group 3 dasom han min-jeong seo seung-hyup you yong-hee kim

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Group 3

Dasom HanMin-jeong Seo

Seung-Hyup YouYong-Hee Kim


I. Introduction of the technologyII. Social & Individual perspectives of

the technologyIII. The expected future of the tech-

nologyIV. Things to complement



I. Introduction of the technology - What is the IRIS RECOGNITION TECHNOLOGY

- An automated method of biometric identification- Through mathematical pattern-recognition techniques on video

images of the iris, whose complex random patterns are unique.


Built in computer: - Extracting the region of iris - Analyze the input data

Camera: - Taking picture of iris.


FunctionTaking a picture

Extracting the re-gion of iris and pupil

Shooting beam to pupilReceiving reflected beam

Analyzing the condi-tion of pupil

Identifying individu-als by comparing iris code


1. An alternative of the current identification card - ID cards, medical and birth control system, E-passports, ID cards, licenses…

2. Security System - National defense area, corporate internal information control…

3. Advanced targeting strategy from corporations - Analysis of consumer behavior / mental & emotional state

4. Transaction System - On-line trading and E-commerce, ATM and bank side…

I. Introduction of the technology - How will it is used in the future society.


Changes in daily lifeEnhanced Public secu-rity



• A certain apprehension, fear and hesitation among people

• Privacy rights issue Release of a biometric data to various third parties.• Data Security issues Hacking will be getting more serious and serious.• Objection to a ‘forced’ sys-


‘Umbrella Fear’ of Big Brother


• Huge infrastructure cost Currently Iris access system costs at least $2,000 Even changing ATM machine because of new bill cost $220 bil-lion• Expensive data building

cost• Hard to find investors be-

fore proving its efficiency and convenience.

Implementing new system into whole society requires a great for-tune

II. Social & Individual perspectives of the technology - Obstacles of the technology


Social Financial

1 Collaboration with government and bank is necessary. - Government & bank investment for the new system - Law should allow / force the replacement of ID card into iris recognition system.

2 Emphasize convenience and security of the new system. E.g. Promotion with government for better trust.

3 Persuade big companies to join the system for their better perfor-mance.

II. Social & Individual perspectives of the technology - Strategies to overcome & diffuse the technology


II. Social & Individual perspectives of the technology - Expected benefits and harmful effects to society

Benefits Harms

1. Increased convenience individual identification can be done without any cards. Easier transaction without credit cards or cash bills.2. Reinforced security. No one shares same iris pattern with other people. Easy to track down criminals3. Better targeting & marketing Based on the accumulated database. Using immediate information such as a consumer’s mental/emotional state.4. Individuals will receive more individualized/helpful information.

1. Privacy issues. Personal information being collected and used by others. Concerns about security of the system itself & info leakage.2. Overheated competitions for

data accumulation. The more data, the bigger profit.3. Possibility of monopoly or oli-

gopoly. The system will be not afford-able for small companies. Information gap between larger corporates and small busi-nesses will be enlarged and profit as well.


II. Social & Individual perspectives of the technology - Institutional mechanisms to help the strategy applicable.

Standardization and Legalization of the Guideline

- To prevent a) misuse of biometric data b) invasion of personal privacy - Unify scattered private research Form a national-level research

group- Basic regulations and standards to follow a) Scope where biometric data can be used b) How much personal information should be revealed in the data c) To whom the data will be accessible.

Education & Government initiative

- Run a government-level-program Providing a professional education - Utilize it starting from the government level.- Form a expert committee composed of representatives from: a) Government b) Academia c) Industry circle d) Civic groups to explore diverse opinions and reach consensus among them.


II. Social & Individual perspectives of the technology - How would individuals feel when they use it in their daily lives

The scanning is fast and easy Maximized convenience Displeased from revealed personal information.

A daily life in 20XX






E-mail accountAutomatic log-in

Subway trans-action

Entering into the office

Restaurant recommenda-tion

SupermarketIndividualized market-ing


III. The expected future of the technology - Will this technology be adopted in the future? When and how?

Industry Life-Cycle as an S-curve

Current Identification method

Present level of Iris Scan technology

1 Will it be adopted?





Yes. There are huge possibilities to im-prove.

Within 10 years

Whenever the global standardization is agreed


Main database(managed by gov-



Social se-curity

Other public sectors

Transpota-tion industry


private sec-tors

Banking sector

Health care indus-


III. The expected future of the technology - Will this technology be adopted in the future? When and how?

Banks will use main database of Iris for transactions of their clients.

Companies will use main database for marketing. Hospitals will use Iris Scan to recognize their patients data. Airports will use Iris Scan to identify their customers.

Our prediction of how the technology could be im-plemented


It will be very difficult for Blinds & people with glaucoma to use this technology.

IV. Things to complement

Further Discuss

Global standards are needed In global world, there should be no difficulty even when foreigners try to use their iris recognition technology in other countries.




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