goldweaver family legacy chapter 19: dreaming awake

Post on 02-Dec-2014






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Toren returns to Rainbow Valley and takes over as head of the family. But can he save two lands while being haunted by dark dreams?


Goldweaver Family Legacy Chapter 19: Dreaming Awake

Tristen had been trying for hours to find a look for her wedding. But as she surveyed her reflection in the mirror, Tristen frowned. This wouldn’t do either.

After another attempt to style her hair in a traditional fashion she desired, Tristen finally dismissed the attendants. She knew the women were trying to assure that a woman of her stature looked her best on her wedding day, but she’d never been big on making a huge deal out of her rank in society.

Tristen had decided that it was time to do this her way. It was her wedding day after all.

A half hour later, Tristen appeared in the main hall of the Walosenko estate. She wore her non traditional hair style that she’d worn since she was a teenager. However she completed her look by wearing a traditional gypsy wedding gown. It was a compromise Tristen could live with. She wasn’t against her people’s way of life particularly, however she did find them to be a bit to rigid in their belief systems, clinging tightly to ancient traditions even as other cultures in Valenwood had begun to shift their thinking.

Her look finally settled Tristen made her way to one of the local gathering halls. She’d arranged to meet with her brother after her fitting. She slid into the stool beside him, noticing the pensive expression upon his face. Tentatively she asked, “How did your meeting with grandmother and the elders go?”

Ravi gazed at his younger sister and informed her of the day’s events, “As expected. The elders weren’t happy when they learned about what happened at General Midlock’s. They were most displeased that we now have no leads on finding and recovering the remaining ancient relics. And they’re even more unhappy that we have no tactical information we can use to overthrow Gal.” He sighed in frustration, “And of course when Avri got into trouble he brought up the fact that we’d found a copy of the ancient Goldweaver prophecy.”

“Naturally I was asked my opinion on the matter. When I told the councilor’s that I believed there may be merit to the prophecy you can imagine that set certain senior councilors such as Ven on a tangent.

“We should be basing our investigation into this matter on facts not fantastical dreams given by someone who showed no particular prowess save the one occurrence in his lifetime.”

“If Oloros Goldweaver’s powers had been genuine he would have had other manifestations. As far as I can tell it was merely some kind of attention seeking stunt and nothing more.”

Ravi snorted, “Grandmother didn’t say a word. She just sat there and let me take a lashing from Ven. The man actually had the audacity to try and pin the whole screw up at the mansion on me!”

“The next hour and a half I spent listening to the council rip me apart for what Avri did to the young girl we found at the house. I once again requested that I be given a new partner for this assignment as I’d done during my last visit, but again it was denied. But what can you expect when Ven trained him?”

“Avri was quite smug through the entire affair. Just once I’d like the sorry prick to actually have to pay for his mistakes. Why is it that whenever he screws up it’s automatically my fault? Some times Tristen, I don’t know why I bother.”

Tristen tried to comfort her brother, “It’s not your fault Ravi. Sadly, I’m afraid the council is always going to push the blame onto you. You know many of the elders hold to the ancient belief that men of Avri’s rank don’t think for themselves or come up with their own belief systems. If they do something or say something, they got the idea from the lord they serve under. You and I both know this isn’t true. You are an excellent leader Ravi. Don’t let them get to you.”

Ravi sighed, “Yes, I know. But it just angers me that Grandmother said nothing on my behalf. Grandmother doesn’t think like the other elders. I know she doesn’t. I’ve heard her at home calling the lot of them prejudice misguided fools. But she won’t say a word in public. Would it kill her to show a little family loyalty now and again?”

Tristen smiled softly, “It’s a hard place she’s in Ravi. She loves us, I think, but she doesn’t want to appear biased. Come on let’s stop worrying about family drama. Let’s do something fun instead.”

Into the early evening, Tristen and Ravi played chess in one of the side rooms. Tristen had already been bested twice, but that was no surprise. And despite wanting to forget about the family drama she voiced a concern into the third game, “What if grandmother and the council won’t give their blessing for me to marry Toren?”

Ravi placed his sister into checkmate, “I don’t think you need to worry sis. Toren has won over the majority of the elders in previous visits. With the exception of Ven and Valko, Toren is well respected by the elders. I don’t know what grandmother’s official opinion of him is, but I don’t think she’d behave say like other members of our society and kill their grandchild if they married someone she’d didn’t approve of. “

Tristen smiled as she picked up the pieces. She knew Ravi was right. Even if Lady Crumplebottom loathed Toren, she would never hurt her own grandchildren. Say what you wanted, the old woman did love Ravi and Tristen, even if she had a very unique way of showing it.

Tristen’s eyes caught sight of the rain falling gently on the windows. “Oh Ravi, look it’s raining! Do you remember playing in the puddles when we were little?”

The two had dashed outside and each found their own puddle. As Ravi playfully kicked the water with his boots he called over to his sister, “I feel rather silly, but this is just like old times isn’t it?”

Tristen laughed too. She wasn’t sure why she’d felt the need to do something so childish, maybe it was all the depressing talk they’d been doing. “I bet I can still even hit you with the water from all the way over here.”

Ravi laughed, “I bet you can’t.”

One smooth jump and kick sent a spray of water into the air. It rained down on top of both heads as the Walosenko twins played late into the night as they’d done all those many years ago…………………………...

It was cold and a biting breeze cut through his skin. He felt the water hit his face as the young girl before his eyes kicked it up into his face. He knew this was all a vision, but it still felt so real. But compared to past visions, this one was different.

Dreaming awake…what the ancient tomes called it. He’d been trying for weeks to experience the phenomenon which would allow a dreamer to see events of the past. He wasn’t quite sure what this one was about. He took a deep breath trying to focus on the scene as the girl was slipping from his sight.

He breathed again, and found the vision shifted to a new setting, but the blonde haired girl remained. But now she sate cross legged upon the floor across from a red-headed young man.

The two children began to play and Toren could see the rain was falling into the open room onto their heads. But the two children did not seem to mind.

“You made me a present Ravi?” the little girl exclaimed happily. “I want to see!”

So the little boy was Ravi? Then he was seeing something of his closest friends’ past? So if the boy was Ravi then that meant that the little girl had to be Tristen...the vision slowly changed again.

As the rain continued to leak into the shelter, Tristen’s eyes were glued to a hand crafted dollhouse.

Toren was confused by all the rain falling into the house, and the poor condition of the shelter in which his future wife apparently had lived in as a child. Wasn’t she of noble birth? And why did he feel as if this present was so significant?

Ravi asked, “Don’t you like it Tristen?”

Tristen nodded, “But Ravi, we haven’t even found enough supplies to put a roof on the house yet. And most of the other little girls in the village don’t even have a bedroom like I do, and they certainly don’t have toys. I can’t keep this.”

Ravi wrapped his arms around his little sister, “But you do think I did a good job making it don’t you?”

Tristen smiled, “It’s beautiful, but I can’t keep it Ravi. I just can’t. I’m going to give it to the little girls living in the shelter. You don’t mind do you?”

Ravi squeezed her tightly, “I suppose I should have known you wouldn’t keep it. Go ahead, Tristen. If that’s what you really want to do.”

The scene switched to a place that looked similar to where they’d been before. But Toren was sure it was the place Tristen had called the shelter. He watched in horror as a little boy smashed the beautiful dollhouse into pieces moments after Tristen had set it on the floor and offered it to the children living there. The little boy spat out cruelly as he kicked it with his booted feet, “We don’t want your stupid dollhouse duck-face!”

Soon the dollhouse lay in shambles upon the cold stone floor. Several of the other children had joined in teasing as they chanted, “Tristen is a Duck-face. Tristen is a duck-face,”

Toren’s heart felt as if it would break as he watched Tristen sobbing in the corner, “I…I…just wanted you….I…thought.”

Tristen continued to cry as the bigger boy laughed, “You thought we’d like your dollhouse duck-face? You really did didn't you!” The laughter grew louder, and Toren felt his cheeks burning red with shame.

“Toren, son?”

Toren’s eyes sprung open and he found himself standing face to face with his father. Glyndwr looked up at him with concerned eyes, “You alright?”

Toren nodded, but could not speak. His father shouldn’t be here if……Oh no ..not again…

His father suddenly dropped to the floor. Toren tried desperately to wake himself up from this nightmare. He didn’t want to see what came next. He didn’t want to stare death in the face again…………….and loose someone else he loved…not again….

His breathing was ragged as he desperately tried to grab onto something from outside…..anything at all…….a sound, a voice, a smell…anything….and then faintly he heard music. It was the song his sister played so often……..

He felt the vision of his dead father slipping away… then he heard Glyndwr’s voice as the music slowly died away. “Son? Wake up, Toren…Toren?”

His eyes slowly opened but everything in the room was bright. He could faintly make out a strange man at the piano. And in front of him sat his father chess piece in hand, concerned eyes watching and waiting.

As the music filled the room again, Toren closed his eyes. He was still dreaming….He took a few deep breaths focusing on the sound of the music to keep himself calm. This vision of the future was safe at least. Breathing again he tried to force himself to return to the Haven.

He should have known better than to try and stay in a waking vision for such a long period on the first try. He’d obviously tired himself out and gone into a dream state and seen that vision…the one he was so desperately trying to prevent…”Toren?”

Toren opened his eyes, and this time the light in the room had finally returned to normal the man and the music gone. He squinted though as he was having a hard time staying awake. He forced out through a yawn, “Sorry, I suppose I fell asleep while I was trying some techniques I’d read about in the tomes we recovered from Grandfather’s, but I must have over-estimated my stamina.”

Glyn looked down at the board. There was something his son wasn’t telling him. Toren had been acting oddly around him for weeks, but so far he dodged any attempt Glyndwr made to pull the answers out of him. He suggested encouragingly, “Maybe you should go home and meditate?”

Toren nodded moving to put the pieces away, “That probably would be a good idea. Do you mind closing down the Haven just this once?”

Glyndwr shook his head, “Of course not.”

“I’m telling you Kali, something’s seriously wrong. But what can I do if he won’t tell me?”

Kali lay in her place beside her husband. “Glyn, Toren’s under a lot of stress right now. You know he’s probably worried about making a good impression on the gypsy council. We both know how the last marriage ended when our family married in without their complete blessing. And he’s trying to stop Gal from obtaining ancient elven relics…gosh knows what that man can do if he gets his hands on them….and he’s a half-vampire coping with his gift….just give him some time.”


A week later the elder council gathered once more at the grove. Lady Crumplebottom looked out over the stone floor. She barely recalled that once a great tower had stood around the fountain and statues. She’d never seen it with her own eyes, though she had seen the pictures from the ancient books. All that remained of the original building was the fountain which had by some miracle survived the blast that had turned her home into a waste-land.

Her people had been hardest hit by the destruction of Valenwood. Her people had been the most stubborn and few had been convinced to leave, and so most had perished. Their lands in the center of the blast, had been decimated. And when the smoke and ash had cleared what remained of the gypsies, returned and desperately tried to rebuild. The process was proving slow, and even now only pockets of the land had returned to livable conditions.

It was on one such plot of land in the heart of Waterfall Springs, that the remaining elders had gathered to meet one who would take one of their own’s hand in marriage. As her grand-daughter and the intended approached, she kept her face unreadable offering no support to Toren as he made his request.

“Esteemed elders, I have come before you today to request that you give your blessing to the union between myself and the Lady Walosenko. Her brother has given his consent, but I am aware that it is your custom that any daughter of your people who has been orphaned, is protected by the elders directly. And any daughter’s marriage must be blessed by the elder council.”

From her place near the trees Lady Volus spoke up first, “Tell us Master Vijayakar, if this council were to deny your request, what then would you do?”

Toren met the gaze of the elderly woman. “If it is this council’s fear that I shall take one of your own from you when you are so few in numbers, I assure you all that is not my intention. I will continue to offer what skills I possess to help you in your efforts to rebuild and protect the land that was once my family’s home. Though I would prefer to continue to dwell in Rainbow Valley, or in Lorian the land of my birth, if in order to obtain your blessing I would gladly spend the rest of my days dwelling amongst your people.”

From her place as she listened to the young man’s sincere words and profession of love for not only her grand-daughter but for her people, Lady Crumplebottom’s mask slipped if only for a brief moment and a slight smile touched her lips.

Volus nodded her head, “I give my blessing, what say my brothers and sisters?”

The vote was unanimous. All five councilors including Ven, though he gave it begrudgingly.

After the others had left Lady Crumplebottom at last took her leave. She was surprised to find Toren had lingered behind. He extended his hand to her. “Thank-you.”

“Whatever for?” the elderly gypsy inquired.

Toren smiled, “For helping me and looking after Tristen.”

She shook his hand and allowed herself to smile. “You cheeky little thing. Most people don’t catch onto how much I care for my grandchildren. As for helping you; I’m gathering you aren’t referring to today. I don’t suppose you will enlighten me as to what you meant?”

Toren nodded. “I’m afraid I am a dreamer Mrs. Crumplebottom, it ah”

“gives one a unique insight into life? And you’ll know in due time the meaning of my words.” the old woman finished.

“Have you been spending time with my grandfather too?”

The old gypsy only smiled brighter shook her head and slowly walked away. She called back over her shoulder as she left the grove, “You take care of my grand-daughter Master Vijayakar. Or you’ll have me on your doorstep, and I’ll do worse than hit you over the head with my handbag.”

Tristen lay on the grass completely ecstatic. The council had said yes! She could marry Toren and live with him wherever they so chose. For now they would continue to live in the Valley, but she knew that he longed to return home. And she truly hoped he would be given the chance.

Later that night she entered the greenhouse fully dressed for the wedding. “Isn’t it bad luck for me to see you before the wedding Tristen?”

Tristen smiled, “You’ve been dreaming Toren. There are circles beneath your eyes.”

Toren frowned, “I feel like I’m being stretched in too many directions. There are so may things I feel as if I need to do, but I don’t believe there are enough hours in each day in which to do them. And now I’m dreaming of plants with a cows head…”

“The ancient cow guardians?” Tristen breathed, “they once guarded the gates to the elven halls, though it was thought they were extinct. Do you suppose Gal is searching for one?”

Toren nodded, “I believe so yes. You know more about plants than I do, would you help me find this cow guardian?”

Tristen placed a hand on his shoulder, “Of course.”

Toren and Tristen had parted ways. She’d headed for her tent, while he’d entered his own quarters, which he noted had no roof. Ravi entered a few moments later. “I see you noticed there is no roof. Most buildings lack them these days. We have to transport most supplies from the Valley and it is quite a distance. Than land is still not healed. It is good to see you Toren, and I know you are going to make my sister very happy.”

Ravi left Toren after a brief chat. He then made his way to the outside and waited in his position. He soon heard his sister approach. Without looking backward he asked, “Ready?”

Tristen nodded, then recalling her brother could not see the gesture added, “Yes.”

Together they entered the greenhouse, and Tristen took her place at Ravi’s right side. Slowly the two walked down the pathway to the arch at the front of the hall past the gathered family and friends.

As she made her way down to the arch, Toren watched her with a smile. A traditional gypsy elder was present to oversee the ceremony. This was by far the most elaborate wedding his family had ever known. He was nervous, and imagined Tristen felt the same.

When she reached his side, he gladly took her hand in his own and looked deep into her eyes. She smiled shyly up at him glad for the support. The fountain gurgled happily in the background.

The elder spoke to the crowd and led the couple in saying the traditional wedding vows of the gypsy people.

Toren however placed his hands atop of hers in an ancient Valen wedding ritual he’d learned from Ryker. “Tristen, you have accepted me for who I am with all my faults and have been a constant support through my struggles over the last years of my life. I have no doubt you will continue to hold me up in times of trouble and I promise to do all that I can to do the same in your hours of need. My heart is yours from this day forward.”

From the crowd Kali and Glyn watched their son as he was married. They both remembered fondly their own wedding all those years ago. “He looks just like you did Glyn..”Kali whispered.

At last the elder pronounced Tristen and Toren as husband and wife. The two shared a tender kiss as family and friends cheered from their seats.

Silvana watched her older brother with a smile. “Avri, “ she whispered, “isn’t it lovely?”

Avri simply nodded from his seat. He personally saw no reason to make such a huge deal out of weddings. Amongst his people, they were simply an alliance between two families after all.

Toren and Tristen shared their fist dance as a married couple. As she stepped on her husband’s feet for the fourth time Tristen hissed, “Sorry.”

Toren smiled and gave a low laugh, “It’s fine. You’ve really gotten a lot better since the first time we shared a slow dance.”

The night ended with a toast to the new couple given by their vampire friend Ryker. “To my good friends Toren and Tristen. May your marriage be full of happiness and…well I can’t remember the rest. All I’m trying to say is, good luck.”

That night Toren found his sleep was peaceful. And when he awoke the next morning, he found he could not remember having dreamt at all.

Early the next morning, Toren had opened the Haven to the public. It was a quiet day in the Valley and not many visitors stopped by. It was mid-morning when Ravi waltzed in bringing news that according to his sources, Gal was heavily searching for the woman Lyrika. “But why is he so anxious to have her back?”

Ravi shook his head, “I cannot say and neither can my sources. But so far she remains safe with Ryker. Though he still has had no luck convincing her to talk.”

Ravi cleared his throat. He had one other thing he’d been meaning to discuss with his friend. However, he was well aware that this was a very touchy subject. Carefully he asked, “Have you spoken with your father about your most recent dreams?”

Toren raised an eyebrow, “Are you serious? Of course I haven’t mentioned to my father that I’ve had a vision of his demise. It’s not exactly the topic one usually picks to talk about with your elderly parents.”

The two sat in silence for a moment neither sure of what to say next. Ravi finally broke the awkward silence that fell between them, “I didn’t mean to upset you Toren. I’m only trying to help, and for what it’s worth I really think you need to talk to your father.”

Toren nodded mutely. “You are of course invited to their wedding anniversary next week. I’m sure Tristen would love for you to stop by.”

As for Tristen she’d settled into life in the Vijayakar household. She spent mornings reading with her new father-in-law. The two got along exceedingly well both being of a more reserved nature.

And though she was by far closer to Glyn, that did not mean she had not bonded with Kali as well. However, Tristen’s experiences with her grandmother had made it more difficult for them to bond. But eventually a friendship began to blossom between the two women.

Ravi had taken it upon himself to check in on the family almost nightly often keeping watch over the house into the wee hours of the morning. He’d taken a job with the local defense group, but felt the main family’s safety was his primary concern.

His frequent visits had been notices, but what troubled Kali the most was the twins behavior around her. “Ravi, do you find me unapproachable?”

Ravi stumbled to find the proper explanation, “No,..that is to say, I’m sure you are quite lovely Mrs. Vijayakar. But my grandmother was not the most approachable woman, and I do fear she was and has been my primary female role model for the largest portion of my lifetime. I find it difficult to speak with women of your stature, as I’m sure I’ll make a fool of myself.”

Kali laughed, “A woman of my stature! Ravi, my dear boy I’m as commonplace as they come. Just be yourself, since I don’t make a habit of biting people’s heads off.”

That same evening Toren and Glyn were having a confrontation. Glyndwr was once again trying to pull some kind of confession out of his eldest, and was regrettably not having any luck. His blue eyes bore into his son’s, “Toren, after all these years do you still feel that uncomfortable talking to me about your gift? You do know your old man is only trying to help.”

Toren felt a knot in his throat as his father’s hand was placed warmly on his shoulder, “Toren?”

He couldn’t speak, this was it. This was the moment he’d wanted to stop for months. Now that moment was here he was no more prepared than the very first time he’d envisioned it in his sleep. All he could utter were the words he’d spoken in his dreams, “Of course.”

Toren closed his eyes not able to witness his father’s collapse. His breath came in gasps as he waited for the sickening thud. But moments past and nothing happened. And then, he felt a strong familiar hand on his arm, “Son? Is everything alright? Toren?”

Toren slowly opened his eyes. As his father’s hand fell away, Toren stood speechless. He blinked not sure what he was seeing was real. His father was still standing. He waited with baited breath for another moment. Finally assured his father was not going to collapse in front of him he managed to breath out," Yes, everything’s fine.”

Glyn stared at his son a moment longer. He kept his eyes glued to his eldest not convinced, but sensing pressing the matter would do no good he simply changed the subject, “Well, why don’t you come beat your old man at a game of chess.”

When they reached the chess board, Glyn reached over and pulled Toren into a tight embrace. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you lately and I can’t say I’ve always understood what goes on, but I do know that I’m very proud of you. Both of you.”

Toren smiled as he returned the embrace. “I know.” He wasn’t ready for the nightmare to become real, but at least he’d have a few more hours before he needed to worry about it again.

The next night found the family gathered together to celebrate Glyn and Kali’s marriage. Everyone from generation five and six was in attendance. Tristen and Kaya were in a pillow fight, being observed by a somewhat confused Pyrrhus Ceberlandon. Alfhild McCarthy was freaking out over how much her great nephew had grown since the last time she’d seen him. And Christian who’d gone a little senile, was staring at the paint.

Apparently witnessing the pillow fight between the girls had given Pyrrhus flashbacks. For old times sake he decided to whack his best friend around with a pillow for a couple of hours. Kali walked by shaking her head. “Some things will never change in this family.”

Toren even managed to convince Alfhild to take part in the fun, but he made sure only to thwap her lightly since he didn’t think a full out smack would be good for a sixty year old woman’s health.

All in all the evening was a wonderful family reunion. And after the guests had started to leave for the evening, the two continued to dance. Tristen found them still dancing long after the last guest had retired for the night. Neither Tristen or Toren could remember exactly what time the elders went to bed, and the next morning they couldn’t recall either, though they both confessed it must have been quite late.

Life continued on in the main house for several months and as the time drew near for Silvana to return home, Glyn found himself obsessed with making the house look it’s best. Sure Si wasn’t going to be moving back in with them, but he still wanted everything in working order.

As the family sat around the table discussing events, they noticed that again Tristen decided to opt out of eating. “You stomach still not treating your right dear?” Kali asked.

“No, not well at all.”

Toren stopped half-way to his mouth with another bite, “Maybe you should see a doctor. You’ve been like this for weeks.”

After a visit to the doctor, it was confirmed that the family was expecting the very first born of generation seven. It wasn’t long before Tristen started to show. Toren became obsessed with following her around the house and rubbing her belly. As she watched him one morning with shining eyes she couldn’t help but tease, “So dreamer, it probably wouldn’t be any fun to take bets on the gender would it? But let me guess. By those eyes, I’d say it’s your heir in there isn’t it?”

Toren’s only response was to sweep his wife into a deep kiss. He didn’t want to ruin the surprise. Just because he knew, didn’t mean he had to ruin it for his wife. She’d find out soon enough when their little joy finally arrived.

So ends Chapter 19 of the legacy. The first of what I’m referring to as the Gal story-arc. It’s going to be a while before this one’s over folks. As things stand now, it’s going to take 10 chapters to tell it to completion.

I already know who and what baby number one is, but I decided some of my readers might want it to be a surprise so I didn’t have Toren spill the beans at the end of the chapter. Until next time.

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