halliwick association of swimming therapy

Post on 27-Jan-2022






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Produced by Eric Dilley-Acting Secretary Halliwick AST 1





Reg’d Charity 250008


Produced by Eric Dilley-Acting Secretary Halliwick AST 2



For clarity, it was confirmed and underlined that the following were trustees of the association: (a) Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary and Treasurer; (b) A named representative from each formed and active Halliwick ASTRA; (c) A named representative from each of the following standing committees: (i) education; (ii) publications; (iii) competitions; (iv) any other special or standing committee appointed by the Executive of the association. (d) Up to 3 other named members of the Executive co-opted to sit on the Executive of the association. It was underlined that trustees must be named and able and willing to act as a trustee. The following were therefore duly elected/appointed as officers (trustees where applicable (denoted by (T)) by the AGM for the year 2016/17:

President Patrick Hastings

Vice President Dr Joan Martin MBE Vice President Ann Gresswell Hon. Solicitor Nick Padfield

Independent Examiner Philip Crook FCA

Chairperson William Wyatt (T) Vice Chair Eric Dilley ACII (T)

Hon. Treasurer Gill Wilkinson (T) Medical Advisor Dr Joan Martin MBE

Hon. Insurance Advisor Eric Dilley ACII International Halliwick Association (IHA) Representative Ann Gresswell (or in her

absence, Pamela Wood or Ann Thompson National Coordinating Committee Representative Ann Gresswell

Alison Skinner (T)-Halliwick ASTRA 1 representative

Dave Patmore (T) deceased-Halliwick ASTRA 2 representative Beryl Kelsey (T)-Halliwick ASTRA 5 representative

Pamela Galloway (T)-Halliwick ASTRA 10 representative No nomination for representative for Halliwick ASTRA 15 has been received

Education Committee Representative Ann Gresswell (T) Publications Committee Representative Pamela Wood (T) Competitions Committee Representative John Bentley (T)

Co-opted member of the Executive Dr Joan Martin MBE (T)

The position of Secretary remains vacant

Produced by Eric Dilley-Acting Secretary Halliwick AST 3


London W10 6SB

The Halliwick Association of Swimming Therapy is registered with the Charity Commissioners (No 250008) and was founded in 1952.

The Halliwick Association of Swimming Therapy is a registered

charity that promotes all aspects of swimming for people with

disabilities. It uses the Halliwick Concept. This is an approach to

teach people to participate in water activities, to move

independently in water and to swim, without the use of floatation

aids. It takes into consideration the benefits that can be derived

from activities in water and the fundamentals necessary for

learning. The Concept has also influenced hydrotherapy

techniques. The Ten Point Programme provides a structure for the

Halliwick training programme. James McMillan, MBE, developed the Halliwick Method in 1949 and it is now referred to as the Halliwick Concept. The Halliwick Concept has and continues to evolve. Any group interested in the Halliwick Concept may affiliate to Halliwick AST. These groups may be swimming clubs, special schools, hospitals and training centres and there are currently over 80 affiliated groups including Personal and Overseas affiliations. The organisation can offer comprehensive insurance at competitive rates for members. We also organise local, regional and national swimming galas. Training courses available are:- i. Foundation Course (four days or equivalent) ii. Advanced Courses – Teaching the Halliwick Concept, Assessor,

Lecturer and for therapists in paediatric neurological rehabilitation. iii.Supplementary courses - Moving and Assisting, Disability Awareness

and Gala Organisation.

Produced by Eric Dilley-Acting Secretary Halliwick AST 4


Chairperson’s Report Although this report is essentially to cover 2017, it would be wrong of me not to begin by saying just a few words by way of a tribute to Dr. Joan Martin MBE, who sadly died on 15th January 2018. Joan first became involved with Halliwick way back in 1954 after hearing one of our founders, James McMillan (‘Mac’), give a talk on disability swimming and Joan did not stop dedicating her time and energies to us from that moment until her sad demise. What she did for Halliwick over more than 60 years was enormous (she did far too much over those more-than 60 years to mention here) and she will be greatly and deeply missed by all of us here in Halliwick AST. She was a remarkable lady and an inspiration and support to countless people and we can but carry on, remembering her with great affection and admiration. We also lost Pamela Galloway (of Halliwick ASTRA 10 and a Halliwick AST trustee), and Barry Couzens (original Optimists SC member and channel swimmer for Halliwick) in 2017 and they will be sadly missed too, for who they were and their contributions to Halliwick, which were significant. 2017 has seen the usual busy activity in the association. The Executive Committee met as usual in January, April and September 2017 and the association’s annual general meeting (AGM) was also held in April 2017. The Education Committee and the Publications Committee of Halliwick AST have also met variously and although there has been no formal meeting of the Competitions Committee, we held a very successful National Championships in October 2017, hosted once more by Halliwick ASTRA 1 in North London. We had a great afternoon and congratulations go to Halliwick ASTRA 5 who were once again overall winners in what was a close contest. We were a little ‘slow’ to produce newsletters in 2017 but did produce a newssheet in March and a full newsletter in November – we will try harder in 2018! Our newsletter is one of the main ways we communicate with our members, whether clubs, groups or other affiliates. The newsletter is sent to all who affiliate to us and if you are in a club or group, it is very important that the newsletter is circulated within your club or group. The newsletters give important updates and information which we want all our members to know about and, I hope, are of interest too. Similarly, our website, www.halliwick.org.uk, is regularly updated (as well as our Facebook and Twitter pages) and, thanks to everyone contributing, these are an important resource and another way we can quickly and effectively communicate. Please do remember to keep checking the website and to follow us on our social media pages (Twitter – @HalliwickUK, and Facebook – www.facebook.com/HalliwickUK).

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As you will see from reports that follow mine, our various committees have been very busy on your behalf in lots of different ways and I will not repeat all of that information here but rather, commend the reports to you. As an Executive Committee, we have continued to spend quite a bit of time this year discussing the association and how we can grow and develop to not only continue what we do, but improve it. For various reasons we decided to postpone our big Halliwick event, but this is now definitely going ahead on

12th May 2018 in Euston in London under the banner “Sharing Best Practice and New Ideas for Halliwick’ and I am pleased to say that there has been a good deal of interest in the event. If you still haven’t booked your place and need further information on this, then just head over to https://halliwick.org.uk/affiliation/halliwick-special-event-12-may-2018-london/ for the latest! Places are limited and filling up fast, so you need to act quickly! Allied to that, I repeat my plea that to continue what we do, we really do need more people to come and help us and, if you think you could help us in some way, then please do get in touch with me at halliwickast.chair@gmail.com; I would love to hear from you! Halliwick AST Foundation Courses took place in 2017, and several more are planned for 2018 along with a Halliwick AST Advanced Course in Hull. Course venues and dates are regularly updated on our website and on our social network pages (another good reason to check the website regularly and follow us on our social media pages!) and details are also printed in our newsletters. It is great to see that these courses continue to run so successfully with a dedicated team of lecturers and others who support the courses. Going forward, the National Championships 2018 are to be hosted by Halliwick ASTRA 2 in Sevenoaks, Kent on 20th October 2018 and more information on that will be published in due course. I have not attempted in this report to detail everything that has happened over the year, but rather to give you an overall picture of our progress and a flavour of what we have been up to. Once again, I commend the reports that follow mine which give you more insight in a little more detail as to what has been going on in our various committees and in a number of our regional associations. In closing and as always, I would like to thank all those who sit on our various committees, for the work that they do and the support they have given me and the association over the year. Without you all, the work we do would not continue. We look forward to another exciting year to follow which, with your support, will include our exciting event in London on 12th May. I very much look forward to seeing you there!

William Wyatt,

National Chairperson.

Produced by Eric Dilley-Acting Secretary Halliwick AST 6

Treasurer’s Report This report covers the accounts for 2017. Expenditure exceeded income by almost £2,500 based on a simple income/expenditure account before any accounting adjustments. These adjustments are made up of including 3 Halliwick ASTRAs’ finances (2, 10 and 15), the value of publications and equipment in stock and write-down of stock. The amount from the Dr. Joan Martin Fund was put into the account to be held until such time as a suitable account can be found for it. The main sources of regular income were from affiliation fees, insurance fees, DVDs, publications and equipment sales, a donation and course registration fees (which were down on the previous year). The main categories of regular expenditure were insurance fees, affiliation fees to International Halliwick Association and Sport & Recreation Alliance, administration (which includes the independent examiner’s fee), travel costs to meetings, travel relating to education and publications meetings, room hire for meetings, the National gala costs, publications costs and education costs. The education travel costs were higher due to some funding being given to Lecturers to attend the IHA conference. A year’s fee for managing the website was paid. The value of shares increased just a little over the year.

Gill Wilkinson,

Hon. Treasurer.

Acting Secretary and Insurance Officer’s Report Rather like the Chairman’s report, I could not start my report without mentioning Dr Joan Martin who sadly passed away towards the beginning of the year. I first met Joan when I was still a schoolboy and I joined the Kensington Emperors Swimming Club. Despite the difference in our ages she greatly inspired me and I pledged that I would live my life in the way that she lived hers. I do hope that I have not disappointed her. A friendship that lasted over 50 years has left me with such cherished memories. To more mundane things. The insurance scheme carries on as usual although costs continually increase. This is, in part, due to the claims experience in the market generally although we, ourselves, have not had a claim in recent history. I therefore ask all clubs to be vigilant and make sure that the environments in which they work are as safe as possible. It only takes a discarded towel or misplaced bag to cause a trip hazard so be aware of your own responsibilities as well as others. In an effort to save costs, I received agreement from the Executive Committee that we would not insure

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trophies and stop watches from the renewal date in 2018. The rationale for this is that many clubs have done away with trophies and are giving permanent less expensive ‘trophies’ for winners to keep. Stop watches are now extremely cheap to buy and, coupled with the largish excess that all claims carry, it was not practical for clubs to claim for any losses under this insurance. The insurance scheme is still subsidised by Halliwick AST, much to the chagrin of some of my colleagues who believe the scheme should be self-supporting. As Acting Secretary, I continue to service the Executive Committee; maintain databases and disseminate information. It is particularly annoying when mail is returned unopened because someone has omitted to tell me their club’s secretary has changed or an email address has been updated so I would urge you all to keep me updated. I would rather be told something three times than not at all! I know, from my dealings with clubs, that times are very difficult out there. Funding plays a large part but so does the ever increasing mound of bureaucracy. Some of our clubs have closed and I suspect more will have to do so. In 2018 we are to hold a ‘Special Event’ that will endeavour to impart information and get more people involved in the running of Halliwick. A number of people have put a great deal of work into making this event happen and I hope it will be well supported. This is a make or break event to get more (and younger) people involved. Would your club exist if you did not have the support of a national organisation? Anyway, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my fellow committee members who have supported me during the last year. My own contribution pales into insignificance compared to many of my fellow Committee members. In finishing, I would like to say that the Halliwick Association of Swimming Therapy receives accolades from people throughout the world. We are internationally renowned! As the advert says, we are probably the best swimming teachers in the world.

Eric Dilley, Acting Secretary and Insurance Officer.

Halliwick AST Education Committee Report

This Committee has had two meetings in 2017, one in March and one in

September. Both meetings were held in London.

Officers of this Committee

The following were re-elected at the March Meeting: - Ann Gresswell – Chair,

Pamela Wood – Vice Chair, Ann Thomson – Secretary

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Other positions

At the March Meeting the following agreed to continue: - Ann Thomson as

Course Registrar, Pamela Galloway as Data Base Manager and Beryl Kelsey

as Certificate Registrar. Beryl Kelsey continues with liaising with CERTA.

Alison Skinner continues to take responsibility for evaluation of courses –

(collating the feedback sheets from courses).

Sadly, Pamela Galloway passed away in April. The September meeting

started with a minutes silence in memory of Pamela. She was a great

Halliwick enthusiast and worked very hard in different ways to promote

Halliwick. Her role of Data Base Manager has remained unfilled.

Philip Puckrin has decided to retire from his Halliwick work. At the

September Education meeting thanks were expressed for his involvement

with the Education Committee, including a time as Chair of that meeting, and

for all the courses he ran.

Thanks are due to all the people who attend the Education Meetings for their

work for the Committee, who keep this Committee very active.


In 2017 there have been seven Foundation Courses held in the UK (Oxford, Hull (2), Newcastle, Northampton, London and York). There have been two Advanced Halliwick Courses held in the UK - one Assessor’s Course in Newcastle and one Teaching and Applying Halliwick Skills in Hull.

Registration/Lecturer Fees agreed for 2018

It was agreed to keep all fees the same as 2017.

Foundation Course

Affiliates £450.00

Non Affiliates £720.00 for 12 participants

£900.00 for 13 -16 participants

£1320.00 for 17 - 24 participants

The reduced fee for affiliated organisations becomes available on payment of

the third annual affiliation fee – i.e. two full years of affiliation.

Day Workshops - £275.00

Lecturers’ Fees - as before - £350.00 per day

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It was agreed that completion of the Halliwick Foundation Course qualifies a

participant to:-

1. be a Halliwick Instructor - i.e. to apply the Halliwick Concept to disabled


2. develop Halliwick skills with helpers who are assisting the Instructor to

develop the swimmers in Halliwick Concept skills.

3. create a lesson plan and to lead a group of up to six swimmers, each

with a helper, in implementing the activities of the lesson plan.

The Red and Yellow Badges are assessed on the Foundation Course.

Successful completion of these assessments qualifies participants to teach

the skills, including the activities to develop the skills, and assess and award

these Halliwick AST Badges. People who have completed the Foundation

Course and passed the relevant badge may purchase badges up to the level

of their achievement. (Previously only members of Halliwick AST could

purchase badges.)

Updating after attending a Halliwick Foundation Course

‘Valid for five years’ is now being added to certificates.

It was agreed that the following would be acceptable to show evidence of an

Instructor maintaining knowledge/skills:-

1. Need to show evidence of Halliwick Activities.

2. Take HIC

3. Attend another Foundation Course in full.

4. Attend Advanced Course – ‘Teaching and Applying Halliwick Skills’

5. Attend Refresher Courses

Badge Testing on Courses

It was agreed that Red Badge and Yellow Badges should be assessed on

the Foundation course. Where there is time extra to the course

requirements, as well as deep water, lecturers may assess the participants

who wish to be assessed for the Green Badge.

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Blue Badge

The criteria for the item on ‘Submerge vertically feet first’ has been updated.

Details of this can be found in the publication ‘Teaching and Testing Halliwick

AST Proficiency Badges’.


It was agreed that Foundation Course participants who work only in a

shallow pool may be assessed for the HIC (Yellow) provided that they

successfully complete the course, pass the yellow badge and the HIC

Assessment. The certificate will have on it the depth of the water in which

the participant was assessed.

For those who have attained their Green Badge the certificate will remain as

it always has been.

Distance Learning Handbook for Training of Assessors

The training for this this is in a modular from. The order of completion is

flexible but Module 1 must be undertaken first.

Information on Foundation Course for Lecturers

Work has continued to update the information to go on a memory stick for

Lecturers with information needed for Foundation Courses.

It was agreed that if a Trainee Lecturer was given the presentations that are

on the memory stick, that the content should be acceptable to a

mentor/assessor. Trainees would not therefore have to produce any extra

notes, as they would be using the notes on the memory stick, other than

notes on their own examples / illustrations.

Recording/videoing on courses

It was agreed that recording of lectures is not permitted by participants on

Courses. Participants must be told during the Course that there will be

videoing of a pool session/pool sessions for participants to watch themselves

(which is a good learning situation) and the video will be deleted after the


Produced by Eric Dilley-Acting Secretary Halliwick AST 11

IHA General Meeting and Conference

This was attended by five Halliwick AST Lecturers:- Ann Gresswell; Ann

Thomson; Alison Skinner; Pamela Wood and Jean-Pierre Maes. These

Lecturers were pleased to receive a contribution from Halliwick AST towards

their expenses.

Seminar 2017

At the seminar the paper work for the Foundation Course was looked at

ready for inclusion on the memory stick of Foundation Course material. In

the pool session, what we teach in the water on a Foundation Course was

shared and practised.

Ann Gresswell,

Chair, National Education Committee

Report of the Publications Committee One Publications Meeting was held on 2017. Also, Pamela Wood and Ann Gresswell have met on two occasions to update certain publications. An analysis of costs and income from publications was done and found that the general trend is a reduction in purchases of both publications and DVDs. The Publications and Equipment Order Forms have been combined to make one Order Form.

Policies and procedures. This booklet is available from Centre 88. It is free to affiliates who will need to order it. Jean at Centre 88 has a list of all affiliated clubs, groups and individuals too so that she can check orders for the booklet against this list. The Booklet constantly needs updating as new policies and procedures are added. This is ongoing.

Laminated A4 charts of badges. A1 Laminated charts are running out and enquiries have been made as to the cost of re producing them. Pamela Wood can get them done but first checks must be made that the badge wording has been updated and the correct wording put on the new charts. Distance Learning, Teaching and Testing Halliwick AST Proficiency Badges, Advanced Course Handbook and Assessment of Competence Form are all being considered and updated as appropriate.

Pamela M Wood - Chair, Publications Committee

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Certificate Registrar’s Report

Record of Certificates of Competence taken in 2017



2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Halliwick Instructors Certificate

4 4 5 0 8 3 6 8 0 3 5

Certa (O C N ) - - - - 6 3 3 10 0 2 6

Training Instructor

0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

Group leader 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1

Protection of Vulnerable People

4 4 5 0 15 0 7 0 1 10 7

Course Assistant / Pool Demonstrator

0 0 1 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 1

Assessor 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 3 2

Lecturer 2 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Total 10 9 13 1 29 3 17 9 2 17 15

Report of the International Halliwick Association (IHA) Executive

and IHA General Meeting

Members of the Executive Committee in 2017:- Katja Groleger Srsen (Slovenia) (Chair); Anna Olasinska (Poland) (Vice Chair); Ann Thomson (UK) (Secretary); Alison Skinner (UK) (Treasurer); Dualta Griffin (Ireland) (Webmaster); Bodil Fons Knudsen (Denmark). Merav Hader Frumer (Israel) joined the Committee following election at the General Meeting in September 2017. The main work of the IHA Executive in 2017 has been preparation for the transference of the IHA Registration from the Netherlands to Denmark and preparation for the IHA Conference and General Meeting which took place in Slovenia in September 2017.

Produced by Eric Dilley-Acting Secretary Halliwick AST 13

Transference of the IHA Registration from the Netherlands to Denmark In order for this transfer to take place the IHA will have to be wound up in the Netherlands and a new IHA created that will be registered in Denmark. All assets/liabilities and memberships et al of the ‘old IHA’ will be transferred to the ‘new IHA’. The inaugural meeting of the ‘new IHA’ took place in September 2017 in Slovenia following the ‘old IHA’ General Meeting. The ‘old IHA’ will continue its existence until May 2018 and the members of the Executive remain the same as above other than the new member Merav Hader Frumer (Israel). Members of the ‘new IHA’ Executive Committee are:- Anna Olasinska (Poland) (Chair); Katja Groleger Srsen (Slovenia); Bodil Fons Knudsen (Denmark); Merav Hader Frumer (Israel); Maria de Lourdes Oliveira (Brazil); Ivan Perzel (Croatia); Ilanit Weigenfeld – Lahav (Israel).

IHA Conference 2017 in Slovenia The IHA Conference took place in Slovenia in September 2017 with a great variety of presentations from members from a number of different countries.

Gala Sub-Committee There will be an IHA Gala in Poland in September 2018.

Report of the International Halliwick Association (IHA) Education

and Research Committee In 2017 the IHA Education and Research Committee had four computer link-up meetings and a face-to-face meeting in September, in Oxford.

Members of the Education and Research Committee until the IHA

General Meeting in September:- Ursula Barrett (Ireland) (Chair); Ann Gresswell (UK) (Registrar for Lecturers); Jean-Pierre Maes (Belgium and UK); Montserrat Gutierrez (Catalan, Spain); Mauricio Koprowski Garcia (Brazil); Kostas Chandolias (Greece).

Sadly, following the General Meeting Ursula Barrett was unable to continue on this committee due to work commitments. She was thanked for all her work. Ann Gresswell agreed to take on the role of Acting Chair until May.

Members of this Committee after the IHA General Meeting in

September:- Ann Gresswell (UK) (Acting Chair and Registrar for Lecturers); Jean-Pierre Maes (Belgium and UK); Montserrat Gutierrez (Catalan, Spain); Mauricio Koprowski Garcia (Brazil); Kostas Chandolias (Greece); Yael Yoshei.

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Courses In 2017 there were: - 52 Halliwick Foundation Courses (in Austria; Brazil; Catalonia (Spain); Costa Rica; China; Croatia, Denmark; Germany; Greece; Ireland; Israel; Japan; Poland; Russia; Spain and UK) and four Halliwick Advanced Courses (in Israel and UK).

Video Clips of the Ten Point Programme Work continues on editing the video clips (currently available on Vimeo through IHA and Halliwick AST websites) to make a shorter version for YouTube. This will then point to the full versions on Vimeo.

Becoming a Senior Lecturer The criteria for becoming a Senior Lecturer have been agreed and circulated in an Information Update. They include assisting a Senior Lecturer in mentoring a trainee (on at least one course) and keeping a portfolio record of this process.

Mentoring and Assessing The mentoring and assessing of Trainees has been updated and circulated in an Information Update.

Ann Gresswell

Halliwick AST representative to IHA

Report from National Co-ordinating Committee - Swimming for

People with Disabilities

There are two Halliwick AST representatives, Ann Gresswell and Ann Thomson, to the National Co-ordinating Committee – Swimming for People with Disabilities (NCC). Two Meetings were held in March, one being the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and two Meetings in September one being an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) to make changes to the constitution, though at that EGM it was felt more work was needed on the constitution so there will be another EGM in 2018. The main proposed change is that all member groups will still have two representatives but only one would be able to vote. Organisations represented at these meetings include:- Swimming Teachers Association; Cerebral Palsy Sport; Aquatic Therapy Association of Chartered Physiotherapists; Royal Life Saving Society; Swim England (was the ASA).

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At the AGM the following were re-elected: - Chair – Olive Bowes; Secretary – Lee Robinson; Treasurer - Colin West.

1. ‘Safe at the Pool’ (the publication to replace ‘Specially Safe’) has now been produced and can be purchased from the Swimming Teachers Association at £15.00.

2. Work still continues with the Swimming Teachers Association (STA) to develop a programme which will support teachers and supervisors working with swimmers with disabilities. This will replace the Royal Life Saving Society (RLSS) ‘Rescue Test for Supervisors of Swimmers with Disabilities’ which is no longer available.

3. It was agreed to take out insurance for Trustees. Colin West will circulate details of the company who are offering this insurance. They are a company working specifically with charities.

4. Jamie Hooper, the Health and Wellbeing Officer from Swim England gave a report regarding statistics of people involved in swimming and the proportion of disabled people involved. He confirmed that disabled people were more involved in swimming than any other sport. Learning to swim should be inclusive and Swim England are incorporating inclusion in their current training programmes. Jamie is trying to get in touch with all pool operators. His comprehensive report is available and can be obtained on request to Ann Gresswell.

5. There is to be a review of the Swimming Teachers Association Disability awards.

Ann Gresswell, National Coordinating Committee Representative

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Halliwick Association of Swimming Therapy Annual Accounts

(Not published on website – available on request)

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[intentionally blank]

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[intentionally blank]

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[intentionally blank]

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Halliwick ASTRA 1

The year has again been a relatively quiet one so far as Halliwick ASTRA One is concerned, clubs in the region muddling along as best they can in these days when the struggle to find committed volunteers gets ever harder and finances/resources evermore scarce. There have been the usual “round” of club and inter-club galas including the regional gala in July 2017, which Halliwick Penguins SC kindly hosted again. It was organised by John Bentley and was a great event and meant that we had competitors to go forward to the National Championships 2017 which, this year, again proved to be a great event and were also hosted by Halliwick Penguins SC in North London. It was great to have the Deputy Mayor of Enfield in attendance to enjoy the event and present medals and trophies. We offer our congratulations to Halliwick ASTRA 5, worthy winners! We also held our usual league swims between clubs in region, which were successful and are a great way for clubs to meet together outside of more formal galas. Sadly, a number of the region’s clubs continue to struggle in the battle for pool time, volunteers and finances to keep going but they do what they can to continue. We have ‘adopted’ Barracuda SC into the region since they are somewhat ‘out on their own’ in Potters Bar, technically coming under Halliwick Region 11. We are pleased to have them so that they can join in our competitions and regional activities. The region was not able to have an AGM in 2016 but we made up for it in 2017 and held our AGM in June 2017. Janet Jones continues as Chair, with William Wyatt as Secretary and Alison Skinner as Treasurer (assisted by Darren Pallett). The region continues to be financially viable. The usual Foundation Course was held although, because at the moment they continue to be held at Arnos Pool, space and therefore numbers are limited.

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The National Championships for 2018 will take place in Sevenoaks in Kent on 20th October 2018, hosted by Halliwick ASTRA 2 and we are looking forward to that. We are hoping to send a number of people to the Halliwick event on 12th May 2018 as well, and at least one of our clubs has decided not to swim on that day just so that it can have some of its members attend! It should be a great day!

William Wyatt-Secretary to Region 1.

Halliwick ASTRA 2 No report has been forthcoming. This is still an active Region.

Halliwick ASTRA 5 Courses Halliwick Astra 5 personnel ran: - A one day workshop, at Cambridge Academy Three Foundation courses, at Hull (spring), Newcastle and Hull (autumn) One Advanced course (teaching) in Hull One Assessor course in Newcastle.

Competition We ran a regional gala and sent a team to the National Finals which we won.

Beryl Kelsey, Secretary to Region 5

Halliwick ASTRA 10 No report has been forthcoming following the sudden death of the region’s secretary Pamela Galloway. This is still an active Region.

Halliwick ASTRA 15 The last year, 2017-18, has not been easy for the Welsh Region of the Halliwick Association of Swimming Therapy. It appears that the Region has lost yet another Club, namely the Bedwas Penguins which sadly after more than forty years has had to be closed due to the closure of pool. While it is appreciated that the local councils, have in recent years, had to make serious cutbacks in their spending, there appears to be other forces working against our organisation. However, the Welsh Region showed its usual resilience and in spite of the financial constraints etc. there were the usual number of Club and Inter-Club Galas during the first half of the year. Starting in March with the Barry

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Beavers, which was followed by the Towy Salmon, then in May came the Blaenau Gwent Otters, which was followed in June by the Gwent Dolphins and the season ended as usual with the Rhondda Polar-Bear’s in October. The new format for the League Swim seemed to work well, with teams from all the clubs take part. This year the overall winners of the League Swim Competition [for 2017], were the Gwent Dolphins. The Welsh National Gala has settled into its new venue in Ebbw Vale and everyone seemed pleased and thought it went well. The Barry Beavers were the overall winners of the Welsh National Gala and, at this point, I would like to take the opportunity not only to congratulate all those who won medals and trophies in the Welsh National Gala, but also to encourage all those who took part in this year’s gala, since it is quite an achievement to be chosen to represent your club, in this highly competitive competition. There was similar praise for the Inter-Club Galas, and I would like to say a very sincere ‘thank you,’ to all those who officiate and in other ways helped to make all the galas held during the season, so successful. In August, the Barry Beavers held their second ‘Party in the Park,’ at Porthkerry Leisure Park, Barry. This event was a great success, which allowed people from all over the Region to get together, to talk and catch up with the news and gossip. It appears that Barry Beavers are intending to make the ‘Party in the Park,’ an annual event, so that all the members of the Region can meet up to relax and generally enjoy themselves. This would have the added advantage that it would cost less than the annual summer trips, the clubs used to be able to run. During the year, Chris Economides and Sarah Davies and other members of the Barry Beavers Club organised several ‘Workshops’ using the Halliwick Concept, and so we must thank Sue and Chris for all the hard work they put into running these courses.

We have continued to hold our regular Regional Committee Meetings, which are always well attended and I would like to take this opportunity to express both personally and on behalf of the Region, my sincere thanks to the Regional Officers, as well as the Officers and Members of the Clubs in our Region and the devoted Helpers who turn out regularly every week, to help make the Clubs the success they undoubtedly are.

Keith Beer-Chairman of Region 15.

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