grosse pointe memorial church

Post on 12-Sep-2021






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“A light by the lakeshore” THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (U.S.A.)

April 7, 2019 | Worship 9 And 11 A.m. FiFth sundAy in lent

Cover Art by Barbara Grogan

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A Whole and Holy LentWe are now in the season of Lent, a time of preparation before Easter when we are invited to renew our discipleship as followers of Jesus Christ. This year, GPMC is centering our congregational life during Lent on the Greatest Commandment as given in the Gospel of Luke: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.

There are a variety of ways we are lifting up this call to love God and neigh-bor. You will notice that our language and practices in worship will seek the wholeness of our love as we speak of souls, minds, bodies and hearts. We have even changed the order of worship a little and retitled various sections of the service to reflect our desire to live and show the love of God and neighbor.

We are introducting one practice that connects us with brothers and sis-ters at the Juan G Hall Presbyterian Church in Cardenas, Cuba. At that church, members make “God’s eyes” from yarn and sticks and give them to people for whom the church is praying. You will find God’s eye kits at each entrance to the sanctuary. You are welcome to make them during worship or at home (a video is online at our You Tube channel), praying for whomever will receive it. Completed God’s eyes can be put in the bas-kets in the sanctuary for dedication and then delivery during the season of Easter.

We are also sending you home each week with a small token and reminder of our call to love God with all that we are and to love our neighbors as ourselves. It is our prayer that these gifts, some of them lighthearted, will remind you of what we are saying and doing during Lent and as disciples of Jesus.

You will also find that our life outside of worship is also organized around the love to which we are called in the Greatest Commandment. Edu-cational offerings, fellowship opportunities and service ministries are all ways to love God and neighbor during Lent.

The Lenten Banner was created by the following fourth grade children and advisors on their recent Winter Weekend Retreat: Many thanks to Samantha Kamman, Sela Dykstra, Pascal Conrad, Bobby Cooper, Charlie Marks, Christopher Bejin, Isaiah Dawkins, Alex Hurford, Matt Bejin, Ken Kamman, Beth Hurford and Sabina Dykstra.

Order of Service for the Worship of God *Please rise in body or in spirit.

Please remember to silence electronic devices. We do, however, welcome the sound of children in worship.

They are full participants in our worship life. A great place for children to see, hear and participate is close to the front.

Love the Lord with ALL Your heArt

orgAn PreLude– Partita on “Jesus, Priceless Treasure” J. G. Walther (see Hymn 830) *CALL to worshiP

One: Come to worship, one and all, but not if you want to stay the same. All: God, who made us, will remake us in love. One: Come to worship, tall and small, but not if you want to stay the same. All: Christ, who redeemed us, calls us to change our ways. One: Come to worship, all who seek, but not if you want to stay the same. All: The Spirit, who guides us, shows us new ways to love. Let us worship God.

*oPening hYmn 729– Lord, I Want to Be a Christian Tune: I Want to Be a Christian *PrAYer of Confession And siLent Confession

All: You know us, O Lord, you know us completely. No matter what we hide from others, behind doors and in private searches and deleted files, you know us. What we say in whispers, over fences, on social media, you know us. You know that we do not love our neighbors as ourselves. This lack of love is seen in what we say and what we do not say, in what we do and do not do. Forgive us for small minds and weak hearts, for saying we love you and our neighbors as ourselves but really just loving ourselves.

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*AssurAnCe of PArdon One: Amen. Hear, o people, hear the good news: you didn’t earn anything from God. All those things we have; all the good that we do; all those good things people say about us; they aren’t the reason God forgives us. Open your hearts to the truth: God forgives us because God is love.All: Let us love God with all our hearts.

*resPonse of PrAise– Love the Lord Your God Tune: Great Commandment The response will be sung twice.

weLCome And AnnounCements

CeLebrAtion of the sACrAment of bAPtism (9 A.m.)(Please see the Apostle’s Creed on page 17 in the front section of the hymnal)

*the greAtest CommAndment (Please see front cover)

Love the Lord with ALL Your strength

And ALL Your mind

Let the ChiLdren Come (9 a.m. children ages 3 – 2nd grade)Children will depart for the “Young Children and Worship” rooms 200/215 after the children’s sermon. At 10 a.m. our Sunday school teachers come to the Worship Centers and take the children up to the 3rd floor to their Sunday school classes. If your child is not attending Sunday school, you can pick your child up in either room 200 (ages 3,4, Kindergarten) or room 215 (1st and 2nd grade). Jesus Loves Me (St. 1) Tune: Jesus Loves Me

Jesus loves me! This I know, for the Bible tells me so.Little ones to him belong. They are weak, but he is strong.Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me!Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.

PrAYer for iLLuminAtion

new testAment reAding–Philippians 3: 4-14 (N.T. pg. 187)After each reading: One: The Word of the Lord.All: Thanks be to God.

gosPeL reAding–Luke 10: 29-37 (N.T. pg. 67)

sermon–Won’t You Be My Neighbor? Peter Henry

Love the Lord with ALL Your souL offering And Anthem– Glorie, Lob, Herr und Herrlichkeit J. S. Bach (from Cantata 106)

Glory, praise, honor, and majesty be prepared for you, God the Father and the Son, for the Holy Spirit by name! The divine power makes us victorious through Jesus Christ, Amen. (sung in German)

The Grosse Pointe Memorial Church Choir

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sACrAment of hoLY Communion It is our custom at Grosse Pointe Memorial Church to receive communion together. After you take a piece of bread or a cup of juice from the tray, please wait until all have been served. At a verbal cue from a worship leader, we will all eat the bread or drink the juice together. At GPMC, we serve gluten free bread and grape juice.

greAt PrAYer of thAnksgiving

One: The Lord be with you.All: And also with you.One: Lift up your hearts.All: We lift them to the Lord.One: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.All: It is right to give our thanks and praise. One: . . .who forever sing the glory of your name.

sAnCtus – Holy, Holy, Holy Schubert

memoriAL ACCLAmAtion – Christ Has Died; Christ Is Risen Schubert

Amen–Amen Schubert

Communion Anthem–Jesus bleibet meine Freude J. S. Bach (from Cantata 147) Jesus shall remain my joy, my heart’s comfort and nourishment, Jesus shall fend off all sorrow, He is the strength of my life, the delight and sun of my eyes, the treasure and wonder of my soul; therefore I will not let Jesus go out of my heart and sight. (sung in German)

The Grosse Pointe Memorial Church Choir

PrAYer After Communion

Love Your neighbor As YourseLf

*CLosing hYmn 771–What Is the World Like Tune: New World benediCtion

ChorAL Amen orgAn meditAtion– Jesus, Priceless Treasure, BWV 610 J. S. Bach (a setting of Hymn 830)

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PAssing of the PeACe

One: Mr. Rogers once said, “There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.” May that something be the love and peace of Christ. The Peace of Christ be with you. All: And also with you.

While the Passing of the Peace often involves a handshake, this is not a requirement. However you or your nearby worshipers exchange the peace, please do not be offended if someone prefers something other than a handshake.

This morning’s music:The anthem this morning is the final chorus of Cantata 106, which the choir sang in the “The Peace and Hope of Bach” concert last Sunday. The cantata, “God’s Time Is Best,” was composed when Bach was only twenty-two years old. It was written for a funeral, but unlike a Catholic Requiem, this Lutheran cantata speaks to the living, with words of comfort and exhortation to live a life of faith. Dur-ing communion the choir sings the chorale from Cantata 147 by J. S. Bach. The tuneful melody of this piece, commonly known as “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring,” is probably one of Bach’s most famous tunes. Copyright AcknowledgementsThe following are used with permission, License No. 718520. All rights reserved. “Love the Lord Your God” words and music by Jean and Jim Strathdee, © 1991 Desert Flower Music

About worshiP At gPmC

Leading and Assisting in Worship: Peter Henry, Carol Marks (9:00 am), Sarah Godbehere (11:00 am), liturgists; Kathy Kurap (9:00 am), Devon Pratt (11:00 am), lay readers; The Grosse Pointe Memorial Church Choir; Jim Biery, director and organist.

Flowers for the sanctuary are provided by our members in memory or in honor of a loved one. If interested in providing flowers, please contact Ellen Creager: 313.378.6893 or e-mail:

Today we celebrate the sacrament of baptism as we welcome Jack Berendt Jones, son of Colleen and Eric Jones.

The chancel flowers are in loving memory of: Robert and Dorothy Chope by their children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren; Ronald J.W. and Verna Louise Smith by their children and their families; Dear John May by Phyllis May.

Please list your email address on the fellowship pad at the end of the pew if you would like to receive our weekly email, time–sensitive updates, subscribe to our Twitter feed: GPMCNews.

CDs of our worship services are available the week following the service. Please request copies at the reception desk.

Looking to go green? The wireless network in the Sanctuary is “gpmchurch” and the password is bibles@gpmchurch. The address for the bulletin

Worship kits for children to use during worship are in blue bags located at each of the entrances and Listening Assisted Devices are available in the sanctuary.

If you are in need of hearing assistance, we have a hearing assistance system in the sanctuary. It includes a basic ear piece for people who just want a little boost to the sound. We also have a special neck lanyard for people with inductive hearing aids (also called telefoil aids), as well as a special pack and cord for Bluetooth hearing aids. Not sure what kind of hearing aid you have? Try to find out, it will help us help you. These devices, pieces and lanyards are on the piano toward the front of the sanctuary. You can ask an usher for assistance.

Children are always welcome in worship at GPMC. An infant and toddler room (rooms 108/110) is available during the service should you prefer to leave your child with our wonderful caregivers. Feel free to use the glider rocker located underneath the side balcony at any time during the worship service with your child.

We give thanks to God that you joined us today and we pray you will re-ceive a sense of God’s loving Spirit from your time with us. If you would like to learn more about our congregation or if you would like to join, please indicate this interest on the friendship pad (the little black binder on the inside aisle of each pew). You can also contact the leader of our New Member Class, Tamara Gilbert at 313.378.0990 or; or Judy Masserang at 313.886.6945 or

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If you would like to have a prayer or joy shared during Prayers of the People, please write your request on one of the cards found in the Narthex and put it into the black prayer box by the end of the sermon. Or you can tweet your prayer/joy - Tweet @GPMCPrayers.

What’s Happening Today April 7, 2019

Worship 9 and 11 am and 5 pmSunday School 10:10 am

Seasons of Our Adult Lives: Planning Ahead to Ease the Way 10:10 am

Lenten Yoga 10 am and 4 pmNew Member Class 10:10 amDiversity Book Club 6:30 pm

Sunday School Classroom Assignments:

3/4 year old...........Room 302 Kndg./1st grade....Room 310 Sensory..................Room 309 2nd/3rd grades....Room 322 4th/5th grades.......Room 307 Middle School......Rooms 313/314 Seekers...................Room 301 High School..........Room 315

Love the Lord with ALL Your heArt

March is the month when many members and friends are out of town for spring breaks and to avoid the final weeks of winter. It is also the month when giving often takes a break, too. Please try to make sure your gifts make it to church even when you don’t. Consider giving electronically through electronic funds transfers (call the church office to set this up) or by giving with a credit card through our website. FYI- Giving through the end of February was right on budget but it has been slowing down in March. Thank you for everyone who has contributed to our total of $392,000 through the end of March. Every gift matters!

The “One Great Hour of Sharing” Fish Banks are here! During the season of Lent, we ask the children to consider filling these banks with coins and returning the them to church on Palm Sunday. This is a wonderful opportunity for your family to talk about the importance of following in the footsteps of Christ and reaching out to those in need. With our support, feeding the hungry, helping people build up their own livelihoods and responding to disasters are ways in which One Great Hour of Sharing is making a difference in the world. Fish Banks are available in your child’s Sunday school classroom or on the information rack on the 3rd floor.

Please “plant” a bloom in the Flowering Cross on Easter Sunday. Bring a bloom or cutting from your garden or take one from those provided and place it in the Flowering Cross frame, which will be in the Reception Area Easter Sunday morning. After the 11:00 am service, the cross will be moved to the front steps as an Easter gift to the community and passing motorists.

Love the Lord with ALL Your souL

We are pleased to welcome our new Carillonneur, Michelle Lam! Michelle is working on a PhD in Economics at the University of Michigan. She grew up in Parsippany, New Jersey, received an undergraduate degree from Wellesley College, and has extensive experience playing the carillon at Wellesley, Washington, D.C., and Ann Arbor. Michelle will be here on April 21 and 28 to play the carillon before and after services, and to encourage present and future GPMC carillon players. The carillon also has a new Twitter: @GPMC_bells, which will be updated with what is being played and any relevant events. Michelle is excited about teaching people of all ages to play the carillon, and will be offering lessons free of charge for qualified students. Prospective students should be able to comfortably read basic sheet music (notes and rhythm) in any clef.

Kevin’s Song, a non-profit that seeks to support people who have survived the death of a loved one by suicide, holds a Survivor Support Group at GPMC on the first and third Wednesday of each month. The next meeting will be April 20 from 7-8:30 p.m. No registration is required for this peer-based, on-clinical support group. It is open to anyone who has lost a loved one, friend or colleague to suicide. It is for GPMC members and non-members. For more information, contact Kevin’s Song at 248.325.8337.

Are you looking for an opportunity to study Christian living and renew your own personal foundation for individual and community spiritual growth? Then you won’t want to miss A Weekend With God (Michigan Presbyterian Pilgrimage): 3 days of dynamic, interactive Christian growth and renewal, where people of all denominations are welcome. Pamphlets and registration forms for this April 11- 14 spring Pilgrimage weekend are available on the information racks.

Love the Lord with ALL Your strength

The Pilgrimage has returned. Use Lent as a time to renew your body and to prepare for our annual Empty Tomb 5K Walk and Run on Easter morning. Walking and running plans are available online and in information racks around church. Looking for someone to walk or run with? Contact Donna in the church office and we’ll get a group going for you.

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Love the Lord with ALL Your mind

LIFE and TUXIS will meet on Tuesday, April 9 from 6-8 p.m. for dinner, prayer, music, games, friendship, study, and more.

Preacher’s Workshop Bible study is always open to newcomers. Join us as we talk through the preaching passage for the upcoming worship services. 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. every Monday.

Men’s Bible Studies have started a new series on the Gospel of John. One chapter a week: 10 minutes of reading max. You can join us on Saturdays from 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. or on Wednesdays from 7-7:45 a.m. You might find different people on different days, but same readings, same coffee and good conversation no matter what day you come.

What do you know about the African-American experience in America? On Sunday evenings in Lent we will be doing a 6 week study of Austin Channing Brown’s I’m Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness. Join us from 6:30 - 7:30 each Sunday evening in the library for a short video and conversation. This series is hosted by Chelsea Gilbert, Deb Voorhees, Nate Castle and Peter Henry.

Downtown Disciples and the Zoom Online studies are starting a new series in March. Join us in person or online as we take a look at “What Does the Bible Say About...?” Our topics will include some of the hotbutton issues (e.g. the death penalty) as well as more spiritual topics like “where do we go when we die.” Downtown Disciples meets the second Thursday of each month at Fort Street Presbyterian Church from 12:15 - 1:00 p.m. Zoom is an online study, the second Wednesday of each month, from 12:15 - 1:00 p.m. Contact Donna Hartzell for login information for the Zoom study.

Short Story theology meets again on Wednesday, April 10, for a discussion of “The Redemption of Galen Pike,” by Carys Davies. Dessert and discussion start at 7:30 and we end by 8:30. All are welcome at the home of Peter and Shawn Henry, 913 Bedford in the Park. Copies of the story are in the Reception Area.

All are welcome to attend the Ecumenical Men’s Breakfast Group on Friday mornings for fellowship and program from 7:45 - 9:00 a.m. The guest speaker on April 12 is John Gallagher, Business Writer for the Detroit Free Press. A continental style breakfast is served along with a presentation/program followed by a short Q & A period. in Fellowship Hall. The cost is $7.00 and registration is not required. There is no charge for first-time guests.

The OWLS will meet on Tuesday, April 16th in Fellowship Hall. “O taste and see that the LORD is good.” (Psalm 34:8). Our speaker will be Bert Ross, and he will talk about the interrelationship between food and faith, especially the role food has played in his own spiritual journey. He will also touch upon the spiritual significance of food throughout the Bible. If your last name begins with A-F, please bring a salad or vegetable (hot or cold); G-P, please bring a casserole, sandwiches or soup; Q-Z, please bring a dessert, fruit or cheese-n-crackers. All are welcome to attend!

Pilgrims of Ibillin is one of GPMC’s long-time ministry partners. Pilgrims was created at GPMC to provide spiritual and financial support to an interreligious peacemaking school in Israel. Twice a year Pilgrims leads trips to Israel and the West Bank, offering pilgrims a unique opportunity to meet the “Living Stones” of Israel, that is Christians who are long-time inhabitants of the land. There are still spots available for the May 13-26 pilgrimage and for the Oct. 15-28 trip. You can visit for more information. If you want to hear from someone who has been, Susan Mozena, Kathy Kurap, Debby Owen and Peter Henry are just a few of our GPMC members who have been.

God’s Amazing Spectrum: Welcoming Children and Youth of Varied Abilities: Join Barbara Newman, Educator and Author, on Saturday, April 13 from 1 – 3 p.m. in Fellowship Hall, as she presents a very practical and insightful session. Barbara will begin by discussing God’s design for each person, enabling participants to understand many areas of disabilities such as AD/HD, autism spectrum disorder, cognitive disability, sensory processing disorder, reading and writing difficulties, physical challenges and more. Practical ideas for including children and youth in a church, school, and even home settings, addressing each disability type, will be explored. Come alone, bring a friend or even consider coming with a team from your community so you can leave with an action plan ready to go for the next day. This workshop is free to the community. Childcare will be available during the workshop. Please email or call 313.882.5330 #135 to request childcare and make a reservation.

Attitudes and Adam: On Sunday, April 14 during the Middle Hour in Barbour Chapel, Barbara will present Adam’s story (Yes, THE Adam from the Bible) even includes a famous NFL quarterback. This story will allow us to think about the ways in which we view and relate to persons with varied abilities. Barbara will pair Adam’s story with “The 5 Stages – Changing Attitudes.” Come discover ways to imagine, strengthen and celebrate inclusion of persons of varied abilities at Grosse Pointe Memorial Church.

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Middle Hour during the final three weeks of Lent will also focus on wholeness, on the preparations we can make to reach the end of life in “one piece.” Seasons of Our Adult Lives: Planning Ahead to Ease the Way will feature a panel of members representing different decade of experience and professional expertise, folks ready to share life lessons and practical advice about how to prepare for the end of life, including how to help aging parents along the way.

Love Your neighbor As YourseLf

EVERYONE EATS! We help serve lunch on the 2nd Wednesdays of each month. On April 10 we’ll meet at GPMC at 10:30 a.m. or Spirit of Hope at 11:00 a.m. We serve lunch from 12-1 p.m. Email to let Debbie know you can help. Spirit of Hope Church, 1519 Martin Luther King Blvd., Detroit, MI 48202.

Habitat for Humanity- Grosse Pointe Partners Second Saturday Event at St. Paul Manor on April 13, 2019 from 9 am-2 pm. Join GP Partners volunteers as we provide a helping hand to our neighbors. Our tasks will include laying tile, scraping caulk, installing lights, and painting throughout and some other light carpentry work. Please meet at the front entrance off of St. Paul, 356 E. Grand Blvd, Detroit. Parking can be found along E. Grand Blvd or along St. Paul. Lunch will be provided. Please send RSVP’s to Helen at Thank you!

Drivers Help Needed: We are still looking for a ride to and from the job for one of our staff, Benedicte Bouho. She lives in Grosse Pointe Park, is in the child care rooms every Sunday, and is not yet a driver. She walks a lot, but would be most appreciative of being driven now that it is so much colder. Please go to and choose a time to do this. Thanks so much!

Church World Service is our Hunger Offering for April. Church World Service is a faith-based organization transforming communities around the globe through just and sustainable responses to hunger, poverty, displacement and disaster. They have one goal: Building a world where there is enough for all. Please use the blue Hunger Offering envelopes and donate generously. Outreach will match your Hunger Offering donations up to $2,000 and contribute it to CWS through the Grosse Pointe Area CROP Walk sponsored by GPUMC on Saturday, May 11. Thank you!

Attention GPMC Dogs: Would you like to help keep Trinity Terrace free of geese? Would you like to make that beautiful area cleaner for our child-ren? Consider exercising at GPMC. Trinity Terrace is free most afternoons, beginning at noon. We ask that your owner pick up a key at the Reception

Desk so we know who is out there. Also, we need to make sure that any dog waste is picked up after each visit. Starting April 1, just have your owner swing by whenever you want to enjoy Trinity Terrace and help us scare the geese away.

For the remainder of Lent, the Outreach Committee has a goal of creating 40 toiletry bags to be shared with area children and teens living in transitional housing. We need your help to either provide toiletries for the bags or to assist in sewing toiletry bags. Sewing kits (with material, zippers, and instructions) will be available in the lobby and a collection bin for toiletries will be in the coat room. We are seeking donations of ONLY the following items: 10oz - 18 oz bottles of shampoo (preferably moisturizing or for textured hair), 10oz - 18 oz bottles of conditioner (preferably moisturizing or for textured hair, leave-in conditioner is okay, too); 8 oz - 18 oz bottles of body wash (for dry skin); 8 oz - 18 oz bottles of lotion (for dry skin); wide tooth combs; deodorant (for women and for men); toothbrushes (soft bristled); toothpaste (full-size); disposable razors; and lip balm. PLEASE NO BULK SIZES OR TRAVEL SIZES. Please contact Heather Klepp at with questions.

GPMC NEW MEMBER CLASS provides an opportunity for interested individuals to become acquainted with our church and for prospective members to learn about membership. The class offers a special time of personal teaching and answering of individual questions. We present information on the various ministries of the church where one can connect, be nurtured in faith, and find opportunities to serve. Meet our clergy, our staff, and many of the church officers. This program is designed to present who we are, explain church organization, and foster friendship among participants. The GPMC staff and leaders desire that every person will feel known and cared for. Find your place to belong in this church community. We are excited to welcome you. Our classes run over three Sunday mornings between our two morning worship services (called Middle Hour) beginning at 10:10 a.m. and lasting approximately 45 minutes each. Childcare is provided. Spring Class: April 7, 14, May 5; Welcoming Sunday May 19, 2019.

Ushers Needed: We have openings for the best job in the Church if you have an interest in meeting other Church members and serving an important role at the same time. Ushers are needed particularly for the teams that serve at the 11am service, but we can always use more ushers at 9 am as well. Ushers serve every other week from September to May and once a month during the Summer. If, however, a conflict prevents you from serving on any given Sunday, that is easily accomodated. If you are unsure about volunteering without a “test run,” we can put you on a standby list before you make a commitment. If you have an interest (And, by -the- way, usher couples are most welcome), please contact Dick Strowger at 313.881.9806 or at with any questions.

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PrAYing for others

The congregation and staff of Grosse Pointe Memorial Church believe that prayer is very important. If you would like to add a person to our prayers, please call Carol Marks 313.882.5330 x127 or e-mail her at May God continue to surround you with love and care

RECENT PRAYER REQUESTS: Samantha Capizzo, Rory Carpenter (Megan Bejin’s father), Tim Cory (Mark Cory’s brother), Tom Coyle, Jr. (Tom and Joan Coyle’s Son), Lilly Dickens (Bonnie Webb’s daughter), Bert Forsmark (Jim Forsmark’s father), Jane Johnson, Nancy Kelley, Fran Laney (Marcia Ball’s mother), Steve and Toni Rice (Elizabeth Tengler’s cousin and wife), William Scott Schroth (son of Jim Schroth), Richard Snell ( Mary Snell’s father). ONGOING PRAYER REQUESTS: John Boris, Tom Buckler (nephew of Dave and Sue Buckler), Holly Burns, Jan Dandrea (friend on Cheryl Littleton), Phyllis May, Doug McNair (Rosie and Mac Mc Nair’s son), Stephen Molinoski (Marilyn Doyal’s nephew), Margi Moore, Libbie Mulvilhill, Mary Shafer, Mark Sevald (Cheryl Gauss, brother in law), Nancy Yerkes (friend of Roma Hess). Bob Stahl, Suzanne Hofmann’s brother died this week. Please hold Suzanne and her family in your thoughts and prayers.

Richard Gross died on April 3, 2019. His memorial service will be at Grosse Pointe Memorial Church on Saturday, April 13 at 10:00 am. Please pray for Dick’s wife, Elza and their family.

In MemoriamAdam Joseph Elbadawi

(February 26, 1998 - April 3, 2019)

Visitation will be held on Monday, April 8 from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m, followed by a memorial service at 11:00 a.m. at Veheyden Funeral Home. Please pray for Adam’s parents, Hassan and Dulce, grandmother, Judy Lundell,

and for all who love Adam, and keep them close to your heart.

this week At memoriAL

Monday, April 8: Labyrinth Room 209 Boy Scouts 7 - 9 pm Council Meetings7 and 7:30 pm Tuesday, April 9: Labyrinth Room 209 Women’s Bible Study 7 - 8 am Yoga 10 - 11 am Lenten Yoga 7 - 8 pm Al-Anon 7:30 - 9 pm AA 8 - 9 pm Wednesday, April 10: Labyrinth Room 209 Men’s Bible Study 7 - 8 am AA 8 - 9 am Everyone Eats 10:30 am - 1 pm Downtown Disciples 12:15 - 1 pm Short Story Theology 7:30 - 8:30 pm Thursday, April 11: Labyrinth Room 209 Yoga 10 - 11 am SoulCrafters 10:30 am - 2 pm Downtown Disciples 12:15 - 1 pm Adult Choir 7:15 - 9:15 pm Friday, April 12: Labyrinth Room 209 Men’s Breakfast 7:45 - 9 am Al-Anon 7:30 - 9 pm AA 8 -9 p.m.

Saturday, April 13: Labyrinth Room 209 Men’s Bible Study 7:30 - 8:30 am Inclusion Workshop 1 - 3 pm Memorial Service for Margaret Smith 1 pm

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seeking god through Art

Some of our members and friends seek the Spirit’s guidance in worship through art. If you think and pray while doodling, this page is for you.

Our Bible reading today is from the Gospel of Luke. In the reading from Luke, Jesus tells us to act like neighbors, like the Good Samaritan. What does a good neighbor look like to you? What are ways for you to be a neighbor?” Use this space to “think” about this passage or to make notes for yourself.

Our coloring pages during Lent are based on the “seven last words” of Jesus. We pray that the activity of coloring events and words from the life of Jesus will help you focus your love of God during Lent.

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GPMC is now accepting contributions for this year’s beautiful Easter lilies and/or music in mem-ory or honor of loved ones and special people in your life. If you would like to make a contribu-tion, please fill in the form below and leave in the church office no later than April 9, so that names may be properly acknowledged in the Easter bulletins. A suggested amount for a lily is $50, and for music, $25-100. All checks need to be filled out to “Grosse Pointe Memorial Church” (please include lily/music contribution in the memo line). All flowers are delivered right after Easter by our deacons to members of GPMC who are not able to join us for worship.



Phone Number

Please print your memorial as it is to appear in the bulletin.Example: John and Mary Smith by their grandchildren, Mike and Betty Smith.

Please check one:

“In Memory of ”

“In Honor of ”



My Easter Gift

$ for Lilies

$ for Music Ministry

Easter Gifts for Lilies and Music

GROSSE POINTE MEMORIAL CHURCH“A light by the lakeshore”16 Lake Shore Dr. | Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236313.882.5330 |

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