group 6 media studies as - question 6 (max boyden)

Post on 31-Jul-2015






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Question SIXWhat have you learnt about technologies from the process of

constructing this product?

Max Boyden


In order to track and record our process through the construction of our product, we used Blogger

On Blogger, we were able to evidence our individual research into the product, as well as show our group work that we completed in class

Prior to the project, I had never used this site, but now I feel confident in using it to collaboratively share ideas with my group Other sites we used included YouTube and Survey Monkey. I had had extensive experience with YouTube before the project, making my own videos on a personal channel. I used this experience to benefit the aesthetics of every upload, making sure tags, descriptions and titles were formatted correctly

I had never used Survey Monkey, but it’s utility was valued no end as it helped tremendously with our audience research tasks


To edit our final piece, we used Adobe Premier Elements 9. I had had some experience in editing before the project, having used Windows Movie Maker to edit my own videos, but I soon found that Premier was far more suited to our needs

I took the principal role in the editing process, while taking into consideration the views and suggestions of my team members, learning how to use the new software effectively

During the process, I learnt how to organise clips effectively, separating them out based on scene, and choosing the best shots from the collection

I also learnt a lot about the fine tuning elements of editing on a timeline, making sure that sound was equalised well and cuts were precise to adhere to continuity. I also was able to use Premier to input text for titles, and render the flicker effect that can be seen in the final piece


Dragging clips into position

Cutting clips

Inserting textAdjusting sound mix



To film our production, we used a Canon 600d DSLR camera, courtesy of one of my team members. We wanted to use a DSLR so we could adjust the depth of field for some shots, which proved to be effective

Along with the camera, we used a basic track and dolly system, along with a Flycam 5000 stedicam, for some of the faster paced shots, and a standard tripod, for stationary shots. I believe that the use of more professional equipment enhanced the quality of our piece dramatically from our preliminary task


No particular limitations arose because of the technology we used, more perhaps the locations we chose to use the technology in. For example, we found it difficult to fit the track and dolly into the confined space of the living room seen in the final piece. Although we finally managed to fit it in, it wasn’t completely as we intended

There was however one issue with the editing software, Premier Elements. During the editing process, the sound had a tendency to cut out, or the video would lag, making it particular difficult to edit our piece, as it was based entirely upon the soundtrack. Though this may be put down to the quality of the computer running the software

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