hardware, software, and the roles of

Post on 13-Apr-2018






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  • 7/26/2019 Hardware, Software, And the Roles Of



    Prepared by: Jeffrey


  • 7/26/2019 Hardware, Software, And the Roles Of


    Hardware is the physical part of the computer

    and its associated equipment. Computer

    hardware can comprise many different parts,

    these include:

    Input Devices: used to enter data; keyboard,

    mouse, trackball, touch screen, light pen,

    microphone, bar code reader, fax modem card,

    joystick, and scanner.Output Devices: used toview and hear processed data; video monitor

    screens, printers, speakers, and fax.

  • 7/26/2019 Hardware, Software, And the Roles Of


    Central Processing Unit (CPU)"brain" of the

    computer, three components:Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): number "crunching"Memory: is the storage area in which program instruction

    (code) reside during execution.Read-only memory (ROM) is permanent; it

    remains when the power is off. Start-up

    instructions for the computer is an example of


  • 7/26/2019 Hardware, Software, And the Roles Of


    Random access memory (RAM) is a temporary

    storage area for program instructions and data

    that is being processed, it is only active while the

    computer is turned on. (located on the

    motherboard not part of CPU)

    Control Unit: manages instructions to other parts

    of the computer, including input and output

    devices "traffic cop"

  • 7/26/2019 Hardware, Software, And the Roles Of


    Secondary Storage: provides space to retain

    data in an area separate from the computer's

    memory after the computer is turned off, these

    include; hard disk drives, floppy disks, tape, zip

    drives, optical drives and CD-ROM drives.

  • 7/26/2019 Hardware, Software, And the Roles Of



    Super computers, are the largest and most expensive, can perform

    billions of instructions every secondMainframes, large computers capable of processing several millions

    instructions per second. They support organizational functions,

    therefore have been the traditional equipment in hospitals.

    Customized software results in high cost.Minicomputer, is a scaled-down version of the mainframe, since

    they are now becoming more powerful they can now be found in

    hospitals and HMO'sMicrocomputers(PCs), inexpensive processing power for an

    individual user.Laptop or Notebook, Handheld, and Personal Digital Assistants


  • 7/26/2019 Hardware, Software, And the Roles Of


    Anetworkis "a combination of hardware and

    software that allows communication and electronic

    transfer of information between computers" (as

    cited in Hebda, 1998, p. 19).Hardware may be

    connected permanently by wire (Ethernet), ortemporarily by wireless communication, and

    modems/telephone lines. This allows the sharing of

    computer and software resources, through the use

    of the network. For example, several computers may

    share one computer, or a word processing program

    could also be accessed by many different users.

    Networks, no matter how small or large, operate

    with the client/server technology.

  • 7/26/2019 Hardware, Software, And the Roles Of


    AServerstores files and programs that are

    accessed by the client on the network. When you

    access the Internet from home, you the client

    (your computer), requests files from a Server

    (another computer), you see the results displayedon your screen through a browser. You may also

    access a network in your clinical practice; you the

    client, accesses a patient record on the floor from

    a server, which stores the patient record.

  • 7/26/2019 Hardware, Software, And the Roles Of



    Home Networks - within a homeLocal Area Networks

    (LAN) - networks within a area, location or business.

    The University connects all its computers on a LAN.

    Wide Area Networks (WAN) - several LAN connected

    togetherInternet - many WAN connected together around the

    globe to give us the Internet that we use today

    Intranets - private company networks that areprotected from outside access Kaiser HMO and its

    clinics and hospitals is an example.Extranets - several

    Intranets connected together, Kaiser maintains

    Extranet a network connection with its suppliers

  • 7/26/2019 Hardware, Software, And the Roles Of




    When selecting a computer system or related hardware,

    you must take into consideration the following:The

    types of applications requiredSome people need word

    processing, while others may need database or spread

    sheet software.The program execution time and computer capacity

    needed to process jobsComplex jobs require more

    processor speed and memory.

    Storage CapacityNeeds are determined by the amount

    of information that must be kept and the length of timethat it must be retained.

    Backup OptionsWhen information is critical to conduct

    daily business, another backup system may be need if

    the primary one fails.

  • 7/26/2019 Hardware, Software, And the Roles Of


    Operating Systems:A collection of programs

    that manage all of the computer's activities,

    including the control of hardware, execution of

    software, and management of information.

    Operating Systems provides auser interfaceby

    which the individual interacts with the computer.

    Types include; text based commands, graphical

    user interfaces (GUI), and object-orientedinterfaces (OOI) a graphic interface in which

    visual metaphors are employed.

  • 7/26/2019 Hardware, Software, And the Roles Of




    Support for computer systems and networks is

    extremely important in order to maintain system

    functionality, support includes: 1) planning

    system upgrades, 2) installation of upgrades for

    operating systems and various applications, 3)troubleshooting, and 4) user education and


  • 7/26/2019 Hardware, Software, And the Roles Of


    Superuser:This person has additional experience

    over the average employee and serves as a local

    resource person. In the hospital setting this is user

    who know the clinical area and the computer

    system.Microcomputer Specialist:Provides PC

    information and training; has special training and

    degree in computer science or a related area.

    Analyst:They are frequently clinicians, whobecome involved in system selection and training.

    Many have learned their role on the job and

    furthered their education by taking computer or

    information science classes.

  • 7/26/2019 Hardware, Software, And the Roles Of


    Programmer:Writes code, computer instructions;

    they often lack the clinical experience. For this reason

    the analysts are responsible for communicating user

    needs to programmers

    Network Administrator:They are responsible for theplanning, management and expansion of networks.

    Director, Information Services:These individuals

    should have a board view of the needs of the institution

    and the design, implementation, and evaluation of

    information systems. Responsibilities includeplanning, policy development, budgeting, information

    security, and overall management of the information


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