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Golden West College Foundation Annual Report 2004 1


The Golden West College Foundation was organized in 1985 to solicit and

manage gifts to benefit the college and its students. The Foundation is dedicated

to supporting the College’s mission of providing comprehensive academic

opportunities to the community for lifelong learning.

A board of directors, who provides the leadership and direction for the organiza-

tion’s operation, manages the Foundation. The Foundation has grown steadily

since 1985 with assets over $1,900,000. This has been accomplished through

donations of cash, bequests and grants from individuals and businesses. The

Foundation has provided over $2,200,000 in scholarships to Golden West

College students. In addition to cash assets, the Foundation annually receives

donated equipment and supplies that represent thousands of dollars in gifts in-


The primary focus of the Foundation Board of Directors is working toward

building support for college-wide needs. To nurture groups who have special

interests in supporting Golden West College, the Foundation provides staff

support and direction to three auxiliaries. Each auxiliary is managed by its own

board and officers, requiring membership dues for operational expenses.

2 Golden West College Foundation Annual Report 2004

A successful education begins here...

Golden West College Foundation Annual Report 2004 3

... and lasts for a lifetime.

Thank you to the

Golden West College


from the

graduation class

of 2004

4 Golden West College Foundation Annual Report 2004

The Golden West Foundation again participated in the Scholarship and Awards Ceremony heldin May by awarding scholarships to over 200 students. Since 1986, the Foundation has award-ed over $2,200,000 to deserving students. This has been extremely gratifying to the Foundationand its members as the awarding of scholarships is a direct contributor to the enhancement ofstudent success while at Golden West College.

On Saturday March 13, the Foundation held its seventh annual major successful fundraiser, the“Golden West College Gala.” We are happy to report that we raised approximately $136,000--

a new record. The proceeds funded the Foundation’s Wish List Program and the Foundation’s Endowed Scholarships. We particular-ly want to thank Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc., Elmore Toyota and Union Bank of California as major sponsors and all the otherunderwriters who gave so generously to this event. A particular debt of gratitude goes out to the hard working Gala Committee mem-bers, committee chairs, Judy Elmore and Harold Pazanti, and those members of the Foundation who gave their time and energies tothe Gala preparation. We would also like to extend our sincere thanks to the community at large for continuing to support this veryimportant event for the College. We look forward to our eighth Gala scheduled for March 12, which we hope will be bigger and bet-ter than ever.

Our annual Courtyard of Honor Ceremony was celebrated last October. We had four Pillars of Support (+$25,000) including TheDorothy Beatrice Duthie Pillar; Elmore Toyota Pillar; Bonnie Chanine Robinson Pillar, and the Union Bank of California Pillar. Thedonor wall was increased by 50 donor names, with three in the Golden Society ($10,000+) category. Five outstanding GWC alumniwere honored as Alumni Pillar of Achievement recipients. Since the inception of this awards program in 1991, sixty six alumni havebeen honored.

As we look to 2005, we want to express our collective gratitude for the continued participation and leadership of the Foundation Boardmembers. Their continued commitment and participation is critical to the overall success of the Foundation’s mission and enables theFoundation to continue to provide the College with a source for ideas and for funding. As one of our objectives for 2005, we look toexpanding Board membership and to continuing a high level of participation from our members. We will also be seeking fresh ideasfor new fund raising opportunities and expansion of existing programs.

This year has continued to be relatively challenging from an investment perspective, although the market has moved in a positivedirection over the last several months. Because of the relative uncertainty in the market, we have moved cautiously with our marketparticipation. Under the guidance of the Investment Committee and its chairman, Doug Fabian, we will continue to exercise prudencein our efforts to increase the value of the portfolio. I would like to take the opportunity to thank Fabian Investment Resources andSpectrum Asset Management for their continued support and guidance on a volunteer basis.

It is with mixed feelings that we bid a fond farewell to College President Dr. Ken Yglesias who was selected as the Coast CommunityCollege District Chancellor. Ken has been extremely supportive throughout his tenure as President, and we wish him continued suc-cess in his important new role. We appreciate Interim President Sharon Donoff’s support in the transition during the Presidentialsearch process. It is with great pleasure that we welcome Wes Bryan to the President’s position and to Foundation membership. Welook forward to many years working with Wes to develop new initiatives and continue existing successful programs to further sup-port student success.

In closing, I would like to personally thank the Foundation Board of Directors and those who have provided advice, counsel, profes-sional guidance, financial support and personal time to the Board during the past year. It is not often that I have had the unique oppor-tunity to work with such a dedicated group, and I look forward to the upcoming year in which we will work as a team towards thegoal of enhancing student success at Golden West College.


Robert Polentz, PresidentGolden West College Foundation

Golden West College Foundation Annual Report 2004 5


Every so often, most colleges experience times of transitions. While change is not always easy, itis critical to the growth and advancement of the institution. 2004 has been a period of transitionfor Golden West College.

First, the physical plant and facilities are changing. As a result of the passage of Measure C, ageneral obligation bond measure, Golden West College received $96 million. Numerous projectsbegan in 2004 including renovation of the Student Center, an upgrade of the information technol-ogy infrastructure, a resurfacing and repair of the athletic track, and restructuring and renovatingof several classrooms into a comprehensive Student Success Center. Plans are underway for design of a new Learning Resources Centerand a new Health Sciences building. The fences and construction zones are becoming more visible and speak to new construction, mod-ernization, and general campus improvements.

Secondly, the personnel are changing. The Coast Community College District offered a retirement incentive for faculty and staff thatresulted in the retirement of 18 faculty and 10 classified support staff who left the college in December 2004. Many of these peopleserved the college 25 or more years and took their talent, expertise, and history of the college with them. Over the years, most of thesepeople will be replaced. In fact, this spring 11 new faculty will be hired for the upcoming academic year. They will help shape the futureof GWC by bringing new ideas and perspectives to the college.

Thirdly, the difficult financial status of the State of California continues to affect the college and our students. The enrollment fee wasincreased this year to $26 and will probably continue to rise over the next couple of years. Golden West College, like many of our sis-ter institutions throughout the state, was also forced to reduce the number of class sections offered to our students. I am happy to reportthat during 2004 the college was able to increase the sections available. With some creative scheduling and pilot programs, we antici-pate meeting both base and 2% growth projections.

The state’s fiscal problems substantiate the need for independent sources of income to the college. This is one of the very important waysin which the Foundation assists the college. After serving on the Foundation Board for the past six months, I firmly believe that theFoundation is ready to move up a step in the type of gifts it seeks and receives. It is encouraging to see that the board supported the pro-posal to pursue Planned Giving and also to support the pilot project of seeking Major Gifts. The college values the Foundation, and, tothat end, increased the secretarial support to the Foundation from 25 to 40 hours per week and the graphic artist’s assignment from 50to 100%.

Lastly, GWC has seen a transition in leadership in 2004. Two new Vice Presidents were appointed: Dr. Monte Perez, Vice President ofStudent Services and Janet Houlihan, Vice President of Administrative Services. Dr. Ken Yglesias, the President since 1996, was pro-moted to Chancellor of the Coast Community College District in July, 2004. I came out of retirement and served as Interim Presidentthrough December. Wes Bryan, former Vice President of Instruction and a longtime leader on the campus, assumed the position ofPresident January 1, 2005.

Golden West is anticipating exciting times! Its future is bright and is in good hands. With the support of the members of the FoundationBoard, the Patrons Auxiliary, and the excellent faculty and staff, watch for the college to reach new heights in innovation and commit-ment to students.

Sharon DonoffGolden West College Interim President

6 Golden West College Foundation Annual Report 2004


The silent and live auctionswere a huge success!

The Union Bank of California table.

(left to rignt) Ken Yglesias, President, Golden West College, Judy Elmore, GWC Foundation President and Bob Polentz,

GWC Foundation Chairman.

Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc., ElmoreToyota, and Union Bank of California

were the marquee sponsors of the 2004 Gala.

Golden West College Foundation Annual Report 2004 7

Where an evening of formalattire supports an afternoon

of caps and gowns

Dancing to Papa Doo Run Run

The winner of the Opportunity Drawing trip to Paris was Harold Pazanti, GWC Gala co-chair.

Presenting Harold with the winning ticket isJovanna Bucio, GWC Homecoming Queen.

The Student Ambassadors were a great help.

8 Golden West College Foundation Annual Report 2004


Mary Botticella Margie Bunten Bonnie Castrey

Janet Houlihan Anthony Hsieh

Robert Polentz

Douglas Fabian

Mary Boyce SimpsonEmeritus

Theodore Coutsoftides, M.D.

Judy Elmore

Donald Testa, D.D.S., J.D.

Golden West College Foundation Annual Report 2004 9

Sharon DonoffGWC Interim President

Norah Morrison, CFP/J.D.John McGovern

Jerry DominguezNancy Davies

Steve Olmsted

Cheryl Tittle

Taryn DickinsonASGWC President

Harold Pazanti

Mai-Ying Woo, Ph.D. Emilee Young, Ed.D.


10 Golden West College Foundation Annual Report 2004

2004Jerry Dominguez Region Manager, Southern California EdisonDouglas Fabian President, Fabian Investment ResourcesSteve Olmsted Partner, Accetta and Olmsted, Accountancy CorporationCheryl Tittle Classified RepresentativeMai-Ying Woo, Ph.D. Faculty RepresentativeEmilee Young, Ed.D. Partner, Robertson Young Consulting

2005Bonnie Castrey Mediator/ArbitratorAnthony Hsieh President, CEO, Home Loan Center, Inc.

2006Mary Botticella CEO, Huntington Beach HospitalTheodore Coutsoftides, M.D. SurgeonNancy Davies Vice President, Retail Market Division, Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.Judy Elmore President, Elmore ToyotaJohn McGovern Senior Vice President, Toyota Motor Sales U.S.A., Inc. (Ret.)Norah Morrison, CFP/J.D. Attorney at LawHarold Pazanti President/CEO Pazanti Home Mortgage CorporationRobert Polentz CFO, ClearLight Partners Management, LLCDonald Testa, D.D.S., J.D. Surgeon, Attorney at Law

GWC Ex-OfficioMargie Bunten Director, Public Relations & Institutional AdvancementTaryn Dickinson ASGWC RepresentativeCheryl Tittle Classified RepresentativeJanet Houlihan Vice President, Administrative Services

OfficersRobert Polentz ChairmanJudy Elmore PresidentSteve Olmsted TreasurerMargie Bunten Executive Secretary

EmeritusMary Boyce Simpson


Golden West College Foundation Annual Report 2004 11


Joanne Bumm, Patrons President and Jo Andrews, Fashion Show Chair

Fashion Show models

Patrons “Cruising Into Fall”

Fashion Show 2004

Members of the Hens & Chickens Quilt Fellowship with their latest creation.

12 Golden West College Foundation Annual Report 2004


For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2004


PermanentlyRestricted Total

Revenues and Gains:

Contributions, gifts and grants $ 179,428 $ 774,584 $ 188,632 $ 1,142,644Contributions of like-kind equipment - 170,423 170,423Interest and investment income 4,267 16,689 - 20,956Other local income 12,000 - - 12,000 Total Revenues and Gains 195,695 961,696 188,632 1,346,023

Net assets released from restrictions 999,521 (999,521) - -

Total revenues, gains and net assets released from restrictions 1,195,216 (37,825) 188,632 1,346,023

Program Expenses:

Scholarships $ 227,382 - - $ 227,382 Distribution of like-kind equipment 170,423 - - 170,423Gala Event 114,573 - - 114,573 Wish list projects 64,878 - - 64,878 Other program expenses and services 582,827 - - 582,827 Total Program Expenses 1,160,083 - - 1,160,083

Change in net assets 35,133 (37,825) 188,632 185,940

Beginning net assets 222,460 1,059,569 1,096,661 2,378,690

Ending net assets $ 257,593 $1,021,744 $1,285,293 $2,564,630

A complete audit report is available in the Golden West College Foundation Office.

Golden West College Foundation Annual Report 2004 13


Cash Flows from Operating Activities:Cash received from contributions $ 868,247Cash received from other operations 12,000 Cash received from interest and dividend income 32,005 Cash paid for operating expenditures (975,240)

Net cash provided by operating activities (62,988)

Cash Flows from Investing Activities:Cash received from sales of investments 1,731,711 Cash paid for purchases of investments (2,050,869)

Net cash used by investing activities (319,158)

Cash Flows from Financing Activities:Collections of contributions for endowment 188,632Net cash provided by financing activities 188,632

Net Decrease in Cash (193,514)

Cash and cash equivalents, July 1, 2003 1,700,205

Cash and cash equivalents, June 30, 2004 $ 1,506,691

Reconciliation of Change in Net Assets to Net CashProvided by Operating Activities

Change in Net Assets $ 185,940

Adjustments to reconcile change in net assets to net cash used by operating activities:

Net realized loss on investments 11,982Net unrealized gains on investments (933) Contributions restricted for endowment (188,632)Increase in accounts receivable (85,765)Increase in accounts payable 14,420

Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities $ (62,988)

A complete audit report is available in the Golden West College Foundation Office.

14 Golden West College Foundation Annual Report 2004

Pillars of Support


The Dorothy Beatrice Duthie PillarGolden West College honors Dorothy Beatrice Duthie, who hasprofoundly enriched the lives of so many—family, friends, for-mer colleagues, and students. She funds a scholarship in grati-tude for the financial aid and confidence extended to her whenshe was en route to a second career that started at Long BeachCity College. She then transferred to California State University,Long Beach, earning a bachelor’s degree and secondary teach-ing credential. Pictured is Christina Duthie, Dorothy’s daughter.

The Elmore ToyotaA Partnership Driven By The Power To Excel. Serving commu-nities since 1966, Elmore Toyota is a proud sponsor of GoldenWest College and Coast Community College District. As amajor college supporter, Elmore Toyota is committed to invest-ing in higher education. Elmore Toyota believes that investing inthe community today is yielding better futures. Left to right: Judy Elmore, President of Elmore Toyota andMarc Kelso, General Manager, Elmore Hyundai.

The Bonnie Chanine Robinson Pillar“Bonnie Chanine Robinson loved teaching in the classroom andwas dedicated to improving the lives of her students,” retireddean John Wordes said. Bonnie was a charter faculty member.She retired in 1993 as a professor of English. She earned a bach-elor’s degree from the University of Colorado and a master’sdegree from California State University, Fullerton. The pillar is dedicated in memory of Bonnie by Radford, herloving husband of 45 years.

The Union Bank of California PillarUnion Bank of California offers Golden West College the latesttechnology to enhance its students’ educational experiences.Their high degree of expertise is a study in convenience withcash management online which provides electronic financial aiddisbursements to speed payments. Their future is influenced bya commitment to invest time and resources in customers, share-holders, employees, and communities. Left to right: Tito D. Ibarrola, VP Union Bank of CA; RoslynSherrill, AVP Union Bank of CA.

Golden West College Foundation Annual Report 2004 15

Pillars of AchievementOutstanding Alumni Honorees

Ron CattHe is owner of Ron Catt Automotive Inc. in Huntington Beach. Ron Catt Automotive,Inc. is a multi-million dollar a year company with 10 full-time employees. The companyspecializes in complete automotive services for foreign and domestic vehicles. In 2003Ron started another business venture, Cart Creations, Inc. This company manufacturesMobile Oasis™. It’s the world’s only street legal, transportable entertainment center usedat golf tournaments, resorts, sporting events, fundraisers, and other similar functions.

David L. Chipman, DCDr. David L. Chipman, GWC Patrons member, is a successful chiropractor working inHuntington Beach. For the past eight years, he has been a dedicated member of KiwanisInternational, helping to improve the lives of seniors, families, and children worldwide.He earned an AA degree from Golden West College, a BS degree in human biology fromLos Angeles College of Chiropractic, and a DC degree (doctor of chiropractic) from LosAngeles College of Chiropractic.

Andrew E. HallAndrew E. Hall, police chief of Westminster Police Department, began his law enforce-ment career with the Westminster Police Department in 1981, after graduating fromGolden West College Police Academy. He earned a BS degree in organizational behav-ior from the University of San Francisco, an MS degree in organization developmentfrom the University of San Francisco, and a JD (juris doctorate) from Western StateUniversity, College of Law.

Rosemarie Hirsch, RNFor the past 29 years Rosemarie Hirsch has been a pillar of excellence for the nursing pro-fession. She is currently assistant director of the St. Joseph Hospital Extended Campusprogram at Santa Ana College. She earned an AA degree from Golden West College, aBS degree in nursing from California State University, Fullerton, and an MN degree(master in nursing) from the University of California, Los Angeles.

Yvette Verastegui, JDYvette Verastegui, Los Angeles County alternate deputy public defender, was the com-mencement speaker in 2004. In addition to Yvette’s outstanding work in law, she hasbeen honored as Orange County Public Defender of the Year (1996-1997); recipient ofthe Prosser award in Family Law; and given the Francine Diaz award for CommunityService. She holds a bachelor's degree in English from the University of California,Irvine and a juris doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley (Boalt HallSchool of Law).

16 Golden West College Foundation Annual Report 2004

Pillars $25,000+Steve Allen Memorial

Gary and Andrea ParsonsAssistance League of Huntington Beach

Associated Students GWCAgusta Barker

Biology Staff DepartmentR. Dudley Boyce Outstanding Student

California Community FoundationCoastal Communities Hospital

Cohen FamilyGladys M. Crown

Frank M. Doyle Foundation Ebell Club of Newport Beach

Douglas FabianFHP International

Fountain Valley Regional HospitalGolden West College Patrons

GTEHoag Memorial Hospital

Huntington Beach HospitalKaiser Permanente

Dr. Howard T. MangoJohn and Linda Mc Govern

Norma Nisco Memorial NursingGlenn Parker

PepsiSilver Anchor AuxiliaryMr. William S. Siracusa

Herman R. TateScience

Mary Boyce ThorntonToyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.

Dorothy Beatrice DuthieElmore Toyota

Bonnie Chanine RobinsonUnion Bank of California

Golden Society($10,000.00 - $24,999)

American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 327American Nursing ReviewAngus Petroleum Corp.

Bella TerraJoanne Bumm

Margie and Charlie BuntenCalifornia Retired Teachers AssociationConfederated Tribes of Grand Ronde

Kathryn Crown Cathaleen Dunn

Educational Foundation of AmericaJudith Elmore

Lauro Martinez GarciaGarden Grove Hospital

George Hoag Family FoundationTed Glick

GWC Mathametics Department)Helene Fuld Health TrustAnthony & Leah Hsieh

ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc.Kay Mortenson and R. "Kelly" Kelly

Las Ayudantes AuxiliaryLos Angeles Times Fund

Norah MorrisonHarold Pazanti & Rochelle Pazanti-Ruth

Susan and Robert PolentzC. O'Neil Rogers

Sherry Griswold FoundationRita and John Simonton

Smith/Krape Scholarship FundSouthern California Edison

St. Joseph Hospital The Boeing Company

The Tuesday ClubWaltmar Foundation)

Barbara and Corder WattenbargerKenneth and DonnaYglesias

Mr. and Mrs. Gene Zwick

Honors Circle($5,000.00 - $9,999 )

Accetta & Olmsted, Accountancy CorporationMary Aigner

American Cancer SocietyMr. and Mrs. James V. Andrews

Mr. and Mrs. David AnthonyGlenda Blackburn

Blue Cross of CaliforniaBritish Petroleum

Georgiana and Robert BromleyJ. Wesley Bryan and Terri Zwick

Dennis CarrieClara Barton Chapter National Society of the Daughters of

the American RevolutionClearLight Partners Management, LLC

Community College FoundationTheodore Coutsoftides, M.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Ron DeSmetRichard Fabian5 Points Plaza

Fort Mojave TribeFountain Valley Chamber of Commerce

Carol Grimes, Ph.D.Hens & Chickens Quilt AuxiliaryMr. and Mrs. Thomas HermstadHilton Waterfront Beach Resort

Mr. and Mrs. Tom HobbsJune Hopkins

Mrs. Carrie HudnallHughes Electronics Corporation (Hughes Aircraft

Company)Huntington Beach Art LeagueHuntington Beach Company

Huntington Beach Union High School DistrictK.L.D. Enterprises

Kamehameha SchoolsKiwanis Costa Mesa

Edwin LairdMcDonnell Douglas Employees

Anna McGaughMcGraw-Hill, Companies

Lois Miller, Ed.D.Motorola Foundation

Paula MucciaroEdward J. Mulder

Mr. and Mrs. Steven OlmstedWayne Olson

On-Camera Audiences, Inc.Orange Coast College Ancillary

Orange County Teachers Federal Credit Union

Dr. and Mrs. Fred OwensMr. and Mrs. Rob Rittgers

Jack Shaw and Ellen ShockroPaula ThomasJudith Valles

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis WeinbergWoman's Club of Seal Beach

President's Circle($2,500.00 -$4,999)

American Association of University Women, Westminster-Fountain Valley

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey W. AndrewsJonathan Bannon

Mr. and Mrs. David Barr, Sr.Mr. and Mrs. Ralph BauerPhillip Bernard, Jr., Ph.D

Mr. and Mrs. Bill BlumMr. and Mrs. Stephen Bone

Dianne BoothMr. and Mrs. George Brown

Buena Park Noon Lions ClubC & C Transportation

Mr. and Mrs. Elvin "Al" CampbellCarol Caniglia

William and Maeva CarpenterHenrietta Carter

Juan Cepeda and Rita Cepeda, Ed.D.Citizen's Scholarship Foundation of America

City of Huntington BeachCity of Westminster

Sally CoffeyConocoPhillips

Mr. and Mrs. Robert CronkDr. Eknath DeoMichael Dewey

Suszanne and Douglas DroneyMr. and Mrs. Paul DugmoreDuke's Huntington Beach

Phillip DyskowETS Educational Testing Service

Exxon Education FoundationDr. Venner Farley

Forty & Eight OC Voiture #527Hugh Foster

Foundation of The Bowling Proprietors AssociationFoundation of the National Student Nurses' Association

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony GajewskiMr. and Mrs. Rick Ganulin

Ghidotti FoundationGWC Criminal Justice Training Center

GWC Science MuseumArthur GordonMari Greaves David Haas

Mr. & Mrs. Robert HawThomas HershKaren HintonLucy Horner

Huntington Beach Auto Dealers Association, Inc.Huntington Beach Firemen's Association

Huntington Harbour Garden ClubILC Data Device Corporation

Frank JaoJimway, Inc.


Golden West College Foundation Annual Report 2004 17

Joseph W. Justin 1995 TrustCarolyn Kirkpatrick

Kiwanis Club Seal BeachRobert Kokuga

Mr. and Mrs. William KoppMr. and Mrs. Douglas LarsonLas Damas Woman's Club

Leisure World Woman's Club of Seal BeachMarjorie Lewis, Ph.D.

Lucent Technologies, Inc.Dawn McKahanCarol McLarty

Media for the ArtsMended Hearts of OC

Mercury Savings and LoanMr. and Mrs. Roland Murray

National League for Nursing, Inc.National Linen ServiceCharlanne Nee, Ed.D.

Newcrest Development Corp.Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ohlendorf

Orange County Association of RealtorsOrange County Fine Arts, Inc.

Joe OuaknineMr. and Mrs. Michael Palmieri

Paramount Pictures GroupPeninsula Hawks Scholarship Fund

Patricia PierceMr. and Mrs. Harvey QuanDr. and Mrs. John Renley

Roxana Ross Mr. and Mrs. Donald RoweMr. and Mrs. Armando Ruiz

Mr. and Mrs. Gerald SchroederHezy Shaked

Marjorie Sorenson-LundholmStaffpro Security

Jennifer StaiLinda Stevens, Ed.D.Titan Industries, Inc.

Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 11548Wal*Mart

Walla Walla Community CollegeWashington Mutual Bank

Evelyn "Sam" WeissAnita Lyte WilliamsLawrence Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew WilsonMr. and Mrs. John Wordes

Martin YanMr. and Mrs. Stephen York

Emilee Young, Ed.D.Nevins Young

Scholar’s Circle($1,000 - $2,499)

J. Richard AdamsonAirFlite Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.

Albert & Tricia Nichols FoundationJoyce Alley

American Association of University Women HuntingtonBeach

American Legion AuxiliaryMr. and Mrs. James L. Andrews

Association of Handcrafted Automobiles

Lois Attore, Ph.D.Mr. and Mrs. David Baird

Sherry BaumClarence Belinn

Paul Berger, Ph.D.James Brase

William BrazneyMr. and Mrs. John Breihan

Broadcast Education AssociationCalifornia-Hawaii Elks Association

Capital Pacific Holdings, Inc.Patricia Carruthers

JoAn CaseMr. and Mrs. Robert Castrey

Thomas ChambersCIM Group

Coastline Community CollegeCoatings Resource Corporation

Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation, Inc.Louise Comer

Cook Inlet Tribal Council, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Stephen ConeCosta Mesa Women's Club

Mark CraigJean Cross

Nadine DavisMr. and Mrs. Dale Deffner

Mr. and Mrs. Robert DettloffMr. and Mrs. Barrie Dorfman

Jacqueline DvormanMr. and Mrs. Douglas Engum

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis EwingWilliam "Skip" Face

Sally FlothoMr. and Mrs. Robert ForsterMr. and Mrs. John French

Mr. and Mrs. Milton GalbraithMr. and Mrs. Richard Gallegos

Albert GasparianRichard George

Norma Brandel GibbsKathryn Goddard

GWC Tutorial & Learning Center ClubGWC Vietnamese Student Association

Golden West Volleyball ClubArmando GomezMary Gradishar

Dr. and Mrs. Donald GrecoDolores Harper

Hilda E. Bretzlaff Foundation, Inc.Howard Johnson Express Inns & Suites

Elma JohnsonTwyla Karkut

Karuk Tribe of CaliforniaJoanne Kashdan, Ph.D.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward KastonMarcus KelsoNancy Kidder

Karen KlammerFrederick W. Kofmehl

Mr. and Mrs. Larry LandesmanMr. and Mrs. Carl LangstonMr. and Mrs. Daniel Lavoie

Los Alamitos Medical Center AuxiliaryMr. and Mrs. Ronald Lowenberg

Virginia Luch Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mack

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maling, Jr.Medical Education Technologies, Inc.

Mary MillsClarice Moersch

Mr. and Mrs. Byron MorganEdward Morton

National Scholarship Trust Fund of the Graphic ArtNavy Wives Clubs of America Scholarship Foundation

Newport Ocean Sailing Association, Inc.Northern Trust Bank of California

Orange Coast College FoundationOrangewood Children's Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Rocco OrsiniPacific Blue Micro, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard PagelKimberly Pascoe

Pelican Center, LLCDwyane Podd

Mr. and Mrs. Richard PorterMr. and Mrs. Robert PutzelRainbow Disposal Co., Inc.

Sharon Ratliffe, Ph.D.Mr. and Mrs. Brent Reed

Anita RenningerMr. and Mrs. Norman Rockmaker

Rockport Area Association of RealtorsAllan RoederTimothy Ryan

Saddleback Memorial Medical CenterSalon Canvass

Santa Ana CollegeScottish Rite FoundationMr. and Mrs. Merritt Sher

Timothy ShevlinBernice Siu

Soroptimist International of Huntington BeachSouthern California Volleyball Association

St. Jude Medical CenterJohn Steinbrugge

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence SwiftDalel Tartak

The Surf City Volleyball ClubCheryl Tittle

Turn of the Century Committee/HBCVBTWA Clipped Wings International, Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Steadman UphamDr. and Mrs. William VegaMr. and Mrs. Joe Venegas

John WadhamsWells Fargo Bank

PhilipWestin, Ed.D.Chuck Whitchurch

Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. WhiteMr. and Mrs. Loyd Wilcox

Dr. Gandasari Win and Dr. U Kyaw WinStan Winter

Mai-Ying Woo, Ph.D.Alma Wyant, Ed.D.

Yamaha Motor Corp., U.S.A.Mr. and Mrs. George Yamashita


18 Golden West College Foundation Annual Report 2004

24 Hour Fitness

3L Manufacturing Corporation

ABC Television Network/General Hospital

Academy of Magical Arts/Magic Castle

Acapulco Restaurants



Adventure City

Air France


Joyce Alley

Alp Enterprises/Bob Newhart

AMC Theatres

Ameci’s Pizza & Pasta


Anaheim White House Restaurant

Jo & Jim Andrews

Antigua Sportswear

Apple-a-Peel Family Restaurant

Aquarium of the Pacific

Evelyn Armstrong

Arnold Palmer Enterprises

Arrowood Vineyards & Winery

Heather Arroyo

Art for the Soul

ASICS TIGER Corporation

Ed Asner

Australian Swim School

Azusa Greens Country Club

Susan Babb

The Back Bay Rowing & Running Club Restaurant

David Baird

The Balboa Bay Club & Resort

Debbie Bales

John Ballantyne

Barcelona Hotel and Casino

Bill Beers

Dotty Belknap

Ben & Jerry’s of California

Ben & Jerry’s of Vermont


Jaima Bennett

Best Western Kachina Lodge & Meeting Center

Bill’s Camera

Birch Aquarium at Scripps/

Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Blackboard Bistro

Eric Blau

Blue Cross of California/Greg Baird

Boater’s World Marine Centers

Boca Raton Resort & Club

Bodies Plus/Joe Marino

Body & Sol Tanning Center

Pat Bone

Boomers! Family Fun Center/Anaheim

Boomers! Family Fun Center/Fountain Valley

Boomers! Family Fun Center/Irvine

Mary Botticella

Bowers Museum of Cultural Art

Anita Brace

Bradford Renaissance Portraits

William P. Brake Jr., D.D.S.

Georgie & Bob Bromley

Buca di Beppo

Joanne Bumm

Margie & Charlie Bunten

C & G Automotive

Cabrillo Marine Aquarium

Café Tu Tu Tango

California Hand & Nails

California Nursing Student Association

California Science Center

California Seashell Company

California State Parks/Hearst Castle

Callaway Vineyard & Winery

Evelyn Calvert

Camelot Golfland

Roger Camp

Elizabeth & Pablo Canda

Diana Carmel

Carnegie Hall

Casino Morongo

Bonnie Castrey

Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts

Chapman University Athletics

Chimayo at the Beach

David L. Chipman, D.C./Healing Hands Chiropractic

Ciao Italian Eatery

City of Huntington Beach Community Services Dept.

City of Huntington Beach Police Department

City of Los Alamitos Police Department

City of Orange Police Department

City of Santa Ana Police Department

Claim Jumper Restaurants

ClearVision Optical Company

Harvey Clemans

Clinique Ergonique

Madeline Cohen

Cola Corner

Colorado Belle Hotel & Casino

Comedy & Magic Club

Louise Comer

Comfort Suites, Huntington Beach

Complexions Day Spa

Conrad Hong Kong

Country Inn & Suites

Ted Coutsoftides, M.D.

Crate and Barrel

Crazy Horse Nightclub/Restaurant

Cross Company

Crown Cleaners

Rhea Cruzat

Crystal Cathedral/Glory Productions

Dave & Buster’s

Nancy Davies

Nadine Davis

Pat Davis

Day Runner

DC Golf

DeFore Dance Center

Del Mar Thoroughbred Club

Denny’s Restaurant

Discovery Science Center

Disneyland Resort

Dr. Phil

Jerry Dominguez

Shirley Donnelly

DoubleTree Guest Suites Doheny Beach

DoubleTree Hotel San Francisco Airport

Douglas Droney

June Dugmore

Duke’s Huntington Beach

Jacqueline Dvorman

Eclectic Café & Gallery

Elkins Ranch Golf Course

Judy Elmore

Elmore Toyota

Elounda Bay Palace

ESPN Zone Anaheim

Doug Fabian

Farmer Bros. Coffee Company

Festival of Arts

Fillmore & Western Railway Company

Finbars Italian Kitchen

Peggy Fisher

Five Crowns Restaurant

Flamingo Las Vegas

A special thank you to the friends of Golden West College, whose names appear below, for their generous donations of services and equipment.


Golden West College Foundation Annual Report 2004 19

Foscari Italian Cuisine

Fossil, L.P.

Fountain Bowl

Fountain Valley Skating Center

Four Seasons Hotel George V, Paris

Friendly Hills Country Club

Joan Furtsch/Fuller Brush

Margaret Gaines

Galaxy Concert Theater

The Gallery at Hyatt

Ganahl Lumber

Garys Island

Gelson’s Super Market

GNC/General Nutrition Centers

Connie George

Gibas Golf

Norma Brandel Gibbs

Girard’s Dressings

Glee’s Hallmark

Glen Ivy Hot Springs Spa

Karen Glines

Glory Productions/Crystal Cathedral

Go With Jo Travel/Jo Andrews

GWC Arts & Letters Department

GWC Athletic Department

GWC Bookstore

GWC Cosmetology/Esthetician Department

GWC Foundation

GWC Nursing Department

GWC Theater Arts Department

Great White Shark Ent., Inc./Greg Norman

Donald J. Greco, M.D.

Carol Grimes

Rebecca Grootegoed

The Grove of Anaheim

H & M Landing

Joan Hansen

Harbour Fine Fashion Jewelry & Gifts/

Phyllis Halliday

Harry’s Fine Jewelry

Charlotte Hauver

Heirlooms to Treasures

Hens & Chickens Quilt Fellowship

Highland Springs Resort

Hilton Waterfront Beach Resort

Hof’s Hut

Hollywood Park

Home Depot

Home Loan Center, Inc.

Horiba Instruments Inc.

Hotel Park City

Hotel Villa Crespi

Janet Houlihan

House of Blues

Howard’s Appliance & Big Screen

Leah & Anthony Hsieh

Annie Hua/James Albert Salon

Huff’s Restaurant

Huntington Beach Car Wash & Detail Center

Huntington Library, Art Collections,

and Botanical Gardens

Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Resort & Spa

Hyatt Sainte Claire

Jeff Hyder/Adrenalin Sports Apparel


ICI Dulux Paint Center


Improv Comedy Theatre


Indianapolis Motor Speedway

International City Theatre

Irwindale Speedway

Island Packers

Islands Restaurant Irvine

Jack Kramer’s Los Serranos Golf & County Club

Jamaican Grill

James Albert Salon

Jason Natural Cosmetics

Javier’s Cantina & Grill

Jerry Springer Show

Jimmy’s Fish & Grill

John L. Blom Custom Photography

Jon’s Coffee Shop

Justin Vineyards & Winery

Charla Kabana

Katella Deli Restaurant & Bakery

Kathy May’s Restaurant

Adam Kennedy

King’s Seafood Company

Jon Kubis

La Concha Motor Hotel, Las Vegas

LA Fitness

La Mirada Theatre for the Performing Arts

Lake Arrowhead Children’s Museum

Lake Hotel

Las Vegas Convention & Visitor’s Authority

Lawry’s Foods

Jean Lee

Lia Photography

Limericks Steakhouse at Fitzgeralds Casino/Hotel

Linda Evans Fitness & Spa

Tara Lipinski

Long Beach Marriott

Los Alamitos Lock

Los Alamitos Race Course

Los Angeles Clippers

Los Angeles Lakers

Los Caballeros Racquet & Sports Club

Los Serranos Golf & Country Club


Ellen & Leonard Mack

Magic Castle

Mangia - Mangia

Marie Callender’s

Marie’s Pizza & Pasta

Marina Sailing Newport Beach

Mark Jordan Photography

Market Broiler Seafood Market

Tracy Markley

Marri’s Pizza/Faisal & Maha Madain

Marriott Residence Inn

Rick Martinez

Mayur Cuisine of India

Gladys McDaniel

Linda & John McGovern

Marie McHerrin

David McHowell

Melissa’s Specialty Foods


Mighty Ducks of Anaheim

Mile Square Golf Course

Lois Miller, Ed.D.

Mimi’s Café

Miracle Springs Resort & Spa

Robert J. Moretta, D.D.S.

Sally Morgan

Norah M. Morrison, Esq.

Alice Myli

Nails by Marilyn/Clip N’ Curl Salon

NBC Studios

Charlane Nee, Ed.D.

Newport Beach Police Department

Newport Harbor Nautical Museum

Newport Mesa Ballet

Newport/Naples Rib Company

Noal Jewelry Designs


Ocean Institute

Official Tae Kwon Do Academy

Old Spaghetti Factory

Bernie & Steve Olmsted

Wayne Olson

Opera Pacific


20 Golden West College Foundation Annual Report 2004

Orange County Museum of Art

Orange County Sheriff’s Department

Orange County Sheriff’s Department,

Harbor Patrol Division

Orco Block Company

Lewis Oriard

Orleans Hotel & Casino

Susanne & Rocco Orsini

Pacific Chorale

Pacific Coast Entertainment

Pacific Waters Spa

Palos Verdes Golf & Country Club

Papa John’s Pizza

Paramount Studios

Ellen & Harold Pazanti

Pazanti Home Mortgage Corporation

Pechanga Resort & Casino

Peninsula Porto Elounda de Luxe Resort

Perris Valley Skydiving School

Pets & People Photography

Pets Unlimited

Philharmonic Society of Orange County

Pioneer Hotel & Gambling Hall

Susan & Bob Polentz

Norma Pollaro

Porto Elounda de Luxe Resort

Portofino Ristorante Italiano

Primal Elements

Puddingstone Hot Tubs Resort

Radisson Hotel Santa Barbara

Rainbow Disposal Co., Inc.


Ramada Express Hotel/Casino

Ramada Resort & Conference Center

Regal Entertainment Group

Gloria Reynolds

Richard’s Beauty College

Joseph Rimio

Ritz Camera Centers

Ritz Restaurant & Garden

Riviera at the Fireside

Riviera Hotel & Casino

James Robinson


Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory

Regi Rodriquez

Rossmoor Ace Hardware

Anita Rovsek

Ruby’s Diner

Salon Canvass

Sam’s Town Hotel & Gambling Hall

Sammy’s Woodfired Pizza

San Diego Aerospace Museum

San Diego Zoo/San Diego Wild Animal Park

Tamara Sandburg/Essentials & Mary Ruth Day Spa

Santa Anita Park

SCATS Gymnastics

Sea Cliff Dental

Sea World Adventure Park San Diego

Seaport Windows & Doors

See’s Candies

Shark Club

Sherman Library and Gardens

Sherman Oaks Castle Park

Sidney Frank Importing Co., Inc./

Grey Goose Vodka

Sierra Nevada Recreation Corp.

Six Flags Magic Mountain

Six Flags Marine World

Sizzler Restaurant

Skate Zone

Mary Smith

Soprano’s Italian Eatery

Stan Sorensen

Sorensen’s Resort

Margie Sorenson-Lundholm

Souplantation & Sweet Tomatoes

South Coast Repertory

Southwest Airlines

The Spa/Spa & Fitness Club

Splash the Relaxation Spa

Sport Chalet

Sports Club/Irvine

Lisa Stark

Judith Starr

Stater Bros. Markets

Stein Mart

Sunset Books

Sunshine Home Products

Sunstone Vineyards and Winery


Tahoe Biltmore Lodge/Casino

Tahoe Donner Association

Cynthia Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor

Donald Testa, D.D.S.

T.G.I. Friday’s Restaurant

Dwayne Thompson

Tiffany Collections


Time Warner Cable

Cheryl Tittle

Toye Tong

Toys “R” Us

Tracy’s Personal Training/Tracy Markley

Kay & Bob Traver

John Travolta

Abra Treskes

Michelle Trudeau

Richard Ullrich

U.S.A. Pedorthic Shoe/Gerard Cruzat

U.S. Toy Company/Constructive Playthings

UCI Athletics

Darrelyn Van Horn

Valerie Venegas

Vermont Restaurant

VCA Animal Hospitals

Villa del Palmar Cabo San Lucas Resort

Von’s Market

WABC-TV “Live with Regis and Kelly”


Helen Wampler, Ed.D.

Valerie Wannall

Warehouse Restaurant

Tom Watson

Weider Publications

Emma Weintraub

WestEnd Dinner Theatre

Westin Long Beach

Whale’s Tail Seafood House

Robin Whitney

Wild Oats Market

Wild Rivers Waterpark, Irvine

Denise Williams

Thomas Williams


Helen Wong

Mai-Ying Woo, Ph.D.

Sheila & John Wordes

Susan Yandle, M.D.

Yard House

Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Yglesias

Emilee Young, Ed.D.

Yuen Lui Studio

Yves’ Bistro Anaheim Hills

Z’Tejas Southwestern Grille


Golden West College Foundation Annual Report 2004 21


AAUW, Huntington Beach Branch ScholarshipAnita Salaz

AAUW, Westminster-FV Branch ScholarshipKarina Ghazlani

ASGWC High School Leadership Scholarship*(recipients selected by local high schools)

ASGWC Perpetual Scholarship*Heather Arroyo Rebecca BairdAnthony Chavez Vida Greer-MartinTania Lamon Buffie LeeHai Mai Trish MaiMichael Mayer Piyaporn MouaLiana Nguyen Monica PomboJoshua Rosen Laura SaldarriagaLaura Spears Jennifer SwingleJames Walters Catherine Wilson-Smith

Academic Senate Scholarship*Greta Payassian

Alpha Gamma Sigma Honor Society Scholarship*Catherine Wilson-Smith

Alumni Scholarship*Hao Le

American Legion Auxiliary ScholarshipMichael MayerCatherine MillerLydia NhemChristopher O’ConnellTammy Valencia

Aminoil Science Scholarship*Nha Huong Vu

Assistance League of Huntington BeachOleg GladnikovChristopher O’ConnellMarilee OttersonTammy ValenciaBeverly Williams

Augusta Barker Nursing Scholarship*Anna Bessent Rosie CelieIgor Gladnikov Silina MaymounSiaoloun Pou Stacy SudbeckTracy Topacio

California Community Foundation/Carl Bull FundAraba Banson Roberta EsparzaNancy McCall Catherine MillerAngela Palmer Tammy ValenciaBeverly Williams

California Retired Teachers Association, HarborBeach Div. 77 ScholarshipJohn Shaffer

Chip Marchbank Recognition Award*Anna Breznak

Chris & Tom Ohlendorf CJTC Scholarship*(scholarship presented at the Criminal Justice TrainingCenter’s fall or spring graduation)

Clara Barton Chapter, NSDAR ScholarshipSandy Dien

Cohen Family Scholarship*(scholarship presented at the Criminal Justice TrainingCenter’s fall or spring graduation)

Community Festival Scholarship*Anna Bessent

Costa Mesa Women’s Club ScholarshipBrigitte Connelly

Cupadicot Award*Hai Mai

Dan Wiseman Memorial Scholarship*Kimberly GerberNicole Gerber

Don & Doris Randol Memorial Scholarship*Tri Ngo

Doug Fabian ScholarshipPatricia CardenasPavol Valovic

Dr. Fred J. Owens Scholarship*Elijah German

Dr. James Thornton Scholarship*Kenneth Scott, Jr.

Ebell Club of Newport Beach Scholarship*Debbie Baker

Edith Marie Bell Strother Scholarship*Annie Nguyen

Edward Mulder Haia Scholarship*Joeulisse Martinez

Employee ScholarshipInge Ami Fleischman

*endowed scholarship

22 Golden West College Foundation Annual Report 2004

ENCORE: Students Preparing for 2nd CareerScholarship*Melody Christensen

English Emeritus Faculty Scholarship*Charlene Martinez

Ernie Moersch Memorial Scholarship*Jeff Kim

First Bank &Trust ScholarshipHeather ArroyoMinh Nguyen

Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce/SouthernCalifornia Gas Company Scholarship*Lindsay CastilloSteve Tom

Frank M. Doyle Foundation ScholarshipLisa Boccignone Paula BonnaireEthan Brown Lindsay CastilloChristina Cook Jordan DanielsCelina Frutos Erin MerrillNicholas Nance Liana NguyenJennifer Swingle Tammy ThompsonPriscilla Varela

Fred Garcia Scholarship*Anna Bessent

GWC Community Service Scholarship*(recipients selected by local high schools)

GWC Foundation Scholarship*Jennifer SwingleTrang Van

GWC General Scholarship*Hai Mai

GWC Science ScholarshipTri NgoLaura Saldarriaga

Garden Grove Hospital Guild Scholarship*Karleen Samartan

Gary L. Parsons Memorial Scholarship*Leah Heffner

Gerald Volpe Memorial Scholarship*Quang Tran

Gladys Lavoie ScholarshipEvangeline Urmeneta

Gladys M. Crown Memorial Nursing Award*(recipient to be announced at the spring and fall nurs-ing completion ceremonies)

Grace Marie Campbell Memorial Nursing ScholarshipTracy Topacio

Graphic Arts Faculty Scholarship*Amy Norris

Helen and George Brown ScholarshipOleg Gladnikov

Hens & Chickens High School Scholarship(recipients are selected by local high schools)

Hens & Chickens Quilt Fellowship Scholarship*Hieu Dang

Housing Scholarship*Catherine Wilson-Smith

Huntington Beach Art League ScholarshipRuta KoronkeviciuteAn Le

Huntington Beach Company Scholarship*Jennifer Swingle

James Pierce Memorial ScholarshipEthan Brown

Jean Turner Memorial Scholarship*David Routh

Jerry H. McGaugh Scholarship*Anna Dillon

John and Sheila Wordes Scholarship*An Le

John Warner Hopkins Art Scholarship*Ruta Koronkeviciute

Judith Valles Scholarship*Laura Saldarriaga

Kiwanis Seal Beach Leisure World ScholarshipLeah Heffner

Las Damas Ruth Chisler Memorial Scholarship*Hung Phan

Leisure World Woman’s Club of Seal BeachScholarshipMindeya Gerber

Little Saigon Scholarship*Bethany Picard

Lloyd Hamilton Campus Life Award*Vida Greer-Martin

Mark Johnson Memorial Scholarship*David Routh

Mary Gradishar GrantPearl Palmer

Mary Ross Bryan Memorial Scholarship*Melody Christensen

Mary T. Boyce Scholarship*Christopher O’Connell

Michael Calhoon Memorial Scholarship*Liana Nguyen

Norma Nisco Memorial Nursing Scholarship*Tammy ValenciaBeverly Williams

Norman Karkut Memorial ScholarshipDaniel O’Brien

Nursing/METI ScholarshipMarla Brown

OCTCU Worthy Student AwardTrang Van

Orange County Fine Arts: An Association of ArtistsScholarshipRuta Koronkeviciute

Patrons Founders Scholarship*Siaoloun Pou

Golden West College Foundation Annual Report 2004 23

Patrons High School Scholarship(recipients selected by local high schools)

Patrons Monarch Scholarship*Charlene Martinez

Patrons Nursing Alumni Scholarship*Guillermina Ibarra

Patrons Past Presidents Scholarship*Angela Palmer

Paul and June Cope Memorial Scholarship*Cari Wietrick

Pop Mulder Scholarship*Michael GazzanoKera Mathes

R. Dudley Boyce Memorial Scholarship*Vida Greer-Martin

R. Dudley Boyce Outstanding Student Award*Heather Arroyo

Ralston Scholarship*Phillip Vu

Robert J. McCausland Memorial Scholarship*Michael Grijalva

Ron Quigley/O’Neill Sportswear Scholarship*Verushka Peralta

Sharon Denise Duncan Memorial Scholarship*Kenneth Scott, Jr.

Sherry Baum ScholarshipPeter Ta

Sherry Griswold Memorial Scholarship*James Walters

Shirley L. Haas, Ed.D., A.I.F.D. MemorialScholarship*Doai Le

Silver Anchor Auxiliary Charles Bennett EndowmentFund*Erin AvilaBrigitte ConnellyJudith MaybinChristopher O’ConnellTammy Valencia

Siracusa Family Scholarship*Lindsay CastilloDahee JungLiana NguyenNha Huong Vu

Smith/Krape Memorial Scholarship*Tri Ngo

Southern California EdisonEvangeline Urmeneta

Speech/Communication Scholarship*Kimberly GerberNicole Gerber

Steve Allen Memorial Performing Arts Scholarship*(recipients selected by local high schools)

Student Equity Scholarship*(recipients selected by local high schools)

Student Success for Chicano/Latino ScholarshipGeorgia ReyesMaria De Jesus RodriguezNancy SilvaSelene Toro

Student Success for Single Parents ScholarshipBethany PicardEvangeline Urmeneta

Thomas Heaney Memorial Scholarship*Charlene Martinez

Twentieth Anniversary Scholarship*Anna Dillon

Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Scholarship*Anita Salaz

VFW Huntington Beach Memorial, #11548Scholarship*Luyen Nguyen

Valerie Davis Memorial Scholarship*Michelle Korcz

Venner Farley Excellence in Nursing Scholarship*Inge Ami Fleischman

Waltmar Foundation Scholarship*John Shaffer

William Bumm Memorial Scholarship*Christina Garcia

William Burke Memorial Scholarship*Gladys Ramiriz-Walker

Winifred and Harry Galles ScholarshipAline Der KalostianTrang Van

Wm. “Boyed” Hudnall Memorial Scholarship*Jeannine McCaffrey

Woman’s Club of Seal Beach ScholarshipAnthony DuJoan FischerPhillip Vu

Yetta Benson Memorial ScholarshipSarah Lamson-JonesMichael MiddletonCatherine Wilson-Smith

The following scholarships are in the process ofbecoming endowed or are being carried over at thedonor’s request. Distribution will be made at a laterdate:

Anita Lyte Williams Family Scholarship*

Ann Tyree Nursing Scholarship Fund*

Barbara & Corder Wattenbarger Scholarship

Bruce Williams Memorial Scholarship*

C.B. Hill Chemistry Scholarship*

California Society of Certified Public Accountants

Coast Federation of Educators/AFT#1911 Scholarship

Dawn Hammond Memorial Scholarship*

Dennis F. Roughton Memorial Scholarship*

Dominic Scolaro Memorial Scholarship*

Dr. Philip Westin Scholarship*

Dr. William Stanley Memorial Scholarship*

El Viento*

Emily Brown Memorial Scholarship*

Forty & Eight, OC Voiture 527

Gift of Music Scholarship

Glick Memorial Band Award

Helen Kohl Memorial Scholarship*

Herman Tate Scholarship*

Homer Roughton Memorial Scholarship*

Independent Latino Student Association Scholarship


June Roughton Hopkins Communications Scholarship*

Kiwanis Costa Mesa Scholarship

Martin Yan Scholarship

Mary L. Wise Memorial Scholarship*

Michael & Teresa Smith-Meighan Memorial


Norman E. Rich Memorial Scholarship*

Orange County Association of Realtors Scholarship*

Outstanding Business Student Scholarship

Robin Lynne Bennett Memorial Scholarship*

Roscoe E. Lancaster Memorial Scholarship*

Ruth M. Brazney Memorial Scholarship

Seacliff on the Greens Scholarship*

Simeon Pete Shaffer Memorial Scholarship*

Social Science Department Scholarship*

Study Abroad Scholarship

The Ayjay & Nancy Wilson Music Scholarship*

Thomas M. Kane Memorial Scholarship*

Vietnamese Student Association Award*

William Carpenter Scholarship*

William Layden Scholarship

Wiser Lock Scholarship*

24 Golden West College Foundation Annual Report 2004


Contributions to the Foundation are tax deductible,and there are a variety of options to consider whenmaking a gift:

Gift Annuities — The most popular way to make anirrevocable deferred gift to charity today is a giftannuity which is now available for the first timethrough the Foundation at Golden West College. Giftannuities are popular because of their simplicity andthe fact that they offer guaranteed income for life inexchange for a charitable gift.

If you are interested in this type of gift opportunity, pleasecall Jon Schendel, the Foundation’s Gift Planning Directorat (949) 278-4695 or e-mail

Annual Fund — Cash contributions to theFoundation’s annual fund are a critical source ofprivate support for the college. Annual fund dona-tions finance the scholarship program and otherendeavors that strengthen the college but are notfunded by the state.

Memorial Gifts — Gifts in memory of loved ones anddeceased friends — or gifts which honor living indi-viduals — are gratefully accepted by the Foundation.

Such contributions are often used to reflect the interestsor talents of the person being honored. The Foundationis pleased to help potential donors explore appropriateuses for memorial gifts.

Bequests — A bequest designates a gift to the collegein the donor’s will. Many alumni and friends havemade a provision in their wills for Golden WestCollege Foundation as a beneficiary.

Life Insurance Policies — The Golden West CollegeFoundation may be named a beneficiary. Donation ofa life insurance policy to the Foundation entitles thedonor to a tax deduction for the cash surrender value.

Gifts in Kind — Donations of personal property, includ-ing vehicles, equipment and supplies, are gratefullyaccepted by the Golden West College Foundation.Please inquire with the Foundation about specific itemsbeing considered as gifts to the college.

For further information about supporting the Golden WestCollege Foundation, please call (714) 895-8316.

Oceans of Opportunity

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