gynecology and fertility treatments

Post on 12-Nov-2014



Health & Medicine



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Gynaecological endoscopy

Hysteroscopic procedures

Laproscopic procedures

Gynaecologic oncology intrauterine synaechia

In vitro fertilization (ivf)

Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (icsi)

Donor egg sharing


In Vitro Fertilization ( IVF )

In vitro fertilization is an accepted medical treatment for many causes of infertility.

“In vitro” literally means “outside of the body”, hence this is a reproductive technology in which a female egg is joined with a male sperm cell in a test tube (in vitro). The first IVF baby, Louise Joy Brown, was born in England in 1978. It is most often tried when other, less expensive fertility techniques have failed.

Why the procedure is performed ?

IVF is done to help a woman become pregnant. It is used to treat many causes of infertility, including:

• Advanced age of the woman (advanced maternal age)

• Damaged or blocked fallopian tubes (can be caused by pelvic inflammatory disease or prior reproductive surgery)

• Endometriosis

• Male factor infertility, including decreased sperm count and blockage

• Unexplained infertility For IVF to be successful it typically requires healthy ova, sperm that can fertilize, and a uterus that can maintain a pregnancy. Due to the costs of the procedure, IVF is generally attempted only after less expensive options have failed.

What happens if a female dosent produce healthy eggs or if male is sterile ?

IVF may be done with a couple’s own eggs and sperm or with donor eggs, sperm, or embryos. Some couples choose to use donor eggs, sperm, or embryos because of genetic concerns. Donor eggs are used in approximately 10% of all assisted reproductive technology (ART) cycles.

IVF can also be used with surrogacy where the woman providing the egg isn't the same who will carry the pregnancy to term. This means that IVF can be used for females who have already gone through menopause. The donated oocyte can be fertilized in a crucible. If the fertilization is successful, the embryo will be transferred into the uterus, within which it may implant. There are five basic steps to ivf

Step 1: stimulation / super ovulation

Medicines, commonly called fertility drugs, are given to the woman to boost her egg production. Normally, a woman produces one egg per month. Fertility drugs tell the ovaries to produce several eggs. During this step, the woman will have regular transvaginal ultrasounds to examine the ovaries and blood tests to check hormone levels.

Step 2: egg retrieval A minor surgery, called follicular aspiration, is done to remove the eggs from the woman’s body. The surgery is normally done as an outpatient procedure in the doctor’s office. The woman will be given medicines so she does not feel pain during the procedure. Using ultrasound images as a guide, the health care provider inserts a thin needle through the vagina and into the ovary and sacs (follicles) containing the eggs. The needle is connected to a suction device, which pulls the eggs and fluid out of each follicle, one at a time.

The procedure is repeated for the other ovary. The woman may have some cramping after the surgery, but it usually goes away within a day. In rare cases, a pelvic laparoscopy may be needed to remove the eggs.

If a woman does not or cannot produce any eggs, donated eggs may be used.

Step 3: insemination and fertilization

The man’s sperm is placed together with the best quality eggs and stored in an environmentally controlled chamber. The mixing of the sperm and egg is called insemination. The sperm usually enters (fertilizes) an egg a few hours after insemination. If the doctor thinks the chance of fertilization is low, the laboratory staff may directly inject the sperm into the egg. This is called intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Many fertility programs routinely do ICSI on some of the eggs even if everything is normal.

Step 4: embryo culture

When the fertilized egg divides, it becomes an embryo. Laboratory staff will regularly check the embryo to make sure it is growing properly. Within about 5 days, a normal embryo has several cells that are actively dividing.

Couples who have a high risk of passing a genetic (hereditary) disorder to a child may consider pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). The procedure is done about 3 -4 days after fertilization. Laboratory scientists remove a single cell from each embryo and screen the material for specific genetic disorders. According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, PGD can help parents decide which embryos to implant, which decreases the chance of passing a disorder onto a child. The technique is controversial and not offered at all centers.

Step 5: embryo transfer

Embryos are placed into the woman’s womb 3 - 5 days after egg retrieval and fertilization. The procedure is done in the doctor’s office while the woman is awake. The doctor inserts a thin tube (catheter) containing the embryos into the woman’s vagina, through the cervix, and up into the womb. If an embryo sticks to (implants) in the lining of the womb and grows, pregnancy results.More than one embryo may be placed into the womb at the same time, which can lead to twins, triplets, or more. The exact number of embryos transferred is a complex issue that depends on many factors, especially the woman’s age. Unused embryos may be frozen and implanted or donated at a later date.


After embryo transfer, the woman may be told to rest for the remainder of the day. Complete bed rest is not necessary, unless there is an increased risk of OHSS.

Most women return to normal activities the next day.

Women who undergo IVF must take daily shots or pills of the hormone progesterone for 8 - 10 weeks after the embryo transfer. Progesterone is a hormone produced naturally by the ovaries that helps thicken the lining of the womb (uterus). This makes it easier for the embryo to implant. Too little progesterone during the early weeks of pregnancy may result in a miscarriage.

About 12 -14 days after the embryo transfer, the woman will return to the clinic so that a pregnancy test can be done.

Call your health care provider right away if you had IVF and have:

• A fever over 100.5 F (38 C)

• Pelvic pain

• Heavy bleeding from the vagina

• Blood in the urine

How successful is in vitro fertilization

The success rate of IVF clinics depends on a number of factors including patient characteristics and treatment approaches. It is also important to understand that pregnancy rates are not the same as live birth rates. In the United States, the live birth rate for each IVF cycle started is approximately:

• 30 to 35% for women under age 35

• 25% for women ages 35 to 37

• 15 to 20% for women ages 38 to 40

• 6 to 10% for women ages over 40

What is medical tourism?

Medical tourism, also known as health tourism or health travel, is a term that describes travelling to a foreign country for medical, dental, or cosmetic treatment. It involves the benefit of cost effective treatment, private medical care, in collaboration with the tourism industry. The concept of medical tourism is fast growing in India and people from different part of the world are choosing India as their desired destination.

Why Choose India?

Medical tourism is a rapidly growing sector in India and millions of medical tourists from all over the world have come here to experience a world-class healthcare service.

In 2010, about 600,000 patients travelled to India from over 30 countries for treatment, including the USA, Canada, UK, Russia, the Middle East and Africa.

According to a study by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) on healthcare, after software, the medical tourism industry is poised to be the next big success story in India. It has predicted that the industry will grow to earn additional revenue of $2.3 billion by 2012 and will soon account for a major share of the country’s revenue.

There are several reasons behind this tremendous growth:

Patients come to India to get specialized treatments not available in their home country. Indian hospitals excel in performing complex cardiac surgeries, kidney transplants, bone marrow transplants, orthopedic surgeries, infertility treatments amongst their wide repertoire.

India provides world-class quality treatments at a fraction of the priceof developed countries. The cost of medical treatment in India is generally one tenth of western countries and among the cheapest in Asia.

India has state of the art medical institutes and hospitals of international standards with highly qualified medical professionals.

These centers are backed by high quality equipment and technology. This fusion of highly qualifiedstaff assisted by the latest equipment gives India the edge over other countries.

With hospitals and clinics in every region including urban, semi-urban, or rural parts of the country, India has ample choice in terms of preferred destinations.

In countries such as Canada and the UK, patients almost always have to wait weeks and sometimes months to avail of medical treatments. In India the consultations with the doctors are prompt and patients receive a turnaround to their treatment plan at a quicker pace. As English is a commonly spoken language in India, the patient will be comfortable communicating with the doctors.

Medical tourists find that the cost of their treatment (including the return airfare, holiday and accommodation) leaves them with a total bill substantially less than they would have spent just on having the procedure in the UK.

Why Arman

There are several concerns that flicker in the minds of the foreigners who come for treatment to India, particularly for first time fliers. The first among them is which hospital to choose for their treatment.

India is flooded with hospitals, medical centers and hotels which have their websites that attract the foreign patients. This makes them even more confused and the complexity of decision making becomes a challenging task.

We, at Arman can address all these concerns and issues by acting as intermediary with hospitals, clinics, surgeons, hotels.

Arman is a healthcare facilitator that has painstakingly brought together highly qualified professionals and hospitals of repute and health care providers.

We take the responsibility of screening the hospitals by checking their track record, accreditations, associations and have partnered with the best internationally accredited hospitals in India.

Arman update and monitor our network of hospitals on a regular basis and maintain a database on the hospital’s certifications, type of facilities and other factors critical in choosing a medical center.

Arman also negotiate a lower price from the hospital which foreign patients would not get by directly approaching the hospitals This helps the patient to save a lot on the medical procedure costs

We provide assistance with logistics, documentations, permits and other travel arrangements required for medical tourism.

Our coordinators are highly trained to foresee every need of the patient and make the entire process hassle free from start to finish. They help the patient plan his medical procedures before leaving home, and schedules all his appointments, surgery, treatments and plans for recuperation.

This in turn helps the patient to choose the hospital according to his convenience and also get a clear picture of the cost of treatment, accommodation beforehand that helps them to arrange their finance.

We are aware that a lot of trust is put in our hands and ensure that this trust is well placed by serving each patient individually with care and comfort.

How We Work

Patient query received by the patient himself or his doctor/ hospital.

This query along with medical reports is forwarded to the concerned hospitals to get expert opinions

After the hospitals respond, we create a package for the patient which includes recommendation on the treatments, duration of stay, and the costs involved.

The patient reviews the various options presented to him and makes a decision based on budget and the line of treatment recommended by the doctors. Occasionally, a patient may clarify his concerns or questions he may have regarding the treatment with the doctor by telephone.

In liaison with the patients, Arman representatives will make prior bookings with the hospital, airlines, hotels.

Patient travels and checks into hospital to start the treatment. We provide assistance through out your stay in the hospital which include pre and post opeartive care.

Once fit and able to travel, the patient if wishes can enjoy the vast tourist destinations within India before returning to their home country fully rejuvenated. (at an additional cost)(ebranding/mum/ts/19)

Arman Health Care Facilitators

OUR OFFICE IN INDIA 422, Bonanza, 'B' Wing,Sahar Plaza Complex, Next to Kohinoor Hotel,Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri East Mumbai India 4000059.Contact: land line No: ( 022-28387433 ) Email

OUR OFFICE IN CONGO Arman Health care Facilitators,Gallery Saint-Pierre, 36 local UtexAfrica Advanced ,AV 374 VolonelMondjiba,Kinshasa / Ngaliema,DRC Mobile : +243998290384

OUR OFFICE IN KENYAArman Health Care Facilitators C/O Doctor Pharma Kenya Limited Vision Tower, Muthithi Road,Westlands, Nairobi,Kenya.Contact: Telefax:(+254)722330329

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