grand chapter of alberta proceedings 1969

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Grand First Principal


ANDREW C. GUNNING Grand First Principal


Andrew Colwell Gunning was born on September 15th, 1902 in the City of Montreal, Quebec. He later moved with his parents to Ontario and later to Transcona, Manitoba. He attended school in Quebec, Ontario ar.-:i high school in Manitoba. He entered the service of the Canadian National Railways in Manitoba and on completion of mechanical training, was posted to various stations in the four western provinces, retiring as Locomotive Foreman at Calgary after fifty years of service with this Company.

On July 20th, 1927, he entered the bonds of holy matrimony with Lucy Margaret May al Victoria, B.C., and two children were born of this union, Kathleen Myfanwy Meyers of Port Alberni, Vancouver Island, and Margaret Elizabeth Cramm of Montreal, Quebec, and they have nine grand children, two of whom have served as Queens of Bethels Job's Daughters.

Margaret and Andy Gunning belong lo St. Marks Anglican Church and both have served terms on the vestry of this Church, Mrs. Gunning being the first woman ever elected lo this office in SI. Marks. Andy is presently serving as a sidesman. He also served as Chairman and Sec­retary of the Blue River, B.C. school board for several years.


Ancien t Craft MaJSonry

Raised in Confederation Lodge #116, Victoria, B.C., September 6, 1946. Affiliated with Manitou Lodge #64, Watrous, Saskatchewan, 1953. Charter Member Elbow River Lodge #180, Calgary, Alberta, 1959. Worshipful Master Elbow River Lodge #180, Calgary, Alberta, 1961. Grand Tyler, Grand Lodge of Alberta, 1964-1965 and 1965-1966.

Capitular Masonry

Exalted Royal Arch Mason, Camosun Chapter #14, Victoria, B.C., 1951. Received P.M. Degree, Camosun Chapter #14, Victoria, B.C., 1951. Affiliated Alberta Chapter #1, Calgary, Alberta, 1954. First Principal Alberta Chapter #1, 1962. Anointed and set apart to Holy Order of High Priesthood, 1964. Grand Senior Sojourner, Alberta Grand Chapter, 1964. Grand Superin tendent, District #3 Alberta, 1965 Grand J., 1966 Grand H., 1967. Grand Z., 1968. Grand Representative of the Grand Chapter of Manitoba near Al­berta, 1 965.


Criptic Rite

Chosen as a Royal and Select Master, Zadok Council #3, Calgary, Alberta ,1957. Thrice Illustrious Master; Zadok · Council #3, 1·966. Commander Noah, Bowhaven Lodge #3, Royal Ark Mariners, 1967. Received the Degree of Thrice Illustrious Mas 'er, Grand Council Western Canada, 1969. Elected G.P.C. of Work, Grand Council R. & S Masters, Western Canada, 1969. Grand Representative of G rand Council of Maine near Alberta, 1966.

Chivalric Masonry

Consecrated in Cyprus Preceptory #33, Calgary, Alberta, 1959. Preceptor of Cyprus Preceptory #33, Calgary, Alberta, 1965.

Red Cross Constantine

Elected a member of Taylor Conclave # 5, Edmonton, Alberta, 1966.

York CroJ;s of Honor

Elected a Knight of the York Cross of Honor, Western Canada Priory #35, 1968.

Scottish Rite

Elected a membe r of Calgary Lodge of Perfection, A. & A.SR., 1968.


Noble of Al Azhar Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S., 1959.

Honorary Degrees

Honorary Past Grand First Principal of the Grand Chapter of Sask­atchewan, 1968. Honorary Fast Grand First Principal of the Grand Chap'er of Brit'.sh Columbia, 1968. Honorary Past Grand First Prin::ipal of the Grand Chapter of Mani­toba, 1969. Member of the Past Officers Association of Montana, 1968.

Eastern Star

lni tiated in Manitou Chapter #46, Watrous, Saska ' chew an, 1953. Affiliated Acacia Chapter #56, Calgary, Alberta, 1954. Worthy Patron Acacia Chapter #56, Calgary Alberta, 1956 and 1958.

Other Societies

Member of the Canadian Order of Foresters since 1920.



of the

Grand Chapter of

Royal Arch Masons of Alberta at the


~nnual C!Conbocation 1969

Held in the

City of Edmonton, Alberto

MAY 10th 1969


Grand Chapter of

Royal Arch Masons of Alberta

55th Annual Convocation Proceedings

Minutes of the Proceedings of the Fifty-Fifth Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta on the 10th day of May A.D. 1969, A.L. 5969.


M.E. Companion A. C. Gunning ______________ ____ Grand First Principal

R.E. Companion Bert James __________________________ Grand Second Principal

R.E. Companion A. Haines -- ------------------------ -- Grand Third Principal R.E. Companion S. W. Blair __________________________ Grand Supt. Dist. No. 1

RE. Companion H. A.

R.E. Companion S. H

R.E. Companion L. R




__ ___________ ......... Gran:!

-----------·- ---- -- -- -- --Grand

------ ......... Grand

Supt. Dist. No. 2

Supt. Dist. No. 3

Supt. Dist. No. 5

R.E. Companion W. H. Duxbury __ ......... Grand Supt. Dist. No. 6

R.E. Companion T. B. Donald __ _ ___ ___ _ ... Grand Treasurer

M.E. Companion F. J. Hand ---- -- ---------------- ..... Grand Scribe E. (Secretary) R.E. Companion D. Neill _______________________ ... Grand Scribe N.

R.E. Companion Cecil Duthie __ --------------- ---- Grand Lecturer

V.E. Companion A. E. Brennan

V.E. Companion M. R. Harper _____ _

V.E. Companion J. R. Doherty

R.E. Companion V. R. Speare

V.E. Companion J_ E. Sumner __

V.E. Companion A. E. Callas

__________ Grand Junior Sojourner

..... Grand Master 2nd Veil

... Grand Director of Ceremoni-=s

.... Grand Organist

........... Grand Stewart Dist. No. 3

.... Grand Stewart Dist. No. 5

V.E. Conpanion Minto Hobbs ------·--------------- Grand Tyler


M.E. Companion F. J. Hand M.E. Companion c. M. Laverty

M.E. Companion J. L. Innes M.E. Companion W. N. Martin

M.E Companion Frank Mayer M.E. Companion H. J McCoy

ME. Companion George Grieve M.E. Companion G. D. Chattaway

M.E. Companion F. L. Colwell



Alberta Chapter No. l W. H. Houghton , A. C. Gunning, F. J. Hand, W. J. Forsyth

North Star Chapter No. 2 F. Leach-Z, J. McMaster-J., H. J. McCoy, W. D. McAllister, J. McKee,

P. J. Kendall, 0. P. Thomas, Ed Searle , W . L. Sharp, B. Pilot, N. R. Hrudey, C. W. Lester, F. H. Walker.

Assiniboia Chapter No. 3 W. H. Duxbury-Proxy, P. B Slater.

Shekinah Chapter No. 4 A. Rider-H., J. Hunter, K. Powell.

Golden West Chapter No. 5 C. M. Laverty, G . Chattaway, F. R. Eric Mulder, F. McNiven.

Kether Chapter No. 8 G. L. Wadste:n

Otuskwan Chapter No. 9 0. lvL Ward-Z, B Quaintance-H., J. R. Doherty--Proxy, F. L. Col­

we'.l, W. N. MarEn, V. Ramsbottom, S. R. Bell.

B·ow Valley Ch·apter No. lD G. Lcadbeatcr-J

Calgary Chapter No. 11 T. B. Donald-Pro:{y, S H. Scott.

Keystone Chapter No. 12 W. J. Saunders-Z, D. W. Purn ell, H. B. Rogers.

Capital City Chapter No. 13 K. Whi'.e-Z, J. S . McMillan-H, E. Tyler-J., D. Neill-Proxy, A. Hains,

A. J. Henderson, A. M. Delaney, D. S. Neilson, Frank Mayer, T. M. White, H. Cuthbert, H. L. Geary, W. Hill

Vermilion Chapter No. 14 R. J. Zipse-J., E. M. Herbert, J. K. Greenwood, A E. Callas, L. R. Webb.

Hillvue Chapter No. 15 No Representation.

Tau Cross Chapter No. 16 D. A_ Mouser-J.

Mount Olivet Chapter No. 17 C. H. Driedger-Z, A. L. Ginter, R. M. Pound.


Norwood Chapter No. 18 R. H. Miller-Z, G. Fearon-), W. F. Urquhart, H. F. Boag, ). W. Limb,

E. L While , Frank Mayer, George Grieve, V. T. Young, ). L Brownlee, N. Luciow, D. R G ittins.

The Hiram Chapter No. 19 No Representation.

Banff Chapter No. 20 No Representation.

Strathmore Chapter No. 21 P. W. Sbter, Minto Hobbs.

Crescent Chapter No. 24 M. Gushaty-J, ). L Innes, Cecil Duthie, F. W. Keyle, ). E. Sumner.

Harmony Chapter No. 26 E. Sche!ske, A. I3rown.

Eheyeh Chapter No. 27 W. ). Gutowski-Z, H. ). Mil\er-H., R. C. Gibson, A. ). Rutz, E. ).


Hanna Chapter No. 28 No Reve:enlalion.

Edson Chapter No. 30 V. R Sp2are, E. Merill.

Parklands Chapter No. 31 N. C Nissen.

Viking Chapter No. 32 No Representation.

Hamar Chapter No. 33 C M. Rudd.

Wapiti Chapter No. 34 N. Leslie-Proxy.

Empress Chapter No. 35 No Represen tation.

Bethel Chapter No. 36 R. ]. Patmore-Z, Bert James, C. H. Smith, A. W. Brennan.

Coronation Chapter No. 37 R. C Warnock-Z, R. H. Evernden, H. B. Stitt.

Lebanon Chapter No. 38 0. McCurdy-Z, E. Grafe, H. A. Havig, H. B. Stitt, H. Kruger, T. E.


Cold Lake Chapter No. 39 G. Boeriu-Z, M. R. Harper, A. C. Uprichard.



M.E. Companion C. M. Laverty, introducing: M.E. Companion J. E. Van Patten, Grand Z of Saskatchewan. M.E. Companion H. K. Halldorson, P.C.Z., G.S.E. of Saskatchewan and Chairman of Executive Committee of the G. G. Chapter. M E. Companion E. E. Andrews, Grand Z of B.C. M.E. Companion R. Brynell, G.S.E. of B.C. R E. ,Companion R. H. Strumm, G.P.S. of Saskatchewan.

M.E Comp::mion W. N. Martin introducing: M.E. Companion H. M. Harmon, P.G.H.P. of Montana. M.E. Companion James Russell, P.G.H.P. of Manitoba. M E. Companion R. Kerr, P.G.Z. of Manitoba. The Grand First Princ~pal, M.E. A. C. Gunning: "We welcome you

to our Fifty-Fifth Annual Grand Convocation. I have been out visiting each of your Grand Jurisdictions in the past year and I have thoroughly enjoyed myself, and I sincerely trust that your visit to us today will be as much enjoyment to you. Thank you all for coming. Most E. Compan­ions Laverty and Martin w ill you conduct our distinguished guests to the East."

Grand Master A.F. & A.M.

M.E. Companion Frank Mayer, introducing the Grand Master, Most Worshipful Brother C. E. Pinnell and Right Worshipful Brother Phil Ken­dall. Deputy Grand Master, who are Royal Arch Masons. "I present them to your care, M.E. Sir."

"The G .Z., Most Excellent Companion A. C. Gunning, ii is indeed a gre a t honor to welcome you to our Fifty-Fifth Annual Grand Convocation this morning, and I ;iincerely trust that you will find a great deal of in­terest in our proceedincrs. I hope you can s tay for a portion al leas t and it would be neglect on my part if I did not wish you on behalf of all t_he Companions, a very successful Communication just a short month away and that ii will be one of happiness, harmony and be most successful. Thank you for cominq, and may I also welcome your Deputy Grand Master R.W. Brother Kendall and may we all wish for you one month from now one of the happiest years of your life when you assume the mantle." Grand Honors and invi"ed to the East.

Mayor of City of Edmonton

R.E. Companion 0. P. Thomas, introducinq the Ald e rman of the City of Edmonton, enumeralinq the many qualities he had lo make him a very valuable membe r to deal with the problems of the City of Edmonton. "I leave him in your care M.E. Sir."

The G.Z.: "j ust how I should address you and in lisleninq to the many accomplishments, particularly regardinq Medicine you realize that you come to the rig ht place. I have great pleasure to welcome you to our Fifty-Fifth Grand Convocation of R. A Masons. I know that you are a busy man, and it is not mv desire to delay you this morninq. I would ask R.E. Companion 0. P. Thomas lo accompany you lo the East."


R.E. Companion T. B. Donald, Recorder of Al Azhar Temple, repre­sentinq Al Azhar Temple, and qivinq an excuse for the Potentate not beinq ·present, althouqh he w ished the Grand Chapter everything of the best.


Flag Ceremony

The Flag Ceremony was carried out with prec1s1on by the Officers of R.C.M.Police. R.E. Companion Ed Searle introducing the Officers and telling of their belonging to Chapters in Alberta.

The G.Z., "Thank you R.E. Sir. We welcome the Officers of the R.C.M.P. and compliment them on the splendid ceremony which lent so much color to the Grand Convocation, and it is an honor to have you here as members of this order. Thank you very much."

They then retired and a standing ovation was given to them as they retired.

Repr.esentative of the Province

R.E. Companion Ed Searle introducing V. Wor. Brother, The Hon. Rae Ryerson, representinq the Province of Alberta as he had honored us on many occasions before, "'! leave him in your care M.E. Sir."

The G.Z., " I welcome you into the Grand Convocation of Royal Arch Masons and I realize that you are a very busy man but I do want you to know how much we appreciate you coming here and I would now ask you to approach the East and be seated."

V.W. Brother Ryerson replying briefly thanking Ed Searle for the introduction and bringing greetings from the Province and the Premier, he also touched on many topics of interest to the assembled Companions, and in closing, wished our Convocation every success.

Alderman Dr. Wenilos, representing the City of Edmonton saying, "it is a pleasure to express my appreciation and b ring you greetings from the City of Edmonton and wish you well in your meeting, thank you very much." After a few words of thanks and appreciation from the Grand Z, Ryerson and Dr. Wenilos retired, the Companions qivinq them a standing ovation.

Invocation by R.E. Companion Ed Searle

Almighty and Eternal Lord God, we are assembled in Thy Great Name to Implore Thy Blessing on our Proceedings.

As We Assemble at this, our Grand Convocation, we Humbly Express our Gratitude for the many favours already bestowed upon us.

May our leaders look to Thee for Guidance, understanding, and Wis­dom as they proceed with the deliberations of the day, and Grant that n o discordant note d isturb the peace and harmony of this gathering.

May we, to the best of our ability, be ever ready and willing to im­prove our allotted Tasks, so that at the close of this, our mortal career, we may be found worthy of a place in Thy eternal dwelling where peace Joy reigneth for e vermore.

In the name of the Most High, we ask these blessings. Amen.

So Mote it be.


Grand Master A.F. & A.M.

Most Worshipful Brother C. E. Pinnell, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M., qave a very inspiring address which was full of very in teresting items relating to Masonry in all its Branches, and in closing thanked the Brethren and Grand Chapter.

The Grand Z., thanking the Grand Master, "we realize the sinceri ty in which you have met your many problems, and I am sure withi so much unres t in the world, we can hardly expect other people to get together, when we in this vast Masonic Order are not prepared to show the way."

Credential Committee

R.E. Companion W. H. Houghton gave a preliminary report of the Pas t Principals, Principals and Chapters present.

Minutes of th-e last Annual Grand Convocation

As these minutes were printed and in the hands of the Compan:ons, it was moved by M.E. Companion F. J. Hand and seconded by M.E. Companion W. N. Martin, that they be taken as read. Carried.

---- - ---- - --


Report of The Grand First Principal

To the Most Excellent The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Albertc:.


It is indeed a great privilege for me to preside over our 55th annual Grand Convocation of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta as your Grand First Principal, and to welcome so many of my Companions to this Grand Session, in the progressive City of Edmonton, the Capital of Alberta.

We are assembled here today to review the path we have travelled during the past year and to lay plans and draw designs to guide us in the immediate years ahead. In order that our guide lines may be true and reflect the wishes of the majority, it is both necessary and desirable that all Companions enter into our deliberations today, that you may give your Grand Officers the benefit of your knowledge and assistance that they may be able to go forward in confidence to the honor and adv·ancement of our Royal Craft.

I am honored also, in being able to extend a most cordial welcome to our distinguished guests, not only from our own area, but particularly from other Grand Jurisdictions, who have taken time out of their busy schedules to be with us at this time. I sincerely trust their stay with us will be pleasant to them and that they will be able to take away some fond or interesting memories of their sojourn with us. It has been my pleasure to visit with sev'eral of our distinguished guests at their Grand Sessions and to have observed that they were not only pleasant hosts, but also very able Craftsmen in conducting their Grand Sessions. I know many of them will be accompanied by their lovely ladies and I trust they will enjoy their stay with us also. One of our R. Excellent Companions, you might say a "Merchant Prince" of Edmonton, has assured me there is available an abundance of the latest creations and other items dear to the hearts of our ladies, and knowing their weak­nesses, I trust their enthusiasm will be kept within bounds of their ways a nd means committee.


During the past year our Order has suffered grievous loss in the .Promotion to the Grand Chapter on High of many of our stalwart Com­panions who had devoted so much of their time and talents for our betterment and for the good of our Order. We are deeply grieved by the untimely passing of two of our Past Grand First Principals - Most Excellent Companion W. H. Scott and Most Excellent Companion A. G. Acton, whose devotion to our cause and continuing service on our behalf, has left a void, in their passing, that will indeed be most difficult to fill. A memorial tribute to the passing of all Companions will be giv'en later this morning under the direction of our Grand Third Prin­cipal, Right Excellent Companion A. Haines.



Invitations were received to attend the following Grand Convoca­tions. The Grand Chapters of British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Canada in Ontario, Montana, Nova Scotia, General Grand Chapter Sectional Meeting to be held in Portland, Oregon, September 28, 1969.

I was pleased to be able to visit the Grand Chapter of Saskatchewan May 24th and 25th, as your Grand First Principal. This was my first Official Visit outside our own jurisdiction and our stay - Mrs. Gunning and mine - in Saskatoon was most pleasant and productive. Our hosts were very kind and generous and they made our visit a memorable one. I was honored by being elected an Honorary Past Grand First Principal of Saskatchewan, which I was pleased to accept.

On June 3rd to 7th I was also honored to accept an invitation to visit the Grand Chapter of Montana at their Annual Session. Montana and Alberta are truly country cousins. We are tied together in common bonds commercially by cattle, oil and farming and fraternally by a great des ire and appreciation of Masonry and all that it stands for. We are separated by a border which is more mythical than actual, where the hand of friendship is ever extended and we are always welcomed as Companions and friends. If this spirit of brotherly love could only be extended across all border crossings throughout the world, we would then be able to truly say "we have a ,peace on earth and good will among all men." I was most pleased to hav'e our Most Excellent Com­panion Bill Martin ·as a guide and philosopher on this trip, which made the drive most pleasant. While at the Grand Chapter of Montana we were very ably introduced to the Assembly by a good friend and mem­ber of this Grand Jurisdiction and Grand Scribe E. of Montan-a - Most Excellent Companion William Thaanum. While at Montana we also attended the Grand Council of the Criptic Rite for Montana and many wonderful social functions which were very enjoyable.

On June 16th I attended the Grand Chapter of British Columbia at Vancouver. To me it was like going home for a visit because my first steps in Masonry, both in the Craft and the Royal Arch, were initiated while a resident of that province. It was expected, and we did, meet many friends of long years standing, a good many with whom I had labored in the vineyards of Masonry. It was a most impressive session to me and I was honored to accept an Honorary Grand First Principalship from them.

At the time of writing this report, I am planning to attend the Grand Session of the Grand Chapter of Manitoba, which will be held in the City of Winnipeg, April 11th and 12th, 1969.

I regret that time would not permit me to accept all the kind inv'ita­tions which were extended to me to visit other Grand Convocations and I hope that sometime in the future to make delayed visits.

During my travels to and from our sister Grand Jurisdictions I en­deavored to combine visits to our constituent chapters whenever the regular meeting of the chapter made this possible. On my return from Vancouver I visited Kether Chapter No. 8 at Pincher Creek and at this Convocation was pleased to install Right Excellent Companion Radford as Grand District Superintendent of District No. 4. Due to circumstances beyond his control R. Ex. Comp. Radford had been unable to be present at our last Grand Convocation and so it was a pleasure for me to install him into office in one of the Chapters in his District.


We have been pleased to extend invitations to the following Grand Jurisdictions to b e with us at this Grand Convocation. The Grand Chapters of British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Canada in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Montana, Kentucky, Washington, Idaho, North and South Dakota, Minnesota, Wyoming, Oregon, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Colorado, Utah, Nevada and California.

We have also extended invitations to the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Alberta, Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Wes tern Canada, Criptic Rite, the Order of High Priesthood, Al Azhar A.A.0.N.M.S. , the Mayor of Edmonton, Representative of the Provincial Government and the Lieut. Governor of Alberta.


was privileged to attend the following District Meetings:

District No. 5 at Vermilion on November 2nd.

District No. 6 at Medicine Hat on November 6th.

District No. 3 at Calgary on November 23rd.

District No. 1 at Edmonton on November 30th.

District No. 2 at Stettler on December 7th.

Each District Meeting was well conducted, well attended and the Companions indicated their continuing interest by the interesting ques­tions they propounded and which produced constructive discussion and enlightenment. Due to District No. 4 scheduling their District Meeting on a date which had previously been assigned to another District and their inability to find another suitable date, it was not possible for me to attend their meeting. However, I prevailed upon our Grand Second Principal R. Ex. Comp. Bert James to attend this District Meeting as my representative and I am assured everything proceeded most smoothly. I would like to thank R. Ex. Comp. James at this time for his generous assistance.

Shortly before District No. 2's meeting was to convene, their Grand Superintendent R. Ex. Comp. Harold Havig was confined to his home with back troubles and was unable to be present at his District Meeting. Again R. Ex. Comp. James, a Past Grand Superintendent of this District, stepped into the breach and conducted the meeting in a manner worthy of the old pro that he is. R. Ex. Comp. Havig later underwent surgery to correct his back problem and I trust everything has progressed favorably.

The questions and desires ex.pressed at each District Meeting will no doubt, be adequately dealt with by the respective Grand Superin­tendents in their annual reports and I therefore feel that I should not cover them at this time. I would suggest that a good many constitutional questions will be more readily resolved after the implementation of our revised constitution.

During the course of these and other meetings, I had the pleasure of watching our Grand District Superintendents in action and I would like at this time to congratulate each of them on the splendid manner in which they have represented their Districts and this Grand Chapter and


I am pleased to recommend the rank of R. Excellent Companion be confirmed on each of the following Companions:

District No. 1 R. Ex. Comp. S. W. Blair

District No. 2 R. Ex. Comp. Harold Havig

District No. 3 R. Ex. Com,p. Stanley H. Scott

District No. 4 R. Ex. Comp. Fred S. Radford

District No. 5 R. Ex. Comp. Lawrence Webb

District No. 6 R. Ex. Comp. W. H. Duxbury

At the District Meetings the following Companions were elected to serve in the office of Grand Superintendent for their respective Districts for the year of 1969-70.

District No. 1 Austin J. Henderson

District No. 2 R. Evernden

District No. 3 D. W. Purnell

District No. 4 Jack Hunter

District No. 5 H. G. Nissen

District No. 6 R. W. Towers

I am pleased to confirm their election and wish for each of them a very happy and productive year of service.


Prior to my installation as Grand First Principal, I made a promise to myself that I would endeavour to visit each of our constituent Chapters during my year ·of office. The fact that I had retired from my every day labors had influenced this decision. I am pleased to report "mission accomplished". It was necessary for me to trav'el 14,500 miles by auto­mobile and 2,500 miles by railroad in order to accomplish this. I have visited each of our 33 Constituent Chapters on their regular meeting nights. Realizing that We had enjoyed relatively mild winter weather for a number of years, it occurred to me that we were due for one of our old fashioned frigid ones. I therefore started my visits as early ·as possible and completed my 33rd Chapter visit on December 12th. Good fortune had smiled on me as our cold weather settled in on December 13th and continued almost unabated until February 1st. Herewith is a list of my visitations:

Date Chapter Place Business

May 13 ........ Alberta #1 .................. Calgary .................. Gen. & M.M.M. May 14 ........ Vermilion #14 ............ Vermilion .............. Gen. May 15 ........ Mt. Olivert #17 .......... Killam .................... Gen. & M.M.M. May 16 ........ Wapiti #34 .................. Grande Prairie .... Gen. May 22 ........ Hamar #33 .................. Hughenden .......... Gen. May 24, 25 .. Grand Chapter Saskatchewan at Saskatoon May 27 ........ Hiram #19 .................. Youngstown .......... Gen. & M.M.M. June 3-7 ...... Grand Chapter of Montana at Billings June IO ...... Lebonan #38 .............. Stettler .................... Gen.


Date Chapter Place Business

June 11 ...... Tau Cross #16 ............ Claresholm ............ Gen. June 12 ...... Shekinah #4 ................ Lethbridge ............ Gen. June 16-18 .. Grand Chapter of British Columbia at Vancouver June 20 ...... Kether #8 .................... Pincher Creek ...... Gen. & Install. June 25 ...... Cold Lake #39 ............ Cold Lake ............ Gen. & R.A.M. Aug. 9, 10 .... Red Cross Constantine Annual at Winnipeg Aug. 11-13 Sovereign Great Priory of Canada at Winnipeg Sept. 3 ........ Bethel #36 .................. Forestburgh .......... Gen. Sept. 5 ........ Eheyeh #27 ................ Drumheller ............ Gen. & R.A.M. Sept. 9 ........ Alberta #1 .................. Calgary .................. Gen. Sept_ 10 ...... Edson #30 .................. Edson ...................... Gen. Sept. 13 ...... Capital City #13 ...... Edmonton .............. Gen. & M.M.M. Sept. 16 ...... Crescent #24 .............. Calgary .................. Gen. & M.M.M. Sept. 17 ...... Calgary #11 .............. Calgary .................. Gen. & M.M.M. Sept. 19 ...... Assiniboia #3 ............ Medicine Hat ........ Gen. Sept. 24 ...... Viking #32 .................. Viking .................... Gen. Sept. 25 ...... Norwood #18 ............ Edmonton ................ Gen. Sept. 26 ...... Parklands #31 .......... Wainwright .......... Gen. Oct. 17 ........ North Star #2 ............ Edmonton .............. Gen. & M.E.M. Oct. 22 ........ Keystone #12 ............ Red Deer ................ Gen. & R.A.M. Oct. 28 ........ Alberta #1 .................. Calgary ................ Gen. & M.E.M. Oct. 29 ........ Coronation #37 ........ Coronation ............ Gen. Nov. 2 ........ District Meeting #2 .... Vermilion ............. . Nov. 6 ........ District Meeting #6 .... Medicine Hat ....... . Nov. 7 ........ Otuskwan #9 .............. Calgary .................. Gen. Nov. 8 ........ Golden West #5 ........ High River ............ Game Dinner Nov. 11 ...... Alberta #1 .................. Calgary .................. Gen. & R.A.M. Nov'. 12 ...... Bow Valley #10 ........ Gleichen ................ G en. Nov. 14 ...... Strathmore #21 ........ Strathmore ............ Gen. Nov. 18 ...... Hanna #28 ................ Hanna .................... Gen. Nov. 21 ...... Banff #20 .................. Banff ...................... Gen. Nov. 22 ...... Hillvue #15 ................ Hillcrest .................. Gen. & Election Nov. 23 ...... District Meeting #3 .... Calgary ............... .. . Nov. 26 ...... Golden West #5 ........ High River ............ Gen. & R.A.M. Nov. 30 ...... District Meeting #L .. Edmonton ............. . Dec. 5 ........ Otuskwan #9 ............ Calgary .................. Gen. & Election Dec. 7 ........ District Meeting #2 .... Stettler ................... . Dec. 9 ........ Alberta #1 ................ Calgary .................. Gen. & Election Dec. 12 ...... Empress #35 .............. Empress .................. Gen. & Installation Jan. 4 .......... Crescent #24 ............ Calgary ................. .Installation Jan. 9 .......... Strathmore #21 ........ Strathmore ............ Gen. & Instal!ation Jan. 13 ........ Alberta #1 ................ Calgary .................. Gen. & Installation Jan. 21 ........ Otuskwan #9 ........... .

Calgary #11 .............. Calgary .................. Joint Installation Feb. 6 ........ Otuskvran #9 Calgary .................. Gen. & M.E.M. Feb. 10 ...... l\lbor'.a #1 Calgary .................. Gen. & M.M.M. Feb. 18 ...... Calgary #11 Calgary .... Gen. & M M.M.



Calgary Chapter No. 11 -----··-·······-········To Elect and Install a Third Prin­cipal out of time.

Crescent Chapter No. 24 ................. .... To Elect and Install a Scribe E. out ol time.

Otuskwan Chapter No. 9 .................... To Open Chapter at 7:30 p.m.

Bethel Chapter No. 36 ............................ Change Night of Regular Convoca­tion for joint meeting with Lebanon Chapter.

Cold Lake Chapter No. 39 .................... Take their Candidates to Lioyd­mmster Chapter in Saskatchewan for the conferring of the M.E.M. Degree.

Hillv'ue Chapter No. 15 ........................ Change Night of Regular Convoca­tion for joint Installation with Kether Cha,pter No. 8.

Coronation Chapter No. 37 ................ Change Night of Regular Convoca­tion for joint Instaliation with Leb­anon Chapter No. 38.

Eheyeh Chapter No. 27 ........................ Change Night of Regular Convoca­tion.

Hamar Chapter No. 33 ........................ To Elect and Install the Officers out of time.

The Hiram Chapter No. 19 .................. Change Night of Regular Convoca­tion.

The Hiram Chapter No. 19 .................. Change Night of Regular Convoca­tion for joint convocation with Ehe­yeh Chapter No. 27.

Harmony Chapter No. 26 .................... Change Night of Regular Convoca­ticn.

Golden West Chapter No. 5 ................ Change Night of Regular Convoca­tion for joint Installation with Tau Cross Chapter No. 16.

Bethel Chapte r No. 36 ........................ To Elect and Install a Second Prin­cipal who has not served in the Office of Third Principal.

Calgary Cha,p ter No. 11 ············----········Change Night of Regular Convoca­tion.

Tau Cross Chapter No. 16 ................ For a Joint Installation of Officers with Golden West Chapter No. 5.

Assiniboia Chapter No. 3 .................... To Elect and Install a First Principal who has not served in the office of Second Principal.

Shekinah Chapte r No. 4 .................... To change night of Regular Convo­cation for Joint Installation with Kether Chapter No. 8, and Hillvue Cha,pter No. 15, at Frank, Alberta.


Kether Chapter No. 8 .................. ......... To change night of Regular Convo­cation for Toint Installation with Shekinah Chapter No. 4, and Hillvue Chapter No. 15, at Frank, Alberta.

Hillvue Chapter No. 15 ....................... To change night of Regular Convo­cation for Taint Installation with Shekinah Chapter No. 4, and Kether Chapter No. 8, a t Frank, Alberta.

Otuskwan Chapter No. 9 .. ................. To change night of Regular Convo­cation for Taint Installation with Calgary Chapter No. 11.

Coronation Chapter No. 37 ................ To change night of Regular Convo­cation for Taint Installation with Lebanon Chapter No. 38, at Stettler.

Mount Olivet Chapter No. 17 ............ To change night of Regular Convo­cation for Taint Installation with Lebanon Chapter No. 38, al Stettler.

Crescent Chapter No. 24 .................... To change night of Regular Convo­cation and to open at 4:30 p.m. for Installation and Banquet.

Bethel Chqpler No. 36 ... . .... To change night of Regular Convo-cation for Taint Installation with Lebanon Chqpter No. 38, at Stettler.

Cold Lake Chapter No. 39 ................ To change night of Regular Convo­cation for Taint Installation with Lloydminster Chapter No. 31, at Llloydminster, Saskatchewan.

Kether Chapter No. 8 ............................ To Install a Third Principal out of time.

The Hiram Chapter No. 19 ................ To change night of Regular Convo­cation for Toint Installation with Eheyeh Chapter No. 27.

Hanna Chapter No. 28 ....................... To change night of Regular Convo­cation for Toint Installation with Eheyeh Chapter No. 27.

Eheyeh Chapter No. 27 ........................ To change night of Regular Convo­cation for Toint Installation with Hiram Chapter No. 19, and Hanna Chapter No. 28.

Shekinah Chapter No. 4 .................... To Install ·a Principal Sojourner out of time.

Viking Chapter No. 32 ....................... To change night of Regular Convo­cation for T oin t Installation with Parklands Chapter No. 31.

Bethel Chapter No. 36 .......................... To change night of Regular Convo­cation and to confer a degree in the afternoon.

Edson Chapter No. 30 ................. ......... To Install a Second and Third Prin­cipal out of time.


Keystone Chapter No. 12 .................... To Install a Second Principal out of time.

Otuskwan Chapter No. 9 .................... To Install a Principal Sojourner out of time.

Calgary Chapter No. 11 .................... To Install a Second Principal out of time.

Otuskwan Chapter No. 9 .................... To change night of Regular Convo­cation.


Throughout the year I have been pleased to recommend the following Companions to be the representatives of other Grand Chapters near the Grand Chapter of Alberta.

Ex. Comp. W. T. Forsyth ........................................................................ Scotland

R. Ex. Comp. C. C. G. Duthie ........................................................................ Utah

R. Ex. Comp. G. C. Russell ........................................................................ Florida

R. Ex. Comp. F. S. Radford ............................................................ W. Australia

R. Ex. Comp. H. L. Geary .................................................................... Germany

R. Ex. Comp. F. R. E. Mulder .................................................................... Iowa

R. Ex. Comp. T. W. Cook ........................................................ Philipine Islands

R. Ex. Comp. V. T. Young ........................................................................ Deleware

V. Ex. Comp. W. H. Harper .................................................................... Nebraska

R. Ex. Comp. T. W. Smith ........................................................................ Maryland

R. Ex. Com_p. L. R. Webb ........................................................................ Nevada

R. Ex. Comp. F. W. Storey ............................................................ Massachusetts

R. Ex. Comp. A. Brown ............................................................................ Virgina

R. Ex. Comp. G. Tones ................................................................................ Illinois

R. Ex. Comp. A. T. Rutz .................................................................... Rhode Island

V. Ex. Comp. W. B. T. Tilson .................................................................... Vermont

R. Ex. Comp. A. L. Haines ........................................................ New Hampshire

R. Ex. Comp. M. A. R. Cliff ............................................................ Saskatchewan

I have also been pleased to accept the recommendation of other Grand Turisdictions and to appoint the following Companions as the Grand Representativ'es of Alberta near other Grand Turisdictions.

Ex. Comp. Pedigo H. Voll ................................................................................ Utah Ex. Comp. W. T. Pa tton Tr . .................................................................... Tennessee R. Ex. Comp. F. W. Ricks ................................................................ W. Austrialia Ex. Comp. Pusik .................................................................................... New Tersey

Ex. Com,p. Carl Holmes ························-·····················································-· Kansas Ex. Comp. H. B. Dodge ................................................................ Rhode Island



Throughout the last two years I have marvelle d at the tenacity of the Committee on the revision of our constitution and their continuing labors on our behalf. This Committee has been meeting regularly and researching constitutions, revising, editing and again rewriting, spending many nights at home in further research. Only one who has been engaged in a like endeavour can really apprecia te the magnitude of the task with w hich they were faced. We are a ll aware that there has never been a perfect constitution and my legal friends assure me that there never can be, but I feel that this Committee under the able Chair­manship of M. Ex. Comp. Martin, has done its utmost to g ive us a con­stitution as near perfect as possible. This Grand Chapter owes this Committee a great debt of gratitude for their long and ardous labors and I sincerely trust that our Companions will show their appreciation by favorably accepting the fruits of their labor, later today.


During my year o f office I have noticed that some of our Grand Chapter regalia is not in very good condition. This has been brought about by the necessity of a strictly economical operation over the years due to a very low per capita tax assessment. I realize the re-conditioning or replace ment of this equipment can be extremely costly and will have to be handled in a progressive manner over a period of several years. However, before any definite steps can be taken, we must have some indication as to what is essential. In order that we could be in a better position to assess our requirements, I have asked R. Ex. Comp. Stanley Scott and R. Ex. Comp. Houghton to exam~ne our Grand Chapter regalia at this Grand Convocation and to give us a preliminary report concerning it at this session. I believe the time has arrived w hen we should be review ing the regalia question. I therefore recommend that a Committee be appointed to:

(!) Consider and recommend w hat regalia should be maintained and issued by Grand Chapter, and also recommend a standard for past Grand Officers regalia.

(2' Progressiv'ely repair or replace, over a several year period, required Grand Chapter regalia.

(3) Consider and recommend methods of control. If the above recommendation is approved, I would further recommend

that the sum of $300.00 be appropriated to start the re-conditioning pro­gramme during the 1969-70 year.

In visiting our Constituent Chapters I was always received most graciously and made to feel right at home. The fellowship was always of the highest and the Companions were most receptive of what ever thoughts I was able to express on some aspects of Freemasonry, and what it could mean in our every day lives. I did detect a note of regret by some that it had been some time since they had had a visit from a Grand Chapter Officer, other than their Grand Superintendent, who quite often was a member of their Chapter. This made me wonder if we, as a Grand Chapter, were doing as much as we should be doing in the service o f our Royal Craft. Being in retirement, I was able to devote a great deal more time visiting each of our Cha;pters than could possibly be done by one who has to respond to the demands of an every day av'ocation. This could also be the reason why we do not have too many youger qualified Companions offering themselves for higher office.


It occurred to me that maybe we should be using more of our elected Grand Officers in the visitation programme as one of their specific duties. If they desired to do so the Grand Council could each arrange to visit eleven different Chapters each year. This would assure each Chapter of a visit from one of the Grand Council each year and give each Grand First Principal a first hand knowledge of each of the constituent Chapters during his year of service. This tour of duty would then not be too onerous to restrict those who are still engaged in daily occupations and would widen the scope for future Grand Officers. It would also greatly shorten the line of communication between Grand Chapter and our Constituent Chapters and increase our mutual understanding of each other's problems, as well as increasing our overall fellowship. I leave this thought purely as a suggestion.

I have always been interested in statistics which disclose trends, whether favorable or otherwise, as a means on indicating where rem­edial action is required. I therefore took the last six vears - 1963 -1968 inclusive as a yardstick, and found as follows. The avemge for deaths, deletions and demits was 183 per year. The average for ad­missions, affiliations ·and restorations was 136, leaving an average net loss of 47 per year. With this knowledge, one of my first duties was to send out a circular letter to each Chapter calling attention to our deterior­ating .position membership- wise and requesting all my Companions to extend themselves to reverse this alarming trend. I wish I could say that this effort has been eminently successful, but I fear we will show another loss this year. However, with the few statistics for this year, which were available at the time of writing this report, I could detect an improvement in the late fall of 1968 and early 1969 and I sincerely trust this will continue throughout the ensuing year. I must say, however, that it will only continue if each and every Companion will bend his efforts to increase the slight momentum ·a~parent. It is entirely up to you and I

In the same letter I expressed a belief that we as Royal Arch Masons had much to be thankful for, although seldom did we give expression to what may be in our hearts. I therefore proclaimed Sunday, October 20th, 1968, as Royal Arch Sunday and asked each of my Companions to attend the Church of his choice to giv'e expression to their thanks. I do not have a com,plete report of the number of Companions who par­ticipated, but if the many favorable letters I received are any criterion of the overall acceptance, then I feel that we have made a good step forward.


I feel that each of you, at our last Christmas holiday season, watched with great interest the unfolding drama of outer space. Our studies as Freemasons focused our attention on ancient Biblical history, but we were also admonished to extend our researches into the h idden mysteries of nature and science. As I watched the capsule circling the moon and listened to the Astronauts reading the first Chapter of Genesis, a chapter well known to all Freemasons, coming literally from another world, I fe lt extremely proud of being a member of our great fraternity.

No Companion can serve a year as your Grand First Principal with­out receiving a great deal of help from every Companion in our Grand Jurisdiction and in this regard I have been most favored. I would like to thank each of my Companions for electing me to this high office and for making my road so easy and so pleasant.


I would like to thank each of my Grand Officers for their assistance and co-operation, also all Past Grand First Principals for their advice which has been an inspiration to me. My special thanks to R. Ex. Comp. Duthie our Grand Lecturer, R. Ex. Comp. Houghton, R. Ex. Comp. Haines, M. Ex. Comps. Hand and Martin for accompanying me on many of my visits. To M. Ex. Comp. Hand, our Grand Scribe E. a grateful thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience with me, which is always of inestimable value to a Grand First Principal during his year of office. Thank you M. Ex. Sir.

To my successor, R. Ex. Comp. Bert James, my sincere thanks and I extend to him my best wishes for a v'ery happy and successful year and I give him my assurances of full co-operation during his term of office.

Thank you, Companions, for your kind attention.

Fraternally submitted,

ANDREW C. GUNNING, Grand First Principal

Moved by M.E. Companion A. C. Gunning, seconded by R.E. Comp­anion A. Haines, that the Grand Z. Address be referred to the Committee on the Grand Z. Address. Carried.


To the Most Excellent Grand First Principal, Officers and Companions of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta.

Most Excellent Sir and Companions:

Having been honoured by the election as Grand Dis'.rict Superinten­dent of D'.strict No. One, and serving for the past year, I take pleasure in presenting my report for your consideration. Owing to my absence in the British Isles in the early Fail, I was a little later than intended in getting to the various Chapters in my District.

North Star No. 2

While I have attended this, my home Chapter, on most of their meet-ings, except when away on Royal Arch business, made my Official Visit at the meeting of October 17, 1968.

It was my pleasure to make my official visit at the same time as our M.Ex. Comp. Andy Gunning made his Official Visit. I was accom­panied by a goodly number of Past and Present Grand Chapter Officers. Upon being introduced and received with Grand Honours, and upon as­suming the sceptre, I was privileged to welcome our Most Excellent Grand First Principal. After expressing his pleasure a t his reception and the Grand Honours accorded him, he turned the sceptre back to Ex. Comp. John McKee. Following an expeditious and efficient business meet­ing, the 45 members and 8 visitors present had the opportunity to see the M.E.M. Degree put on bv a team under the direction of Ex. Comp. Leach. The impressive presentation of this degree must have had a last­ing e!fe:::t on the four candidates.


After some brief remarks on my part, 1'1.Ex. Comp. Gunning gave a very informative and interesting talk lo the Companions, particularly the newly received M.E.M.'s.

The books and records are kept in their usually efficient manner, and the condition of the Chapter seems lo b e quite good.

An interestinq event took place at this meeting, when I was asked by R.Ex. Comp. ·R. J. Powell, Hon. Isl Standard Bearer of the Grand Chapter of Scotland, Scr'.be E. of Royal Stewart Chapter #646, S.C. of Perth, Australia, lo present a cf'rlificate of Affiliation with the above­mentioned Chapter, to Comp. Edward Marshall Silver.

Norwood Chapter No. 18

My official visit was on October 23, 1968.

On this occasion there were 20 members and 4 visitors present. I was received in a very friendly manner, given Grand Honours, and pre­sen ted with the sceptre. After returning this, the regular business was carried on in a very excellent manner. Followinq this I was asked to give a talk, and for my topic, selected "The Importance of Leadership for a Healthy Future."

With the fine slate of Officers which Norwood Chapter has, the affairs o f the Chapter are very well conducted. The books and records are well looked after by their mo~! eff'cient Scribe E., and the financial condition of the Chap ter is good.

Edson Chapter No. 30

My Official Vis it to Edson Chapter was on October 26, 1968. With the fine weathe r at this time of the year, I was accompanied by a num­ber of Grand Chapter Officers, Past and Present, and Companions. W e were given a very friendly welcome both before and at the Chapter meeting.

My reception was mos t cord:al and following the introduction, Grand Honours, and assuminq the s ::ep ·re, the accompanying Grand Chapter Officers were invited lo the East. At this convocation, the M.E.M. Degree was exemplified by the reqular officers, in a most creditab!e manner, under the direction of Ex. Comp. D. Asel.

When it is remembered tha t some of the Officers of this Chapter have to come 150 m iles, it is particularly refreshing to notice their dedi­cation lo the Craft.

Capital City Chapter No. 13

As I have at'.ended this Chapter on a number of occasions, it is with a qreat many thanks that I acknowledqe the kind reception they gave me on my Official Visit, November 8, 1968.

On the occasion of this visit, the business was carried on promptly, in a very efficient manner, and then two candidates were received a nd acknowledged as M.E.M.'s, by a team of Officers under the direction of Ex. Comp. Ken White. The work was well and impressively carried out.

Following th is, I was asked to give a talk, when I chose "The Neces­sity of High Moral Standards."

--------- -


The books and records are very efficiently kept, and conditions in this Chapter, on the whole, are quite good. The financial position of th is Chapter is qood, and thouqht is beinq qiven to raisinq the dues, to as­s ure that it stays this way.

Wapiti Chapter No. 34

Usually the Companions of the District make the Official Visit of the Grand Superintendent an occasion for a large attendance. However, this year, as I was absent before the Fall farming activities, and the weather reached unusually low temperatures with icy roads I had to make my visit on February 20, 1969. Owing to the ice on the Grande Prairie air­port, a relief aircraft was used. Even though an hour late from some unexplained delay of the aircraft, R.W. Comp. Norman Leslie was wait­inq for me at G rande Prairie. The companionship of the members and their warm welcome did much to cause you to forget the unusual wea­ther extremities.

I was introduced by R.W. Comp. Leslie, given Grand Honours and escorted East .. The business meeting then took place and was very ef­ficie:1tly handled. Following the business meeting I had the pleasure to present R.Ex. Comp. E. Rooney with the regalia of a Past Grand Dis trict Superintendent, in appreciation f.or his work during the 1967-68 term.

As an address for the Companions, I chose '"How Craft Conditions Prepared the Way for the Royal Arch."

When one considers the distances required for the Companions to attend the Chapter, ihe unusual weather conditions this year, and the condit'.ons of the various Companions in regard to their work and holiday schedules, it gives a little idea of the unusual conditions under which a Chapter in this remote part of Alberta works .

The books, records and financial conditions of this Chapter are ex­cellent.

District meeting

The Annual District Meetinq was held in Acacia Hall, South Edmon-ton, on November 30, 1968. ·

The meeting was opened by the Off icers of Nor[h Star Chapter No. 2. As Grand District Superintendent, I was introduced, accorded Grand Honours and assumed the sceptre. I was very pleased to welcome our M:)S\ Excellent Companion Andy Gunning, Grand First Principal, R Ex. Comp. Bert James, G.H., R.Ex. Comp. A. Haines, G.J. and oth er Grand Chapter Officers, Past and Present. They were accorded Grand Honours, invited to the East and took an active part in the work of the meeting.

A tribute was given for the departed Companions of District No. 1 ove r the past year.

All Chapters were represented.

The minutes of the last Convocation were read and adopted. Chap­ter reports showed that Capitular Masonry was holding its own in the District. During the question period a number of questions were brought up and answered. However, as some of our Chapters are in areas where the distances are quite great, they felt rituals should be given, either to all the Officers of the Chapter, or, to all the members when Exalted. This was not the unanimous opinion though, and after considerable explanation by the Grand Lecturer, as well as oth er Grand


Principals, it was thought that a compromise might be considered, but, it certainly was not decided on any extension of the regulations as they are at present.

All Chapters had committees investigating the proposed changes in the Constitution.

Ex. Comp. A J. Henderson was elected as the next Grand District Superintendent for the District for 1969-70.

We were very fortunate in having our Grand First Principal present to give us an address that was both informative and thought-provoking.

In conclusion, I wish to thank R.Ex. Comp. Paul Thomas for acting as District Secretary, and all the Officers of the District for the coopera­tion they have given me during my term of office.

Fraternally submitted, STEW ART BLAIR, G.D.S , District No. One, R.A.M.


To the Most Excellent Grand Firs t Principal, Officers and Companions of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta.

Most Excellent Sir and Companions:

It gives me a great deal of pleasure to submit my report of the vari­ous Chapters in District No. 2, which I have had the honor of being Grand Superintendent.

Lebanon Chapter No. 38

I visited this Chapter on October 14th; their work is very good.

Hanna Chapter No. 28

I visited this Chapter on October 21st; their work is very good.

The Hiram Cha pter No. 19

I visited this Chapter on October 28th. They are doing their best and as most were harvesting, they didn't have enough of the ir members to open but I took the office of S.N. for the meeting.

Coronation Chapter No. 37

I visited this Chapter on October 29th; this is a very good Chapter.

Eheyeh Chapte r No. 27

I visited this Chapter on November 7th; this is a very good Chapter.

District Meeting

December 7th. As I was unable to attend this meeting due to sick­ness, Rt. Ex. Companion Bert James took over the meeting for me and


there were thirty attendinq this meetinq according to the register, and all Chapters were represented and V.E. Companion Ralph Evernden was e 1ected Grand Superintendent for 1969.

HAROLD HA VIG, Grand Superintendent, District No. 2.


To the Most Excellent Grand First Principal, Officers and Companions of the G rand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons in Alberta.

Most Excellent Sir and Companions:

It gives me a great deal of pleasure to submit my report of the vari­ous Chapters makinq up District No. 3, which I have had the honour of being Grand Superintendent for the term 1968-69.

Alberta Chapter No. I

My first official visit was to Alberta Chapter No. 1 on June 10, 1968. While the weather was somewhat cloudy, it was warm and I was most honoured to be accompanied by six Grand Officers. I was welcomed in due form and escorted to the dais.

Durinq the evening, there were two candidates who were exalted to the Holy Royal Arch Degree. This was conducted in an excellent man­ner by Ex. Comp. W. J. Forsyth and his officers. At the conclusion of the deqree I was accorded the privileqe of saying a few words, and addres­sed a short talk on the Royal Arch Degree to the Candidates.

I have attended several other convocations of Alberta Chapter No. I, and feel that the Chapter is in a healthy condition. Ex. Comp. R. Cupit, the First Principal for 1969, is promoting interest in their convocations by having speakers at the refreshment hour, and this should have the de­sired effect of increasing attendance at their meetings.

Strathmore Chapter No. 21

I made my official visit to Strathmore Chapter No. 21 on June 13, 1968. Weather conditions were good and there were sixteen of us who made the trip on that evening. I was welcomed with Grand Honours and escorted to the East.

The Royal Arch Degree was conferred in an efficient manner and the officers assistinq carried out the:r duties well. Strathmore Chapter No. 21 is an active Chapter, and it is a pleasure to visit them as we are a lways given a friendly and hospitable welcome. The spirit within the Chapter is good and it should continue to be an active one in the District.

Crescent Chapter No. 24

My official visit to Crescent Chapter No. 24 was made on June 17, 1968, and I was accompanied bv a good number of Grand Chapter Offi­cers. The weather was favourable and 22 members and 14 visitors were present . I was officially welcomed, given Grand Honours and escorted to the dais.


The Holy Royal Arch Degree was conferred on this evening by Ex. Comp. Whi 'esell and his Officers, and was carried out in an excellent manner. At the conclusion I was given an opportunity to give a short address on the Triple Tau and its connection with the Royal Arch Degree.

I have made several visits to Crescent Chapter subsequently and on each visit have been made most welcome, and have found a good fraternal ~irit among the Officers and Companions. They are fortunate in having the active support of the Arch and Crescent Ladies Group which assisted the Chapter in all of their social affairs, and give it the friendly spirit that exists there. I would suggest that the o ther Chapters would benefit if they could organize a similar group. This would give them the support of their wives, and would very likely assist to increase the attendance in Chapter.

Calgary Chapter No. 11

I made my official visit to my home Chapter on June 18th, 1968. Weather conditions continued to be good, and there were a fair number of Companions and Officers present. I was warmly received, given Grand Honours, and invited to the East.

At this convocation the Holy Royal Arch Degree was conferred on two candidates in a very efficient manner by Ex. Comp. D. Brown and his Officers, at the conclusion of which I addressed a few words lo the Chapter and the newly exalted Companions on the sign of salutation in the Royal Arch Degree.

While Calgary Chapter No. 11, as with other Chapters, is experi­encing somewhat of a problem with attendance, it is endeavouring to correct the situation and we hope that they are successful. One method might be for the Companions to engage to a greater degree in visita­tions , and this is recommended to all the Chapters in the jurisdiction.

Keys tone Chapter No. 12

On June 25th, 1968, accompanied by several Grand Chapter Officers, I journeyed to Red Deer to make my official visit. The weather was clear and warm, and I was given a most gracious weloome, received in offi­cial form and escorted to the dais.

During the evening the Mark Master Mason Degree was conferred in a very good manner, and following the degree work, I was privileged to speak to the newly advanced brethren on the legend of the Mark in the Mark Master Mason Degree.

Another visit was made to Keystone Chapter No. 12 on September 24, 1968, a t which time there were 29 officers and members present, as well as the 5 visitors that accompanied me. The Most Excellent Master Mason Degree was conferred at this convocation, and as in th e previous degree, the work was well done.

Keystone Chapter is makinq progress, and is in a healthy s tate. My successor comes from Red Deer, and I am looking forward to many more meetings at this friendly Chapter.

Otuskwan Chapter No, 9

My first visit was _made to Otuskwan Chapter No. 9 on Septemb er 5th, 1968, their first convocation after the summer recess, and while there was no degree work on that evening, an interestinq meeting was car­ried on under the efficient direction of Ex. Comp. R. Nourse.


My official visit was made on October 3, 1968, and with the weather favourable, I was warmly received in official form and escorted to the Eas t. Here again there was no degree work to be done, but there were two applications to be accepted. Chapter dues has come under review in Otuskwan Chapter, and considerable discussion of this important matter took place.

While Otuskwan Chapter No. 9 has the largest membership in the district, there is somewhat of a problem, as with other Chapters, with attendance and if some method, such as some innovation to make the meetings more interestinq were devised or adopted, this might improve the attendance at the regular meetings.

BanJf Chapter No. 20

My official visit to Banff Chapter No. 20 was made on October 17th when, along with 25 other visitors including many Grand Chapter Offi­cers, we journeyed to this beautiful spot. The weather was good and we enjoyed a nice drive. While there were only 9 office rs p resent, due to the vacation period just ending, we were very cordially received. I was qiven Grand Honours and escorted to the East. At this convocation, the Most Excellen t Master Degree was conferred by Calgary Chapter No. 11 on one of their candidates, and also on a candidate who travelled from Red Deer with Ex. Comp. Purnell to obtain the degree . The work was carried out in an excellent manner, and I am sure the two candidates, as well as the Companions present, obtained a great deal from the meeting. Here again I was accorded the privilege of speaking, and gave a short paper on the Most Excellent Master Degree.

While Banf! Chapter is one of the smallest in the district, it is show­ing progress now, and with the applications for e xaltation being present­ed , we trust it will continue to gain .

District Meeting and Council of Instruction

The District Meetinq and Council of Instruction fo r District No. 3 was held on Saturday, November 23, 1968 at King George Masonic Temple. The meeting was opened by the officers of Calgary Chapter' No. 11, and they assisted during the meeting. There were 40 Companions present includinq the Grand First Principal, Mos t Ex. Comp. A. Gunning and the Grand H., R. Ex. Comp. A. Haines from Edmonton. I was escorted into the Chapter, received in due form, and invited to the d a is. M. Ex. Comp. A. Gunning, Grand First Principal, a nd h is Officers were then introduced a nd escorted to the East.

A memorial tribute was observed in respect fo r the fraternal dead.

After the readinq of the minutes of the 1967 District Meeting, the various Chapters presented their reports. This shows that three Chap­ters showed a gain in membership, two are holding their own, and two recorded a loss, with a total net loss in membership of 13. However, for the most part, the Chapters are in reasonably healthy condition, and the enthusiasm in most of them is gratifying to see, with the new members takinq an active part in the affairs of the Chapters . It would appear that a better Masonic relationship can be achieved if the social aspect of the Chapters can be promoted, and some thought could be given to this by many of the Chapters.

After the reports, a question and answer period was held, and much worthwhile discussion on the various questions was carried out. Although the Grand Lecturer was unable to attend, the Grand First Principal, M.


Ex. Comp. A. Gunning as well as the Grand Lecturer for last year, R. Ex. Comp. A. Haines together with other Grand Officers were able to an­swer the questions very ably.

Following the election of Grand Superintendent for next year, a ban­quet was held downstairs, and was enjoyed very much by all in atten­dance.

In conclusion, I would like to thank all those who made it possible for me to hold this office, and hope that I have been able to make a contribution in some small way to the var:ous Chapters in the District, although the benefit I have derived from my visits is much greater than the litt1e I have been able to offer to the Chapters. I wish to thank all the Officers and Companions who have assisted me during the year, particularly my Secretary, R. Ex. Comp. George Jones. Without their support, I could not have completed the year.

Finally, I would like to congratulate my successor, Ex. Comp. Don Purnell of Keystone Chapter No. 12 and wish him every sucess during his term. If he receives the same support that I have then his will be a qreat success. I offer him my full support.

Fraternally Submitted, STANLEY H. SCOTT, Grand Superintendent, District No. 3.


Most Excellent Grand First Principal, Officers and Companions, Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta.

Mo'.l t Excellent S ir and Companions:

Having had the honour of serving as Grand Superintendent of Dis­trict No. 4 for the past year, I hereby respectfully submit my report of my visitations for your consideration.

Golden West Chapter No. 5

My official visit to the above Chapter was made on September 24, 1968. Weather conditions were good. I was accompanied by two Compan­ions from Hillvue Chapter No. 15. I was officially received and took my seat in the east. Prior to the conclusbn of the general business of the evening I addressed the Chapter, my subject being, "What Attendance Means to Your Chapter." The M.M.M. Degree was conferred in a very capable manner. The records of this Chapter are kept in excellent con­dition by Comp. E. 0. Cox. A delightful supper was served which was enjoyed by all present.

Shekinah Chapter No. 4

The above Chapter was visited officially on September 11, 1968. The weather and road conditions were very good. The First Principal of this Chapter was unable to be in attendance and the chair was capably filled by I.P.Z. Ken Powell. I was officially received and took a seat in the east. There was no degree work to be done so a general discussion on Chapter affairs was held. I addressed the Chapter with a short paper.

-------- --- -


The books and records are in excellent order, this job being well han­dled by RE. Comp. J. W. Smith. An hour of fellowship followed at the banquet table.

Tau Cross Chapter No. 16

It was a cool day when I visited Tau Cross Chapter but was accom­panied by Companions from Hillvue and we were met by Compa n ions from Golden West and Shekinah Chapters. The regular First Principal being away at university, the chair was taken by R.E . Companion Atkin­son of Tau Cross . I was received officially and given Grand Honours. It appears that th'.s Chapter has an attendance problem so I directed my remarks to the at~endinq Companions to make every effort to remedy this situation. A discussion on the forthcominq church service was held and Tau Cross made arrangements to attend in body. We adjourned to the banquet room where we all enjoye:l an h'.)ur of good fellowship. Date of the visit was October 8, 1968. Records of the Chapter are in order.

Kether Chapter No. 8

October 17, 1968 was the date of my official visit to Kether Chapter No. 8. I was received and given Grand Honours. The meeting was in the capable hands of Ex. C::imp. H. Haugen. Chapter records were examined and found in good order. The Degree of M.M.M. was conferred on four candidates and the work was well done. It was arranged at this meeting to hold a joint installation of all officers of Shekinah, Kether and Hillvue Chapters in December 1968 at Hillvue Chapter. An hour of good fe llow­ship followed which was heartily enjoyed by all. At this meeting visitors were present from Hillvue, Shekinah & Tau Cross which was very grati­fyinq t::i Kether Chapter. Kether Chapter is progressinq very well with new membership.

Hillvue Chapter No. 15

The official visit to my own Chapter, Hillvue No. 15 was held on October 25th, 1968 and to add dignity to this v isit was a visit of the Grand First Principal, A. G. Gunning and Grand Third Principal. Al Haines. I was officially received as were the Most Ex. A. C. Gunning and R.E. A. Haines. The Grand First Principal gave a most interesting talk on Masonry which was well received. The records of this Chapter are in go::id order and attendance is average. Notice came to hand that new membership would be forthcoming which was well received.

District Meeting

The District Meeting of District No. 4 was held on November 23rd, 1968 at Frank, Alberta, w ith thirty Companions in attendance. Chapter was opened by Hillvue Chapter, the host Chapter. I was introduced by RE. Comp. J. W. Smith of Shekinah Chapter of Lethbridge, Alberta, es­corted to the east and accepted the gavel br the business of the meeting. Grand Honours were accorded R.E. Bert James who was seated in the east. The usual business of a general meeting was conducted in the usual manner. The election of the 1969-70 G rand Superintendent resulted in Ex. Comp. J. Hunter of Shekinah Chapter of Lethbridge, Alberta, being duly e lected to fill the position. I congratulate Ex. Comp. J. Hunter whom I know will handle the job efficiently. R.E. Comp. Bert James gave a very in teresting jalk on Masonry. Chapter was closed by Hillvue Chap'er after which the Companions sat down to a lovely roast beef dinner with all trimmings.


In conclusion, I would like to thank the Companions for the oppor­tun ity on allowinq me to serve as District Superin!endent for the past year. I have been enriched by the experience which has been afforded me.

Fraternally submitted,

FRED S. RADFORD, Grand Dis trict Superintendent, District No. 4.


To the Most Excellent Grand First Principal, Officers and Companions of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta.

Most Exce'.lent Sir and Companions:

In general, Chapters see:n lo be experiencing difficulty in securing new members and with the shifting population away from rural centres together w ith the advancing age of members losses are for the most part exceedinq gains. It would appear, however, that this trend can be minimized or even reversed by strong effective leadership which in turn sparks the interest of the members. A number of Chapters are succeeding and I b elieve that in all fairness much of the credit for this must go to the officers in charge. If I were to make a general recommendation to Chapter Officers it would be to put more planning into your meetings and to start them on time.

D:s'rict Meetinq was attended by about 40 members with represen­tation from all Chapters except one. We were very pleased on this occa­sion to have w:th us the Grand Z., the Grand H., the Grand J., the Grand Scribe E. and the Grand Lecturer. Visits by Grand Chapter Officers were very helpful during the year and certainly added much to this meeting.

Durinq my term of office I have visited all Chapters officially and have revisited all but Mount Olivet and Bethel Chapters on several o::ca­sions. I hope to revisit these before my term expires. Without exception I have been accorded the kind of welcome that has made this year the most memorable in my Masonic activities. I deeply appreciate the op­portuni ·y to serve in this capacity and can only wish my successor the same happy experience.

Fraternally submit ted,

L. R. WEBB, Grand District Superintendent, District No. 5.


To the Most Excellent Grand First Principal, Officers and Companions of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta.

Most Exce'.lent Sir and Companions:

I hereby submit my report as Grand Superintendent of Dis trict No. 6, for the past Grand Chapter year.


Harmony Chapt·er No. 26

My official vis it was made to Ha rmony Chapter No. 26 on September 25th, 1968. I was received into the Chapter, given Grand Honors, escorted to the East, e tc.

The First Principal then proceeded with the business of the evening, after which the R.A.M. Degree was conferred on six candidates in a most efficient manner as Harmony Chapter has always been capable of doing. I had the pleasure of being accompanied by Rt. Ex. Companion A. Brown in the East. A very delicious lunch followed at the close . The books and records are well kept.

Bow Valley Chapter No. 10

I travelled to Bow Valley Chapter No. 10 on Oc'.ober 8th, 1968, and on beinq notified of the cancellation of the meeting due to good harv­esting weather we returned home after enjoying the fellowship of several Companions who accompanied me.

My official visit was again made to Bow Valley Chapter No. 10 on November 12th, 1968. I was received into the Chapter, given Grand Honors, escorted to the East, etc. At this time I had the pleasure of Most Ex. Compan ion A. C. Gunning, Grand First Principal; Rt. Ex. Companion C. Duthie and TI!. Ex. Companion W. H. Houghton accompanying me in the East.

The First Principal then proceeded with the business of the evening. There being no degrees, they held a very enjoyable discussion on Chap­ter business. A very delicious lunch followed at the close. The books and records are well kept.

Empre55 Chapter No. 35

My official visit was made to Empress Chapter No. 35 on November 14th, 1968. I was received into the Chapter, given Grand Honors, escorted to the East , etc.

The First Principal then proceeded with the business of the evening, afte r which Rt . Ex. Companion P. B. Slater, who accompanied me, gave a very interesting talk on Masonic History. A delicious lunch followed at the close. The books and records are well kept.

This Chapter being the smallest and most isolated in the District is working hard to increase membership and are entitled to all encourage­ment they can get.

I again visited this Chapter on December 12th, 1968, this being the official visit of the Grand First Principal, Most Ex. Companion A. C. Gun­ninq who received his Grand Honors. I had the pleasure of accompany­ing him in the East and to assist him with the installation of officers elect. A delicious lunch was served a t the close.

Assiniboia Chapte r No. 3

My official visit was made to Assiniboia Chapter No. 3 on November 21st, 1968. I was roceived into the Chapter, given Grand Honors, es:::orted to the East, etc.


The First Pr'ncipal then proceeded w ith the business of the evening. General discussions were held, especially on membership, and will show resu'ts in the next s everal months. The Chapter was opened and closed by the Officers in a very excellent manner. A delicious lunch followed at the close. The books and records are very well kept.

W. H. DUXBURY, Grand District Superintendent, District No. 6.


As the correspondence that comes into the Grand Scribe E. office was dealt with daily, M.E. Companion F. J. Hand moved and M.E. Companion W. N. Martin seconded that the correspondence be received and filed in the archives . Carried.


The Grand First Principal then requested the Grand Scribe E. to read the names of the Past Grand First Princ:pals, and asked as each name was read to approach the Alter. The followinq responded:

M.E. Companion F. J. Hand M.E Companion C. M. Lave rty M.E. Companion J. L. Innes M.E. Companion W. N. Martin M.E. Companion Frank Mayer M.E. Companion H.J. McCoy M.E. Companion George Grieve M.E. Companion G. D. Chattaway ME. Companion F. L. Colwell

Grand Firs t Principal, M.E. Compan'.on A. C. Gunning: "It is a grand sight to see so many of our Past Grand First Principals present today and I want to thank you for all the work you have been doing for Grand Chapter over the years. I want to thank you most sincerely for the help you have given most freely and I sincerely trust that good heal th will be with you for many years, be:ause this Grand Chapter needs you."

Most Excellent Companion Frank Mayer said that "over the years we have tried to do what is right and have endeavoured to keep this Grand Chapter up to the place it has come to expect, thank you M.E. Sir."


The Grand first Principal then requested the Grand Scribe E. to read the names of the Grand Representatives, and as each name was called to assemble west of the Altar.

Delaware .... ·········------------------··-·--------V. T. Younq Idaho ............................................ J. L. Innes India .......................................... W. N. Martin Iowa ........... ............................... F. R. Eric Mulder lre '.and .......................................... Dave Neill Kansas .............. .1. L. Brownlee Kentucky ..................................... H. Cuthbert Maine ............................................ G. D. Chattaway Manitoba .................................................... A. C . Gunning Michigan ... . ............................... A. Delaney


Missouri ......... S. Blair Mexiro ... . ............................ H. ). McCoy Nevada ............... . ....................... L. R. Webb New Brunswick ........................................ F. H. Walker New Hampshire ............................. A. Hains New Jersey .......... . ............... ............ T. M. White New York . . ....................................... C . M. Laverty New Zealand ............................................ F. Mayer North Carolina . . ............................. D. R. Gittins North Dakota ............ . .................. Bert James Oregon ................ . ................ ............ Walter Hill Quebec ...................................................... W. H. Houghton Rhode Island ............................................ A. J. Rutz Scotland .. . ..................................... W. J. Forsyth South Carolina ........................................ F. W. Keyte South Dakota .................... . ............ Paul Thomas Switzerland ................... E. Searle Texas ... . ........ P Kendall Utah ................ . ............................. Cecil Duthie Victoria .................... Norman Leslie Virginia ........................ A. Brown Washington .. .......... . ..................... George Grieve West Virginia ........................................ F. J. Hand Wisconsin ................................................ P. W. Slater Wyominq .. ... . .......................... V. R. Speare

Grand Z: "To see so many of our Grand Representatives, is very interesting. Your office is one of the most important links in Royal Arch Masonry because it rests on you to keep friendly re1ations between this Grand Chapter and one you represent.

It is hoped that you will be able to visit and if not, write them and when you do give them an outline of our work here in Alberta. Thank you all for be'ng here today."

R.E. Companion Dave Neill: "M.E. Sir, I have visited Ireland and as the representative, was made very welcome and met the representative of Alberta near Ireland, and was asked to convey g re etings from Ire­land."

M.E. Companion W. N. Martin and M.E. Companion Frank Colwell, and R.E. Companion 0. P. Thomas, reported that they had received let­ters from the Jurisdiction that they represented.

Grand Z: "Thank you very much and I sincerely hope you can gain by your visits and the letters that you receive. Thank you for being present."

British Columbia

Most Excellent Companion E. E. Andrews spoke briefly bringing qreetinqs and well wishes from British Columbia.

Grand Z thanked h im for his words of w elcome .


Report of The Grand Scribe E. To the Most Excellent Grand First Principal, Officers and Companions

of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta.

Most Excellent Sir a nd Companions:-

! have the pleasure of presenting my report for the past Grand Chapter year ending February 281.h, 1969, together with the Grand Treasurer's Financial Statement and the report of the Auditor M. C. Hyde, C.A.

Annual returns have been received from all but Hillvue Chap'cr No 15, and Wapiti Chapter No. 34, and Viking Chapter was very late in getting their returns in.

If the Scribe E. of these delinquent Chapters would take notice that immediately following the Installation of Officers in January, they could have these reports in the hands of the Grand Scribe E., so that the Com­mittee on the Condition of Capitular Masonry, could have more time to go over the returns and give a better picture of the Chapters in the Province.


Number of Chartered Chapters .

Membership as at December 31st, 1967 ..... .



Restored .....

Demitted ... .



Deleted ................. ...................................... .

Deaths ................. .

Membership December 31st, 1968 .. ....... ..... ................. . .















Alberta Chapter No. 1 ................. ..... .. . C. A. Ball, E. S. Thompson, W. C Pritchard

North Star Chapter No. 2 ................... G. W. Edgelow, N. A. Grant Keystone Chapter No. 12 .................... W. G. Kennedy, T. R. Coe Capital City Chapter No. 13 ............ J. W. Wilson, J McCormick The Hiram Chapter No. 19 ..... .......... J. Foster Crescent Chapter No. 24 .............. A. A. MacCalder Eheyeh Chapter No. 27 .. ...... ................ J V. Kneals, I. Miller Lebanon Chapter No. 38 ................... A. E. Hollings Cold Lake Chapter No. 39 ....... .... .. ... D. Brandley



Alberta Chapter No. 1 ....... ...... R. S. Hun ter, T. W. C. Kelter, Jr.

Otuskwan Chapter No. 9 ............. F. Bentley, A. Klassen

Tau Cross Chapter No. 16 ..... K. S. W'eatherhead

Norwood Chapter No. 18 ...... L. H. Norman

Harmony Chapter No. 26 ...... R. T Armstronq

Parklands Chapter No. 31 ................... D. W. Hampson, R. McFarland

Alberta Chapter No. 1

North Star Chapter No. 2

Assiniboia Chapter No. 3


......... R. W. Aylesworth

... E. L. Jonah, R. K. Bann ister, R. D. Hanson, F. Booth, J. Chris'enson, C. S. Moore

. W. H. Hayne

Shekinah Chapter No. 4 .... ................. M. L. Freed

Golden West Chapter No. 5 ... L. E. Peterson

Otuskwan Chapter No. 9 ..... .............. J. H Mooney, I. F. Mason, J. F. Jen­sen, J. R. Barkley, A. F. Trickey, E. A. Kutryk

Bow Valley Chapter No. ID .. C. V. Madsen

Calgary Chapter No. 11 ...... . .. H. f. McDonald

Keystone Chapter No. 12 .. J. E. Crawley, D. G . Jardine, H. Hicks, H. A. Kerr, A. N. Newell, D. f. Snell

Capital City Chapter No. 13 .. . ... M. L. Habkirk, H. C. Nicholson, G. T. Maher, W. D. Smith, D. J. Wilson

Vermilion Chapter No. 14 .. J. V. Kneale, G . W. Carpenter, F. R. Brick

Mount Olivet Chapter No. 17 .. D. V. Gilmour, G . A. Peterson

Norwood Chapter No. 18 .A. Furniss

The Hiram Chapter No. 19 ..... . .. C. R. Reiman, H. Mc. McDonald

Banff Chapter No. 20 ......... . ...... L. J. Foster

Strathmore Chapter No. 21 ...... C. R. Braqq

Crescent Chapter No. 24 ...... R. M. Holmes, S. Pa lmie re, C. Del­aney, R. E. Hendrickson

Eheyeh Chapter No. 27

Hanna Chap~r No. 28

.............. J. E. Taylor

.. W. D. Fitzsimmons, W. Oisen, J. Foster


Edson Chapter No. 30 . . .................. R. W. Dowling, G. A. Schultz, W. L. Hammitt

Pcrklands Chapter No. 31 . D. McBethune

Viking Chapter No. 32 . H. S. Beveridge

Lebanon Chapter No. 38 L. Hanna, C. C. Oberg, H. M. Odland

Alberta Chapter No. I ..

North Star Chapter No. 2 ..

Otuskwan Chapter No. 9 ..

Bow Valley Chapter No. 10

Calgary Chapter No. 11


.S. A. English, L. McCarger, W. R. McKay, R. J. Nicholls, J. J. Owen, W. C. Parnell, A. E. Reeves, A. W. C. Whitburn

... J. M. Fraser, W. Gardiner, T. H. Gra-ham, R. F. Hutchinson, G. Heddle­ston, C. E. Hobbs, S. Jacobsen, M. King, E. Kalmin, G. W. Milne, B. L. Nugent, M. Osten, F. C. Staples, H. Swadden, H. Underwood, G. C. Welsh, W. Wyllis

L. K. Brown, H J. Busby, A. L. Esta­brook, J. H. Forckel, G. H. Wilkie, H. K. Anderson, K. M. Bowie, J. A. Grogan, L. S. Henderson, N. B. Mer­rell, G. C. Morgan, B. A. Souter, G. E. Cumming, G. L. Bosworth

.... F. E. Michael

N. A. Fitzs immons, J. D Madder, 0. Kutsch

Keystone Chapter No. 12 ................... K. R. Sproule, G. F. Lobban

Capital City Chapter No. 13

Mount Olivet Chapter No.

Norwood Chapter No. 18

Banff Chapter No. 20

Crescent Chapter No. 24

Hanna Chapter No. 28

Coronation Chap'.er No. 37


... N. J. Garratt, D. R. McDonald, A. Warnick, H. W. Webber

.. J. S. Clarke, V. R. York, A. J. Gullek­son

. ............. C. A. Frey, R. G. Menchions

............ W. E Martin

... T. A. Ansley, A. R. Hunter E. P. Nieman, J. A. Price, N. Stearns, J. H. Wood, R. G. McCracken

... W. Mc. Wilson

..... R. W. Beckstead, C . L. Wilson





To the Officers:

Calgary, Alberta,

April 3rd, 1969.

I have examined the books of account of Grand Chap'er of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta as maintained by the Grand Scribe E., and the Grand Treasurer and have prepared therefrom the balance sheet of Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta as at February 28th, 1969 and the s tatements of revenue and expenditures and receipts and payments for the year ended on that date. My examination included a general review cf the accounting procedures and such tests of account­ing records and other supporting evidence as I considered necessary in the circumstances.

I did not confirm the balance due from or owing to Constituent Chapters as at February 28th, 1969.

Subject to the above comment, in my opinion, the financial state­ments present fuirly the financial position of ihe Grand Chapter as at February 28th, 1969 and the results of its operations for the year ended on that date, in accordance with generally accepted accounting princi­ples applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year.

Calgary, Alberta.

April 3rd, 1969.


Chartered Accountant.







Cash on hand ______ ___ __ __ -- ----------- ------------------------------------

Cas h in bank-current account ---------------------- ---------­-savings account ------------------

Accounts receivable--constituent chapters ___ ______ _ Marketable securities-at cost __________ __ ________ ___ _______ _

Accrued interest receivable

Inventories of supplies as p repared by officials, valued at cost-

Chapter supplies __ Office supplies __ ___ _

FIXED ASSETS, a t cost-Office equipment ___ __ __ _______ ___ ______________ _

Less - accumula ted depreciation



Balance at February 29 ,1968 and at February 28, 1969 ------------------ __ ____ _______ ---- --------------


Statement A

$ 1,415.45

3,215.40 2,089.61




1,188.71 379.71 $19,426.39

$ 265.00 26500


$ 3,900.00

Balance at February 29, 1968 ---------------------· ------------- $13,910.80 Add-excess of revenue over expenditures for the year ____ ----------------------------------

Balance at February 28, 1969 ----------------------- ----- --------

This is the balance sheet referred to in the report of M. C. Hyde, Chartered Accountcmt, dated April 3, 1969.









Per capita dues ------------- -------------------Certificates-membership ..... ---------------- ______ ... ____ _

-life -------------------------------------------------------------------past principals --------------------------------------------

Warrants and dispensations ----------------------·-··· Affiliations ·---·--·----·--··----------------------------·------------------------------Sale of supplies _________ -------------- ----- -- -----------Banquet tickets Interest earned .


Grand Convocation -Proceedings ............. . $1.050.33 Printing ........ --------------······· 135.30 Travel and entertainment . -----------------····· 484.65 Rent ________ .... 102.50 Tape recorder and P.A. system 47.00 Tyler .. ______ _ 5.00

Travelling -

Grand Z. . .................................................. . $ 600.00 Grand Superintendents .......................... . 21000 Grand Scribe E -----------------------· 23.75

Office -

Grand Scribe E. . ... _____ -------·--------- $1,006.00 Rent .. . _____ ----------------------------------------------·--···· 180.00 Storage ------·-··-··-······---·····----····--------··------------ 150.00 Audit _____ ----------·---------------·········--·------------------ 150.00 Postage and telephone ........................... . 90.00 Office supolies and expense ............... . 389.76 Exchange -------- ------ --------------·-------- 8.01 Safety deposit box ------·------------- 7.50 Insurance . ____ ... ---------·------------- 12.00

General -

Grand Z. Regalia ....................................... . $ 248.80 General Grand Chapter 14568 Obituary notices _______ _ 33.16 Christmas cards .... 3427


Statement B





$4,804.50 446.00 122.00 26.00 76.00

6.00 360.07 421.00 467.73



EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES for the year ...... $1,615.59




Statement C

RECEIPTS-Chaoter accounts ------------·--··-----·-·--·---------------- -----------------Cash sales -·-··--····-----------··------------·-------------------- ------------------­Banquet tickets ·-·---··----·---- -- ---- ·----- --------------------·----------------Account receivable -------------------------·······-----·--·--------------------· Bond interest ______ _____ ·-----·--·------------------------------ -- --- -- ·· ... ---··-Bank interest ·----· ---·-··-·----···---··-· ---·---------------- ···---­Sale of bond _ --·--··-·--·-··--·------------·--·------------· ··--·-----

Cash in bank, February 29, 1968 -------··-- -- --------------- __________________ _

PAYMENTS-Grand Convocation

Proceedings ···-·-· ·--···· -·--···- ··--·---------------------­Printing ----------------------------------··-·-·-·- ·---·----- -----Travel and entertainment -------------·---·------Rent ----··-·-···------------·- ----------·-- --·-·-------------------· Tape recorder and P.A. system ___________ _ Tyler ________ ---------------·---·--·-··-----·---------------------- -

Travelling -Grand Z. -- ------- --------------------- ---------·- ---·------·· Grand Superintendents ------------·--­Grand Scribe E_ ---------------------------------·-·- -·-

Office -Grand Scribe E. ----------------- __ ·----·--·--------Rent ______________ _ __________________ _ Storage --------------------------- --- ----------------·-··--------Audit ----------------·-··------·----·---·------------· ---------- ---Postaqe and telephone ------------------------- -- ­Office supplies and expense ---------------· Exchange --------·--·-····-------------------------------------Safety deposit box ·-·-···-------- --- --- ------ ··-·-·---Insurance ------------··------··--------------------------------

General -

$1,050.33 135.30 484.65 102.50 47_00


$ 600.00 210.00


$1,006.00 180.00 150.00 150.00 90.00

428.09 8.01 7.50


$1,824 .78



$ 5,457.65 31.80

421.00 34.27

467.50 43.98


$ 7,456.20 4.416.30


Grand Z. Regalia ------·-·--·-------------------------­General Grand Chapter ------·----------·--·--­Obituary notices ---------···---------------------------­Christmas cards --------·---·--···- -------------·-------

$ 248.80 145.68 33.16 34.27 461.91 $5, 152.04

Cash on hand - February 28, 1969 ----------------- -------· Cash in bank - February 28, 1969 ------------------·-----------------------------

1,415.45 5,305.01


No. Name of Chapter



Where Held Regular

Convocation First

Principal Scribe E.

l, Alberta. ...... - ... Calgary ............ 2nd Monday ......... R. J. Cupit F. J. Hand ......... .

2. North Star ..... .. Edmonton ......... 3rd Thursday ...... F. Leach..... W. D. McAllister

3, Aaslniboia ....... Medicine Hat... 3rd Thursday .. D. Francis .......... J. D. Tullord ...... .

4. Shekinah ......... Lethbridge ....... 2nd Wednesday. B. Shultz .............. J. W. Smith ........ .

5. Golden West.. High River ........ 4th Tuesday ......... R. R. N. Cormacl E. 0. Cox .......... .

8. Kether ... - .......... Pincher Creek. 3rd Thursday ...... G. E. Baines H. S. Kemp ........ .

9. Otuskwan ....... Calgary........ lat Thursday ... - ... 0. M. Ward ..... S. R. Bell

10. Bow Valley ..... Gleichen ........... 2nd Tuesday .. ·-··· G. King .............. E. G. Ferguson

11. Calgary ........... Calgary ............. 3rd Tuesday ... _ .... C. E. Lamb ....... G. V. Jones ....... .

12. Keystone .......... Red Deer ......... 4th Tuesday ......... W. J. Saunders H. B. Rogers ..... .

13. Capital City .... Edmonton .......... 2nd Friday ........... K. White ............. F. R. Chapman ..

lC. Vermilion .. ·-···· Vermilion ....... - . 2nd Tuesday ........ R. J. Zipe ............. M. P. Norton

15, Hillvue .............. Frank ................. ftth Friday ............ V. L. Martinez ... R. F. Johnson ..

18. Tau Cross ........ Claresholm ....... 2nd Tuesday ........ D. W. Thompson L. J. Wilhite ... .

17. Mount Olivet .. Killam ................. 3rd Wednesday .. C. H. Driedger Paul Schnell ..... .

18. Norwood .......... Edmonton ....... _. 4th Wednesday .. R. H. Miller ........ J. W. Limb .

19, The Hiram ....... Y'oungatown ..... (th Monday .......... J. T. Jamieson .. M. A. Solberg ..

20. BanfL ............. Ban!L ............... 3rd Thursday ....... J. P. Walls F. H. Kidney ... .

21. Strathmore ...... Strathmore ...... 2nd Thursday D. K. McKinnon J. W. Freeman ..

:U. Crescent ........... Calgary ............ 3rd Monday .......... J. B. McDonald .. T. Lunn ... .

28. Harmony ....... _. Bassano ........... 4th Wednesday .. W. D. Wood ...... J. Byciuk ........... .

27. Eheyeh .. ·-········ Drumheller ...... lat Thursday ... - .. W. J. Gutowski . A. J. Rutz ........... .

28. Hanna ... ·-··-······ Hanna. .............. 3rd Monday ......... G. S. Motta ........ W. J. Simpson ..

30. Edson ................ Edson ................ 2nd Wednesday D. C. Asel ........... D. A. Simpkins

31. Parldands ........ Wainwright .... (lb Thursday ... D. Rattray .... J. Farrugia .......... .

32. Viking ........... - .. Viking ............... 41b Tuesday ... - .... R. W. Dunbar E:. A. Hanson .

33. Hamar ........... - .. Hughenden ..... 4th Wednesday ..

34. Wapiti ............... Grande Prairie 3rd Thursday ....... N. H. Sabog ...... W. J. Leslie ... . 35. EmpreH ........... Empress ............ 2nd Thursday ...... D. D. Crawford ... D. D. Crawford 38. Bethel ................ Forestburgh .... lat Tuesday .......... R. J. Patmore ..... A. W. Brennan .. 37. Coronation ...... Coronation ...... Last Tuesday ....... R. C. Warnock ... G. G. Campbell 38. Lebanon ........... Stettler .. ·-········ 2nd Monday ......... O. McCurdy ..... .. H. B, Stitt ......... . 39. Cold Lake ... Cold Lake .... (lb Tuesday .... G. Boeriu ........... M. R. Harper ... .


TO DECEMBER 31st, 1968


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1717-28th Avenue S.W .. Calgary 174 10 3 2 8 s 17S 18 9603-88th Avenue, Edmonton ·-·· 372 7 2 6 17 6 3S2 20 S4 1226-3rd Ave. S.E., Med. Hat 170 s 163 7 43 1314-6th Ave. S •• Lethbridge 127 4 122 s 9 Box 656, High River ....... 96 3 93 3 11 Box 114, Pincher Creek ·-- S9 4 6 S7 2 8 1330-19th Avenue N.W. , Calgary 403 9 2 6 14 12 392 11 4S Box 70. Gleichen ···-················ 49 3 9 41 8 922-Sth Street N.W., Calgary -- ISO 3 3 3 146 4 20 SS28-4Sth Avenue, Red Deer .... 108 s 2 6 1 3 lOS 3 7 14608-Hth Avenue1 Edmonton ·- 261 s 2 s 4 4 2SS 6 36 Vermilion. Alberta ·----·-········· 94 3 2 90 4 Blairmore, Alberta ······--··-· 63 2 3 S8 s 2 Box 190, Claresholm, Alberta .... S6 1 ·--- 1 S6 SS-Mt. Pleasant Drive, Camrose .. 67 s 2 3 s 62 s 2 11667-73rd Avenue, Edmonton .. 13S 2 1 2 1 134 12 Sunny Nook, Alberta ···-·······- 3S 2 2 33 2 3 Box 218. Banff, Alberta ····--··----·-- 72 2 68 4 11 Box 186, Strathmore, Alberta .... 88 1 1 88 6 214-4lst Avenue N.W., Calgary .. 247 6 4 7 6 237 10 21 Bassano, Alberta ···-·-···---········----·-·- 96 12 3 106 10 12 Box 1107, Drumheller, Alberta .. 116 2 118 2 9 Box 10S7, Hanna. Alberta ·-····-----· 67 3 3 60 7 7 Box 993, Edson, Alberta ····----······ 103 3 ·101 2 14 Box 1074, Wainwright, Alberta .. S2 2 I S4 2 Viking, Alberta -------------·-·-·-··- 44 42 2 2

37 37 10278-110 Ave. Grande Prairie 121 4 s 3 117 4 Box 39, Oyen, Alberta ..... 31 32 2 Forestburg, Alberta ······-·-·--··-······· 49 49 Box 92, Castor, Alberta ·--···--········ 3S I 2 34 Box 428, Stettler, Alberta ·--··-· ·---- 39 2 3 39 Box 269, Grand Centre. Alberta . 29 12 3 39 10

364S 98 15 9 62 76 74 3,SSS 26 116 3S5

Fratemally •ubmilted,

·~ . . Grand Scribe E.





Name No.

Alberta _________ I

North Star ----- ------------- ----- 2 Assiniboia ---- ----- ------ --------- - 3 Shekinah -------------------------- 4 Golden West ____ 5

Kether ---------------------- ··---------- 8 Otuskwan ____ -----·-------··-- 9 Bow Valley 10 Calgary _____ _ __ 11 Keystone _____ 12 Capital City ___________________ 13

Vermilion -----------------·---------- 14 Hillvue ----------------- lS Tau Cross -------------------------- 16 Mount Olivet ____________________ 17

Norwood ------------- 18 Hiram ------------------------------------ 19 Banff ______ ------------------------------- 20 Strathmore ------ ---------- --------- 21 Crescent ·---------------------------- - 24 Harmony ··-------------------------- 26 Eheyeh ___________ ---·----- _________ 27

Hanna ···-·-····-·------------- ·-----··· 28 Edson ---··-·······-- ·----··--·- .... ... 30 Parklands -----·-·····--------·-····-· 31 Viking ·---------- ---------- ---··· · __ .. 32 Hamar -----···· ·--·- __________________ 33

Wapiti --------------------·---·········· 34 Empress __________ --------------·-··· 3S Bethel ------··-------------------·- ·--··-· 36 Coronation -----·····-···--···-·--··· 37 Lebanon --···-------·--·····----·-···· 38 Cold Lake -------··-------------·-·- 39



$ 282.40 SSL! 1 276.79 193.2S 134.00 lOS.00 S62.32 70.85

262 90 33S.17 408.lS 148.00 130.30 89 00

138.14 197.72

63.50 93.2S

220.S8 377.21 236.lS 202.09 104.84 147.00 97.93 66.61

127.40 333.48 SI.OS

109.30 67.46 7S.80




$ 339.7S $ 608.77 277.00 193.2S 139.00 109.00 608.37 64.00

223.40 253.00 41215 122.15 82.30

105.20 137.14 197.00

30.50 93.25

228.86 376.00 110.40 200.59 21.50

156.85 91.75

69.30 1S0.7S

4.00 63.46 78.80


Statement D



6.8S 39.SO 82.17

2S8S 48.00

I.OD .72


1.21 14S.7S

I.SO 83.34

6.18 66.61 S8.10

182.73 SI.OS

lOS.30 4.00

$ S7.3S S7.66


S.00 4.00






3.00 17.SO

$6,418.77 $5,705.01 $ 942.86 $ 229.10

Amounts charged _____ $6,418 .77 Amounts received 5,705.01

Balance, as at February 28, 1969 $ 713.76






Cash in bank, February 29, 1968

-general account -savings account __________ ___ __ ______ .. __ _

Receipts for the year - Statement C


Orders on the Treasurer -- ------------------------------ -- --­

Safety deposit box -- --------------- ------------ ------------ ---------

Exchange --------------- --------·---·------- -- --------- ------------- -- -- -- ---

Cash in bank, February 28, 1969

-general account -----------------------

-savings account --- -- ------------- ---Cash on hand - February 28, 1969 _____ ___ _

Statement E


578.13 $4,416-30








$11.872 50




Moved by M.E. Companion F. ). Hand and seconded by M.E. Comp­anion W. N. Martin that the report of the Grand Treasurer, the Grand Scribe E. and the Auditor be received and adopted. Carried.



To the Most Excellent Grand First Principal, Officers a nd Companions of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta.

Most Excell<:mt Sir and Companions:

Your Committee on Warrants beg to report tha t no correspondence respecting Warrants have been referred to us this past year.

Fraternally submitted,

F. L. COL WELL, W. N. MARTIN, Chairmen.

On the motion o! M.E. Companion F. L. Colwell, seconded by M.E. Companion W. N. Martin, it was resolved that the report of the Committee on Warrants be received and adopted. Carried.


To the Most Excellent Grand Firs t Principal, Officers and Companions of The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta.

Most Excellent Sir and Compani-ons:

Your Committee on Audit and Finances has examined the reports of The Grand Treasurer, The Grand Scribe E., and the Auditor, M. C. Hyde, C.A., for the past Grand Chapter y ear ending February 28th, 1969.

We recommend the acceptance of the reports of The Grand Treasurer, The Grand Scribe E., and the Auditor.

We recommend that M. C. Hyde, CA., be continued a s Auditor for the ensuing Grand Chapter year.

We recommend that the p rinting of the Proceedings for 1969 be awarded to The Albertan Job Press Limited on the same basis a s last year.

In accordance with the Constitution, Clause (c) Section 51, your Committee submits the following estimate for the probable expenses or expenditure of Grand Chapter for the Grand Chapter year ending Feb­ruary 28th, 1970.

Grand Convocation Proceedings and Constitution ------·-----·--·--·------------· Printing ----------------·--·---··-··-----·-·---·····----------·--------·------Grand Tyler ____________ _____ _ Grand Organist ··----···---·---------Entertainment and Travel -----------------------·---Rent ........................ ---------Tape Recorder and P.A. System .... ____ ........ .

Travelling Grand First Principal .. Grand Sc•ibe E. __ Grand Superintenden ts Grand Lecturer --------·

2,000.00 175.00

5 DD 5.00

393.75 125.00 47 OD

600 DD 150 DO 21000


2.750 75

1,010 OD


G rand Scribe E. Rent . Storage __ _ Auditor Insuran :;e __ Postage, Express, Telephone _ Supplies. Office Expense ________ _ Exchange __ Bank, Safety Box ___ _


Gen. Gr':!nd Chaplet New Regalia ·-----··---­Regalia Reconditioned Obituary Notices __ __ _ _



3D.DD 125.00 425.00

15.00 10 OD

15500 300.00 300.DO

Subscription to R.A.M. Donations, Wreaths, Flowers, etc.

3000 4650


Grand Convocation ·-· ··----·---


Office ---·· -------------------------------------·------------------- ---------·------------




General 961.50

Fraternally submitted,





On the motion of M.E. Companion J. L. Innes, seconded by R.E. Com­panion T. B. Donald, it was resolved that the Committee on Audi t and Finance be received and adopted. Carried.


M.E. Companion C. M. Laverty, presenting R.E. Companion W. Hill with the Grand Chapter Award, one of the most selective awards that have been issued congratulating him for his outstanding achievements.


Most Ex. Ccmpanion W. N Martin, presenting V.E. Companion H. B. Rogers with the Bronze Medallion, awarded from the General Grand Chapter.



To the Most Excellent The Grand First Principal, Officers and Companions of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta.

Most Excellent Sir and Companions:

Your Committee on Honors and Awards is pleased to be a ble to pre­sent the following report but before we do so may we draw attention to our sad loss as a committee and our great loss a s a Grand Chapter in the death of Most Ex. Companion W. H. Scott who has been a faithful a ttendan t and regular participant in the work of our Grand Chapter for years ... one of the old reliables.

The attention of your committee has been drawn to a Rt Ex. Comp­anion who was initiated into Masonry in December of 1912 and received his Master Mason's Degree in March of 1913 in Un ity Lodge #51 in Ed­monton. It is the opinion of your committee that this Rt. Ex. Companion is worthy of the high honor of being singled out to receive our first Honor Medal at the hands of this Grand Chapter and indeed that we are honored to present him with this distinction and to have had him among us as a faithful worker for so long a time.

This Companion holds his 50 Year Jewels from both Unity Lodge #51 and Capital C ity Chapter #13 of which he became a membe r in March 1915. He ascended to the First Principalship of this Chapter in 1930 and became Registrar of this Grand Chapter in 1931. He was the fourth Com­panion to be awarded by way of this Grand Chapter, the Distinguished Service Medal of G eneral Grand Chapter . . . this in 1955.

Following on with an account o f his Masonic accomplishments w e find that this Companion joined the Edmonton Preceptory in 1926 and was elected Presiding Preceptor in 1941. He joined Zahar Council #4 in 1931 and was elected Thrice Ill. Master of that Council in 1936. He fol­lowed on to become Inspector General of the Criptic Rite for the western division in 1940.

Those of us who know him b est will now have recognized the Comp­anion we are speaking of as Rt. Ex. Comp. Walter Hill who went on yet beyond the above lis t of most outstanding accomplishments to a dis­tinguished career in Taylor Conclave #5 wherein he b ecame their Sov­ereign and in 1946 was elected Grand Jntendent G eneral of the western division of the Red Cross of Constantine.

In this outstanding Masonic career our report has touched only the high spots in a life devoted to Masonry and to service.

Your committee takes very great pleasure in recommending Rt. Ex. Comp. Walter Hill as the first recipient of our Honors Medal from this Grand Chapter of Alberta and w e would suggest that our recommenda­tion, if it meets with your favour, be acted upon a t once so that it may be worn durinq this convocation.

Fraternally submitted,


On the motion of M.E. Companion C. M. Laverty, seconded by M.E. Companion George Chattaway, that the report of the Committee on Hon­ors and A wards be received and adopted. Carried.


u MOLINCSS TO THE L. O R O. " ' -~~"i!.-:- :....-~_,_.:..:.;.~~--:'-'-;~~~,,.:--~___,..-:.._-<--= :. - '-:~ - -·'--~-----':-;,:;_,:._..,,. _ _,,._,;~-"",..,,..

Jn ;ifllemorp OF THE DECEASED

Companions of Our Own and Sister Jurisdictions


"Our bone may molder and become the earth

o f the fields but the spirit issues forth and lives

on high in a condition of Glorious Brightness,

God is the common Father of all.



To the Most Excellent Grand First Principal, Officers and Companions of the Grand Chap'er of Royal Arch Ma~ons of Alberta.

Most Excellent Sir and Companions:

Again we pause to pay our heartfelt respects to the memory of our Companions who have been called to the Grand Chapter on high.

During the year 1968, eighty-one faithful Companions have been taken from our midst.

They labored well in the interests of Masonry and surely made their contribution lo the advancement of Capitular Masonry in \he G rand Jurisdiction.

We deeply mourn their passing and extend our sincere sympathy lo their relatives and friends.

Beautiful l ives are tho£e whose span Is spent in duly lo God and Man.

Becutiful calm when course is run Beautiful twilight al set of sun.

Bea tiful rest with a life well done.

Fraternally submitted, A HAINES, Chairman S. R. BELL A. L. WILLIAMS

On the motion oi R.E. Companion A. Haines, seconded by R.E. Com­panion S. R. Bell, ii was :

Resolved that the report of the Committee on Frate rnal Dead be re­ceived and adopted.

Alabama .....

British Columbia Colorado

Kentucky Louisiana


. .................... J. R. Brown, P.G.H.P. J. T. McRae, P.G HP. S. B. Morris, P.G.H.P.

.................................... R. T. Litt, P.G.Z . ......... .............. -8 E. Hedlund, P.G.H.P.

W. G. Saskett, P.G.H.P . ................. ...... F. A. Ropke, P.G.H.P.

....................... H. 0 . Hartman, P.G.H.P. R. L. Clayton, P.G.H.P.

Manitoba .. . ..... S. E. Greenberg, P.G.Z. E. T. Johnson, P.G.Z. F. C. Nixon, P.G.Z.

Maine ......................................................... F. W. Burke, P.G.K. New York . . ................ ...... G. J. Vetter, P.G. Treasurer

E. M. Henderson, P.G.H.P. Ne w Hampshire .............................. G. D. Goodhue, P.G.H.P.

H. R. Kelley, P.G .H.P. Nova Scotia .................................. A. H. McMillan, P.G.H.P.

R. V. Harris, P.G.H.P.

Oklahoma __ ____ -----------

Ohio ----- -----------------------Pennsylvania ___ _ South Dakota

Texas ----­Tennessee __


____ c. F. Hansen, P.G.H.P. G. G. Green, G - King

_________________ S_ E. Jones, P.G .H.P-------- _________ w_ !. Wiest, P.G.H.P.

__ ------------------ ____ J_ D. Thorpe, P.G.H.P. C. E. Buehler, P G.H.P. J_ R. Johnson, P.G.H P.

____________________ _______ J. W. Pender Sr., P.G.H-P.

-·-----·-··-----------------A- G Hudson, M.D., P.G.H.P. Wisconsin _ ______ __ _______ __ _________ ___________ o_ E. Flisram, P_G.H-P.

Wyominq E- S. Dodge, P.G.H.P-

-·-·----------------------- ___ W. J. Haines, P.G .H.P. W. R. Saunders, P.G H.P­H_ C. Watson, P.G.H P.


Alberta Chapter No. 1 ------------------------C. S. C. Davis, E. F. Doolan, A_ G. Boyce , C- M. Bleaken, A_ G . Acton

North Star Chap ter No. 2 ______ _____________ J . Simon, C. G . Parker, L. W. Dickens, C. W. Kirby, W. H. Scott, E. A. Farrah

Assiniboia Chapter No. 3 ______________ f . T. Fisher, S. C. Taylor A. G . Finch, J. Henderson, H. K. Wellband

Shekinah Chapter No. 4 _____________________ p_ G. Butler, J. M. Underdahl, W. Scott, J. B. MacTa vish

Golden West Chapter No. 5 ----------------G. McManus Carson, D. H. Galbraith, R. v_ Hitchner

Kether Chapter No_ B ____________________________ w_ R. Cochrane, H. A. Gunn, C. Clarke, G. A. Acton, C. A. Muldoon, W. Marcellus

Otuskwan Chapter No. 9 -·-·------------ ___ W. A. Ackland, J. A. Cawston, H. A. Taylor, E_ J. Coleman, F. W. B. Mirtle, J. H. Booth, J. M. Russell, E. P. Ward, R. H. Beavers, A. G. Acton T. R. Pickford, J. R. Hulbert

Bow Valley Chapter No. 10 __ ____ ___ ___ ____ [. W. Eglese Calgary Chapte r No_ 11 _____ __ ________ _______ w_ J. Duffell, C. R. Ells ton,

L. Powys Keystone Chapter No. 12 -------------------!- M. McAfee, G . L. Grant,

A. C. Ayres Capital City Chapter No. 13 ______________ A. D. Campbell, J. E. Voss,

E. Holmberg, G. E. Connolly Vermilion Chap ter No. 14 _______________ w_ H. Scott, T. H. Taylor Hillvue Chapter No. 15 __ ______________________ f , E. Millett, F_ Padgett,

J. S. Penn Tau Cross Chapter No_ 16 ___________ __ _______ p_ J. Peterson Mount Olivet Chapter No- 17 ____________ w_ H. Garbe , G. Glatiotis,

D_ McCarroll, J. H. Cochrane, G. S. Stewart

Norwood Chapter No. 18 ______________ -------C . W. Bernard

The Hiram Chapter No. 19 Banff Chapter No. 20 ...... . Crescent Chapter No. 24 .


... R. E. Doran, N. Chrapko ...... .F. Day, G . H. Harrison

. ... D. L. Kaplan, C. Wylie, E. T. Simper, H. A. Porter, T. N . Priest, R. J. Barrett

Harmony Chapter No. 26 ....... . .... J. B. R. Culbertson, S. Lenard, A. W. Arrison

Hanna Chapter No. 28 ........ .

Vikinq Chapter No. 32 Wapiti Chapter No. 34

.... C. Whylie, E. R. Mcllveen, J. M. Winkler

... H. W. K. Hilliker ..... .......... . J. M. Fildes, J. K. Hardie,

R. Johnson


The Grand Chapter was then called off at 12 DO p m. for Lunch in the basement of the Central Masonic Temple.

The Grand Chapter was then called on at 13 :20 to resume business.


To the Most Excellent Grand First Principal, Officers and Companions of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta.

Most Excellent Sir and Companions:

Your committee on the condition of Capitular Masonry beg to report as follows.

We have carefully examined the returns of the constituent Chapters and the reports from the Grand District Superintendents, all of which were very well prepared. The constituent Chapter returns however, fu ­dicate the lack of a ttendance on the part of many of them is of concern to the officers, and although we are of the opinion this is excusable in some of the smaller and more isolated Chapters at certain periods of the year, during severe winter weather when travelling is hazardous, and in the Spring when those engaged in farming are busy on their land, the Chapters in the larger centers could possibly have larger and more in terested members in attendance if careful planning for interesting pro­grams could be given consideration, and we suggest to the officers of all Chapters who have the responsibility, that they give this observation some thought.

We also suggest that Chapters ollicers study the meaning and sym­bolism behind the degrees, so it can be explained to the candidates as to what is really behind their entry into our Order.

Your committee regrets to report that for the sixth year our total membership has shown a decrease, and this should concern all of us. We suffered the loss of 74 members by death, 62 by demit and 76 by suspension for N.P.D., making our decrease for the year, 90. Despite the fact a few of the Chapters have shown a small increase, and a few reporting no change in their membership status, the situation is not healthy, and with the competition of other interests we are laced with in this fast-moving age, we must fight for survival.


'l'he Chairman of this committee, M.E. Comp. jack Daniels, unable to be present with us today, being called out of town on account of a sickness in his family, passed along the following memo to the commit­tee which states in part-

''That at the present accelerated rate of decrease Royal Arch Mas­onry cannot expect to survive more than perhaps 42 years, unless some changes take place within our institution."

The Grand District Superintendents have all done a commendable job and performed their tasks well, visiting their constituent Chapters and offering en-::ouragement and support wherever possible. Therefore we recommend that the rank of Rt. Ex. Companion be conferred on S. W. Blair, H. Havig, S. H. Scott, F. S. Radford, L. R. Webb and W . H. Duxbury.

All of which is fra 'ernally submitted, M.E. COMP. H. J. McCOY, (Acting Chairman) R.E. COMP. S. W. BLAIR R.E. COMP. F. R. E. MULDER

I will move, seconded by R.E. Comp. Stewart Blair that the report on the Condition of Capitular Masonry be received and adopted.


To the Most Excellent Grand First Principal, Officers and Companions of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta.

Mos t Excellent Sir and Companions:

Nothing having been presented lo the Committee on Grievances and Appeals for its consideration, we have nothing to report.

Respectfully submitted, G. D. CHATTAWAY, Chairman T. M. WHITE

On the motion of M.E. Companion G. D. Chattaway, seconded by R.E. Companion T. M. White, it was resolved that the report of the Com­mittee on Grievances and Appeals be received and adopted. Carried.


To the Most Excellent Grand First Principal. Officers and Companions of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta.

Most Excellent Sir and Companions: Your Committee on Jurisprudence, beg to report that nothing during

the year has been referred to this Committee for their attention.

Fraternally submitted, FRANK MA YER, Chairman V. R. SPEARE 0. P. THOMAS F ). HAND G D. CHATTAWAY

Moved by M.E. Companion Frank Mayer, seconded by M.E. Comp­anion Fred ). Hand, it was:

Resolved that the Committee on Jurisprudence be received and adopted.



To the Most Excellent Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta. Excellent Companions:

Your Committee wishes to report that no requests have been pre­sented to the Committee for consideration during this year. We have not therefore expended any monies from the Benevolent Fund.

Fraternally submitted, The Grand Council. A. C. GUNNING BERT JAMES AL HAINES

On he motion of M.E. Comp. F. ). Hand, seconded by M.E. Comp. A. C. Gunninq that the Committee on Benevolence be received and adopted.


The Grand Z. then called on the First Principals to assemble in front of the Altar and eight of them responded. He then addressed them as follows:

"I thought that when presenting you that all our Companions would see the guiding Principals w ho have been presidinq over the Constituent Chapters during the year, and also to thank you for the work you have been doinq in your Chapters for Royal Arch Masonry< and for this Grand Chapter. I would also like to thank you for the kind courtesies shown when you have received me into your Chapters during my v:sits throughout the year. I want to give you a word of caution, when you complete your term of office as First Principal, you are not finished with Royal Arch Masonry, your Chapter needs you more than ever to assist the then First Principal.

Companions you have heard the reports today of the conditions of Royal Arch Masonry, and I think tha t it is up to you and in particular to the Officers of your respective Chapters to remedy this appalling con­dition of Royal Arch Masonry. It is too good lo be allowed to sink out of sight and it is up to you and I to keep it go:ng. I want you when you have completed your term of office to remain an active member of your Chapter to offer Principals that succeed you, your aid and it is the only way that we are goinq to keep ahead of the losses." Grand honors Three Times.

PERMANENT COMMITTEE ON THE WORK To the Most Excellent Grand First Principal, Officers and

Companions of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta.

Most Excellent Sir and Companions: Nothing has been referred to this committee during the past year,

except an inquiry from one of the Chapters, as to the interpretation of the letter "S" when used in the Degree of M.E M. This is a code used for the words (SWEAR, SIGN, SECRETS or SOLEMNLY).

Fraternally submitted, F. L. COLWELL, Chairman W. N. MARTIN CECIL DUTHIE D. NEILL

On the motion of M.E. Companion F. L. Colwell, seconded by M.E. Companion W. N. Martin, it was resolved that the Committee on the work be received and adopted.



To the Most Excellent Grand First Principal, Oliicers and Companons of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta:

Most Excellent Sir and Companions:

We would like first, to congratulate M. Ex. Companion Andrew C. Gunning on completing his office as Grand First Principal of the Grand Chapter. While his name will be added to the list of those who have guided, and guided well, the affairs of this Grand Chapter, it will be added with the knowledge that he has given a fine example of Royal Arch Masonry in its finer principles. Throughout the year he has travel­led in all parts of the Province as well as in other Provinces and neigh­bouring States, giving a thoroughly fine example of cheerful dedication to the work of Capitular Masonry.

While our Grand First Principal has not been faced with any con­tentious issues, he has been very busily engaged in advising and con­sulting the appropriate Committees on the re-writing of the Constitution of the Grand Chapter for Alberta. It is his fondest hope, and we trust that is well placed, that the new Constitution will be as good a guide to our Order as the past one has been over the many years of its opera­tion in the Province.

We certainly concur in his regrets at the loss of so many of our Companions, and, particularly, our Past Grand First Principals, M. Ex. Comps. Dr. Hud~on Scott and George Acton. When strong leaders , of such proven ability are taken from our midst we can easily understand the real sense of loss to our Grand Z.

We noted with much satisfaction that our Grand First Principal was able to be present at all but one of the District meetings and realize his regret at missing the District Number 2. However, in these days of so many activities and limited space we realize the impossibility, on occa­sions, of doing what he should have liked to have done. We also concur with his wishes for a speedy recovery of R. Ex. Comp. H. A. Havig. In some ways, M. Ex. Comp. Gunning has taken a monumental job in visit­ing all the Chapters, and we certainly congratulate him on being able to do this. Each Chapter looks forward to meetina with the Grand Z. at their own Chapter, but, so often " the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak .. " However, it has b een done this year, and, we feel sure the relationships between the individual Chapters and the Grand Chapter have been strengthened thereby .We were also pleased to note that our M. Ex. Companion was able to visit the Grand Chapters of Saskatche­wan, British Columbia, Montana and Manitoba. It is also pleasing to note that our relationships with the other Masonic bodies is live ly and co-operative.

We have examined the thirty-eight Dispensations granted by the Grand First Principal and find them all to be in 9rder, and within his powers, under the Constitution.

We also agree with the Grand First Principal in his appreciation of the work done by the committee on the revision of the Constitution, and, particularly its Chairman, M. Ex. Companion W. Martin.

With regard to the condition of the Regalia of the Grand Chapter, and the suggestions for a committee to look after this , as well as the suggestion for an amount of $300.00, we concur. This might be an an­nual amount set aside until the refurbishing is completed.


We join the Grand First Principal in his idea of more meaningful employment of the elected Grand Officers, during the period be lween the Grand Sessions. It might make it possible for some to become Grand Officers who cannot feel that they can give the time needed for the work because of their employment.

We note with pleasure and agreement the statistics furnished by the Grand First Principal, and, also, his method used to try to overcome some of the adverse statistics. Any procedure which will instill a deeper meaning to our Order, such as the Royal Arch Sunday, is most com­mendable.

Your Committee have perused with interest and much concurrence the facts and suggestions included in the Address of the Grand First Principal and would like to express our deep appreciation for his hard work and sincerity.

Fraternally submitted, CHARLES W. LILLEY, Chairman

On the motion of M.E. Companion Frank Mayer, seconded by M.E. Compan:on C . W. Lilley, it was resolved that the Committee on the Grand First Principal's Address be received and adopted.


M.E. Companion H. M. Harmon, then addressed the Grand Chapter.


M.E. Companion J. Van Patten, addressed the Grand Chapter at the luncheon period.


M.E. Companion J. Russell, addressed the Grand Chapter at the luncheon period.

Ballot Clo.s.ed

The time 2:00 p.m. arrived, the Grand First Principal declared the ballot closed and appointed M.E. Companions E. Andrews, J. Van Patten and H. Harmon to retire and count the ballots .


To the Most Excellent Grand First Principal, Officers and Companions of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta.

Most Excellent Sir and Companions :

In the past your Committee has recommel'lded that all Firs t Princi­pals and their Officers try to obtain suitable material for short talks to be given e ither after a business meeting or on a special evening set aside for that purpose.

This year we are pleased lo report that some Chapters are now acting on this suggestion, and talks have been given on a special occa­sion on the degree conferred at the previous meeting.


From comments gleaned from those who at\ended, and from the not­iceable increase in attendance at the next meeting it is considered that this is a good thing, and we trust that it will be copied throughout the province.

A short talk of about fifteen minutes duration, leaving a short period for a question and answer period is all that is required, and with a cer­tain amount of research a very suitable paper can b e prepared.

This should not be limited to Past Grand Officers as it is felt that there is much talent among the Companions who at\end every meeting, and that properly approached, they could be encouraged to present their work, no t only for the enlightenment of their own Chapter, but for all to hear or read.

Perhaps some encouraqement could be given also to the incoming Grand Superintendents, as remarked in previous years, thus taking some of the strain off the Grand Lecturer, whom we know is unable to visit each and every Chapter in the Jurisdiction.

Another recommendation is that the Grand Lecturer be supplied with the names of the incominq Superintendents to whom h e could supply copies of lectures already in print, observing that further copies can, in this present day, be produced quickly and easily.

Should th is recommendation be adopted your Committee feels that more interest in the degree work would result, havinq the assurance that it would be fully exp1ained, in a layman's language, at the next convenient occasion.

Fraternally submit\ed,


On the motion of R.E. Companion 0. P. Thomas, seconded by C. W. Knox, it was resolved that the Committee on Library, Research and Edu­cation be received and adopted.


To the Most Excellent Grand First Principal, Officers and Companions of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta.

Most Excellent Sir and Companions:

Your committee presents h erewith the report for the Fifty-Fifth Annual Convocation.

Number of Chapters ....

Total Vote 27


On the motion of R.E. Companion W. H. Houghton, seconded by R.E. Companion S. H. Scott, it was resolved that the report of the Credential Committee be received and adopted.


Assistance to the Committe e

Moved by R.E. Companion A. Haines and seconded by R.E. Comp­anion T. M. White, that the sum of One Hundred Dollars be set aside for the assistance of the committee for the Grand Chapter and her Visitors .

Honora ry Membership

The Grand First Principal then announced that M.E. Companion E. E. Andrews of British Columbia, M.E. Companion J. Russell of M=itoba, M.E. Companion J. E. Van Patten of Saskatchewan, M.E. Companion H. M. Harmon of Montana, were made Honorary Past Grand First Princi­pals of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta, along with M.E. Companion R. Brynell of British Columbia.


To the Most Excellent Grand First Principal, Officers and Companions of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta.

Most Excellent Sir and Companions:

Your committee have examined the Regalia of the Gr=d Chapter and the following is the report on the Regalia of the Officers:

G.H. G.J. GS.E. G.S.N. G.P.S. G.SS. G.J.S. G.R. G.T. G.D. of C. District No. 1 District No. 2 District No. 3 District No. 4 District No. 5 District No. 6 Tyler G. Lecturer

Reasonably good condition. Reasonably good condition. Reasonably good condition, needs cleaning. Reasonably good condition, needs cleaning. Reasonably good condition, needs cleaning. Good condition, a little dirty, needs cleaning. Good condition, needs cle=ing. Good, some gold trim coming loose . Fairly good condition. Not a proper apron, a new one should be bought. Regalia good. Regal ia good. Apron dirty, should be cleaned. Should be cleaned. Regalia in good condition. Regalia in good condition. A new one should be bought. No Regalia, a new one should be bought.

On the motion of R.E. Companion S. H. Scott, seconded by R.E. Companion W. H. Houghton, it was resolved that the Committee on Reg­alia be received and adopted and that some action be taken.

Notice of Motion

In accordance with the Constitution M.E. Companion W. N. Martin, Chairman of the new Constitution, moved, seconded by R.E. Companion 0. P. Thomas that in accordance with the changes forwarded to each Chapter and other changes discussed at the Executive Committee, and at this meeting of the Grand Chapter be accepted and published. Carried.

V.E. Companion J. E. Sumner moved that a vote of thanks be ten ­dered to the Committee for the tremendous work done in bringing this constitution up to standard. Carried unanimously.


The Grand Z. then asked the Chairman of the Committee to name the members of his Committee and when called to stand, the following stood, M.E. Companion F. L. Colwell, M.E. Companion F. J. Hand, R.E. Companion F. R. Eric Mulder, R.E. Companion 0 . P. Thomas, R.E. Comp­a nion D. Neill, RE. Companion D. R. Gittins and the Chairman, Most Excellent Companion W. N. Martin.

The Grand Z. then thanked the Chairman and the Committee for the big job accomplished, and he realized that this Constitution would b e one of the best.

ConstituHon b e Printed Moved by M.E. Compa nion C. M. Laverty and seconded by M.E.

Companion Frank Mayer, that the Committee look after the Constitution until printe d and published . Carried.

Scrutineers The Scrutineers returning read the list of names of the Elected Offi­

cers after which the Grand First Principal declared them elected and thanked the Scrutineers for doing such a fine job.

Presentation of Certificates The Grand Z. then called on M.E. Companion H. K. Hallderson as a

member of the General Grand Chapter to present certificates to Harmony Chapter No. 26, and Cold Lake Chapter No. 39, these Chapters making a ten per-cent gain during the year. He then told them to have the Cer­tificates framed and send the bill to him, and in closing thanked the Gran d Z. for the many kindnesses extended to his wile and himself. Than k you M.E. Sir.

British Columbia M.E. Companion R Brynell, G .S.E. then spoke b riefly telling of the

many changes in British Columbia over the year. Election of Officers

The names of the Elected Officers was read by the G.S.E. as follows: G.Z . .............................................................. M.E. Companion Berl James G.H. .. .......................................................... RE. Companion A. Haines G.J. .. ............................................................ RE. Companion Cecil Duthie G.T . .......................... ................................... RE. Companion T. B. Donald G.S.E. .. ........................................................ M.E. Companion F. J. Hand G.S.N ........................................................... RE. Companion John McKee G.P.S. .. ........................................................ RE. Companion Clifford Manarey G.R .............................................................. RE. Companion J. R Doherty

Executive Committee RE. Companion C. J. Kenway RE. Companion J. E. Sumner

Grand Superinten dents

RE. Companion J. Ramsbottom RE. Companion W. C. Pritchard

No. I. RE. Companion A. J. Henderson No. 2. RE. Companion R. Evernden No. 3. RE. Companion D. W. Purnell No. 4. RE. Companion J. Hunter No. 5. RE. Companion N. G. Nissen No. 6. RE. Companion R W. Towers Next Place o f Ann ual Con vocation

May 9th, 197(} in the Calgary Masonic Te mple. The Grand Z. then called on M.E. Companion Frank Mayer to act as

Installing Z., and he appointed the following to assist him: M.E. Companion George Grieve ........... : ....................................................... G.H. M.E. Companion H. J. McCoy ......................................................................... G .J. RE. Companion Dave Neill .................................................... , .......... G .D. of C .


The Installing Z. then installed M.E. Companion Bert James as G rand First Principal, and he in turn invested M.E. Companion A. C. Gunning as Immediate Past Grand First Principal.

M.E. Companion George Grieve invested R.E. Companion A. Haines as Grand Second Principal and R.E. Companion Cecil Duthie as Grand Third Principal.

R.E. Companion Ed Searle Installed the Grand Superintendents, R.E. Companion A. J. Henderson, District No. l; R.E. Companion R. Evernden, District No. 2; R.E. Companion D. W. Purnell, District No. 3; R.E. Comp­anion J. Hunter, District No. 4; and R.E. Companion N. G. Nissen, District No. 5.

R.E. Companion R. W. Towers could not be present and will be in­stalled by the Grand First Principal.

R.E. Companion Dave Neill Invested the Treasurer, R.E. Companion T. B. Donald.

R.E. Companion 0. P. Thomas Invested the Grand S.E., M.E. Comp­anion F. J. Hand and the Grand S.N , R.E. Companion John McKee.

R.E. Companion Dave Neill Invested the Grand Principal Sojourner, R.E. Companion Clifford Manarey and the Grand Registrar, R.E. Comp­anion J. R. Doherty.

Most Ex. Companion H. J. McCoy gave the closinq charge.

Thanks and Appreciation

M.E. Companion Bert James then thanked the Grand Chapter for his e lection and covered many items pertaining to Royal Arch Masonry and that he would endeavour to try to live up to the highest ideals of Royal Arch Masonry.

R.E. Companion A. Haines then thanked the Grand Chapter for his election and would do his best to uphold the ideals of Royal Arch Mas­onry and called attention that at the close of Grand Chapter, there would be a meeting of the Grand Executive, to appoint the Chairmen and mem­bers of the various Committees and he hoped that all Executive mem­bers would attend.

R.E. Companion Cecil Duthie, "J do appreciate and will endeavour to carry out my duties to the best of my ability. Thank you."

General 'Grand Chapter

Most Excellent Companion A. C. Gunning spoke to advise the Comp­anions that M.E. Companion H. K. Halldorson was going to put his name up for the office of General Grand Scribe E .. and that this Grand Chapter go on record as actually supporting him and would so move. Seconded by M.E. Companion C . M. Lavertv and carried.

M.E. Companion H. K. Halldorson replied, thanking the Grand Chap­ter for their backing.


The Fifty-Fifth Annual Convocation of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta, was closed in ample form at 4:35 p.m. Most Excellent Companion Bert James requesting M.E. Companion A. C . Gun­ninq to attend to the Altar and M.E. Companion F. J. Hand to attend the Pedestal.


Chapters by Masonic Districts DISTRICT No. l

Grand Superintendent R.E. Companion Austin J. Henderson 14611 - 84th Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta

No. 2. North Star ................................................................ .. Edmonton No. 13. Capital City ............................................................... Edmonton No. 18. Norwood ................................................................. Edmonton No. 30. Edson ···················································-········· ... Edson No. 34. Wapiti .................................................. .... ...... .. ....... Grande Prairie

DISTRICT No. 2 Grand Superintendent R.E. Companion R. Evernden

Coronation, Alberta

~~: ~~: i~:Y~~ra~ ... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'.:::::::::::::"b~~::i~~W;n No. 28. Hanna ................................................. ....................... Hanna No. 37. Coronation ............................................................... Coronation No. 38. Lebanon ·············································-······················--Stettler

DISTRICT No. 3 Grand Superintendent R.E. Companion D. W. Purnell

4310 - 51st Street, Red Deer, Alberta No. 1. Alberta ........................................................................ Calgary No. 9. Otuskwan .................................................................. Calgary No. 11. Calgary ...................................................................... Calgary No. 12. Keystone .................................................................. Red Deer No. 20. Banff ............................................................................ Banff No. 21. Strathmore ............................................................... Strathmore No. 24. Crescent ........................................................... ......... Calgary

DISTRICT No. 4 Grand Superintendent R.E. Companion Jack Hunter

Box 490, Lethbridge, Alberta No. 4. Shekinah .................................................................. Lethbridge No. 5. Golden West ............................................................ High River No. 8. Kether ........................................................................ Pincher Creek No. 15. Hillvue ......................................................................... Hillcrest No. 16. Tau Cross .............................................................. ...... Claresholm

DISTRICT No. S Grand Superintendent R.E. Companion C. Nissen

Irma, Alberta No. 14. Vermilion ···································~·····························Vermilion No. 17. Mount Olivet ............................................................. Killam No. 31. Parklands .................................................................. Wainwright No. 32. Viking ........................................................................ Viking No. 33. Hamar ···················-···················································Hughenden No. 36. Bethel .......................................................................... Forestburq No. 39 Cold Lake .................................................................... Grand Centre

DISTRICT No. 6 Grand Superintendent R.E. Companion R. W. Towers

Gleichen, Alberta No. 3. Assiniboia ............................................................... Medicine Hat No. 10. Bow Valley .............................................................. Gleichen No. 26. Harmony .................................................................. Bassano No. 35. Empress ................................................................... Empress


GRAND SCRIBE E. •M. M. Downey ···-················································ ················· ·········· ... ....... 1914-1916 •r. E. fohnson ... ..... : .................. ........ ........................................ ...................... 1917-1921 *E. G. Ironside .. ............. .......... . ........ ............ ... ..... .. ...... 1922-1924 •c. R. Wentzel ............ ..... . .... ...... .......... ....................... ................. .... 1925-19:;2 *C. A. MacPherson .... ............................ ..... .... ... ......... ...... .......... ...... .. ..... . 1933-1945 Harold Bentley ........... ....... ...... ..... .... ....... ....... .............. ................. ...... ....... 1946-1948 F. f. Hand ............ ..... ........ ..................... ..... .................. ............ ................... 1949-1950 Harold Bentley ... ......... ...... .... ..... .................... ........................ .... ...... ..... . 1951-1952 F. f. Hand ......................... ...... ........... ........... ............. ............. ... ..... .. ........ . l g53-


•s. Y. Taylor ............ ... .... 1914 •w. B. Way .................................... 1941 •r. N. Rankin .............. ...... .......... 1915 *J. E. Rannard .......................... ..... . 1942 *F. S. Watson ........................ 1916 *E. G. Ellerton ................... .. ......•.. 1943 *R. Patterson ............. ........ .. .. .... 1917 F. J. Hand .................... 1944 *A. R. Dickson .............. .... ..... ... 1918 •r. J. Cumb erla nd ... .................. .. 1945 *M. M. Downey ................. ....... 1919 R. M. La mb ertson ........ .......... ...... 1946 *N. T. Macleod ................. .. 1920 *W. A. Irv' ....... ........................... 1947 *H. Darling ....... .............. .. ....... ... 1921 A. L. Williams .......... ................ .. . 1948 *G. B. Macleod ....... .... ........ ....... 1922 J. L. Innes .. .................................... 1949 *W. T. Coote ................... ...... ..... 1923 H. E. Bentley ... ........... ....... .... ... ... 1950 *J. E. Johnson .............................. 1924 *Alfred Peart .................................. 1951 •s. H. Middleton ...................... 1925 F. Mayer ............ ..................... .... . 1952 • E. G. Ironside ........ ................. 1926 *A. G. Acton .......... ......... ........... .. 1953 *W. M. McNab ..... .... ............... 1927 G. Grieve .............. ...................... 1954 *F. S. Selwood ..... ..... ... ........... .. 1928 C. W. Lilley ........... ......... 1955 *J. R. Flan .......... ..................... .. ... 1929 F. L. Colwell ........................ ....... 1956 *J. W. G. Morrison .................... 1930 B. C. Jakeman .............. ............. ... 1957 *) . A. McGhee ............................ 1931 '~ A. F. Lissack ... .............. ...... ... .. 1958 *J. V. Follett .......... .............. ...... 1932 C. M. Laverty ... ....... .. ... .... ............. 1959 *A. West ................... ..... ............ .. 1933 H.B. Wilks·······························- ··· 1960 *A. Davison ........ ....... ............... 1934 *L. B. McCoomb ............................ 1961 •w. E. Mercer .. ..... ..... ..... .. .. · 1 g35 Norman Scheer .......................... 1962 *H. Sandilands .......... ......... ....... 1936 W. N. Martin .............................. 1963 *C. H. Minchin ................ .......... 1937 L. J. Daniels ... ........ .... .......... .. ... .. 1964 *A. B. McCurdy ·······-··············· 1938 W. B. Ruff ....... .. ...... .... .. ...... ...... .. . 1965 *H. W. B. Bell .... .. .................. 1939 H. J. McCoy ..... ...... .. .. ................. 1966 '''W. H. Scott ....... .. ........ .......... ... 1940 G. Chattaway ............................ 1967

A. C. Gunning .. ......................... 1968 DISTINGUISHED SERVICE MEDAL

*John Cowey (9) ..... ..... .. ... ........... ............. ............ .... .............. .. ........................... 1952 *Sidney W. Bridges (30) ... ................................................ .............................. 1953 *Louis Jouvenat (11 ) ............ ...... ..... ...... ............................. ............................ 1954 Walter Hill (18) ....... .. ...... .... .. .. ........ .......... .............. ............ .... ..... ....... ............. 1955 James Hird (3) ........... ....... ... . ........ ........ ......... ............. ....... ......... ....... .... 1956 Walter George Ward (4) ... ........ ... ... ....... .. .............. ................ ......... ......... ... 1957 Thomas Watt (14) .......... .... ............ .............. ................................. ............... .. ... 1958 L. E. Helmer (28) .... ........... .. ......... ............ ....... .. ... ... ........ .. ......... ... .. ................. 1959 C. McCormick (13) ······· ··· ········· ·········································· ····· ·-····· ·················· 1960 W. Marcellus (8) ............................... ................................................................. 1961

*J. H. Cochrane .......... . ................................... .............. ........................ 1962 E. 0. Cox ............................ .................................. .... ................... .................... ... 1963 E. H. Mack ..................... ..................................................................................... 1964

*James Cleave ......................................... ........ ............... . .............................. 1965 A. Nicol ......... ........ . ..... ... ........ ................... ...... ..... 1966 J. W. Smith .... ... .............. ............. ................. ........................ 1963 J. D. Tufford .. .......... ...... 1968 H. B. Rogers .. .. .. .. ...... ..... 1969

• - Deceased.



Walte r Hill - - ------- --- 1969


R.E. Companion A. Haines ___ _________ __ __ Grand Second Principal, Chairman M.E. Companion Bert James ______________ Grand First Principal R.E. Companion Cecil Duthie __ ________ Grand Third Principal R.E_ Companion A. J. Henderson Grand Supt. District No. 1 R.E. Companion R. Evernden ____ __ ____ Grand Supt. District No. 2 R.E. Companion D. W_ Purnell ________ Grand Supt. District No. 3 R.E. Companion J. Hunter ________________ Grand Supt. District No. 4 R.E. Companion N. G. Nissen _____ _____ Grand Suot. District No. 5 R.E. Compan'.on R. W. Towers ________ Grand Supt. District No. 6 R.E. Companion T. B. Donald __________ Grand Treasurer M.E. Companion F. J. Hand ________________ Grand Scribe E (Grand Secretary) R.E. Companion D. Neill ____________________ Grand Scribe N R.E. Companion Clifford Manarey _Grand Principal Sojourner R.E. Companion J. R. Doherty __________ Grand Registrar

All Past Grand Z., by virtue of their office.


RE. Companion C. J. Ken way ----··-----------------------------·--·----·-------·---- Two Years R.E. Companion J. E. Sumner ------------------·--------------------------------------- Two Years R.E. Companion J. Ramsbottom ---·-----------------·---------------·---------------- Two Years R.E. Companion H. ) . Pritchard --------------------------------------------------·----- Two Years R.E. Companion S. R. Bell -------------------·---------------------------------------------- One Year R.E. Companion F. R .Eric Mulder ----------------------------·----------------------- One Year R.E. Companion A. Brown --------· ----···------------------------------------------·-----·- One Year R.E. Companion H. L. Geary -----------·---------------·-------------·-·------------------ One Year


Grand Lecturer ----------------------------------------R.E. Comp. Dave Neill --·--·-·---------- 13 Grand Se;1icr Sojourner ------------------ --V.E. Comp. W. ). Simpson --· ·---·-- 28 Grand )unio:- Sojourner __ _________ ___________ V.E. Comp. Herb Kruger ______________ 38 Grand Sword Bearer -------------------·--------V.E. Comp. Henry Dabbs _____________ 36 Grand Master 1st Veil ___ ________ __ __ _________ V.E. Comp. ). Lemke ------·- -----·------- 34 Grand Master 2nd Veil ________________________ V_E. Comp. Roy Nourse __________ ______ 9 Grand Maste r 3rd Veil ________________________ V.E. Comp. R. P. Margot __________ 30 Grand Mas ter 4th Veil --··-----------·--··-- _V.E. Comp. Wm. James -···· ·---·-·---- 13 Grand Dire::::tor of Ceremonies __ ________ V.E. Comp. A. L. Ginter -------·- ----·-- 17 Grand Organist ---·-----·-------·-·-----·----·-----R.E. Comp. Henry Cuthbert -------- 13 Grand Pursuivant __________________________________ R.E. Comp. W. Forsyth -------------- ---- 1 Grand Stewart Dist. No. 1 ________________ V.E. Comp. W. D. McAllister ________ 2 Grand Stewart Dist. No. 2 ______________ __ V.E. Comp. E. ). Connor-Brown ____ 27 Grand Stewart Dist. No. 3 ________ _____ ___ V.E. Comp. F. W. Hansen ___ _________ 12 Grand Stewart Dist. No. 4 ---------·------V.E. Comp. Allen Wadsteen ________ 8 Grand Stewert Dist. No. 5 --··------·---- V.E Comp. A. C. Uprichard -------· 39 Grand Stewart Dist. No. 6 --·----------- V.E. Comp. E. Schelske ·--------------- 26 Grand Tyler _________________ ___ _____________________ V.E_ Comp. W. J. Fooks ----·----------- 36 Ex. Comm. _----- --------·-------------·------------------RE. Comp . P. W. Slater -------------·-- 21 Ex. Comm. ________________ _____ _________________________ __ R.E. Comp. A. J. Rutz ---------------·---- 27 Ex. Comm -··----·- __ ___ __________ ______________________ R.E. Comp. L. R. Webb __ __ __ __________ 14 Ex. Comm. ___ ______ ___________________________________ R.E. Comp. S. H. Scott __ 11 Ex. Comm. ------------ -- -----------------V.E. Comp. K. B. Christofforson __ 5 Ex. Comm. -----·-----------------·-----------------V.E. Comp. J. F. Hunter _______ 5 Grand Chaplain __________ __ __ __________________ R.E. Comp. Ed Searle --·--·-------------· 2



'Grand First Principal's Address M.E. Companion A. C. Gunn:ng, Chairman and all Past Grand First


Credentials R.E. Companion W. H. Houghton, Chairman, R.E. Companion M. A. R.

Cliff and all Grand Superintendents.

Warrants and Dispensations M.E. Companion Frank Mayer, Chairman, R.E. Companion 0 . P.

Thomas, RE. Companion D. Neill, R.E. Companion D. R. Gittins, M.E. Comp::mion N. Scheer.

Oonditions of Capitular Masonry M.E. Companion L. J. Dcmiels. Chairman, R.E. Companion S. H. Scott

and R.E. Companion f. R. Eric Mulder.

Audit and Finance M.E. Companion J. L. Innes, Chairman, R.E. Companion F. Sherlock.

M.E. Companion W. N. Martin, R.E. Companion T. B. Donald, Treasurer.

Grievances and Appeals M.E. Companion George Chattaway, Chairman, R.E. Companion G.

Pollick, R.E. Companion D. R. Git1ins, R.E. Companion H. Havig and R.E. Companion Bill Duxbury.

Dilstressed Fund The Grand Council.

Fraternal Dead R.E. Companion Cecil Duthie, Chairman, R.E. Companion J. McKee

and R.E. Companion C. Manarey.

Fraternal Correspondence M.E. Companion George Grieve, Chairman, M.E. Companion F.

Mayer, R.E. Companion Ed Searle, R.E. Companion F. W. Keyte, M.E. Comp::mion C. W. Lilley and others as requested by the Chairman

Permanent Committee on the Work R.E. Companion F. R. Eric Mulder, Chairman, M.E. Companion F. L.

Colwell, R.E. Companion D. Neill, R.E. Companion D. R. Gittins and R.E. Companion V. J. Ramsbottom.

Jurisprudence R.E. Companion 0. P. Thomas, Chairman, R.E. Companion D. Neill,

R.E. Companion V. R. Speare and R.E. Companion D. R. Gittins.

Library. Rese·arch and Education R.E. Companion Ed Searle, Chairman, R.E. Companion H. Cuthbert,

R.E. Companion C. W. Knox, R.E. Companion T. W. White, R.E. Compan­ion G. V. Bolton, R.E . Companion F. W. Storey and R.E. Companion S. Pettit.

Honors and A wards M.E. Companion W. N. Martin, Chairman, M.E. Companion F. L. Col­

well, M.E. Compaaion George Grieve.

Entertainment R.E. Companion Cecil Duthie, Chairman.



The Grand Council of Anointed High Priests of the Province of Al­berta will convene in an Emergent Convocation in the Calgary Masonic Temple, Red Room, on Friday, May 8th, 1970. If the re are enough First Principals and Past Principals to warrant the conferring of this Degree.

If you are interested write the Grand Scribe for Forms.

Anderson, A. R. Anderson, W. E. G. Anderson, G. Atkinson, J. A. Anderson, J. Ray Bagley, G. A. Bain, Oliver Baird, H. S. Baker. W. Eri.: Baldwin. Morgan Barker, J. A. Barton, I. D. Beamish, J. W. N. Beckett, J. G. Bell, S. R. Bendall, A. G. Bentley, F. Bentley, H. E. Bertles, H. Blair, S. H. Boag, H.F. Bodmer, L. 0. Booth, J. H. Booth, M. M. Boyce, A. G. Bradley, ]. E. Brown, A. Brownlee, J. .L. Brooks, H. R. Butler. G. F. Callas, A. E. Cashman, A. A.

By order of the President W H. KEYTE

Recorder and Treasurer F. ). HA:-JD

MEMBERS cameron, s. W. campbell, J. Campbell, J. L. Carleton, C . W. Carpenter, B. C. Caughey, G. D. Charlton, J. A. S. G. Chattaway Chesney, G. L. Christopherson, K. B. Clarke, R. Clevely, J. Cochrane, J. H. Comba, S. Corley, E. Cowan, J. K. Cowin, 0. J. Crabb, W. W. Crawford, D. D. Crea~ey, E. W. Crulc..:shank, G. Council, G. M. Cam~ron, J. B. Crowther, T. P. Coggan, H. L. Comlsarow, W. cameron, D. M. Cook, T. Crooks, W. N. Cuthbert, H. Donaldson, J. M. Draper, G. S.

Dougherty, P. Duff, A. H. Duneway, L. C. Daniels, L. J. Danielson, A. Davidson, J. Delaney, A. M. Denning, G. Derbyshire, G . F. Dick, E. Dutton, J . A. Donald, T. B. Dowkes, H. W. Dykstra, H. D. Evans, R. Erickson, A. B. Farrugia, J. Fearson, S. Ferguson, R. A. Fidgeon, E. E. Forsyth, W. J. Fraser, J. D. H. Friend, E. J. Finnemore, J. Fawcett, C. F. Flatt, J. E. Finders, S. M. GatheTcole. W. Galt, E. W . Galbraith, R. P. Garbe, W. H. Gaschnitz, J. A. Gi!ks, G. H.

Gillard. H. Gittens. D. R. Glen, R. Grieve, G. Graham, W. D. Greenwood, J. K. Gothard, G. L . Green, W. H. Gunning, A. C. Gutowski, W. G. Griswold, A. L. Galbraith, G. H. Gorveatt, A . C. Garney, L. R. Glllles, D. M. Hallum, J. H. Hanna, L. D. Hamilton, H. M. Hand, F. J. Hanson, D. 0. Hansen, F. W. Harris, 0. W. Harstrom, C. V. Hartley, W. G. Hartrick, W. J. Hay, ). S. Havig, H. Haynes, W . J . Heckbert, C . T. Henderson. R. Herbert, E. M. Hill, W. Haines, A. Hertzber, E. W. Houghton, W . H . Hammond, J. A. Hughes , R. B. Hay, W . G. Helmer. L. E. Holmes, W. E. M. Hrudey, H. R. Humphrey, J. Hunt, W. S. Innes, J. L. Irving, l. A. Jackson, C. W. Jay, J. E. Jeffery, T. S. Johnson, E. H. Johnson, H. C . Johnson, Lorne Johnson, P. H. Jones, Paul Jones, Gaylen Jakeman. B. C. Kendall, Dr. P. [. Kidney, F. H. Kirby, R. W . Kirby, Guy A. Kirberg, E. K. Kneale, J. V. Knox, C. W. Kumlln, Cecil Keyte, W . H. Kelly, W. M. Lambertson . R. M . Lilley. C. W. Luclow. N. Limb. J . W. Llssack. A . F. Lord. Walter Loney, G. T. Logan. D. S. Laverty. C. M. Leslie, N. Lester, C. W. MacKay, L. E.



Mackie, R. M. MacKenzie, c.i . I. MacKenzie, J. A. MacKenzie, !. A. Martin, W. N. McAlister, C. J. McDonald, E. C. McDonald, J. D. McKay, S. V. McKee, J. A. Mcilveen, R. L. McKee, A. M. McKergow, J. S. McNiven, F. McPherson, F . S. McCoy, H. J. McAllister, D. McGruther, Wm. McLaughlin, D. J . MacDonald, A. A. Marcellus, W. May, S. G. Mayer, Frank Morrison, J . W . G. Morrison, W. Mundy, W. L. Myggland, L. Mann, Fred Merrill, E. Morrison, S. Morton, R. H. Mlller, L. Miller, W. 0. Mitchell, J. R. Neal, A. E. Neil, Dave Nellson, D. S. Newby, L. E. Newall, A. P. Nichol, M. A. Nicol, A. Nicol, F . E. Nissen, H. C. Norton, M. P. Oakes, J. W. O 'Connor-Browne, E. J. Orr, C. S. Osberg, L. Osborne, E. W. Ott o, F. W. O'Brien, J. C . O'dell, J. G . Odenbach, R. O'Morrow, T. E. Patterson, G. B. Parkinson, F. A. Pettet, S. Pilot, B. Potter, C. Price, D. E. Pratt, P. W. Putters, J. Purnell, D. W. Ramsay, A. Ramsey, F. Ramsbottom, V. J. Redman, J. Rennie, J. J. Rlome. W. E . Richards, S. A. Richardson. J . Rider, W. S. Roberts, W. R. Robinson, A. Robinson, W. G. Robbins, M. Robblee, J . S .

Rogers, H. B. Roper, Wright Rosenberger, L. Rowe, E. H. Rud, C. M. Russell, G. C. Russell, L. Rutz, A. ]. Scheer, N. Scollick, A. Scott, S. H. Sharp, W. L. Shave, H. F. Sherlock, F. S. Simpson, W. J. Slater, P. B. Sloane, F. E. Smith, F. A. Smith, J. W. Smith, R. Smith, R. J . Solensen, C. D. Solomon, W. F. Spence, C. C. Starr, E. H. Stonell, N. G. Struthers, E. H. Scott, W. G. Spence, A. B. Sept, George G . Simonson, S. D. Stephens, Ed. Searle, Ed. Sterling, G. A. Spivey, L. C. Salberg, M. A. Sanlforth, A. Snell, D. J . Slater. P . W. Stonell, N. Storey, F. W. Stewart, F. B. Stitt, H.B. Sumner, J. E. Swallow, J. M. Swallow, N. H. Thomas, P. Thompson, C. E. Thorssen, A. E. Tilson, W. B. T. Tipp, G . L. Tomlinson. F. Tufford, J . D. Thurbron, G. Umbrlte, R. P. Vandersluys, R. J. S. Vickerson, F. 0 . Vlllenlagne, R. de Walker, K . H. Watkins. A. L. Ward. E. Weatherhead, N. S. Webb, L. H. Weidenhamer, T. C. White, T. M. Williams, A. L. Wilson, A. A. Wilks, H. B. Wade. E. L. Wright. S. F . Webb. G. G. Webb, A. Weeks. J. R. Woodrow, W. A. Young. V. T.

Ackland, W. A. Acton, George Allen, Galus Anderson, A. Anderson, W. H. D. Bell, H. W. B. Betts, W. Black, W. C. Bond, L. W. Clarie, J. J . Coote, W. T. Cosgrove, C. E . Craig, 0. G. Cumberland, T. J. Downey, M. M. Dun, J. Ellerton, E . G. Elliott, G. W.



Ferguson, H. Fielding, P. Flan, J. R. Fletcher, H. H. Follett, J. V. Gold, T. D. HaITIS, Sam Ironsides, E . G. Irving, W. Johnson, J. E. Key, J. A. Logan, E. c . MacPherson, C. A. McCoomb, L . B. Mccurdy, A. B. McLeod, G. B. McLeod, N. T. Middleton, S. H.

Nevra, 0. Parton, R. E. Peacock, M. B. Plasteras, G. Rannard, J. E . Riddick, A. Robertson, W. M. Sandllands. H. Simpson, C. C. Smith, E. S. Smith, Wm. Jr. Scott, W. H. Thompson, T. Watson, F . S. Watts, T. Way, W. B. West, A.

HONORARY PAST GRAN,D FIRST PRINCIPALS "r. F. Yorke ........................................................................... - ... Saskatchewan

D. F. A-dams ........... .. ...... ... ..... ...................... ... .... ..... .. ......... British Columbia G. C. Burgess .......................... ............. ..... .... ... ..... .......... ...... Saskatchewan

*H. deRoche ........... ..... ...... .... ...... ..... .... ... .. ..... ..... ....... ............. Saskatchewan *A. Little ......................... .. .... ... .... ............ .................... ............ Manitoba *H. L. Adoloh .............. .. ............ ... ........... ...... ....... ..... ...... ..... ... Manitoba *R. J. F. Coster .. ...... ....... .. .. .. .. ... ............... ....... ... .... .. ........ ... Saskatchewan J . F. Dart ......... ..... ................... ... ...... ....... ... ...... .... ... ... .... ....... Manitoba J. F. Irwin ...... .... ...... .... .. ........ .... .. ......... .... ... .. .............. ... ..... Manitoba

*E. R. Wylie ..... ................. ..... .... .. ... ........................................ Saskatchewan F. E . Doull ..... ... ...... ...... ........ .. .............................................. Saskatchewan

*T. S. Cook ............ ..... .. .... .... ......... ... .. ............... ...... ....... ..... .... Manitoba W. B. Saunders ... .... .. ... ... .... .... ... ......... ... ....... .... .. ...... ... .. ...... Wyoming

*W. B. Hooker ....... ........ ................ ....... ......... ....... ... .. .... ... ...... Saskatchewan E. T. Johnson ...... ..... ......... .. .. ............................................... Manitoba S. D. Cmden ... ........ .......... ..... .. ............ ... ........ ... ... ........... .... Manitoba C. E . Cole ......... ....... ....... ....... .. .... ......... .. .... ............. ............ Manitoba S. H. Jackson .. .... ... .... .... .... .............. ... .. .... .............. ... ..... .. ... . Saskatchewan

•s. Fea .................................................................................... British Columbia A. E. Miscampbell ...... .......... ...... ............ ... .. ... .. ....... .. ... ...... Saskatchewan

*W. L. Clink ................ .. ................. ......... ... .... .... .................... Saskatchewan C. r. Hutchings ..... .. .. ... .. .... ......... ..... ..... ............................... ....... Manitoba

*Frank Van Demark ............ ........ --........................................ Montana *J. E. McLarty ... ........................ .. .... ........ ..... ........... ... .... .. ... . Saskatchewan *F. E. Simmons ................... .. ............ ..... ......... .. .. ......................... Manitoba

L. Johnson .. ........ ...... .... .... ....... ... ... ............. .......... .. ............ .. Saskatchewan *B. S. Bailey ... ............................................. .. .... ......... ............. Manitoba S. A. Miller ............ .............. ......... .. .... ................... ..... .. ... ...... Montana F . W . Dean . .... ...... .. .. ...... ... ......... .............. .... .... ... ...... .......... ... Canada G. Lythgoe .. .......... ...... ... ... ........ .......... ...... ...... ... ................... Saskatchewan W. E. Pool ............. .. ....................... .......... ..... ................. .. ... .. Minnesota

*I. Stafford ......... ..... ... ............. ............. ....... ....... .... ..... ............ Ohio J . E. Nunn ............ .. ........ ......... ... .......................................... Saskatchewan A. A. Wiilson ......................... .... ..... ................. ..... .. .......... ... ... Saskatchewan C. F . Lidster ............................ ................... ........ .... .... ........ . Manitoba

*W. E. Bristowe ......... .. ........ .. ................ ..... .... ...................... Saskatchewan R. W. Kirby ................ ....... ..... ......................... .. ... .... ...... Saskatchewan W. R. Shanklin ......... .... ... .. ...................... ...... .. .... .... ... ..... .... Saskatchewan

*Clarence M. Pitts ....................... ................ .... ......................... Canada *H. Stanley Bell ......... .. ............ .. .................. ..... .. ........ ........ .. Saskatchewan *Earl E. Dusenbery ............ .. .......... ...................... .. .Iowa- Gen-eral

Grand Chapter



A. J. Peterson ... .... ...... ..... ..... ... ...... .. ....... .. ......... ... ..... .... ...... Alaska John F. Lunney .............. .... ......... ....... .. .......... ...................... Saskatchewan W. A. Wyb orn ...... ... ... ....... ........... ..... ....... ....... ...... ..... ... ..... Manitoba T. R. Luke .... ..... ........ .... .... ... ... .. ..... .. ....... ................ .. ..... ...... Saskatchewan

•w. Boyd .. ..... .. ............. ........ ..... ........ ........... .......................... Manitoba R. F . Janes ... ... .. ...... .... .... ... ........... ... ..... ............ .......... .... .... . New York

*R. R. Walcutt ---------··--------·-·---··---···-·-··------····-···-·-------·------··-·······Ohio J. A. M. Taylor ......... ...... ... ..... ..... .... .... ... .... .. ... .... ........ .. .. .. .. Canaida A. Coutt s ....... ....... ...... ....... ... .... .......... ......... ..... ...... .. .. ........ .. British Columbia A. C .. Woods ... .... .... ..... .... ........ ..... ........... ......... .......... .. ........ Saskatchewan F. L. Eukes ................. ... ........ .... ..... .... ...... .................. ......... Montana H. Irwin ........ ... ...... ....... ............ ........ ........... ...... ..... .. ..... ......... Montana S. H . Fahrni ..... ......... .... ..... .... .... ...... ... ............ ... ....... ............ Manitoba

*R. Mayson -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Saskatchewan *P. S. Cochr=e ···--------------------------------------------------------------- -----Nova Scotia

N. D. Kennedy ........ ..... ........ ..... .... ...... ....... ........ .. .......... .. .. Saskatchewan Verne Dallin ... ... .... ....... .. ................... ......... ..... .... ............ ... . Saskatchewan Wm. Thaanum ........... ..... .. ........ ... ..... .. ....... ........ ......... ......... Montana Everett Redeen ..... ..... .. ................... ...... ... ..... ....... ......... ..... .. Montana Hugh Eakin ..... .. .. ............... .. ......... .... ....................... .... ...... .. Manitoba

*Alex C a ble ···--·----······--·········------·----·------·----·-----··--·-------------···· Manitoba J. P. White --··-···········--·····--- ·---·-····-------·-·--·-·-··--·--·-·---···---·-··--·--··Saskatchewan R. A. Carruthers .. ... ... ... .. ........ ... ... ........... ........ ..... ........ ... ... .. Manitoba H. K. Ha lldorson ··----------·------·-·-----··---·--------·-·--·--··-···-·--------··-Saskatchewan F. E . Nixon ........ ... ......... .. .. .... ... .......... ..... .......... ... ...... .. ....... .. Manitoba A. R. Simms .... ....... .. .. ..... .... ..... ...... .... ...... ...... .. ..... ..... ...... ... .. Montana J. Lut h er Jordan ..... ... ... .. .... ... ..... ...... ... ... ......... .. .. ... ...... ..... .. C. G. H. Priest J . S. Carkeet ... ............. ...... ..... ... ..... ........ ..... .. ... ... ... ..... ........ .. Montana Morr is E. Sanford --·······--···-·····----···---···-------·--·--·------·-----········· Montana J. H. Sinclaire ···--······--····-·····--····-----·---------··-·-----··--------------------·Saskiatchewan Charles W. Emmett --·-·--· --······--·-------··-------··-···--·----·-------·----··-Oanada Otto L. Doer -·-·--·-----·-·-···--·--·---··----·--·-·--·-·······-··-··-----·-··--··-··--·Saskatchewan Sid Bowm= ··-··------·--------------·-····---------------·--·- ········-···----------- Manitoba E. V. Bell ----·····--------------------------·---------------------------------·------------- British Columbia G . G . Verbryck -------·----------·-------------------·-----·-······---··--------------·· Colorado J. W. Hill ------------------------------ -·······---·····---·-···-·----···-···---------····-Saskatchewan A. E. Jones -----------------------------------------------------·-·-·----···-····-----··-M=itoba W. L. Squires ----·--------------------------------------------------------------------···Mont=a R. T. Litt -·····-·····-···-····-··-···--·-----·--·-----·-·-·-·············· · ····-··-········-· British Columbia J. G . White ····--···········-·-···········-··-----·---·--·-----··-----···-------------··· Manitoba H. D. Gleave ----······-·········----··-··--·------· --···--·-·········-----------·--··--- Saskatchewan S. E. G reenberg -···-----··--- ------·-··---·····--···-···-····--··-·---··----···---··--·Manitoba Wm. Elliott -···---·--·-------·--·----·-···----····---·-··-·-·-----·---------····-----··-··-·-Ma nitoba Dr. L. J. Conn ---·-·······-·-·-- ·-·-----··---··-----··------·---·-·--·-···---··· ......... Saskatchewan

J. R. Mitchell ····-·-·-----·-·--·--·-·--·--·-·--·----·--·---··-··--············-···-·-------·- British Columbia L. R. Garney ---------·---·-·--·--·---····--··-·-·····-····-·----·--- --·-·-·---··········-··British Columbia G. F. Cook -·····-···--··-·--·-·--·--·-·--·--·--···--·--·-····--····-·--····-·-···----------··-Saskatchewan R. Kerr -·----·-·····--············-······-·-·---------·----·-··--·-·····--········-··-······-··Ma nitoba H. C . Ireland --··---·--·--·-······--·---·--------·--·--·-·-··-·-----·········-·-····-··-·Saskatchewan E. E. Andrews ----········-·-·····---·----·--·--------··--··-----·-·-···-·--·----··-··-·-·British Columbia J. Russell ---·····-···-·-·--·---··---·---··-··--···-·-·-··--·----···-·············-·-·········Mon tan a J. E. Van Patten --··---············----··-·--·-··-····-·--····-·-··-·---·······--·-··-··Sa skatchewan H. M. Harmon ---- ·-··---·--·----·--·---·---·----·----··-----------·--·------··-·----··-·· Mon tan a R. Brynell --·-·---·---···-·······--·-·-------·----·--··-------·····--------·-·---·-----·-··-·- British Columbia

* Deceased



Grand Chapter Name

Alabama ______ T. W . Oliver ·--------------------------- Box 2822, Montgomery (I)

Alaska _________________ c . W. Wilson ----------·--·············-- P.O. Box 896, Palmer

Argentina ________ .Alcibiades Lappa --------------------- 1557-Junin Street, Buenos Aaires

Arizona -----------------D. E. Shannon ·-···--··---------------3126 W. Pierson, Phoenix 85017 Arkansas _____________ .Q_ B. Shaw ··-·--------------------------Box 487, Fort Smith

British Columbia ___ A. R. Byrnell ----·-·- -·················527-119 W. Pender SI., Van. 8, B.C.

California ________ W. C. Lesson -----------·-----·- ______ Masonic Temple , 25 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco



________ R. J. Hami!lon ·---·--·-··----·-------- Suite 514, Temple Building, Toronto I _________ _ C. R. Stoll ------------ __________________ 1614 Welton St, Denver (2) Colorado

Connecticut ____________ B. W. Clark -·------·--·-·--·--·-----·---·P.O. Box 838, New Britain, Conn.

Delaware ----------·-·--R. A. Howard ------------·--·----·--·-- 10 Ridgeland Road, Lynnfield

District of ColumbioM. E. Fowler ··--·-------···-·-··-··-······ 120 Cherrytree Lane, Alexandria England ----------·-·-----T- W . Stubbs ___ ....... _ .. _______________ Great Queens Street, London,

England W .C. (2)

Florida ------------·---· T. N. Morrison ·----------·----·--·------Box 1532, Lakehead 33802

Georgia -·---·---·--------J- E. Mosley ----- -----------·---------· Bil Mulberry St., Macon

Idaho -----------·-----------R R. Fletcher ·------··-------·---·-·----5512 Bel Air, Boise Illinois ·--·----·----------Lyle R. Melvin ... - ................... P.O. Bax 433, Dixon Indiana -------·------------Earl B. Forney __________________ ___ __ .1204-Main Street, Elwood, Indiana

Iowa ........................ R. J. Camblin ·---·--------·------------Box 307, Atlantic Ireland .................... T. 0. Harle --------·------···--- __________ Molesworth Street, Dublin Free­

Masons Hall, Dublin, Ireland Kansas ... _________________ C. S. McGu!ness ··-·----·------ ---320-Wesl 8th Street, Topeka (2)

Kentucky ---·--·--------·-·C. K. A. McGaughey ............ 694 New Circle Rd., N.E . Lexington Box 5320

Louisiana .............. L. W. Harris ............................ Box 209 Alexandria

Maine ...................... Earle D. Webster --·---·-----------·Ma sonic Temple, Portland Manitoba ................ Cecil J. Hutching ___________ __ ______ JS-Crowson Bay, Fort Garry (9)

Manitoba Maryland ____________ D, Ross Vansant Jr. _________ _______ Masonic Temple, Baltimore

Massachusells ...... W. F. Clar.le ------------------------------- 5!-Boylston Street Boston (16) Mass .

Michigan ................ 0. J. Meyers ------·---·---------·-·---- Masonic Temple, Batlle Creek

Minnesota ........... .E. A. Wold ............................... -4635 Ewing Avenue So., Minneapolis 55410

Mississippi ............ Cecil A. Thorn ·------------------·-·----Box 1030, Meridian

Missouri ................... .B. H. Hunt ·---·--·-------·-------·--···--Box 529, Trenton

Montana ---·---·-------·Wm. A. Thaanum -------------------21 8-So Roberts Street, Helena, Mon.I.

Nevada ··--·-------·----F. Y. Williams ........................ Box 928, Elko 89801

Nebraska ______________ C, R. Greisen ·--- ____________ Omaha, Rm. 401 , Masonic Temple

New Brunswick ...... R. D. Baird ~----------- ___________________ IQ6-2lst Avenue, Edmundston

New Hampshire ____ Hiram W. Johnson ---·----·--·------3-Highlands Avenue, Antrim

New Jersey ............. .

New Mexico ·-·-------E. H. Riemen . -·--------·-- ·-·----·----Box 6719-Roswell , New Mexico

New South Wales .. G. E. W. Salier --·-------·----·------Sydney, 160 Castlereagh St .. New York ________________ Q_ A. Lambert .......................... Masonic Hall, New York IO New Zealand __________ w_ G. Webs~or ·-------·--------------- P.O. Box 263, Aukland North Carolina ...... C. C. Ricker ............................ Masonic Temple, 80 Broadway,





North Dakota ........ D. J. Miller

Nova Scotia .... . .. H. F. Sipprell

Ohio .... Paul G . Lutz

Oklahoma .......... ..F. M. Lumbard

Oregon ........... T. S. Ford ... .

Pennsylvania ....... J. C. F. Kitselman

Queensland .......... Gordon L. Shaw

Quebec ............ H. W. Clarke

Rhode Island ........ H. B. Dodge

Republic of

.. Box 1269, Fargo 128-D Devils Lake

........... Box 322, Halifax, N.S.

... Box 32-Westervil!e, Ohio

.. Box 1037 Muskogee

.2170-S.W. Taylor's Ferry Road

..Masonic Temple, Broad and Filbert Streets, Philadelphia, Penn .

........ Box 425F Brisbane

...... 2295 St. Marks St., Montreal

... 1678 Kingstown Rd. West Kingstown 02892

Phillipine Idands ... A. Gonzalez ···········---·····-···········1440 San Mace!ino, Manila

Saskatchewan .... H. K. Halldorson .................... 610 Bank of Canada Building, Regina

Scotland ....... W. A. Laird

.. N. M. Layne

-··········----·-·- .. 76 Queen Street, Edinburgh

South Carolina -------·-················· _901 Palmetto State Life Bldg., Columbia

South Dakota .. .W. Reckling __ Box 425, Winner

Switzerland .............. H. 0 . Maverhofer ..... . ......... Box 1897, 3001 Berne

Tennessee .............. W. P. Douglas ........ .

Texas ---·--------·· ··----····E. S. Winfree Jr . .... .

Utah .......................... P. B. Pickering ...... .

. .. Nashville, Box 216

..Box 296, Waco, Texas

. ... 650 East Soulh Temple Street, Salt Lake City

Vermont ........... _D. Burleigh Smalley Jr .......... Masonic Temple, Burlington, Box 443

Victoria ............. H. 0. Thomas ......... . .............. Melbourne, 164 Flinders St.

Virginia .................. C. F. Wood .............................. 107-W Broad St. , Richmond (20)

Washington .......... Walter H. Steffey ..... 4338 University Way Seatle, 5

We•! Australia ..... L. C. Wilson ........ . . ... Room 9-10 Bank of N.S.W., 65-St. Georges Terrace, Perth

West Virginia . ...... G. V. Gorrell .. Room 608 Riley Law Building, 149 Chaplain Street, Wheeling

Wisconsin ............. James Gordon ·--·-·····--··-··--···-···Room 239, 225 Michigan Street, Milwaukee (2)

Wyoming ................ F. Sims ··········-········-·············-·-·Masonic Temple, Casper

Gen. Grand Chap. C. K. A. McGaughey ........... Box 5320 Lexington, Kent.

G. Lodge, M.M.M., Lt. Col. J. W. Chitney, England-Wales .... M.B.E. ---···············-··-·----·- ....... London, W.C., Mark Masons ' Hall

Germany ·---··-··----·---·H. S. Rifkin .............................. 637 Oberursel Er!enbachweg (20) Taunus

France ................... S. J. L. Humbert ··---- .... 65 Boulevard Bineou N evilly-Sor-Sein

India ---··---·· ............... P. M. Sundaram ···················---Freemasons Hall, Box 681, New Delhi

Netherlands ............ K. L. Jacobs ··············--·--· ........ Michelangelostraat 33-hs, Amsterdam z.


GRAND REPRESENTATIVES To Residence Grand Chapter From Residence

L. L. Gunnels Alabama ··-----··-··--A. E. Callas ......... Edmonton Geo. Collette Palmer _Alaska -------···-·--- ·--A. L. Griswold ____ Calgary B. M. Butt---·····----· Earle ........... ............ Argentina ............ D. M. Gillies _______ _ Strathmore B. W. Blair ---·-···--Miami ____ __ Arizona ·-·-···········--Henry Boag ......... Calgary T. A. Booth ........ Little Rock .. Arkansas ----·····-----!· Crawford ________ _ _ J. R. Mitchell . __ Vancouver ___ British Columbia). Zuidema __ ________ _ Calgary Harry R. Sones .... Sebastopol California ............ .F. L. Colwell ......... Calgary

C. W. Emmett _____ Islington, Ont ..... Canada ··----······---F- B. Stewart ________ Calgary C. F. Benzhof Jr .... Denver --------·---------·-Colorado ···-······-·-R- Mackie --------··-··Calgary A. J. Aitkens ........ West Haven __ _______ Connecticut ·-------T- Grauman ........ Stettler James P. Pierce .. Milford ___ _____ .Delaware ·-·---······-·V. T. Young .......... Gleichen J. C. Richmond .. Maryland _____ Dist of Columbia L. J. Daniels ______ Calgary G_ R. Upchorch .. Tallahassee ___ . ___ Florida -------··-··------B. C. RusselL ..... Calgary T. M. Gray ·--·-- _ Georgia ---- -------·- __ E. Merrill ·-··----·-··-Edson Roy V. Lacey ...... Weiser ·--- _____ .Idaho .J. L. Innes -------- ... Calgary W. E. Zimmerman Ottawa .Illinois .G. V. Jones - __________ Calgary D. R. Kemble _____ _ Columbia .Indiana __ .C. J. McAlister .... Calgary H. C. Smith ........ Des Moines ___ ____ __ _ Jowa _ F. R. E. Mulder ..• Calgary H. L. S. Smith Dublin ···-----·-·-----.Ireland .D. Neil ··-·---- ___ Edmonton Carl Holmes --- ---· Winfield ..... Kansas _J. L. Brownell Edmonton R. 0. Ram•av ____ Danville ... .Kentucky _______ H_ Cuthbert ________ .. Edmonton C. E. Shoemaker . Oakdale .... Louisiana ............. J. Farrugia --------- --- Edmonton A. L. Burbank .... Waterville ___ __ ________ Maine ------- --···-------G. D. Chattaway Nanton E. C. Tatton ______ __ Brandon ... ..... Manitoba ---·--·-····--A- C_ Gunning ..... Calgary L. C. Noel Maryland ·------·----l- W. Smith ___________ .Lethbridge Frank L. Oailvie .. Boston ------------------- Massachusetts .... P. W. Storey _______ Red Deer W. E. Zimmer .... Mason .. ____ Michigan ·····--··-··--A. M. Delaney ____ _ Edmonton W. A. Strand _____ Montivideo _____ _ Minnesota ·-----------1 · K. Greenwood .Vermilion I. B. Whee!is ...... Laurel ·---Mississippi .......... C. W. Lllley _____ ___ Edmonton C. I. Fichtho:n ___ Marshall -----·----·-----Missouri ............. S. W_ Blair . _________ _ Edmonton W. Thaanum ------- Helena _ ... Montana ··--····---·--E- Grafe _____ Stettler G. Strelow . -------- -- Richmond --- -···- Nebraska ____________ H. R. Hrudey ...... Edmonton

W. R. Overfelt .... Carson City ________ Nevada ··---···--·-···- L. R. Webb .•.. Vermilion J. A. Wilson ......... Riverglade ·--·--------New Brunswick .... T. H. Walker ___ __ __ Edmonton C. E. Dearborn ... Epping Road ·-----­

New Market New Hampshire .. New Hampshire . AL Haines ·---------Red Deer

Curtis M Brown .... Box 58, Metuchen New Jersey __________ T. M. While _____ Edmonton Donald H. Rose Monterray ------- ------ New Mexico _____ ___ C. W. Knox ----------Edmonton A. C. Carpenter .. Warner's Bay ______ New South Wales S. Fearon ---·---· _____ Edmonton E. J. Peloke ··-----New York --------····-·New York ·--- _________ C. M. Laverty ____ Calgary G. A. Blackmore __ Christ Church ...... New Zealand ______ f. Mayer ····-----··---Edmonton W. C. Lassiter ... Lauringburg, N.D.North Carolina ... D. R. Gittins . _______ Edmonton E. M. Johnson .... Fargo ·---····----····------North Dakota _____ B_ James ___________ __ Bulwark A. H. McMillan .... Kingston ______ Nova Scotia __ _ W. G. Scott ____ ... Edmonton R. T. McConald . Fairview Park -- .. Ohio ----------··----··--Mason Pound .... Daysland G. W. Evans ·--·· Oklahoma ___________ _ N. Scheer ···-·---------Strathmore H. Young ·-·------- --_Portland ··-·------·-·-·-Oregon ····-··-·-··---·Walter Hill .......... Edmonton W .B. Wilson ...... Philadelphia __________ Pennsylvania ...... F. E. Sloane ........ Edmonton Esteban MunarrizManila _ _ _____ __ __ Phillipine Islands T. W. Cook ........... Med. Hat Rev. Archie Casselman__ ______ --------- -- Quebec ····-----···----W. H. Houghton _Calgary T. C. Harveyson .. Brisbane ___________ Queensland _______ _ Wm. Morrison ..... Med. Hat R. E. Knight ·-·-- Rhode Island -------A. ). Rutz __________ .Drumheller H. K. Halldorson .. Saskatoon ----··-·--- Saskatchewan ·--M. A. R. Cliff ... .Calgary G B. Ritchie _________ Edinburgh ·- ------·-··Scotland ····-----·-·----W. j_ Forsyth ......... Calgary

B. M. Smith . ______ Columbia __________ South Carolina ____ f. W. Keyte ........ Calgary ). R. Chandler _ 624 W. Main St. South Dakota . ... O. P. Thomas ...... Edmonton

Lead, S.D.


W. R. Patton Jr ..... 622 Vinton St. .. Tennessee ............ H. B. Stitt .............. Stettler J. !::. Cavender .. Ft. Worth .............. Texas ., .................. P . J. Kendall ........ Edmonton P. H. Volk . .. Salt Lake City ...... Utah ................ Cecil Duthie ........ Calgary L. G. Thompson. Bellows Falls ...... Vermont .... W. B. T. Tilson Calgary S. ). Jessup ........ N. Williamstown . .Victoria ................ Norman Leslie ... Grande Prairie C. F. Unruth ........ Kinsale ................ Virginia ............. A. Brown ............... Bassano Bill Gillis .............. Spokane ................... Washington ........ Geo. Grieve ........ Edmonton F. W. Reeks ...... Nedlands ............... West Australia ... F. S. Radford ..... Blairmore L. G. Kincheloe .. Parkesburq ........ West Virginia ...... F. J. Hand ........... Calgary J. Gordon ............. Kimberley .............. Wisconsin ............ P. W. Slater ........ Strathmore W. B. Saunders .. Gillette ... Wyoming ...... V. R. Speare ..... Edmonton Edwin Wipf Switzerland ........ Ed Searle ...... ..Edmonton 0. Pidoux .......... France .................. R. de Villenfagne Calgary H. B. S. Kriens Netherlands .......... E. W. Creasey ... Calgary Dr. Durga Prosad. India ...................... W. N. Martin .Calgary P. W. Dager! ...... Germany .............. H. L. Geary ......... Edmonton



To the Most Excellent Grand First Principal, Officers and Companions of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of Alberta.

Most Excellen t Sir and Companions:

Another year has come and gone and your committee on Fraternal Correspondence reports that they have reviewed all proceedings pre­sented to them from Sister Grand Jurisdictions around the world, as is our usual custom, these will be printed in the proceedings.

Your committee would strongly advise all Companions to avail them­selves of the opportunity afforded them to read these reviews as they record the problems and solutions from other Grand Jurisdictions.

We report that harmony and good will prevails, but there is still cause for alarm in the definite increase in loss of membership. While some Grand Chapters have exalted a considerable number of candidates at the end of the year, with deaths, demits and suspensions they end up reporting a loss.

We would recommend to the Officers of subordinate Chapters, the urgent necessity of keeping the new members interested so that they will be regular attenders.

Our Ritualistic work is of prime importance to our Candidate for whom the degrees are provided. In the short time we have with them in each degree, we must by our earnest and faithful presentation of the work, truly portray to them the deeper understanding of the principles advanced.

We would remind the Companions of this Grand Chapter of the Tri­ennial Convocation of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons International, to be held at the Hilton Hotel in the City of Portland, Ore­gon on September twenty-eight to October second, 1969.

Fraternally submitted,


On the motion of M.E. Companion George Grieve, seconded by M.E. Companion Frank Mayer, it was resolved that the report of the Commit­tee on Fraternal Correspondence be received and adopted.


The 49th Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of British Columbia was held in the Masonic Hall, Victoria, on June the 20th, 1967. This Grand Convocation was opened by M. Ex. Companion Dr. L. R. Garney in ample form. Nine P.G.Z.s were present.

The Distinguished Guests, our P.G.Z. and present Grand S.E. being among them, were presented to the Grand Chapter, warmly welcomed by the Grand First Principal then rendered the Grand Honours and es­corted to the Grand East, there seated.


His Worship the Mayor of Victoria, Mr. Stephen, was escorted into the Grand Convocation by Rt. Ex. Companion Henderson. The Mayor was warmly welcomed by the G .Z. then escorted to the Grand East.

His Worship was then asked to speak to the Convocation which he did and extended a hearty welcome to the Royal Arch Masons visiting the City of Victoria, after which he retired. After the Grand Z. expressed the pleasure of the Companions for his (the Mayors) remarks.

The Grand Z. in his address said, " It was a pleasure for him lo wel­come all members of the Grand Chapter as well as the visitors from other Grand Jurisdictions. The G.Z. then told of his visits to various Chapters. Especially pleased was he to get Kootenay Chapter No. 3 al Kaslo on a regular meeting basis again after several years of inactivity. (This reviewer notes this and it makes for pleasant reading).

In his concluding remarks the Grand Z. said "I wish to take this opportunity to thank all Companions who assisted me in any way. I re ­ceived invaluable support from M. Ex. Companion Baker, G .S .E. and M. Ex. Companion Smalley, l.P.Z. I wish to express my sincere thanks for the privilege of serving you as your Grand Firs t Principal and for the friendliness and hospitality shown me by all Chapters." Well said M. Ex. Sir.

The Grand Representatives were called (Alberta was one) and the Grand Z. expressed his pleasure of seeing the above Grand Chapters represented. In response lo the Grand Z., M. Ex. Companion J. R. Mitchell thanked the Grand Z. for his remarks.

The reports of the Grand Treasurer and the Grand Secretary were received and adopted. M. Ex. Companion Wm. Allen, Deputy Grand Z. of the Grand Chapter o f Scotland brought the fraternal greetings from the Royal Arch Chapters of Scotland and a personal message from our beloved Grand First Principal, M. Ex. Companion, the Earl of Galloway. He asked me to convey to you his best wishes for continued success in the great work you are doing so well in this great order. We have 831 Chapters scattered all over the world who owe allegiance to Supreme Grand Chapter and I am honoured that you have chosen me as your Grand Representative in Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland. Our G.S.E. a P.G.F. Principal also said a few words of appreciation of being present and how he had enjoyed the proceedings.

M. Ex. Companion Garney made a nice suggestion and that was that the next Chapter entertaining Grand Chapter should b e in a position to furnish four cars, maybe five, in the afternoon with a driver to take the ladies around. "That's done almost every place but B.C. It's done in fact in every place but B.C. A tour of interesting points in the district could be arranged including a no host luncheon. (This reviewer feels that it is worth a try. It sure would be appreciated by all " try it").

At the election of officers Rt. Ex. Companion Mark H . Hannah was elected Grand First Principal for 1968 and was after short recess installed Grand First Principal by M. Ex. Companion A. Roy Byrnell. (A few offi­cers that had been appointed and were not at Grand Chapter are to be invested in their various Chapters later on.)

The Grand Convocation was now closed in ample form at 6:15 p.m.




119 Chapters-31,534 Members

The ! 14th Annual Convocation was held at Santa Anna, California on April 22nd, 1968 and it is worthy of note that "The Grand Organist" and "The Grand Soloist" entertained the Companions prior to the open­inq of Grand Chapter. Both Companions were re-appointed to office by the Grand Hiqh Priest, M.E . Comp. P. H. Mercier who remarked: "Their music had lonq been one of the h ighlights of our Convocation."

There were many fraternal visi's made, and all officers submitted flne reports on the work.

Next me etinq to be he!d in Oakland, California on April 28th, 1969.



51 Chapters-Membership 6,320

The 93rd Annual Convocation was held in Denver on January 25th, 1968, being opened by the Grand High Priest, Leon C. Butler.

A large number of distinguished guests and visitors were then re­ceived, having been escorted in by P.G.H. Priests, and following this all presiding officers whom in turn were greeted by the Grand High Priest.

Of particular note is the Centennial Anniversary of this Grand Chap­ter on May 11th, 1975 and plans to cover an estimated cost of $25,000.00 for this eve nt were made. Each member to be assessed .SO cents per year and each Chapter at 10 cents per member per year for the period from January 1969 through 1975.

Despite an over-all loss of membership it is worth noting that two Chapters were presented with 10 percent increase certificates.

Sunday, October 22nd was declared as Religious Affirmation Day with instructions that the proclamation was to b e read in each Chapter at their next meeting. Alberta should take note of this.



The Ninety-ninth Annual Grand Convocation of Royal Arch Masons of Delaware was held in the Masonic Temple at Wilmington, on Saturday, January the 21st, 1967, and was opened in Full Form, M. Ex. Companion G.H.P. Charles G. Daldstrom presiding.

Nine P.G.H.P.s were present.

The Distinguished Guests were received and given a warm welcome by the G.H.P. and rendered the Grand Honours.

The G.H.P. began his address by extending a warm welcome to all present and expressed his appreciation for having the honour of b eing elected to the high office of G.H.P.

The Reports of the Grand Treasurer and the Grand Secretary were received and adopted.


At the election of officers, M. Ex. Companion John S. Proud was elected and afterwards installed as Grand High Priest by M. Ex. Comp­anion Powel E. Craiq assisted by Ex. Companion James R. Hannah.

The Grand Chapter was closed a t 5:30 p.m. in ample form.

Next Annual Convocation to be held in Wilmington on Saturday, the 20th of January, 1968.



The One Hundred and First Annual Convocation was held at the Masonic Temple, Thirteenth Street and New York Avenue N.W. on Feb­ruary 10th, 1968 at 1:00 p.m.

Most Ex. Grand High Priest, Edward S. Paylor presided.

The Grand representative of Alberta, M.E. Companion John P. Knapik was present.

49 Grand Representatives from other Grand Chapters were accorded a warm welcome.

M.E. Companion Morris F .Hewitt was elected Grand High Priest, and M.E. Companion Marvin E. Fowler was elected Grand Secretary.


IOWA 1968

The 112th Grand Annual Convocation of Royal Arch Masons of Iowa was opened in the City of Mason City, Iowa on April 5th, 1968 with M. Ex. Companion Lloyd, G.H.P. presiding.

The Distinguished Guests were presented to the Grand Chapter, ren­dered the Grand Honours, then escorted in the Grand East.

Thirteen P.G.H. Priests were presented and rendered the Grand Honours, then seated in the Grand East.

The Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Iowa, M. Wor. Bro. Kenneth Miller was introduced at the Altar, given a Royal welcome, and esoorted to !he Grand East.

The Grand Master upon being requested to address the Grand Con­vocation did so in a very pleasing manner which was well received by the Companions, especially when the G.M. said, ''Of particular interest to me and I know also to you M. Ex. Sir, is the fact that during the past year definite steps have been taken which will bond the various orders of our Fraternity into a force of unity and cooperation, each with the other and thus make it a reality that the leaders of our Masonic orders shall travel down the road hand in hand assisting and supporting, giv­ing and taking, and sharing in the goals and ambitions, one with the. other." To this, the writer will say that the G.M. hinted to all who would read his address what he had in mind. Well said M. Wor. Bro. Sir.

Forty-seven Grand Representatives were presented and welcomed by the G.H.P. (Alberta was there.)


The Grand High Priest in his address (=d I quote) said, "May I remind you that during this day and tomorrow you are conducting your Grand Convocation, not mine. The Grand Council is in the East only as an administrative body and by the sufferance of our Companions. We only "read and expound the law,'' we do not make it. You are the law makers and I earnestly urge each of you to actively participate in our deliberations.

To our Distinguished Guests from the other Masonic bodies of this great State I wish to express my appreciation not only for your presence at this Convocation, but als·o for the way you have led your respective bodies in cooperating with us throughout the years. I feel that great forward strides in Masonic cooperation have been made in a brief period of time and I sincerely pray that this progress may continue unabated for the remainder of time. We are not competing teams, pushing forward to opposite goals. We are members of the same team, so lets forget our petty jealousies and play the game as it should be played. (This writer says these words of the G.H.P. coupled with the wisdom of the Grand Master should cause some heart searching). Further on the G.H.P. said, "May I remind the Companions of Iowa that we are the hosts . Introduce yourselves to these guests, chat with them (but not in the Chapter room please), swap lies with them, but stay on the defensive because I know from experience that some of them are experts in this field." (From this writer that was fair warning.) I think the G.H.P. made 80 visits and was sorry he had to turn some down.

Further on, the G.H.P. said, '·'[ believe I had a collection of officers that are Pennant winners in any league. My deepest appreciation to our beloved Grand Secretary, Ron Camblin. I hope that he feels that he has succeeded, at least in part, in keeping me on the straight and narrow." (A fine tribute M. Ex. Sir.) "In conclusion, I wish to say how deeply and most sincerely, that it has been a most busy but most enjoyable year. Whether or not this year has been a successful one is not for me to say. May the Great Architect continue to bless each and every one of you and this Grand Chapter of Iowa." (This writer wishes he had more space to spare, to go fu rther and add more of this address, as he sure said plenty, and timely.)

The Grand Secretary stated that the membership was: Admitted 410, Reinstated 65, Demitted 167, Expelled l, and 216 N.P.D. and 379 passed away, showing a loss of 251.

At the election M. Ex. Companion Richard E. Gayle was elected G.H.P. for 1969 and was afterwards installed G.H.P. by M. Ex. Companion Thomas Carothers P.G.H.P., assisted by M. Ex. Companion E. D. Lofton as Grand Marshall.

This was a public installation, after which the Grand Chapter was closed. (No time stated.)

Next Grand Convocation to be in the City of Des Moines on the 27th of March, 1969.



The one hundred twentieth annual Convocation of Royal Arch Masons of Louisiana was held at the Hotel Bentley Alex.andria, Louisiana, March 12, 13, 14, 1967. M. Ex. Comp. Lloyd Grady Wilder, Grand High Priest, presided.

- - -- -----------


The Grand High Priest in his Address had the following to say, on the State of the Order:

"The only sickness our Craft is suffering from is namely, COMPLA­CENCY. which if allowed to exist will soon develop into DEFEATISM."

"To me our greatest error is that we forget that we are a band of Companions. What have you done during the last year to assist a Com­panion?"

"Lets love our MEMBERS first and our CANDIDA TES second."

"Herbert Hoover once said, 'We need to add to the three R's, namely Reading, Riling and Rithmetic, a fourth - RESPONSIBILITY.' There are other R's that could be added, among them Resolution, Respect and Rev­erence. These are ingredients that must be included in any life of h igh character and quality. Purposeful living comes with developing talents, character and opportunity and in accepting real responsibility with rev­erence and respect."

During the year there was a loss of 88 members, bringing the mem­bership to 9,937. Five Chapters exceeded 10% gain. The Chapter which has the greatest gain in percentage and numbers receives the "Grand Chapter Holy Bible'' for the year. Springhill Chapter #94 received it this year with 34 points.

Probably the most interesting report in this Proceedings was the one of the Committee on York Rite Unity. In this report the Chairman, M. Ex. Comp. J. Luther Jordan, Past General Grand High Priest. outlines the action that had been taken to try to get more liaison between the various Masonic bodies. He draws attention to the Committee set up at the Tri­ennial in Minneapolis in 1963 . When th is commission brought in its re­port at the Triennial in Boston in 1966, it recommended that all bodies in the York Rite come under the General Grand Body. This committee (Louis­iana) maintain that the result would be disastrous as the Grand Chapters Grand Councils and Grand Commanderies would lose their democratic rights. In addition the question of legality of interfering with State char­tered corporations is mentioned. It brings some questions to the fore, which should be considered before the next Triennial Session in Portland, Oregon, in September 1969.

M. Ex. Comp. Charles G . Clauss was installed as Grand High Priest, and the next session will be held in Shreveport, Louisiana, March 10, 1968.


7 Chapters, 384 Members. The 13th Annual Convocation held in Tija­ana, B. Cla., February 19, 1967 by G.H.P. Mino M. Cova. During the year they show a loss of 16 members. This Grand Chapter appears to be well financed. Alberta was represented by A. G. Wygard. Next place of meet­ing, Mexico City. Samuel Hershaoff elected G .HP. for 1968.

F.C .



Fourteenth Annual Grand Convocation, held in Mexico City on Friday, March 8th, 1968.

Grand Rep resen tative Alex Wygard for Alberta.

Membe rship ............ . 325 Loss .............................................................................................................. 40

G.H P., M.E. Companion S. Hirshcopf, G. Secretary R.E. Companion Fulvio Zama



143 Chapters-Membership 26,633

The 119.h Annual Convocation was held in Bay City on October 20, 1967, being opened by the Grand High Priest, D .N. Wiltse, Sr.

Because Royal Arch Masonry and the University of Michigan were b o th celebrating the ir sesqui-centennial year, a plaque was presented by Grand Chapter to the University at the Grand Convocation Banque t to commemorate the financial contributions made by Capitular Masons to the erectin g of the firs t building of the University and continuing in­terest in higher education in the State.

The proceedings also printed a copy of a telegram received from the top Governmental Royal Arch Mason of the United States, Hubert H. Hum­phrey, who sent fraternal greetings and best wishes, and extended his regrets a t being unable to be present. This must have been most interest-mg.



O ne Hundred and Twentieth Annual Grand Convocation, held on O ctober I Ith and 12th, 1968 in the Masonic Temple, Lansing, Michigan.

Membership at beginning of year ................ . Exalted ............................................................................. . Affiliated ......................................................................... . Restored .......................................................................... .

Losses Died ............................................................. . Demitted ........................................................................ . Suspended ..................................................................... . Withdrawn ....................................................................... .

729 57 41

726 91

298 310




Total Me mbership December 27th .................. ....... 26,633 No. of Cha pte rs having Exaltations .............................. ................... 31 No. of Chapters showing losses ........................................................ 108

G.H P. , M.E. Companion T. B. Ballard, Grand Secretary, R.E. Comp-anion 0. J. Myers.

Next Convo::ation, October 16th, 17th and 18th, 1969 at Detroit, Michi-gan.




One Hundred and Seventh Annual Convocation held at Roches ter on October 4th and 5th. 71 Chapters, Membership 14,629. Total qain - 310.

The Grand Chapter was opened in full form at 9:00 am. by Grand High Priest Glenn C. Jones, presiding and all Grand Officers present.

The United States and Canada colors were presented, the U.S. Colors by Sir Kn ight Lee Hargesheimer and Sir Knight F. E. Ellssorth, the Can­adian Colors by Sir Knight Ernest Raybain and Sir Knight Larry Barnard.

Tributes were qiven by Ex. Companion Arnold E. Ulrich, respecting the United States Colors, and M.E. Companion Robert Kerr, Grand First Principal of Manitoba in respect to the Canadian Colors.

There were 12 P.G.H.P. introduced and given Grand Honors.

There were 24 Grand Representatives answering the Roll Call. Al­berta was represented by Wilson A. Strand.



The One Hundred and Nineteenth Annual Grand Convocation of Royal Arch Masons of Mississippi was held in Jackson in the King Ed­ward Hotel and was opened in ample form at 8:00 a.m., 1967 and was presided over by M. Ex. Companion J. E. Sneed as Grand H. Priest.

The Distinguished Guests were introduced by M. Ex. Comp. Abb Sneed Sen. P.G.H.P. and were warmly welcomed by the G.H.P.

The G.H.P. began his address by saying, '"It is a happy privilege for me to greet you at this Annual Grand Convocation. We trust that your visit with us will be the most pleasant. To the representatives of subordinate Chapters you are an important part of it and this is your Grand Chapter and you are urged to express yourselves on all questions that may arise in the State of the Craft,'' the G.H.P. said. "For the sec­ond straight year I am p leased to report a gain in membership. True, it is an extremely small gain (four members) but it is al least a gain. We exalted 437 and 292 were S.N.P. Dues and 226 died. I believe something should be done about N.P.D.s. If we would start our meetings on time and then at a decent hour end them and improve the quality of our degree work, this would help solve a lot of our non-payment of dues problem." This reviewer states that while the idea expressed by the G .H.P. is a laudable one, it won't work. Too many other attractions, especially T.V., not forgetting cozy slippers, the G.H.P. means well, but its the same all over other Jurisdictions. The G .H.P. paid a warm tribute to the Grand Secretary for his every ready help and advice.

The Grand Representatives were called and warmly welcomed. Al­berta was among them

The Reports of the Grand Treasurer and the Grand Secretary were received and adopted, and after other business had been attended to, the election of officers took place when M. Ex. Companion Johnnie C. Thompson was elected as Grand High Priest for 1968 and was afterwards installed by M. Ex. Companion T. 0. Gore, P.G.H.P. assisted by M. Ex. Companion W. L. Holland as Marshall.


There being no other business, the Grand Chapter was closed in ample form. Next place of meeting to be in Jackson, Mississippi.

I deeply regret to have to state the M. Ex. Companion Johnnie C. Thompson, Grand High Priest, passed away on the 30th of May only shortly after he was installed as Grand High Priest. Alberta shares with Mississippi the deepest sympathy to his family.



One Hundred and Twentieth Annual Convocation held in Jackson on May 8th and 9th, 1968.

M.E. Companion E. B. Sheares had a very active year. Grand Representative from Alberta, W. E. Howell present. Members, December 31st, 1966 --------------------------------Exalted ------------------------------------------------------------------------------Affiliated --------------------------------------------------------------------------Reinstated ---- -------------------------------------- ·---------------------------­Deductiom; Suspended N.P.D. ----------------------------------------------------------Demitted -------------------------------------------------------------------------­Died ----------------------------------------------·-----------------------------------Chapter surrendered ----------------------------------------------------Net qain __ ____ ______________ __ _ ----------------------------------------------------Members on Roll ------------------------------------------------------------

455 35


330 33

189 38 4



Most Excellent Companion Edward B. Shearer, Grand High Priest, R.E. Companion C . A. Thorn, Grand Secretary.

Next Convocation held on May 9th & 10th, Hudeberq Hotel, Jackson.



One Hundred and Forty-Ninth Annual Convocation held in Masinic Temple, Concord, on Saturday, May I Ith, 1968.


Grand Representative of Alberta was absent.

Number of Chapters, 26: Membership April !st, 1967, 3.080. loss-80.

Grand High Priest Howard W. Chellis, Grand Secretary, H. W . John-



The One Hundred and Eleventh Annual Grand Convocation held at Trenton on May 4th.

The Grand Chapter was opened in ample form at 9:15 a .m. by the Most Excellent Companion Charles W. Glade, Grand High Priest. Prayer was offered by R. Excellent Companion Walter Elliott, Grand Chaplain.

Present at the opening were 11 D.D.H.P.s, 12 P.H.P.s and 37 of the 52 Chapters represented.

There were 19 Dis tinguished Guests from 12 Grand Chapters, also 7 from other Masonic bodies R.E. Companion George A. Ferris, Alberta,'s Representative, did not answer the roll call.




The one hundredth and seventeenth annual Convocation of Royal Arch Masons of New York was held in the Masonic Temple, Albany, N.Y., on February 2, 1967. M. Ex. Comp. Russell P. Kantor, Deputy Grand High Priest presided due to the untimely death of M. Ex. Comp. Harold William Day, Grand High Priest. His death occurred on January 13, 1967, about three weeks before the end of his term of office. The work of the annual Convocation was preceded by a Memorial Service by the Grand Chap­lain. In his report, which he had submitted previous lo his death, M. Ex. Comp. Day noted live lOOth Anniversaries and 4 150th Anniversaries of different Chapters in the State of New York.

The Grand Master of A.F. & A.M. in New York concluded an address he made to the Grand Chapters as follows:

"But we must not look upon Masonry as a bequest from the past. For each man it must be his own conquest, both of himself and his world. Belief and understanding cannot be given, it must be achieved. The val­ues of Masonry are not in membership, but in the efforts to attain mem­bership and live up lo ii - in the deep and sincere practice of real Brotherhood."

There was 1.279 loss in membership to bring the total membership to 26,270 during the year. Some of the increase ·in the loss were nearly 100 more deaths.

During the year, M. Ex. Comp. Day attended a fraternal visit of Otta­wa Chapter #222 of the Grand Chap~er of Canada, in Ontario, to Central City Chapter #70 al Syracuse, N.Y. He was given an inscribed plaque by Ottawa Chapter #222 when he attended a fraternal visit of Mexico Chapter #1 35, Mexico to Ottawa, Ontario, September 24-25, 1967. He was the guest of honor on this occasion.

The Committee on Museum and Library gave a very interesting re­port, but one sentence is worthy of repetition: "A phonograph 'can set the Craft at work; but we must not forget lo 'give them proper instruc­tion for their labors'". They also quote from Socrates "He is not only idle, who does nothing, but he is idle, who might be better employed."

The Committee on Tubercular Relief reported that since ii had been started in 1924 they had contributed $149,002.92 to Royal Arch Masons suffering from Chronic Pulmonary Disease and their dependents.

$1,000 was made available for Scholarship Fund by the sale of Royal Arch Seals.

The Grand Lecturer reported conventions in 34 districts. More line officers attended as well as the predominant number of P.G.H.P.s. A H.P. Workbook was distributed to H.P.s and several Kings.

A report of the Committee on Grand Chapter History is interesting and worthy of the consideration of all Grand Chapters.

M. Ex. Comp. Russell P. Kantor was installed Grand High Priest for the succeeding year. Companion Zahn, on behalf of Companion Zvi Benary of the Holy Land, presented Ex. Comp. Kantor with a magnificent jeweled, sterling silver Bible.




The 99th Annual Convocation was held in Halifax, N.S. on May 4th, 1968, by the G .H.P., M. Ex. Comp. C . G . Mitchell, who received and wel­comed all the distinguished guests and visitors.

The Grand Chaplain, Rt. Ex. Comp. the Reverend D. M. Sinclair led the Comprmions in the Annual Divine Service and the reading of it was most inspiring.

Of interest is the report of the Board of Jurisprudence, presented by M. Ex. C. Wray V. Harris: "Egbert Thomas W·alters, age 19, and a Lewis" or the son of a Mason, was made a Mason in a Lodge under the Scottish Jurisdiction in Newfoundland. Shortly afterwards he applied for his Cap­itular Degrees. If elected he will then receive these under the same Juris­diction.

M. Ex. Comp. Dr. A. P. Fleming, M.D., was installed as Grand High Priest and from a perusal of the minutes, appears to be "The Man" for Nova Scotia's centennial which will be held in Halifax May 29-31, 1969.


OHIO 1967

The One Hundred and Fifty-First Grand Convocation of Ohio Royal Arch Masons was held in the City of Dayton, Ohio on the 4th rmd 5th of October 1967 in the Masonic Temple. The Grand Chapter was opened at 9:30 a.m. with M. Ex. Companion Harold S. Barnheiser presiding.

Seventeen P.G.H. Priests were presented and rendered the Grand Honours.

The Distinguished Guests were presented to the Grand Chapter, rendered the Grrmd Honours, escorted to the Grand East, there seated. The M. Wor. Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ohio, M. Wor. Bro. Ben R. Evens - he is also an Ex. Companion - was made welcome also.

The address of the Grand High Priest from which I have extracted some parts. He tells us that he had while he had been active in Chapter, it may well be that his contribution had b een mostly in time and he was grateful to a ll who had assisted him with their council, advice and services.

In his State of the Rite he remarked that "I am not a philosopher, teacher or soothsayer. I am a Dentist. I believe I know when to cast out an offending tooth, but I do not know how to solve the problems that beset us. I think I know all of the problems and I am sure that I know some of the answers. We must keep up, we must ''.get with it", not to resist progress I am told.

Many of the chrmges that I see about I do not care for. I believe that Masonry is the great bulwark standing1 against some of these chan­ges - the lack of responsibility, the disregard for law and order and others. I again wish to thank all Companions who have assisted me so well and to my successor, I wish him the greatest measure of success.

The Grand Secretary reported that there had been 1,452 Deaths, 513 withdrawn and 966 suspended for N.P.D. The membership a t the end of 1967 stood at 61,349 members .


The Grand Secretary said he had served the Grand Chapter 14 years as Grand Treasurer and 7 years as Grand Secretary and he requested to be relieved of his duties as Grand Secretary. With great regret his re­quest was granted and M. Ex. Companion Oliver H. Ormiston was ap­pointed and afterwards Grand Secretary. The Past Grand Secretary was afterwards designated Grand Secretary Emeritus.

The· Grand Treasurer reported the finances were in good shape which was verified by the Auditors.

The election of officers now took place and M. Ex. Companion Harvey Walker elected as G.H.P. for 1968.

The G.H.P. declared a recess until the Thursday morning. at which was resumed at 9:30 a.m. October 5th, 1967.

After this session a lot of Committee work had been attended to -and there was much. The installation of officers took place when M. Ex. Companion Harvey Walker was installed as G.H.P. by M. Ex. Companion Harold S. Barnheiser, P.G.H.P. assisted by M. Ex. Companion Harry E. Sark as Grand Marshall.

Several more items having been attended to, the Grand Chapter was closed in ample form.

Next Grand Convocation to· be held in Columbus, Ohio on October 2nd and 3rd, 1968.



The Annual Grand Convocation of Royal Arch Masons of Ontario was held in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on the 25th of April 1967 in ample form at 10:00 a.m. with M. Ex. Companion J . . E Girven, Grand First Prin­cipal presiding.

This was the One Hundred and Ninth Annual Convocation.

The Distinguished Guests were introduced by V. Ex. Companion Edgar C. Shunk as-D.0.C. Among· them were Wor. Bro. and Ex. Compan­ion James N. Allen, Grand Master ol Ontario.

The Grand Representatives answered the Roll Call called by the Grand Scribe E. Alberta was among them. The M. Ex. Z extended to them a very warm welcome and Grand Honours were rendered them.

The Grand First Principal began his address by saying, "I am most grateful for the priviledge of extending to each of you a hearty and fra­ternal welcome to our One Hundred and Ninth Convocation of this Grand Chapter's Centennial Year. It is a special priviledge and a great personal delight to me to extend on behalf of all Companions present a most sin­cere and warm welcome to one who has contributed a great service to Masonry during the past two years - M. Wor. Bro. and Ex. Comp., The Hon. James N. Allen, our Gi-and Master of the Grand Lodge A.F.' & A.M. of Canada in th·e Province of Ontario.

The G.Z. then told of his visits and other business in which he had attended to - which this writer has not the space to spare to go into details - and in conclusion the G.Z. said "I wish to express· my heartfelt qratitud:e- to the Companions of this Grand Jurisdiction for entrusting me wi th the leadership of your Grand Chapter.


In the report of the Grand Scribe E he said in part how some of the Scribes of some Chapters were delinquent in not sending Returns of their Chapters to the office of the G .S.E. on time and this state of affaris had been goinq on for some time.

With respect this reviewer will state that the G.S.E. has a weapon in his hands to stop this. While harsh are the words of a friend, some medicines are bitter to the taste they cure sickness. He suggests, speak softly, not carry a "big stick" try it, and use the Grand Representatives. That's part of their duty isn't it. Also G.S.E. you have the Masonic In­struction Committee or is that just a "name". My goodness, what wea­pons you have G .S.E.

The Grand Chapter was called off at 4:30 p.m. to permit the delegates to .select their Grand Representatives and elect the officers of Grand Chapter for the ensuing year and the next place of meeting.

The Grand Chapter was called on at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, the 26th of April 1967.

At ·the election, M. Ex. Companion Stanley Portch was elected Grand First Principal for the year of 1968 as well as the other officers.

After s-ome other business had been attended to, the M. Ex. Comp­anion Bruce H. Smith installed the newly elected Grand First Principal, M. Ex. Companion Stanley Portch as Grand First Principal and the other officers.

This reviewer regrets that space does not permit him to report more of the reports for they are many.

Grand Chapter was closed in ample form at 2:15 p.m.



The Grand Convocation of Royal Arch Masons of Quebec was held in the Masonic Temple in the City of Montreal on Wednesday, May 31st, 1967. This was the Ninetieth Grand Convocation and was presided over by M. Ex. Companion W. G. Parker, Grand First Principal.

Eight Past Grand Z.s were present and Alberta was represented.

The .Distinguished Guests were escorted into the Chapter and were warmly welcomed by the G.Z., rendered the Grand Honours and escorted to the Grand East, there seated.

The Grand Z. in his address said in part, "I am privileged to wel­come you to the 90th Annual Convocation of Royal Arch Masons of Que­bec and in the City of Montreal in Canada's Centennial year of Confed­eration. I trust you will join in the deliberations and put forward ideas which will be for the advancement of Capitular Masonry in general and the Grand Chapter in particular. I trust you will convey a report to your respective Chapters at the earliest opportunity.

The Grand Z. then went on to tell of the numerous visits he had made to other Jurisdictions (.and they were plenty) and concluded his address by paying a well deserved tribute to the Grand Secretary - who de­served it - to M. Ex. Companion H. Wall Clarke.


The Committee on the State of the Order made some remarks about the Grand Superintendents of Districts, how they tend to gloss over weak­nesses and leave optimistic impressions which are not justified by the facts. This reviewer says "how true you are." This tendency is charitable but misleading. Facts are facts and should be faced in the best interest of our order. If Masonic Orders are to flourish, some means must be found to make them attractive to overcome the competition from television and comfortable slippers at home and other social activities which usually include the ladies. (That's a good one.) In other cities such as Montreal, lack of parking facilities near the Masonic Temple is a serious deterrent. This committee has the right ideas. They also handed a "slap on the wrist" to the Duke of Kent Chapter No. 23 - how they were slow in sub­mitting reports. (Earlier the G.S.E. had stated that occasionally under undue circumstances may prevent promptness and a word to this effect to the Office would be sympathetically received, but the Duke of Kent Chapter has developed an apparent pattern of deliboriness which can only be regarded as reprehensible), "that's telling em" no fooling. This Committee did a good job. They deserve a ''pennant in any league."

It is noted that the Order of High Priesthood has been established and that an Organizational Meeting was held when the Officers were installed and 14 candidates were Annointed.

At the election of Officers M. Ex. Companion W . Gordon Parker was re-elected G .Z. and the other Officers were installed or invested.

Grand Chapter was closed at 9:55 p.m.



32 Chapters-Membership 7,523

The 157th Annual Convocation was held on March 12th, 1968 in Col­umbia, S .C., with W. G. Langford presiding as Grand High Priest.

All distinguished guests were received with due honors, and the M. Ex. Grand High Priest extended a cordial welcome to all.

Also present were 12 P.G.H.P.'s who were welcomed and thanked for their sound advice and good counsel to the Grand Chapter.

A newly formed Chapter, Tyger Chapter exalted 43 Companions to the Degree of the H.R.A., which accounted for part of the 191 net gain of members for this Grand Chapter.

The 158th Annual Convocation to be held in Florence, S.C., March 11th, 1969.



The 78th Annual Convocation of Royal Arch Masons of South Dakota was held in Spearfish, S.D. on September 26-27, 1967. M. Ex. Comp. Rich­ard H. Sachau, Grand High Priest presided.

While there was a net loss of 16, it was worthwhile noting that the smaller Chapters nearly all showed a gain. The membership is now 3,849. In this Grand Jurisdiction, the Grand Chapter Officers are assigned to make visitations and work with District Co-ordinating Committees.


M. Ex. Comp. Sachau recommended among other things, the Grand Chapter give full support to the Grand Master's Youth Program, DeMolay and Job's Daughters.

It was resolved that the office of Grand Secretary-Treasurer replace the two separate offices. There was also some changes in the appointive and elective Officers.

M. Ex. Comp. Ernest Christensen was installed for the ensuing year as Grand High Priest. The next session of the Grand Chapter will be held in Aberdeen, S.D.

O .P.T.


The 139th Annual Convocation was held in Nashville, Tenn., March 25, 1968 and greetings were extended to many distinguished guests and visitors by the G.H.P., M. Ex. Comp. G. A. Peters.

On the matter of Royal Arch Advancement the following is worthy of mention, this being only part of the report: "We have done our job well only when those who have received the Royal Arch Degree look back on their experiences with admiration and appreciation for what they have received. When this takes place, we will have loyal and regular attendants who are enthusiastic and co-operative in all our programs, and anxious to recommend their experience to their friends. "

During the past year 22 certificates were presented to Companions with 50 or more years service as Royal Arch Masons. Five Chapters had net gains of 10% or more and are eligible to receive General Grand Chapter certificates, one Chapter having a net gain of 44 members, it also being "first" in net gain for the third consecutive year.


TEXAS 1968

One Hundred and Nineteenth Annual Convocation held in Memorial Temple, Waco, on Monday and Tuesday, December 2nd and 3rd, 1968.

Grand Representative J. E. Cavender responded to roll call. Membership June 23rd, 1967 ............................ ..................... 43,410

Increased by Exaltations Affiliations Reinstated


993 141 442

Demitted .................................... ....... ................................... 381 Suspended .......................................................................... 1,077 Deceased .............................................................................. 1,048 Total Decrease ......................................... ...... ....... ....... ...................... 2,842 Net Loss during the year ................................................................ 827

G.H.P., M.E. Companion D. D. Tidwell, G . Secretary, R.E. Companion E. S. Winfree, Jr.

Next Annual Convocation in the City of Waco on Monday, December !st, 1969.



UTAH 1967

The 56th Annual Convocation of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Utah was held in conjunction with other York Rite Bodies, in Provo, Utah, on May 8th, 196'7. M. Ex. Comp. Aaron Hey, G rand High Priest presided.

The York Rile bodies are working together as a committee on edu­cation and indoctrination so as to keep the interest of all Masons . In some parts of the Slate it has shown very beneficial results.

An event of interest is the Four Corners Festival. This is carried out by the Royal Arch Masons of the States of Colorado, New Mexico, Ari­zona, and Utah at some place near where they corner each other. In 1966 ii was held al Farmington, New Mexico. In 1967 it was held at Page, Arizona. Each of the State Chapter Representatives do part of the work, eg. Utah conferred the M.M.M. Degree in 1966 and the R.A.M . in 1967.

There was a loss of 23 lo bring the membership to 1,314. The letter from 1he General Grand Chapter with respect to the Resolution brought up in Bost was left for a committee to bring in a report at the ·next Grand Convocation at Ogden, Utah.

M. Ex. Comp. Lloyd H. Taylor was ins talled as Grand High Priest for 1967-68.

O .P.T.


The One Hundred and .Fifty-First Annual Convocation was held in the City of Burlington on fune 11th, 1968, by Most Excellent Grand High Priest, Ralph E. Benny.

Following the opening prayer the Three Grand Masters of the Veils presented of the United States at .the Altar the Oath of Allegiance was repeated and the colors w ere deposited in the East.

Chapters, 26; Members as of April 30th, 1967, 3,497; Additions, 119; Deletions, 158.

Membership as of April 30th, 1968, 3,458; Loss of 39.

The Grand Representative of Alberta .was not present.



The 83rd Grand Annual Convocation of Royal Arch Masons of Wash­ington was held in the Masonic Temple, Everett, on May the 18th, 1967, and was opened in ample form with M. Ex. Companion Robert P. Monroe, Grand High Priest presiding.

13 past G .H.P.s were present and warmly welcomed.

The Distinguished Guests were conducted into the .Chapter and warm­ly welcomed by the G .H.P., accorded the Grand Honours, then seated in the Grand East.

The Grand Representatives of other fur isdictions were assembled around the Altar and were given a s incere and warm welcome iby the G .H.P. Alberta was amonq them.


The G.H.P. began his address, "It is a priviledge and honour to welcome you to this Eighty-third Grand Convocation. We thank you for honouring us with your presence. We hope you will enjoy your visit with us. This is the time for renewing and expanding· our friendships." Further on the G.H.P. said during the year se.veral articles were written pointing out apathy and indifference which is slowly (not so slowly) but surely decreasing our membership - lack of planned meetings cuts down on attendance and loses us members. Please pay particular atten­tion to the number dropped for N.P.D.s. But perhaps if we prune and get rid of all these dead branches it will give our tree of Masonry a better chance to sprout new branches and increase our growth. This is the way to reverse the downward trend. One excuse for not getting carrdi• dates, which I heard repeated many times, was 'my Chapter cannot con­fer the degrees.' This writer asks "why does the Chapter exist?" This is astonishing. How come that the members don't slap the wrist of the men e lected to the Chairs and get the service these members are entitled to? Surely these members are not afraid to holler and besides 'how come tbp brass allows this, are they afraid to offend the rulers of the Chapter'? I heard somewhere in my travels 'That harsh are the words of a friend -some medicines are bitter to the taste but they cure sickness.' Suppose 'top brass' tries it eh? I rest ii at that.

The G.H.P. then told of his official visits (and they were many). In one of the G.H.P.s official ac'.s he rendered a decision that a Companion in qood standinq requested a demit. It should be granted at the next meetinq of the Chapter although the meeting may not be held the next year. Well that leaves a lot to be desired, does it not.

The Report of the Grand Secretary (which was a good one) stated that 222 members had died, 120 had demitted and 198 had been S.N.P. Dues . (This N.P.D. is in keeping with other Grand Bodies.)

At the election of officers, M. Ex. Companion Albert C. Skodje was elected Grand High Priest for 1968 and was afterwards installed by M. Ex. Companion Carl L. Swanson. This was an open Jns!alla!ion in which the Ladies were present.

The Grand Chapter was closed in ample form. The next Grand Con­vocation lo be in the City of Longview on Thursday !he 23rd of May 1968.



67 Chapters-7,298 Members

84th Annual Convocation held in Longview May 23rd and 24th, 1968, by G.H.P. Obert C. Skodje. The United States and Canadian Flags were presented and placed in their appropriate stations. Okanagan Chapter No. 41 was reinstated March 28, 1968 with a membership of 18. They show a net loss of 294 in membership.

Alberta was represented by B. M. Gillis.

F .C.



Sixteenth Annual Convocation at the Masonic Temple, Casper, Wyo­ming, Friday, September 6th, 1968.

Membership June 30th, 1967 -···----·-··--··----····----·------------Exalted --··--- ----·-----····----·-·-------··-------·--··-·········-··--····--------------Affiliated ···-----··-· ----------------·------------------····------------·-··---···----Re:nstated


Demits _____ --·--·-·---·-·······-·----------··--·-----·--·-- -- -- ---·-------------------··-Suspended N.P.D. .. --- --·---·---·-·---------------------·-··----------------Died ··-·----··-···-··-·- ·---·-·--·--····- ------·--· -----·-·---------··------------------·

Total Losses -·-·-------·-----···------··-- ---··-·-···-·----·--·--··· -·····---·-------

Net Losses --------·--------- ·----·--

Membership June 30th, 1968 ·--.

65 9 8

21 36 69







G.H.P. Most Excellent Companion Carl R. Jorgensen, G. Secretary R.E. Companion Marcus R. Nicholos.

To meet at the City of Wheatland, Wyoming, on Friday, September 12th, 1969.


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