glorifying god by transforming lives table of contents

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New Bethlehem Baptist


Newsletter January 2018

Glorifying God by Transforming Lives

From the Pastor’s Desk

Many people asked, “Where was

God during the tragedies in 2017.”

The answer is simple: He was where

He has always been. God’s presence

was evident in the pouring out of love and support

for the victims of Houston and Florida, where some

are still recovering from sequential hurricanes. Puerto

Rico hasn’t gotten to its feet in the wake of Hurricane

Maria. The people of Charlottesville, Virginia,

watched “hate” march into town and take one of their

own — an event from which the nation is still

recovering. In Las Vegas, a man has hauled a cache

of weapons into a hotel room and unleashed a

hailstorm of death on concertgoers below, killing

dozens and wounding hundreds. His presence

continues to be manifested through the outpouring of

prayers, cards of encouragement, and tears in support

of the families — another affected area and our


I am saddened that 2017 was full of tragedy.

Yet, even in this tragedy, we have experienced hope,

love, joy, and peace from the very God to whom our

society continues to say, “You’re not wanted.” It is

my prayer that 2018 will see a renewed commitment

to Christ. It begins with the church, not with soci-

ety. Christians must have the courage to stand up

and say that we will not allow a handful of God

bigots to systematically strip away our religious

rights. Government officials have attempted, over the

last several years, to push Christianity behind the

closed doors of the church. If successful, our children

and grandchildren will pay an awful price—the price

of freedom. I hope you will join me in committing

our people, church, and community to Christ in

fervent prayer throughout 2018. “From whence shall

my help come? My help comes from the Lord. The

Lord is your keeper. The Lord will protect you from

all evil; He will keep your soul. The Lord will guard

your going out and your coming . . . forever”

(Psalm 21:1‐2, 5, 7‐8).

Inside This Issue Page From the Pastor’s Desk 1

NBBC Ministry Announcements / Worship Through Giving 2

New Year’s Resolutions 3

NBBC 245th Anniversary Celebration 4

What is the meaning of Advent? 5

What is the meaning of Kwanzaa 6

Youth Ministry (Understanding the Power of Prayer) 7-8

NBBC Sick & Shut-in Members / Prayer 9

Happy Birthday List - December & January 10

Bible Trivia 11

Contact Information 12

Mark Your Calendar! Women’s Ministry Meeting February 17

Men’s Ministry Meeting February 17

Black History Program February 25

Table of Contents

POWER OF PRAYER - As we enter the new year of

2018, we face many challenges. Among them is a

sincere concern for our country and the direction it is

taking. We see so many significant changes in the

morality and direction in which our country is go-

ing. These are not just political issues but great moral

issues. The American scene is rampant with things

such as pornography, violence, efforts to take God out

of every aspect of our lives. Same sex marriage,

discrimination, and open violation of God's laws


When you study the Old Testament, you

repeatedly find the Hebrew nations being judged and

punished for straying away from God. We, as

individuals and as a nation, have turned from the way

of life that God's Word teaches us. What can we

do? That well-known passage in 2 Chronicles 7:14

gives us clear direction of what our actions should

be. “If My people who are called by My name will

humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and

turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from

heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their

land.” We must be praying people! We must pray

BELIEVING that God will hear and answer our



New Bethlehem Baptist Church (NBBC) has entered a

new era: the age of anytime, anywhere giving. We are now

signed up with Givelify, the mobile giving app for places of

worship and charities.

To make your first mobile donation the best experience

possible, we recommend you download the Givelify app for

Android or iPhone before you get to service.

Givelify gives you a beautiful, easy giving experience

using your Smartphone. There are no frustrating web forms

or text-to-give codes to memorize. Even better, it’s free to

download and use. It’s totally safe and secure, and for tax

time you have one-tap access to your complete donation


Make your offerings, tithes, and gifts to special

envelopes right from the palm of your hand. You can give to

New Bethlehem Baptist Church wherever you are. Make

NBBC your home place of worship for quick one-

tap access – or


If you are interested in seeing how it works, watch the

demonstration video (

v=FmK5Fy9Yd4U) that shows you all about how to make

and track donations.

The Men’s Ministry will

start back up on Saturday,

February 17, 2018 at 9:00 am with a prayer

breakfast. We welcome all men to come out

fellowship together. “Get ready! Get ready! Get


Rev. William Jackson

NBBC Ministries Announcements

Women’s Ministry

New Bethlehem will hold its second Women’s Ministry meeting on Saturday, February 17, 2018 at 12:30 pm. We encourage all women to come out and join us. At this meeting, we will also discuss starting a Young Women’s Ministry. We look forward to seeing you there. We strive to be Sisters-in-Christ—

Support Inspire Serve Teach Encourage Respect Share

A Message from the

Sunday School

The Sunday School Ministry

will coordinate the Black

History Program which will take place on Sunday,

February 25, 2018. At the conclusion of the Program,

we will have a "Taste of New Bethlehem". All

ministries are asked to set up a table and prepare there

favorite food for the taste.

Thank you.

(Article on Prayer from Page 1)

How often do we pray not really believing that God

will hear or answer! We must pray specifically. Unless

we pray specific prayers, we never know if God answered

our prayers or not. I believe in the power of prayer and

have seen its power operate. I challenge each of us to

pray specifically, believing that God will hear and

answer. We must pray for our great nation and for each

elected leader from the top to the smallest local leader that

God's spirit will touch the hearts of each one and guide

them as they lead our nation. Pray that they can each

move from personal and party agendas to make the

decisions that are best for our land. We must also pray for

a great revival to take place in our country that brings an-

other Great Awakening. How does that happen? It takes

place as we pray and commit ourselves to serving our

Lord. On one occasion, someone asked how can revival

could happen.

We must pray for a revival to happen in our

country, our state, our city, and our church. But real

revival will happen when we pray for revival in our lives

which will then lead to a wider revival among those we

influence. Be people of believing prayer. Be people

seeking true revival. Where does it start — in

PRAYER! Be a part of the prayer endeavor in our church

as we commit ourselves to sincere prayer. Pastor Zack


Happy New Year!!

A Prayer for Myself God, you are capable of all things. You are the

prince of peace, the almighty healer and protector.

Spirit, please guide my thoughts, heart and actions so

my life is a testament to you. Lord, today grant me

patience, selflessness, and peace. Healer, cleanse me

from the evil thoughts of selfishness that so easily

creep into my mind. Jesus, protect my heart; keep it

pure and full of love and honor for my family. Spirit,

guide my decisions with your ultimate knowledge and

remind me that your way is best. May I be an

example of your love and forgiveness today and

forever more.

5 Realistic New Year’s Resolutions A New Year's resolution is a tradition in which a person resolves to change an undesired trait or behavior,

to accomplish a personal goal or otherwise improve their life. What is your New Year’s Resolution?

1. Time Turnover ~ Are we on God’s timeline, or have we

drafted our own vision of what we want to see Him do in

our lives? Following Jesus requires that we lift everything

up to Him. When we are aligned in His will for our lives,

seasons of preparation build the confidence and persever-

ance we need to walk through the tear-filled moments

needed to establish the validity of our calling. Each morn-

ing, we should follow the example Jesus set to pray to our

Father in heaven. Just moments in the morning can make a

miracle of difference in our lives. This New Year, make the

first resolution to spend more time with Him. What is He

inspiring us to learn about this year? What is He seeking to

grow and encourage us in? We’ll never know if we don’t

talk to Him about it, seek Him in His word, and cooperate

with His answers.

2. Reach Out to Re-Invest ~ In this revolution in evangel-

ism, there are podcasts, blogs, YouTubers and online

churches that are connecting people to Christ for the first

time. Though online ministries are breaking through barriers

to reach hearts for Christ, it’s import to find a body of be-

lievers to physically embrace and become a part

of. Hebrews 10:24-25 clearly tells us not to give up meet-

ing together. The second resolution is to provide consistent

support to the ministries that God speaks to us through, and

to reach out and invest in people right around us with the

knowledge and encouragement that He has filled within our


3. Forge New Pathways ~ A tiny gap is bridged when we

learn something new. Our journey through life is riddled

with these experiences. Bridging gaps in life’s learning

curve allows us to learn more about who we are, and who

God is. When we seek His counsel for resolutions, there

will most certainly be new paths to forge. Our relationship

with Jesus is the glue to our gaps. He goes ahead of us, ex-

tending His hand to us. What are we scared of this year?

What have we avoided over and over because the mere

thought of attempting it makes our skin want to crawl? The

third resolution this year is to pray for direction, and surge

forward step by step.

4. Teach a Lesson ~ We often don’t know how much we

know until we find ourselves answering someone else’s

questions in a way that fascinates them. What comes easy to

us is often overlooked or assumed to be common knowl-

edge. Each one of us has gifts and talents purposely given to

us by God for specific reasons. We will never know what

that entails if we aren’t aware of our gifts! Beyond the ob-

vious talents we can see with our eyes are spiritual gifs that

we have all been blessed with. We can talk to pastors, fam-

ily members and friends for insight as to what we might be

good at. The fourth resolution this year is to seek out our

talents and discover how God has made us on a new and

deeper level.

5. Healthy Habits ~ The New Year inevitably brings to

mind images of the way we want to look and dreams of the

way we want to feel. Happiness will elude us if we focus

too much on our physical appearance. “For physical exer-

cise has some value, but godliness is valuable in every way.

It holds promise for the present life and for the life to

come.” (1 Timothy 4:8) This year, resolve to change one

habit. Drink more water, get more sleep, schedule down

time or eat at least one balanced meal a day. When we try to

take on everything all at once, our human nature tends to

implode. Are we aiming to be healthy and happy, or to be

someone that God never intended us to be? The fifth

resolution is to add one physically and one mentally healthy

habit to our lives. Set reasonable goals, and pick up a Bible

Study on comparison.

~ Spend more time with family and friends ~

Stay fit and healthy ~ Lose weight ~ Get organized

Enjoy life to the fullest ~ Spend less, save more

Travel more ~ Learn something new—New hobby


Close-out Worship Service

Sunday, November 19th

Reverend John P. Harrison Mt. Pisgah A.M.E. Church, Sumter, SC

“Keep Hell Out of the Church”

~ Matthew 16:13-20, 2 Corinthians

Agent of God

Define “Hell” or “Sin”

New Bethlehem Baptist Church


Anniversary Celebration

Bringing It Back Home”

~~~~~~~ The 245th Church Anniversary celebration was very successful and we were all blessed. We started our

celebration with a Fall Revival with good preaching and fellowship on Wednesday, November 15 with our very

own daughter, Reverend Martha F. Brown of Salem Baptist Church (Wadmalaw). She preached from Ezekiel 3:17

on the topic “What Good is a Watch Dog that Don’t Bark.” She basically focused on what are we doing for God

and for our church. We continued our celebration—

Fall Revival

Wednesday, November 15th

Reverend Florence Brown

Salem Baptist Church, Wadmalaw Island, SC

“What Good is a Watch Dog that Don’t Bark”

~ Ezekiel 3:17

Who are you serving?

What are you here for?

Where are you going?

How are doing since you came?

Thursday, November 16th

Reverend Charlie Murray First Baptist Church, James Island, SC

“There is Power in the Name of Jesus”

~ Philippians 2:8-13

Friday, November 17


Reverend R. C. Capers

Good Hope Missionary Baptist Church,

St. George, SC

“Meeting the Needs of the Church -

What Do We Have in Common?”

~ Acts 2:44-45

Teaching & fellowship


Can’t be quiet

A special “thank you” goes out to the Anniversary

Committee — Deacon Curtis Ladson, Deacon Leroy

Dickerson, Sister Cassandra Dickerson, Sister Curtia

Gadsden, Sister Sabrina Heyward, Brother Tyrone

Ford, Brother Curtis Gadsden, Trustee Dontrell

Peterson, Sister Charlean & Brother Pervis Walker

and Sister Colleen Roland — for their hard-work,

creativity and dedication to New Bethlehem which

made this celebration a success.


HOPE ~ The season of Advent is a time

when we reflect on the second coming

of Jesus Christ. The theme for this first

Sunday of Advent is HOPE. Scripture

is filled with reminders that Jesus will

indeed return, but the exact day and time

is known only to God. We read these words

in the Gospel of Matthew, “no one knows the

day or the hour . . . only the Father knows.” As believers

we live in hope – in the expectation of the fulfillment of

this truth – and rejoice in the promise of Jesus’ return.

Though living in hope will not guarantee a life devoid of

challenge and disappointment, it is an assurance that when

we are gripped by the clutches of despair, we can trust in

God. Living in hope is an investment in our future. Amid

the distractions and uncertainties of these present days, we

light this candle believing in the promise of a secure and

eternal future with Jesus Christ.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

PEACE ~ On this Second Sunday in the season of

Advent, we focus our attention on PEACE. We remember

that God is Peace and from Him alone can we receive the

peace we need when days are stormy and trials stir up the

waters around us. As disciples of Jesus Christ we are

empowered to tranquilize the world with a peaceful

response to hate, indifference, and intolerance. God has

already removed from us the spirit of fear, and given us

His peace to calm the emotions we experience when we

turn our attention to the violence and instabilities in these

times. Today in solidar-

ity, we affirm that we

will not be shaken or

discouraged by what we

see and hear around us,

but in a collective deter-

mination we will live

out the power of God’s

peace within us.

ADVENT (What is Advent?)

Advent means 'Coming' in Latin. This is the coming of Jesus into the world. Christians use the four Sundays and

weeks (or sometimes from the 1st December to Christmas Day!) of Advent to prepare and remember the

real meaning of Christmas. The wreath is made of a circle of evergreen branches laid flat to symbolize eternal

life. The Four candles (represent hope, love, peace & joy) stand in the circle and each one represents one of

the four Sundays of Advent. In the center of the circle is a fifth candle (traditionally white), the Christ Candle,

which is lit on Christmas Day.

JOY ~ Today is the Third Sunday of

Advent and our focus is JOY. We live in

joyful anticipation of the second com-

ing of Jesus Christ, remembering that

even now in His presence there is full-

ness of joy. We receive His gift of joy as

a reminder that beyond this temporary life

which sometimes yields sorrow, there comes a

time when, as the prophet Isaiah says, “there will be an

abundance of flowers and singing and joy.” We have the

privilege here and now to live a life of joy with dancing

and praising and laughing and singing, even as we await

the promised eternal joy. Let joy fill our hearts in this

season of Advent, as we share it with others and bring

them to the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

LOVE ~ This is the Fourth Sunday of Advent and today

we celebrate LOVE. Over the last three Sundays we lit the

candles of Hope, Peace, and Joy. Today we prepare to

light the candle of Love. God is love, He created love. God

gave us love and He is its only source. In our Gospel

reading today from Matthew, Chapter 1, we read of God’s

gift of love to us through the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ.

We believe that as God has given us His love, in turn we

should love Him with heart, soul, mind, and strength – and

also love each another. As we pause to look in the mangers

of our hearts, resting

within them is Jesus our

Savior, who was born to

die and come again for

us. This is love, an

undying love.


W h a t i s K w a n z a a ?

Kwanzaa (/ˈkwɑːn.zə/) is a week-long celebration

held in the United States and in other nations of the Afri-

can diaspora in the Americas. The celebration honors Af-

rican heritage in African-American culture and is ob-

served from December 26 to January 1, culminating in a

feast and gift-giving. Kwanzaa has seven core principles

of African Heritage (Nguzo Saba). Each of the seven

days of Kwanzaa is dedicated to one of the following

principles, as follows:

Umoja (Unity): To strive for and to maintain unity in

the family, community, nation, and race.

(December 26)

Kujichagulia (Self-Determination): To define and

name ourselves, as well as to create and speak for

ourselves. (December 27)

Ujima (Collective Work and Responsibility): To

build and maintain our community together and make

our brothers' and sisters' problems our problems and

to solve them together. (December 28)

Ujamaa (Cooperative Economics): To build and

maintain our own stores, shops, and other businesses

and to profit from them together. (December 29)

Nia (Purpose): To make our collective vocation the

building and developing of our community in order

to restore our people to their traditional greatness.

(December 30)

Kuumba (Creativity): To do always as much as we

can, in the way we can, in order to leave our commu-

nity more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited

it. (December 31)

Imani (Faith): To believe with all our hearts in our

people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders, and the

righteousness and victory of our struggle.

(January 1)

H i s t o r y a n d E t y m o l o g y

Maulana Karenga, also known as Ronald McKinley

Everett, created Kwanzaa in 1966. According to

Karenga, the name Kwanzaa derives from the Swahili

phrase matunda ya kwanza, meaning "first fruits of the

harvest", although a more conventional translation would

simply be "first fruits".

The choice of Swahili, an East African language,

reflects its status as a symbol of Pan-Africanism,

especially in the 1960s, although most of the Atlantic

slave trade that brought African people to America

originated in West Africa. First fruits festivals exist in

Southern Africa, celebrated in December/January with

the southern solstice, and Karenga was partly inspired

by an account he read of the Zulu festival Umkhosi

Wokweshwama. It was decided to spell the holiday's

name with an additional "a" so that it would have a

symbolic seven letters.

Karenga established Kwanzaa to help African

Americans reconnect with their African cultural and

historical heritage by uniting in meditation and study of

African traditions and Nguzo Saba, the "seven princi-

ples of African Heritage," which Karenga said "is a

communitarian African philosophy." For Karenga, a

major figure in the Black Power movement of the

1960's and 1970's, the creation of such holidays also

underscored an essential premise "you must have a cul-

tural revolution before the violent revolution. The cul-

tural revolution gives identity, purpose and direction."

During the early years of Kwanzaa, Karenga said it

was meant to be an alternative to Christmas. He be-

lieved Jesus was psychotic and Christianity was a

"white" religion black people should shun. How-

ever, as Kwanzaa gained mainstream adherents,

Karenga altered his position so practicing Christians

would not be alienated, then stating in the 1997,

Kwanzaa: A Celebration of Family, Community, and

Culture, "Kwanzaa was not created to give people an

alternative to their own religion or religious holiday."

Many African Americans who celebrate Kwanzaa do

so in addition to observing Christmas.

The main dishes for Kwanzaa are African creole,

Cajun catfish, jerk chicken, or Groundnut stew (a tasty

dish from West Africa). For sides, try — Jollof rice,

collard greens, Kwanzaa slaw, grits, beans and rice, and





Encouraging children to know and experience the God of Wonder and Love.


Definition of Prayer – Communication with God. You can pray to God anytime. You don’t have to wait in

line. God is so powerful that He can talk – and listen – to everyone at once. There are lots of reasons to pray.

You can ask God to help you and others. You can ask Him for things you need. You can tell God that you’re

sorry for the bad things you’ve done. You can pray to Him when you need someone to talk to. When you

pray, you should always remember to thank God and tell Him how great he is. When you are done talking,

take some time to listen to what He has to say.

Ephesians 6:18 Luke 11:3 I John 1:9

When do you pray the “best”? You know, those times God seems close when you pray, and you pray as if

you’re sure God is listening. Put a “B” beside all that apply below. Now go back through the list below and

put an X beside those times when you probably don’t pray very much at all.

_____ When I’m hurting _____At church _____Some other time

_____When things are going well _____Before big events _____On vacation

_____With friends _____When I need help _____When I’m confident

_____In the summer _____When I’m joyful _____With my family

_____During school _____For schoolwork

Do you – or does someone in your family – have a set prayer at meals or at night? If so, write down a few of

the phrases you remember form that prayer:




Write down any phrases or ideas that appear in both prayers—(I Samuel 2:1-10 & Luke 1:46-55)





NBBC Sick & Shut-in Members

Fred Bradley Betty Brown Charles Capers

Gerald Dickerson Fred “Herbert” Heyward Richard Jackson

Christina Dora Johnson Thelma Johnson Matilda Gadsden

Kenneth Mack Benjamin Mitchell Almetta Peterson

Rosa Washington Joseph Washington Donna White

Samuel Dickerson Cynthia Mattocks Devin McMillan

George Alan Robinson

Prayer for the Sick

O Holy Spirit please come like a dove

Shield and protect now the one that I love.

Cover their wounds with Your grace feathered wings,

Shield them from sorrow, breathe hope songs within.

Tend with Your goodness the pain that they bear

Heal now their sickness with miracle care.

Carry them high far above till they see

Your rainbow of promise, real hope lies ahead.

I love them so dearly, so help me to be

All that you, Jesus, would give out through me.



2nd ~ Sheila Gibbs

4th ~ Addie Johnson

Tyasha Ford

11th ~ Rev. Trudy Gadsden

15th ~ Edward Washington

16th ~ Mary L. Washington

Curtis Ladson

17th ~ Theodosia Washington

Daseon Ladson

20st ~ Shahead Ladson

25th ~ Robert Bradley

Rosemary Jones

Happy Birthday January

1st ~ Beatrice Campbell

2nd ~ Twanasia Heyward

3rd ~ Rosa Mack

Martha Mack

John Mack

5th ~ Kimberly Dickerson

Carol Mack

7th ~ Agnes Brown

8th ~ Evelyn White

10th ~ Mildred Mitchell

16th ~ Trevor Mitchell

Julian Mitchell

17th ~ William Heyward

18th ~ Viola Mitchell

22nd ~ Deacon Eugene White

25th ~ Samquinta Capers

28th ~ Irene Rivers

Wishing you a Birthday filled with the Joy of His Presence.


Bible Trivia 1) The Gospel of Matthew establishes the lineage of Jesus. How many generations are there between Abraham

and Jesus? —– (Matthew 1:17) ____________________

2) What did Paul say was the fulfillment of the Law? —– (Romans 13:10) ____________________

3) Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible. What is the shortest? —– ____________________

4) What are the dimensions of the Arc of the Covenant? —– (Exodus 37:1) _____________________________

5) There are only two perfect cubes described in Scripture. What are they? —– (Revelation 21:16)


6) God parted the Red Sea so Moses and the Israelites could cross. What body of water did He part so Joshua

and the Israelites could cross? —– (Joshua 3:15-17) _____________________________________________

7) At Christ’s crucifixion when did darkness come over the whole land and how long did it last? —–

(Matthew 27:45) ____________________

8) How old was Gideon when he died? —– (Judges 8:32) ___________________________________________

9) How many persons were sealed as “servants of our God on their forehead”? —– (Revelations 7:4) ________

10) What is the name of the City of God? —– (Revelations 3:12) ______________________________________

11) Who was the father of David? —– (Ruth 4:22) _________________________________________________

12) To which king did Isaac hide his spousal relationship with Rebecca by claiming she was his sister? —–

Genesis 26: 1-9) ____________________________________________

13) Who were the three named women who found Christ’s tomb open and empty? —– (Luke 24:10) __________

_________________ _________________ ____________________

14) To which tribe of Israel did Moses belong? —– (Exodus 2:1) ______________________________________

15) Which gospels are the Synoptic Gospels? —– __________ ____________ ___________ ____________

16) To what land did Moses flee after killing the Egyptian soldier? —– (Exodus 2:15) _____________________

17) Who was the eldest brother, Aaron or Moses? —– (Exodus 7:7) ____________________________________

18) Christ’s first miracle was turning water into wine. Where did this occur? —– (John 2:6-9) _______________

19) Sarah was Abraham’s first wife. Who was his second? —– (Genesis 25:1) ___________________________

20) What relic did Moses remove from Egypt at the time of the Exodus? —– (Exodus 13:19) ________________

21) How old was Abraham when he was circumcised? —– (Genesis 17: ) _______________________________

22) What is the sign of the covenant between God and Abraham? —– (Genesis 17:10) _____________________

23) After Christ’s triumphal entrance into Jerusalem and after visiting the temple, where did he spend the night?

—– (Mark 11:11) _____________________________________

24) The first two disciples selected by Jesus were brothers. Name them. —– (Mark 1:16) ___________________

25) Which of the tribes of Israel was prohibited from owning land in Canaan? —– (Deuteronomy 18:2)



1. 42 / 2. Love / 3. Psalm 117 / 4. 2 ½ cubits long, 1 ½ cubits wide, 1 ½ cubits high / 5. The Most Holy Place and New Jerusalem / 6. Jordan

River / 7. Noon for three hours / 8. A good old age / 9. 144,000 / 10. New Jerusalem / 11. Jesse / 12. Abimelech / 13. Mary Magdalene,

Joanna, Mary the mother of James / 14. Levi / 15. Matthew, Mark & Luke / 16. Midian / 17. Aaron / 18. The wedding at Cana / 19. Keturah /

20. The bones of Joseph / 21. 99 / 22. Male circumcision / 23. In Bethany / 24. Simon and Andrew / 25. The Levites.



Staying Connected. . .


Rev. Zackary Williams, Pastor 703-350-7579

Associate Ministers

Rev. William Jackson

Rev. Trudy Gadsden

Rev. Yvette Williams

Minister of Music Garry Chisolm

Musicians Denise Lawer

Ieshia Mitchell

Anthony Capers

Church Secretary JoAnne Hayes

Finance Clerk

LaVerne Peterson


1945 Liberia Road

Wadmalaw Island, SC 29487

Weekly Calendar

Sunday Sunday School ………9:30 am

Worship…………….11:00 am


Bible Study………….7:00 pm

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Pastor’s Office Hours: Tuesday ~ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Thursday ~ 2:00 - 6:00 pm


Deacons Earl Choice (Chairman)

Pervis B. Walker (Vice Chairman)

Douglas Brown

Anthony Capers

Leroy Dickerson

Samuel Ford

Benjamin Gadsden

Herbert Gibbs

George Heyward

Cyrus T. Johnson, Sr.

Cyrus Johnson

Curtis Ladson

Edward Mitchell

Robert Riley

David Washington

Anthony White

Eugene White

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Trustees

Willie Telfair (Chairman)

Rodney Coaxum (Vice Chairman)

Johnny Jones

Rosemary Jones

Dontrell Peterson

Edward Washington

Carlton Washington (Trustee-in-Training)

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