havas worldwide new consumer and the sharing economy

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Spring 2014

Our 2014 Global Prosumer Study:The New Consumer and the Sharing Economy

29 marketsn=10,574

Who are Prosumers?

For more than a decade, Havas Worldwide has been tracking the roughly 15–20% of consumers who are influencing trends and shaping markets around the globe

Key characteristics:* Embrace innovation * Constantly seek out information and new experiences* Enthusiastic adopters of new media and technologies* “Human media” who transport attitudes and ideas* Marketing savvy and demanding of brand partners* Highly influential and sought-after for opinions and recommendations

In this study, 20% of the sample qualify as Prosumers

As our consumption-

based economy nears the

century mark, it’s showing

signs of strain…

Image credit: Bruno Casonato@flickr.com

We simply aren’t getting the pleasure hits we once did from shopping

Instead of excitement, we feel anxiety over unpaid bills

Instead of enjoying the instant gratification of a glittery find, we worry about the effects of our consumption choices on the planet

And many of us feel constrained by all the “things” we have amassed—purchases that are physically filling our homes and garages and psychologically weighing us down

“My country’s current economicmodel is not working”

Image credit: Dan Simpson@flickr.com

Just 1 in 7 consumers worldwide believe their

nation’s economic model is successful

Base: Total respondents

“The economic crisis is only a problem

for Western/developed countries”

And only1 in 4 believe the problem is limited to developed


Base: Total respondents

“Overconsumption is putting our society and the planet at risk”

Image credit: Seattle Municipal Archives@flickr.com



Less Happiness ● Less Satisfaction, Less Security ● Less Time ● Less 

Space ● Less Freedom ● Less Pride

“I could happily live without most of the items I own”

Image credit: Stuart Heath@flickr.com Base: Total respondents

“I often buy items I don’t really need—and I regret it”

Image credit: Thomas Hawk@flickr.com

“I try to throw out or give away my unneeded possessions at least once a year”

Image credit: Benjamin Stäudinger


“I respect/admire people who have enough money to buy whatever they want”

“I respect/ admire people who make an

effort to reduce their


Image credit: Brave New Films@flickr.com


“If people consume less, it will destroy jobs”

Image credit: Evan Leeson@flickr.com Base: Total respondents

“Buying products is a patriotic act;it helps my nation’s economy”

Base: Total respondents

“A healthy economy requires a high level of consumer spending”

Image credit: Mike@flickr.comBase: Total respondents


We Replace Guilt with Purpose

“Progress is not about consuming more but consuming better”

Image credit: Vadim Timoshkin@flickr.com

But what does it mean to “consume better”?

Consuming only what I truly need

Image credit: Gregory Tran@flickr.com

For myself, “consuming better” means…

Recycling and repurposing

Image credit: GabPRR@flickr.com

For myself, “consuming better” means…

“When considering buying an item, I often factor in how much money I

could resell it for”“Yesterday, I threw away; today, I

resell or donate”

A shift toward a more circular economy?

Living more sustainably/producing less waste

Image credit: Susanne Stoop@flickr.com

For myself, “consuming better” means…

Consuming products of

better quality/durability

For myself, “consuming better” means…

Image credit: Geraint Morgan@flickr.com

Buying products from local producersso as to have a positive effect on my community

For myself, “consuming better” means…

Image credit: Susy Morris@flickr.com

Buying things at lower prices

For myself, “consuming better” means…

Image credit: Robert Bruce Murray III

Producing more of the things I use (e.g., growing vegetables, making candles)

For myself, “consuming better” means…

Image credit: quimby@flickr.com

Consuming less

For myself, “consuming better” means…

Image credit: Toban Black@flickr.com

Buying as a collective and sharing the use of the item

For myself, “consuming better” means…

Image credit: Toban Black@flickr.com

Looking for Retail Alternatives

Local ● Secondhand ● Independent

“I respect/admire people who buy

locally as much as possible”

Image credit: Robert Couse‐Baker@flickr.com

I like buying previously owned goods because…

It saves me money

It’s better for the environment than buying new

It makes me feel good to help out the seller

The items come with a history

I would rather purchase from an individual than from a store

I feel less guilty than when I buy something new

I don’t like to buy previously owned goods

“When possible, I prefer to buy directly from an individual producer rather than from a store/shopping


What are all these forces and shifts leading to?

Image credit: Anne Landois‐Favret@flickr.com


Hands‐on ● Proactive ● Communal Mindful ● (More) Sustainable

“We would have a better society if people shared more and owned less”

Even in markets with strong histories of capitalism, people are embracing the notion of access over ownership

“I prefer to share things rather than own them”

Base: Total respondents

Image credit: acute_tomato@flickr.com

Which comes closer to your point of view?

Around 4 in 10 would rather borrow or rent most things rather than own them

“I think I could go online and find someone willing to lend/

rent me just about anything”

The Economist values the peer‐to‐peer rental market at $26BN

The advent of social media has made a sharing economy a practical option for the first time

Image credit: Ross@flickr.com

“I belong to a sharing service or expect to join

one within the next year”

“In the future, I expect to belong to a number of

sharing services”

On New Year’s Eve 2013, 141,000 people worldwide stayed in an Airbnb accommodations share

“If I owned a home, I would be willing to

contribute to the purchase of communal tools that my neighbors

and I would share”

Base: Total respondents

Which aspects of the sharing economy appeal to you?Saving money

Feeling active and useful

Reducing my consumption/carbon footprint

Supporting individuals and/or small/independent companies

Meeting new people

Contributing to a broader move away from hyperconsumption

Having an interesting experience/doing something most people haven’t tried yet

I have no interest in the sharing economy

It’s not just about money

How likely are you to try each of these sharing services? (very/somewhat likely)

Equipment sharing (e.g., lawn mower, electric drill) 

Car sharing

Media sharing (e.g., books, computer/video games, DVDs) Accommodations sharing

Which of these things would you be willing to rent to a stranger through a sharing service?

On 3/3/14, Kickstarterpassed $1BN in pledges

“I have contributed to a crowdfunding project or expect to do so within the next year”

Image credit: byronv2@flickr.com


By the year 2050…

“People in cities will be more likely to share a car (through a sharing service or joint purchases) than to

own one outright”

Image credit: Andreas Levers@flickr.com

“Most energy won’t be produced by big businesses but by individuals who will

sell/exchange it with other individuals”

By the year 2050…

Image credit: Johannes Ouendag@flickr.com

“Communities will create their own healthcare marketplaces rather than rely on outside providers and insurance companies”

By the year 2050…

Image credit: daniel@flickr.com

“None of the above”

By the year 2050…

Just 1 in 4 respondents expect the status quo to remain in each of these areas

Image credit:  Stuart@flickr.com


Guarantors ● Facilitators ●Sustainability Partners ● “Lending Libraries” ● Connectors  ● Curators

Employers  ● Champions

“I would like brands to guarantee the quality/ authenticity of products people resell on the Internet”

1. Brands will serve as facilitators and guarantors in the peer-to-peer economy

“When doing business with another individual, I would feel more

protected if a company/website served as an intermediary”

Image credit: Carlos@flickr.com

Don’t want to pay for parking at the airport? FlightCar will rent out your car while you’re away—and even throw a free car wash into the deal

Zilok serves as a go-between, helping both P2P and business lenders rent their goods

“Brand warranties should

extend to everyone who buys a

product, not just the first person

who buys it”

China’s Lenovo now ties most of its warranties to the actual machine rather than to the original owner

Adding security to resales, Chanel handbags come with embossed “authenticity cards”

“I admire companies thatare finding ways to help

consumers waste less”

2. Brands will help people consume more sustainably

Image credit: Sam Javanrouh@flickr.com

Taxi2Virgin Atlantic helps travelers save money and reduce carbon footprints by sharing cabs from the airport

The Soap Dispensary and in.gredients

Vancouver’s The Soap Dispensary is among a number of retailers helping consumers cut back on excess packaging

With locations worldwide, Repair Café brings together handy volunteers and people who would like to fix rather than replace their small

appliances and other items

ITC Hotels seeks to provide a luxury experience made “guilt free” through the use of sustainable materials and processes

3. Brands will help create secondary markets

“Companies/retailers should help customers resell their goods”

“I admire brands that encourage their customers

to recycle/resell the products they buy from the


Through its Garment Recycling Program, H&M collected 7.7MM lbs of used clothing worldwide in 2013, which was then resold as is or

converted into other products

UK retailer Argos offers a £5 voucher to customers who donate an old toy, with proceeds going to a children’s charity

Sweden’s IKEA turned its Facebook page into a digital flea market, letting customers resell their IKEA furniture

A growing number of brands are bringing premium goods into the P2P economy

4. Brands will find ways to offer access, not just ownership

Image credit: Brenda Clarke@flickr.com

Subscribers to RocksBox receive designer jewelry they can keep for as long as 60 days or buy at a discount

Parents can rent educational toys for their tots through SparkBox Toys

Subscribers to Bag Borrow or Steal have access to high-end designer handbags, jewelry, sunglasses, and watches

Image credit: StyleCartel.com

5. Brands will build community and connections

Image credit: Keith Chastain@flickrcom

Launched by home improvement retailer B&Q, Streetclub helps neighbors come together to improve their communities

DogVacay connects dog owners with sitters—and includes free pet insurance, 24/7 support, and daily photo updates

Available in 12 countries, BlaBlaCar uses social profiles to connect people who want to share a longer-distance car ride

Friendsurance uses social networking to join people together in order to qualify for lower group premiums from insurance companies

6. Brands will sell experiences

Image credit: PoL Ubeda Hervàs@flickr.com

Birchbox (“Discover your next everything”) introduces users to new products through a monthly sampling program

Fenumbra connects buyers to “gallery quality” art and donates a portion of the purchase price to charity

Naked Wines—a crowdfunding e-retailer—provides a fun and social way for a new generation of wine drinkers to learn, explore, and connect

7. Brands will develop new relationships with consumers

Image credit: Regina Holliday@flickr.com

This past winter, Walgreens partnered with TaskRabbit to home-deliver OTC cold and flu meds

Image credit:  All News Retail

To better compete with Amazon, Walmart is said to be considering hiring its own customers to make same-day deliveries of online orders

Target is collaborating with three top Pinterest users on party-themed collections to be sold in its stores and online

U-Haul Investors Club invites individuals to invest in a vehicle via crowdfunding and receive a share of income when the truck is rented

8. Brands will champion individual creators and small businesses

Image credit: Pedro Ribeiro Simões@flickr.com

Through its Makers Project, Levi’s works with international artisans to create and sell unique, handcrafted items

TOMS Marketplace, an offshoot of TOMS shoes, is an online platform through which 30 carefully selected “companies with a social mission”

sell their goods

Through its Lincoln Makers program, Lincoln offers car buyers access to exclusive offers from the “masters of American craft, design and service”

GE has opened up GE Garages, free workspaces equipped with 3-D printers, laser cutters, and other tools in which maker groups can

collaborate and invent

Department store Nordstrom has teamed with online retailer Etsy to sell handmade and vintage goods from emerging artists and designers


For many people, consumption has become a chore and an emotional burden—but something they still must do. 

As marketers, it is our role to re‐inject joy into the equation by…• Ensuring that people have reason to feel good about what 

they buy—including the social and environment impact• Finding sensible solutions to problems of waste and 

excess• Working with consumers rather than dazzling them with 

meaningless gimmicks and fleeting feelings of gratification

• Helping people consume in a way that is better for us all

For more insights from Havas Worldwide research—and to download the “New Consumer and the Sharing Economy” white paper or

infographic—visit http://www.prosumer-report.com/blog/

And follow us on Twitter (@prosumer_report)


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