habits nikhil

Post on 09-Mar-2016






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By Nikhil



DRY DESERTS HABITAT• It is a dry place that receives less than 10 inches of rain

• There is very little water in the air.

• Deserts can be formed with rocks that have gone hard over millions of years or full of sand like the Sahara

• Typical description of a hot and dry desert

• The hottest type of desert, with parched terrain and rapid evaporation. In the hot and dry desert soils are course-textured, shallow, rocky or gravely with good drainage and have no subsurface water. They are coarse because there is less chemical weathering. The finer dust and sand particles are blown elsewhere, leaving heavier pieces behind.

PLANTS• There are different types of plants in the desert:

• Barrel cactus, creosote bush, desert sage, saguaro, palm trees, desert marigold, Joshua tree, desert pincushion flower, desert lily, desert primrose, organ pipe cactus and elephant tree.

ANIMALS• There are many different types of animals:

• Caracal, fat tail scorpion, fennec fox, camal, rattle snake, Gould's Monitor, Grant’s golden Mole, ground squirrel, kangaroo rat, pallid bat, sand grouse, tarantula hawk wasp, thorny devil and water holding frog.


UNDER THE SEA• The marine ecosystem, in addition to the temperate and tropical oceans, includes the


• with mud flats, rocky and sandy shores, tide pools, barrier islands, estuaries, salt marshes, and mangrove forests making up the shoreline segment

• The temperature can be different and depends on where on earth it is

ANIMALS• There is a lot of different fishes in the ocean such as sharks.

• There are some mammals in the ocean such as whales.

• It is also home to:

• Worms, jellies, coral, sea anemones and planktons.


COLD HABIT• The temperature there is below freezing most of the time that the place is mostly frozen.

• Some of the snow fell long time ago that it has frozen and harden like rocks.

• Tundra is a cold habitat characterized by low temperatures, short vegetation, long winters, brief growing seasons, and limited drainage

PLANTS• The temperature in the poles are really cold for many plants to grow, also the poles spend half

of the year in sun and half of the year in darkness.

• In the tundra the ground is permanently frozen so the plants cannot grow, only shrubs and small plants can grow here.

ANIMALS• The temperature there is so cold that it is hard for animals to live however there are animals

there such as:

• Polar bears, penguins, walrus, artic sea duck.

• The temperature in the tundra is much more habitable there however there is very little food.

• musk ox, reindeer, caribou, fox, hare, wolf, lemming, bears


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