guide to reaching consumers when they’re most engagedfor brands, these micro-moments are big...

Post on 25-Jul-2020






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Guide To Reaching Consumers When They’re Most Engaged


The ultimate goal of every brand is a large and loyal customer base — but that isn’t achieved overnight. First comes a great product, then you have to convey to consumers why it’s great for them.

Oftentimes, traditional mobile ads are served at times that feel disruptive to the user, which can turn them off to the brand. The key to overcoming this hurdle is positioning ads in the moments when users are most engaged. So, what do those moments look like?

This eBook will serve as a guide to effectively reaching your users and making a lasting impact. We’ll explain exactly when and how users in the mobile space become most engaged to help you drive conversions and brand loyalty. It’ll be fun.

The first step to effectively engaging with digital consumers is understanding the current state of their behavior. Today’s battle for attention and emotional connection is won (or lost) during the user experience. And, in our device-obsessed state, a lot is riding on mobile advertising. Now, interactions between consumers and brands happen instantaneously. People reflexively turn to their smartphones in the “I want-to-know,” “I want-to-go,” I want-to-do,” and “I want-to-buy” moments. Millions of these digital moments happen daily. For brands, these micro-moments are big opportunities.

The State of Consumer Behavior

What Are Micro-Moments?

Micro-moments are crucial moments in the user experience that shape consumers’ decisions as they continue down the buyer’s journey. 91% of smartphone users look up informa-tion on their smartphones while in the middle of a task. And, of online consumers, 69% agree that the quality, timing, or relevance of a company’s message influences their percep-tion of a brand. Brands looking to drive user engagement should inject themselves in these moments because users now expect them to be there.

Mindset + Moment

Mindset targeting is the newest innovation in digital advertising that matches brand offers to customer needs in the moments that count. The mindset targeting methodology derives from one of the most basic foundations of marketing and psychology: People are irrational beings and our decision making process is almost entirely emotional. What resonates with users isn’t as much your product as it is the emotional gain.

So, let’s picture how users feel during micro- moments: A user is playing an in-app game on their mobile device and they experience mile-stones or achievements throughout the pro-cess. Brands can increase engagement by match-ing their ad placement and timing with the way users are feeling in that moment, essentially positioning themselves as a pleasant surprise in those feel-good moments. We like to call them Achievement Moments.

What Are Achievement Moments?

Achievement Moments are bursts of excitement that occur within the user experience and give in-app users a rush. They happen when users reach milestones within apps and games, like beating a level, running a new personal best, or crossing off a task on a to-do list.

When in-app users win in Achievement Moments, brands can also win by seizing that moment and piggybacking those positive emotions with a free reward. How It Works

Reward The MomentAfter each Achievement Moment, there is a micro-moment of opportunity where brands can capitalize on a user’s happiness and inject themselves into the experience. Off ering rewards in the form of deep discounts, product samples, or exclusive off ers as commemoration of a job well done can help you ramp up your customer acquisition eff orts and earn an emotional gain that extends well beyond the typical 20 second display ad.

Linking user Achievement Moments in apps and games to real world rewards (like coupons or other discount off ers) will help users feel good about your brand — which drives engagement and conversions! Rewards make your users feel special. Off ering them during Achievement Moments is the perfect opportunity to give users a surprising “kudos” for their milestone, which also keeps them in-app. Not only does this drive conversion rates, but it generates excitement and a burst of positive feelings about your off ering and your brand. This is where loyalty begins!

Every brand wants to grow a loyal customer base. The good news is, users want this, too! Studies show that 87 percent of people want a meaningful relationship with brands. This will happen over time if brands continually make users feel happy.

There are millions of Achievement Moments taking place everyday where brands can inject themselves and build the foundations of a positive customer relationship. Timing brand positioning — a non-disruptive ad that actually com-pliments the experience and correlates with the user’s state of mind — will garner positive results. Those fun and engag-ing moments with your brand will stick and make a lasting impression on consumers.

Acquire Loyalty Reap The Rewards

The great thing about brand rewards is that they allow everyone involved to win. When users are given real-world rewards in Achievement Moments, brands can acquire new users and loyal customers. When they win, you win! That’s how engagement and brand advocacy is born.


Reaching consumers comes down to understanding where your users’ heads (and hearts) are at, and taking advan-tage of the opportunities at hand. There are millions of Achievement Moments happening every day that brands can leverage to keep the brand-user relationship fun, excit-ing, trustworthy, and lasting.

Want to reach your audience in the moments that matter most to them? Request a demo to start winning new leads and loyal customers!


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