause of the existing conditions, also suggestions for help and relief of this body. You will answer the questions, as I ask them:


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [2384]. 3. As we find, conditions are very good throughout the general physical forces of the body. There are tendencies and inclinations, however, that may be corrected in the present and thus prevent greater disturbances later on, as well as the specific disorders which make for disturbances in portions of the body. 4. These, then, are the conditions as we find them with this body, [2384] we are speaking of, present in this room: 5. First, in the blood supply, - here we find the pressure NEAR to normal, but varying at times. This should be corrected in the present. Also we find indications in the blood stream of the body's being allergic to conditions that cause inflammation to the mucous membranes of the nasal passages and to the trachea and bronchi; that arise from specific disturbances as related to the pathological conditions in the coordination between sympathetic and cerebrospinal system. 6. These combined, as we find, make for the disturbing conditions with this body. 7. In relationship to the blood pressure, this is that activity between the circulation of the heart, the liver and the kidneys; which is a sympathetic condition, to be sure, to a subluxation that is partially the cause of the incoordination - in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd dorsal centers, as related to the vegetative nerve system to throat, to nasal passages, and to head. 8. The correction of these, as we find, will bring bettered conditions for the body; provided there ARE precautions through those periods or seasons when the body is subject to the irritations from the ambrosia weed or ragweed, and the EFFECTS this produces upon the body. 9. As we find, then: 10. We would give first that there be corrective measures as related to the upper dorsal and throughout the cervical area. Make these mechanically (osteopathically rather than chiropractically) in the upper dorsal, from the 3rd to the 1st cervical. Every third treatment ADJUST the 9th dorsal and 4th lumbar with the corrections made. 11. Ten to twelve such adjustments should be sufficient, but take these rather in a series; that is, three or four, then rest from them a week, and then have another series of four or six. 12. Then, for the pressure - the blood pressure, as might become serious unless precautions are taken in the present - we would also begin having once a month, at least, a THOROUGH hydrotherapy treatment; including a colonic irrigation to remove those tendencies - that are arising - for mucous through the colon area. This may be indicated when the colonics are taken. 13. We would also prepare a compound to be used as an antiseptic inhalant; ONLY as an inhalant, not as a spray; just inhaling the fumes that form by the solution being well shaken so as to make fumes arise from the combination of these properties acting one upon the other. Put this compound in a six ounce container; preferably a large-mouth container, prepared so as to have two vents into same that may be corked. Neither of the vents would extend into the solution, but into the space above same. 14. To 4 ounces of Pure Grain Alcohol, add - IN THE ORDER NAMED:


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Oil of Eucalyptus................20 minims, Compound Tincture of Benzoin.....15 minims, Rectified Oil of Turp............10 minims, Canadian Balsam...................5 minims, Tolu in Solution.................10 minims.

Shake the solution well, then remove the corks from the vents. Inhale in the nasal passages, first one and then the other. Also inhale into the mouth, but not swallowing the inhalation - rather as when smoking or the like, as it is for the trachea and throat; while the inhalations through the nasal passages will be effective there also. 15. Then, in the diet, - especially as related to those seasons when the body is allergic to the ambrosia weed, - refrain from taking any cereal or any corn product; and we will find it will make a vast difference as to the effect such has upon the body. 16. Do these, and we will bring the bettered conditions for this body, [2384]. 17. Ready for questions. 18. (Q) What part of this condition can be verified by a physician? (A) Any or all portions of same. For, the subluxations exist, the DORSAL area; and the variation in the pressure may be taken by having the pressure taken at intervals, and we will see the variation. When the colonics are given there will be seen the EFFECT of the mucous in the colon, and the variation the removal of same makes upon the pressure. 19. (Q) Any particular osteopath you would suggest? (A) Any that's in sympathy with the suggestions indicated. 20. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 2384-1 M 38 R1. Admitted after Rdg. [2384-1] that it was especially the ragweed to which he was allergic.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 2801-6 F 61 ANEMIA Arthritis: Tendencies Par. 6 Chiropractic: Neuritis Par. 14 Diet: Eliminations Par. 17, 23-A ELIMINATIONS: POOR Environment: Locality: Change Par. 21-A HAY FEVER Inhalants: Alcohol, Grain: Hay Fever Par. 20-A : Benzoin, Compound Tincture Of: Par. 20-A : Eucalyptus, Oil Of: Par. 20-A : Tolu In Solution: Par. 20-A : Turp, Rectified Oil Of: Par. 20-A Intestines: Colonics: Eliminations Par. 15, 23-A Names: People Mentioned: Davis, Gladys Reports NEURITIS Physiotherapy: Baths: Epsom Salts: Neuritis Par. 8, 9, 13 : Massage: Alcohol, Grain: Par. 9--12, 23-A : Lanolin: Par. 9--12, 23-A : Nujol: Par. 9--12, 23-A : Oils, Olive: Par. 9--12, 23-A : Peanut Oil: Par. 9--12, 23-A : Sassafras Root Oil: Par. 9--12, 23-A : Usoline: Par. 9--12, 23-A Psychic Experiences: Work: E.C.: Readings Reports Teeth: Toxemia Par. 16


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


BACKGROUND OF READING 2801-6 F 61 B1. See also 2801-1 through 2801-4. B2. 8/14/42 Letter: "Have trouble with my right wrist and arm, and my back. Strained myself when down in the Ozarks walking over rocks and hills. It rained a lot at the time, being in early spring, and am told from X-Ray pictures that I have arthritis of the spine. Can you find out what is best for me to do, as I surely wish to overcome it. Must also find out what to do for constipation, as believe it is from the nerves of spine. Do not want to always have to take laxatives. Chiropractic helps me, but it may be that I overdo, as I do not have help, and of course a big house to care for, and our office is upstairs, as our home is a two apt. house." R3. 8/22/42 She submitted the following questions: 1. What can I do, or have done, to cure hay fever, which I now have? 2. What shall I do to cure arthritis, and pain in my back? 3. Will going to the ranch in the Ozarks prove beneficial to my health? (The ranch is 2 miles from . . ., Mo.) 4. Should I have my teeth extracted and have false teeth made? (I don't want to do this.) 5. Could I stand the exertion and work if I am called to go to . . ., Oregon, to take care of my sick sister, [. . . ]? 6. Am I anemic? If so, what should I take? 7. What can I do to strengthen my throat so that it will not get so sore? (I want to cure it.) 8. What can I do to overcome constipation? TEXT OF READING 2801-6 F 61 (D.C.) This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 28th day of August, 1942, in accordance with request made by the self - Dr. [2801], Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.

P R E S E N T Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.

R E A D I N G Time of Reading 3:45 to 4:05 P.M. Eastern War Time. . . ., Illinois. 1. GC: You will give the physical condition of this body at the present time, with suggestions for further corrective measures; answering the questions, as I ask them: 2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [2802]; this we have had before. 3. Many are the changes that have come about in the physical and physical reactions in the body since last we had same here. 4. These, then, are the conditions and tendencies to be met and to be warned concerning in this body: 5. From a complication of disturbances, we find that there is a tendency towards a form of anemia. This is as a variation in the chemical reactions in the body, and from the effect of poisons as from lack of proper eliminations. These alter, as to the quantity or the FORM of the anemia. For it is at times lack of red cells. Again it is the lack of the leucocyte cells and the white. 6. These, of course, make a contribution to those tendencies for infection in throat, in mouth, and through the alimentary canal. These poisons are also


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


contributory to an arthritic tendency. But this is more of a neuritic than arthritic nature in the present. 7. If it is allowed to remain, that is, the source of the infection and the poisons in the system, this may become such as to attack the lymph circulation in such a manner, an the thinning in the resistance may cause the muscular ends of tendons and structural portions to become more involved. 8. As we find, the hydrotherapy treatments would be more effective. But when the sweats are taken, these should be more in the form of Epsom Salts Baths. Put at least ten to fifteen pounds of Epsom Salts to fifty gallons of water, just as warm or hot as the body can stand same. 9. Following such an Epsom Salts Bath there should be the thorough rubdown with oils, combined in this manner: 10. To 4 ounces of Usoline or Nujol as the base, add - in the order named:

Olive Oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ounces, Peanut Oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ounces, Sassafras Root Oil. . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2 ounce, Lanolin, Dissolved. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 teaspoonful.

11. These will separate, but shake together when ready to be massaged into the body, pouring in an open container or saucer, dipping fingers in same to massage the body. 12. When giving the alcohol rub, following the massage, preferably use grain alcohol rather than denatured. Make a weak solution, yet this will stimulate the superficial circulation and not leave poisons to be absorbed and eliminated through other channels. Use twenty parts water to one part grain alcohol, see? 13. Of course, the Epsom Salts Baths should not be taken each week, but every other week - until there has been the elimination of the poisons and the drainages set up as to relieve those poisons released in mouth and gums. But do have the light sweats and the rubdown with oils, even during those weeks when the Epsom Salts Baths are not taken. 14. And at the same time there should be some stimulating treatments especially to the centers of the 3rd and 4th dorsal, throughout the cervical, the 9th and 10th dorsal, and the lumbar axis. These, combined with the removal of sources of the infection, should aid in strengthening throat, strengthening resistances, and aid in better eliminations. 15. With the hydrotherapy there should be at least two or three good colonic irrigations, some four weeks apart, to cleanse the colon of poisons. For these are the sources or the pressures that cause pain in the extremities and limbs and joints at times. 16. After the hydrotherapy treatments are begun, it would be well to have the teeth removed, or all of them that show there is the accumulation of pus at the roots of same. 17. In the matter of the diet, - keep to a diet of less fats and more of vegetables, fruits and nuts. 18. Do these, and we will begin much bettered conditions for the body. 19. Ready for questions. 20. (Q) What can I do, or have done, to cure hay fever, which I now have?


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


(A) All of the treatment which we have outlined will be beneficial for this condition, but as a specific we would have this prepared as an inhalant; in a large-mouth bottle, in which there may be put a cork with two glass vents in same that may be stopped up and not allow the solution to evaporate when not in use. In such an eight ounce container put, in the order named:

Pure Grain Alcohol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ounces, Oil of Eucalyptus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 drops, Rectified Oil of Turp. . . . . . . . . . . 5 drops, Compound Tincture of Benzoin. . . 15 drops, Tolu In Solution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 drops.

Shake together when this is to be inhaled. Remove both small corks from the vents, - these not extending into the solution, to be sure - for it is only the fumes that are to be inhaled into the nostrils. Use this three to four times a day. This is an antiseptic and a healer, and will prevent the sneezing, as well as the tendency for the lymph to drip from nostril and nasal passages. It is well to inhale this into the throat also, once or twice a day. But several times a day use it for the nasal passages. Do that. 21. (Q) Will going to the ranch in the Ozarks prove beneficial to my health? (A) It would prove beneficial provided there are those precautions to eliminate the tendencies already existent. Then such a stay would be much more beneficial, if the body is in the open the more often. 22. (Q) Could I stand the exertion and work if I am called to go to . . ., Oregon, to take care of my sick sister, [. . . ]? (A) Not under the present existent conditions would it be very well. But if there is the use of those precautionary measures and the preventatives as indicated, then the body might be in sufficient resistance to undertake such measures if desired. 23. (Q) What can I do to overcome constipation? (A) Change in the diet, but first by the eliminating of some of the sources that tend to dry or call on the lymph to be used in other portions and not through the alimentary canal. Do have at least the three or four colonics indicated. Then with the diet and with the massages, this should be well improved. 24. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 2801-6 F 61 R1. 9/4/42 Dr. [2801]'s letter to EC: . . ., Del. My Dear Mr. Cayce,

I received the reading very promptly for which I thank you. Just as soon as I can find the right people to go to for some of the

treatments mentioned I will follow through. Strange as it may seem I have often thought of having some colonic irrigations, but want to be cautious who gives them, as damage can take place if not given properly.

However I will let you know how I come out.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


You gave a correct reading regarding my blood as well as other conditions, but I am surprised at how well I am feeling the last few days - I believe I was given a Spiritual Healing too - the day of my reading -

As you know, I sat very quietly with my Life reading, and then meditating. All at once I felt so sleepy I could not keep my eyes open. I had tuned in on your vibrations so strongly.

Have you ever had this happen when readings were given? I am being careful as to diet as directed. Sunday we have to go to Dixon, Ill. and I hope I will not be bothered badly

with Hay Fever - Out there is where I just got it, about 1920. Do you have a Hospital there in Va. Beach, where treatments are given?

If so what are the charges per week, for such as I would have to have as per reading.

A friend came in today and he may send to you soon for an appointment. Am always happy to send friends to such a good man as you are. May many blessings be with you all the days of your life.

Dr. [2802] sends his kindest regards, and as for me I am sure you know my very kindest regards are always with you and yours - Faithfully In His Service Dr. [2801] Love to Gladys too. R2. 9/9/42 EC's letter to Dr. [2801]: Dear Dr. [2801]: -

Thank you very much for yours of the 4th - am glad to know you were pleased with your reading. Just hope you will give the suggestions made a good try, feel that you will, like hundreds of others, testify find real help in the use of same.

Yes - have quite often, especially among spiritual-minded individuals found that from the very hour of the reading they have felt better, but maintained same by doing that suggested. While have had a few cases even where there was hearing, sight, use of limbs restored - from the hour of the reading. But here too, suggestions were made of a physical-mental or spiritual nature that were to be done.

Dixon, I believe is where we went once, was it not? Hope you had nice trip without bother.

No, we have no hospital at the Beach, at present. There are various ones over the country where we have sympathetic help in them, but we never suggest any one to go even one of those unless the information stipulates such.

Thank you for your interest and trust. May be the means of being of help to many of your friends.

Do remember us to Dr. [2802] - Miss Gladys has recently gone to Housekeeping. Has her Mother and brother with her - had been with us in the home for 18 years. Do miss her.

Thanks again and let us hear from you with every good wish and His Blessing be with you. Sincerely [signed] Edgar Cayce


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 2812-1 F 30 ASTHMA Attitudes & Emotions: Hope Par. 21 Bible: Books Of: Genesis 1: 28 Par. 7--10 : John 9: 6 Par. 12 : Psalms 103: 3 Par. 12 : II Peter 3: 9 Par. 10 CIRCULATION: IMPAIRED Eyes: Granulated Lids Par. 12 HAY FEVER Healing: Oneness Par. 12, 31-A Heredity Par. 9 Ideals Par. 5 Inhalants: Alcohol, Grain: Hay Fever Par. 24 : Benzoin, Compound Tincture of: Par. 24 : Eucalyptol: Par. 24 : Tolu in Solution: Par. 24 : Turp, Rectified Oil of: Par. 24 Jesus: Grace: Law Of Par. 10, 20 : Healings Par. 12, 13 : Pattern Par. 10 Meditation: Affirmations Par. 31-A Obesity: Legs Par. 14, 20, 25--28 Osteopathy: Spine: Subluxations Par. 15--19, 27 Physiotherapy: Massage: Cocoa Butter: Spine: Subluxations Par. 25--28 : Lanolin: Par. 25--28 : Nujol: Par. 25--28 : Peanut Oil: Par. 25--28 : Packs: Clay: Eyes Par. 12 Races Par. 9 SPINE: SUBLUXATIONS Triune: Oneness Par. 11 Varicose Veins Par. 25--28


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


BACKGROUND OF READING 2812-1 F 30 B1. 9/3/42 [2812]'s letter to EC: Mr. Edgar Cayce Assn for Research & Enlightenment, Inc. Virginia Beach, Va. Dear Mr. Cayce: -

It was indeed kind of you to send your little book to me by special delivery last night. I guess, somehow, you must have known how urgent my need is at this particular time for your assistance. I read the book entirely through and I am more convinced than ever that the work you are and have been doing is indeed a beautiful one and that there is no reason that you should not be able to assist me.

For some years now I have been completely and wholly interested in the guidance and work of the spirit. I have studied the Bible and all the reputable literature that has been available to me on this subject and on many occasions have had demonstrations that were altogether wonderful. So it is with complete faith and openness to receive that I come to you at this time.

First of all the problem of immediate importance is this condition that medicine calls hay fever and asthma that has appeared each and every August since I was around eight or nine years old. I have gone to other climates several years and at those times always the condition has been lighter. I have been given the scratch test to determine exactly what causes the trouble and have been given so much serum - seventy some shots in all - that now the doctor refuses to give me any more - the last shot almost having taken my life. I have tried just about everything possible - however, let me explain that these treatments were all given me several years ago. Since developing the mental and spiritual side of my life I have almost entirely done away with medicine. I have been able to demonstrate over so many things that have come to me and been successful that this year I made up my mind that this condition was no longer going to hold any power over me and so I started to work. I have studied, fasted and made my Bible my constant companion. The time for my trouble to begin came and went and I was fine - then a few days ago it started much different than ever before, but enough to make it impossible for me to continue with my work as a singer. That has been first of all importance with me and it is because of this physical difficulty that each fall of the year when everyone has been starting on their winter's work I have been sitting around waiting for my voice to clear. With God's help I know that this no longer has to be. So this is the first thing I want you to tell me about.

Then there are several other things I would like to have you assist me with. One being that I am five foot three and one half inches tall - rather small boned and though I'm not considered a large woman at all I am much too large from my waist down. Especially for my work my hips and legs are too large. Everything I have ever done to lose weight has failed to have any effect on them, but has succeeded in making me look sick in the face and upset me otherwise. So, if you can advise me with this, it will be a tremendous help.

Then another condition that isn't bad as yet, but is a condition that seems to exist in our family is a tendency toward a breaking of the surface veins of my body. I would like to know what I can do to stop this permanently.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Also I have in the last few years noticed that I am getting a few white hairs in one place in the top of my head - though they are not noticeable as yet I feel sure it is because of some deficiency in my system and I know that it can be overcome.

I have several moles on my body that should be taken off - three that I was born with and so I would like to be advised about this.

Then though every examination of my eyes in the past have proven my eyes to be perfect I have, for no apparent reason at all, every once in a while a red eye - sometimes it is one and sometimes the other. They are not painful, but quite annoying and it always happens when I have something in particular to do. The doctor says it is nothing that amounts to anything, but I want to know what you can find out about this.

If there is any other condition that you find in going over me that I should know about I will appreciate your assistance on it.

I am enclosing the money order for twenty dollars for my membership to the Association and my reading. As I am confined to the house, any hour you choose will be agreeable for my reading.

Thanking you in advance and wishing you continued success in this great work, I am Sincerely yours, [2812] TEXT OF READING 2812-1 F 30 (Singer) This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 11th day of September, 1942, in accordance with request made by the self - Miss [2812], new Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc., recommended by a New York acquaintance.

P R E S E N T Edgar Cayce; Hugh Lynn Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.

R E A D I N G Time of Reading 3: 30 to 4: 05 P. M. Eastern War Time. ..., Missouri. 1. HLC: You will go over this body carefully, examine it thoroughly, and tell me the conditions you find at the present time; giving the cause of the existing conditions, also suggestions for help and relief of this body. You will answer the questions, as I ask them: 2. EC: Yes - [in undertone] - unusual decorations of the house - 3. Yes, we have the body here, [2812]. 4. In giving the interpretations of the disturbance as we find with this body, and the applications as may be made for the correcting of same, - it is well that this body understand the premise from which such interpretation is made. 5. The ideals of the entity are beyond reproach, in any form. This, however, the entity should interpret in its own experience: 6. There are gifts to the body. These are not merely the result of material study or physical practice, but that the voice, the personality, may be used to the glory of God.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


7. Remember, then, in meeting the difficulties, (that disturb the body) that His first injunction to man was to SUBDUE THE EARTH. 8. This, then, interpreted in the practical experience of individuals in a material world, - through neglect, indifference or non-care by many an individual entity or soul, those influences have been loosed that are to be subdued - yet - in man's experience. 9. Oft we find in the experience of an individual entity, as this entity, there may be those experiences that may be called a race influence, heredity, environment, that cause disturbing forces in the material or physical body. 10. Yet He, the Father-God, has seen these from the beginning, and has given that He hath not willed that any soul should perish; nor that any individual entity should not in peace, in harmony, build those purposes whereunto it hath been called, or whereunto the spirit of truth has purposed in an entity's consciousness. But He has prepared the way that this may be accomplished - by subduing the earth. 11. Thus things mechanical, things prepared from nature, things that are a part of the consciousness of individuals as well as the spiritual must be taken into consideration. For, there is the physical body, the mental body, and the soul or spiritual body. They each have their environs. They each have their attributes. But they are ONE. 12. Each influence, then, has to bear upon that particular phase of the consciousness not wholly in accord. Thus, though there may be mechanical or medicinal applications for the welfare of the physical body, these are to attune the body to that consciousness which makes or brings it aware of its relationship to the spiritual or God-force. Just as the clay, the spittle upon the eyes of the blind had that effect to bring the awareness of the presence of the Creative Force or God to those granulated lids, in the experience of that individual. 13. Just as they were told to wash themselves with pure water and present themselves to the priest. The fulfilling of that in their experience brought the awareness, the attunement of body, mind and soul to the oneness of purpose. 14. In this body, then, there are those hindrances to the supplying of the normal flow of the superficial circulation through the irritations to the mucous membranes, that are a part of the physical disturbances or conditions in the body; brought about by a deflection in the cerebrospinal system that also increases the deflection to the lower portion of the body, and supplies that which to the body-consciousness becomes an uncomeliness - in limb, in body, through this deflection. It also deflects the superficial circulation when the membranes are acted upon by pollen at certain seasons. Thus odors of certain things bring nausea to the body. 15. This will require, then, that mechanical adjustments be made osteopathically in the coccyx, the lumbar, the 9th dorsal, and from the 3rd and 4th dorsal to the 1st cervical; alleviating then those disturbances and allowing for a normal flow. 16. We would have such adjustments in series. In the first series, have two each week until at least ten adjustments have been made; gently relaxing those centers from the 3rd and 4th dorsal to the 1st cervical.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


17. Then after a rest period from those for a week, begin with the corrections; THESE adjustments to be made in the coccyx and the lumbar and lower portion of the 9th dorsal. These would be made only once a week, and there would be required about six. And when these adjustments are made, coordinate the upper dorsal and cervical with same. 18. When the first series of treatments has been completed, the conditions should be much improved; but continue until the full corrections have been made as indicated. 19. And every few months afterwards we would have again a few more adjustments in the coccyx, lumbar, and lower portion of the 9th dorsal, to keep these in alignment. 20. Doing these, and with this consciousness as indicated of God's purpose, through the saving grace in the experience of the Master, there will be brought not only the greater physical abilities but the greater symmetrical figure, the greater abilities to fill those mental and spiritual activities that bring hope and grace into the consciousness. 21. And he that brings hope in the awareness of the God- consciousness indeed makes miracles in the lives the hearers. 22. As an antiseptic for throat and nasal passages we would use an inhalant, - not a spray, but the fumes alone from properties prepared in this manner: 23. Put these in a large-mouth eight ounce bottle, prepared with two vents just protruding through the cork, and so that the vents may also be corked to prevent too great an evaporation. 24. To 4 ounces of Pure Grain Alcohol, add - in the order named:

Compound Tincture of Benzoin......20 minims, Tolu in Solution..................20 minims, Rectified Oil of Turp..............5 minims, Oil of Eucalyptol.................30 minims.

Use this at least three times each day. When ready to be used, shake the solution, remove the small corks, and inhale through the nostril and deep into the bronchi, larynx and lungs. This is an antiseptic, and is to remove the strain already caused upon the mucous membranes of the throat, nasal passages. It will also clarify those disturbances that come to the eyes, the face at times, from the deflected circulation. 25. Each evening when ready to retire, massage the body thoroughly with a combination of oils prepared in this manner. 26. To 8 ounces of Nujol as the base, warm, put 5 tablespoonsful of melted Cocoa Butter. Then add, in the order named:

Peanut Oil.........................4 ounces, Lanolin, dissolved.................1 tablespoonful.

Shake these ingredients together, and each evening when ready to retire begin around the ankle and massage around and into the body this solution, into the limbs especially; just shaking together and pouring into an open container sufficient to do the massaging of the limbs - toward the body, see?


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


27. Keep this up regularly for at least six months at a time. Then leave off for a period of some two to three months. At that time it would be well to have some more adjustments in the coccyx, lumbar and lower portion of the 9th dorsal, see? 28. Do these, and we will have bettered conditions; relieving these tendencies for the veins to engorge along the inside of the limbs, along the ankle and the calf of the leg; for these will be beneficial. 29. Do that. 30. Ready for questions. 31. (Q) Will the suggested treatment permanently overcome the hay fever and asthma that appears every August? (A) Read what we have just given. Do these, and with every application, and in thy meditation, let these be as thy purposes: FATHER-GOD! IN THY PROMISES TO THY SERVANTS THOU HAST PROMISED TO HEAR, THROUGH THY SON IN THE EARTH. I, THY HANDMAID, COME SEEKING, THAT THOU WOULD CREATE IN MY BODY, IN MY MIND, IN MY HOPES AND PURPOSES, THAT THOU WOULDST HAVE ME BE, - IN BODY, IN MIND, IN SOUL. USE ME, LORD, WHOLLY IN THY SERVICE. 32. We are through for the present. REPORTS OF READING 2812-1 F 30 None.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


INDEX OF READING 3211-3 M 55 Appliances: Radio-Active: Circulation: Incoordination Par. 9 ASTHMA Astrology: Moon: Osteopathy Par. 8 CIRCULATION: INCOORDINATION Diet: Asthma Par. 11 Electrotherapy: Short Wave: Spine: Subluxations Par. 7, 10 Environment: Arizona Par. 17-A : California Par. 17-A : Florida Par. 17-A : New Mexico Par. 17-A Eyes: Spine: Subluxations Par. 14-A Hair: Dry: Circulation: Incoordination Par. 18-A HAY FEVER Injections: Hypodermic: Hay Fever Par. 6 Osteopathy: Spine: Subluxations Par. 7, 8, 13-A, 14-A SPINE: SUBLUXATIONS Torticollis: Tendencies Par. 13-A BACKGROUND OF READING 3211-3 M 55 B1. Previously he obtained 3211-1 on his work in dentistry, and 3211-2 a Life Reading. [Also family rdgs. ] B2. 2/17/44 He submitted questions, including: "Shall I continue the injections such as I had last summer to relieve the hay fever which I have had for many years, followed by asthmatic tendencies; if so, for how long? Could this condition be cured by diet or any other means? What is an ideal diet for me? Shall I continue with my recent osteopathic treatments? Do any special areas need treatment?"


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


TEXT OF READING 3211-3 M 55 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at the office of the Association, Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 21st day of February, 1944, in accordance with request made by the self - Dr. [3211], Associate Member of the Ass'n for Research and Enlightenment, Inc., via Mrs. [903].

P R E S E N T Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. (Notes read to and transcribed by Jeanette Fitch.)

R E A D I N G Time of Reading 4: 00 to 4: 10 P.M. Eastern War Time. New York, N. Y. 1. GC: You will go over this body carefully, examine it thoroughly, and tell me the conditions you find at the present time; giving the cause of the existing conditions, also suggestions for help and relief of this body; answering the questions, as I ask them: 2. EC: Yes, we have the body here, [3211]. 3. As we find, there are tendencies and inclinations that disturb the better physical functioning of the body. These conditions in some respects have existed for a long period and thus cause a great deal of disturbance at certain times. When the cycle of circulation or body-functioning changes, as in pressures that exist from lymph circulation, the condition becomes active periodically - yet the tendencies exist most of the time. 4. There are subluxations in the second and third dorsals. These deflect the circulation of nerve supply, and thus the blood to the bronchi and trachea. This causes a bronchial asthmatic disturbance. 5. Thus in the nerves of the face, the head, or the sinus and through the area, there is produced rose fever at times or hay fever that comes from any form of dust or pollen. While certain characters are more severe, any form produces a disturbance. 6. The injections that have been taken are very well, but they are not corrective measures - they are palliatives and may keep down the condition. 7. Even though these have long existed, we find that they may be gradually corrected if there will be sufficient of the osteopathic adjustments to cause a more perfect circulation, and if there will be used the low vibrations of static electricity or the heat treatment that may be had with certain types of electrical treatments - as the short wave, though it will require long periods. 8. The osteopathic adjustments should be taken periodically; say three to four treatments right along together each month. And for this body, if they are taken at the first quarter of the moon, it would be preferable. There should be long periods of these treatments - that is, periodically have these over a long period of time. 9. Use the Radio-Active Appliance to coordinate vibrations in the body-forces themselves. Apply this for an hour each day over a long period of time. 10. Also we would use the short wave electrical treatment for fifteen to twenty minutes twice in one week, three times the next week, over a long period of time. 11. In the diet, keep away from sweets, too much of starches of any character. Have carrots, onions, radishes, celery, lettuce often in the diet. Prepare these often with gelatin. Not that all of these should be taken every day necessarily, but


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


some of these each day according to the appetite, but change their manner of preparation. This will aid in correcting these disturbances. 12. Ready for questions. 13. (Q) What causes and what could relieve occasional pain in back of neck? (A) This is from vocational conditions, holding the neck in one position for such long periods. The adjustments osteopathically, if taken regularly, should aid this particularly. These treatments should not be just to the area indicated but they should be general treatments with specific reference to those areas mentioned. 14. (Q) What is wrong with my eyesight? (A) There's nothing wrong with the eyesight. This is a general condition from impairment to the activity of the organs of the sensory system. For these have been slowed by those pressures indicated. See, these are part of the nerves that supply association with the central circulation of nerve and blood supply to all the organs of the sensory system. Not only then does it affect the eyes and ears at times, but also the speech or the vocal cords. But these corrections should change all of these. It will take a long period, but the body can be materially aided. 15. (Q) Is artificial or daylight best for my work in the mouth? (A) Daylight, of course, is preferable, but with the present lighting system, there can be a light artificially produced that will be as restful to the eyes and as efficient. 16. (Q) How could tired feeling be overcome? (A) Rest more! But improve the general conditions, as indicated. 17. (Q) What climate is best for vacationing? (A) Arizona or New Mexico, or the southern coast of Florida or Calif. 18. (Q) What causes dryness or hair and how should it be treated? (A) Read all we have just been giving as to how the circulation affects all of the head. Do as outlined. 19. We are through with this reading. REPORTS OF READING 3211-3 M 55 R1. 11/14/62 GD's note: Dr. [3211] obtained readings for his entire family and has remained actively interested and a generous contributor to A. R. E. work to this date.


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Reports from Members

10/12/71 Report on the 2186-1 inhalant from A.R.E. Member, David Birr, Box 22, 116 McCullough, 2315 Sheridan, Evanston, Ill. 60201: “In the fall of 1970 I noticed mild sneezing which my mother immediately attributed to Hay Fever which my brother, sister, and father all have. I dismissed her solemn pronouncement until once again this fall my muco membrane system showed definite irritation and I had intermittent sneezing fits. The irritation of the throat and nose was especially noticeable after riding in a car for any distance. I ordered the general inhalant as prepared [from Edgar Cayce's 2186-1] and used as prescribed in the I.R.F. and on the container. There was a definite improvement in the course of a few days. I have now used it about 4 weeks consistently and as noted in the reading 261-8 (I.R.F.), "you can forget you ever had any hay fever..." P.S. About 10 to 15 days after starting use any indications of hay fever were so minor as to be unnoteworthy. 9/15/72 Report on the 2186-1 inhalant for cold, cough, sneezing, from Mrs. David Herrington, 1690 N. E. Expressway, Atlanta, Ga. 30329: "Mr. Raskin (my boss) is always talking about Edgar Cayce. One day about 2 mos. ago I came to work and casually mentioned that my husband 'has a terrible cold, that makes him cough and sneeze, and that he called two doctors in town to get an appointment but they were too busy.' Mr. R. suggested the Cayce general inhalant [2186-1] which he happened to have in his desk drawer. I took this home to my husband that night. He read the instructions and tried it a couple of times that night before he went to bed. The next day he was fine, no coughing or sneezing. I couldn't believe it, but there he was, no cold. He said he felt fine. I told him we saved money by not going to the doctor. My husband works in construction, so he didn't miss any work." 3/28/73 Report on the 2186-1 inhalant by member, Mrs. Faye L. Hill, 2641 Moderna Ct., Rancho Cordova, Cal. 95870, for sinusitis: "In 1950 I started having bad headaches. The Reese-Stealy Clinic ran tests and found I was allergic to house-dust and dry-grass pollen giving me chronic sinusitis. Started shots at 3 days a week then 2, then 1, then 1 every 2 weeks for 23 years. I took 1cc of housedust 1/2 cc dry grass each time plus pills. "After joining A.R.E. I read about the sinusitis inhalant in Black Book page 192. Also it was listed as items to be obtained from a health store in VA Beach. So I wrote for it and they sent me the general inhalant [2186-1]. This I used in A.M. and P.M. very faithfully. No more headaches, eyes swelling, sneezing, or choking. So I never went back for anymore shots or pills from my doctor."


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


9/12/71 Mr. Armentrout's letter: Cedar Rapids, Iowa Gentlemen:

Words will never be able to express my appreciation for the July issue of the A.R.E. Journal. I am 40 years old and have suffered from a lifetime affliction of ragweed allergy. I have never bothered taking the troublesome shots preferring to suffer through the 6 to 8 week ragweed season. Neither had I seen a doctor for quite some time having concluded years ago that the prescription antihistamine pills and allergic pills were no more superior than those sold over the counter.

So the hay fever season for me was one of staying in where the air conditioning did some filtering of pollen from the air and taking endless antihistamine pills and nose sprays and generally suffering thru the agonizing symptoms of hay fever. Some antihistamine pills seem to help, some don't, some seem to wear out on their effectiveness, and anyway they can only be taken for short lengths of time because extreme drowsiness sets in after two or three days straight on the pills. I always had to curtail swimming during August because the chlorinated water was too abrasive on the red, swollen and sensitive nostrils and eyes. But thanks to the Cayce readings printed in the July A.R.E. Journal, this year was quite different.

I began eating the leaves of the ragweed plant immediately upon reading the article July 7, 1971 and continued thru September 11, 1971. True to the Cayce readings I found the ragweed leaves to be quite bitter in taste on the first occasion but I didn't mind it after that. Also true to the Cayce readings a little over indulgence caused some marked differences in assimilation and elimination. But the beautiful thing about it was that throughout August no hay fever symptoms ever developed. This year I rode my bicycle up and down roads which were lined with ragweed and also walked thru woods and pastures which were thick with ragweed. (Iowa has the highest ragweed pollen counts of any location in the nation.) This was one of the worst seasons for hay fever sufferers and all of my ragweed allergic friends suffered terribly even though some had been taking the year round shots. I went swimming throughout August with no discomfort at all and forgot about pills.

The fact that I was not suffering from hay fever this year caused quite some consternation among my hay fever suffering friends. I frankly told them all what I was doing and the source of the information, but nobody believed a word of it. Some called their doctors and demanded to know why they couldn't be cured of hay fever, but their doctors told them there was nothing they could do but take shots the year around or the pills. All the experiences I had with friends who are sufferers would fill up a letter in itself. I would be glad to give many more details about this whole subject if you are interested.

Looking back over this past hay fever season it now seems about unbelievable to me; a cure for hay fever is miraculous.

Many thanks again for publishing that article on ragweed. Yours truly, Harold D. Armentrout 6801 Devonshire Drive, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 [10/7/71 GD's note: See also rdg. 404-13 and 903-35 (page 33 of this circulating file), Par. 18-A for references to eating ragweed.]


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Dan Ginder, an A.R.E. member, writes, "Using castor oil to help control allergies was most helpful. By putting a few drops in my coffee on awakening, my hay fever didn't seem as irritating as normal. But I forgot to do it until after the season started (about late August through September). Next year, I'll try taking the castor oil a month beforehand - and perhaps I can avoid hay fever altogether." Using five drops of castor oil in the morning as an aid to allergies was brought to our attention by Valentine Birds, one of our cooperating doctors, who had obtained the information from one of his medical friends from India.

[Note: The preceding case report was written by William McGarey, M. D. and is excerpted from The A.R.E. Journal, July, 1978, Volume 13, No. 4, page 174, Copyright © 1978 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Herbal Breathing 4 oz liquid in 8 oz bottle With Breathing Tube

http://www.baar.com Products or call 800-269-2502.

• Edgar Cayce Formula • Enhances Body's Immune Response • Supports Healthy Breathing • Relieves Nasal Allergy symptoms

Excellent for nasal passages, sinuses and lungs. Also formulated to aid the body's response to combat allergies. Versions of this formula were suggested in the Edgar Cayce Health Care Philosophy over 300 times for a wide variety of issues including: asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, colds, congestion, coughs, emphysema, hay fever, pleurisy, pneumonia, post-nasal drip, sinusitis, sore throat & tuberculosis.

Cayce Quotes:

"...when there is a tickling or coughing, or the inclination for sneezing...when these occur any time during the day..." (2186-1) "Inhale into one nostril, holding the other, then into the other side; also into the throat - letting the fumes go into the lungs - not swallowing the inhalant, but inhaling the fumes, see? Hold either side of the nostril as it is inhaled in the other nostril" (2186-1)

"the clarifying of the muco-membranes of head and throat...reducing the tendency for the glands to over stimulate the muco-membranes and thus relieving the irritations" (335-1)

"an antiseptic and a healer, [it] will prevent the sneezing, as well as the tendency for the lymph to drip from nostril and nasal passages" (2801-6)

"purifying those areas through which sensory influences are at times clogged" (1641-2)

"inhalant [would] cleanse throat and bronchi of those disturbances that contribute to the upsetting of the liver and the digestive forces..." (2975-1)

Suggested Use: The bottle is half filled. Shake the bottle, remove the cap and place the tube into the air space above the liquid, then breathe in the fumes. Breathe deeply through each nostril and then in through the mouth, exhaling after each. One breathing tube is included with every Herbal Breathing bottle. There is 4 fluid ounces in each 8 ounce bottle. (Note: Breathe the fumes, only.)

Ingredients: Oil of Eucalyptus, Tolu Balsam, Compound Tincture of Benzoin, Oil of Pine Needles, Rectified Oil of Turpentine and Rectified Creosote in a Grain Alcohol base.


“I love your products. The Herbal Breathing has changed my life... " I.J., West Palm Beach, FL

"I have never used a product [Herbal Breathing] that was as effective as this for my bronchial problems!" A.B., Twin Falls, ID


Edgar Cayce Readings copyright 1971, 1993-2009 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation


Illustration of Bottle Type for Inhaling Fumes Into Nostrils and Throat

You may have this type bottle prepared by a drug supply house or a high school chemistry laboratory.

Use the inhalant as an antiseptic, and as a reducing agent to the plethoric condition caused in the passages of nose and throat, for cold as well as for acute conditions. When ready to be used, remove small corks from the tubes (after shaking the solution well), and then inhale through the nostril, each side, some 3 to 4 times; not the liquid itself but the fumes that naturally will arise if the ingredients are combined properly. Use the inhalant 3 to 4 times a day, or especially of morning and of evening and whenever there is the tendency for sneezing, for cold, or irritation. (Note: The above description was extracted from a Reading given by Edgar Cayce, to be furnished with each case calling for an inhalant; so that minute details need not be repeated in each individual Reading suggesting the use of an inhalant.) September 1943

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