globalization what changes have occurred due to...

Post on 22-May-2020






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What changes have occurred due to Globalization and what is the impact of this Global


Watch these as a class for a focus. Answer these 3 questions as a ticket into class

Shift Happens –

Write down any facts that surprise you or that you find interesting in the video.

What does this video tells us about how the world is changing?

Han Rosling’s 200 Countries in 200 Years in 4 minutes

What does this video tells us about how the world is changing?

Positives and Negatives:

Review the evidence that follows and categorize each piece as either a positive (+) or negative (-) impact of Globalization and WHY you think this. (Evidence taken from “The Human Drama” by Don and Jean Johnson) 1. Business transactions can be carried out 24 hours a day. 2. Millions of dollars can be transferred in seconds to any part of the world. 3. Multi-national corporations can close down factories in one country and open them in another where labor costs are cheaper. 4. A musical group anywhere in the world can post their music on the internet and attract fans in Mumbai, India, Shanghai, China, or Little Rock, Arkansas. 5. For the first time, more people worldwide live in cities than in rural areas. 6. Small farmers who cannot compete with large-scale agribusiness have been pushed aside and cannot make a living. 7. An increasing number of consumers are reading their newspapers online, and news organizations can constantly add up-to-date news. 8 Printed newspapers and books will soon become obsolete 9. Many readers believe that opinions posted on the Internet are as true and reliable as news from other sources.

10. As of 2009, life expectancy in Japan was 82 years; in the US, it is about 78 years, while in Zimbabwe a newborn can expect to live only to age 36. 11. Diseases such as tuberculosis, typhoid fever, yellow fever, and many types of flu that once terrorized the public can now be treated and often prevented. 12. The UN reports that most countries now have centers for disease control that can inform citizens how to avoid contract with these infections and how to treat them.

13. Scientists have genetically altered seeds in order to significantly increase crop yields. In the 1950s and 1960s new seeds led to the “Green Revolution” and enabled nations such as Mexico and India to become self-sufficient in foods.

14. The UN Food and Agricultural Organization reported that as of 2006, 854 million people worldwide, or about 12.6 % of the world’s population, did not even have enough to eat

15. Child labor is common and illiteracy still remains very high. 16. Only about ¼ of school age children go on to secondary school. 17. 5/6 of the world’s population is unable to benefit from most of the recent medical and technological innovations.

18. 1/3 of the world’s population is forced to live on the equivalent of $2 or less a day. 19. The richest 1% of the world’s population owns 40% of the total household wealth, while the bottom half of the world survives with barely 1% of that wealth.

20. Many Orthodox Christians and Muslims believed that globalization and modernity seriously threatened their beliefs, especially family values and the role of women. 21. Some critics of global trade and communication fear that unregulated globalization will result in one homogeneous world culture.

Overall, I believe that globalization has had a ___________ impact on the world because ________________________

However, ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________.


Globalization: What global problems is the world facing today? How

can they be addressed and/or solved?

Do Now: For each of the following statement decide if you Strongly Agree, Somewhat Agree, Somewhat

Disagree or Strongly Disagree. Then write a brief justification.

1. Everyone in the world, no matter where you live, has an equal chance at a successful life.

2. Global warming is a serious problem that we all must be addressing.

3. The more interconnected the world is the better.

4. The problems facing our world today will never be solved unless nations can cooperate.

Working in groups you will visit 4 stations. Each station will

include a brief reading on a key topic followed visuals and

political cartoons and practice multiple choice questions. Work

as a team to do the following:

1. Have one student read the reading aloud to the group. As

you listen, underline key ideas. Write down the 3 to 5 most

important ideas below the reading.

2. Review the visuals and political cartoons and discuss and

write down how each relates to the topic. For political

cartoons, discuss and record the point of view of the

cartoonist. (What does he/she think about this issue?)

3. Complete the multiple choice questions on your own and

then check your answers with the group.

Station 1:

Globalization and Economic Interdependence

Although people and countries in different parts of the world have been linked by trade for centuries, a global

economy, the integration of national economies into the international economy, began to develop in the late

1800s. Advances in science and technology in the late 20th century accelerated the pace of this globalization.

Today, raw materials flow from one country to factories in another, while the finished products are sold in

both emerging and rich nations.

Oil prices affect economies everywhere. When oil supplies are high, prices fall, and many economies benefit.

However, when oil supplies are limited, prices rise, and many economies suffer.

Many western banks make loans to developing nations to be used for modernization. As interest rates rose in

the 1908s, the world economy slowed and poor nations struggled to repay their loans. The International

Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank stepped in to world out agreement which included lower interest rates,

payment schedules, and a move to free market policies.

Businesses that operate in many countries are called multinational corporations. Many companies are based

in the global North or in countries with emerging economies. They make investments in the global South and

bring new employment opportunities, infrastructure improvements, and industries. Because these

corporations are foreign-owned, they respond to the economies in their home country while creating social

and economic changes in the local area.

Record the 3 to 5 main ideas of the reading:

Review the visuals and political cartoons and discuss and write down (in the margins) how each relates to the

topic. For political cartoons, discuss the point of view of the cartoonist.

Practice Questions: Base your answer to the following question on the cartoon below and on your knowledge of social studies.

1. What is the best title for this cartoon?

A) "Breaking Through the Iron Curtain" B) "Globalization Reaches the Wall" C) "Separating East from West" D) "A Road to Cultural Uniqueness"

Base your answer to the following question on the

cartoon below and on your knowledge of social


2.Which statement best explains the

situation shown in the cartoon?

A) The world generally supports China's government. B) Many countries are attempting to expand their colonial empires. C) Westerners are promoting Chinese investment in South America. D) China represents a way to expand

Western exports.

Station 2:

Economic Development and Population Growth

There is an economic division between the relatively rich nations of the global North and the relatively poor

nations of the global South. The global North includes the nations of Western Europe and North America,

along with Japan and Australia. These nations are highly industrialized and have high literacy rates and high

standards of living.

The global South includes developing economies in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Many were once colonies

and remain poor and industrially undeveloped, experiencing the problems of post-colonialism. Policies

established during the age of imperialism continued after 1945. As a result, some nations have remained

economically dependent on their former colonial rulers.

Several factors have hindered progress in developing countries. Uncertain rainfall, lack of fertile land, and

geographic barriers are problems faced by many nations. Natural disasters such as earthquakes and

hurricanes can be devastating to struggling economies.

High birthrates and better medical care in many nations of the global South have led to overpopulation. Also,

specific religious and cultural beliefs, economic need, and a lack of reproductive information have led to

increasing populations in certain countries. Overpopulation can cause a lack of food, as well as inadequate

housing, jobs, and medical care. By 2012, the world’s population reached over 7 billion people. Many

developing nations have tried to reduce population growth but only China is willing to force people to limit

family size with their One-Child Policy.

For centuries, most people in Africa, Asia, and Latin America worked in agriculture. Today, much of the labor

force in the global South is still engaged in agriculture and depends on developed nations for manufactured

goods and technology while exporting cash crops or natural resources. The factors have led to trade deficits (a

situation in which a nation imports more than it exports). Over the years, economic struggles and the desire to

diversify their economies and developed quickly led to heavy borrowing from foreign banks.

Economic patterns are changing. Emerging economies, such as China, India, and Brazil build factories and

continue to develop advanced technology industries.

Record the 3 to 5 main ideas of the reading:

Review the visuals and political cartoons and discuss and write down (in the margins) how each relates to the

topic. For political cartoons, discuss the point of view of the cartoonist.

Practice Questions:

Base your answer to the following question on the charts below and on your knowledge of

social studies.

1. Which conclusion about the world population in the next 25 years is supported by the information in these charts? A) Technological improvements will cause a population decline through Asia. B) Developed nations will be home to a majority of the world's population. C) Efforts to curb population growth in developing nations will be successful. D) Africa may experience problems with overpopulation.

Base your answer to the following question on the graphs below and on your knowledge of social studies.

Rate of Population Increase = Birth Rate - Death Rate Source: United Nations Population Division

2. Which statement is best supported by the information in the graphs? A) Population in both developed and developing countries increases at the same rate. B) By the year 2000, the developing countries will reach the point of zero population growth C) Population growth since 1900 has largely been due to a drop in the death rate. D) Population growth since 1900 has largely been due to an increase in the birth rate.

Base your answer to the following question on the cartoon below and on your knowledge of social studies.

3. What is the main idea of this political cartoon?

A) Only the United States and Africa are affected by a lack of food. B) Pollution is often the cause of famine. C) The governments in Africa are unconcerned about the lack of food for their people. D) Reading about world famine is different from experiencing it.

Station 3:

Agricultural Developments and Environmental Issues

The Green Revolution

Throughout the 1900s, scientists applied technology in a number of ways to increase food production. Famers

installed pumps to bring water from far below the surface of the earth and used other irrigation systems to

distribute water. Farmers used machinery, especially those powered by gasoline and diesel fuel, to increase

yields from their land. Farmers enriched their soil with fertilizers and eliminated insect pests with pesticides.

Scientists developed new, hardier grains and bred livestock that produced more meet or milk. In the 1960s,

famers in developing countries applied some of these methods to increase their production of wheat and rice.

Their efforts were so successful that the result was called the Green Revolution. In some countries, such as

India and Indonesia, the Green Revolution doubled food output. The Green Revolution increased the food

supply, but it did not solve the problems of world hunger and poverty. Poorer farmers usually cannot afford

these innovations and some have been forced off their land.

Environmental Issues

Many global environmental issues have arisen in the 20th century. Pollutions of water, land, and air threaten

the health of all living things. Forests are being destroyed, species are disappearing, and deserts are growing.

The safety of nuclear power plants and nuclear waste disposal methods are additional environmental


Scientists are also concerned about a gradual rise in global temperatures. 1998, 2005, and 2010 were the

warmest years on record. Many places around the world had their hottest temperatures ever measured.

Abnormal cold was found in other places, such as Europe. Many scientists believe that this phenomenon is

caused by the greenhouse effect, in which warm air becomes trapped in the lower atmosphere by carbon

dioxide. Since 1997, the UN has held meetings on global warming. Although many attendees agreed to set

limits on emissions that are thought to contribute to climate change, those that emit the most, the United

States and China, have not kept to limits.

Record the 3 to 5 main ideas of the reading:

Review the visuals and political cartoons and discuss and write down (in the margins) how each relates to the

topic. For political cartoons, discuss the point of view of the cartoonist.

Practice Questions

1. The term "Green Revolution" is used to describe the

A) tensions between developing and developed nations B) heavy reliance on manual labor in agriculture C) protests against environmental destruction caused by industry D) development of new types of grains and new methods of growing them

Base your answer to the following question on the cartoon below and on your knowledge of social studies.

2. The concern expressed in this cartoon is most closely related to the consequences of A) rapid migration of animals to the Northern Hemisphere B) further exploration of the Arctic Ocean C) industrialization and the burning of fossil fuels D) slow economic growth in developing nations

3. The problems created by the deterioration of the Earth’s ozone layer and increases in the amounts of acid rain suggest a worldwide need for A) rapid industrialization of developing economies B) better health-care programs C) nuclear-powered electric generating facilities D) stricter pollution regulations

Station 4:

International and Regional Organizations


The United Nations, or UN, was established in 1945. Its goals are to promote global peace and security as well

as economic and social well-being. The UN has the power, through votes of its more than 170 member

nations, to take action against forces that threaten world peace.

The UN has a number of specialized agencies. Some, such as the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO),

fight hunger through agricultural improvement. Others such as the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

and the World Health Organization (WHO) are concerned with health issues.

The United Nations has taken action to maintain peace or restore order in place all over the world. The UN has

had mixed success in keeping the peace. Although no worldwide conflicts have occurred, the sovereignty of

individual nations often makes it difficult for the UN to enforce its wishes.


Oil became the most important energy resource after World War II. Global economic interdependence is

shown in the crises that have developed over oil. In 1960, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela

formed OPEC, whose initials stand for Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. OPEC’s goal was to

control the oil industry by setting production levels and prices.


In the 1960s, Mexico, the United States, and Canada signed the North American Free Trade Agreement, or

NAFTA, a plan to allow free trade among the three nations. Many hoped that it would bring prosperity to

Mexico by lowering trade barriers. Some business and investment did go to Mexico, but other manufacturers

were hurt by competition from the United States.


The World Trade Organization (WTO) was established in 1995 as a global organization to deal with the rules of

trade between nations. It has 153 members and negotiates agreements, handles trade disputes, and provides

assistance to developing countries. At many WTO meeting major protests are held by those who believe its

policies favor rich nations and harm the environment.

Record the 3 to 5 main ideas of the reading:

Review the visuals and political cartoons and discuss and write down (in the margins) how each relates to the

topic. For political cartoons, discuss the point of view of the cartoonist.

Practice Questions

Base your answer to the following question on the cartoon below and on your knowledge of

social studies.

1. This cartoon raises the question as to whether the United Nations is able to

A) administer former colonial areas B) deliver aid to people in need C) separate political issues from economic issues D) unite opposing forces and differing ideologies

Base your answer to the following question on the chart below and on your knowledge of

social studies.

2. An analysis of this chart shows that the United Nations

A) expects individual nations to solve their own problems B) is very much like the League of Nations and does not have the resources to enforce its decisions C) relies on the United States to carry out its peacekeeping missions D) faces an increasing financial burden as it deals with a growing number of crises

• Organization of American States (OAS) • European Union (EU) • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

3. These organizations and agreements are examples of

A) political isolation B) military alliances C) regional cooperation D) collective security


Which modern issue is of most concern to you and why? How should this issue be addressed?

Written text for stations was adapted from “Prentice Hall Brief Review: Global History and Geography.”

Practice question are from NY State Global History Regents exams and while simpler than APWH questions

serve as good checks for understanding.

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