harness-lemons final paper official

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Harness – Lemons 1


Recolonizing on different planets has been a considerable goal for

mankind ever since the first missions into space; but before they can test the

soils on unknown worlds, they must use an advanced, safe method of farming:

hydroponics. Missions such as the Vision for Space Exploration have helped

prove the usefulness of hydroponic growth methods in cluttered, weightless

environments such as space stations in order to supply the astronauts with

necessary amounts of food that are often rationed for long-term missions

(Heiney). But with the limited time and amount of resources placed in the

environment, the best method for various plant growth is needed to produce a

high crop yield for the months on end. It is also common knowledge, and often

practiced in grade school science experiments, that plants grown in hydroponics

systems tend to boast higher yields when compared to plants grown in soil

(Hightower). Hydroponics systems encourage the conservation of water since

plants are raised in a soilless environment (Quarters). It is a far more

concentrated version of farming since temperatures, light received, and amounts

of water/nutrients received are regulated on a daily basis, causing relatively

larger crop yields without the uses of herbicide and pesticide.

Determining the best solution is crucial for plant growth since they are

raised in a soilless environment. Works from scientists such as Libia I. Trejo-

Téllez and Fernando C. Gómez helped discover and recommend the proper

nutrients needed to be in a solution to act as an overall replacement fertilizer.

Their research helped prove the healthiness and efficiency in plant growth by

Harness – Lemons 2

assembling a custom solution to help raise government awareness on the local

use of this conservative farming. Focusing on the essentials in diet is crucial in

human health. Elements such as potassium are essential for supplying energy in

the body such as electrolytes in order for humans to stay focused and healthy on

a regular basis. Lower amounts of potassium can cause health issues such as

low blood pressure and stomach pains if not digested regularly in the various

fruits and vegetables that they can be found in (Haas).

Figure 1. Graph of Below Dietary Intake (Vorland)

Figure 1 displays the lack of dietary intake that humans suffer with daily

between each and every age group. Malnutrition is a serious issue that mankind

faces every day. No matter where in the world, humans suffer in the lack of

knowledge of what foods contain certain vitamins and minerals or are not

receiving proper amounts due to their poverty levels. To help focus on better

plant growth and identify the lack of contents within a crop, a research team tests

the growth of Zea mays crops under different nutrient solutions and lighting over

Harness – Lemons 3

the course of a couple weeks. This research can help inform the public on

identifying healthier crops, and could help them become more knowledgeable of

the benefits contained in using a hydroponics system. This research is also

useful for the NASA program when determining the best nutrient solution and

method for growing crops during their next research project in their various space


Harness – Lemons 4

Review of Literature

In a natural environment, the common plant relies on the soil that

surrounds it in order to gain its nutrients and grow with the aid of water; however,

with the change in seasons and unsubstantial amounts of nutrients in the soil, the

fate of any plant can become perilous unless a new growth method is introduced.

Hydroponics is a common practice of growing plants without the use of soil, and

instead uses only water and nutritional content. The term hydroponics originates

from the ancient Greek "hydros," meaning water, and "ponos," meaning work


This practice has many advantages and only a few disadvantages. Some

advantages include: crops being grown where no suitable soil exists or where the

soil is contaminated with disease, the availability to grow exclusively in

greenhouses allowing it to grow anywhere (even in dryer populations according

to Storey), elimination of the labor for regular crop cultivation, maximum crop

yields are highly possible making the system economically feasible in high

density and expensive land areas, and there is more complete control over the

environment due to the various systems and regulation of water pumps.

Disadvantages include the following: cost, since setups and accessories typically

cost hundreds of dollars, trained personnel or knowledge of hydroponics is

needed for setting up and knowing what to use for plant growth and nutritional

amounts, the spreading of nematodes, and the reaction of the plant to good or

poor nutrition is extremely fast (Jones).

Harness – Lemons 5

The difference between plants that grow in soil and plants that grow

without soil is the way nutrients are absorbed; for example, in a hydroponic

system, plants have nutrients mixed with the water and sent directly to the root

system. The plant does not have to search in the soil for the nutrients that it

requires, instead, those nutrients are being delivered to the plant several times

per day. Very little energy is required to find and break down food in this system,

ultimately saving energy and producing a higher crop yield than normal

(Greentrees Hydroponics).

There are similar experiments that observe the growth rate of plants in soil

and in a hydroponics system, such as the experiment performed by Kate

Chiappinelli and her partner Cynthia Collier, where the results proved quite

interesting due to a few design flaws. Since these two scientists were rather

amateurs in using a hydroponics system, they failed to apply the correct amount

of chemicals such as potassium and nitrogen to the solution, causing the leaves

to turn yellowish-brown and grow in a rapid, unstable manner. This research is

relatable to the experiment being performed since it warns what signs to be

attentive to when using nutrients and what amounts of any chemicals are needed

in the entire growth process.

Many crops can be grown in a hydroponics system, such as Zea mays,

and plant growth still requires both photosynthesis and respiration processes.

Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants and some other organisms

use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water. The seeds will

be exposed to light in order to synthesize their food. Respiration is the process of

Harness – Lemons 6

metabolizing sugars to yield energy for growth, reproduction, and other life

processes (Colorado Master Gardener Program).

The wavelength that the light source emits can also affect the growth of

plants in any environment. According to a study performed by University of

Florida students Kiri Hamaker and Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu, color of light can

affect the photosynthetic process in the chlorophyll of the plant, meaning that it

will either reflect or absorb certain wavelengths. Wavelengths that ranged from

400 – 600 nanometers in length (blue to yellow colored bulbs) resulted in the

highest growth since the chlorophyll was able to absorb most of the energy taken

in from the colored lights. This serves as significant information since a colored

plant growth bulb is being used for experimentation as opposed to natural light.

Modeled after the experiments stated earlier, this research will test out the

use of nutrients and the effect of wavelengths from different light sources. Four

groups will be established: two main groups testing nutritional content and two

subgroups testing the different light sources; then, the best method will be

determined by descriptive analysis. A descriptive will be used to analyze the data

using dot plots and observations. This test is valid because of the four groups

being compared in this experiment: the natural light with the full potassium

nutrient, the advanced growth light specific to plants with the full potassium

nutrient solution, the natural light with the potassium deficient solution, and the

advanced growth light specific to plants with the potassium deficient solution.

Potassium is the second most important nutrient needed for the proper growth

and reproduction of plants, nitrogen is the first. Potassium is responsible for a

Harness – Lemons 7

number of different things including regulating the CO2 intake, regulation of

water, and protein and starch synthesis. Potassium deficiency can cause slow or

stunted growth, poor resistance to temperature change and drought, cholrosis,

and defoliation (Potassium in Plants).

Harness – Lemons 8

Problem Statement


Under the effects of a nutrient solution and chemically-deficient nutrient

solution along with the aid of two different types of light, what condition will Zea

mays plants grow best in when using a modified hydroponics setup?


If the plants are grown under the effects of the growth lights and the full

nutrient solution, then they will contain the tallest height average out of all four

groups over the course of three weeks.

Data Measured:

The plants’ length will be measured in centimeters using a meter stick

before and after the trials are conducted. The amount of nutrients being applied

to the water to create a solution will be measured in milliliters per liter of water as

suggested on the nutrient products. The power of the lights are measured in

Watts and will differentiate in light intensity since the Sun is a much farther

distance (in meters) than the growth bulbs hanging directly above the certain

groups of Zea mays plants.

Harness – Lemons 9

Experimental Design


(100) Zea mays seeds

(5) Paper towel sheets

(5) 1.8927 L-sized Ziploc plastic bags

100 mL Spray Bottle

(32) Plastic Bottles with Added Holes

0.1524 m3 Bag of Pea Pebbles

TI-Nspire calculator

Meter Stick

(2) 122.6 L of Nutrient Solution + H2O [see Appendix A on how to create]

pH Tester

Custom Hydroponics System [see Appendix B for setup]


1. Prior to starting this experiment, split up the 100 Zea mays seeds into groups of 20. Once arranged, germinate the seeds by moistening a towel, with a spray bottle of water, and folding it over the orderly placed seeds. Keep the seeds in a clear Ziploc bag.

2. After two weeks have passed, check on the sprouted seeds. (NOTE: Only use the seeds that have sprouted. If they are moldy or did not sprout, they cannot be grown in this lab). Choose 32 sprouted seeds and randomize the seeds using the TI Nspire (see Appendix C). After that, measure their initial lengths with a ruler and place them in their respected pebble-filled cups from left to right on top of the hydroponics garden. Every 8 seeds will be considered as a different group when placed under their specific lights/nutrient area.

3. Activate the two pumps for both the potassium deficient barrel and full nutrient barrel to start the flowing within the two systems.

4. Observe the growth of each Zea mays plant daily. Make sure they are receiving the nutrients from their position in the bottle. Write down any unique observations that occur in the plants for both sides.

5. Filter/replace the solution once every two weeks to maintain freshness.

Harness – Lemons 10

6. After three to four weeks, record the final length of each plant, and then disassemble the garden. Dispose of the solutions, crops, bottles, and sterilize both the pipes and barrels. (OPTIONAL: If wanting to mature the crops for harvesting, remove any dead plants and holders, support the plant base by adding in more pea pebbles in the holder, fill the barrels to about 190 L, and create a new nutrient solution with the adjusted requirements. Remove the plant fixtures, and have both solutions equal in amount of nutrients).

7. Analyze data via descriptive statistics test using boxplots comparing the averages per group.


Figure 2. Materials Needed for Experiment

Figure 2 displays the materials needed to perform this experiment. The

germinated seeds, which are contained by the Ziploc bag, will be measured by

the meter stick and its length will be recorded on the TI Nspire. The plastic bottle

will act as a holder, and, to weigh it down properly and cover the seed, pea

Ziploc Bag

Meter Stick

Pea PebblesPlastic Bottle with holes

Paper towel w/ Germinated Seeds

Spray Bottle

TI Nspire

Harness – Lemons 11

pebbles will be used (NOTE: Make sure the stem or roots of the germinated seed

do not get crushed by these pebbles, place the seed in last and then lightly cover

it). This holder will then be placed in the Hydroponics system (as shown in the

background) for over the course of three to four weeks.

Table 1. Example Data Table of Plant Growth (in cm)

Plant Length (cm)Potassium Deficient Solution Full Nutrient Solution

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

Plant #Plant Light

Plant #Standard Light

Plant #Standard Light

Plant #Plant Light

Before After Before After Before After Before After20 30 10 3113 36 26 278 18 4 7

23 15 14 1932 9 12 25 28 24 25

17 34 1 311 29 22 35

Average: Average: Average: Average:

Table 1 demonstrates how the groups will be split up and classified in this

experiment. Both plants grown in carbonated and tap water will be exposed to

either Sunlight or a custom plant light for the next few weeks. The differences in

growth rate will be measured before and after the trial begins and the differences

will be calculated as a result in a descriptive statistical test.

Harness – Lemons 12

Data and Observations


Table 2Before and After Lengths of Zea mays Crops

Plant Length (cm)Potassium Deficient Solution Full Nutrient Solution

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

Plant # Plant Light Plant # Standard Light Plant # Standard Light Plant #

Plant LightBefore After Before After Before After Before After

20 0.4 37.2 30 0.2 7.9 10 0.4 1.1 31 0 0.313 0.3 5.3 36 0.1 10.1 26 0.6 25.5 27 0 18 0.2 23.1 18 0.4 36.3 4 3.8 41 7 0.1 0.423 0.5 10 15 0 1.3 14 4.5 37.8 19 0.4 35.532 0.1 1.3 9 0.1 0.1 12 0.5 25.5 2 0 385 0.4 2.2 28 0.2 26.5 24 0.2 1.5 25 0.1 0.717 0 46 34 0.3 34.5 1 1.4 2.2 3 0 011 0.2 1 29 0.1 27.2 22 0.4 1.6 35 0 0.3

AVG: 0.2625 15.7625 AVG: 0.1750 17.9875 AVG: 1.4750 17.0250 AVG: 0.0750 9.5250

Table 2 gives the results of the before and after lengths (in centimeters) of

each individual crop per group. Each group was given its own testing conditions

for the crops to grow under, from growing under a plant light in a potassium-

deficient solution to growing a full-nutrient solution under standard sunlight. Each

plant, of the 36 selected seeds and corresponding holder (Plants 6, 16, 21, and

33 had to be removed to prevent flooding issues in the hydroponics system,

reducing the groups down to 8 per group), was randomized into the groups,

giving variations in initial plant length and final results. The final measurements

were made three and a half weeks after the plants were put into the Hydroponics

system. Out of all the groups, the tallest height of the grown plants was from

Plant #17 in Group 1 (where it was grown under a plant light in a nutrient-

Harness – Lemons 13

deficient solution), while the shortest height of the grown plants, showing no

changes in growth at all, was from Plant # 3 in Group 4 (where it was grown

under a plant light, but in the full-nutrient solution). The tallest final height

average occurred in Group 2 at 17.9875 cm, while the shortest height average

was in Group 4 at 9.5250 cm.

Harness – Lemons 14


Table 3Observations of Experiment and Plant Growth

Date Observations

10/15/2014 Seeds are placed in respected groups after randomization and solutions are made for each tank.

10/19/2014The circuit breaker to the power outlets that support the lights and pumps went out over the weekend; as a result, most of the seeds dried up or have molded over due to the damp area. 100 backup seeds were germinated.

10/19/2014Bottles #36 and #29 tipped over due to a flood in the PVC pipes shortly after the power was restored. The rocks were cleaned up and the seeds were recovered.

10/22/2014 Plants 4, 5, and 14 are the only plants that have shown signs of growth (4 and 14 showing the largest length).

10/26/201429 seeds are replaced with new germinated seeds with long stems and varied lengths, these were also determined in their respected holders due to randomization.

10/30/2014 The solutions are replaced due to low volume. The new seeds appear to be caught up to the 3 growing seeds in length only after 4 days.

11/3/2014 Plant 5's sprout dried up and snapped off from the seed over the weekend; its final measurement turned out to be 2.2 cm.

11/10/2014 Final lengths are measured. Plants 11, 15, 9, 10, 1, 31, 7, 25, 3, and 35 resulted in death by drowning, mold, crushed by surrounding rocks, etc.

Table 3 displays the observations of the plants and lab environment during

the dates of the experiment. This experiment took the course of over three and a

half weeks, having the majority being regrown a week and a half after the starting

date due to system failures (flooding, power outing, mold, etc.). A common trend

shown between the groups grown under different nutrients is the overall

structure. The two groups grown in the potassium-deficient solution tended to

have weaker structures, withered leaves, and browner stems; however, most

managed to increase to the heights of the plants grown under the full nutrient

Harness – Lemons 15

solution. The plants grown under the full nutrient solution tended to have thicker

stems, firm leaves, and were of a lighter green. Another observation made on the

overall growth was the distance of the light source from the plant. Plants grown

under the artificial growth light received more energy at a constant light intensity

as opposed to the sunlight which energy was absorbed when shown at various

times of the day due to weather.

Table 4Average pH Reading of Both Nutrient Solutions

Potassium-Deficient Full-Nutrient

pH Level 6.5 6

Table 4 reads the overall pH levels that ranged in the solutions daily.

Taking samples from both barrels and adding a solution that helps classify the

pH level by color, the researchers were able to identify which levels the plants

were growing under. Zea mays crops are suggested to grow in a fertilizer with a

pH level of 6, making these two solutions acceptable for growth. These tests

were performed weekly to ensure that these levels were consistent.

Harness – Lemons 16

Table 5Lux Levels of Light on Surface

Group # Lux1 685.22 590.63 620.44 668.7

Table 5 represents the amount of illumination on the surface area (or Lux

as the SI Unit is referred to as) for all four groups of this experiment. The plant

lights installed over Groups 1 and 4 were kept on from 5 P.M. to 7 A.M. every

night since light was the least present in the greenhouse. Since Groups 2 and 3

were grown under natural sunlight, the amount of lux received on these plants

averages out to 590.6 Lux and 620.4 Lux during the daytime; however, the

amount received is uncontrolled due to the day/night cycle, weather, distance

from the Sun to Earth, and the time switch to daylight savings was also put into


Harness – Lemons 17

Figure 3. Germinating Seeds

Figure 3 displays the first step needed to be taken to grow these plants.

20 seeds were aligned in a paper towel, then folded over by the other half of the

towel and wetted down. The moisture is contained using a Ziploc bag. This

process was repeated for 80 other seeds and after a week or two has gone by,

the seeds were removed and the ones that have sprouted are used for the

experiment while the remaining seeds are disposed.


Paper TowelZiploc Bag

Harness – Lemons 18

Figure 4. Measuring Initial Length

Figure 4 displays the process and second step taken for this experiment:

finding the initial length of the sprout. Each assigned seed had its sprout

measured before being put into its holder and buried in rocks without damaging

the sprout.

Figure 5. Securing the Plant

Figure 5 displays the plant after it is assigned a holder. By carefully using

a ladder or step ladder, the holder was placed into its assigned position (starting

from the left to the right of the entire setup of pipes). The plant was monitored

Meter Stick

Harness – Lemons 19

daily and the position was occasionally altered due to performance errors in


Figure 6. Measuring Final Length

After the three to three and a half week period is over, the final length of

the plant was measured in centimeters. Holding the plant up to its uttermost tip,

as shown in Figure 6, the measurement was recorded for the final length. Any

plants that died over this course were disposed of, and (as an optional addition to

this research) the remaining plants were monitored further to see if actual crops

would be produced under the effects of different nutrient solutions and lights.

Harness – Lemons 20

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Change in Height for Group 1

Group10 10 20 30 40 50

Group1 median = 7.25Group1 mean = 15.5

Group1 popStdDev = 16.5576

Figure 7. Dot Plot of the Change in Height for Group 1

Figure 7 above is the dot plot that shows the change in height for eight

plants in group 1. Group 1 was given the potassium deficient solution and

exposed to the advanced growth light specific to plants. The mean value is 15.50

cm and the median value is 7.25 cm.

median mean

Δheight (cm)


Harness – Lemons 21

Change in Height for Group 2

Group20 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Group2 mean = 17.8125Group2 median = 18.15

Group2 popStdDev = 13.7261

Figure 8. Dot Plot of the Change in Height for Group 2

Figure 8 shows a dot plot of the change in height for the eight plants in

group 2. Group 2 was given the potassium deficient solution and exposed to

natural sunlight. The mean value is 17.81 cm and the median value is 18.15 cm.

Group30 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Group3 mean = 15.55Group3 median = 13.1

Group3 popStdDev = 15.0316

Figure 9. Dot Plot of the Change in Height for Group 3



Change in Height for Group 3


Δheight (cm)


Δheight (cm)

Harness – Lemons 22

Figure 9 above is the dot plot that shows the change in height for eight

plants in group 3. Group 3 was given the full potassium nutrient solution and

exposed to natural sunlight. The mean value is 15.55 cm and the median value is

31.10 cm.

Group40 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Group4 mean = 9.45Group4 median = 0.45

Group4 popStdDev = 15.6653

Figure 10. Dot Plot of the Change in Height for Group 4

Figure 10 above is the dot plot that shows the change in height for eight

plants in group 4. Group 4 was given the full potassium nutrient solution and

exposed the advanced growth light specific to plants. The mean value is 9.45 cm

and the median value is 0.45 cm.

Change in Height for Group 4

median mean stdDev

Δheight (cm)

Harness – Lemons 23

Table 6. Change in Length

Change in LengthGroup 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

36.80 7.70 0.70 0.305.00 10.00 24.90 1.00

22.90 35.90 37.20 0.309.50 1.30 33.30 35.101.20 0.00 25.00 38.001.80 26.30 1.30 0.60

46.00 34.20 0.80 0.000.80 27.10 1.20 0.30

Average 15.50 17.81 15.55 9.45

Table 6 above shows the change in length of each plant for each group

and their averages. The group with the highest average of length difference is

group 2, with an average of 17.81 cm. In group 2, the Zea mays seeds were

under the potassium deficient solution and exposed to natural sunlight.

Table 7. Percent Change of the Change in Length

Percent ChangeGroup 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

92 38.5 1.75 016.67 100 41.5 0114.5 89.75 9.79 3

19  0 7.4 87.7512 0 50 04.5 131.5 6.5 6

114 0.57 04 271 3 0

Average 37.5243 106.393 15.0638 12.0938

Table 7 above shows the percent change of the change in length of each

plant for each group and their averages. The percent changes of zero were also

Harness – Lemons 24

added. The greatest percent change is group 2 which was grown under the

potassium deficient solution and exposed to natural sunlight.

The overall conclusion from the data is group 2 had the greatest average

length of Zea mays seeds and also the greatest percent change in the growth. To

review, group 2 was given the potassium deficient solution and exposed to

natural sunlight. Group 1 had the second lowest average growth length, which

was given the potassium deficient nutrient solution and exposed to the advanced

growth light specific to plants. Potassium-deficient plants are highly light sensitive

and very rapidly become chlorotic when exposed to high light intensity. When a

plant is chlorotic, it is not its normal green color, but instead its leaves are

yellowish-green. Given this information it can be inferred that Group 2’s plants

grew the greatest because there was just enough potassium in that system to

handle the light energy from the sun to carry out the photosynthetic process. It

can also be inferred that Group 1’s plants had close to the lowest average growth

length because the plants were under a potassium deficient environment and

were given the advanced growth lights at the same time. This caused the plants

to become weaker (wilted), and not as green compared to the other groups in the

full potassium environment. These results suggest that crop plants grown under

conditions of high light intensity over a long period of time have a higher internal

requirement for potassium than the plants exposed to lower light intensities

during growth.

Harness – Lemons 25


After three weeks of growing in the hydroponics system, the second group

of Zea mays plants (the potassium-deficient group growing under sunlight) faired

the highest average length of 17.9875 cm over all the other groups. This means

that the initial hypothesis of the fourth group (the full nutrient group growing

under artificial, growth lights) having the highest average height fall under was

rejected, since this group had an average length of 9.5250 cm, the lowest

average of all four groups.

These results occurred by error because of the initial seed treatment,

natural occurrences in the system, and low variability. Given the small sample

size of 32 plants (8 per group) that could be held in the system used, there was

significantly less variability between the groups causing a strong bias to occur.

Another initial treatment error that caused these results to occur was the seeds

after the germination process. Not all of the seeds had a significant sprout length,

or did not sprout at all, causing little to no growth to occur in the system. To

compromise with this result, 32 new seeds had to be germinated and replanted,

but this time they all had a significant sprout length or roots forming from the

base. The replanting of the seeds shifted the project a week behind schedule,

causing most of the crops to not be grown to their fullest length.

The plants growing under the artificial light performed the weakest in

growth length since they received supple amounts of additional light during trial

time. According to James W. Brown of Crop King Inc., “if there is enough light for

the young seedlings while the first true leaf is developing and beginning to

Harness – Lemons 26

expand, the base of the stem will remain compact and the cotyledons will not rise

to an excessive height.” Results that gave a weaker structure in plants also

occurred due to how far they were buried in their holder as seeds. When plants

do not receive a certain amount of light during their seed or early sprouting

stages, the cotyledons (a significant part of the plant’s embryo in the seed)

expand and elongate the seed to reach for sunlight; therefore, a thinner stem

resulted during the plants’ growth process (Science Daily). Other events that

occurred in the system were drowning out from the water, uncontrolled amounts

of mold growing on the seeds due to the damp and heated environment of the

greenhouse, and some stems were crushed by the surrounding pebbles over

time. The only way to prove the significance of growth between the plants under

two different solutions is by observation of physical features such as structure

and color. The plants that grew under the potassium-deficient solution tended to

have browner leaves, stems, and a weaker structure such as wilted leaves as

opposed to the plants growing under a full nutrient. These observations

correspond with current research done on the symptoms of potassium-deficient

plants due to the physical features described; however, the health factor of these

crops was never observed during this experiment due to the time it takes to

mature (about a 4 – 5 weeks after the time period used for the trials).

These results have the possibility to impact the scientific community

significantly. If enough data is collected in regards to a higher sample size,

scientists can soon rely on the nutrient solutions tested in this experiment to help

receive a higher crop yield. Studies have already proved that nitrogen is known

Harness – Lemons 27

to impact a plant’s growth in either a negative or positive way since corn is reliant

on this element. Major discoloration will occur if nitrogen is not present in these

crops and the plants will soon die from rotting if the fertilizer is not given enough

of the element (South Dakota State). Potassium is considered second only to

nitrogen, when it comes to nutrients needed by plants. Potassium regulates the

opening and closing of stomata, and therefore regulates CO2 uptake and is

essential at almost every step of the protein synthesis. However, it is concluded

by the results, that potassium does not have a huge impact on a plants growth,

and neither does the plant growth light bulbs. This can be attributed to the small

weakness in the experimental design. Further research can be conducted to

study the problem further with added improvements including a larger sample

size, different nutrients, a different crop, and different types of artificial light. A

larger sample size would increase variability in order to show how effective the

solutions are. Using different amounts of different elements in a nutrient solution

would show different results and observations on the growth of the Zea mays

plants. Using a different crop while using the same testing conditions would result

in different features in plant growth and overall plant structure in order to

determine the effects of the solutions. Lastly, using different wavelengths or light

intensities would give varied results in photosynthesis or plant growth since the

added energy from the growth lights seemed to have an effect on the Zea mays

crops in this experiment; however, if this were to be tested, each plant would

need to be buried to the same depth in the holders in order for them to gain the

same amount of light in their early stages. Making these improvements would

Harness – Lemons 28

allow the data collected to be more accurate and either support or reject the data

collected from this experiment.

Harness – Lemons 29


The research team would like to thank Professor Johnathan Egilla Ph.D.

of Lincoln University for his contribution and suggestions on how to perform this

experiment; Mr. Mark Supal for helping install and modifying the hydroponics

system in the greenhouse at MMSTC and also buying additional accessories to

make this happen; Mr. Mark Estapa for applying scientific concepts and giving

suggestions for this research project; Mrs. Kimberly Gravel for giving corrections

on this paper and suggestions on where to go for researching the topics; and

lastly, Mrs. Christine Tallman and Mr. Scot Acre for clarifying and supporting

mathematical concepts for this research and data analysis.

Harness – Lemons 30

Appendix A: Making the Nutrient Solution and Testing pH

To make the nutrient solution for the benefit of the crops, follow the

measurements on the back of the box to determine how much of each nutrient is

needed per liter of water.

Figure 11. FloraSeries Performance Pack

In Figure 11 above, the photo on the right displays all of the nutrients and

chemicals used to test the water during experimentation. On the left is what is

used in determining how many milliliters of each chemical is needed per liter of

water. The nutrients needed include 7.425 mL of Rooting Enhancer per barrel,

7.425 mL of Concentrated Enhancer per barrel, 29.698 mL of FloraBloom per

barrel, 118.794 mL of FloraMicro per barrel, 80 mL of FloraBlend per barrel,

148.492 mL of FloraGro in the full potassium barrel and 59.397 mL of FloraGro in

the potassium deficient barrel.

2-Step Procedure:

1. Carefully pour each nutrient needed into the appropriate beaker or graduated cylinder.

2. Pour each of the measured nutrients into the appropriate barrel according to which one is the full potassium and which one is the potassium deficient

Harness – Lemons 31


Checking the pH level:

Figure 12. pH Scale Color Spectrum

Figure 12 above is the spectrum that is to be used when trying to indicate

the pH level of the nutrient solution. The colors are labeled around the bottle of

the pH tester itself. A sample of the solution was taken out of the barrel using a

small beaker and three to four drops of pH test indicator liquid was added to the

sample. The water immediately turned into the color that matched its pH level.

The lower the pH the more acidic the solution is, and the lower the pH the more

basic the solution is.

Appendix B: Hydroponics System Setup Guide

Harness – Lemons 32


(2) Light Fixtures

(4) Plastic Connectors

10 m of Tubing

(2) Pump/Filters

(2) 200 L-sized Barrels

(4) 60 Watt Plant Growing


(2) ½ hr Interval Timers

10 m of chain (1 cm links)

(2) 3.048 m PVC Pipes (with 18 7.62 cm holes)

(2) 5 m Extension Cords

(2) Multi-outlet


1. In the MMSTC greenhouse, hang the two PVC pipes by wrapping chains around them. Make sure the pipes descend at least 2 – 3 meters from the ceiling at the front end of the greenhouse.

2. Position the barrels in between and below the two hanging pipes since it is an easier reach for the pumps and tubing.

3. Connect the tubes on both sides of the pipes. Have one tubing reach out to the far end of the pipe, this is where water will be inserted by the pump, then have the other tube on the bottom of the end closest to the middle, this is where the water will be drained. Connect the pipes and tubes with the plastic connectors (also for the drainage holes insert a connecter to raise the water level in the pipe so that the plants will be able to receive a sufficient amount).

4. Attach the two pumps to the tubes inserting the water and place them in the barrel. Make sure the drainage pipe also is placed in the barrel.

5. Attach the light fixtures with the growth bulbs (2 bulbs per fixture) in between the chains so they will hang at a reasonable height (at least 1 – 2 m above the pipe) using the chains.

Harness – Lemons 33

6. Have extension cords attached to the light fixtures and plug them into a nearby multi-outlet. Have the two pumps plugged into another multi-outlet. Make sure both multi-outlets are ON and attached to their appropriate timers.

7. Set the timers for the pumps to run a ½ hour ever 2 ½ hours (this should have a cycle of watering the plants 4 hours a day with 8 sessions). Set the light timer for 13 hours from 7 P.M to 8 A.M. for the specific groups.


Figure 13. Setup of System

Figure 13. displays what has been setup for this experiment. As shown,

each pipe receives its own fixture, pump, drain, and barrel of water for the daily

cycle to commence in the Hydroponics system at MMSTC.

Barrel w/ Solution

Pump w/ Tubing Light timer w/ multi-outlet

Pump timer w/ multi-outlet

Extension Cord

Light fixture w/ Plant Bulb

3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes3.048 m PVC Pipes Chains

Drainage tube w/ connecter

Harness – Lemons 34

Appendix C: Randomization with TI-Nspire CX


TI-Nspire CX Graphing Calculator


1. Turn on the TI-Nspire CX calculator.

2. Go to the Calculations Page on the Home Screen.

3. Hit the menu button.

4. Select option five: Probability.

5. Select option four: Random.

6. Select option two: Integer.

7. Input the minimum value in the random number set.

8. Hit the comma button, then input the maximum value of the random number set.

9. Hit the Enter button and use the random number that came up as the first selection.

10. Hit the Enter button again and use the random number that comes up as the next choice until all numbers/options available have been selected.

Harness – Lemons 35

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