gymnastic: balance unit (grades k-3) jordon knox ess...

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Gymnastic: Balance Unit (Grades K-3)

Jordon Knox

ESS 303

March 23, 2010

Introductory Activities:

Building Bridges (p.26, Hacker, et. al.)

o Equipment: Panel mats

o Time: 10 minutes

o Description: Students form pairs and perform the following activities:

Under and Over: In pairs, one student makes a bridge and the partner

crawls under.

Cross Bridges: One partner makes a bridge by arching backward, and

the other makes a bridge by arching forward over the top. Then the

students switch positions.

Pirouette Bridges: Start on all four (on hands and feet, stomach down

toward the floor). Roll sideways through to a bridge position without

moving forward or backward. Repeat in the other direction.

Hold It (p.52, Hacker, et. al.)

o Equipment: Matted floor areas

o Time: 10 minutes

o Description: The teacher shows children picture of a variety of classic balance

poses (such as front support, back support, tuck, pike, tip-up, headstand) and

names them. Students try several of the poses holding them for three to five

seconds. The teacher talks about balancing on a variety of body parts (hands,

feet, knees, tummy, seat, shoulder, etc.) and has the students demonstrate

several balances using these different parts. The students choose two of their

favorite or best balances and link them in a short sequence.

Partner Balance (p.54, Hacker, et. al.)

o Equipment: Strip or panel mats arranged in a square, pictures of various


o Time: 20 minutes

o Description: The instructor begins by showing the students pictures of several

partner balances. The instructor then demonstrates one or two partner

balances and explains the principles of good balance and supporting another

person’s weight. Each student chooses a partner and a work space. Each pair

should try several different partner balances, the ones pictured as well as ones

they invent themselves. After choosing one balance they like or can do best,

they begin by having one partner assume an individual balance of his or her

choice. Then, using a weight transfer action of his or her choice (such as a roll,

cartwheel, step, or jump) this student approaches their partner, and they move

into the partner balance with a smooth, logical transition. After holding the

partner balance for three to five seconds, the second student chooses another

transitional action to move away and finishes in a second individual balance.

The sequence is pose, transition, partner balance, transition, pose. Finally, the

pair chooses two or three partner balances and develops a longer sequence.

Balance Puzzle (p.56, Hacker, et. al.)

o Equipment: Body part shapes drawn on cardboard or other material, panel mat

o Time: 10-20 minutes

o Description: Prior to class time, the instructor draws balance puzzle charts with

markers on sheets of paper, poster board, or cardboard. The charts may be

laminated for better durability. Beginning with the easier puzzles, the instructor

holds up once chart at a time and asks the children to balance on the body parts

shown. The children must balance on the correct parts in the position shown in

the chart, with no other body parts touching the floor.

Alphabet Soup (p. 58, Hacker, et. al.)

o Equipment: Floor exercises mat or panel mats arranged in a large square

o Time: 7-10 minutes

o Description: Players move randomly around the floor using a gymnastics motor

skill (such as leap, skip, chasse, roll) or any locomotor skill. When the instructor

call out a letter of the alphabet, students form groups of three, Using

gymnastics balancing skills, each group forms the shape of the letter and holds it

until the instructor calls “alphabet soup”. Students then resume moving about

until the instructor calls out the next letter.

Balance Tag (p. 68, Hacker, et. al.)

o Equipment: None

o Time: 10 minutes

o Description: The teacher selects a student to be “it”. All other students are

scattered around the playing area. On the word “go”, all students begin to move

around the area using various locomotor skills designated by either the teacher

or the person who is “it”. “It” tries to tag as many players as possible. Players

are safe only when in a balance position specified by “it” or the teacher. When

tagged, players join “it” as taggers.

Four Corners, Four Poses (p.76, Hacker, et. al.)

o Equipment: Large matted area or panel mats arranged in a square

o Time: 10 minutes

o Description: One person is selected to be blindfolded in the middle. All others

skip, chasse, or do another gymnastics locomotor skill around the mat. The

blindfolded person calls “stop” then counts to 10. All students quickly move to

one of the four corners of the mat and assume the pose designated at that

corner (knee scale, headstand, handstand, pike-straddle stand, etc.). The

blindfolded person calls out one of th designated poses, removes the blindfold,

and pick the next person to be blindfolded from those who were in the

designated corner. Instruct students that they must move through each corner

before they repeat a pose.

Wall Walk (p. 96, Hacker, et. al.)

o Equipment: Wall, panel mats arranged next to wall

o Time: 10 minutes

o Description: From a front support (push-up) position with soles of feet against

the wall, the student walks his or her feet up the wall to a mark or line and back

down. (The mark should be at a height such that the student’s body forms an

angle of about 45 degrees with the floor when his or her feet reach the mark).

Repeat a total of three times. A partner should assist if necessary by holding the

waist of the student who is walking up the wall. Students should try to keep

their bodies extended and heads in line with the body when moving their feet

up and down the wall.

Wheelbarrow Tag (p. 106, Hacker, et. al.)

o Equipment: Matted floor area, folded panel mats

o Time: 5 minutes

o Description: This is a tag game for pairs. Each partner assumes a front support

(push-up) position with feet placed on the top surface of a folded panel mat,

hands placed on the floor. The game starts with partners at apposite ends of the

panel mat. The object of the game is for the player who is “it” to try to tag the

partner’s hand while players walk on their hands in a front support position.

Windshield Wipers (p. 108, Hacker, et. al.)

o Equipment: Matted floor area

o Time: 8 minutes

o Description: The students work in their own personal space. Place a target or

dot on the mat for each student. With their feet on the dot, students’ assume a

front support (push-up) position. They can either hop or walk on their hands in a

semicircle back and forth like windshield wipers. They must keep their feet on

the target.


1. Head Balance (p.471, Pangrazi and Beighle)

o Place a bean bag on top of the head

o Walk, stoop, turn, sit down, get up, etc.

o Keep good upper-body posture

o Keep arms out to the side for balance

o Change arm positions later

2. Finger Touch (p.487, Pangrazi and Beighle)

o On mat

o Feet pointed forward with toes against a line or floor board

o Grasp right wrist with left hand

o From standing position, slowly start squatting down

o Touch floor with index finger of right hand

o Stand back up without losing balance

3. One-Leg Balance (p.470, Pangrazi and Beighle)

o On mat

o Start with feet together

o Lift one leg from the floor

o Arms are free and then assume specified positions-folded across chest, on hips,


4. Knee-Lift Stand (p.471, Pangrazi and Beighle)

o On mat

o From a standing position

o Lift one knee up so that thigh is parallel to the floor

o Toe points down

o Hold

o Return to starting position

5. Balance Touch (p.472, Pangrazi and Beighle)

o On mat

o Place an object 1 yard away from a line

o Balance on line with one foot

o Reach out and touch object

o Recover to starting position

o Reach forwards, sideways, and backwards

o Reverse hands

6. Face-to-Knee Balance (p.486, Pangrazi and Beighle)

o On mat

o Start in standing position with feet together

o Place hands on hips

o Balance on one foot with other foot extended backward

o Bend trunk forward and touch supporting knee with nose

o Recover

o Switch legs

7. Leg Dip (p.486, Pangrazi and Beighle)

o On mat

o Extend both hands and one leg forward

o Balance on the other leg

o Lower body to sit on the heel

o Return upright without losing balance or touching floor

8. Single Leg Balances (p.472, Pangrazi and Beighle)

o On mat

o Forward Balance

Extend one leg backward until parallel to the floor

Keep eyes forward and arms out to side

o Backward Balance

Extend one leg forward keeping knee straight and toe pointed

Keep arms to the side

Lean back as far as possible being able to look up at the ceiling

o Side Balance

Standing on left foot

Bend left until right side of body is parallel to the floor

Put right arm alongside head

9. Balance Jump (p.486, Pangrazi and Beighle)

o On mat

o Arms out to side and body parallel to floor

o Extend one leg back and balance weight on other leg

o Quickly change to the other foot

o Keep body parallel to ground while switching legs

10. Kimbo Stand (p.471, Pangrazi and Beighle)

o On mat

o Keep left foot on floor

o Cross right leg over left leg

o Right foot points partially down and toe touches the floor

11. Stork Stand (p.61, Malmberg)

o On mat

o Eyes focus forward

o Body is upright

o Arms are to the side

o One foot is placed on the inside of knee

12. Y Scale (p.62, Malmberg)

o On mat

o Eyes focus forward

o Knees are straight

o Hold foot in one hand and stretch it to wall

o Lift foot to make a “Y”

13. Double Knee Balance (p.471, Pangrazi and Beighle)

o On mat

o Kneel on both knees

o Feet are pointed straight back

o Lift feet from the ground and balance

o Try various arm positions

14. Head Touch (p.471, Pangrazi and Beighle)

o On mat

o Kneel on both knees

o Feet are pointed straight back

o Arms are pointed back

o Lean forward slowly and touch forehead to the mat

o Slowly come back up

15. Hand and Knee Balance (p.472, Pangrazi and Beighle)

o On mat

o Start on all fours

o Lift up one hand and the opposite knee

o Keep free foot and hand from touching

o Reverse hand and knee positions

16. Single Knee Balance (p.472, Pangrazi and Beighle)

o On mat

o Perform Hand and Knee Balance

o Lift hand on floor up, lifting trunk up

o Both arms should be stretched out at sides

o Switch knees

17. Tummy Balance (p.485, Pangrazi and Beighle)

o On mat

o Lie prone on floor, arms outstretched forward

o Raise arms, head, chest, and legs from the floor

o Balance on tummy

o Keep knees straight

18. V-Sit (p.60, Malmberg)

o On mat

o Bottom is on the floor

o Hands on floor for balance

o Knees are together

o Toes are pointed

o Lift legs towards torso

19. Crawling Forward and Backward (p.66, Malmberg)

o On balance beam

o Eyes focus in front

o Crawl forwards

o Crawl backwards

20. Forward and Backward Walking (p.67, Malmberg)

o On balance beam

o Eyes focus at end of beam

o Arms are horizontal and to the side

o Walk forward by placing one foot in front touching heal to toe

o Walk backward by placing one foot in front touching heal to toe

21. Cross Over, Cross Behind (p.67, Malmberg)

o On balance beam

o Eyes focus on footwork and direction of travel

o Arms are horizontal and to the side

o Facing sideways

o One foot steps over

o Other foot steps behind

22. Stand, Lie Down, Stand (p.68, Malmberg)

o On balance beam

o Move slowly

o Squat down slowly

o When low enough sit on beam

o Hold beam with hands behind back

o Stretch legs out in front

o Lie back on hands

o Stand up in reverse order

23. Jump Switch Feet (p.69, Malmberg)

o On balance beam

o Eyes focus on end of beam

o Arms are horizontal and to the side

o One foot is in front of the other

o Jump straight up and switch the back foot to the front and front to back

o Land with opposite foot in front

24. Hop Across Beam (p.69, Malmberg)

o On balance beam

o Eyes focus on end of beam

o One leg is bent at a 90 degree angle

o Student hops across beam

25. Pivot Turn (p.70, Malmberg)

o On a balance beam

o Posture is upright

o Put one foot in front of the other

o Lift up on balls of feet

o Pivot on balls of feet

o Eyes focus on beam

o Arms are horizontal and to the side

26. Squat Turn (p.71, Malmberg)

o On balance beam

o Eyes focus on end of beam

o Back stays upright and straight

o Lift up on balls of feet

o Squat down staying on balls of feet

o Pivot on balls of feet

o Push yourself back up

27. Leap (p.72, Malmberg)

o On balance beam

o Eyes focus on end of beam

o Arms are horizontal and to the side

o Student starts walking across beam

o Pushing off back foot student leaps across beam

o Lands on lead leg

28. Tip Up (p.77, Malmberg)

o On mat

o Eyes focus forward

o Sit like a frog

o Hands flat on floor with fingers spread apart

o Knees perched on elbows

o Weight on your arms

29. Tripod (p.77, Malmberg)

o On mat

o Eyes focus on fingers

o Sit like a frog

o Hands flat on floor with fingers spread apart

o Knees perched on elbows

o Lean on your head

30. Switcheroo (p.81, Malmberg)

o On trapezoid

o Fingers are spread apart

o Hands are shoulder width apart

o Elbows are locked straight

o Eyes focus on fingers

o One foot on ground other lifted slightly off

o Kick up and switch feet quickly

Unit Plan Content Standards Worksheet

Title ___Gymnastic Balance Unit_____ Author __Jordon Knox______________

Physical Education Standards Physical Education Performance Indicators

▪ K.1 Students demonstrate

competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.

The student will perform locomotor skills by moving across a balance beam, staying on 3 out of 5 times. K.1.1.

The student will perform nonlocomotor skills by keeping their balance, 3 out of 5 times. K.1.2.

▪K.2 Students demonstrate an understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities.

The student will be able to describe balances by using cue words, with 70% accuracy. K.2.1.

The student will be able to identify basic movements for moving across a balance beam, with 70% accuracy. K.2.3.

▪ K.5 Students exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.

The student will follow all safety rules for the balance beam, all of the time.K.5.2.

The student will work respectively with others when partner work is need, all of the time.K.5.4.

Science Standards

Science Performance Indicators

▪ K.3 Students investigate, describe, and discuss their natural surroundings. They begin to question why things move.

The student will understand that people can move fast or slow by moving across a balance beam, 3 out of 5 times.K.3.2.

The student will understand that people can move forward and backward, side to side across a balance beam, 3 out 5 times.K.3.2.

English Standards English Performance Indicators

K.1 Students know about letters, words, and sounds. They apply this knowledge to read simple sentences.

The student will be able to follow words from left to right and top to bottom while holding a balance, 3 out of 5 times. K.1.2.

The student will be able to clap out the number of syllables while moving across the balance beam. K.1.13.

Unit Plan Assessment Checklists

Unit Title Gymnastic Balance Unit Author Jordon Knox

“Type of Assessment Checklist”

Performance Indicator

Anecdotal Notes

Observation Checklist

Scoring Guide

Rubric Written Test/Worksheet


The student will perform locomotor skills by moving across a balance beam, staying on 3 out of 5 times. K.1.1.

Record Sheet

Balance Beam Checklist

Balance Sequence

The student will perform nonlocomotor skills by keeping their balance, 3 out of 5 times. K.1.2.

Record Sheet

Balance Sequence

The student will be able to describe balances by using cue words, with 70% accuracy. K.2.1.

Balance Drawing Test

Balance Sequence

The student will work respectively with others when partner work is need, all of the time.K.5.4.

Partner Assessment

Balance Sequence

“Bloom’s Taxonomy Checklist”

Assessment Activity

Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation

Anecdotal Record Sheet

Demonstrating skill

Balance Beam Check

Demonstrating skill

Balancing Drawing Test

Defining what skill looks like

Balance Sequence

Demonstrating skill

Create Sequence

“Gardener’s Multiple Intelligences Checklist”

Class Activity Verbal/ Linguistic

Inter- Personal

Bodily/ Kinesthetic

Musical/ Rhythmic

Visual/ Spatial

Logical/ Mathematical

Intra- Personal


▪ Balance Activities

x x x x x

▪ Balance Sequence

x x x x x

H:\Gymn & Rhythms\Unit Plan Assessment Checklists Worksheet.doc

Balance Beam Check List Student Name__________________________

+ means the student got criteria perfect

- means the student missed the criteria

/ means the student got about half the criteria right

_______/54 54-49 A 48-44 B 43-38 C 37-33 D 34 and Below F

(pg. 153, Safrit).

Eyes focus on Front Crawl forwards Crawl backwards

Crawling Forward

and Backward

Eyes focus at end of


Arms Horizontal and

to the side

Forward with one

foot in front of the


Backward with one

foot in front of the


Forward and

Backward Walking

Eyes on footwork

and direction of


Arms horizontal and

to the side

Facing sideways One foot steps over,

other foot steps


Cross Over, Cross


Squat down Sit on beam and put

legs out

Hands behind and lie

on hands

Stand up in reverse


Stand, Lie Down,


Eyes focus on end of


Arms horizontal and

to the side, one foot

in front of other

Jump straight up,

switch back foot

forward and front

foot backward

Land with opposite

foot forward

Jump Switch Feet

Eyes focus on end of


One leg is bent at 90

degree angle

Student hops across


Hop Across Beam

Posture is upright,

arms horizontal and

to the side

Put on foot in front

of the other

Lift up on balls of

feet, pivot on balls

of feet

Eyes focus on beam

Pivot Turn

Eyes focus on end of


Arms are horizontal

and to the side

Students starts


Pushes off back foot,

leaps, lands on lead



Partner Assessment

Name: ________________________ Teacher: J. Knox

Date : ___________________

Criteria Points

1 2 3

Your friend gave

you help when

you needed it. :( None of the time :/ Some of the time :) All of the time ____

Your friend

listened to your

ideas :( None of the time :/ Some of the time :) All of the time


Your friend

worked equally

with you :( None of the time :/ Some of the time :) All of the time


Your friend

listened and

supported what

you said

:( None of the time :/ Some of the time :) All of the time


Your friend gave

his ideas :( None of the time :/ Some of the time :) All of the time ____

Total----> ____

Teacher Comments:

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Balance Written Test Name_____________________________

Directions: Draw a picture to represent each of the following balances. Make sure your

drawing is clear and identifiable.

Head Balance

Knee-Lift Stand

Face to Knee Balance

Forward Single Leg Balance

Stork Stand

Y Scale

Double Knee Balance

Hand and Knee Balance

Tummy Balance


Forward and Backward Walking

Pivot Turn

Squat Turn

Tip Up


3 points for accurately drawing it

2 points for missing some components

1 point they drew but was not correct

________/45 45-41 A 40-36 B 35-32 C 31-27 D 26 and Below F

Balance Time Assessment Name____________________________

Place X where student performed at.

1 Point: Cannot hold


2 Points: Holds for 5


3 Points: Holds for

10 seconds

Head Balance

One-Leg Balance

Knee-Lift Stand

Balance Touch

Face-to-Knee Balance

Leg Dip

Single Leg Balances

Balance Jump

Kimbo Stand

Stork Stand

Y Scale

Double Knee Balance

Hand Knee Balance

Single Knee Balance

Tummy Balance


______/45 45-41 A 40-36 B 35-32 C 31-27 D 26 and Below F

Anecdotal Record Sheet


Write down what the students did well and what students struggled with. Make specific

notes of how to help students with their struggling areas.

Presentation on Balance Sequence

Directions: You will be put into partners. Your goal is to make up a balance routine using six

different balances. You can use balances on a mat or balances on the balance beams. You

need to use some kind of locomotor movement and then pause and hold the balance for 10

seconds. Teacher will have a rubric to grade the presentation.

Locomotor Movement Balance

1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

6. 6.

Balance Sequence

Name: ________________________ Teacher: J. Knox

Date Submitted: ____________ Title of Work: _Balance Sequence____

Criteria Points

4 3 2 1


Completeness All items

attempted 5/6 of items

attempted. At least 1/2 of the

items attempted. Less than 1/2 of all

items attempted. ____

Accuracy Each balance is

held 10 seconds. Each balance is

held 9 seconds.

Each balance is held

between 5 and 9


Each balance is held

less than 5 seconds. ____



Shows complete

understanding of

the balances.

Shows substantial

understanding of

the balances.

Response shows

some understanding

of the balances.

Response shows a

complete lack of

understanding of

the balances.



Meets the

requirements of

the problem.

Does not meet the

requirements of the

problem. 4 ____



handwriting. Marginally legible

handwriting. Writing is not

legible. ____

Total----> ____

Teacher Comments:

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______/18 18-17 A 16-15B 14-13C 12-11D 10 and Below F

ESS 303 Teaching Gymnastics and Rhythmic Activities


Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Intro Activity: Building Bridges

Intro Activity: Hold It

Intro Activity: Partner Balance

Intro Activity: Balance Puzzle

Intro Activity: Alphabet Soup

Movement Sequences: Head Balance Finger Touch

Movement Sequences: One-Leg Balance Knee-Lift Stand

Movement Sequences: Balance Touch Face-to-Knee Balance

Movement Sequences: Leg Dip Single Leg Balance

Movement Sequences: Balance Jump Kimbo Stand

Assessment Anecdotal Record Sheet

Assessment Assessment Anecdotal Record Sheet

Assessment Partner Assessments

Assessment Anecdotal Record Sheet

Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Intro Activity: Balance Tag

Intro Activity: Four Corners, Four Poses

Intro Activity: Wall Walk

Intro Activity: Wheelbarrow Tag

Intro Activity: Windshield Wipers

Movement Sequences: Stork Stand Y Scale

Movement Sequences: Double Knee Balance Head Touch

Movement Sequences: Hand and Knee Balance Single Knee Balance

Movement Sequences: Tummy Balance


Movement Sequences: Crawling Forward and Backward Forward and Backward Walking

Assessment Partner Assessment

Assessment Anecdotal Record Sheet

Assessment Assessment Balancing Drawing Test

Assessment Partner Assessment

Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Intro Activity: Balance Puzzle

Intro Activity: Partner Balance

Intro Activity: Hold It

Intro Activity: Alphabet Soup

Intro Activity: Building Bridges

Movement Sequences: Cross Over, Cross Behind Stand, Lie Down, Stand

Movement Sequences: Jump Switch Feet Hop Across Beam

Movement Sequences: Pivot Turn Squat Turn Leap

Movement Sequences: Tip Up Tripod Switcheroo

Movement Sequences:

Balance Presentations

Assessment Anecdotal Record Sheet

Assessment Assessment Balance Beam Check List

Assessment Partner Assessment

Assessment Balancing Sequence Rubric

H:\Gymn & Rhythms\Unit Block Plan Worksheet.doc


Hacker, P., Malmber, E., & Nance, J. (1996). Gymnastics fun and games: 51 activities for children.

Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Malmberg, E. (2003). Kidnastics. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Pangrazi, R., and Beighle, A. (2010) Dynamic physical education for elementary school children.

San Francisco: Pearson Education.

Safrit, M.,J. (1981). Evaluation in physical education (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

teAchnology. (1998). Rubric maker. Retrieved May 5th, 2010,


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