gifford-j , we,d democrat...

Post on 02-Sep-2019






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heifer ing-.

ITALIAN SONG .. , ...• , .••.• : ' .. Rosit ...... : •. '~""~'~' DUPONT

I'1\ALlA~: SONG """" "Neapolitan Nigbts" .. ,. ;', ., Za.meen\l<

POPULAR FOX TROT .•....••• : "You" ••. -.•..... DONALDSON

. WALTll.'.,. , .. ~, .. ---'::M~nli!;'ht -,,~ihe ~~~o~" _~"""". HERMAN~'+I_~. __ ._~ POPULAR ~'OX TROT "" ... ", "Llgbts Out" ,,' "" " . ,,' HILL

SBRmNADE ' .... '. . . . .. uLove hl""rdle~css" 1 •• ,I • • • • • •• MAcBE'rH' CHILDREN'S, MARCH (On (longs ~h. Youngsters Sing), GOI.DMAN

M~o~t~?L!f1~L,"!L"':'Lllc[§d;!"''''.'~~'1---: sprtngers, All


passed Bang's and Tubcrcl.j.lin Anyone \Yishin~ to see ~~\!le will fmd thptll ,,1 llw P~l:v1lion Suli.~

day. I. In. addition to the dp..iry herd-Qff­

~_l~!~~_ th_~_ ~\'~~~~)e n gO~J~~~Of 1at bogs, thin sows, stock hog!'; ana pigs.

EvC'r' Hin(!(' tIl(' \Va~rl(> A:ll(>~ com­pany "..-:1$ org~~liz~~d U~~re,1 has been. growing intt'r,'st in the w0(>1<ly live­

j:\1l,nts taking l)ltu'e

ye-ars and mother of Mrs. Suh~ OL ncar ,\Vayne, t?o¥. I:\lape pn Sllnd-a.y af~prnoon in Bloomfield at tiw-

A. 4. Ollcnburg and l-1is'Jox

at a bout E'!e\'en o'clock ,in

'1 'vh(~re during tlw lU8t.' six y€'urs she made her homf'. The immediff-te

of 'her~a(>altf was--n"ffij'l'o.1vllo-1

trally lo('ated place for buying or disposing of livestock, but a place where prices are right. \Vayno me.r­chants have secured busin0ss from sale crowds and are cagel' to grve

suffpred from cancer. Eva Blizabdh Muth WQ...."I born in

Germany Ma.y 22, 18G5. She wus 7] years, 2 months and 8 dayg old at the, time of her death. Mr~..,. 1\luth

th~ close ".01' the-summer. term. ~nss Snyder expects to accept a }lCW posi­

Gifford-J ~cques pvery bit o'f suItPort possible .tp aid was a TC'sident of the United Stat("s

tion in Los angles. A o~ absence fo!:., Miss Ruth

Paden, s(Oventhl

grade --Btt'lt&vts01' in the Training school, will bQ effec~

'tive in Septl'mbel', Mum Pa.den's leave is r6r the first BPmester. Huv­

, We,d Wednesday 1 hp g roVi- ing ce;ncern.

Because \Vaync 1l10rchants fC'C'1 that .2lJ.e. sa~es ~ompany is IJroving' to be a. good ~lac:c for buyers and 8\;1-1131'S to I, ot them: th:s

for 49 years. Mr. and Mr~. Muth 1\\'1'<1 In Bloornfkld death some years Mrfi, Mu1h movC'r!

b(l(jTI ill liealth for some months

Pretty Ceremony at Home Of Bride's Pa.rents

UnitesUouI1le , th.e. Bu,nill'ei'kJ,i, ":ae-t-a~,~ -~,t'\.--~m-l=>-'-"-iS@-G- nHRr week purclmsed_4'l"llce"n.:X.IJ.e .. lieJ11.,t-'!;-"'-'-''',.Suhr, for six

Cl';>'S\ d \\ as~-tI-;O- -ocrat 10 tell the many r~adcrs 01 talll .... alues Jh(:'¥ are of,tering fOI" 1hp welk end w~110h they are (lontilttljng 0\'('1' to MondD,,~,~

Careful reLLdin,g of these advertise­ments on thl::: ~.q,rt of persons pUl,.ll-

~~~7~a~~e fV_~~h~!! -:~rc~~~~d Pl;~~:: - - flome genuine money saving values

10 offer. L. W. McNatt says HA 'Word to

the' \Vives 15 Sufficient" and to tell of ~ertahl items he is ing at his store, The Cer­tified Home APtHiance company, dea­lers in things for the h.Qm~, are of­f~ring radio' baJttery biargalns" ~nd make a sU$'ge~tion reg~rding rural electrltieatioif). Dr: Em-ery persons thinking of dental work to think of hilITt and Roy ~ngemeier from his n~w location at Seventh .a.'nd ~tre¢ts - oIreus some spray barg~nB.

Fred L. Blair fe-als that farmers 8ho~ld know more about hls shoes and 'fork clothing ,and !'ion and J...alily of -the Farmers FOC!ed and S~ed 'company give-some hints on feeding by making ,use of

(Continujed I~ag(' Nlght)

",,,",,pr'al childrC'J1 I] '!-lIde~~ lwr r'laught('r. Mrs, Henry

Suhr of \Vayne, Mrs. Mulh IS SU%'-

Vlypd hy ahout PIg-ht othC'r ('hlldr('n, noni" of whom Ii"" in the COlllInUnity.

Lucille Surber Leaves' Friday

Alnes-Erxleben Wayne Girl +,0 Be Bride Of Nuptials Soon California Man-Soon At

Glendale Home

N] with r"rn$ nnd gJ'<"C1wl'y.

Znda V, ~ifford, ldu;l,.lghtl'" of ahd Mrs:,. 'N. H, Gifford of \VaYlll). l)(jC~lm0 thE' brWe or Halvh B, .J:t~('IlU(,fi, 'R<')n of Mr, and Mrlc!. n. n. In.dlues, nlso' of Wt1.yn(~, at a. !'Ih1g'Jto ring cexe.mony __ p-('rfol'rnt>d in tlH' (-;if­ford llome at i>ig'ht o'clod; \Vedncl'l­da.y ev~'nlng. 1'11<' Hev. Hollie \V. P-00 of Pi<'>T('t" -officiated,

Miss GIN1 Giffor-d, sister of th{' bride, and Jvan PitC'h ntt~'lH]pd 111{' I'ouple. Th(' lJrlde was gowned In

Ceremony To Be in CoUncil Bluffs Wednesday For

Aviator and Bride

white srttln and her sister wor~! or~ Miss Lucille Surber, daughter of chid satin. Mr. .Jacqu('s and < Mr.

I<~dgar C. Surber of Wayne, leaves to- I,~ltch were attired In wbite suits, morrow for Los Angeles, Ca.llfornia, Music dt the ceremony was furnished where shE'! will become the bride of by Mrs: Delbert'-Gifford.

At a -~s-ln-'g-l-e--Cj-n-g-~~-'~~i+W'rtl<"'o~~~r""~SOri; son 40f Mr. 'and . 'A ~ecep-tion at which 38 guefn

Council Blum;;, Iowa, eer;,:~~:'''da~~ Mrs. '1<,;, J'I

!!jffcson or Wakefield, in w('re prosent took place Immediately AUogust 12. MiAS Lucile Amee of a. double ring ceremony to be per~ following the -v.'edd-ing. The bridal ,\V.ayne, claughtl'r of Mr, and Mrs. H. formed in q.lendale, Cal1fornla, at the couple left ~P9_n after Pll !l.. wcd~lng

hnme- of-the brIdegroom'A brotner, trip throllgh Utah. Ida~, Washing­

i~ leader.., d-innonst.I'i.l,h'd-1 of u. 00mhinaUon salad; Nu .. tline Bair!! and Pea.!'l Hlll·hl, H,()lping Hand cIuo! Ml's. A. A. Sodtm leader, five min~

\lte cahbage; Bonnie Jo Martin u.nc1 Dorothy Baird, Wide Awake Work~ era, Mrs. Carlos Ma.rtin leudor, anM gel food cake; Leona Meyer and Teresa Andcrfolon of the club, pic crust,

CarolYll Osburn son, Kleen Kitchlln Koolts, Mt'I::I, Wlll DIl.c1t leader, meat loaf; DorIa Y:-.Jst and F'rances Dene.sin., same ta.bla sdUng; Arlos Daclt, Wurdel!!!!:.l1, Ardlt.!; Dt!:.rclm~n Ina l"eurl;ion, same club, table B. Ames of Aurora IHinol!'!, .will be Homer Erics'on, The Rev. H. C. Od~

lllarried to Irv<"n C. Erxleben of cgaard of the Glendale Salem Lutb­Council Bluffs, son of Mr. ano. Mrs. eran church will officiate at the

ton and Oregon, Guests at the l'P-. vice. ' r,pJ)tlon in~luded: BoUtlle Osburn and II'llHl Back, ul-

Frank Erxlehen of 'Vayne. Mr. and Mr. nnd Mts, H. H, Jacqucs, lIr, so of the KI8en Kitt'h(m Kooks, Band­ceremony, which takes place AUg1l8t and Mrs. W. H. (:ifford nnd 1hl'('(' 'AiC'h(.s; Helen Schroeder, sume club,

~rs~ ]~:~l~in~~o;~~na~~ ~~r'p;;<;~n~::t 16 at two o'clock. r.s-Df-'Iilp.h Tyrn'll, Mr. ~. '-S(,,'U111blCd eggld~ hola-~li1rwln-._,c·i phr .. the ceremony. Miss Burbl'r will bp. gown('d in .W, Brady. 1\JIHR OlpU. Gifford, MI': Alkt, HH.t1:W-l1, .Dixon cGunty Happy

MiRS A.mes will wear a YE'lIow tall- floo)' i('ngth white organza. overRI::~~: Hnd Mrs. Max Hf'ndrkl(l3on, Mr, and Ul!lpelH duo, M'·I:l. HoberL orpd ~ports suit ,\\,1111 brown QC('0.RSOr- Aatin. The leg-o'-mutton Mrs IsunC' ningham, 1\111'31'1 Bal'bnrn leuch'!', spice calH','

comA to a pOint o,ver 1he hnnd, Thl' ('la.yC'omb, MI~H p(la('~ J{ing-Hton, l\!igH ll-onnlo Jo Martin and Dorothy Board otiEl1 iC'ation Hires il';1iRS Ames is n. rrraduate of Wnyne dresR has a cowl neckline, Miss Sur- J:11Znht'th V'lf'ntwortJ;,-·LnWT·Pli(iP 1\fn- nali'd~ 'of the Wide Awu.l(e WOI'kerli

'I 'I I· ber's accessories will b(> white and nnlng, Miss Bnrhara fiOR('\ .... i1tpr of club f101'~:(:1d:-1he only county t(~am Auditb~' 'da$>1 E'V:~nlng, I lilgh ""hool and a former stUdent at she will wear a wreath' of orang'o Omaha, Ivan Fitch, Holly ,TohnHon, wl!kh ';';lIt to Il.>e Htutc fair I Wayn(' Gtate Tpach~lrR eollpgn. I-It~r hlossoms in her haIr and carry la \ 1\ ian KloflpinA'. !\fiSH nlth('J' :l\1a(J Ypu,'. They too]..: the ('ounty (!linmp-

At a mee

t.lnglOf th~ WaYl1e city in \V'aync llntil two boulluet or white rORf'S. and hlkg-of- J..lopnin/-:.', 111'. ~tn\l J\lrR, j,'loyll ('on~- Jon:.;lllJ) at t.4,e Wayne f!:lir, whIch ~n-beard of ed'Uc'a~ion Monday evening, Yl':lrs ago \ .... } tlwy n'lover] to llli- thc·-valley. About forty guests will "I'. Mr. and "l\iJ'ft 0116 Iiaif'J'. ;\lr 'hn,l t!tlpu tho.ll1 to dt'l:nonstl'ute the rna.l[-Campb(~ll" Bryd~n anI! ,I~olzow, aud- nOls For t e last thrf'(j Yf'an" Miss he presen/ ai, thf' cf'~'('moI\Y, :'lItH, J"rQd \\,(If.dl,,'hOllSl' nnd dll'lJ.!'h-HoI'S of Lincoln, \Vj\l'e ~ngag\'d to Arn('s 1m."! b pn pmployp(} in HIP ('oun- t· l' I h H ' ,

A rc:,:pp 1011 ta U'S p ace at t I' o~ I j, r. Mr. all/I Mrs. C'lifford PI'nn, MiA'""e an awJitl of the school'S books ty agri uralz offifo ..... , iner Encson home following Ow cor('- :'\'/,va Jones, Gl>nc Grnvps and MI'. [01' the l~H1: t~f1 years. 'the ques- Mr, Erxleben WPH grn.dl1ntN~1 from mony, pinl{ aHil hluc', th(, brid("s

t-i€OTi-<>f-;·fl""'''ln·g-<'R-_ml.-l~"'''-n''"'--''''W-I'''''b.". !:?(,~o91 _1!:t ___ $~~~~!~_~ rm,_,d'_i_,'ol'>T-s" ... ];ein,r-41H' c-010t'· scW--nrt'-:-the high sehool was .rescinded,' later complf'1f'd a cloursp itl telf'gra- l\1iSfi Surher's g-01n-g-a:v.~-R11-H. w-ID

."l'l."tll'I'ick BCI'J.'Y Visits ;1 nil l\lrH, Chllrlt'H BrCY~1. Frc'dt'ricl( Bcrry of W.a.shington,

Ron1 ~-nn(l Mrs~ -JIl;:'-(iw'A aI',· -D~-C., ~son of Mr. and !\11'S, F'r('d S. After 0fdl'ring' pH.yrpent of bm~ ph)' at Boyle:;;; colleg'p in Omaha. H.e- be ~h.( ash grpy gabardine With rHl\'Y

al1(} aHt'ndlOg t<;> otht:.1r routUl.e Olat- C'cntly hp ~(>('urcd :1. p8Flition am rnan- acc('Asoricfl. I<'ollowing theIr rf'turn tel's the board ladjourned to HHWI ager of th" rouneil Bluffs alrport und frorn a we(lf11ng trip along the C.ali­again v\"ednc;'sd'ay eve:rhng at ..... Which he and hi:;;; hrirle will make their fornia coast, the f'ouple wlll be a1 1i~C' a.pplications for the p~8i:ti(!n of horm· in ('dTIffcil ,"~frs.· horne in J-I08 AngCIM

a.ff>;<l -of .w..i;:.nj~-higb _B.('ho.o.L B~ .. -waB-met-bY----h-i-&--[:I~ Thpy ,vill llvr' in nn ap[.U'1 mpnt· Ilf :SIOUX Cl1y Sunday' morning and re~ \\'uyn~ wlwl'P ·Mr. JaN]1H'8 if] fI~1'lO('- turned wllh them for a two week's i;l1,'d with hf" fn1hC'r j-n th~' clpnnlng \'l~it. In WI1~hjngton Mr. Berry iii

I'mployl'u in the Congressional LJb .. athletic coach WOllId be 3.c.ted upon, kRon 18 associated with

Till\.(, . First CJpmnlUnion ...: rttl'y.

Old' But !Good, JJ~

Parsop's Su~gesti6li

Following the i,elhA;' of' Catholic lnH'r s('hool RJturti,l}" Fjrs~ C01!l­

plat'f', Sunday

Ward a~ eompany, _...Miss Surber, a gra.duate ot' \Vayn(' high -school, attcIHied Wa'YnC' S.t!lt(' 1:"'ach('rs coll~gn fol' three y(>arH. M)'

a collegp I n L()~:I

following his g'l'adua!ioll

FOllOWIng tllP Wayne T, a('h"r~ ('ollC'g(' stud('ntH who ha\'{" '" (ur('ri t(';J('lling pOflittonR n'{'('ntly:

'"yIp Mf'urpt, EmporTiL1}l.t, .. h. Hl'h()ol III HOlt ('Quhty.

WHJ Move Soon

from. Wakefle.l.i;1_:...high school. F'oI' -pa~t ten yl'rtrs he has Iwen iw Cullf-

Mr. and. MI't{, E. H, Howers plan to 1I10V(' to their home' at Armour, ~~uth Da.kota. in ubout two we.eks. TJ:u'lr lion, H.a.ymond, and his wife Will mulH~ thelr home in C02..'.ld this

:>HVf' Bark",r, A, n. 'BG t';n1~llsll nn"1 y.t'ar wh~n' Mr. Bowers will be

Sp('('ch at OBJl1ond. _ dlltt-i- of Hw h-ij~lt-=OO<>h~~~~~~jjt,~~L;'~~h~~I~~ni":""-M'~'j -a.nd-. t'"' T\lrs, }hlpn Haym(>r, two ypa.r '~{G, HeY, William I{earns, ' thn'd an(~ f01lrth h.-,.u.df>s at Stun.rt.

pastor, I ntf'·rj the" gro~lp at FJrenlen Xalue n{'!t·.g1~1('s ")nLorna. ~('ott. two ¥('al' ':Hi, Krad('R brf'akfaHt aftel:' ;"1a!-l\~. HiHt~"r Ht"len \Vayno?' city firf'men ITl('eiing ;~t ,Amf'lia .. Mn.rlP, fOl'm('rly EHr'n F'innj and th~ firelYt€'n's quarl('rR at city hall on Tht.vid Mila.n<h'r, A. n. '36, prinl'i-Ststf'l:' Anna ~J·lrip. I 1'rwmprly ~lsio 'J+tl"sd~l.y ('vening named N, 'fT. Bru'g- tllt.ll'llip at lkl7.i1C!.' Milla.

Urn; Hunaway H.obert. Eddy, who liV.QEJ

Thielman. hoth of ''''hOJl1 n:SHIS!(~dl jger delegat{· ~o the .fltat#/ firC'mf'n'F L'' Ralter,c A, )3., '3S, 'Kf'cOnd with .tll(' J<;('hool, rf'iI1Jrnf'd to O,mahfl ('omrehti10ll which will take place in anI] third .lfrHdC!s" at Holdrngp,

onduy !l~!.!..'.lnoan, - - .----.--~ -- {!.....jn _D.eiofW.r, -J-lrJ.e.n_ B-t-,.J.4ill+~f-chr-1{'" "---='c'-.llOl<'"-j-

------' I "I round lIflscox was narned n.]jer~nh' ('onot})i(,H an(l EngliRh at Orrhnrd. ;Uno:. J{a~T t1l (1d('.a~ (}olegate. A soda..l eVf'ning was cn- Doris Rullng, A. n. '3G. rura1

J.\oIinnie' KU.lq.', -Own .. r pf tlH'1 Joyr"rl and rt~frNlhmpntfi 'wpr(· 8(·rvNl. 001 nC11l' Houth Sl-oux f'Hy. "ill r~·turn 1lus 'r1:nll'sday f'V-· , F }(. A:1.-.'Xn.ndf'r, A. H, "33, for tl1('

.'ning from "'I:hka;.:·o wh"l'f> ~ht· 'lns' ~'ov(~l BalJ Game at \VinSWc ' last thr(~(l ~reo.rR principal aL BeJd(>'n, b~f'n attp l'ldlng I'\'fa.l'lu:t ·,l,i'p('lc' Hhf'l A large Ifrowd attende'the bkY('1,' uth}(·tiC8 at'Scribner. left· Sunday. ., I fupd Cfl~s11;','i Wu.gon kittcnball gan1/' .. F

--.-' -t---HI'" 1111., l·bft~·erl1 th,e married and ainglo nWIl

, Milton DawBo~ a'tdd M :!'\!Ilo~, f6t~ll,ll- 'U,f WIIlS\d,e l~riday cVDnihg, 'I'h(' Car!e!' of Bz:ook)nI:R, Sp~:tlJ 'Il,,~ota, Proceeds" amountIng to $18,30, will sp~nt the week end ~n thel Daw-) :be IJSFl'd, fo ,(1(!fray the expenses of

home. __ .;- I.npy SCQ~ts on a. .camping trip.-- - ... -:.,' -.. ~~"~,,~-'"-~~~;

Hail t'or' G(~l"Inany-A In.rg .. groun of rel3.tiv('~

Fri(>TH1R gA.-thprNl H:t the .4Ibe-J!-t Ja""'H'-ftfr"='-WlOH)~~Ifo-_",",c-hUC' l1Om{, at WlnRldf> L'l"!'l! ~rht1rRday even­itlg for a farf\)~'(lll party for Mr. Jo.e­gf>r who will Rai1 for Germany Aug­lll'lt H. Mr, JHeger p-irtnR to vlRtt -six

months or more {vlth n~latlvc,"J "'and fr\<en'l" _ Itt Po.tangon Wurttemberg. (1crmllny, The e-VOnlng was enjoyed '!;Ioclnlly and at a. Ilate hour rctreBh-ni~nts scn.·cd •

.. I

I 'Ii


IAtt)p I>arl(y (Utttlt 'I f >.'!!) ~tn -Bt>(l \VIt,b NotJllng OVCl' Hlnl.


won, as usuul, I ImVH carried thing to ('xtremN~ bnt I """-,,,;.'hmm" n, lot of fun getting out this lotl()r. It is l\eurly 11'l'itlay ~:lOon as 1 writ~ this concluding puragraph. l!o_nrY li'ol'u on h1s He\imty·third bir­thday Thursday' HUllvely Obs~rved

?lIn:;. Dorothea And-erson re-Sidence to tIlt residence vacated QY the Hills.

o Attorney George A. Ca'hico HI~~tmgs visited in the A.

__ ~ _____ --t_,h.vO,IllP last ~'hur~da~_

l~~"n vl~1t('d 'with 'rhursday.

Mr. anrl MT'R. T, H: Hill and son 9f INorfoll\: werp \Vinslde visiJjors on 8{\tJurday~

MisH gsther l<'r€'st' visited ovJ,rntght ]'ast Tuesday ,,1th Miss Ruth Stln­~on nnd ]\fiRH-~.:' Em plti....Dr _Ngr-

Plan Olll ScttlCl"S Picnic ~ -Otfi1'El'B"-::nrcl­

tlw nnnual \Vayrle county Old Sctt­lC'r's Phlnie met laRt 'Tuesday to make final plans lor the event. President T~ J. Pryor wag in charge

Vice~presldent Herman

'1'l''''r."''v~ for cash priz£otS; free baseball game in

daughh't. tI1SS' -J')orothl'a and Mis.!'; HC"::Is' Upw nnd Miss F:-d~'lInf> _ Princp, visitod In th(> .1. H. nrugg(~r hU,T1F'[l1 t\rayne la!'!t Monc!! \'.

Mr. und Mr-; Etl 'Veible anti soh. Edward, WI'!'I' :'01 foll{ ,vit.nt~')";':l last

thl:' morning between the Wakefield ann \Vinside$-;Jumor Legion teams; ('ulithumplan parade at 11:30; dou­bll~ header baseball game starting at 0111' o'clork I bet\,.,cen' Wayne ana Car­roll, Hoskins and Winside teams; minor sport.s at four o'clock:

E.'wa)}fI &~liol1S Injury' Dr. N. Ditmu.n and Donald \Vei­

hie escaped se.rlaus early ,. onday at \\ r 'rotl 1l1n(' the lutt0r rf'- ¥r~dn€'sday morning whe; their car

overturned twice at tel' colliding 'r:ith a car driven by Albert Jaeger. Mr. Jaegor was uninJured and his

people read one day and forget next. As a rule they are qUlt\' h~lp­ful in furnishing clues to wOJ'\' IWzw zle::; but as for 3JlY definite philoso~ llY or' government or stable convlc­hans on prmciple~ and po1i:'ciflS tll.:>)" are- as \ aporo-us as a dew dl'O~ on the w1nbs of a mornilfg sUHboJam. V\1 ( are very weal\: brethren-.

But it i~ diferejlt y:ith-'David Lrt':v­, fricnd~ sew

·sober. It

~o?sevelt - is not trYi1I).~1 t9, our form of government:, h~ ,

is trying to make this one we havi live in the affections of its citi~ens, aJ:f an instrum.ettt for the promotioq, o~ the general welfare ,and '11ot the too~ of special p~ivilege. That is the, rea~ -issue. and Mr. Roosevelt would "ltk~ J.I tQ see it faced. and not the ~ide;)1 swiping' issue of conf!titutional gov~

errnn cnt--J,\lIost: -of Ht;;tt--wttS--l1asoo~-------=.

on at R unnymoadc in 1216 and ,wei lappropriated OUl' part of it in 177~

For a and we expect to keep it and, w-ith: th"'t-~'r'1n~'lin D.--Hoosc~ Ino change except in the sense thaI)

to "reconstitute the ~~~fferson, Jackson, Cleveland, Roo~e~: lil1lt<'d Statc's in 1936 as fundament- IveIt Wilson might mal(e the changel aily aaitwas in 1776" iatO as ~prOgreSSiVe- people and na:Uoh. j

border lan(l. of pretense in the rcalm The government, the ~nited StatesJ

. ~_~~~~~t~tE:~:~::Ht~h~"t~'~'I~JU~'~ln~e~:8I:'l will continue A() be good", That's fine Hank. 01' boy aI' here In W.n:Yiie-ls- fu-at

too but WI' do hope thnt it w1l1

tt'f:f.ltment. Ed\vard B(" l'l'l:tly 11ljurt·,j hlH foot Saturday wlli.'n the- flX wltiJ which he was trim. lnltlr-;" tr":'H ~hllp\'d Ilnd ellt his l~ft ff.lvt.

was not batlly damaged_ The Pit­man car was wrec].ced beyond repair .

l""ennH" [1,11(1 Vullas Schellenberg vt- The accident Occurred about slt~,!d 'rt'!th n~cir ___ g~g,n<J.Q..a~nts. Mr. miles south oLWinaide. D.r. and :\11'8. CJmrlu Schellenberg, last waR drlv.tng south and "'Mr. Jnegf'r Momlny. was driving north when the cars col-

of fact; either that or -he has em- ,"to be reconstituted as fundamental~! braced the subtle device of mentally as it was in 1776"!-Davld '~W~i h~ypocracy _as a shield from the de- renee. It is just such picayune, mands of -honest thinkirig. ,trouble as this on which the O~PO~I

Mr. Lawrence Is the editor of the Isition bases its ('}aim to confi~~nce1 United _ ~~at~~~~_Pub1iBhe~~I~~~R...0'!..~~_ __ _ ___ L-~

better, so you Bec we're stll1 bro .. t.hers_ <under tb~ skin). Huasell Ba.r­tels, p. feller who runs t\ law otfice here :tound that people are just too hot to (lvon fight In court 80 evetl

·h'~_-ln.;pl though hll has air conditionod his of­

Born to Mr. anq' Mrs. Allen Carw lided on ~ a hill. Dr_ Ditman ,and penter a 'nine pound' son, Monday Donald received minor cuts and July 7. bruises.

'Mr. and Mrs. George Gabler lunoHhon guests tn the' A. C. (~ableJ' Halpin Anniversary hbme Just Tuesday. ---Monday .. July 27, was the sixtieth

Jo~:~n B:;:t;:e:n:om!li1S:st E~!~~::~~ birthday u~nivcrsary of M'I L. Hal-

~ . ptn and etgiitee_l:1 of hIs ~riends su~­

prised him by gathering at his home for a social evening at progressive

pinochfe. The high score prize was won by Henry Fleer and low by li'rnnk BroIVynskl. _ At the close of the e.ening Mrs. Halpin, assisted by

c -- ~ - - -- ----, I

IMrs. Frank ,Bronzynski and Mis~ De-I, ~ ilores Pohlman served a two-course, Iluncheon. ___ ' , I

, I 'I Mrs. Frank Larsen and Miss, ~il-I;-T ',II ban were Tuesday visitors in I the. ,"I pharJeS Johnson home last :v:~~~. Ii '

tice and offered to t~~ko a eontract for doing the same for The 1)otnocrat office for one hundirftd hllx, he with Mrn. Bart(~18 with leave Saturday for (L vn\'u,t1ol1 to ROllH' \)oln..1 \!'ht'I'i' t hI')."

won't hav(' to {klWnd 111H)!l lllCl -;Ilr condttlonor. Ho hu.,fI very l{ln(Uy ot .. !(,...TI'd mo llH~SH~G alJ(Hll'll hit. 8hln~.r "n\~w Poul1al' UM fur" lUi CI'(lar l'~ullH. lown, 1')0 goollilye 1111t11 Ill':..t "t'('h.. l'm g'oing down Into Iowu to t{,'(' thu

from Fit. Paul, l\1l1ln., ·where ther had enjoyed a Wf>()k vi!'liting in thf' J-oonw of tlll'il' ill'oth\'l', ('lar'P1H'e .J()hll~on,

B,tllhUU., Betty und l'hyllll:; Luul­('nbough and Gporgia Hecknpr, all of


lrish, -"Stan.

~~gJ~T¥ __ ~~~~t~j~~~~~~~~~~~~j.~~~~:=~;~~~~· , , -- " -nfi'!fIiti-;,- -;- ~~-~'

and 1'l'lr'i. n. P_ Uhllrlv {'ntl'l'­tnlHl'd nt Ih-;-:lr hOllh' la~.t ''l'n l'1'(1 II , (v(,tlint.;' ill 11()1l0}' br Ol!' latl,"·...,

I)" ( 'tty, S!H'nt -intO pa~t

the Ih'n Uemihoof honlP Larry 1):\\ l'nport \\US in \VU\ nl'

IHN! \\'pdIH'H!l,t}, Hnd 'J'hul':4day.

¥arion Bracl{en of I'~nH'rson Rpt~n:t J:!st \\ i'(,k 'l"ltIng In tho hOIlH' o! hb Hitl\('I" J\II'R. I';d" in Ph'leh.

l\11:-il{ Ha.lTkt Hlms I1ITiv,'(1 IH~l Till', day 101' a short vnut with hl't' liT!( h, <lull U'llllt. MI'. and 1\lrs. H, H. :\lor­r~w.

1\11'. rind l\IHi \' r,; ClIny of \,;",11

IlIglol\, 0, t', ,lrll"\"tl laHt TlHHdd\

for,an ,,,,It'tl,ir'(l '!~lt \\1111 l'Ili"l ('111-ry'~ i'dllh'l, -.fohn

10 ~:alt SOllH' \,nr-: t'I110\<'d ~()\J[llh! ~\1l11- nt-a 1:lj, 'I _---l:u.(j\.'~ .J:nHlt~'\\'-hh(h \'I-o-u-ht twtp trl nI-;-tl,I' i ~Il;--ill(' h~I:I\'~s ',"~I \ ",1,___ ,I

HUl~h n, thmg- d r'ailt)f. " lining" tIl! ,Utili \"It' })t ,Illd 1\TIH I'lllllont. I

Till' I \ ('lIlng-

"",0-- .. , J (j ~'Il\ dlld ,111_11\1 I l\o~ll\ld1'\ 'fT~ 1"11 il 1'l~ulql~ n)1I1 il'Utght'I'j Thout.;1'l ~on (' l!i'I·"Oll.H h:n" I,Uj~htd: 11 \ I \1'0,; 1"'111 1111<1 Illd III :-';0I111d IntI l\Ils Huhl'lt F1('1' \\lll

atl/J\'hl'h\rtIII1~J(tfl'1I11"lJll~)\~\',\~ l:\~lHlt \!I HI111 ::\l\~ 11 1. :'\l"l\I:\Otl\llk\t"tt\)I~lll;.1tl\lond,l\ ter In Our !-1011 nnd 11 f:!'!\'I',ll lui, f)1 lill Hl I II" \Ir mtl \11, I nllH! :\J:.; () \1 J),ntll})Ott .lnll S(jn L'l

pl:H"'- for "linn!.; ~\,"'''I '\\I11k:Ls lb \11 ,Pl \11, \\.!It,( \, •• J;](1 1\ I(\Ulll1tl hl11lH h~t 'l'u\~d,l\ l)Ondf>:. r(\;bl"·lhl~' and J:ll\I" JI'\\I' 'r T" (; I, \\"ll\"I: I, 111111~ (I'OJH Itll'ill.l:ll'k, N~I'fh _J)a_I~O_t., I lart;:dy Ihj.pul"l'lldl lot _ _

_;1~+~+++'~++++7"'=~:~'+~+~! .


Mrs. John Ka.y and Mr. and· Mrs, George Gies6, called fo. the David Longe home' neA.1" Emorson on Sundal" aftel:nooll. . ).rl'.~·.and Mrs. Albort Longe a~d

}tUss MaYllole l.~ong(!l culled in the Jolin Kay -l+Glll-e---'".rhursdo,y evening.

• ----j Miss .Olga Kay ~ntettaim'd 'n' num-I~stltute. their i: '\ b~r ot friend,s at dinnor- Sunday.

,be changed, .fro~ __ "-_lJIC;Ullsts were:: 1No~dl'o;\\', DiJ..reU, nnd , and theIr hu- I M1i3S Joy Lutt,- \-Valter Bai~r, Dale and

zero, to l~O%. I Leroy GrirlWl and ~USS N(llda Brud-.II~'~ •. ,.ill~*lJent:all'h neces~ar:" Igan. I I

bl~~t1~~~~ Mr. and Mrs. ~Ibet't ILonge. 1\:'11S9 -the rooms, I ~ulda I~on~r(\, "Valter I..Ionge and Mr.

flooded an\l 1\'[1'8. I;tudy I .. ,cmge spent \Vedues .. Doth I day, In Sioux Clty.: I ~ I '.

cit.:' H. T. Ut,echt a.n~ sons, 1~~red4 ,"VU ... bur and Herman anfi Gus Longe

I dt·ov() to :'$loux, €ity Thursdu,y m.orn­ing whete they had l1vt'} l::ltock on tho mu.rl{ot: I I": ~

F. S. Utec!)t, ,,;~ohn lia!)\~rs an.d LN:;lic Poe attended the 'pavilion sale at Pondor ,ISat:Urday.

~vrr. and Mrs. Ray Ilarscn ~nlled

'in the Fran}\. Longe h011\C Friday ev­lning'.'

1\11', and ,M:·s. Elwood Sampson cn­tt'l'tflln<'d r('luttvt~l"! fro'ffi---"-Ai~Ungton

Sunday eVElning. '['hu S~rve--~U Club, met with Mrs.

1\t01'lin Olson this Tuesday. Thu

, _.Mr." and, Mr~. Otto tl'(~st." and ify were Sui' callers the H.udolph Longe, home.

Mr. and, Mrs. w-;tn Lmlg~ a.nd chil­dren \\'eI'6' Wednesday supper guests in tho Rudolph r.;o;tge home.

Tho ~ev. and Mrs. 'V. A. Gerdes ~'aqt'd at Itudolph Longo's ~ucBda.y ovening. '

Allee Mac Biermann, ,,,ho visited

'Re'llorts trom ',~39 Nebraska 'mn91ers"'(OmaMI'not ·Ihcl~ded) ::vtae an Ulqmlnating survey on : eral important points. ' , '

·To the' qu.sU~n ...... to. the sltua: 'Hon 'In the postmaster's <;pmm'unlty wit? :r~~spect to reller 439 rcpO'l'ted "gOod", 88 ,rcportc'd "101-'prdyln£:'''; 62 reported "f~ltr'" only 50 reported: "need more rolief". rrhis is' all encouraging report' on the l'pI~er' situation for . the totnl "good", "inlproving", 'und "fair" Is ,53!) 'while 'only 50 t'"t:~'Ported "nlOre re~ lief Ilccd(~d".~ ~ I, , ", '

, , Tq pte ,qut;'stiqu ns- to tl1-e, extc.nt

,of un~mploY,nHmt 2~9 roportod 'no 1.'";~~l~~7nCjlt'·, 3lt 'rcpo'rted "vory ):1t~ tlc , whil(~ 96 r<',Pol"ted "mnny 11('(;d­ling .~~·o~·k"~ It v,;1tl bp $<'('n t,lHlt total of "no cmrHoyn\t.~ilt'· and ' litHo" is 54:l. in othol"

:out" of 63'9 l;~'P~l'tOd the ~;:nJ'PI<)Y-g§0~~;i~~:t, ~nH':.nt sitl1a.~ton h~ good ,shape. : To the qUl)stioh as to the opening ,up Qf private cnlploymcnt 630 post­mastol's reported~ Of these 322 re-porti~d that private ' oponing 'uP in g'?od

~~~~,-!'''''''''<L~,-'!':''-,~!Il!.cc'!!!-J--~~-'~~lB."~~~~lL~-:''~I-'''lJlj.eI"fh~~--,,!II1!l~~~,,-~-,~~~--+,i~n~th",e'.,~h~O)~in~e~ of her grandparents - ' lJn~lI'~:~~:;~~;1ft:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~:;;~~~-el~-Rt;~~;r~ c~:~~:~,"::~1~~":~'~~~~~~~~H~~~a,W~~t~~D_ ... C~:'~~fru~·~~~·r~~~h~tl.~~Q~~~~~J~~i~~·-------f~:~:~~ih::r~:~~ ;~~h~~:~:~

,. -

Th W C Mr. and: Mrs. Suber spent Tuesday

. e '.' ayne - ounty Far~er in~:.a~·Ring and Mrs. F. C.

iO the-IntereSt of Wayne CoUnty Farmers and Farm CiutiS- d!1hl spent Wednesda,,--in -

->-~~=="",~"",~"""";;;.;:;~;:;;;;;;.;:~:;;:;:£i;~"""2l"",,,,,,~,,,-",,,,~=:.;;;;:.;;.;,,,,,,,L'F~-'t>r:~~ the mothers camp .. _ L:~'R[i!g~-"Mf8:' 'C. -Bard , I' Mrs. Albert Sundell attended a fare~

Sl·los·--s" er'v-e'- """[ Unues. benefit wildltfe by.,on_erving weU party on Mrs. Harry Anderson. ,,-': water and SOlI, Increasing the" or-

R b C ganic layer of forests and fields and' The Andersons are moving to

dug' age rops IliY encouraging more grass and 'shru- th~;;·":~der80n is putting a basc-bs 'which the country has as food and· mont under his house and In~tH1ling'

Farmers Urg-ed to Invest' COW-'I". gas. ''rhe Roy Sundclls have ~milt a

In Trench Silos As A new porch on thetr house. D th M • ALTONA NEWS A: number of relatives-and friends

rou easure By Frieda. Bruttfl;eck- !<riday evening in the n. Nim-. '"1ion-Q"r-o-CMrs. Nimrod's

One and _onc-half bil'liO'n dollars. Miss Olga Inselmann 01' Columbus

~:~l·:f t~:h.a~~~ala~f:l~':n~~ 1~~;m:~~ ~~r(>~(~~~~~~n s~:~~:~ we~'k8 in the

rCC1'nt f"urvcys slb-o'\v. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pfleug&r and "The 'wildlife crop", says H. W. falnily and Mr. and Mrs. He~ry Brun~

Whilak('l". t· dif'cctor of the dieck. ,Ern('stin(', Frieda and Arn'old wildliff' management di:vision of the visited in tlw Rev. Fred Rex home

OkJahoma and Nebraska, "makes a Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pfleuger and real contribution t9 the utilization of family and Misses Alma and Leona low priced suh-:marginal lands and Stuthmann visited ill th8 Henry firu'n­supplements the income, value and dipck homp last v .. (~ek Sunday after-

day._.Jlnnlversary. Mr. and 1\1:rs. Rollie Longe spent

rJ'lmrsday afternoon in the Jim Kil­lion home.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Luhquist of :MJ.nnesotu __ were Wednf'sday dinnpr

guests in the Paul Oleson homo in Ole afternoon Mrs."Reubcn , Mrs, Mary Oleson and Ida were lun­cheon guests.

Gerdes. l:~d1th GerdeMo remained in the' Biermann home 'to ,visit severa.l days. 'It

Mrs. Rudy Longe spent afternoon at the home' 'of

1~ • Sholes Mr •. Henry J •. Lenzen

and 'MrA. Hans 'l"ietgen sons Donald 'and Lee \...-(,'ro Visitors at Chamberl'l last Monday.

Art ork left :1>01" l)ointH in ldaho to Art Fork left., for, polntH in

to look f017 employment. Mr. Kermit ~ldl-rlt of C\1-rroll Ilrc is -absenf -"-- _7..L. -- ~

~Ir. and Mrs. Ira Lyons of son. were visitors in thc' Guy home last Thursday.

,'l'he Herman Grar famtly and Ir­ene M('.T'~nddon were visitorH in th(,,~

John Grau home ,nea.r Pierce. Miss LorrairH~ Graf rei-urned homo after spending a weelt in tho Grau hon-le.

Mr. and Mr~. Albert Nelson of Randolph were last ThurAdrty oven­ing callers in the Earl Miller home.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar carlson and chtldre'n of Fremont and Mr. and'

-('rtllln F'-rldn..y--ovllninp; lo-spcn-d -It- w",,\<-i-i--­vlsiUn¥ in the home of ht\1' MrR. Wll,ltcp Priess.

Mrs. ]~. H. Prange of Norroll< spending this week visitlng home of her parent!'!, Mr. and A. C. Norton.

soil conserv~gervio:e in KansaSJin Neligh Monday.

attra('tiveness 0 f higher priced noon. - -1amls".-- - -. - .-- ---- ------ ---MF.--ftfui -M..,.c-HeJ.btrl---B",....t--an-rr+··=cd..-=Il.--·W<l-_~ffi<Ja ... -4i-lH'_-g'_,tsj"M_-l,_I.,"'W--strntrton"'o£-*'tttiIoltPtrf-o-:·--'";'~:-":'lll~~_~-'--::m"'!'""

Protecting wildlife is 'recognized as r",miiy returned home Tuesday after in the Paul Oleson' home. were Sunday visitor. in the A. G. tooi< Robert Nichols' to Wisner

Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Oleson SPf'U't

Friday evening in the Paul Olpson home and Mr. and Mrs. B. Erickson

om~ of the best possible ways to.a twelve day trip to the Yellowsto'ne Mr. and Mrs.' Jim Chambers and Carlson home. day where he will spend th~ week prot('ct soil. The best e,rosion con- Park. going through Cheyenne, WYO- son spent Wednesday in Sioux City. ];Jr. an~d Mrs. Martin Madsen and a ~~:~t. ;l~/i'~P'~~~~ "~~iJ.·HiOUX troJ is usually vegatative. The best and stopping at many other Mr. and Mrs. RusRel} Jonnson and ~on and Chrl1il Hansen ret.urned last wildlife management is u,Bually the interesting- placefl- f'.long th0-way.---- famjly __ ~3Pent Sunday __ ,rltlL~I6 .. ft''''''f-'=",,,,,,u,,,,_,,:<,m._~~l_p_.~_ impz'ovempnt of the vegatative food Mr. aIH] I\1r:::;, Henry La~~r' , I

and covp.r. Good wildlife cover is and Ernestine visited in the Henry Mrs. BettY'Lundahl and A~anda good erosion eontl'ol cover. There is, HUt'ter home Sunday evening'. called Friday evening in the Ernest WhiU;kpr point,;s out. a perfect syn- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schiermeier and Lundahl home' to see Mrs. Swan

_fhronization of the interests involved Clarence spent Thursday evening in' l.lundahl. Wednesd!:Ly evening MrH.. in the prohlem. of soil conservation, the Hay Falke hOJ:ne. E. }iypse and Edna. Dalgren ea1ipd. wat('r conserva.tion [I~d wildlife m'an~ Mba F'rieda B-~~dieC'k visited with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sundell spent ~gement. MjSB Hulda Koehhnoos Wednesday Sunday in the Henry Erickson hOf)W,

Erosion contli.Q-I llrogranu:;, he con~ afternoon. Mr. and Mrs: C. Pierson and fnffiw Mr. and Mr~. Hpnry Pfleuger and ily and Mr. and Mrs. Seth Ocian.

sons aro ::;pending a f~w days with· spP.nt Friday evening in tho Carl

;t\'Irs. '5 Ida Zimmer of Carroll spent last Tnursday with Mr. a.nd Mrs. Chris Mite-hell.

Ida Mae. Williams spent'last Tues­day night- with her grandP~rents: Mr. and Mnt I. O . .Jones of Carroll.

Glen Burnham callau. in Sioux City on busineRs last Tuesday.

sp<'nt. from FrIday evening until .du-Y_lu-or.ning- ~sU,1ng--lt-l---thc- -1:l-O-me orHI--.... =r-."".-..:-.".;. ..... ...-==-o her slster, Mrs, J, H. Foster.

Mrs. George CrosRland and and Mrs. W. 1>. HpJI and

Mrs. J. M. O'Hara ILnc1 MIR~

Ann ot: rAncoln {'anH' Htln~lf\Y In 1 he homp of the former's Mrs O. W. Hahn.

E(}r].lr> .JohnRoI'1

II I'", i

~~~ant Sate

M-rs. P(lC'ugf'r's parents. Mr. and Mrs.l[ Sundell home.

Emil Pol('n~l{i of Ha;:t'ingR, Mr. ,and MrR. John Br('Hf31r:r [lnr]

Mr, nnrl Mr~. ("lifton Cornr>tt and I Warren and Mr. and Mrs. F~tl San­son of Norfolk and Mr. and Mrs. j dahl and Rpent l~riday in Siou'k.

Mr. and Mrs.' Harry Griffith and daUghters of Winside spent Sun(]n.y evenfng in the Jennie Jones horne. Mr. J. I~, Davis ane-I sister Magglnl",,;:::::=:.::::::=::.======t====tj::===±==:![~~~

.sunday' with Carroll rolativps, I Mr. and Mrfl. John VOS:-l and clnl­

rll'('ll \\'1'1'1' (lLnncr g'1H'H1H in tl\l~ Bill


H llHh Cornd t and sons were dinner 'r City. g\lnst:-; in the H •. 'rbort CornE'tt home I . F'ayp Randl1hl i::; ::;pending thiH W(,p1;:

Sunday. 1 in t1l0 .John Dl'f'::;slpl' hom(',

:\J r, flIul \In-;, Ht'nry Hllpj(>]' .-u-~,_llJWDla'-- of._r.clativ(~s and fri(,l;d~; HOHH vistpd in the Miss(>s Meta and Hlwnt ::\lrmday nftl'l'!1oon in tIlr, ]<' (.

L<'nCt R"llt('l" horpf' Runday afternoon. r Sn~{la1l1 hOlTW in honor of Yl\]HI1',"

~ Mr., and Mrs, \V. and RonR and

Quality Liquo.fs


Variety Liquor store




I :\1r' and MrH (' Buslur1\. wpre Thlll~-day dlIl,lWl' c,upsl::; 111 tIll' (;porg( IjllS

Dy Mrs. Ed Larson ldrl{ JlOlllP

:-'Ir', and ~Tr~. J,(.n'ftt Tl'st and Ll- j ----------'-,-------: HOTEL STRATrON BLDG.


eO:llTI:IlIJ.m InlAl'iDS' 0 P

QI:ALi1,Y Li(lrOg O~ Wlnb,1

ml1y sp('nt Friday cYf'ning in the Hll-l South Wakefield I dolph Kay h01l1P, I

Mr, 11l1r1 Mrs., .JUn. Ring fl..J1rl BlI Mrs. Rudy C. Longe daught('r, ::\1r. and l '~Its. Luther TIard and sons. f\'lr. and Mrs. G. ~ard and I Mr. and 'Mrs. W. J .. Baidwin and Hilly and ~lrH. Ca,rric nard were Mr. and

l, MrR. finlf Dr'own (]r~v~ up

,\\l).;,AUB ASIU~GI ~T,Elt~l SEE- 'Wt'dneBday en'ning RUpp(~r gue~t.a in from Council Bluffs Saturday ~wen(ug \\JAI' J>HH'F;S Fi>It- --'liICI{-- . the hom" of ~frR .. Emtly nIOg at to visit in' the Adolph H,'nschko

\: \~I--,F:AR1C\TI'TI ----~- I Wakofield. :.. !Jome until Sunday evening.-- Sunday

I ',I If

- (letOUI' li'rices-

IU!ri" At S:P[ECliAL. GOld I F~a~~s. Gilt

. D'·ishll~d. "L'Wdorr' Dr 1:, .. ,." ". Ii"' ,Y 90 . R1i<tff Reg.,,! $1.35,

FIF1rH·. .!!.',~tt9'

I "I! 1'''1': ,II q;, II

,:111'1"1 j, 111.1":' II Iii I,i "' I '


. _: -..,.' h:-+-'IIJ 1~'1 I ;IAi~i:~!:i "+ll ~.' , II~! I . ---::.J': FRJ!fE:1 ,~t ;your P~Py of ..... ~ g4iJ4 repip~:L$qk,

i: I " '>1 1 I, .. · I! .' Iii II! I i.

: !If'I':i 1"1 !'I!I;IIr-lil:II'['I'!li I"!I'II!! L 'lil'I'I'1 I,""" II" I III' . ,I .. "';,.',1 1,':.1: ,,1:"1:,11:,-1'·., I·

:\Ir, and M):8 . .¢larcnc~ _.Bard_ -fUld ----d:1nue-r---=-g:uests there -were.. Mr. Hpj ty and Mrs. ,qarri~'-J3ar(~ spent ~I'H, Frank 'H8nHchkcJ;"n.d_ J~li0l'. Mr, 'l'husday ('venlng' in n,:~ L. "Ring and Mrlol. Max HI!JlschkC!. Miss Esthf"r home. On F~f'day the B. ·E. HY:PRe Henschk~, Floyd Parks. -Mr.. and Mhol, and Marttn Eckrt;:lth t~J'rIili¢~ called George ~ickhoff and daughter I~laine, in the lUng hoI1'fC~ " A,fternoon Visitors and luncheon

Mr. find Mrs. E~d La~SQll 4Lnd Earl gu.ests WBl'e Mr. and Mrs. l~jrvin spent Friday evel1ing in tn(:' Alfgust VRhlkamp -and, daughter and ' 1YIl~H Longe horne. , I' Clara Vahlkamp~'9r -Wayne. 'J:.Jvcn­

;"lr. and Mrs. DJs,\:t Sandn.hl and' lng v\sitOlrs ,"'ere Mr, -and Mrs. HflY

St'l~I,~SJ ,w. 'I!':I.engS~~~m,a~s:. RUPf)flr ~uests in Hammer and son. -, :\. uu~, Mr. ant! 1\.lrs. ,\-Vllhur Setfring of :Mr, nIH] Mrs. }~d LarRQn /lIld Ear! COj~l, Iowa, bame to t.ho- August HfY~·

\v,~rn Sunday ,,(]inne~~(~shL in t1~c' home ~l'jday afternoon to vi.ait uniil ella Nelfto\\ home, . ""11 . '.' . S\l)1<iay ovet\lng, ,

Mr. and Mrs. ItuRA"II' Johnson Mrs: Holli,\ 1'00 and SIwnt Thul'r;d:1Y ih ~io).lX, C11y.

('a,m(~ to, Hl(' Ii': R. Ptcrht horn(o T<'r-i­

'~,~~' r""'lfing and ~et\lrne<l to their hr;>-Jl!H,I :1\ ,l""IM-rop.--,,-Ra~ UTfltly

II I : i ~ I


V'v'l'oIJel homo ::;unr1ay. 1\lr, and 1\11"1'-1, !"f"roy :rhOIllPSr'!l of

CalToll calk(l in jill' V, n. MI'i,':rddr'n -hom~Mundn.y eVening'.

Mrs, Hr>I1!'Y nT,J·Tii.,1 Dliu--iTT\ugl]jr·"S.

1I,'n(' :Jnd :Kaney Ann .';p,'nl from TUl's(]ay until Hatul'dflY \.:.~~~jjh, • .\IIs, Boyd Carroll and .Junior.

Mrs. A. (L (;a.rhion acr'01lIJ1anir"1

Mr, and 1\JI":L Lf'onnr'r] RlflllllOll!'l 10

Norfolk 11(sl 'J'l.!uI'Rday, < ,

MI', HB(l 'Mrs. ·Martin H:l!.;ill~'1i4SPll and J:IHghj('j' lJol'ojhy :.ihoP1H:d ill \Vn.ylll: ltu;1 'I'w;HUay.

Mr, nnd Jl.-TI'H. E. Briggs Dnd fam-Ily of l<:wing- HJ)('nd,I!;'; lL f~~w days' in the j+':d. HethwiHch horne, ¥rs; Dnggs and Mrs. H.cthwlsit'l sisters. __ Mn;. T. W.

Irenf' JOIlPs of nE-ar Wayne sn&nt 'from WedneAday until Satur­day with her fr,icmd- Miss Mary 'ltelfs.

Mr. and Mrl:!. Will Henncriciu; ,and family of Co](,riug!' wsru \'Jt>itOJ'H in the W. W. ,ToncfJ hOHW,

Mrs. Martin'rLlJmlllRI"wn lUl!'l jh~ Flympalhy of thi8 ('ommunity in the loss' of· her hro(her, .10110 ,fl~linpk- of Coleridge. Mr. Jelinek diet! \VeJ~

'ThelltebrakitD~m&crat 'lone liundred per cent 'it,,,w : ,~,-.. -:--' I Pfatform.

--- Issued Weekly' ' '--- " -In -his -acceptance -sppech last man, ~ith~.e~";r·~fa:~~Cl~~e~r.k~~r;c,W~~~:;;'.~1~~ ____ ~=+~:J~~~~~!!~ll .. _-"-- '-'~ -- ""- - - ~'-.'-.. -' II" :reek;- Go~'et:no~ l..and?Tl (mlp,I~a..'3.i~cd:. _t~ul:Y,~~ .~: _,'

-VVf:,UMEI!'F~FTY.'j:'WO' , I "collOmI'll, cgovernmetit 'I": .. t tis !Ook!Jaet;,;!'IYti '. Tl-iURSDA Y, A FG{-;;HT' fl, 1 (~:-:G .: :it tht r{~eord 01 Mr. J .anjj(m t~-.'.; 00""'-1 \VhE'n noose-!'lt

- ~:·rnor of Kansas: I "",:'?~Id , ~~~(!,. ,t.9,'1_~~~ ~~s te~_ c~~~ ~~~ .' :1 ~~~~RF 36 :: !.l:nn~{(;l Ii cotllPati~Qn :b_~t~~~r~.~':J:p~ .. n,8flsi:!:t:'~~~ntt~lfIVe:'~~nts· ahd','

....::._--,-. :;"-."".'-',1-"(": .,: r ,: I:, \ <:~IH~ OU,I' (.j~:n,~tfi~'~~·,~.e,~r~likl:h,'~nd' ,i_Jl: one-haU:'cehts per pound" Came I JOffN' G. DAVID~ON,. i nHi1dng thlR con:IPari$?n, [ do not j fall of 1933, WiUl corn Ir)uch lower

Editor and PubIisl1er \-yiH!l to rel:hlct a.nY' dlsc;r:':dit in, any' Ll~j,jJ j'(I,;l' u;' p!OdUdl~, Fonu~tely, \I-,J), on tll(! t~Conomi(':Jl [tlllllllJls:r".-J w.: bad a f'resl(](~nL 'who, for the first'

'ur ~,lth()r (;o-,,:,'l'li'!l' \',:_u(Jdt"i 'time, WDB abl(; to ::;ef~ iwyond the! Entered as second c'lass matter' in 1884c at the postoffice at Way1re;:i'k~ bnsl('I. under the act of March 3.

·Lalldon. ;'li.,-:;iHsippi riv('r" lind gav0 u::; the I :ll,Oltl OJ. bal-I ('orn H("l.iage. llj"o;~ralll 'with storage 1

\\'1' Il"nnl lllur:h on tll(' [anB and a gunl',lniee of fo1'-_. ___ "" H1Hte :and' local Ht rt, in ly-fi\'I' CtOnts pt:r !Jtl~hl,L Thif>

:\'i'hra~lw, a balftHcl'd hurl;:;",L h,u-J program "\\-"3.1; a lifesan'r to our far-


Subscription RaW., .. One Year ........... ......................... $1.50

tii'f'll" jak':n aH tt, Ill:l:;t'!" of rOll)'"," Jlwrs and hw .. iness men. 'The same \V!, r'lainl: hUnHtnit;.lrian attitudn has 'been sho­

r)ll tlH: J,al"t wn toward the lahorer and Ule \'ilht:r' past hOoH"owner -with the result thut thQ

Six Months ....... , .......... :, ............ _. ..75

-- -~~~~~~~_~~H·~~~\:,·;~·'~;i~~jrj ~~~'rl~~~-: ~~~1~;:~\~~

()"\(i'~" <I, p'\J'fOd of y,.,ll TlO IIlat'lunaJ

of aHY oj' our or 'PI'I'Rf'nf, for doill!; "l)(;rf(!etIy '&b-vi-f7I:H:l--and n-n(~j.f,llW.J'.Y cihing r, .. quir-1',1] 'hy law, ju:"'t ilH it 1,<; itl"Kallf;p.H, many part..:; o( th(~ country, and \\'1'1"1'

ont~ of; mORt. pop'uIru' tind thri1l- On IJlllJ/ flrl'lt, thh; ·YI·al", not ()Illy. our

109 of ChI" hu.7.a.rdouH !i~orf.R. ) /Judfif·t bnlancr~d, but in~t(1,ar1 of hav-T.h(! races wer(! cUI-:ltornaril'y hd(l' ing (,. ninl~U:(m million, (ll'bL,

over public bighkn.)'R twt' lm- a~ lin J{anA:~s, W'~ had 'rL, ,balanf'e of porta.nt connnu\litteH r and r\l.rlg(~d in 1WI'I'lty 1ll1llion dol·lar" lit OU:' trl!flS­

IptlgLlI ft'olT\ 1 no 10 ;/Hh milf'~. Oil I UI'Y, !!lad!> up of inv(·stlIH'nt~. I~l trw race day, no ,oUlf!r ir.[.d'fic waH J)(!r-' J>")·I~J:lnf·nt. !--1~J10U,!,_flllld, sol(11(>I,'; re­

mitted t& usc (hp, roadfl. rGvf~1'Y prn-' ( !If'(, and c[tH"h, Ho\\'('VI'I', WP h~tve ca.ulion W,LH t.a.l~(~rl tfJ J\1~q, Hi<! rigllt' !lOt. mad!' ,L national iSSUt, oj' t .

of wa.y elr·a!' 1'01' th(' (lah!,.(II"vll d"iV-i C(Hlditi.on, "\\'"f~ hav" r~'('I'I'ltly built (~r .... who wr',·(! ('Ollllwtillg. Tlh: ('a.rH I t('fi ',1ll1JJJon 'dollal' (':lpilol Ufwu Wi'" Jlntul'a.lly ill tJlI~ ,dhJ{ of I f,j))r·ndid hig!lway Srl·:!!'n!. V:r: condition, Illl.d I.v:,,'ry dl'iVi~r '\-','[18 a. h:j'p/.. OIH' ~·j('hool,<; ar,d {'(JJII'r;"~" of qualHled (lx,IH'rL ':-;r/ itH'Xlj,I'/'i('J!' t'd '"t"!Ii]i'.", IIp [0 ,I l)i).;h ,"j:tlHl~lrd :.11111

---d-ri-'rt'--I'-I~)oh lhll \-\'fl,'!,1 In 11_ l'Oil_d-i';U'l .Y~.:..t __ Jill' vil_l~I'ns of ~~JJ~'~I:d~;I;_ .--if })(~ o i,ll, w:,.', jtl~,t 111;111,1:1111 j!J,ll' tlll':'- ,JI, H-OI li':t\" 10

Ill" l;u;ps of (io\'~ 1'))(JI' r~,ll](l()lJ'H

hOInPS of .. Lhowiands have been saved to the owners,

On the first of July, this 'state, one ,of the tttree large C'orn produc­ing states in America, had n. -prospect of· a bumper crop, Now, twenty-five days tat·eJ', 'another great droutli em-

Huf !JH: I'o:'d rfl.I'('[1 \\'('1"1'_ 1'\('llIWOdly 1< awi;!I'l. dl'J',,-;t!I'nd, inr'il1(11n~: lJly good ()\~'('(J, ptiucip:dly 111'('[111:-;" of lit" 1,(;1 IIH (,I)lllpnrl' loll f:lrl11nr.

g'I'Ntt. (]fI,ng'('r~ inlt"J'I'ill jn !it' :W01:1. i E~J('h ()))~. fhoUH,Uld d~,ll:lr:~ ()j' :t.',.'{"s-

J)pa,l11H and jlljurlq; --to Hp"I'Talot'li, [J:~ .'-'nd in j"::ln~r"I,,-; (',Q'I'j"H all OWN' is only on" an.swc"t', one wI'1I HH p!ll·tlr'ipl,))I~-l· l)('(';lI!l" too l!llrd"ll of :~ j doHal'.'{ ali prog-ram to hr- I'ollo\v\,(l in an omer-conll.nOll., ' l-f'OIllIlI:J'('(~ wlth a liljl~' 01:\,1' I!! <10]-

'l'oda.y OUI' hir.thwilYs al'\' t.1ll'0l11';-!'oi I ]Hr~.; III N~>hra,,-;l\.'I, 'i'lI,')r lliH.--'t<-f.:n with !~1-I,l"i1 wlll('h If"a\'~'l III ~pc"ds,1 !llilliu!l dollal' Ilt\bt, l'I'ljuir',',<; :Ln I'X-

IfHl('.h g'n~a.tilr tlt:L1l tbolw'rl--.ill! 1m -11'\"':, ' " ", ,',

tll(~ old nir('I-i. l,\lallY nf t!JNji~ ('a!'!'> In;o;. i.\"'i)t'tlsi,a, lIaS non(' nll(] lw-u.t'(> in lwd 1I11'1,.'!J;ullca[ ('()IHll.I1i~,\-~"'l !.llat. an i1aJ~olJl(' la-.;-, rl,~ n 11OUI"-

Hon. wil.h fa\IH,y' "!'Hk~'.<j, jittm'y "it'!"r'~lj'(' of rVV('Tl1h', hf'long":4 p1"OT1Cl'ly and iug, gJa.r~JJg or w(~alc l1g11i.'-;', worll-out ,'_\Cl!lRlv(,ly ill til(' donttdll or the fNi­H'rc~, Many oj' 'tl1,('1ll Hrt~ l:lt'ivl'l1 by 1""'11 go\·(>rmnl'nt. T1H' Jleople of drjV~r.N who :in(.~or.n]l~'tl'll1. 01' 1"0(.\1;:- I{a.n.o.;nH (,:tch YC<lI.' p:ly ~'iRO,OOO in leM and. Ju ~IOUle olUfe!1, In- ('jglLl'dtt~ taX(:'H, \Ve llaVi: no 1:IU('h CR.pacitatod. It's l:Ikely' t.hat. an olt1~ Gas tax and' auto-ngiRtrntlon

r·'~"=---.:<_Urn4="'ac!ng pU~t."'.'~o.uld,-rfl.ther iJl~tVOt10g-111h(,f" 1:l.I'l-[t ::~ .. ,:.;::::~m~~~~::iq,1~~~ __ ._g.. SOHlO in f'acl~' , i dlan{'" .0" -TI1P 1iT}'rY~'~;~;;~ rIll" Pt~'s- 'OJh' (,(·nt' -H'nH~'

ent. ~{('('.U!'lty pl'og'J'n,IIl, II-; it :..,uy- wond!'r· Iht' ulitomohUt, daJ !1('{'UI'ity pl'og-ralil. rn HUlllmillg

(~p.a.l.h toll cmltinHNI to !-loar', No 11]1 n ('ollllJ1.Ll'IHOn of !ax\',~,

gPllGY affpcting Ill(' fortmw!i of mil­

lion."l dirl.'('tly ('Ill::-~I:.:;"d in flgriculture and HlP, JUany ntilliol1H mo1'C' depen-

upon it 'Jldlr<'rt!y, Gov~rnor

Landon could not adopt any other

wond(-'r :~6,oh() IlV('I~ n rn 'R:ll.'l'lfief',l nv;- -IlII!;' ':C IftTf\'il'l' PI'ITjH'T'ry--1.nx, 'hoth GeOJ::ge 1... Russell, IH',~ 'ynrp;- t(, Uw g',~}~:1 o[ Htf"WlI nnd (';ll and·, a.nd has in ndtllti"on, a Treasurer of the John

carr.temiU()S~ .....:.~ ~tl~at p1toprirty lOBS !"Itaf.-\ in('Ollll' tilx Itn.} f''lgarettc tax .}{EEPING THE Y.ANKS IN :!~~t~:. ~:sm~:.~, er!~"ci fro'tn a.c¢t~4ntl:l il'~JT\~ ,Intb ll'ilt~l~ ~iI- apt1 (:nrinJn o1h(lr tllXt.'~ wh:lch we do right, Frank Cro. ... t>Ui. Tony Lazzeri. veterans. and preslderit of the Hat Instl. Uon,fJ - ~hn.t t~lf>t~~iLndn M p~rJ30nR nol IIf\\-"(~ In QUI' Hllltf' Hnd y(>t \viih Joe DiMaggio, sensational rooJde. three great tute. Mr. RusS6ll~ a native 'n:ro H-t"\'rl~~R1Y, l~~~rq:~.: '! all oC UWHI~ taxes, wo fin;,l that Kan- Italian ball playf'rs who' havE" contribut~d to the Pennsylv,artia, is one of

Until .A;~~rI<?4': ~~~~S, o.$'trh:H:mlvply Has 1~n9 1.)(;1'11 j'ur from bl'lllg u. self succ('ss. of the New York tt"am, which is. If"ading best known hat men

-~-~~~ ~~ ~_ruMa~_~ri~I~~m~t~~;~~~;;~~~~~~~~~;~=u~~=~~n~~~J~k~a~n~L~.:a~~~I~e~r~a~C~e~b~Y~a~"~1~d~e~m~a~r~i~~~.~~===~~==~~i:A=m~eiH~_:~:~~=·~i ·--------'-'-H~l1ua,.d-i .. d¥1~~ElJl4.-ril!l.hOl'---r "tmtlon"-of Gow'rnol" T,nndOn. We putI'. (;11.1'.':1" ~u,r f~'~'IH,!)', a(;(:id(~~.It l"eC,;ll'U' t1HJlI~'h l.w(inty~

~-------,.w.l:u,----i-'rB-H.f-H-HI+'--·j-{I·-.l..'.:,;-'-1. __ \\(~r;,w, IclOl ~IU1'J...1l_1.IlHlll!.!: _ull _uJ: OJ11' ~d:ltj',,, in

tel'. populati(JJI, i!--1 firt('!'nlit ;.Lll)ong UL\..' I . '.;,~ , RUllh:,s in tho amou'r\t o'f !holp reaciv-· 1 I, •

JU~11~~Y ~*·f~J~~~ '~~O: (;?V: 'I !~. ~"""'''''1 ~(]' froU! th(~ fndNal g-ov(',rnm0nt, I I

By Q.ovornot l;tlby L'. do not SI~H anything- in (1o\'f'l'J1or T..nn~ 'A" U'''' G' U S T 3 t 15 l't'enrd in Ill!' ',Ia\(' 01' !(<In,,~,l~ -

to ~~ln' cllp{'l' 10 1111' [,l;,;,p:lYl'r:I, "-,' 0 ('rnOI l.a.ndOl1 .. 'f J~Il~)W thl'''Coy"l'llo!' do 1101 llil~lllII11,'r~d;1IHl 1111'. " -. . --:. -' -. . w('II, Ilirl stat!) hOl"(it-n-l (Jill' O\\>ll :-;Int,' of Nf1hrttslq;" 1 Hif,ll'(' will! othpl'H tho fl~pllng' ot' lll'hl\' titnl n. "Ii 111" (,(l\lI';dion or 111<'

nE'lghbor'~t!~nj~oil~.'b(*'l1. ~\h~.R(lll f~r f'hlldl't'll or t(nnHt.Hl, In ]\135, he the preB,(~~ptt~r.I: da.rtdi1ac)", , Nllvnr. l)oflHtptl thllt unuf'r hi" H(lmlnist, l.l,­

t~e~~eA81 "~: jiot~ i~ll , ~h~B ,?~~Bc.~a:sto~n t.o~ Clon, -.n.I-t--ttw mOlwy approprlu ted for ntght bec:~~lBe ,IT If0~~' t.h;ll:t ,~,~1~ l~ffi~N~ schools ha,d ue('n cut by forty per 0(1 this campaign II Af{~i 'nH)r(~' Ul'n.n (,pnt. To rnnl'f' thlB !'!H'hi~, ~om(' of

nH~r{~ly ~('ho mall dedl'li will (;0\', Ln.lldon'!ol Iwhool h'nt'h.'rH \\"".n~

b(\ pn'H~'14mt no1 only oj' ('nt)Hi\~\ H,ud llin'tl lit $~fi llf'l' month. 1"01' SOtlW,

I '1

tlH' \"hol(· UI\It~'d S(ttIO:'L \\a~ tlw ollly stale' In till' union which

Of' ('OUt':->{l OU!, h!'l'P \\'v do l~llOW

some thiub"'S, Il.bout (;OVNI1(ll" Landon and, {tH it IlHtf'kl' of fill'\. [11('1'1: an) two Atf l.d\.ndon~r.t '1''11('1'1' i:'l tlh~ nl)\,­ornOi' Lnndon who hng 111;('1\ 'tl\" l'llj,'! NH'clltiV\' ()f' Kal)N:l~. ','bnl i:·1 tll.l" 10:11\

1 I(now, '",'11"11, th,'t',~ b: I·I~I' (';H1dl-

dH.t.(~ Lundoll who I

11;1(1 Illn(lt, no Jl1'(w\~i()11 for g'f'lwrn]

nill for I·whoo! child.·,'ll, ljYln~~ n1. poiv


Ilt~; Ill~I:Hlt fl'{Hli f litlil' lwhool."l,

\'illldl.1,II" ~,:ln(lol1 ·tlllh,'d !:l:·lt Th\l~

)'.;,\:Jy \lhollt t:lh·llq.~ lii:--'. H:\\'i.n).:"!4 Ollt (d' Ih,' hld,'c-; '01" Ill': ]JOlltkl;in,'l," --hUt t ;(,,, \')'110)' T ,[JIl(lon 11n,-i lh'I'n tal,in!..'; hl.i' ~;:I\'ill:~:1, ill p,',!'[, :Ij JI',II'-\I, (Jilt (If tit., f;:ll,ll'i,',~ o! 1 ('al'll"T'I\ ,lnl1 IIIU

~('hools ,Of h~s Hh1Jtl'. Hl'h'fly, this is 111" ),,'O()l'll of C10\'I'l'1l0I' I,anuoll In t I~. cOl)dud or lht: l$t;~\l1 1f0V(~J'U­

t.E.In .. H>e+'''j;I1'Il>8iI1~iilllLd1i,.-'ClIiv.,·nodi Jllont. of!'I: OF! C'OHlp't!t j'pd I to thl" nl'kllhoJ'iH~{ !-;\at(' of ]S'1'hra:-;lcn.

l'l'P:-;j(ll'lli HOOHl'\'('lt'~; 1'('('01'(1 101

wrlt~t'n in terma or 1I1tln:l~ijcL\ 1'1'09-

l'')i''l'ily !mll ha'P'Pln\'~il \n him{0:l

dOI1+-\ for' OUl" j'arIfl~ 'Hnu hon~p!4 ,!Ii' !l major AlIl()l'i(~I~f~'1 ;mi,r~I.,~!lO:. N()-

111'1\:-:1,IL, ~Ic-; \\'1,11 aH ()lllt"t, \l11(l\V(':-:;ll'l'n

",st'rttNh liS tll'hrla,J'll);! ak'~'I'tmHU1"~1. All ~11' w; go Ill) or t1o\\'h with th,,' fnl'll'1~

11 h:lB h"i~il'-~l,:l 1 hal"


ie· SALE • 1c SALE ·-tc ,S~LE I

It Being Our Policy to carry the J¥ost complete and up·t<:l~date Wall Paper ~~c~_~n __ Nort~east Nebraska, wehave decided not carry QJ_er any of Oll!r 1936 patterns to the N~w Season.

_ . This Is Y ~~r ,opp"r.tu!llt~! .... . _" This Sale wi~1 be open 'rom N,?w until AugU\rt 1~th and . will contain about 150 p~tterQS to seleet-;fro~.~ -- --·---"-cc-cI-h'7C~-

This is-how this sale works ... you buy the roll of Wall Paper at the regular price and we

'l'hiJ:"4 alit! MainStreet~ I: :, I!: -

:w ~Yrie. -N ehrask~

Dr. C.

~_~ __ ._~._._._~ _____ . . . - ,_._ " - _ .. _ ._ .... ' - I

give you the ~econd Roll fQJl' only lc' .. .FQRJ!lXAM:PLE' -i per

roll costs 5c and t~e second Ie, making 'a total of 6c f~rboth ro1ls.



J." C: Nuss Sc to- $1. o~ -Stores

.. '·1'

..) :: '

----- -~---,

the Wives is

i-'-; Q::-~-



Alumiri~ ware' :C~nners ~ Base,ball Good~iUdReffl~r~to~s,' both El~ctric and Ketbsime.

'i! ' --0--,-.

" , Bti'~n)!N THIS SPECIAJt.CLEAR­~CE Alin S.!\V~!

:.. ;, I ". <. "." __ ~o~_", __ ~. , ~~_" .. __ "_ have 'a 'nice tun of fathl:fgs, thin sows,stock hogs and pigs consigned.


-0-,- , -"-0-- i '"I '

I, :Bring ~Olir livestock Monday. The;ew:ill oeiluyers for. all ki'nd~1 0:1' stock. ' I I ~, •

1.. W~ MeNlatt Hardw3r~"


W~yrie-Sales Company phone 108 Wayne, Nebraska' Phone 304W 'W. D. Noake~, mgr.





~--,~~~~~,;tl}et~r~§B~£t~l~: __ =I~~~ O_r&,ShDe~~_, __ ::::-.;:::~~ .- ForD~ OhlY''''''"~ $3.95 :

FLY SPRAY, ' (a::\lll1\"g S'l'EI·:L AItCU SUPM Cattle Spray, Per Gallon ............... ,; .. 67¢

Brill.?." Your Contain('~' -- 'I

Household Spray, Per Quart ............... 47¢ Bring 'y.our. Container ------o-r---


D'r. Emery

. ,~ WORK GLOVES YfeSSU'I'eGrease, Per Ponnd : ... -;-.-~ ... ~~-;~ 9~~ -,--.. ,-~-~~~uc '-95e --$-1.85----

Bring' YOur Container - '- ,- All Leather, Horse Hide A,xle Grease, 3 Pounds for .................. 25¢ ~


\VH ar{' offering Sp(lcial Prices on All New 'Tires and Tubos. Come E. 3rd. St. Ph. 45-W in and 1rat'lE' your old ones for Nl'w. Fred L. Blair

Langem,eier's Service Station - SEVENTH and MAIN STREETS PHONE 522

"Wayne 's ~eading Clothier"

Always ,.A Good Market You'll Need Feed for those Cows

- LET US S~RVE YOU .:..... :- USED

good livest.ock, ;vou will find just the deal you arC'" looking for at the

Auction,," "(~nductcd J)y the ~V'3yne Sa]e~ Oompany.

We o:l1£er you excellent values in mel'chandiRe of quality. Here i~, a sample 0:1' them:

MILK PAILS .... · .... · ........... 3 For $1.00 FLY SPRAY, Livestock ........... '.'" Gal.59¢

FLY SPRAY, Household, ............ Pint 25¢


Always a Good

Fortner's Feed Mill West, First Street ,Wayne, Nebraska

When You Get a Bad Break

Rememb~ Your Welder



Coast to Stores-s. W. cISSNA, OWner

FR:ESH 'Vegetables,


*' •• . WE HAVE 'l'H":l\f ON OUR

STA:)'D ON ,SOL'TJI ,MAl]'; ST.,

XOT 'P.·Ut J~-tOll r~Hj.: SALE

, PAVtlro~

. _-:I;'.res~ Dany frotll. ou.r Ga.rdr.flS


:H,ogF' ~~_g_ Puriua, Hog Fatena is a, complete Hog Feed -

can he fed in s16p 'or dry feed hoppers. We also have it in cubes ito :l'eedolli your cement pLat:l'orm

Make Your.


BOOK your ;tog feed now to PROTECT yourself_ against fUrth~ r~ise J!!price, 60 days booking, you .. pay for·it as you take it out.~" MR. FARMER:

TIME PL~N,.~e can sell you this hog feed on i pay for it when you sell your hogs. Come. , "

THE. )\J~,CORMJCK DEERING REP • ArtA'l'Ult- with- -~TATXLl;::SS STEEl.; -.. -­

DISC..;; ha."! heen especially dc!''IIgnc(}

I' ''MfsR 'Inez Jfrry 1ett "",·u m· 'escwy I fOl" < P111tcr '''~l1ere she will 'spend- a fe',) da~ visiting fr'iends., iGning. , ,: ' :

Eyes tested, glasses fitted. Dr . .T. T. Jones, Wayne.

Mr.s. MHdred Tuttle and d?-ughter

Mr. and Mrs, Merlp1tOe and', dau­gh1p.rH Of Carroll ·werp. Monday vi!'!it­or8 in the homo: of Mrs. George Roc.

I Mr._ and Mrs. Q-. ,Br Sanber.g and, childrc'n left Saturday for a t<.m df P<>nder were Monday ~ltIYB vacatiofiln-l\Unnesota. gucstSTn t~oriic 01 Yr.--ana

!I' ~iH8 HelC;!.n Byaong- of \Vpst Point I Paul Z.epli,n la~t w""~k.. Mr. a~d and 'RPent l~~rlrlay ~fternoon visiting in 11-:1;:8, RaY,Hoblllson were even_ln.~ vi .. ,tJw 'I;?nul" Zeplin home, '- Bltors., ,'." '. '" "

Bill Fox, ":Cectl Gifford, Obert Er'h- Mrs. V. A., Sentc-r and: her sister ·h~nkamp 'and !:1I<;arl F'ox left Mon_~n and brother. Mrs: B. J. Hoyle and Co' (;\,pning·. for Oregon where' they al'e K ·Meejser, retur~led 'Saturday even-~eE'l<ing cmployment. "ing -from' Imperial in Chase county

?lfiSA .d;;rn,a Barelman where they spent a week visiting their fathp.r, three sisters and a bro~

Sha;'e 150;- 3rd and Logan St.

an extended Ma~y Kerl~y. , "

~ , l;iQ;,'~'"n',"'o' mother, -Mrs. Alvina Korff.

Bressler's Barber Shop, Logaii:::;"Adv~-· - -- --:- .

,I I, I I' ,....1 I

,'Memor{4J..1 ise,lryi(~n8 for Mrs •• r. M. I' 'Atl'the pro'grarlt ,vhU'h lifdlJo.J.veu the PlIc, wide,,?, iQ.~ 1 tihE~, mali, wuio f{)und(~'d I p1cn~e dlnn~'r at. nOOIl, !i (~ld I ' t~~ Neb~~"',: ,N~!rrna~ e()I~~gl~ at. f 9C~~1 ~on~ WHe flUn,f.r jl~{(H' ~-IhICh' ~ayne in: 18,91: :tln~l stlccesfJtuJly man .. I Arth r ,Tohn~on Of' Norfbl~, n. forro,~ aged lh(~· jostutt~mi' ulltd hlijl' .19 (11" udent. llhly~d a l'v1blin solo, yea.ra Jaterr I~r~.{~r ,whh·i1l !t bec'nme M,s~! Of~Jl(!vl~ve Lundttk I' of Plorce, the pr~~n~ ,:9~~~e Ischo~~. t~)Ok p~acc I who~e fl',l.thcr attend~dl 1he Sunda.y atte'l'JiqonjD.t the a.nnual N.I plaY(rd a plaho Holo, Mls/iJ ·H.uth 'N~ C" plcnic ,m' 1 o/~rne $i.nta ~o~c~ers hURt,j ac('ompanied by:, hie" alsttw, college ~n~i:t,1nJ ' " l\fiMS i Janice, P!,ayed a Ilvipiln Bolo,

Mrs.. 'Plio ,~,a.~: PI!ahnqd <f9r months They! arf' daughtprs of ~r.: and Mrs. to att(md; pte: ,a;rr'~ll' but tl!l ~l~~~lth c. RI Pottll~t~ the lattl'lri, president ot ' made It'~m.p~''lei't9 l~ave:'herlhome the normRr (~Ollt1gtl assodat1on. at lto.heato'. N~,,' York. Her' ,1<iaW

." ~ ltwo 1d~,Y$ .betore the 're-

Mrs. Wi11lam Kugle~ and q.rove to Winner, South

I~ri~ay, and visi'te4" In the Mr. and Mrs: Arthur Chi.,

Sunday. think of Dental Work Emery. 28U



, !1rs. 1 ~rl Nle;holatsen Sunday from' Estes Park, Colorado, where'> she spent ~ week' visiting her stster, Miss Gladys M;ettee'r. Ber~ard and Miss Nan Nicholaisen ~pent the week in Creighton wtt'h their grand~ mother, M'rs. C. W. Metteer.

Mr. and Mrs. L. l;l. H.enney of &11-evue, IoW~, who have spent the last two weeks vtsiting Mrs. Amelia ~enR ncy, Jeft Tuesday for Clinton, Iowa, wh€1re they 'Will vtsit for a time lJ-e:"­fore school opens in Bellevue, wherS! Mr. Henney teaches.

Haircut 25c, 3td and Logan. Mr. and' Mrs. Leland. Johnson

Iowa, day after visiting In the Earl Mer­

I C)1alir l,1.0IllC s.ince \VeJ,n,esday ~of last week .. .....:p.Ir.9. Hauf1e and Mrs. YOI'li are sisters of Mr. M'erchanf

Mrs. Abl'am GilderRleeve of, Nio-brara, who visited in the W. H. Gild­sleeve home since FrIday following hoI' dismissal from a local hospital where she underwent an operation, left Monday morning - ror --Codncil Bluffs, Iowa, where she will visit rf'lutiv(>s- before returning - to Nio­brara.

Mr, and Mrs. Russell F. Bartels left early Saturday by authmobile for a vacation trip which \ .... ill take them through the eastern states. Stanley

Cedar Fall::;l, Iowa, where he spent the remainder of Saturday and Sun-

--,FARMERS ANn !LIVESTOCK DK~­LEll~JQ!:ollghollH!lorthejtst Nebraska are (:)Very week ie~rning the advantage of buying and seUing-at Wayne Sales Company's weekly . Livestock Elales. Yon too will be p~eased with the fine

utrllatment ydu'yill re.c.eive~e're-.Sllre._~_""

System aIIld

ift------t-WM~~~~~~~~~~M_-~+_~-'~I~---~~~--~-'.T-'~ • ._-----_,--,~----"---i Dr. u.nd Mrs. G. J. Hess

Intter's ltl.other, Mrs. S. J. Benson of O'Neill, retul'n('d Sunday evening from n. three week's, vacation spent in tho Roch:y Mountains of ·Colora­do. Their headquarters were at Red Fcat'hct' Lake: Mrs. Denson is. vis­iting in the Hess hOl-q,e for a fev.:; days after-which she will go to Nor­folk to visit her son and daughter for a ttmt' before rf'tul"ning to hC'r home. ~

Mr. and Mrs. Charl('s Gilderslf>evl:', 1\lisH Hl'h'n Gi1dpn~lt't'Y0 of Albion, Michig'an, und Gl('nn ni1d~~l'Rlf'(,"(' of Dovf'I', Ma~sachusetts, returned last Thursdav afternoon from n. visit io

I Sidney l~nd tltf' BhH'li \!JIill~, • Miss Hplcn left for Michigan and Glenn left fo:r Lincoln Sat urday, follo.~·.::ing

n. viklit in the home of the-Ir parents.

'an(l baby in , where ' itp(] rt'lntlvt'R, and h~ft for thpir home ~ueBdn.y. '


~~IEtr fomp1in1t~lltlng l\[tss Surber

, In the 13. ~I": Strahan home nesday ev(>oln~, Miss Lucile Surber, bri,de~eJect, was honored ~t a


You Can t This I I Deal A NY-_,, __ ,_._,~-_~_RE_,-~ ••


We Will VacJ.lum Clean and Greasll OR 1

Vacuum Clean !j.nd Wash yom Car,


That's a real deal,. 't it? Well, here's the story. ,Ve have som~ new equipment, the lat­est and the _best we li;~ow of. vVe wimt you to. hecmne acquainte-dwifh it, so we are taking this means of doing so a~d this offer is good lUltil Monday, August 10, I . . .. -


For $1.00! For 75c and

Clean your the regular'

-+--PJL __ ,~-()f a grease, job.


i'~ .\],",~

,'I ,

. .. L,--




prevalen says

I Democqtt. I " ' r I

First Conun,union was~ glven Sun .. <4Ly, AUg'uet- 2. at St. Ma.ry's cathow

I lie church to nine young people. Many, relatives gathered at the

J. Kingston home Sunday for a. ruily reunion.

A month after If Wayne's Golderl Jubtlee celebration, ordera contlnlle to come in fol' cOJ)ies of James E . .

,:,~::~c·:,-:,~::;;~;r~~~::::'~~::::::~_! __ ~_~f\Bjrljt:tajl~n~.B~blOO;k~'~;l:F!r~o:m~~Th~ein::::'t;o,N;;OW6j!1~~~j~!!~;;~;;:;~:;;l;~~:jl1::!l::i~~~::::~j!lI! ~A~Story of ~Yne." c-I~==~~'~,·""'·'·'=-'"'~=='·' -~"F+"-"= "~_L_

DISBURS:!jl~~~, , State con~lidat~d Funds ........................... ,. . ... 35,394.50 ~:~e-7i~rt~1 S~Pfri'S!pn .. .................. ........... 4,!~;:~:

cou~ty g~~~~~) 1 ;tn~ ", " ~ ~ ~ :: : : :: < .. , ',', '.:: . . . . . ....... , .. 22,420.41

bounty Brwg~ I;~U~d .... ' ... ', .. ~.""' ... '.' .... '.". 'I" 8,812,82 County Road, FUnd . , , . , , , ... , .•. ' , .. , , .. ~ .. ' . , . , .. , ' , , . , 9,0'34.22 Road District F'und , ..... ~ ............ ,............. 1,158,0~ Motor Velllcle Fund ' .. r., .... , ,.,., .... /. 3,970.36

, School Dlstr1(~ts ... ,., .... , 39,276,50 School Bond ,F'ulnd .... , . . . . . . . . . ......... , .. , , .• ,. 1,56U.44I ' Higil School ...• ,~_~ ..• ' , ..... , .. , 20,884.59 : Molhe!'s- Pension U17 .. 59 I

Old Age Pt'n!illoh 5,OOO.O~ Old Age Assistance 8, g Soldiers HeliFt County HI lid F'uud State Ht·lid FUl'ld Child Wci[UI'8 Admlllistrativv Relief County Fair , ... , . . . . . . . . ........... . Etedelnptioo ........... , , ' .......... , ............ ~ ... . I.)rotest .. , ...•.••... , , .................... , ..... .

Quit(, n number of -relatives ga­thered at the' Cecil Gifford home Sunday afternoon for n family r~~ union.

Mr. find Mrs. John E;u~ford Wer6 called to Omnha Monday boca.use of th8 serious ilh~CSs' of th9ir littl9 granddaughior, Jnnic(> Hufford. da­UghtCI' of 1\[1'. nnd Mrs. Ha~old Huf~ fQrd of Omaha.

gree 'work at th(' Anwrican atory of l\TUSIC.

Ten Y<'LU'S Ago Mr, and Mrs. Fox observed

'----~~,~ .. ---~ ............... , ... .


, "V-aYlfu,:::>,@~oH~d - ::'>--=-.~">~~ •• '':'': ,~~.,~,.c..7""'-' ~'''' ~;""'""·,k""'·"..

~~~~~~ ~~~~~,~t~~;!~~e-ni"'" .': ~::::::::". -~;~~: i~~~~ct;:~it,::: :': :.:.:.:.:.: :.::. :.: :': :.: .... : .. : ::".::' .....

Wayne - Sewe.r ....•.. , .. , , ..... , .. ' .• , .... . WaynQ Auditoril),m .. , ........... ,

___ ~~~ll~'S~'ld~e~~~~~~"·~;ir~~~~··~·~~~~~~~~~~ __ ~~~~~~~~~4u '1.01\- to_ o.;~".::~~rn";'Cll'51I1OITfjlTITffCjT(-m.:n";~:h';;'~::U"':::-lIm,-,L-M.-c~Qp~W~k..~rg+=-'-Il;""'~~'I4Wft<l'i;

31st day of ••.••.••.• , .. , • . • . . H5.00

•••••••••••.• , • • . .• •• • • 2,OOll.OO .• , • , ••••••••••••••. -:-:-.-. -.. -. ;-;--.. -.-. -.. :-:-,-- --++-&.(.l..Q--

B,llance June 30, 1936 - .... , .... , .... ,., ~ t 1,8f)O rr~

~ (l~,S II u.4 tl

4 J 4, 7 ~ G.4 S


C. H. Hendricl,son and went to pr('S6 it was not know

-~ .. A~uwrrru~~~~~~·o~n~·mn~rmwr~~~~~~.pJ\."., Attorneys for Plaintiffs.

LegH.I Notice

('(1, thl'on[!pd tlll' city park ~'v~'ning to 11(',11' Ow lOlH't.'rt by tIll' \Yarne municipal hantl and the Pon­ca b}lnd playing Jointly under tll(~

) Board finrls th~t the sum of $202,8GG,45, V.hlCh lR 01) hand - at t111' COmlJlt'l1lCment of business on June 30, l~:Jli, "ill ~e found to t,ht, ct't'(llt 01' the different fUl}ds as follows:~

NO~l'ICl'~ OF' SErl'TL]~MF.XT

OF ACCOUNT In tl10 County Court

Count)'. Npbraska. , r'phe Sttl.t('!l of N~J?raska.~)

of If'alt\~l'ship of F'ol'(l c.Rt'ed'.'~~~~~~~+~~~''''J~?±~~~~~;::;~~:I~::!:::~~!j~ .J. O. Milligan, 80, 11

State COIlsolldat(Hl .. , .••.......•. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.02 --- -- )RS. Slate Aulo Supel'Vision . . . .• . . . . .. . . 1

TWf.'nt)'-OIH~ \-eat'H Ago State Hlghw~y ...•..•.. ,., .•. - .... -...... ,... 133.U3 WaYhe~ounty )

Mrs. J. P. t'olllt,y died at th~

home of -hE'r daughtf'r, Mrs. O. S. Roberts, August 3, 1 n5,- following a lIngering ilJlH'1'lR, She' ~(s 77 years

County Gener€\l .••••••••........... , ..... ,..... .., .. 21.741.03 To all persons intere8ted in the County Bridge ......••...................... 5.157.84 estate of Tiiia Schroed(>r, de~ea.sLd. County Road , ........ , ......... , ...... , .... , 13,102.711 You are hereby notified that on Hoad District ........................ :......... 16,733.09 the 20th day of July. 1936. H.ay L,

~~~~~n:t~~~cle ........ , ..................... : . . 7, 7~;:~~ Schroeder, administrator, filed his A contract for an independent Wil-

Jury ..... ::: .. .' ...... :.':.': .. :::.'.':.': .. : .. : ........ :,.... 15.05 fib


.l accofutn1t andldPetlti°fn foldr dlatri- ter system at Wayne f;tate Teachers

of age.

267,26 u IOn 0 1e res ue 0 sa ~:it~er;e~~cen~~. , .. , : : : ~: :: : : ::: ~: : : : ::::.. .. . . . .. . 1 .. 490.80 a determination of the heirs and for college was let by the state board

53.22 a discharge. Hearing wUl be had on of education recently. ·---r~~tre:~t 'l1axe:=~~.~.~~;....;.;~: ~~:: .. :::: :~~-'--"~~~---':""'=~L! said account and petition at the At a m€'eting of {he ('ounty board

257 96 County Court Room In WaynE', Ne- of commission{'rs, the districts of 570.36 Braska, on the 8th day ot August, vtayne" county Wf.'re changed in res-

4,707.21 1936, at 10 o'clock a. m. ~hen all POllSC to the J'f'qlli':.:;l of a number of

Floes .......... , ... , ' .. ~'" ... _ .. . Old Age PeIlBion .• , .. , .. , ........ , .. , . ' .... , Uld Age ~sJ..stance ..... , .... . Chna-~e --:--;-; , •... .- • .---r-. ~ ........... '--'---'----'- •

Blind Rehef Rlate Rp-Iief County Relief ALlmini.':ltrative Expense 1\1 others IjenslOU Soldiers Relief County Fair f\('ho<t1 Dlstritts Schoo 1 Dond l

High SchJool! ...... . Bee Tax .......... ' \Vayna Censol' Lu(l , , , ....... , .. \\"-u;ome "\VU,tC1 ']~~W'ns'ibn ....... , .. \Vayne 8tr et lmp'llovi'lment .. , .......... . \Yarne IntIJrset!tlOn .... , ' ........ ' .. , ..... , .... ' \Vayne l'<1Vlng .•••.• , ••.•..••••... , •••.•....•.... ~....10ne l~_llJ!lQ..-J..:'.<+.Yl!:l"'§ . , ... , , , •.• , , .•.. " .. , ...... ' Vvayna AudHioriunl ' . '1' ••• , ••••••••••• ' ••• , .• , ,

\V1l151de COl1soltdated ... , ....... , .......... , , ' \Vinslde Intersection ....... , , ..•. , .......... '

~:l~~~e c!o'~~~fj~[Lted ' .•• :::::: .. :~ .. ::: .... :.':.':: . Carroll [1;le<:111'l'

('arroll Intersection . ' ........... . (',lrroll l>~l.ving , •.......• ' . , ... , ....• , , . C;trroU Ind{'htcdness ' , . , , ... , .' ........ , .. ( llof,hjn~i CUll:-;OITiTItfi:'{f- ~. ~--:-;-;-;---;-.-• Snolt:;; ("on~>ohdated \\'al"""fllJltl Consohtln.tetl

. ........ , ..... .1Ot .

B()~l.l'rl lIndA tbc county fund~ of S::02,I:(jG,tlS ;li'(~' l'OUllty '1'1' ""'ur, i' of 'V,'nyne County as follows'

BalIk J 1,,,,1 "~:1 ,( )1:11 1: 11'1" \V,IVl1 t'

t';Lll\' .t'.:ttlOIW .. 1. Hanl';, \\ l:)W' t S. I\ILtl01)~1 Ban!., Omaha

l.)'lL,n('~ ( 1,1'1'1." (Jut ~ ~, I \ I 1 ~ :I ~;, I ," 'I ~

Flr!'1t Nathmal Han}" Omllha " .... \\'lllSllh" nanl{, '\Vll1!'Jide •......

33,(l'1i 1R 1,'J():r.S[,


1 Ilj,,],

V43.09 -g

l!ili.f):1 5,060.9!.l

1 ~17 . 6() 2,::)(iO.U·~

676. 'i~. 1 ,~ ~J1 .4 1

persons in.terested may appear to lwtltloners. sh-CW-{'flU-se-W-h.y- the... pray£'r o-f"the ...De- Frank S. Morg-an was chosch RC('

titionpr should not be granted. n>/,Lr-y OT11w l'\f""t'hrruTJ~-'rrcnrrtR , DaJ:f.iL1bls 20th day of July, 1936. ('\,\llon ul itls n\(,(·tlIl~ thill yNlr John

(~(>al) J. 1\L C'I-n~nnY. Al11,I'I1 is 01H' 01 tIl'...'.... .111'('('tors, 33-35 County Judge. Flr('_ damngell- tlw Frl1n\{ Strflhan

home· IUHt \\l'li .. F'1]UH\

.. 6~~:~~~ I Bygone Days 7\4,6HS:9l-:1 I '2176,%!

],20:'.4:1 ~-------------~

Ih'gmning AllglII,;t J:) tilt' Nor·th­C'llHI('l'n" Nl'h1'l~~l,1l 1~<lp1jl-1t ltHHOelatinn will con-du('t' a thro'p (lay sC>HHlon at \\'[lyne.

ll,3fl Pi\'c YPU,t'H Ago I 2,B!ll (J(I Prosppcls for a Chamiler of Com- B»' 0 CAtS

:l4,~~~,:! 1 Tn('I'C'(' for W.u.'Yn(' i~ to b(, dlSl'Ussed I ,;

~'~~ 1':~ at an open lllPC'tmg of \Vayne bUf;j,-1 ,{}~,,'~~ _ _ a.t the city hall this wee". _ 1~tJ5~:7~ ~ta-t-('H th.(- Democrat, Mr .. _4.nd l\tn;, }<'n'd (J. nail' and ~,567,24' Mr, and Mrs. \V. A. Hiscox arri,ypd I fnlllllv Arlt'nt the \~~':-"f\. {'llIl In Lin-

f)83,64 homB July 29 from a -thrf'8 wN'k's j ('oln visltin~ 1\11'1" ] )alp'~ moth .. )', 1.460,70 vacation trip whi0.h tool{ thi!1l1 over i T. S. Hook [.llHI <LL~I-~'d 1.. lllalr


1 ,Ub3.(1 ~I ],67H.J ;{

<1 3,Jj(lO inilt' routt'.?- -' I ~1)1 nt ~l1tHlny n1 JrOfJ')Ol'1, Rlllllh ])H_

Dalllag(~S aggrpg-atmg $65,000 aI'(' I ko\ t. -

afJkpd of Etlwal'd Kai, \V:iYIW county I ;\lISR \Vllma ('hi(')lI-'Nll r \Vas n Rl'ln-7491,1) frrrmt"'r, in two AUitA fllf'd in distrkt! lin, dinn{,' nrul })ttllnonll gut's! til

T,l'~' E~lnl'r r';V('nA, anl1 \\Jl-_I _ lwrn E\,~lml, l'luBhnnd of the lute M,l-i !"lIl1'r M,'y(1' \\'\,)1'

lwl E\Hm:; of ]'t'n!lpr, \\ho w'.rl' kill- ~llnllny (Vt'Blnl-'" 1'<:1 -1Tl a truck \\rp('}{ .July 21. 01 -'It" and :'lIn.;, (; I'· fj<I'T'Pl-L

H. DOTSON E~esight

fl!' .J (; \\' r

lo()" 11(,' •

l! : I 1~; ~ 1 1 ( I',

,\101 ,1)1'

1!)r 11 Vrl

husband, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. drew8 of Lincoln. to thc>lr where they wll1 spend some - time RUing. "rh('y wm also vlRlt Mr. Mrs. W. J. Lodpt', pnrflntA of nr.! del'. Mr. and Ml'S AndewB were end vililtor,", in Ow lAJdel' h~me. Adele Loder n·turn(~d to WaYTJe them fol10wJng- A thrf'e w('~~lt'!-I

lITtrr-t,trr=trr-;r<+.t+)Tffi.- - - -----l-'-t,;-.."..,~~~L;Uf!_!~~~~p~i'TcW~~ I ---. -. ~ "---r


By Mr.. 1""0 R.od I I ------------------------~I

KathFyn, Huganir ve. Celia Richards;: ~ertha , .. ~er1e8. I bye: Eve­lyn I;.arson ,va Ma::delalne Kaufman;

HedWig~u'~~~~:'~'~~:'~~~'~~~~~h*~~~~~~~~~~~Ufi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~bl~,-­nlngham; Mable HUrstadt Vs. Mrs.

_! ~L"

-~ --Orr & OFf

__ Gr9C~JL "A Safe Plape til Saye"


Freeman DecKer; Mrs: Carl Nuss vs. Arlyn Nelson'~-BeUlah nOrnhoft, bye; Mrs. Don Wightman va. ~r8. Leslie Emf!.

Thus far, but three games Henry Ley d'·''''~;,··--~~I--~~'.~~

Kern,' Bu'rr Davis defeated Ray Ver-­z.all and- with two sets to go C. Van Vleck was leading over Larry Brown,

kind of sport is compulsory, but onc ma.y r;pcciaHze. I chose track, giv,- ~~!~d a!O get their trtg ~J"tlcula1" attention to the pole POS~S_jQ_~e,-'.:..:.."-_ vuult. Acudl'mic work for'ms an im­portunt par't of .".\.caUPnlY life and a hnch('lor of :'H'i('n('(' Ilpgn'(' iH g'ivcn to

gt'u,duatoH. All ilwtructors


(Continued trom page 1)

whUe George Fortner down at the fr'f'd mill'r("minds you

,·tql a. young lady to a danel-'. of his feeds and of the fact that he 1nci'Ilt>11tally, is' ab~ut the on- giV(lS a goood nrice for-pr~duce.

form of social ltf<.> at thp Academy. Clarence Sorensen, the welder suys A~nd when the "drag" refers' to her to remember him when you get a bad (,hcort qs a' "pkbr." sll(' i:; merely us- In','a,k and the fi. and W. Motor Co. i))g'verhal shortlland for a first year Buick and Pontiac dealers, lists a ~1.d.:b1.;: ... TIle >~I'!(·('onl~,~ n~u. __ rJ..;ca:d1;:)ts--;are· . , 'GarS "fhey have to

FOR :[:tENT:-Large, "mode_rn .h~O)l].:hl,l.b"";i'::';::~~':it~;:j,~:f~!:.~~,:-:~' the' c'orfr<ll'-Q'f"'F'lffli~~alld'" ivi"ln, . sonable rent. iIartin L, rUngeI'. ]<-PQwn OU. "yep"linW''' - nfgnity 81.11'- Cary's vegetable stand is in Wayne

,rOIl~H1.,-; thir'd and fourth year cadot~., again and it's right handy to the ~le :"" •• +<f+~!+;~"''''+1,,,",~i+'''''+lioll howe:er, Who are known as secon(11 pavilion too. Mr .. Cary r:':verybody's playing "MOVIE F'A-

IUIH1 til"Ht ('}uHsnH'n. rl'specUvely. fresh vegetables and garden CES" in the - OMAHA DEE-NEWS

St. I-nul's IJutluwan Church Sunday I';('hool at fl::-:!.O __ a._ ..ill-__

- MOl'nin,g "torflhip at 10:30 O. m. Tll0.' l1.::tstor is r('turning fl'om 1tiH

vacation 'l'hurH~lay find ult(,T' an iIlt· ~wl11i.9sioll of two Hunt}ay:-;' services will h\~ rl'sl.lITl(,(l,

Chrlstlan Science Services Municipal Auditorium

August 2, 1936 - Sorvices at 11 a. rri. Subject: "Love". Golden text: I onn 4 :8. Wednesday evening', Aug:. ust 5th a Testimonial Meeting will be hel<1 at 8 0'0),9<;1,.

Trlnlt,y Lutheran Church or Alrorna Rev. E, J~ Moede, Pastor

English 8ervices at 10 a. m.

of all Idnds, ('ont('st. \Vin $ in cash priz- W, D'IN0AKES, Manager Phone 304-W Wayne, Neb, 'Myron Cotson .:who opt~rat€'s the cs. R("prints can be obtained rrt ::lc

IlptclH'l'Y on Routh Main, has a ,vord per sct of three, plus 30 postage. tt.

to Ray about hog feed which h~ nd- -c;:===:::=====::=~=~f=~~~~~~~~~~~~~ vpr.tise~ and t('lIs his farm(,T fr1ehds that~ he is quite willing to ~ll the f(~P(4 on a. tim(' paymt'l1t pInn. "Mal{(> YOU1- Dai~9~y,rs Pay" aUV;Sf'H Mey­

er fi,i1d l1i~~, detler~ in ',nte,rn'"ti,nn."I al Harvester implements -who tell t1w rT(~l o:;pparator th(>y arC' .',;plling .

("..arl NlO('halltisE'n of the Palace ('at'p inyit(1) YOll to ('ut with him

and if you want a glass of cold beer to vJsit his tap room. - The Jamie­son Clinic extends gl'cetings as dof's tho -Fil'st National Bank, and the J, C. Nuss company tells of a wall paper event now In progress at their store.

Here's A - - - - - - - - - - - ~-- -I

F9r: Meal Perplexed . Housewives! !

IS the problem of variety getting y.ou down ~ Here's what to do ... gh::e your meals a new. twist, an added sparkle and attra~tivenesi!sons. with Jbhnson's tasty delica-cies. So many novel delicious things you c\1n

for :a ! __ Your family will .~.~-.-~~-l--::",iJ]~':ilJ;]~:~IJI~.~,~",~t~~'c~~~~:;~-~~*,~~~~~~~~~.I_~,,,,;Y~,o~u~n~~I\'~_~P"=~~OP~I:~e.~'B;,:meetlng Friday ev ..

Johnson's bakery advises 'you tRat they have "the biggest little bakery" in Nebraska. Buster Fisher from his garage down near the pavilion, suga gests that you let him and his help­ers improve tlle efficiency of the old bus and the State National Bank ad­vises pcr:.ons----wtTo-pmrf To Dufld or

01'; t'l~t*,"'l1 QUi¥.J.'l'X, " t'iQ;,j,'i' 'I ' ~" , ,;£1"'1, . I i 'I I '


A Hood l'ld). l).\"(xlu('t, :nt ;\ "e~y It)\\' (Irk'." \\ hN\ :liod ('OHBhl('1"

rt:'))ln("'~ni ... nt \'uhlt~ -

2·Lb, Carton 17" DRIED APRICOT~

!\"")·:'W P~.o\ct{' 0(,' (.AH(h,~ ('110(('); "'JUlI'I'

I-Lb. Bag 20" COOKIES


';'1":' -- 'fI" Otl1'!. 'iJtedeemer's Lutheran ChUl"(',h

Hugo \Velchert, Jr" Supply Student ,Sunday August 9 - Sunday school

nt 10 a .. m,

at. 7 ;:~O p. lll.

il!'Q~ ~t,,'''''tJf.,olle.I_ ... ::'.[iJ''L.ll111lU",L p1.cnic......of. the " -yours I1hl' tuugl\t pollthYl,1 adf'nC0 ut AId will be held Thurs4a,y at the thtl lJnlvllr1::llty of North Oarolina f;l'!nlmu'qm farm. ')'11(' annual con­whorl' 8h(' iH now di.-'an of wornen. In \'t'1\t!on of the Luther Ll'agUll of< the he}' n.diyIU()H in i,(:¢nomica and poli~ (-;~'I'll\an l\;"L'brasku. Synod will Ll' hl'ld 1h,s /:lht., has lwa,e,l1t'od ' .... hat ~he Aug'ust 17 und 18 at Papillion, Na­P)'\~11('h('(1. Tlw fil'~i Huffl'ag-o ATOll I) braal\u.. In North CarOlina. w:\:. ol'gal\izh] In Ullil thrQugh hpJ' p(rorts. Hllt' is a ('ha)'il'l' nH'lHbl'(' oj' thp LI'H~nH' or

\VomNl Votl'l'fl: nnll n 1'01'11.1('1' ilirpc·· 101' of ttl(> Rludy (:l'OUPl'1 of tll(' "'0" In~'IHI j)L\lIDUl1 i.~f- th(~·-P~'n+Ol'J'nth' :-"'tr.;

11011:11 ('nlllllliltl'<1. 'I'hl'ough hl\ t)H'S\'

connN"!tiOl\s sll\' ha~ 'n[l.d\..~ hpl' Infl~

..joJI'Il('t' wi~lt'ly r('[t t~mong \\Ollllll ttl\' ('oun1~ry (Pt·!'I'. HIHl hil~ W;)n ('ounI1,':-;:-;

llu~litlJH't':~ It) h.'!' pdlnt of \"\('\\.

~lLt, \\:l~ 'Olll' 01' tOl1rt('('n flIl'IulH'l'S

Gnwc Lutbpl'l.1.H Chul'ch, \Vayu(' Rev. H. Hopmann, Pastor

No Sunday ~ehool tllil'l w('l'l\. :Morning ('11ur('11 St'I"\']('I' al 11 a.

IH'{',l('hing in Gm'man by the H.ev. C .• 1';. li'n'lh"l'icl;;:son of 1.. 'anol!.

Aftl'rnoon church twn il'\' Jll'ompt_ 'ly n1 :::::0; i'Jugllsil s~'rHlon by tlw,

K Homann of ];,llll.'l"oll.

The Coryell Aut,o company adver­tises a special on cleaning and groas,­lng cars, that comes to an end on sale day anci John Meist('r at the

I HaIeVisHors a cor-dial invitation to visit his place of Qus tI.1CS& .

Ai Deis of the Electric Shoe Shop has n mPHRag'p regarding "Happy Ji'('f't" fl11(l 11. A. \Vright of Sioux City reminds you that he has all kinds of office equipment t9"' sell.

Orr and 01'1', grocers. tell you that they have "A Safe Place to Sav~" n III \ f) t I " .~ l"(U <'1"' '\ ,II \ll':<', I

Joe Baker of Baker's Garage ad v­ertiscH his Nash and LaVayNtl' auto· mobilcs nnd for the Nash-Motor com­pany tnvites~Yoll to share- ti1('-~'-n~l~ pn.ny's 20th :lnnl\t'rsary. The'"\Vright l,uln1"'1' (l'l'oI .. l,l.r\l-r;' '\.I"\('rt1iiC'H roof,ng and the ':Vayn,~ Ht'ndcri'llg- 'V"orks wislws f:trtlll'J';;; to l~l1oW tlwy \\i1l

call for tll'a~l animals without charg('.

of thl' WOIII ('onlluitl\'(' a:;I\::~d"--;I\~I~t1~l(~,'!L~~,~;~;JJ~'t--i;T;;:~if;~~~?w*,~':.";~r::.:11,* .. .w+l"'"I+M+.f+lI+,*H+I+lr+~~-t.~~~ Nationnl C'onVI'ntlOtl ~t l'hiln,lt'll)\l1<1 r "·orshjI1 ,w\l s('l'nton hy 1')1'. \\'\'l-

WH.::\ t'ledl.'d l\Jh~l"nut(' tu t\h' l'tat- ilon I~'. (·l'o~sland. JlIl111Sli'l' qf form ,\1\,1 H\'fmlutwno:; l'Ollullltt"I', dn.l i)l1ry~I"in~t t'!lurch, l{ol."!\\sh'r, :-\. atli'JHlt'tl lt~ H"/-lRiol)l'l, l\fi~;.; ElIott is a 11ll'Vl'llt HII\·o('llt" of n,':(C\' .tl1lt'" It

0\' Il\!' Nallntwl ("Olllmltll'('

0-11 1lu' (~:tlll'll' and ('UlI' oj \\".n·.

"'a)'IlI' Epis('opul ('hurl'll

It ,'v. !,.. \". C,ralllly. l'.n,\o;' Sl'l'\\('l' at :;\:; \YI'Hl ';lh. \\1

:Ith at 11 :I. I\\.

~~ ~= Oven ~Fresli .:...: Lo(fal~efus - . ({nox ,Iones III

J'~H.OS'I'EJ) ('OOHtES A. Mattingly ()r: Sioux C"lty :::;twn\ ,.A(,CO,nllll.!.::" .".) \\()nl ~I't'{'l\"l'd hy

POUND 15• "'tldal' aftnl'llOOIl \'iHitillg' hl~ ~ist('I', l ~ I~(] • ,.~. i'l11'.4. J.ohn H('~un, 10. dud 1\[11'. (l, H. 10\\"\.'1\, ,"\lIt'I1'

-~ ... --l~"-"fi'~I:'H;i'U''-tg;nn .... ocl:t>,.,;;"., •. -.~ll--M ... =u-'Mr".-tr.J''''\l=:''~_,rmrhHOO1'rl~l~)\-l:~~\t~ J. 1 .I{nox .J~)jw~ of 1.ItH'oln,

:Mr, nnd Mrs. G"li'np Alh'H attt'lhit'd fu 1h'1'1\ I :-wl'vh'l's In: Alll'll ~ll1lday for

_~ J, 15.: Fogley. I ~ -11;11',- unu """1\11-"::"'i.,. -l\fitr('u~ l(I'og,'l' <l.lld

~llSs Judith ;'0.111<.' ~tr lI~~ruH~n cume SU'nday to spmu}. U'I fow 1180,).'.8, visltlug in tho l~ome of l\IftH. M, Krogel·.

Htltz fttul Mr~. (,'nthpriIH' I1iU7. of WakC'iteld spontl - MOllda-y i...ftp;­

·nOI\ ';I.ltlng In 'Ill" I homd ilf Mr~, M Rroger, I

1)1" <tllli Ml'~, ('.1 A. l:'Il!!~'I'n ,ln~l

\\'anw, \\.l~ 10 Il.lYl' lllhh'l'!";Olll' Ull

aIHlonHn~.oJ.l' j'alIOH III :.t Lincoln hmlpitlll ~'dllI'H.iay mo~n\ng' nt t'1"llt o'dm'l..: 1,'urthI.T W1Jl'u lfatl r~C(;l\'t ,] by_ UI"I;} -lat~· .\\'~"""",;da,Y--"+~~I+' i,·rnoon._

<!..,'al", we hUH' ju~t t::he .-..olution for

'1"''0 Hun" ~l"is...;ton Pt~!'thlll '_--I+''''''''-~~.',(~t U~ ~ho\y -I'l--'nt"'nl

"At1hf> - fnir gTOutHls nil dar ~t1n· 'ip;ul' ill youI' oM ('U1' at, ~JU~lI {,"U.",t.

day tho ron~~·~'gntioll at' Crl'l' E,·_ \r(" ttt",. IH'ide in ~:'l"'(U~ )"(lU, ftllg"(>Ii(',lI LUtfl('f':lll ('/iUf'fh '\ill <'on;

.1I1<'t Ih .. HniHIHI 1I11",iol\ ""thnl.' FISHER'S GAltAGE. :\l:lT~Y rrolll thp l'on~I'l'g":lllOl\R of


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