govt unit 2

Post on 22-Oct-2015






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Government unit 2 questions


The greatest hindrance to the acceptance of the Republican Party in Texas was that it

Was the party of Reconstruction

Of the following lists of candidates for Texas governor during the past two decades…

William Clements, Clayton Williams, and George W. Bush, Jr.

African Americans

Tend to identify as Democrats

Which of the following is characteristic of state party organization

Both b and c of the preceding

Straight-ticket ting is popular among those who

Are most loyal to their party

An example of a temporary party organization would be a

Both a and b

The political philosophy proclaimed by George W. Bush is known as

Compassionate conservativism

The history of the Texas political party system has tended toward

Texas being a one-party state

From 1870-1970 the state was

One party state, dominated by the Democratic party

Which policy would a conservative support

Reduction or elimination of the graduated income tax

Reconstruction in Texas brought the domination of what political party to texas


Which of the following statements is true?

Neither the Texas nor the US Constitution mentions political parties

District Executive Committees are composed of

The county chairs in the district

The term independent applies to candidates who

Have no party affiliation

Edmond J. Davis

All of the preceding

Returns from the party primaries for statewide office are canvassed by the

State party executive committee

One could argue that former slave owners opposed E. J. Davis because

Of his plaing of African Americans in offices across the state

The United States has which type of party organization


When Congress passed the Reconstruction Acts, former slave owners and supporters of the Confederacy were

Purged as office holders and denied the vote

The anti-Houstons were

Calhoun Democrats

He pro-Houston group was

Jackson Democrats

Dealignment is

Voters leave their party and become independent voters

Early in the 1870s, the Democrats took Texas government back and held it for

A hundred years

Resolutions adopted at the precinct convention will be submitted first to the

County or district convention

Liberals would support which of the following policies

Equal pay for equal work laws regarding women

When members of one party change to another party you have party


The Republican party reemerged as the dominate pary by

Both b and c

Throughout most of its history, Texas has had a strong

One party tradition

Attendance at precinct conventions

Soared in 2008 because Texas was still a player in selecting the Democratic presidential nominee

County and district conventions

Pick delegates to the state convention

During the period of Reconstruction that followed the Civil War…

Republican/controlled Texas politics

Which of the following is a true statement concerning party identification in the US

Independents have dramatically increased

Precinct conventions in Texas are usually

Lightly or sparsely attended

The Mills definition of a political party is

Voters seeking to control government by winning elections

In the 2012 presidential nomination process,

Both C and D are correct

Precinct chairs are selected by

The party primary election

The first true political parties of Texas emerged by

The 1850s

At the state convention, each party

Only a and b of the preceding

By the time of the Civil War, which pary was firmly in control of the state?


American political party levels consists of

National, state, county, and precinct levels

Political parties strive to increase voter turnout for their candidates through

Extensive voter registration drives and “GOTV”

Who was the first Texas Republican elected in a statewide vote in the last half of the twentieth century

John Tower

Because of the one party control of Texas, the dominant party broke into two factions. The factions were

Liberals and Conservatives

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