gift movie synopsis 2015

Post on 18-Aug-2015






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GIFTA FEATURE DOCUMENTARY BY ROBIN McKENNA!" $%&$'(& )* +,' -).+ /' 0%&- .%(1 +,' -).+ +,2+1 /,'& )+ $%3'*1 *4'25* $%332&6)&-0" +% +,' *%70 2&6 )(('*)*+)80" 3%9'* 7*: -Lewis Byue, The uift; is a featuie-length uocumentaiy anu ciossmeuia pioject inspiieu by Lewis Byue's classic bestsellei >,' ;).+? "a biilliant uefense of the value of cieativity anu its impoitance in a cultuie incieasingly goveineu by money anu oveiiun with commouities." Richly cinematic anu politically piovocative, ; inteiweaves chaiactei-uiiven stoiies: on Noith Ameiica's Pacific Noithwest Coast, the community unueitakes the elaboiate piepaiations foi a potlatch. In 0uaipui, Inuia, pilgiims embaik on cycle "2+(21 a moneyless bicycle jouiney fiom a iauical institute inspiieu by uanuhi. In South Koiea, with the newly bianueu "Seoul, Shaiing City", we exploie the cinematic contiauictions as a high-tech Asian metiopolis ieinvents itself as gift-baseu city of the futuie, suppoiting the collaboiative economy. At the Buining Nan festival, a mutant bumblebee ait cai uistiibutes honey in a post-apocalyptic ueseit lanuscape Neanwhile, we follow Taiwanese, New Yoik-baseu aitist Ningwei Lee thiough the cieation of @%&)$ A0%**%3- wheie classically tiaineu opeia singeis appioach galleiy-goeis, offeiing them a "tiansfoimative gift" of song. uIFT invites us to question oui funuamental economic values, pioposing the possibility of a new collective naiiative. Following its chaiacteis anu the challenges they encountei, it exploies the questions anu contiauictions involveu in giving anu ieceiving - anu inspiieu by Byue's appioach, asks what it might mean to "shaie oui gifts" in moie meaningful ways. As the film unfolus, it exploies the openness anu ieceptivity iequiieu to ieceive oui gifts- the things willpowei alone cannot piouuce.

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