haddon primary school making a...

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July 24th 2015

Haddon Primary School Making a


Principal: Maryanne Moody

Phone: 5342 4487 Website


Education is important, “It’s not ok to be away”, or to be late!!

Please phone student absences in by 9am 5342 4487



27th School Council 7pm

28th Rookeepers Wildlife Incursion P-2

30th Book Club issue 5 due back


5th Hot lunch day

7th Jeans for Genes day

7th Shop lunch orders not available

10th Earth Education 3/4H

12th 5/6 Camp deposit due

12th Earth Education 3/4N & 4F

18th Grade 6 IT transition Phoenix College

19th Hot Lunch Day

31st School Council


2nd Hot Lunch Day

7th-14th Bike Education 3-6

9th Science Works 3-4

9th Basketball Tournament

11th Llanberris Division Athletics

15th 5-6 Ride to Smythesdale

16th Hot Lunch Day

16th Fishing Grade 5

17th Fishing Grade 5

18th Last Day Term 3

18th Footy Day

All students have settled well into the term routines and learning is well under way.

One of the key components to learning relates to the orderly environments of our

classrooms and the capacity for teacher to teach and students to learn.

Each year the Department of Education hosts a survey of senior students across the

state to gauge their perceptions on a raft of areas relating to school life. These areas

cover: Relationships, Wellbeing and Teaching and Learning. Haddon boasts high levels

of achievement in all these areas with a strong endorsement from our greatest critics,

the students. In relation to student safety and stimulating learning, our students

exceed both regional and state benchmarks. Our students are fully aware that fights

and bullying do occur, however they feel safe as they know someone will listen and

support them. They are connected to their peers and continue to gain confidence as

learners. Schools are measured by these indicators and I need to acknowledge the

efforts of our staff to see that we maintain this excellent level of performance. We are

extremely fortunate at Haddon to have such dedicated and motivated staff. A

reminder to all parents that if you do have concerns we can help. Please contact Gaye

or myself if there are concerns which you need addressed or even some reassurance.

Our grounds are starting to take shape. Shane, our new grounds person, is making

inroads with the jungle around the ELC and winning the fight with leaves and broken

branches. Closer to spring we will commence some planting under the guidance of Sara

Stevens who has kindly volunteered her horticultural wisdom and support.

Hot lunches are extremely popular with students and we must take time to thank the

small band of helpers that make this happen. We do not want to have disappointed

children so please make sure your orders are in on time, phoning through can be an

option of you are running close to the cut off. Late orders will be returned to children

as the ordering is quite tricky for our helpers. I hope you can assist.

Our Art Show is just around the corner if you have any time to assist please phone

Gaye Carrigan and she will no doubt give you a job!

Principal’s Report

2015 Term Dates Term 3: 13 July to 18


Term 4: 5 October to 18 December

Community Service Awards

Billy for always getting along with his friends &

Beau for demonstrating confidence and respect in

all aspects of school life.

Principal’s Award

Zoe & Taya

For lots of effort in reading

After School Care

Term 4, we are hoping to offer After School Care at the school. This will be a partnership with the

Golden Plains Shire. It will be from 3.30 – until 5.30, 5 days a week. There is a limit to 7 children per

session as it takes the form of “In venue family day care” and as such is limited.

Please phone quickly to secure a place.

To register your children please phone: 52207230

For additional information phone Cheryl Jenkins on : 52207205

Or email on cjenkins@gplains.vic.gov.au You can nominate the days that you wish to have the service.

After School Care 2016

If you require after School Care in 2016 could you please register at the office which nights you require

and how many children.

Demand may exceed our proposed In Venue Family Day Care program as there is a limit to 7 children. To

offer After School Care we need 12-15 children per session to make it financially sustainable. Planning

and registration can take time so we need this information as soon as possible.

Phone Lisa: 5342 4487 to register.



Kaitlyn Grace Fleur





Haddon Primary School


Wednesday November 11, 5:30- 8:30 pm

Haddon Recreation Centre

Each student will have at least six pieces of art work on display. Bring along your family and friends and celebrate

your child’s creative achievements.

Local Art and Craft Stalls

(If you are interested in holding a stall please contact Lisa at school)

Hot food available

Admission: FREE

More information Phone Lisa at HPS: 53 424487


Haddon Primary School students will endeavor to raise money for genetic research on the 7th of August, 2015.

Students will be encouraged to dress in as much denim as they possibly can! We want to see double denim, triple or even quadruple denim!

This is considered a 'fashion crime,' therefore we will be asking students make a gold coin donation on the day, in support of genetic research.

We will also encourage students to participate in other fashion crimes (especially those that don't currently own a pair of jeans) such as socks with sandals, a clash of colours, runners with jeans or wearing hats backwards!

Parents and students are encouraged to check out our Haddon Primary School page and click ‘Updates’ for further information:


Donate today and help us reach our target!

Parent Coffee Afternoon 2:30 - 3:30 pm

Next Wednesday July 29

All parents are invited to attend a coffee afternoon in the carpet area of the hall on Wednesday July 29. This is a social event to meet new parents and to catch up with other parents in the school. Discussion and information exchange will take place regarding some activities which have been planned for the remainder of the school year.

WANTED FOR ART SHOW Please collect all plastic lids from milk, juice cordial bottles. Plastic lids from jars all shapes , colours and sizes. We need hundreds of lids to create a brightly coloured mural for our garden area. Collection boxes will be placed in the ELC and In the Art room. Please wash all lids thoroughly before sending to school.

Notice for Haddon 2015 Auskickers

A reminder that an Auskick game will be played against Smythesdale

Auskickers on Saturday 25th July,

2.30pm at the Smythesdale Football Oval.

Contact Adam Liversage on 0448 334 593 if further information is required.

Family Basketball


A meeting will be held at the

school next Wednesday at 3.30

for any families that may be

interested in forming a family

competition for basketball. The

Haddon Rec committee has

recently been successful in having

a full court established adjacent

to the tennis courts which has

sparked quite an interest with the

school children.

The committee are keen to see

our stadium facility fully utilised

and are hoping that there may be

some families keen to have some

fun and basketball competition.

The meeting will be to gauge

interest and possibilities. Possible

staring dates will also be

discussed. This will be open to

any members of the Haddon

Community not only the school


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