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Ameur4all.net /ameur4all.com email: One@ameur4all. com

Interventions have been emailed at the date of document at 00:00 am to President Obama and to the Senators-Congressman in the US and to the world media and have triggered changes and new realities.

IInterventions for 0012* (2012)

11 John Boehner Agreement with Netanyahu & AIPAC Rumored to GOD* Page 2-6. Sent 12 Dec 2012

10 Prayer of the Israeli and Palestinian Children Rumored to GOD* (Triggered a cease fire) Page 7-9. Sent 20 Nov 2012

9 Netanyahu-Haniyeh-Abbas Calls Rumored to GOD* Page 10-11. Sent 18 Nov 2012

8 Republicans Pay Back Deal with Huge Profit on the Donors Investment Rumored to GOD* Page 12-15. Sent 12 Nov 2012

7 Letter of GOD* to the Swedish & American People Page 16-17. Sent 3 Nov 2012

6 Letter of GOD to the American People (Letter of Endorsement of President Obama) Page 18-19. Sent 3 Nov 2012

5 Prayer of the Israeli People Rumored to GOD*. Page 20-24. Sent 21 Oct 2012

4 Episodic Strategy of Mitt Romney Rumored to GOD* Page 25-26. Sent 10 Oct 2012

3 Prayer of Assange Rumored to GOD* Page 27-30. Sent 9 Oct 2012

2 Letter of GOD* to the Syrian People. Page 31. Sent 1 Oct 2012

1 Prayer of the American People Rumored to GOD* Page 32-34. Sent 1 Sept 2012

12 Dec 2013


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John Boehner Agreement with Netanyahu and AIPAC Rumored to GOD* put in written by Hanafi Ameur*

John Boehner says to Netanyahu : I call to tell you that I am fulfilling my agreement with you and the AIPAC mishpocha members Sheldon Adelson-David & Charles Koch-Donald Trump- Rupert Murdoch-Rothschild… and the President has now been forced to a dead end as I won´t back from declining to raise taxes on our friends using the cover up argument that we signed the Grover Norquist pledge. Good says Netanyahu; I hope you will follow my recommendations completely. John Boehner replies that he will just be against the American people as Netanyahu stands alone with Likud against the whole world. We are all strong as loners he added, to which Netanyahu says: Remember that just Sheldon Adelson alone lost 150 million dollars on Romney and John Boehner replies: He has now promised to finance our next elections with 300 million dollars and I just cannot allow taxes to be raised on his income and the income of the AIPACs members as then there will be less money left to support us Republicans and Netanyahu asks Boehner: Did AIPAC help you lately? And John Boehner says well AIPAC has brokered an agreement by which Obama and his Democrats will have problems and he says I read you an excerpt of the Huffington post in fury:

Walmart, the nation’s largest private employer, plans to begin denying health insurance to newly hired employees who work fewer than 30 hours a week, according to a copy of the company’s policy obtained by The Huffington Post.

Under the policy, slated to take effect in January, Walmart also reserves the right to eliminate health care coverage for certain workers if their average workweek dips below 30 hours -- something that happens with regularity and at the direction of company managers.

Walmart declined to disclose how many of its roughly 1.4 million U.S. workers are vulnerable to losing medical insurance under its new policy. In an emailed statement, company spokesman David Tovar said Walmart had “made a business decision” not to respond to questions from The Huffington Post and accused the publication of unfair coverage.

Vow says Netanyahu that is certainly a blow to Obama´s health care law and AIPAC will see to it that many more companies will follow, but then how shall you act in future against our common enemies the Democrats and Obama? John Boehner replies: well I shall be short in my comments to the press and I shall keep accusing Obama for driving America to the fiscal cliff in order to put the blame on us Republicans. That is certainly going to work and he shall instead get all the blame says Netanyahu. But then says Boehner what are you doing against our enemy? Netanyahu says: After the intervention of GOD with the prayer of the Israeli and Palestinian children, the 20th November 2012, Likud , me and Ismael Haniyeh´s Hamas were just forced to make a cease fire the 21st November 2012 and GOD hade the situation in such control that Hamas clerics


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issued a fatwa claiming the disrespect of the truce is a sin , I read you the headline:

Gaza cleric issues edict calling violation of truce with Israel 'a sin'

Suleiman al-Daya late's fatwa says honoring cease-fire agreement, brokered by Egypt, is the duty of all of Gaza's citizens.

By The Associated Press and Haaretz | Nov.25, 2012 | 11:22 AM | 6

And then says Netanyahu with AIPAC money we dealt a blow to Obama and Clinton by suing the secretary of State and I read you the headline from AFP:

Palestine: Clinton visée par une plainte AFP Publié le 27/11/2012 à 18:50 Réactions (7)

Vingt-quatre Américains résidant en Israël ont porté plainte hier contre la secrétaire d'Etat américaine Hillary Clinton, pour avoir autorisé le versement de fonds américains à l'Autorité palestiniennequi auraient été, selon eux, détournés au profit d'organisations terroristes.

And as Obama and Clinton got afraid, Clinton reaffirmed her support to me and Likud as the representative of Israel with the right to act against the whole world as we please as reported by the Jerusalem post headline:

US Sec. of State. Clinton: Washington 'has Israel's back' By JPOST.COM STAFF

LAST UPDATED: Dec/01/2012 04:43

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Friday touted the US-Israel relationship, saying Washington "has Israel's back."

How about the fiscal cliff at last says Netanyahu to Boehner? John Boehner replies: the recommendations of the PM of Israel and AIPAC have always been considered as a rule in Congress and there is no reason why we shall change that. You have said that taxes should not be hiked on the mishpocha members of AIPAC, so it shall be. But then John Boehner says how about the peace cliff with the Palestinian politicians and you and Likud?


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Netanyahu says: I first thought to break the truce should the Islamic Jihad members and Hamas Khaled Meshal stepped in Gaza, but then I was afraid of what GOD may do so I allowed the gathering to materialize as reported:

Report: Israel threatens to cancel Hamas truce if Islamic Jihad leaders enter Gaza

Two members of the Iranian-backed group had planned to visit Friday, along with the leader-in-exile of Hamas Khaled Meshal.

By The Associated Press | Dec.06, 2012 | 8:56 PM | 3

Then I agreed with Khaled Meshaal that he would deliver an anti-Israeli speech as reported by AFP and Reuters says Netanyahu:

Israël /Palestine: le chef de Hamas exclut tout concession AFP Publié le 08/12/2012 à 14:51 Réactions (35)

Le chef en exil du mouvement islamiste palestinien Hamas, Khaled Mechaal, a exclu aujourd'hui à Gaza toute renonciation à la revendication de l'ensemble de la Palestine mandataire ainsi que toute reconnaissance d'Israël. By Nidal al-Mughrabi and Crispian Balmer

GAZA | Sat Dec 8, 2012 2:30pm EST

(Reuters) - Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal, in a defiant speech during his first ever visit to Gaza, told a mass rally on Saturday he would never recognize Israel and pledged to "free the land of Palestine inch by inch".

So what next on the peace cliff says Boehner to Netanyahu? To which Netanyahu replies: We start again with no peace no war agreement with the Palestinian politicians and I have initiated new settlements against the whole world including Obama and the Democrats whom I put to shame for their support to me in the UN vote on the Palestinian statehood. We Israeli and Palestinian politicians have much to gain from having our conflict be on the agenda of the entire world and that way we can get all the financial help we need, after all we only produce some oranges at the cost of drying the Dead sea. And we just blame each other for not willing to compromise for peace as I put it to the press:


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Netanyahu: Palestinians have no intention of compromising with Israel

Premier tells ministers that Hamas' declaration that it would 'free Palestine inch by inch' and Abbas' failure to condemn the remarks exposes Israel 'to the true face' of its enemy.


By Barak Ravid | 12:52 09.12.12 |

Finally says Netanyahu to Boehner: Now at last I wave the red flag and claim that Israel is at risk again to be destroyed despite the fact that we have the atom bomb and an army that matches all the armies of the middle east, and thanks to Khaled Meshaals stance that makes for his bread and butter and luxurious life between Qatar and Cairo, we Israeli and Palestinian politicians stand to get billions of dollars of which I am getting already 600 million dollars in weapon aid and more in help from our respective donor states that have already our conflict on top of their world´s agenda and when I win the elections with Likud I will Start world war III with Iran so much to break the peace agenda of Obama now that the Israeli People have turned to GOD for help feeling

comfortably represented to be part of one Humanity:

Hamas's Gaza jubilation proves Israel is at risk: Netanyahu

By Dan WilliamsJERUSALEM | Sun Dec 9, 2012 12:24pm EST

(Reuters) - Hamas's vow to vanquish Israel after claiming "victory" in last month's Gaza conflict vindicates Israel's reluctance to relinquish more land to the Palestinians, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday.

John Boehner end up saying to Netanyahu: Keep on being against America and the world and you will get more support and every state will have in priority your agenda and I will ruin the holydays of the American People and the world with the fiscal cliff, the end of unemployment benefits for 1 million people, the debt ceiling… We Republicans are devoted not to raise taxes on your AIPAC mishpocha and we have got Obama and his Democrats right in a corner and I trust you will do likewise and turn on the heat on Obama after the elections.


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John Boehner Agreement with Netanyahu and AIPAC Rumored to GOD*put in written

byHanafi* Ameur*:

GOD* = General Operative Deleter*


UCC*= Universal* Command* Controller*

UCJ*= Universal* Courts* Judge*

MOI*= Mind Opener Immediately*

1*Planet*-1*GOD*-1*World*-1*Humanity*based on values of valuation

12-12-0012*(2012) Schweden – Suède – Sweden

20 Nov 2012Prayer of the Israeli* & Palestinian* Children* Rumored to GOD*

put in written byHanafi* Ameur*


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O GOD* that has been persecuted all your life through we Israeli* children* have seen our parents each time vote for a candidate that promised a bright future for us only to see the candidate as Prime Minister work for the interests of the clerics and foreign magnates that have ascribed themselves the right to make Israel a trouble maker that rule by destruction and war in the name of the Torah. Time and again they use AIPAC to hold America the hostage of the Israeli PM as even now of PM Netanyahu. Following the disclosure of the calls of Netanyahu-Haniyeh- Abbas rumored to you GOD* this trio feel unsecure and threatened of what you shall do to end this now 70 years old conflict that is kept alive by the Israeli-Palestinian politicians. Finally Netanyahu could not score a point to thus win the election and he could not even invade Gaza so what he does in agreement with Haniyeh and Abbas is bomb from the air innocent civilians. Our parents and grandparents have been taken as hostages of all our Israeli PM that have succeeded in Israel. Now this trio wants to reset the conflict anew to a new start so that we forget that in these dirty wars respective armies have never threatened or killed any Israeli PM. They keep us accepting a religious way of life against our will as it guarantees us a better afterlife once we are dead and the life we live is all but sour and full of fears on the daily basis nurtured by all the threats our PM help to create and increase. Only a few months ago Netanyahu was to stage a war against Iran to help the Iranian Mullahs crystallize behind them as now in Gaza all crystallize behind Hamas. But then you GOD* defused that attempt. Now to our cousins the Palestinian* children*: We the Palestinian* children* have seen our parents vote for Hamas as they preached a bright future for us and even a much better after life. We abide by the sharia and all the religious Islamic constraints and see we have ended up digging tunnels and graves and Hamas invest all the money in making useless rockets they fire against Israel to scare our Israeli Cousins. And when the life of Hamas VIP is in jeopardy they get treatment in Israel which we cannot access:

Haniyeh's brother-in-law was treated at Israeli hospital Husband of Hamas PM's sister received urgent heart treatment at Petah Tikva hospital four months ago; couple returned to Gaza after his condition stabilized

Elior Levy

Published: 08.07.12, 20:27 / Israel News

The sister of Hamas Prime Minister in Gaza Ismail Haniyeh recently entered Israel along with her husband, who received urgent treatment at the Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva, Ynet has learned.


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Four months ago the husband of Suhila Abd el-Salam Ahmed Haniyeh suffered a serious cardiac episode which could not be treated at any hospital in Gaza. After the couple filed an urgent entry request with Israeli authorities, a Palestinian ambulance transported the husband to the Erez Crossing, where he was moved to a Magen David Adom vehicle and taken to the hospital in Petah Tikva along with his wife.

We have become rats treated, as Gadhafi treated and called his people. Yet again now Hamas cannot score points as you disclosed their agreement with Netanyahu, so what they do is fire more rockets to give Netanyahu more excuses to bring a firestorm on Gaza with air strikes in the name of Islam whose prophet is a descendant of Abraham and it seems that we are in crusade, the believers of the Torah as against the believers of the Quran when all the three religions stem from Abraham and are thus one of the same founder.

In unison we Israeli* & Palestinian* Children praise you GOD* for having the situation in such a control that you have proved that these Israeli and Palestinian politicians namely Netanyahu-Haniyeh- Abbas and their parties have historically created a consensual conflict where the victims are the respective people that elected them. We praise you GOD* for having cornered them and their clerics such that now they are at a dead end whether they hold one Abrahamic book or the other and for having moreover forced them historically to score but negative points and now they are involving a ballet of world politicians to negotiate an acceptable way to end the destruction and killings they started without the mandate of our parents to save their face to remain still in power with their party. What we understand is that you GOD* has put this trio and their parties in a dilemma and no matter what they do they score negative points and they will lose their power soon with your help to new politicians willing to put in practice the will of the Israeli* and Palestinian* People* for peace. Now it seems that Netanyahu-Haniyeh-Abbas have reached a dead end from where they cannot reset their so called 70 years consensual conflict to zero as though it started only recently even though Netanyahu is preparing a bill to be sent to America and that Abbas and Haniyeh are preparing theirs to be sent to the Muslim Brotherhoods and Iran… To remain in power the Israeli and Palestinian politician can even become like Gadhafi and Assad and stretch killing and destruction to continue on account that they cannot agree on who shall stop the hostilities first….

Prayer of the Israeli* & Palestinian* Children* Rumored to GOD* put in written by Hanafi* Ameur*

Prayer of the Israeli* & Palestinian* Children* Rumored to GOD* put in written


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byHanafi* Ameur*:

GOD* = General Operative Deleter*


UCC*= Universal* Command* Controller*

UCJ*= Universal* Courts* Judge*

MOI*= Mind Opener Immediately*

1*Planet*-1*GOD*-1*World*-1*Humanity*based on values of valuation

20th* November* 0012*(2012) Schweden – Suède – Sweden

18 Nov 2013

Netanyahu-Haniyeh-Abbas Calls Rumored to GOD*

Much is not known of Humanity concerning the episodic now 70 years old conflict between the political cousin foes, however let us


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concentrate instead on what these foes said to each other’s. Haniyeh called on PM Netanyahu thanking him for saving the life of his sister Suhila Abd El Salam Haniyeh´s husband´s life and he added now we are short of money and the world is letting him down and that he needed to score some points in order to get more help, more cash : 100 million dollars. Netanyahu replies: I have the same problem of cash and I may even stand to lose the election on account of GOD*! What can we do to help us replete our coffer, score points and maintain ourselves in power says Haniyeh? Well says Netanyahu I thought first to strike Iran but then GOD* intervened disclosing the Prayer of the Israeli* People* to GOD* so now I urge you to send rockets, plenty of rockets and then we shall sacrifice the head of the military and then you send more rockets and then we make air strikes. Swell says Haniyeh we shall get a big PR worldwide worth millions and we shall be in the mind of every people and you get help and we get help. Mind you says Netanyahu this way I get re-elected with the ultra-nationalist party, so the 18th November 2012 we shall launch an unimaginable amount of air strikes so that we disturb the week end of the American* and European* People* alongside with Humanity* and then shortly afterwards we shall invade Gaza, you flee to Egypt and become a greater leader. Good says Haniyeh and as to Mahmoud Abbas he worried not to score points and get more help as he called Netanyahu that told him not to worry if violence flares with Hamas I take it you are in need to be helped to replete your coffer and score points as well Netanyahu says to Abbas continuing saying: you shall just witness us in action and tone down the application to be recognized as a state. You shall score points and get much help as you do not support so much Haniyeh or just give him a bleak support. That way you score points as a moderate Palestinian leader, we are cousin’s aren´t we and we have kept the conflict in almost 70 years and we shall go on keeping the kettle warm. So far the winners of this episodic conflict where Ismael Haniyeh needs and give an excuse for Netanyahu to make air strikes and


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destruction and finally invasion so he wins the election and where Mahmoud Abbas needs equally that violence and destruction to maintain his grip on the Palestinians* and all of them stand to make big money and secure their leadership for the future. Thanks to the destruction and death toll respective led people crystalize their support to these alleged foes that dread that GOD* will now soon decide that next year they be removed from office and replaced by politicians willing to offer respective people security and well-being somehow.

Netanyahu-Haniyeh-Abbas Calls Rumored To GOD* put in written by: Hanafi* Ameur*:

GOD* = General Operative Deleter*


UCC*= Universal* Command* Controller*

UCJ*= Universal* Courts* Judge*

MOI*= Mind Opener Immediately*

1*Planet*-1*GOD*-1*World*-1*Humanity*based on values of valuation

18th * November* 0012*(2012) Schweden – Suède – Sweden

12 Nov 2012

Republicans Payback Deal with Huge Profit on the Donors Investments Rumored to



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Karl Rove called on John Boehner and extended his congratulations for blowing 400 million dollars investments for nothing and asked for explanations. John Boehner said he would comment later on Mitt Romney´s failure but first of all he offered him to strike a payback deal with high return by way of which the President would become a losing-winner while Republicans would surge becoming the winning losers entailing high returns on the investments of the donors on Mitt Romney. Karl Rove was just surprised and asked: what do you want from my donors and other billionaires who invested on Mitt? John Boehner said that the question of raising the taxes on the wealthy … is no more an ideological question since Mitt Romney has lost and normally, logically, morally and even constitutionally President Obama* has the mandate of the American* People* to tackle the debt problem the way he outlined to do and likewise Congress has the responsibility to subordinate to this mandate and not curtail the Presidential mandate to raise taxes on the rich… However we shall just stand against this mandate and he asked Rove and his mates to cease questioning the rules of the electorate since the Democrats although winning the popular vote for Congress they got less seats so there is no reason to question the President´s win since he at least got more popular votes by a comfortable 3.23 million votes , which is more than the 537 votes George W Bush won the presidency over Al Gore moreover Obama* won 332 electoral votes as against Romney that won 206 which gives the incumbent a comfortable lead of almost 40%. The other condition that Boehner stated was that Rove and his billionaire donors shall cease highlighting how much they had lost on Mitt Romney. So Karl Rove say it´s OK deal and now how are you going to pay us back with a tremendous high return? John Boehner says well we shall stand against the mandate of the American* People* and ruin Obamas agenda and we will definitely not accept a tax raise on the rich and your donors will be spared to lose not only 100 billion but trillions of dollars in a decennium. However John Boehner continued saying that should this deal come out in the open, then we all Republicans in the house cannot hinder Harry Reid to draft a new bill much like Francois Holland has done in France but also even a bill that closes the loopholes, increase the tax rate on the rich over 250 000 dollars income, increase the preferential rate for capital gains and dividends and capping deductions with perhaps a 4 trillion debt cutting in half or a decennium as we would otherwise be indicted for crime as we have no right to legislate pay offs as a reward for having invested big money on a Republican presidential candidate that lost. Karl Rove excited says that we shall not reveal that deal and says: how are you going to achieve that? John Boehner says:


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already President Obama* has backed off from his hard line where he was to decrease the debt by 4 trillion dollars. But mind you says Boehner, I stand firm inducing all to think that the question is of an ideological character while indeed despite that Mitt Romney has lost and President Obama instead got the mandate to raise the taxes on the rich… we Republicans shall use Congress to work against this mandate despite that it should be constitutionally otherwise as we do it as a payback with a high return to reward the donors’ investments on Mitt Romney´s campaign. Vow says Karl Rove you have a deal we shall be henceforth silent about this deal and what we are assumed to have lost now that we are sure we are going to get back our money 100 fold at least. John Boehner added: that Donald Trump, Rupert Murdoch, Sheldon Adelson, David Koch … can be sure that Obama will be pushed to either a fiscal cliff or that he will have to give up his promises and cut on Medicare, Medicaid , food stamps and other entitlements with the condition that this deal does not come in the open. Rove happy that he succeeded although having failed says to Boehner: Is this your deal or you speak for all the Republicans? And how can we be sure you do it? John Boehner says: Poker game my friend. President Obama* is already on the defensive willing to compromise before even entering negotiations as he stands to lose by the rule of the game. We would have been afraid should he just have thought to pass a new bill in the Senate and send it to the House… Mitch McConnell and all of us in the Congress and Senate agreed that you shall be paid back with a high return by having no tax raise or all of it: closing loopholes … Over our dead bodies no such is going to happen, your folks can start selling stocks to depress Wall Street sending signals to Obama that now hell is to break loose and he will give up on everything so that a new recession will not hit the road. In other words we bluff him and the stronger we make America feel that we refuse tax hikes on the rich as an ideological question the better we stand, so make sure that you do not mention what the rich stand to gain from this payback deal with high returns which may even draw the Supreme Court to find us criminals, thus eliminating the possibility for your folks to invest money to buy coming elections. Karl Rove asks: How shall you Republicans ruin furthermore Obama´s agenda? On the internal policy John Boehner says: we shall see to it that the climate and gun control bills won´t pass which will beneficiate your billionaire folks and Mitch McConnell with the Republicans will see to it that the filibuster rule still applies in the Senate. Moreover all of our Republican Governors in the South will sink Obamacare by refusing to extend Medicaid to the poor. How about the foreign policy replies Rove? John Boehner says: We shall let Obama end the war in


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Afghanistan in a shameful way giving power back to the Taliban something that will give us the winners in the 2016 election. Rove says Donald Trump, Rupert Murdoch, David Koch… shall help PM Netanyahu and the Ultra-Nationalists in Israel to win the elections in January 2013 so that they can trigger a new world war against Iran where we shall force Obama to partake engaging America at last in a combative war game. John Boehner end up saying: Now the last good news is that we have kick started the election for 2016 by having a candidate to be: George P Bush that has registered in Texas a campaign treasurer, he speaks Spanish and has Mexican roots, which will make us recapture the White House. Well I am satisfied of the payback deal with high return to our investments on Mitt Romney which shall ruin Obamas agenda says Rove but can you answer why Mitt Romney has lost? John Boehner answers: Mitt Romney had 2 sure cards that he played. The first card was that he was sure to win as he was backed by AIPAC and the PM of Israel Netanyahu and the billionaire Jews, moreover he claimed to be a God dedicated man and as such he was for launching a war against Iran and he normally met all the now traditional requirements to win the Presidency. But he had not counted that GOD* was against all of it and GOD´s way became Obamas highway. This put Mitt Romney in a corner and he finally switched stand and embraced GOD´s pathway of peace and a new agenda entailing that he agreed to most of Obamas policies to a point where Obama became destabilized in the first debate. The second best card Mitt had was on the economy where he offered to create 12 million new jobs but there again GOD* blew his chances releasing the prayer of the American* People* which showed that he would create 1 factory of 3000 people each day in four years, so Mitt Romney could not channel successfully how he would make that miracle happen. Completely destabilized and cut off from the Jewish electorate Mitt Romney ended boosting that he was a Super Obama which won him 206 electoral votes, however 70%* of the Jews ceased to identify with the views of the rich Jews Donald Trump, Rupert Murdoch, David Koch, Rothschild … and in their prayer to GOD* the Jews* assessed that they were used to make them be pariah in the world where they had to change their name to survive to all the shame they were put in, incessantly being taken as an excuse to start new wars that only profited the wealthy. So that´s all in a shell, so now we shall reward all our donors saving them surely a fortune they can lose in tax raises… To end up says Boehner we now have GOD against us and he decides the outcome of the election and what happens elsewhere and as an example He made Mitt Romney lose and Linda McMahon lose 42 million dollars and in another way with a few lines he made Richard Murdock and Todd Atkin lose as well with his universal command nr4 and there we admit that GOD had solved the problem of the right to abortion scientifically determining that the fetus is not a being to be without having developed fully the brain. As we cannot do anything against GOD we wage war on Obama.


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Republicans Payback Deal with Huge Profit on the Donors Investments Rumored to


Put in written by: Hanafi Ameur

GOD* = General Operative Deleter*

POOOEEEEE* Planetary–Operative-Organizational-Orderer-Erecting-Eclectic-Extensive-Excellent-Experiment*

UCC*= Universal Command Controller*

UCJ*= Universal* Courts* Judge*MOI*= Mind Opener Immediately*

12th * November* 0012*(2012) Time: 00:0@ Schweden – Suède – Sweden

3 Nov 2012

Hanafi Ameur

GOD* = General Operative Deleter*



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UCJ*= Universal* Courts* Judge*MOI*= Mind Opener Immediately*

1*Planet*-1*GOD*-1*World*-1*Humanity* based on values of creation* …

Letter to the Swedish* & American* People*

Swedish* People* I understand your disarray and sorrow of being treated as individuals without making your voice heard. The sclerotic democracy has come to a dead end with the following examples for that:

Politicians think that there are people dying of cancer, vow say the politicians we forbid smoking in restaurants and cafes. Here has no politician hade a program whereas such a goal was subject to chose! With quite many problems in a smoking society depending on stress… Politicians think that the postal services are not profitable, vow they say we take away the poste offices. Here again no politician has had in his program to take away the poste offices. Consequence the work force is converted to an unemployed force subsidized by the state with more costs but a gain for one department. Politicians think to rationalize the number of railway stations and that instead the traveler can buy his ticket in a kiosk. Vow say the politicians we shall save millions by taking away X stations, said and done. Here again no politician has had a program that he would eliminate X stations. Consequence the traveler is forced to queue as though he is to buy goods while he wants to buy a ticket. Politicians think thereafter that it costs to have the sales of tickets in kiosks. Vow they say we can save another million if the tickets were sold in the train. Here again this deterioration in the services offered has never been in the program to choose for the citizen. Politicians think that they can save another million if they do not sale tickets in the train from 15th November 2012 . Vow say the politicians why not, they can stay at home or take a taxi or else what we have not yet thought. Here again no politician has had in his program such drastic deteriorations and yet everything they decide is executed.

In much the same way politicians in the sclerotic democracies have saved money while instead it increased the costs in the form that what you save one place you lose twice in unemployment benefits, pensioning and decreased freedom for the citizen and insecurity. So all the service sectors are cut one after one: medical care, schools and even kindergartens... What can the citizen do as a human being? Nothing much, he has been endlessly tricked to vote for a candidate on view of promises, which they do not only break but they take counter measures that restrict more and more


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the freedom of the citizens and benefits. Who can help the citizens when the wrong doers are politicians and bureaucrats and decision makers…? The King cannot speak for the people. The ministers are not responsible and cannot speak about what they call individual cases. Soon enough all the work force will be converted to unemployment and the politicians will figure it is all better if they are sent to another planet.

The one rule offered to the people is: the right to be silent and tolerant. You must tolerate everything done to you and you have the right to be silent since there is no one to assume responsibility for all the deteriorations and restricted freedom.

It is high time we move away from the shortcomings of democracy and be open to making changes in its mode so that people will not be left alone at the mercy of the elected and that somehow the election should be more about programs to be carried rather than promises one has no clue how they will be kept.

Short of making changes in the mode of regulation the elected candidates will still blame the people for the problems they supposed to solve casting their lives to measures that make the situation worse for the citizens who as now are accused of not looking for employment (when there is no employment), of cheating to get subsidies ( when they have no source of income)… The politicians act thereafter out of reach representing only their personal interests to stay in power and cash a high income making the lives of people more and more difficult to live. They thus shift responsibility to solve the problems of society on the people while they go free from any responsibility to halt injustice & deterioration of creation & the lives of people

But GOD* is now with you*Hanafi* Ameur*

3 Nov 2012

Reminder To The American* People*


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Again to the American* People * I say: Creation is suffering, species are vanishing, the ecological order of mother earth is broken, humanity is suffering and yet there is much talk of what money can buy and how fast decision makers can save from the needy in order to start new wars and disrupt more the lives of all humans. Mitt Romney in this context is not surely someone that has a vision or at least a program. He has only promises of change that is only a receding change he is going to bring to America and the world. President Obama unlike Bush has refrained from waging a new world war to please Netanyahu and some billionaires that ascribe themselves the right to speak on behalf of the Israeli* People*. I remind you that GOD* is for all the People in fairness and impartiality. Much is left to do and I ask you to vote for the experienced President Obama instead of jeopardizing the future. With Romney you will have a receding change, a change back to where things were: cold war, world war III and for the Americans a promise that you must pay more in order to survive with growing difficulties. I recommend you therefore strongly to vote for experience and change forward and not a receding change that is a change backward to where things were and they were bad when Obama took office. Sandy has reminded you lately of the urgency to tackle climate change… And as a commander in chief you saw that President Obama successfully carried his duty.

Vote for Change* Forward* with Obama*

GOD* is with you* Hanafi* Ameur*

3rd November* 0012*(2012) Zeit-Time-Tid-Heure= 00:0@ Schweden-Suède-Sweden

3 Nov 2012

GOD* = General Operative Deleter*



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MOI*= Mind Opener Immediately*

UCJ*= Universal* Courts* Judge*

1*Planet*-1*GOD*-1*World*-1*Humanity*based on values of valuation*…

Letter to the American* People*

Even though I kept track of the record of President Obama, Governor Mitt Romney´s experience is how to make fast money much like Linda McMahon from Connecticut that cashed 46 million dollars from the sweat of her work force as CEO of the Company on top of which she laid off 10% of it to unemployment with denial of healthcare coverage for some… Later on Governor Romney painted himself as a new Obama that can do better than Obama destabilizing him and leaving the electorate in much confusion as he took even his slogan of change and made it his. Not to forget that Glenn Hubbard chief economic adviser of Mitt Romney is well-paid by Wall Street to advocate in forefront the policies Wall Street loves and that are sought to be implemented as against the ones Main Street need & requests from President Obama.Consequently it is worthwhile to underline that it is only up to President Obama to supersede himself, something he outlined to do in the next period. Since the intricate problems of America and the world need some time to solve, I herewith declare that I endorse President Obama who in fact is best suited to bring the new Agenda that will focus on materializing:1*Planet*-1*GOD*-1*World*-1*Humanity*based on values of valuation*

with what it entails & urge you American* People* to vote for Obama

Hanafi* Ameur* 30th October* 0012*(2012) Zeit-Time-Tid-Heure= 23:0@ Schweden-Suède-Sweden

21 Oct 2012

Prayer of the Israeli* People* Rumored to GOD* put in written byHanafi* Ameur*

O GOD* that has been persecuted all your life through we want as of now to be part of 1* Planet*- 1* GOD*- 1* World*- 1* Humanity>*. We state our case:


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Our fathers and mothers were forced to be shipped in an exodus to Palestine and our Palestinian cousins were ousted from their homes and now as the next generation, as it has been since the displacement, we are the excuse to start war after war. We Jews are considered as the controllers of the world and source of all the unrest in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world. Now that we are joining Humanity under your command we want to emphasize factual proofs that made us the victims and hostages of one family that bears the responsibility and guilt for starting World War I and II, communism and all wars and unrest with the corresponding genocides in the world since now centuries ago, that family is the Rothschild.This Rothschild family controls and gives order to all governments and created World Wars and Communism … Before you GOD* stepped in, that family alongside with another 100 billionaire Ashke-nazi Jews were the number 1, ruling ruthlessly to get more wealth from created wars and calamities and they have made us common mortals the pariah of Humanity. Noteworthy is that (page 6):

The Rothschilds claim that they are Jewish, when in fact they are Khazars.  They are from a country called Khazaria, which occupied the land locked between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which is now predominantly occupied by Georgia.  The reason the Rothschilds claim to be Jewish is that the Khazars under the instruction of the King, converted to the Jewish faith in 740 A.D., but of course that did not include converting their Asiatic Mongolian genes to the genes of the Jewish people.

You will find that approximately 90% of people in the world today who call themselves Jews are actually Khazars, or as they like to be known, Ashkenazi Jews.  These people knowingly lie to the world with their claims that the land of Israel is theirs by birthright, when in actual fact their real homeland is over 800 miles away in Georgia.

This said we confirm that Netanyahu the Ashke-nazi Jew was set to stage World War III and gas masks were distributed in August 23rd-2012 and so the scenario was to allow Rothschild and company to increase their control of the world to a 100% and avoid that you GOD* become so Mighty that you can curtail their powers. The clerics of Iran manning Islam with Ahmadinejad need so badly a war that could crystallize the Iranian people behind them. PLO and Mahmoud Abbas & Hamas need a war so that they remain as the leaders of the Palestinians. Hezbollah need a war to extend its grip on Lebanon. Mitt Romney needs a world war to win the election and of course the one family that could stand to make huge profit is the Rothschild family. Of course the 27th of August 2012 you intervened GOD* with:” Devastating Rumors that can lead to the extermination of the Jewish people” and you defused and zeroed all talks of a world war that could be initiated by Netanyahu… You dealt a blow to the Rothschild’s conspiracy and Mitt Romney accused President Obama of throwing Israel under the buss and Netanyahu later on retracted from his earlier stand and affirmed that Iran was not yet ready to make the A-bomb but has well


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one year to go. Still the Rothschild is brushing the necessity of a world war under the excuse that the extermination of the Israeli People by the Iranian clerics is still a looming fact. Feeling threatened by the rise of you GOD*, Rothschild and his billionaire mates prepare for the next move which is to create a coming destabilization of the world by seeing to it that there are given actors to initiate a new world war. And that is where there is necessity to have Mitt Romney at the white house. For that purpose the Ashke-nazi Jew Rupert Murdoch goes on tweeting that if President Obama is re-elected it will be catastrophic for Israel and that the president has thrown CIA under the buss... Before that Muitt Romney accused Obama of throwing Israel under the buss and in some demonstration for him there has even been some that had posters reading Obama Nazi. And the Ashke-nazi billionaire Jews bought nice surveys for Mitt Romney where the boldest is Gallup in an effort to predispose mentally the American people to vote for him as he is given as a winner to destabilize the democrats and Obama to lay flat like during the first debate. We Israeli people want presently to acknowledge that the Ashke-nazi Jewish PM Netanyahu even if he is re-elected does not represent us and that we want to live in peace and that we need to move to your new Agenda from the Rothschild’s and put a period to all the blinking talk of Nazism-anti-Semitism and all what you have therein stated in your command.

We herewith dissociate us from them and prove that they are only Ashke-nazi Jews that made genocide on us projecting their guilt on all the People of Humanity for having persecuted us... The Germans, The French, The Swedes, The Russians … in brief all this humanity and previous ones have been accused for what they actually have done. Whenever someone is in their way, this person is either killed or condemned for harassment or some other crimes and if a President or a minister does not do as Rothschild wants, he is hang in their media as anti-Semite and since then the world has been divided and each people has been in turn divided and each human being has been split between tendencies and ideas of non-values.O GOD* we are left with Rothschild and his mates Donald Trump-Rupert Murdoch-David and Charles Koch- Netanyahu … trying to put in place a president that can start a new world war as though creation has not suffered enough from the blow of over exploitation and destruction… to date. Furthermore in brief the projected WWI-WWII-WWIII(page 19) : 1871:  An American General named, Albert Pike, who had been enticed into the Illuminati by Guissepe Mazzini, completes his military blueprint for three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world, culminating into moving this great conspiracy into its final stage. The first world war is to be fought for the purpose of destroying the Tsar in Russia,as promised by Nathan Mayer Rothschild in 1815.  The Tsar is to be replaced with communism which is to be used to attack religions, predominantly Christianity.  The differences between the British and German empires are to be used to forment this war.


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The second world war is to be used to forment the controversy between fascism and political zionism with the slaughter of Jews in Germany a lynchpin in bringing hatred against the German people.  This is designed to destroy fascism (which the Rothschilds created) and increase the power of political zionism.  This war is also designed to increase the power of communism to the level that it equaled that of united Christendom.

The third world war is to be played out by stirring up hatred of the Muslim world for the purposes of playing the Islamic world and the political zionists off against one another.  Whilst this is going on, the remaining nations would be forced to fight themselves into a state of mental, physical, spiritual and economic exhaustion.

1929:  The Rothschilds crash the United States economy by contracting the money supply (page 29- History of the House of Rothschild by Andrew Hitchcock) . Creating the greatest depression.

1938: On 7th November, a Jew, Herschel Grynszpan, assassinated Ernst vom Rath, a minor official at the German Embassy in Paris.  As a result of this German hostility towards Jews in Germany started to turn violent(Page 30- History of the House of Rothschild by Andrew Hitchcock).

1939: I.G. Farben the leading producer of chemicals in the world and largest German producer of steel dramatically increases its production. This increased production is almost exclusively used to arm Germany for the Second World War.  This company was controlled by the Rothschilds and would go on to use Jews and other disaffected peoples as slave labour in the concentration camps. I.G. Farben also created the lethal Zyklon B gas that was used to exterminate the Jews (Page 31- History of the House of Rothschild by Andrew Hitchcock).

So far the proofs that Rothschild was a prominent actor in as well World War I and II and the genocide of the Jews in Germany and the deposition of the Tsar and the installation of Communism and the Soviet alongside with the creation of the great depression … We ask you GOD* to help us be part of 1* Humanity* that you have instated and we would like you to join in the Timeline of Rothschild book of Andrew Hitchcock in our prayer to you so that our fellow Germans-French-Swedes… will know that their fathers and ancestors have had nothing to do with the persecution and genocide of our fathers and ancestors but that it was all the work of the leader of a certain number of Ashke-nazi Jews, Rothschild that is responsible and guilty of genocides and no other people.

We Israeli* People* we say we trust you GOD* and so do are relatives left behind in the world. Now since GOD* your voice is outstanding reaching all the people of the Humanity , Rothschild and his Ashke-nazi Jews feel threatened and they just have to increase the destabilization of the world in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq…Not to mention that the Taliban war cost the US trillions which profits Rothschild that lends happily for secured high interest rate. This outlaw of creation funds the Iranian clerics which in turn finance: the Taliban-Hezbollah-Hamas-Boko Haram-Al Qaeda…-AQMI – Bashar Al Assad. Moreover the


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media of these Ashke-nazi gives free PR to this terrorism as it beneficiates them contributing to create problems to Humanity rather than being faced having a problem with Humanity especially now that you are here with us GOD*, mud and locked behind bares by the Ashke-nazi Jewish families Wallenberg-Bonnier …in Sweden. Normally the best way to fight terrorism is not to give publicity to the enemy and do it the German way of dealing with Bader Meinhoff. That the leader of the Ashke-nazi Jews Rothschild does not so in his media is because terror , genocides, calamities are for him a source of profit making, however they see you GOD* as their potential enemy and they just cannot afford to publicize your laws and interventions. They would be knocked down in a moment. Finally now we will hear from Mitt Romney how wonderful America is starting wars to profit Rothschild and how peace is a sign of weakness, that Obama is anti-American as suggested by the Republican Jewish Coalition-Michelle Bachman and of course how Obama is anti-Business against Mitt Romney that started his career with 50 cents ending with a wealth of 250 million dollars. However we Israeli People would gladly move to the Rothschild’s palace and Rupert´s Murdoch and they can take our place if they cherish us so much. Far from that we see George Soros a successful Aske-nazi Jew businessman, such that he made his fortune helped by Rothschild destabilizing the world’s currencies, indebting among others Sweden that brought its rate of interest to 500% helplessly ending indebted to George Soros-Wallenberg-Rothschild for billions and billions. According to these Ashke-nazi destabilizing the world or creating terror and World Wars, communism with genocides is just another way of making business be profitable. And this character comes to Sweden to mourn year after year another Aske-nazi Wallenberg that disappeared in Rothschild’s Soviet assumed to have saved busloads of Jews from the Nazi Germany when the Germans had nothing to do with Hitler that sent their sons to die in Siberia as his army in 40 degrees minus whilst Rothschild is the responsible for the genocides of even the people he want so badly to identify with and protect. Now Rothschild and his hundred Aske-nazi billionaires are exposed to Humanity* as the enemies of Humanity*...

Prayer of the Israeli* People* Rumored to GOD* put in written by Hanafi* Ameur*:

Prayer of the Israeli* People* Rumored to GOD* put in written by Hanafi* Ameur*:


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GOD* = General Operative Deleter*


UCC*= Universal* Command* Controller*

UCJ*= Universal* Courts* Judge*

MOI*= Mind Opener Immediately*

1*Planet*-1*GOD*-1*World*-1*Humanity*based on values of valuation

21st * October* 0012*(2012) Schweden – Suède – Sweden

10 Oct 2012

Episodic Strategy of Mitt Romney Rumored to GOD*

Episode 1

The strategy of Mitt Romney as set by the AIPAC and Netanyahu was at first to destabilize Obama and the Democratic Party. Netanyahu pointed that Obama


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has to pay for not willing to take order from him to attack Iran. So he says to Mitt: In the debate you shall hit him by joining him. Mitt say: How can I do that? Netanyahu say: you shall agree that you will not tear up healthcare entirely… and then he said you shall attack him rhetorically saying you do a better job…

Episode 2

Obama in the debate was surprised and destabilized. Mitt Romney wins some points.

Episode 3

Obama regains confidence and Friday the 5th October 2012 the unemployment rate drops to 7.8% giving Obama an economic argument that he has done a good job and that things figure much better for the prospect to be re-elected.

Episode 4

Romney is re-assured to be the coming President and that there will be a cry that the unemployment figures were manipulated.

Episode 5

Obama and the Democratic Party put this allegation at shame and Mitt was back to square 1. Then he is told to go and punch >Obama on the foreign policy and

that the AIPAC, Donald Trump… were going to buy Pew and all the other polling firms to say that the race is tied and then say that he has a lead of 3

points and more. That was the crazy Monday 8th October 2012.

Episode 6

Now Netanyahu and Company advice Mitt to attack >Obama on foreign policy by rhetorical punches with arguments that USA is losing leadership, showing

signs of weakness, that such policy is dangerous, that Obama has shown passivity and let down Israel, that there is risk of conflict you name it. Obama is then destabilized and the entire good thing with peace and ending 2 wars… is forgotten and unmentioned and instead the rhetorical arguments take over and the polling companies Pew and others will give more and more lead in the race

to Romney thus destabilizing the Obama and the Democratic Party.


Now says Netanyahu there is the debate of Biden with Paul Ryan and the 2 more debates with Obama, my advice is to fine tune your rhetorical attacks. The good


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thing with rhetoric he says to Mitt is that you prove whatever you want without proving anything and by attacking you score points like telling: You are against the American dream or you are weak or you are against the US leadership… This forces Obama and Biden to defend themselves and they lose if they do and they lose if they don´t. Once you score points we buy the remaining polling agencies and the American people will be conditioned mentally to follow up and vote for you Romney as you are given with a clear lead. And Netanyahu concluded that ultimately no one votes for a loser given as such by Pew … When Mitt asked Netanyahu for an example he replied: The 23th of August 2012, I said that Iran was to be attacked soon so that they don´t make the Atomic bomb, We distributed gas masks and I was all set to attack Iran within days. Mitt ask and then? And then said Netanyahu GOD hindered me from doing so and Mitt asks which God and Netanyahu replied not our God of course, I mean that fellow over there and I once again rhetorically saved my face by saying that now Iran cannot have a bomb until next year and rhetorically I described in the UN at what stage Iran is. I have each time proved what I did not prove and so can you Mitt and Paul. The combination of forcing your opponent to defend himself make him a loser, you score points and you have proved it all and yet without proving anything. And after Pew we shall buy the rest if need be and you will have nice surveys giving you a lead and finally even the most dedicated democrats will end up mentally conditioned to vote for you as you are presented by survey after survey as a winner. No one wants to be associated with a loser, mark my word. Netanyahu say to Mitt: You have our future in your hands as the Israeli people are tired of having scare threats on the agenda now for 75 years, we need to create foes, enemies and in Israel I merely survive thanks to Hezbollah, Hamas, the Iranian clerics… that are all in it with our clerics and mind you don´t mention the 12 million jobs as the fellow over there has blown your chances on that one.

Put in written by: Hanafi Ameur

GOD* = General Operative Deleter*


UCC*= Universal* Command* Controller*

UCJ*= Universal* Courts* Judge*

MOI*= Mind Opener Immediately*

1*Planet*-1*GOD*-1*World*-1*Humanity*based on values of valuation

10th* October* 0012*(2012) Schweden – Suède – Sweden

Prayer of Assange Rumored to GOD*


O GOD* that is with us all the time

I am Julian Assange, Paparazzi


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Accused of serial rape as I have been too noisy

They want now to interrogate me about the crime


Sweden a family-cracy

Where 3 families own the country: lock - stock and barrel

Accused me of serial rape without a quarrel

Much like you have been found guilty of trial to kill by this weird democracy


The bottom line is that you have to shut up

And do as you are told and madness accept

Everybody here non exempt

Is trying the tree of truth to climb up


David Cameron

Chew my story with a Toblerone

My case in short: I was invited for cost & logy and love by Anna Ardin

And we had sex several times listening to Gay Marvin


Proof that Anna Ardin was satisfied with me as a Lover is that she wanted

To invite me to a crayfish party the day after the alleged rape as she tweeted:


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2) Efter “ dan därpå den so kallad våldtäkten” skriver Anna 14 augusti på Twitter:

3) Anna skriver följande på Twitter, den 15 augusti kl 02.00:


Then I met Sofia Wilén at her place and we made love

Nude without panty or glove

And she tells of the action to Anna Ardin

Then they file a complaint for rape & sexual harassment eating a sardine


By factual proofs I have not forced my way in

And I gave them a good time not kin

Yet they go and accuse me, to be known

As it is a way for them to make a coin


O GOD* that has been persecuted all life long

By the family-cracy of Sweden all along


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I am guilty as I am not Dominique Strauss Khan

And not even related to the Aga Khan


O GOD* I am now in a situation where justice is made so efficient

That it has a negative coefficient

Where testimonies made of lies

Is all what it counts up in court, to the skies?

As to Fredrik Reinfeldt he satisfies the need at a time of one family

And considers the rest, the citizens all but as an anomaly

Just good enough to be scared and found guilty with no proof

Creating serial killers like Sture Bergvall, found guilty of 8 murders in a conspiracy because aloof

Put in written by: Hanafi Ameur

GOD* = General Operative Deleter*


MOI* and UCC= Universal* Command* Controller*

UCJ*= Universal* Courts* Judge*

1*Planet*-1*GOD*-1*World*-1*Humanity*based on values of valuation

9th* October* 0012*(2012) Schweden – Suède - Sweden

@ From Google@ Den ena är kändis-groupie och socialdemokratisk kommunpolitiker, Anna Ardin (bilden

nedan). Hon har skrivit en sjustegsmodell för hur man hämnas på en man som dumpar en! Efter polisanmälan raderade hon hela listan! En falsk råtta!


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Julian Assange bodde hos Anna den 11-19 (20) augusti.  Dom har sex ett flertal gånger. Till saken hör att Anna är kristen och medlem i Broderskapsrörelsen (kristna socialdemokrater).

1) Anna“våldtas” natten 13-14 augusti. Julian Assange får erbjudande om att övernatta hos en annan person. Något Anna avslår, efter hon tycker att Assange kan bo kvar hos henne! Hon blir uppringd av en väninna den 18-19 augusti och får då höra att Assange haft sex även

med henne. Den andra kvinnan heter Sofia Wilén, fotograf, också kristen Socialdemokrat (bilden ovan) Båda inser då att Assange inte är seriös med någon av dom och bestämmer sig uppenbarligen för en gemensam hämnd, något Anna är expert på! Den 20 augusti spatserar så kvinnorna in på polisstationen och polisanmäler Assange. Polisen är en vän till Anna Ardin. Samma dag raderas Twitter-inläggen! Men en bloggare sparade inläggen.

GOD* = General Operative Deleter*


Sida 31 av 34


MOI*= Mind Opener Immediately*

UCJ*= Universal* Courts* Judge*

1*Planet*-1*GOD*-1*World*-1*Humanity*based on values of valuation*…

Letter to the Syrian* People*(I)*

I said it before Mass does not cancel force and force does not zero force unless it is superior and entails high collateral death toll and high level destruction. Make a historical move and part from all the nightmare cartoon millennium story and give Mankind* a Historical example*. Then, First of all get yourself a new flag and free your women and daughters from the veil and compliance to lies connected to nightmare stories source of injustice, war & sedative of misery. Thereafter you shall split in groups of 2 to 3 people to be ascribed the mission to zero the forces of Bashar al Assad and his army, outlaws of creation. The armed elements shall be invisible taking civilian clothes. The adversity shall not have a clue of who is where and what is what. Then you shall target primarily to re-inverse the inversions. The forces of the adversity have more soldiers and more firepower and by magnifying yourself in small groups, you get an advantage which increases by the fact that these small groups shall be given for mission to disable the internet, to disable the current feeding the military HQ, Air basis ...n, to cut telecommunications & the supply routes of the army of al Assad, his palace & government staff…n.That way you zero the capabilities of the adversity and minimize destruction with less high collateral death toll, bringing you near victory. You can Syrians, now be the Soldiers* of GOD* and as such you must be minimalists targeting with small resources to derive a much bigger output. You shall not strive to control territory but rather control your enemy. Free* your Women* and Daughters*, Organize*, Uppstand* & Supersede* Yourself*. A lifetime of belief in lies and prayers and subordination to nightmare cartoon characters have brought you to being treated worse than cattle condemned to be killed for no reasonable reason , Be GOD*s Army*. Use Your Mind* & make History*.

So long,

Hanafi* Ameur* 1st

October* 0012*(2012) Zeit-Time-Tid-Heure= 00:y@ Schweden-Suède-Sweden

Prayer of the American People Rumored to GOD*



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Mitt Romney we are sure, will work for interest groups

That have wealth and boots

They create jobs fast at the speed of light in square

And we shall all cry j´en ai marre (F)


Mitt Romney

Says he shall grow for us money

And for 12 million of us give a job

Where each of us will be a new Steve job


With foreign interests in mind

Mitt Romney will, military force find

To flatten a mountain

And for each of us give a fountain


The media steered by whoever

Accept to project them lies as possible instead of saying never

Mitt Romney shall grow 3 million jobs a year

And all of us will drink beer


That´s 2,739 factories rooming 3000 workers he will build per day


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He will achieve that fast exploit so that we cry: he made my day

We will have it better than New Yorkers

Because we are all no fact finders


With donors like Donald Trump@ & Murdoch Rupert@

We will become all Einstein Albert

By way of Houdini’s tricks

Mitt Romney will find the right mix


The White House from inside, him shall retool

With new chairs and a marble table for those that are no fool

Saving much with low taxes

That they can invest in new faxes


O GOD* make us wise casting the right ballot

On a candidate not lying caught

That make laws, from outside impressed by the Americans

And not manufactured in poisonous cans


O GOD*, Mitt will tell of his weird wishes in the debate again


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So that for him we shall vote and not for Tim again

We will not need a pension anymore

As we shall have a mansion staring with Roger More

Mitt Romney preps hard his debate

Even in the Sabbath

He will convince us that he will create 5.7 jobs per minute with a whiff

Without hesitation or what if?

@ From Google @

Suggested search: Is X & Y … n nihilist

Put in written by: Hanafi Ameur

GOD* = General Operative Deleter*


MOI*= Mind Opener Immediately*

UCJ*= Universal* Courts* Judge*

1*Planet*-1*GOD*-1*World*-1*Humanity*based on values of valuation

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