gyanartha september informals - down the memery lane

Post on 23-Jan-2018






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Down The Memery Lane

Researched and Conducted by Harikrishnan M B

Gyanartha Quiz Club, GEC Thrissur

September Informals

The X challenge is a viral internet food challenge. The objective of the challenge is to film oneself eating a spoonful of ground X in under 60 seconds without drinking anything.

The challenge is difficult and carries substantial health risks because the X coats and dries the mouth and throat, resulting in coughing, vomiting, breathing difficulties, and risk of pneumonia or a collapsed lung.

Name this aromatic food condiment obtained from the inner bark of certain tree species.

Cinnamon Challenge

Shiva Keshavan is a five time Olympian and the first Indian representative to compete in luge at

the Winter Olympic Games. Back in 2014, he was denied funds to appear in the Sochi Olympics by

the Indian government.

To aise funds for him, people started posting in the ________ subreddit community.

“Olympic luge contender from India is hoping for a miracle to happen to help him realize his dreams.

Do we know anybody with that power?”

“I feel like this needs to happen. Another under____ who is looking for a miracle. I’ll donate 5000 ____

if the foundation gets behind this.” Donations started pouring in and the target was soon met.

Which valuable community that started out as a joke and inspired from a popular meme or tell me

how they paid the required funds.


The Sound of Silence is a song by the American

music duo Simon & Garfunkel. The song was written

by Paul Simon over a period of several months in

1963 and 1964. Initially a commercial failure, the

song later became a top-ten hit in multiple countries

worldwide. It has since been used in many movies

such as The Graduate, Watchmen etc.

This song saw a surge of popularity in the year

2016. What led to this rise of popularity?

Sad Affleck

Recently the cast of a Hollywood film got together after 20 years, for a

fundraising gala held by an organisation founded by the lead actor of the

movie.The antagonist of the film posted a pic with the Instagram, joking

that they are now trying to save the very force that lead to their downfall in

the movie. The joke quickly spread on Twitter with Twitterati retweeting

with their own versions of the joke.

What are they trying to save? Name the organisation.

Which animal?

Fans have noted that British actor Benedict Cumberbatch has an uncanny

resemblance to X (a semi-aquatic/aquatic member of the weasel family).

Websites like Benedict vs ______ and Red Scharlach have been posting

photos as evidence for quite some time now. He was even asked to pose

like the animal on the Graham Norton Show, to which he complied.


ID X and Y

In the 2017 G7 summit in Italy, X and Y were photographed

together for the first time. Photographs of the leaders walking

through the picturesque scenery of Sicily quickly made the

rounds on Twitter, where netizens started to officially ship X and

Y. Now there are dedicated fanfiction sites and Tumblr pages

celebrating their romance.

While there is no actual measurements of the distance covered, Imgur user Mattsawizard tabulated the miles it took for this particular journey. He used the fictional map for reference and compared it to real maps and computed that the distance is 1350 miles.

That is close to 2650 km, the distance it would take you to walk from Kanyakumari to New Delhi. Several challenges have sprung up in the internet asking people to walk the same distance.

Which famous journey was measured this?

Frodo’s journey from Shire to Mt. Doom


Memes based on real people

Either name the meme or give a description

Success Kid

Overly Attached Girlfriend

Sudden Clarity


First World Problems

Disaster Girl

FITB of this SMBC webcomic with an election practice that

involves manipulating the boundaries of (an electoral

constituency) so as to favour one party or class. It is derived

from the name of a governer who employed it during the 1812

Massachusetts state senate election.


The State Opening of Parliament is an event which formally marks the

beginning of a session of the Parliament of the UK. It includes a speech

from the throne known as the Queen's Speech (or King's Speech). It is an

elaborate ceremony showcasing British history, culture and contemporary

politics to large crowds and television viewers.

The Queen normally delivers the speech, while dressed in a plethora of

typically royal regalia like jewels, robes and crown.Her 2017 attire sparked

social media frenzy as they felt that she was trolling Theresa May and her

govt.'s actions.

What sparked the frenzy?

It resembled the EU Flag. Hence it was assumed that

the Queen was trolling the Theresa May about Brexit

Meme Life Cycle Charts are images which explain the spread of memes

usually through a hierarchy of websites which they appear upon. Typically,

these charts will feature 4chan or Reddit as the genesis of memes, and as

they spread to other sites they get progressively worse, gets degraded

through overuse and bottoming out when they hit sites such

as Facebook or 9gag.

The most popular depiction of a MLCC is an image referencing a 2009

Dutch horror movie where a similar degradation process occurs. Which


Human Centipede

The naked mole rat, an unsightly rodent from Africa, already has a presence among online animal memes because of its ugliness. It is now famous in online circles of Canada through a campaign by a Canadian organisation.

The rationale is that teens, and especially boys, are more likely to respond to humor than fear. Plus the provision of an idea for action means they have something to send, rather than being required simply not to engage.

For what is the image of the mole rat put to use?

Online betting sites are typically reserved for betting on sporting events,

horse racing etc but now many have switched on to the field of

entirement.Online gamblers - depending on what state they live in - now

have a bunch of entertainment bets they can make: Everything from who

will win the Emmy for best comedy series, to who will ___ in X

The betting about incidents in X was going on smoothly for the last few

years but got cancelled due to an unexpected incident that proved

detrimental to the whole process.

X? What happened?

GOT, S8 Script Leaks

"It's kind of a sweet bread," most commonly made with a walnut filling,

said Borut Zunic, who works at the Slovenian embassy in Washington,

D.C. "It's very traditional.""We'll have it for holidays or special occasions,"

Zunic said, especially Easter, when the treat rivals eggs in terms of

importance on the Slovenian table.

Either name the sweet or why did it gain a surge of popularity in the

internet a few months back?


The Bureau of Labor Statistics takes three weeks to collate its survey data

on unemployment and release that information to the public.

Stephens-Davidowitz, a former data scientist at Google and Google's

chief economist, Hal Varian tried a rather unconventional approach to

speed up the process. His inspiration was a former Google engineer who

created a system that used people's flu-related searches to create a

picture of the current flu rate - well before the CDC could. What proclivity

of bored unemployed people did they use to form the Labour survey data?

Online Porn Searches


People online have started drawing X as a

smug anime girl ever since their Twitter

account sent out some sassy fire to

Hardee’s, another restaurant chain.

Which company?


#NuggsforCarter is the most retweeted tweet of all time. It all started when Wendy's

replied 18 million to Carter Wilkinson's on how much retweets would win him free chicken

nuggets for a year.

While the target was not met, Wendy's rewarded Carter due to the amount of publicity he

created.Trying to swoop in on the publicity early on X had offered to provide him

transportation services so that he could visit the Wendy’s of his choice.

But unfortunately for them, Twitterati wasn’t buying it. They brutally assaulted X online via

memes and jokes as they figured the offer was a low handed PR attempt.

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