great school ≈ great opportunities

Post on 03-Feb-2022






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Great School ≈ Great Opportunities

Thursday, June


Calendar Term 2

Monday, June 13th:


Wednesday, June

15th : Ready4School Thursday, June 16th:


Thursday, June 16th:

Science Engineering


Monday, June 20th:

Stephanie Alexan-

der Kitchen Garden


Wednesday, June

22nd: Ready4School Thursday, June 23rd:


Monday, June 27th:

Stephanie Alexan-

der Kitchen Garden


Wednesday, June

28th : Ready4School

Friday, July 1st: Pho-

tographic Competi-

tion and Exhibition

- Respect - Organisation - Commitment - Kindness - Safety -


In this year of the XXXI Olympiad, its

timely to remind ourselves and our students

of the Olympic motto: Swifter, Higher, Stronger. This became the motto when the

International Olympic Committee was

formed in 1894, and it was never more evi-

dent than in the efforts of our students at

the Small Schools Athletics Carnival yester-

day. It was with enthusiasm and commit-

ment that our students competed and it was

with great pride that we cheered, supported

and commiserated. This annual event, more

than anything else, highlights the need for

our students to participate in the wider

field, experience more people and places,

and to acknowledge the effort and success-

es of others. No, it’s not the Olympics, and

yes, it is disappointing to not run the fast-

est, not jump the highest, or not be the

strongest, but we accept the experience

with good grace and a spirit of sportsmanship.

Thanks to all the families and friends who braved the cold, but not unbear-

able, weather so typical of Alroy Oval. It’s quite a big undertaking for fami-

lies to pack up and spend the day out in the cold, yelling and cheering for

every student who participated, so my thanks to you all.

There will be more photos in next week’s Newsletter.



B organised… in what we say Think about what we say

Listen to the question before trying to answer it


Colour of the week

Navy We are counting

1 to 10

Ready4School Sound of the week

N n

We are learning

Patterns of


The dedication of our P&C has resulted in a high

quality canteen for our students. The menu meets

requirements of the Department’s Healthy Foods in

Canteens Policy and the hard-working group has

been commended on its operations. However, this

can only continue if people are willing to volunteer

their time to work the canteen. For around 4 hours

on Fridays people are needed to prepare lunch

and recess. Please leave your details with the Of-

fice if you can help.

Having effec-

tive fine motor

skills is not

just about

holding the

pencil correct-

ly. Refined ma-

nipulative skills

are required

for everyday

activities such

as tying laces,

doing up and

undoing but-

tons, using a

knife and fork,

opening and

closing a lunch-

box. Every

week our little

ones practise

the skills to

become compe-

tent in these

basic actions.

Creative Writing: “When I ran away…” A selection of stories demonstrating the use of time sequence words and phrases, and descriptive structure.

One day I was grounded so I ran away. I went

to the dam. I saw a yabby and I picked it up. I

ate the back of it; that was the only thing to

eat. Then I went home and stole some pieces

of string and I made a bow and arrows. I

made 60 arrows. I shot a kangaroo and went

home and ate the kangaroo.

The next day mum found me.

Heath, Year 3

I ran away because a cheetah was chasing me

down the highway. The police shot the cheetah

with a tranquiliser gun and put it in the zoo. I

was relieved that he didn’t bite me. Mum and

Dad were relieved too.

Jayda, Year 3

When I ran away from town I had to live in the

outback with my friends. We got logs and

made a fire, and I got a little bit of food. We

told stories and went to sleep.

In the morning we made weapons then went

hunting. We saw a deer so we walked slowly

to it. Then suddenly a wolf jumped out of the

bush and killed the deer. We walked back

slowly but I stepped on a stick. The wolf saw

us! We ran and ran but we turned and shot it.

That only made it worse… The wolf jumped at

me and it was biting my arm. As it happened

a truck came and hit. He said, “Jump in!”. So I

got in and drove away. I said, “Have we lost

it?” He said, “Yes, we have.”

Jarrod, Year 6

When I ran away I did annoy the cats. Hart

was chasing me. I needed to hide or otherwise

he’ll get me and take me to his smelly bedroom

and I’ll be so sad I need to escape.

Jesse, Year 2

When I ran away I ran to a park and went to

sleep. The next morning I went to the shop

and stole a chocolate bar and ate it.

Oscar, Year 5

It was summer, 4.40pm, and two parents were

at the hospital. Their son was also there and his

name was Jack. Jack’s Mum said, “You’re going

to have a sister soon.”

At 4.45pm the baby was born; they called it

Aylah. Mum and Dad went through the alphabet

to see which name suited her—Aylah was the


The next day they went home. Mum and Dad

were busy focussing on Aylah and they didn’t

realise the Jack ran away. He said to his dog,

“I’m running away because they don’t pay any

attention to me.”

That night Mum went to tuck Jack in. He wasn’t

there. “Wonder where he could be?”. Mum

called Dad in. “Jack’s not here!” So they looked


The next day Mum put Aylah in the pram and

went to Mum’s friend, Sarah. They knocked on

the door and said, “Is Jack here?” She said,

“Yes, he should be playing with his friend, Tom.”

They found him in the room hiding in the cup-

board. Mum, Dad, Jack and Aylah all walked

home as a family.

Aylah, Year 4

When I ran away I ran to the shop for a week.

Mum was looking for me. She didn’t find me.

And I came back and she said, “You are


Lynkin, Year 3

When I ran away it was wet, cold and windy. It

was winter. When my family discovered I was

gone they had the whole town looking for me

but they didn’t look in one place.

They knew my grandparents would be mad at

them so the next day they went to see my

grandparents. They put up flyers and I came

home. Mum said I was grounded for five weeks.

Then she sent me to my room.

Shiane, Year 5

When I ran away I ran to my Nan’s

house because Mum would not give

me ice-cream. Mum hopped in the

car, went to Nan’s house and

picked me up. She took me home

and said, “You are having a baby

brother.” Four days later we had to

go to the hospital at 2 o’clock in the

morning. They called it Tyson. We

went home in two days. Only Dad

cared about me.

Lilly-Jane, Year 3

When I ran away it was dark, it was

scarey and it was raining. I slept in a

creek and I was very cold. Mum and

Dad called the police. I was singing

out for help but they did not find me

until 10.00 that night.

Sophie, Year 5

I ran away because my Mum was

angry at me. I dug up her garden

and I hid. I ran away with my brother

last night. We took a blanket and a

bag, and I took my Mum’s car. At

dawn I went to the zoo and the


Noah, Year 3

Photograph Competition and Exhibition All students and their families are invited to participate in our Photograph Competi-

tion and Exhibition, to be held on Friday, July 1st.

Levels of Entry: There will be a level for

every class, Kindergarten

to Year 6, and an open

level for adults.

Cost: $1 per entry


All entrants can enter photo-

graphs in two categories—

Scenery or People. On the back

of each entry write the name,

level of entry and category.


All entries will be printed in

either colour or black-and-

white and mounted on card no

bigger than A4 size.



All entries can be viewed and voted upon from 1.30pm and winners will be by popular vote.


Afternoon tea will be served after the Exhibition.

Principal Contact: Phone: 6576 4018 Mobile: 0488106697

The focus for this term’s cooking classes is breads, pies and pastries. Sophie and Jack are preparing potato filled pita. As Guest Chef, Sophie led her team through the pita-making process, and mint, parsley, cumin, garam masala and turmeric

spiced the filling. The pockets were shallow-fried until crunchy. Next term our lessons will focus on a different country each week, and students will be tested on their culinary skills. Produce from our gar-den will be ready to feature in our weekly menus.

Friday Cake Raffle… 50 cents a ticket to support our

Leadership Team.

Congratulations to Jayda, who

shared with all students.

Friday, June 10

Robyn Cramp

Friday, June 17

Jeni Bos

Friday, June 24

Donna Gittoes

Friday, July 1


Please have orders and payment at School by Thursday each week.

Friday, June 10

Kirri-Ann & Nat

Friday, June 17

Donna Gittoes

Friday, June 24

Donna Gittoes

Friday, July 1

Sarah and Annie

Years 3—6 Making Connections This week our Newsletter fea-

tures some creative writing by

our students. We have been

learning how to pace our writing by using time se-

quence words and phrases, and how to construct our

sentences so that they are descriptive. I am encour-

aging students to read a wide range of texts—

newspapers, magazines and quality literature—to in-

fluence their vocabulary and text structure. With

practice, and maturity, students will develop their own

style and their unique thinking and personality will be

stamped on their writing.

K/2 Corner In K2 this week our sound is “sh”. Stu-

dents have already successfully identi-

fied many words that begin and end

with “sh”, including our Maths focus of “shapes”. Our

HSIE unit has been a lot of fun learning about the different

games and toys that our grandparents used to play with

when they were at school. Now we are looking forward to

creating our own game or toy! If you have any small card-

board boxes, bottle caps, cardboard tubing, string, or any-

thing else that you were going to throw away that you

think could assist us in creating our masterpieces, please

allow us to “upcycle” it for you.

Facts about the Dairy Industry Did you know:

Cows are herbivores meaning they eat grasses, plants & corn

They do not eat meat.

Sponsored by the Gee Partnership. Local family proudly producing quality milk.

POLLING Our School will be the Polling

Place for the Federal Election on Saturday, July 2nd.

Jerrys Plains School of Arts Hall Meeting

In the Hall 6.30pm

Wednesday, June 8th.




Eyal Pat (Orthoptist) and Jo

Evans (Practice Manager) are excited to

be bringing a new service to Singleton and surround-

ing areas. Eyal is a visiting Orthoptist from Sydney

who specialises in the following areas:

Squint Eye

Lazy Eye

Turned Out Eye

Blurred Vision

Regaining lost visual clarity is a very powerful jour-

ney for both our patients and Eyal. Eyals passion is

helping kids and adults of any age regain normal vi-

sion using orthotopic techniques. Once early and

meaningful gains are achieved his patients belief of-

ten takes a leap.

Book Your Appointment Now:

1300 794 353

Eyes after stroke

Low Vision

Visual Perception

All Abilities

Ten Pin Bowling

When: Friday afternoons (during school


Time: 4pm to 5pm

Where: Singleton Ten Pin Bowling Alley

(Civic Ave, Singleton)

Cost: $5 per game including shoes

(Parents are required to attend with children un-

der 18 years of age)

Enquiries please phone: 0429 432


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