ghani condemns attack on yet another government official

Post on 30-Dec-2021






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” ”Volume No. 4477 Sunday September 20, 2020 Sonbola 30, 1399 Price: 20/-Afs

Quote of the Day

No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of

the members are poor and miserable.

Adam Smith outlookafghanistan@gmail.comPhone: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019

Add: In front of Habibia High School, District 3, Kabul, Afghanistan

KABUL - President Ashraf Ghani has con-demned the attack on Ayub Gharwal, dep-uty head of Paktia Provincial Council, who was gunned down on Saturday in Gardez city. In a statement issued by the Presidential Pal-ace (ARG), Ghani reiterated his call to the Taliban to call for a humanitarian and lasting ceasefire to ensure the security of civilians.

KABUL - The first batch of Korea’s COVID-19-specific assistance to Afghanistan arrived at the Hamid Karzai International Airport today (September 19th). The diagnosis-related kits worth about 800,000 USD are part of the direct bilateral assistance worth 1 million USD from the Government and People of the Republic of Korea for the support of Afghan government’s efforts to rise above COVID-19. The second batch, mainly com-posed of masks, is expected to be shipped to Afghanistan in the weeks ahead. This bilateral assistance would make the total amount of the Korean government’s COVID-19-specific support for the Afghan people 3 million USD. The Korean government already made contribu-

KABUL - Asian Development Bank (ADB) has pledged $100 mil-lion to Afghanistan to overcome the financial impacts of COVID-19 on small and mid-size enterprises.According to data by the Public Health Ministry, 108,193 samples have been tested in government centers and there are 4,906 known active COVID-19 cases in the country. The national lockdown that ended in May affected many businesses in the country, accord-ing to government officials.“We understand that the econom-ic impacts of COVID-19 pandemic will be widespread. To counter these challenges, ADB is prepar-ing a countercyclical support facil-ity of 100 million dollars under its

KABUL - The High Council for Na-tional Reconciliation chairman says the government’s negotiating team is in Doha to resolve differences with Taliban.Dr. Abdullah, speaking at an event marking the death anniversary of former president Burhanuddin Rab-bani in Kabul on Friday, said the current high level of violence in the country was unacceptable.Slamming the continued conflict as a grave miscalculation, he said peace negotiators needed the na-tion’s support and rifts within the country would undermine their po-sition.“Nobody is the winner in war and nobody is a loser in peace talks,” remarked Abdullah, who called the ongoing dialogue in Qatar a big test for the nation.

ganization.Afghan business community said that at least 30 percent of small businesses with an investment of Afs100,000 ($1,300) to Afs300,000 ($3,900) were totally damaged. “Businessmen need help in terms of tax relief and electricity,” said Noorulhaq Omari, deputy head of Merchants Association. The Ministry of Economy said a plan has been outlined to help in-vestors overcome the impacts of COVID-19 lockdown. But, accord-ing to the ministry, the plan needs to be approved by High Economic Council led by President Ashraf Ghani.“It encompasses a $560 million ...( More on P4)...(6)

KABUL - The Narcotics Affairs Committee (NAC) working under the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) has allowed the export of 5,000 tonnes of poppy seeds to Malaysia, Pajhwok Af-ghan News reliably learnt on Saturday.NAC Assistant Secretary Razia Nazari was against the delivery of poppy seeds to Malaysia.As a result, she was transferred by the public health minister to pave the way for the deal go-ing ahead.Nazari believed the export of poppy seeds was against the 1961 Convention and other interna-tional treaties and hence her aversion to the deal.The head of the Ibrahim Sherzad Company, which has a licence for the export of poppy seeds, said its permit was suspended by the Presidential Palace -- an issue taken to the Attorney General Office (AGO). A well-placed source in MoPH revealed: “Health Minister Ahmad Jawad Usmani orderedthe eval-uation of NAC’s performanceby a delegation. The team pointed out handicaps in the perfor-mance of the committee,which was subsequently abolished by the minister.”Later on, in a recommendation letter, Nazari shared concerns regarding the abolition of the committee and issuance of the poppy seed export order, which was illegal and in conflict with na-tional and international laws. But the health min-ister was not moved by the recommendation.According to the source, Nazari was reluctant to issue the decision regarding the abolishment of NAC so health minister Usmani revived the com-mittee and approved a separate recommendation from another member of the committee regarding the transfer of Razia Nazari and she was replaced by Mir Farid Ahmad as an acting secretary of the committee.The NAC Secretariatdemanded the appoint-ment of three new members of the committee. Usmani, however, issued an order suspending all members. Nazari formally reminded the min-ister’s office that each member was appointed for a four-year term under the law. The acting minister,however, ...( More on P4)...(4)

DUSHANBE - On a two-day official visit to Dushanbe, Tajikistan, acting foreign affairs minister Haneef At-mar met with a number of Afghan refugees, students and business owners at the Afghan Embassy on Fri-day evening where he discussed challenges they are facing. In a statement issued by foreign affairs on Saturday, the ministry said Atmar assured students and busi-ness owners that problems they have been dealing with – specifically due to COVID-19 – would be ad-dressed as soon as possible. Easy border crossings for bilateral trade was also ad-dressed and the embassy was instructed to assist refu-gees with problems they are facing, the statement read. Addressing Afghan students that attended the meet-ing, Atmar said it was important for them to return to their home country once they had completed their studies so as to help with the development of Afghani-stan. (ATN)

KABUL - Ex-foreign minister Sala-huddin Rabbani has blasted Presi-dent Ashraf Ghani for power con-centration and interfering in affairs of state institutions.Erstwhile president Rabbani was assassinated in a suicide attack by the Taliban eight years ago when he was the chairman of the High Peace Council.The then foreign minister hit out at the Ghani administration while addressing an event marking the eighth death anniversary of his fa-ther Burhanuddin Rabbani.The Presidential Palace has been trying over the past five years to monopolise power in utter dis-regard of democratic norms, he claimed, blaming the government for undermining the system.Rabbani opined the peace process also afforded an opportunity for discussions on correcting flaws in the current political system.His party never opposed the peace process, but it did not agree with the flawed framework for the peace negotiations, he explained.Former president Hamid Karzai urged the warring sides to reach a peace agreement. He also made a strong pitch for national unity.Karzai went on to remark: “I wish our beloved professor (Rabbani) was here today to witness the start of the peace parleys on Qatar.”Speaking on the occasion, Vice President Amrullah Saleh prom-ised the achievements Afghanistan had made ...( More on P4)...(1)

JALALABAD - A 2500-year-old Buddhist-era prison has been found in eastern Nangarhar prov-ince, local officials said on Satur-day.Rahimullah Khogyani, director of information and culture, said ar-chaeologists unearthed the prison built about 2500 years ago in Sa-bzabad area of Surkhrod district. He said the prison was believed to be used in military affairs.He said the prison was in a deep area ...( More on P4)...(2)

FARAH - The Statistics and Infor-mation Technology Department of northern Faryab province on Sat-urday started issuing electronic ID cards to people.Yasin Rasekh, the department head, launched the e-ID card dis-tribution process at a ceremony here, saying all residents of Farah province could apply and obtain electronic ID cards.Officials said the ID card distribu-tion center could register about 250 people a day for issuance of ID cards.Rasekh said a second electronic ID cards issuance center would also be ...( More on P4)...(3)

tions worth 2 million USD in partner-ship with UNDP and WHO. “A friend in need is a friend indeed. Friendship ...( More on P4)...(5)

COVID-19 Active Response and Expenditures Support Program,” said Narendra Singru, ADB’s Country Director for Afghanistan. “Given the extensive develop-ment needs in Afghanistan, ADB remains committed to supporting Afghanistan’s agenda to eradi-cate poverty and to transform the country into a self-reliant and pro-ductive economy.” Back in May, the World Bank Board approved a $400 million grant to help Afghanistan “sus-tain the pace of key economic and public finance reforms, and sup-port the country to manage cur-rent risks and uncertainties com-pounded by the COVID-19 crisis,” according to statement by the or-

The talks are not going to be easy, as there are complex issues on the table, according to the peace panel head. Hard decisions would have to be taken to make progress, he main-tained.“For sure, the government will float a ceasefire proposal. The Taliban are expected to suggest an interim gov-ernment,” Abdullah said. (Pajhwok)

The president also called for an investigation into the killing of Gharwal. Paktia officials said the incident happened at about 5.30am in Gardez city while Gharwal was on his way to Gardez University. Officials said Gharwal was seriously wound-ed in the attack and later died in hospital from gunshot wounds. Gharwal’s death is another in a string of tar-

geted attacks on high-profile public figures and government officials. Earlier this month, Vice President Amrullah Saleh was also targeted in an attack in Kabul. Saleh escaped with minor injuries but at least 10 people were killed in the roadside bombing that was intended to kill Saleh. No group has yet claimed responsibility for Saturday’s attack on Gharwal. (ATN)

Korea is the Example of a Friend in Need of Afghanistan

ADB Pledges $100M for COVID-19 Response in Afghanistan

Peace Negotiators Need Nation’s Support: Abdullah

Usmani Behind Export of Poppy

Seeds to Malaysia

Atmar Addresses Concerns of Afghans

in Tajikistan

Rabbani Pans Ghani for Monopolising Power

2500-Year-Old Buddhist-Era Jail Found in Nangarhar

Farah Begins Issuing Electronic ID Cards to Residents

Ghani Condemns Attack on Yet Another Government Official

Main PageSeptember 20, 20202

Sep 20, 2020 - A chance to increase your in-come by participating in an artistic project of some kind could come your way today, Leo. You might take part in the creative work or you could promote it in a business capacity. Whichever it is, you’re likely to form some

firm friendships in the process. If you’re single, one of your colleagues might turn out to be a potential love partner. Enjoy!

Sep 20, 2020 - An exciting phone call or email could come from a friend who has some great news for you, Taurus. Love, romance, and success in the arts are all highlighted now, and this communi-cation could bring it to your attention.

Conversations could bring inspiration your way, and your mind is apt to be going a thousand miles an hour for most of the day. Make the most of it!

Sep 20, 2020 - An online group could form today, Gemini, perhaps friends who are involved in the arts or meditation or spir-itual studies. This group is likely to be close, probably through mutual interests, so com-municating with them this evening should

be both intellectually stimulating and emotionally gratify-ing. What takes place today could also bring healing of some kind, either for you or for someone else.


Across Yesterday’s Solution

1. Caroled, 2. By mouth, 3. 53 in Roman numerals, 4. Green, 5. Jubilance, 6. Office worker, 7. 66 in Roman numerals, 8. Beasts of burden, 9. Titillating, 10. Tree-boring bird, 11. Yield, 12. Sticker, 13. Char 21. Before, poetically, 25. Biblical boat, 26. Pigeon-___, 27. Yucky, 28. P P P P, 29. In an elegant manner, 30. Tapestry, 31. Roman deity, 33. Voucher, 34. Dwarf buffalo, 35. Mats of grass, 36. Female sheep (plural) 38. Enthusiastic, 41. Lyric poem,, 42. Newspaper, 44. Female chicken, 45. Flower part, 46. A kind of macaw, 47. Monetary penal-ties, 48. Ceremonial splendor, 50. No, 51. Algonquian Indian, 52. A soft sheepskin leather, 53. Circle fragments, 54. Ballet attire, 55. Existence

1. Figure out, 6. Coagulate, 10. Bankrolls, 14. Disney mermaid, 15. 71 in Roman numerals, 16. Curved molding, 17. Nigerian monetary unit, 18. Not odd, 19. Killer whale, 20. Scintillating, 22. Beloved, 23. Bother, 24. Continuation of the coat collar, 26. Walk quietly, 30. All excited, 32. Large body of water, 33. Engine housing, 37. Anagram of “Seek”, 38. Gesture of indiffer-ence, 39. Be cognizant of, 40. As bad as can be, 42. Crystal-lined rock, 43. Makes changes to, 44. Pester, 45. Less hazardous, 47. Tasseled cap, 48. South American country, 49. Burn, 56. Iridescent gem, 57. Ripped, 58. A ring-shaped surface, 59. A crumbling earthy deposit, 60. Type of sword, 61. Sensitivities, 62. Participate in games, 63. D D D D, 64. Follow as a result

Outlook Horoscope

Pisces (Feb.19-Mar.20)

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb.18)

Capricorn (Dec.21-Jan19)

Scorpio (Oct.23-Nov.22)

Libra (Sep 23-Oct. 22)Cancer (June 21-July 20)

Sagittarius (Nov.23-Dec.20)

Leo (July 21-Aug. 21)Taurus (Apr.21-May 20)

Aries (Mar. 22-Apr.20)

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Virgo (Aug. 22-Sep 22 )

Sep 20, 2020 - Does your house look like a cyclone hit it? Your tidy nature should drive you to clean it up. In the course of wading through the mess, don’t be sur-prised if you discover some objects you thought you’d lost forever. Once you fin-

ish, you’ll probably find that the place looks beautiful, better than it did before it was messed up. Something good can indeed come out of chaos.

Sep 20, 2020 - Communication involving romance could come unexpectedly today, Cancer. You may get a loving message from a romantic partner, or you could hear of a wedding to take place in the future amongst

your circle of friends. You could also read a love poem or romance novel or write something along the same lines yourself! Someone might also express affection to you. Don’t be surprised. You deserve it!

Sep 20, 2020 - Inspiration could hit today, Libra. It’s a beautiful feeling, but you might not be sure how to channel it. It could represent a spiritual breakthrough, artistic inspiration, increased under-

standing of others, or all of the above. What’s almost certain is that you’ll want to spend time alone to take it all in and figure out how to use it. Don’t dismiss any possibility, however outrageous it may seem.

Sep 20, 2020 - A passionate encounter with a love partner might cement the bond between you so thoroughly that you start talking about commitment or

even a wedding. A romantic haze may permeate your interactions. Still, exercise some restraint in express-ing your feelings. Hitting your friend with too much at once could have the opposite effect from the one you’re hoping for. Be patient!

Sep 20, 2020 - You might have the chance to speak with new people in interesting fields, perhaps from foreign lands, Scor-pio. Your conversational abilities are at an all-time high, so you’ll not only enjoy talk-

ing with everyone, but they’ll enjoy talking with you, too. Intriguing ideas and useful information could have your mind buzzing all night. Try to take a walk in the evening to clear your head.

Sep 20, 2020 - Have you been feeling less than your normal self, Aquarius? If so, today you may suddenly regain your strength and be raring to go. You might even be tempted to start a rigorous exer-

cise program. Go ahead and start, but pace yourself and try not to make up for lost time all at once. You need to ease into these things. Maybe start with walk-ing and yoga.

Sep 20, 2020 - Love and romance aren’t just part of your life today, Pisces, they’re your whole life. If you’re single, an exciting po-tential partner could have you reeling. If

you’re currently involved, recent events may have created such a powerful bond between you and your beloved that you think it will never end. Consider what led to this feel-ing and find a way to repeat it. This can only benefit you.

Sep 20, 2020 - Have you been feeling stag-nant lately, Virgo, as if your life is going nowhere? What happens today could change that. An unusual group event could

put you in touch with people who open new intellec-tual, career, or spiritual doors for you. Stimulating conversations could turn your head toward opportu-nities that you were never aware of before. Onward and upward!

Sep 20, 2020 - Information gleaned from surprising sources could lead to sudden, fortunate career breaks, Sagittarius. You

might explore totally new fields, although this could be temporary. Your efforts should attract the attention of those who matter and eventually lead to advancement or a raise. Don’t be afraid to continue to explore these sources. Keep up the good work!

accept actor ahead appre-ciate barrage bate boardbrain breach care cheer crazy cross displayenvironment forestfront green guide hotel influence island leadlower mutton national noisy often please

TEHRAN – A delegation from the Iranian ministry of energy will leave for Afghanistan on Sunday to develop mutual re-lations and discuss joint ven-tures in electricity sector.The delegation will be led by Homayoun Ha’eri, the Iranian deputy energy minister.The establishment of a wind corridor at the Iran-Afghani-stan joint border is of the im-portant issues which is to be conferred during this trip.The corridor will be one of the best areas to install wind farms to convert wind energy into electricity.As accorded, an exhibition of the achievements of the Ira-nian electricity industry is also scheduled to be held in Afghanistan. Investors, trad-ers and officials of the Afghan electricity industry will visit

the exhibition.Based on a memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed between the two countries in August 2019, Iran repairs damaged electric transformers and turbines of power plants in Afghanistan.The MOU was signed by Deputy Energy Minister Homayoun Ha’eri and the Director General of Tavanir Organization Mohammad Hassan Motavalizadeh on the ...( More on P4)...(11)

KABUL - Two sisters on Satur-day claimed they were insulted and beaten by security officials providing security for the motor-cade of first vice president Am-rullah Saleh in Kabul.A video clip Pajhwok obtained on Friday shows a man in plain clothes is beating two women while security guards and police are watching. However, some men in military uniform are try-ing to prevent the man from beat-ing the two women in Ansari square area of Kabul.The incident comes when a strict

KUNDUZ - Local Sources report, in an attack by the Taliban over the ANA security checkpoints, in Khanabad district of Kunduz, three ANA soldiers were killed.Esmatullah Moradi, Kunduz Governor’s spokesman told Khaama press, that “last night militants affiliated with Taliban launched an attack over the pub-lic highway, near Aks Dawood village”.According to Moradi, the clashes

GHAZNI - Taliban militants have abducted two members of the Ghazni Appeal Court in an area of Maidan Wardak prov-ince, the victims were taken out of the vehicle following their disappearance.Sikandar Haidari, head of Ghaz-ni appellate court told the press, that Assadullah Rahmani, dep-uty of the court, and Shamsul Haq Shams a public Judge was abducted by the Taliban yester-day.

KABUL - The Ministry of Public Health on Saturday reported 22 new positive cases of COVID-19 out of 95 samples tested in the last 24 hours. No recoveries or deaths were re-ported by the ministry in the last 24 hours. There are reports of a second wave of the coronavirus in Herat province—the province where the first case of COVID-19 was reported in February. The Minis-try of Public Health so far has not

KABUL - At least 60 security forces have been killed since peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban be-gan a week ago, a security source told 1TV on Saturday.Seventy-five more Afghan forces were wounded in the violence.Taliban clashed with Afghan forces in 14 provinces of the country over the past one week. More than 250 Taliban militants were also killed.On Thursday, Afghan Acting Defense Minister Asadullah Khalid said that the Taliban have stepped up violence to gain lev-erage at the negotiation table.According to UN figures, vio-lence in Afghanistan in the last five weeks has been the highest

KABUL - Scores of Afghan in-terpreters who worked with British troops on the frontline in southern Helmand province have been allowed to settle in the UK.Threatened by militants, some 450 interpreters travelled to the UK with their families under the original scheme that was unveiled seven years ago. But many of them were found ineli-gible.The government decided to ex-pand the relocation scheme on Friday, when Defence Secretary Ben Wallace hailed the decision as the honourable thing to do.According to the BBC, only those who had worked with the British forces for a year or

security protocol was set up for Amrullah Saleh motorcade.One of the sisters said they wait-ed for 15 minutes and then start-ed begging the security officials to let them go as they were taking a patient to hospital, but the of-ficials refused.She said when her sister disem-barked from vehicle and wanted to talk with the security men, the security officials started beating them both.Ministry of Interior spokesman Tariq Aryan said the video was an ...( More on P4)...(13)

claimed three ANA soldiers, but the Taliban also suffered fatalities during the clash.There are no exact reports of the losses from Taliban side.Meanwhile, 217th Pamir Army Corps stated, in the offensive at-tacks carried through National defense forces 24 Taliban terror-ists, including a Pakistani insur-gent, were killed in parts of Al-iabad and Dasht-e-Archi districts.18 ...( More on P4)...(14)

The court’s members were on their way from Ghazni to Ka-bul when they were captured in Sayed Abad district of Maidan Wardak province.Haidari said, there is no in-formation about the abducted members, and that the security officials are asked to facilitate operation for freeing the victims from the clutches of the Taliban.Taliban have not yet shared their comments based on the in-cident. (KHAAMA PRESS)

confirmed the reports.According to data by the Public Health Ministry, 108,193 sam-ples have been tested in govern-ment centers and there are 4,906 known active COVID-19 cases in the country. The number of total cases is now 38,919, the total reported deaths is 1,437, and the total number of recoveries is 32,576. The new cases were reported in Balkh (17), Nangarhar (3) and Kunar ...( More on P4)...(15)

in the last five years, EU special envoy Rolad Kobia said on Fri-day.“With the new – hopeful – chap-ter of talks opening, it can’t be business as ever,” Kobia said on Twitter. “Taliban must now show capacity to act politically, not as insurgents using arms to twist arms.”Some members of the parliament said that violence undermines hope for peace.“Violence increased after we got to the negotiation table,” MP Ka-mal Safi said. “People have be-come very hopeless.”Senator Ghulam Muhiuddin Munsif said that peace talks re-quire parties to stop fighting. (1TV NEWS)

more, and were then relieved, could apply under the original scheme.Hundreds of interpreters, who had worked for British forces in Helmand before they left in 2014, did not qualify for reset-tlement in the UK.After talks between the defence and home secretaries, the gov-ernment expanded the resettle-ment scheme, the BBC reported.Now the interpreters who worked with British forces for 18 months or more, between May 2006 and December 2014, will also be eligible to apply to resettle in the UK along with families.As a result of Friday’s decision, around ...( More on P4)...(12)

Energy Ministry Delegation to Embark for Afghanistan

2 Sisters Allege Beaten During Saleh’s

Security Protocol

3 ANA Killed in A Taliban Attack

Two Appeal Court Members (Abducted): Ghazni

22 New Positive Cases of COVID-19 Reported

60 Security Forces Killed in One Week Since Beginning of

Intra-Afghan Peace Talks

More Afghan Interpreters Can Now Settle in UK

model would still rely heavily on trade, but it would be trade across regions within India rather than with the rest of the world.To be sure, in a country where most people live at subsistence level, a large population does not automatically generate enough demand for growth to take off. But for countries that have a sizeable middle class with enough purchasing power to buy industrial goods or tradeable services produced domestically, there is ample opportunity to spur growth and sustainable poverty reduction.Less populous countries, however, tend not to have large enough domestic markets to support growth in the absence of external trade. Especially in their case, it is more important than ever that policymakers emphasize measures to ensure equality. Many developing countries, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, exhibit staggering inequalities. Usually, a small cohort of the ultra-rich controls the country’s natural resources while millions live in poverty. In the absence of trade, the only way to create and support a middle class in such countries is through the redistribution of resources from the rich.A more equal distribution of resources would not only contribute to social harmony. It also would create the conditions for growth, because it guarantees that any additional resources generated by a positive wealth shock (for example, rising commodity prices) would trickle down, generating the necessary purchasing power to support domestic production.If this idea seems far-fetched, consider the experience of Norway. When the country discovered oil in 1969, its per capita income was 31,861$ (in 2010 dollars). By 2018, that figure had nearly tripled, to 92,120$. Crucially, as of 1979 (the first year for which data are available), the Luxembourg Income Study shows that Norway had a relatively low Gini coefficient of 0.224, indicating relatively low inequality.Now consider Mexico, which made major oil discoveries in the 1970s, but had a Gini coefficient of 0.430 in 1984, indicating much higher inequality. Between 1960 and 2018, its per capita income increased from 3,908$ to a meager 10,404$.There are of course many differences between Norway and Mexico beyond measures of income inequality. But the fact remains that by thoughtfully balancing equality and growth, many developing countries will have a good chance of reducing poverty and achieving broader economic objectives even in the current global environment.

In the Name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Kind

September 20, 2020

Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg, a former World Bank Group chief economist and editor-in-chief of the American Economic Review, is Professor of Economics at Yale University.

Principled Negotiation Ensures a

Win-Win GameIt is vital the Afghan peace negotiators realize that Nego-

tiation, contrary to warfare, is not a win-lose game. Those who take a “win-lose” orientation to peace are impossible to achieve sustainable outcomes. Generally, there are three broad approaches to negotiation. Namely, soft negotiation assumes that reaching agreement needs the acceptance of concessions, losses, and compromise. Hard negotiation con-siders that winning requires makingthreats, demanding concessions, and sticking to strict public positions requiring the other sideto lose. To have a successful peace processes, both sides must apply principled negotiation where the goal is to solveproblems by finding options that meet the basic underlying interests of all stakeholders. The aim of principled negotia-tion is to create a “win-win” solution that can be accepted by stakeholders.The reason why principled negotiation is a successful ap-proach is that it is interest based; it requires each stakeholder to identify their core, underlying interests and needs beyond their public positions. An analysis of underlying interests of all sides, beyond their public statements, can assist in find-ing mutually satisfyingagreements or outcomes that all sides can live with. In posi-tional negotiation stakeholders make absolutist public posi-tions that make progress difficult while in principled nego-tiation interests of all stakeholders matters. Experience of peace process in other conflict prone countries show that negotiation based on wholesale compliance have a high risk of failure. As setting preconditions make it im-possible to even learn about the otherstakeholder’s interests or to explore creative options for ad-dressing underlying interests, for a successful notational It is best to avoid preconditions to talks. It is highly recom-mended that to use small, unilateral confidence-building measures method to build trust for more substantial nego-tiations and undermine antagonistic leaders. Hiding under-lying interests only delays understanding or contributes to conspiracy theories. It may be very difficult for groups to use an interest-based approach to negotiation without the help of an outside mediation team coaching them to explore their underlying interests.In Afghanistan, Afghan groups, especially Taliban, have nearly always tried to apply positional negotiation in the peace process. As a result, negotiating on underlying inter-ests rather than public positions is essential for our country. Taliban leaders generally talk about achieving a true Islamic and independent system but have been vague on their po-litical platform and unclear about their underlying interests. It is impossible to negotiate or reintegrate armed opposition groups without knowing these interests. When the Taliban were in power, the expression of these interests was grave intolerance of religious and political pluralism and repres-sion of women. It is hard to imagine any negotiation with the Taliban if their underlying interest is this type of repres-sion. The Taliban also oppose perceived imposition of West-ern cultural values and development goals aimed at mod-ernization. The symbol of Western cultural imposition is a provocatively dressed womanon a billboard. There is a lot of room for negotiation between this extreme and the demand that women wear burqas and that girls not receive educa-tion. Many traditional Afghan religious and secular leaders do see the benefit of educating girls and including women’s leadership.Taliban leaders and religious leaders have permitted devel-opment and even activities aimed at women’s empower-ment when they are locally led and directly benefit the com-munity.Given the history of external countries besieging Afghani-stan, there are legitimate and shared concerns about the lev-el of control and presence of outsiders. Discussing these un-derlying interests and ways to address them with creative, mutually satisfying options is essential. However, the main concern about the negotiations with the Taliban is their de-pendency on Pakistan ISI. Evidence show that the group has not peace plan and they merely rely on the commands of ISI. For a successful negotiation, both sides need to recognize the concerns and interests of each other. Considering this fact, principled negotiation is the best model of negotiations for the Intra-Afghan talks. Afghans hope both Afghan gov-ernment and Taliban negotiating teams put the national in-terests first to their own interests. It is very difficult and the history of Afghanistan show the politicians have rarely put the interests of the nation first to their own ones. However, we may experience a new approach in the Intra-Afghan peace talks; We may embrace peace through a principled negotiation.

Chairman / Editor-in-Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Vice Chairman / Exec. Editor: Moh. Sakhi Rezaie

Email: outlookafghanistan@gmail.comPhone: 0093 (799) 005019/777-005019

Feminism is a range of social, political, and ideological movements that aim to define, establish, and achieve the political, economic,

personal, and social equality between men and women. In the other word, feminism involves political and sociological theories and philos-ophies concerned with issues of gender difference, as well as a move-ment that advocates gender equality for women and campaigns for women’s rights and interests. Some feminists focus on social and cul-tural issues such as reproductive rights, domestic violence, maternity leave, equal pay, women’s suffrage, sexual harassment, and sexual vio-lence, while others claim that the current social and cultural structures are based on superiority of men and so women are not treated fairly. They emphasize that women should be treated on the basis of human-ity, not sex. According to feminists, the current differences between the two genders have been imposed by social and historical circumstances as human mind lacks gender characteristics. Many countries includ-ing Afghan citizens support moderate feminism so as to cut the chains of oppression against women and allow both ourselves and others to thrive. the young generation of Afghanistan believe that reaching to a developed and advanced society is beyond all forms of social and racial discriminations. According to feminists and social science scholars, the history of femi-nism can be divided into three waves while each wave concentrate on certain dimension of women’s life and women demands. The first femi-nist wave was in the nineteenth and early twentieth century; the second was in the 1960s and 1970s, and the third extends from the 1990s to the present. Although some writers believe that there is also a forth wave of feminism which started since 2012 up to the date. The feminist theory emerged from these feminist movements or waves manifest in a variety of disciplines such as feminist geography, feminist history and feminist literary criticism. As pointed out, the first-wave of feminism refers to an extended period of feminist activity during the nineteenth century and early twentieth century in western countries such as United Kingdom, the United States, Australian, News land and also some of Arabic countries. Originally it focused on the promotion of equal contract and property rights for women and the opposition to chattel marriage and ownership of mar-ried women (and their children) by their husbands. However, by the end of the nineteenth century, activism focused primarily on gaining political power, particularly the right of women’s suffrage. Yet, some feminists stress on legal and political equality between men and women and specifically they campaign for women’s sexual rights, reproductive rights, and economic rights. In Afghanistan, though the women have reached to some of these demands, they are seriously under threat if

The views and opinions expressed in the articles are those of the authers and do not reflect the views or opinions of the Daily Outlook Afghanistan.

The COVID19- pandemic seems to have curtailed globalization in ways that the current US administration could scarcely have

dreamed up even a year ago. But, viewed in a broader context, this year’s retreat from globalization is merely the latest chapter in an ongoing process that has left the developing world increasingly pessimistic about pursuing export-driven growth as a path out of poverty.Before COVID19- arrived, the latest World Bank estimates showed that the share of the world’s population living in extreme poverty (less than 1.90$ per day in 2011 dollars) had declined from %36 in 1990 to %10 in 2015. But the pandemic has since threatened to reverse some of this progress; and even without the current crisis, poverty would have remained an important challenge in many parts of the world, not least Sub-Saharan Africa.Advanced economies – particularly the United States and the United Kingdom – have increasingly been turning inward, restricting trade, undermining multilateralism, and closing their borders to immigrants. And it is exceedingly unlikely that these trends will be reversed any time soon.Nonetheless, even if global trade is no longer the primary engine of growth, developing countries have other means for reducing poverty at their disposal. One option is to promote regional integration, deepening cross-border ties with neighboring countries at a similar stage of development. Although regional partnerships cannot provide the same purchasing power as high-income markets did in the past, they can still form a large enough market to achieve economies of scale. As was the case with the early European Economic Community (the precursor to the European Union), developing countries’ economic similarities can be transformed from an impediment to an advantage.But regional integration will require a change in mindset. Developing countries must show a greater willingness to collaborate with neighbors whom they have traditionally seen as competitors. They will have to invest in infrastructure to link markets both within and across countries. And they will need to develop new institutions and trade agreements to sustain a stable system.Another option for developing countries is to focus more on their own domestic markets to offset lost international demand. This approach comes more easily to countries with large populations. India, for example, could certainly drive stronger growth within its own borders, provided that it adopts the right policies. Such a

Feminism and its implication in Afghanistan

How Poverty Reduction Can Survive Deglobalization

Afghanistan returns to the pasts, 1990s. The second-wave of feminism refers to the period of activity in the early 1960s and lasting through the late 1980s. If we compare between the first and second-wave of feminism, the first wave focused on rights such as suffrage, whereas the second wave was largely concerned with other issues of equality, such as ending discrimination. the bigger difference between the first wave and second wave is that the second wave was more radical then first wave. The radical feminists in addi-tion to stressing on social and political equality, they also raised many repulsive topic such as separation of women society, inherent hostility with men, human reproduction by modern devices which overall led to a reverse implication. Even, some of the radical feminists called the women not to sleep with men because men are the enemy of women. The second-wave feminism has continued to exist since that time and coexists with what is termed third-wave feminism as a reaction or op-position to the second radical wave. Third-wave feminism began in the early 1990s, arising as a response to perceived failures of the second wave and also as a response to the backlash against initiatives and movements created by the second wave. Third-wave feminism seeks to challenge or avoid what it deems the second wave’s essentialist definitions of femininity, which accord-ing to them over-emphasize the experiences of upper middle-class white women. In clearer term, the third wave criticized that we cannot extend the experience and challenges of certain women to all women of the world. Therefore, third-wave feminists often focused on “micro-politics” and challenge the second wave’s paradigm as to what is, or is not, good for females. The third wave has its origins in the mid-1980s which contains internal debates between difference feminists such as the psychologist Carol Gilligan (who believes that there are important differences between the sexes) and those who believe that there are no inherent differences between the sexes and contend that gender roles are due to social conditioning.Based on some divisions, as abovementioned, there is also a fourth wave which is also called post-feminism. This wave began since 2012 and its main concerns have been gender justice, gender harassment, street harassment, workplace harassment and overall violence against women. In regard to fourth wave of feminism, it has had more achieve-ment and success in Afghanistan. Using the social media networks, many sexual corruption have been divulged by Afghan feminists in country. for example, the moral corruption video of Mullah Landi and many other scandals that were circulated in social media networks dis-closed from universities, government offices, sports and security insti-tutions while all are considered as achievement of the fourth wave of feminisms in Afghanistan.

Editorial and Opinions3

By: Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg

By: Mohammad Zahir Akbari

Mohammad Zahir Akbari is the permanent writer of the Daily Outlook Af-ghanistan. He can be reached at

coca and other illicit plants is its main objective. As per Article 11 of this law, poppy seeds are considered first-degree narcotic substance and it is not required for use in medicine.Article 33 of the counter-narcotics law says the transfer of poppy seeds and related activities amount to a crime and individual committing this offense should be punished.Clause 4 of Article 12 of the counter-narcotics law says: “In case of contradiction between Clause 3 of this article and international conventions and which the Afghan government is a party, those protocols and conventions should be preferred.”A credible source in the Ministry of Public Health, requesting not to be named, said according to the procedure, when a alicencefor exporting controlled substances for medical or industrial purposes is issued, the country should first identify and include the amount in the INCB quota list. But Afghanistan did not go through this procedure, he claimed.The official explained that when a quota existed on the INCB list, then the import permit must first be obtained through diplomatic channels from a country that needs materials such as poppy seeds. But in case of the 5,000 tonnes of poppy seeds exported to Malaysia, no import licence existed at all.Referring to opposition from Nazari to the approval of poppy seed exports, the source said: “Four members of NAC -- two from MoPH and one each from the Finance Ministry and Counter-Narcotics Department -- suggested to MoPH the transfer of Nazari in violation of existing laws. MoPH also approved the suggestion.”At the end of this suggestion, whose copyis available with Pajhwok Afghan News, NAC head Dr. Bashir Ahmad Sarwari has put his signature.The source said: “The export of poppy seeds to Malaysia will bring problems and disgrace to Afghanistan at different levels. If this export is not reversed, Afghanistan may suffer a huge diplomatic setback for the violationof the 1961 Convention by INCB.”In separate letters, dated August 24, to the Department of Security and Border Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, deputy ministers of counter-narcotics, customs, the Raisin, Fruit and Vegetable Export Promotion Office and the EbrahimSherzadKhogyani Limited, NAC wrote about the export of the poppy seeds.“Attached to this letter is a copy of the licence number NAR0001-14 related to the Ibrahim SherzadKhogyani Ltd. which was issued on the basis of a letter dated 1399/8/4 from the Raisin, Fruit and Vegetables Export Promotion Department of the Ministry of Commerce and NAR decision. Thank you in anticipation of your cooperation.”Referring to the dispatch of the letters, he said the committee reported to the Ministry of Public Health and considering the record of the Ministry of Public Works, a low-level official could not send a memo under his/her signatures to the relevant ministries. Previously, such letters were sent with the signatures of the minister of public health and his deputy.The source added: “After the receipt of a replay from the International Narcotics Control Board, if the acting minister Ahmad JawadUsmani was no involved in the illegal export of poppy seeds to Malaysia, he should have moved with a sense of urgency to stop the deal … but the minister did not take any action.”Ibrahim Sherzad, director of the Ibrahim SherzadKhogyani Ltd, said: “My case has been suspended and the president has referred it to the AGO. Prosecutors are investigating it.”

The Taliban spokesman did not give further details regarding the ceasefire and Intra-Afghan talks in Doha, suggesting to wait for its outcome. (DID PRESS)

(11) Energy Ministry…Iranian side and Amanallah Ghaleb, the Director General of Afghanistan Electricity Company, on the Afghan side.In the MOU, the two sides emphasized the expansion of bilateral cooperation in the fields of “repairing the worn-out power transmission equipment”, “construction of armor lines”, “synchronization of two countries’ grids” and other issues related to the electricity industry. (MNA)

(12) More Afghan…100 more former Afghan interpreters will be eligible to seek resettlement in Britain under the new rules.The new changes will significantly expand the eligibility criteria for former interpreters applying for the relocation offer. (Pajhwok)

(13) 2 Sisters…old one. However, he said the incident was being investigated. He said two policemen had been arrested and the person who thrashed the women had been identified.But the vice president’s office spokesman, Rizwan Murad, said the allegation was baseless and unworthy of a response. He did not provide details. (Pajhwok)

(14) 3 ANA…other insurgents are reportedly wounded in these clashes.On the other hand, Asif Tokhi, the security officer of Paktika police HQ was killed in a roadside IED.Officials have told the press, recently the province witnessed heavy clashes between the government and the Taliban insurgents.Violence in the region remains high amid peace negotiations between the government and the Taliban in Qatar. (KHAAMA PRESS)

(15) 22 New Positive…(2) provinces.The number of deaths from COVID19- globally is more than 951,841, total recoveries are 20,781,266, and the number of known global coronavirus cases is 30,504,864, according to Johns Hopkins University. (TOLO NEWS)

(16)Cargo plane…a cargo plane carrying humanitarian aid crashed in Beledweyne in central Somalia. And in May, six people were killed when a Kenyan plane with African Express carrying medical supplies crashed on approach to Bardale in the Bay region. (AP)

(17)Russia’s Navalny…to express my despair and, therefore, simply kept silent.”“Now I’m a guy whose legs are shaking when he walks up the stairs, but he thinks: ‘Oh, this is a staircase! They go up it. Perhaps we should look for an elevator,’” Navalny said. ”And before, I would have just stood there and stared.”The doctors treating him at Berlin’s Charite hospital “turned me from a ‘technically alive person’ into someone who has every chance to become the Highest Form of Being in Modern Society again — a person who can quickly scroll through Instagram and without hesitation understands where to put likes,” he wrote. (AP)

(18)Thai protesters…Thailand’s Red Shirt political movement, which battled the country’s military in Bangkok’s streets 10 years ago.By the time the main speakers took the stage in the evening, Associated Press

Pajhwok shared the issue (permission for the export of 5,000 tonnes of poppy seeds by NAR) with the MoPH, but NoorullahTaraki, a member of the media office at the ministry, said that ministries, with representatives in the committee, should be asked in this regard. But AmanRiazat, spokesperson for the Ministry of Justice, said: “I don’t know about this. You can talk to other members of the committee.”The ministries of interior, commerce and finance said they would provide information once they received it. The presidential spokesman’s office came up with a similar response.“The case of the export of 5,000 tonnes of poppies by the Ibrahim Ltd has reached the Presidential Palace. The case has been referred to AGO for further investigation and you can ask AGO for information,” the presidential spokesman’s office said. Pajhwok tried to contact AGO for comments on the issue, but failed. (Pajhwok)

(5) Korea is…and affection is conveyed not only in words but also in deeds. This shipment is a small token of friendship, sympathy, and empathy of the Korean people vis-à-vis the people of Afghanistan. I believe it is the Korean people who best understand the plights and suffering of the Afghan people as we have been through similar difficulties. I also believe in the resilience of the Afghan people, which has been remarkably demonstrated throughout history. I am confident that Afghanistan will overcome the daunting challenges of today, too, as Koreans have been doing, and Korea will continue to stand by Afghanistan in its great journey towards peace and prosperity,” Zha Hyoung RHEE, Ambassador of Korea, said. The health sector has been one of the top priority areas of support in Korea’s cooperation with Afghanistan for socio-economic development. Korea, as a true friend of Afghanistan, will continue to play its due role in the international community’s concerted efforts to help address dire humanitarian needs and to bring back peace, stability, and prosperity to Afghanistan. (PR)

(6) ADB Pledges…support package… For instance, loans will be provided to investors,” said Suhrab Bahman, a spokesman for Ministry of Economy. (TOLO NEWS)

(7) UN Security…peace and stability in Afghanistan and welcomed the efforts of all regional and international partners of Afghanistan in facilitating intra-Afghan negotiations and in helping the parties reach peace. The members of the Security Council thanked the Government of Qatar for facilitating the first round of negotiations, according to the statement. “The members of the Security Council emphasized the importance of the implementation of its relevant resolutions, including resolution 2513 2020)),” the statement said. (TOLO NEWS)

(8) US Dealing…expressed the remarks in an interview about his new book on the 53rd Season Premiere of 60 Minutes and was quoted in a report by CBS News on Friday.McMaster said withdrawing troops from Afghanistan and partnering with the Taliban has made the United States less safe. (TOLO NEWS)

(9) Afghanistan…the peace process, rather they see it as beneficial to their regional interests, especially if it leads to a reduction in India’s presence in Afghanistan,” he said. (ANADOLU AGENCY)

(10) Taliban Against…it as a harm”.

December 19, 2019September 20, 20204

(1) Rabbani Pans…over the last 19 years would be preserved in the peace talks.Hezb-i-Wahdat-i-Islami leader Mohammad Mohaqiq told Friday’s ceremony: “Our cowardly rivals misused government resources to commit electoral fraud.” (Pajhwok)

(2) 2500-Year…without gates and had a special structure. Khogyani added pieces of clay pots were also discovered from the jail.According to Khogyani, a -13meter-long and four-meter-wide room was also found next to the jail, which had been rebuilt in three phases.A few days ago, archeologists from the Information and Culture Department found eight artifacts in the area. (Pajhwok)

(3) Farah Begins…established in the province soon. He said the use of electronic ID cards would help prevent forgery.Fazl Ahmad Khan, a retired government official, welcomed the distribution of electronic ID cards in the province.He told Pajhwok Afghan News that he had gone to Kabul some time ago to complete his retirement process but faced with many problems due to lack of an electronic ID card.Distribution of electronic ID cards was started in Kabul in May 2019 and the cards are currently being issued in a number of provinces. (Pajhwok)

(4) Usmani Behind…ignored this suggestion as well.An official letter from the NAC Secretariat, dated August 2020 ,19, to the health minister’s office said that the Ibrahim Sherzad Khogyani Limited had sought NAC’s permission for the export of 5,000 tonnes of poppy seeds to Malaysia.The company also provided a recommendation letter, dated February 2020 ,9, from the Special Attorney Office at the Counter-Narcotics Department.The source explained: “Poppy seed is an illegal substance under Article 22 of the 1961 Convention. The NAC, in line with its decision of July 2020 ,7, shared the issue with the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) through an e-mail.Given that fact that poppy seedsare obtained from an illegal crop, NAC did not approve their export and cited resolutions of the Commission on Narcotics Drugs (CND) in this regard.”NAC also referred to Clause 4 of the Counter-Narcotics Law, which says: “In case of contradiction with Clause 3 of this article, relevant international treaties, conventions and protocols are preferred.”But a NAC documentdated August ,24 2020shows that the Ibrahim Sherzad Khogyani Limited was allowed to export 5,000 tonnes of poppy seeds to Malaysia though Torkham and Spin Boldak ports.NAChas experts from the Ministries of Public Health, Counter-Narcotics, Justice, Interior Affairs and Commerce and IndustriesTwo days after the export of the poppy seeds was permitted by NAC, the Security and Border Coordination Affairs Department (SBCAD) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) wrote to the MoPH and NAMA that INCB had sent it an official letterexpressing its concern over illegal poppy cultivation and the export of poppy seeds. The letter asked member nations to halt the cultivation of the illicit crop and trade in poppy seeds.INCB shared with the ministry links to some international resolutions and treaties banning the cultivation of poppy and trade in its seeds.In addition, Article 2 of the counter-narcotics law says the prevention of poppy cultivation and trade in its seeds,

reporters estimated that around 20,000 people were present. People were still arriving as the nighttime program con-tinued. At least 8,000 police officers reportedly were deployed for the event, which attracted the usual scores of food and souvenir vendors. (AP)

(19)Emergency tents…European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, or ECDC.The Madrid region’s deputy health chief had said earlier this week that the stricter restrictions would be “selective lockdowns,” but Díaz Ayuso said Friday that she wanted to avoid any man-datory stay-at-home orders. (AP)

(20)China sends…on July 30 at age 97. “We have a responsibility to continue his endeavors, allowing the will of the people to reshape Taiwan, further defining Taiwan’s identity and deepening and bolstering democracy and free-dom,” Tsai said.Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the Dalai Lama also paid tribute from afar. “We Buddhists believe in life after life, so most probably he will be reborn in Taiwan,” the Dalai Lama said in a video message. “His rebirth will carry his spirit continuously.”The guests included another former Japanese prime minister, Yoshiro Mori. They wore masks and sat spaced out in pews. (AP)

(21)Ethiopia charges…been detained since he and several thousand people were arrested during the July vio-lence. His lawyers have repeatedly asserted he was locked up because of his political views and have called for his release(AP)

(22)Peru president…A two-thirds majority was needed to oust Vizcarra. The political feud was sparked by the release of several covertly recorded audios that Vizcarra’s detractors contend show he tried to obstruct an influence peddling probe. And despite the failed vote, that conflict was likely to continue, afflicting the president’s ability to carry forward his anti-corruption agenda could be indefinitely stymied. (AP)

(23)One family’s…it to him. This is what drove me out of the country.” (AP)

(24)France: EU…deployed its own warship and naval patrols in response. Greek and Turkish military officers are also holding talks at NATO headquarters to work out ways of ensuring that any standoff at sea doesn’t descend into open conflict. (AP)

(25)Iran vows…report of an Iranian plot to assassinate Ambassador Lana Marks, but made clear that Iran intends to avenge the general’s death. “Do you think we hit a female ambassador in return to our martyred brother?’ the general said. “We will hit those who had direct and indirect roles. You should know that everybody who had role in the event will be hit, and this is a serious message. We do prove everything in practice.”Tehran has continued to expand its stockpile of enriched uranium and pressured other nations to offset the harm of U.S. sanctions, while insisting it does not want to develop a nuclear weapon. (AP)

(26)PIA takes…coronavirus pandemic.It is noteworthy that Saudi Arabia had decided to lift travel restriction in the kingdom from Jan-uary 2021 1. The kingdom’s interior ministry announced that airports, ports, and border routes will be made operational from January 1. (Pakistan Today)

MAIMANA - Clashes between security forces and Taliban militants and a traffic accident left seven dead and 10 others wounded including civilians in northern Faryab province, an official said Saturday.Police spokesman Abdul Karim Yurash told Pajhwok Afghan News Taliban gunmen attacked security forces in Kohi village late Friday night, but faced with stiff resistance.Four attackers were killed and five others wounded in the overnight attack that also left one civilian dead and three security men wounded.Mohammad Nader Saeedi, a member of the provincial council, criticized security forces, saying the Taliban at-tacked the only remaining village in Qaisar but no one came to the aid of uprising forces.He said the fighting lasted for hours and army, police and special forces did not arrive to help the under attack secu-rity forces.Unaware about Taliban casualties, Saeedi said one

ZARANJ - Intelligence operatives have detained two Pakistani nationals in southeastern Nimroz province, the spy service said on Saturday.In a statement, National Directorate of Security (NDS) said: “The intelligence personnel of Nimroz detained two Pakistanis named Maazullah and Subhan hailing from Karachi.”These detainees had entered the province in the garb of refugees from Iran through the Abresham bridge, the intelligence agency said.The statement also accused Iran of violating international treaties whenever it arrested suspects entering the neighbouring country illegally.Instead of surrendering them to their relevant government, the NDS claimed, Iran sent the

soldier and a woman were killed and three other civilians wounded in the incident.He added the Taliban shot dead a poor man who was irrigating people›s land against wages late Friday night. A local Taliban source denied their casualties and said he was unaware about the shooting of the poor man.He said the rebels killed an uprising member inside Qaisar bazaar yesterday and took away his weapon. Meanwhile, a man was killed and his wife injured in a traffic accident on the Elmar-Qaisar highway. (Pajhwok)

detainees to Afghanistan as illegal of refugees.The practice would pave the way for terrorists to easily enter Afghanistan, the spy service feared, saying the detainees were handed back to Iran. (Pajhwok)

Faryab Incidents Leave 17 Dead & Wounded

NDS Arrests 2 Suspected Pakistanis in Nimroz

International5 September 20, 2020

Neighbor News

Russia’s Navalny says he’s now more than ‘technically alive’

Tajikistan discusses supply of oil refinery raw materials with


Nawaz accepts Bilawal’s invitation to attend APC via

video link

PIA takes notice of overcharging of fares for Saudi Arabia flights

Cargo plane crashes at airport in Somalia’s capital, 3 hurt

Emergency tents, restrictions back as virus spikes in


China sends more warplanes as

Taiwan honors late leader

France: EU sanctions on Turkey an option over gas standoff

Peru president survives impeachment vote amid virus


One family’s desperate, deadly attempt to flee Leba-non

Iran vows ‘hit’ on all involved in US killing of top


Ethiopia charges prominent opposition figure with terrorism

TEHRAN- The work of a large oil refinery in Tajik-istan is postponed due to lack of raw materi-als, so negotiations are under-way on the supply of raw materials with companies from Iran, Ka-zakhstan and Russia.According to Asia- Plus website, the launch of a large oil refinery built in the «Dangara» Free Economic Zone (FEZ) has been postponed due to lack of raw materials under acceptable condi-tions.Noting that the enterprise is completely ready for work and all the neces-sary infrastructure al-ready exists, - the deputy head of this FEZ Safarali Taifurov said that the main problem is to pro-vide this enterprise with

ISLAMABAD- Former prime minister Nawaz Sharif on Saturday ac-cepted PPP chairman Bi-lawal Bhutto Zardari’s invitation to attend the opposition’s All Parties Conference (APC) via video link.Earlier on Friday, Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari made tel-ephonic contact with the PML-N supreme leader, who is currently in Lon-don, and invited him to join the opposition-led all parties confer-ence (APC) virtually.According to the PPP spokesman, the two lead-ers discussed the overall political situation in the country. “Bilawal invited

KARACHI- The Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) chief executive of-ficer (CEO) on Saturday took notice of public complaints regarding the overcharging of fares on tickets for flights to Saudi Arabia.The PIA administra-tion received complaints of passengers being overcharged by some ele-ments on air tickets for Saudi Arabia. The spokesperson confirmed that PIA CEO Arshad Malik took notice of the complaints and ordered the national carrier’s ad-ministration to take ac-tion.Spokesperson Abdullah Khan clarified that the fares for flights to Saudi Arabia are Rs84,000 inclu-sive of all taxes, whereas

TEHRAN- The chief of Iran’s paramilitary Revo-lutionary Guard threat-ened Saturday to go after everyone who had a role in a top general’s Janu-ary killing during a U.S. drone strike in Iraq.The guard’s website quoted Gen. Hossein Salami as saying, “Mr. Trump! Our revenge for mar-tyrdom of our great general is obvious, seri-ous and real.”U.S. President Donald Trump warned this week that Washington would harshly respond to any Iranian attempts to take revenge for the death of Gen. Qassem Soleimani, tweeting that “if they hit us in any way, any form, written instructions al-

MADRID- Many resi-dents in Madrid will need a reason to leave their neighborhoods and will face limitations on group gatherings even stricter than the ones in place as authorities moved Fri-day to try to rein in Europe’s fastest-spread-ing second coronavirus wave.The long-awaited re-strictions affect around 860,000 people, or 13% of the region’s 6.6 million residents, in areas where

MOGADISHU- A cargo plane crashed Satur-day morning at the in-ternational airport in Somalia’s capital, and the country’s transport minister said three of the four crew members on board were injured.Photos from the scene showed the plane’s cockpit crushed against a concrete barrier just steps from the sea.Transport Minister Mo-hamed Abdullahi Salad told reporters that the plane had just taken off for Beledweyne town in central Somalia but returned to the airport

NICOSIA- France on Friday backed Cyprus’ calls for the European Union to consider imposing tougher sanctions on Turkey if the Turkish gov-ernment won’t suspend its search for energy re-serves in eastern Mediterranean waters where Cy-prus and Greece claim exclusive economic rights.French Minister for European Affairs Clement Beaune said sanctions should be among the op-tions the 27-member bloc considers employing if Turkey continues to “endanger the security and sovereignty of a member state.”“But we consider that the Union should also be ready to use all the instruments at its disposal, among them the one of sanctions, if the situation didn’t not evolve positively,” Beaune said after talks with Cypriot Foreign Minister Nikos Chris-todoulides in Nicosia.EU leaders are set to hold a summit in a few days to discuss how to respond to Turkey prospect-ing in areas of the sea that Greece and Cyprus insist are only theirs to explore. Turkey triggered a naval standoff with NATO ally Greece after dispatching a warship-escorted research vessel in a part of the eastern Mediterranean that Greece says is over its continental shelf Greece

TAIPEI- China sent more war-planes toward Taiwan for the second day Saturday as the is-land’s leader, senior government officials and a high-level U.S. envoy paid tribute to the man who led Taiwan’s transition to democracy, former President Lee Teng-hui.Keith Krach, the U.S. undersec-retary for state, kept a low pro-file at the service. His presence at the event and on the island has drawn a strong rebuke from China, which sent 18 warplanes across the midline of the Taiwan Strait Friday in an unusually large display of force.On Saturday, Beijing dispatched 19 more warplanes, two of which were bombers, according to Taiwan’s Defense Ministry. The island’s air force scrambled their own and deployed an air de-fense missile system to moni-tor China’s activities, according to a statement.The service was held at the Aletheia University in Taipei on a balmy Saturday morning, with President Tsai Ing-wen honor-ing Lee for bringing a peaceful political transition to the island de-mocracy.Lee had built a separate Taiwan-ese political identity, distinct from mainland China, which claims Taiwan as part of its own territory to be reunited by force if necessary. Lee’s carving out of a non-Chinese identity and insist-ence that the island be treated as an equal country brought him into direct conflict with Beijing.He died

LIMA- Peruvian President Martín Vizcarra easily survived an impeachment vote Friday night af-ter opposition lawmakers failed to amass enough support to oust the leader as the country copes with one of the world’s worst coronavirus out-breaks.The decision came after long hours of debate in which legislators blasted Vizcarra but also ques-tioned whether a rushed impeachment process would only create more turmoil in the middle of a health and economic crisis.“It’s not the moment to proceed with an impeach-ment which would add even more problems to the tragedy we are living,” lawmaker Francisco Sagasti said. In the end, only 32 lawmakers voted to remove the president, while 78 voted against and 15 ab-stained

crude oil.Taifurov stressed that at the moment negotiations are underway on the sup-ply of raw materials with companies from Iran, Ka-zakhstan and Russia.He added that the launch of the refinery depended on finding oil under ac-ceptable conditions, which can ensure the ef-ficient operation of the enterprise.Construction of the refin-ery with a design capaci-ty of 1.2 million tons of oil per year, began in 2014.The enterprise was erect-ed by the established Ta-jik-Chinese joint venture TK-oil, established by the Chinese company Dong Ying heli Investment and Development and the Ta-jik company “Ha-san and Co”. (IRNA)

Nawaz to attend the mul-ti-party conference via video-link,” he said.The elder Sharif was quoted as saying during the telephonic conversa-tion that he desires suc-cess of the APC and his prayers and sympathies are with the people of the country.Opposition parties in-cluding the Pakistan Peo-ples Party (PPP), Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) and the Jamiat Ulema-e Islam – Fazl (JUI-F) have said that they will use the platform to try to come up with a joint strategy focused on ousting the incumbent government. (Pakistan Today)

$100 will be charged for re-accommodation on old tickets. It add-ed that travels agents were not allowed to charge their commission on PIA tickets above Rs4,000 to Rs5,000.The spokesperson asked the passengers to im-mediately report PIA administration for being over-charged by anyone.He said that the national carrier had sought per-mission from Saudi Ara-bia for operation 28 more flights in order to facili-tate passengers.Earlier, the national flag-carrier had cut back on its Pak-Saudi flights with operating just 23 flights to the kingdom in a week because of travel restric-tions brought on by the

ready done we’re going to hit them 1000 times harder.”The president’s warn-ing came in response to a report that Iran was plotting to assassinate the U.S. ambassador to South Africa in retalia-tion for Soleimani’s kill-ing at Baghdad’s airport at the beginning of the year.“We took out the world’s number one terrorist and the mass murderer of American troops and many, many troops and many people all over the world,” Trump said. “Qasem Soleimani is dead. He’s dead. Bad guy. Bad guy. Very bad guy.” Salami rejected the

ADDIS ABABA- Ethio-pia has charged its most prominent opposition figure, Jawar Moham-med, and 23 other people with terrorism-related of-fenses, telecom fraud and other criminal activities, the attorney general’s of-fice announced Saturday.The office said they will appear in court on Mon-day. The charges relate to deadly violence that erupted in July in parts of the capital, Addis Ababa, and the Oromia region after the killing of singer Hachalu Hundessa, a prominent voice in anti-government protests that led to Prime Minis-ter Abiy Ahmed coming to power in 2018. Authori-ties said over 180 people were killed in the July unrest.Jawar, a media mogul-turned-politician, has

TRIPOLI- Mohammed Sufian did not dream of much: a job, food on the table, the chance to buy his 2½-year-old son the little things a toddler wants.So when he heard that smugglers were taking people from his hometown of Tripoli to the nearby Mediterranean is-land of Cyprus, he decided to take the chance with his pregnant wife and child. To pay their way, he sold his furniture and two of his sister’s bracelets.They boarded a small fishing boat with the others. But what would be expected

MOSCOW- Russian opposi-tion leader Alexei Navalny said he is recovering his ver-bal and physi-cal abilities at the German hospital where he is being treated for sus-pected nerve agent poison-ing but that he at first felt de-spair over his condition.Navalny, the most visible opponent of Russian Presi-dent Vladimir Putin, fell ill on a domestic flight to Mos-cow on Aug. 20 and was transferred to Germany for treatment two days later. A German military lab later determined that the Russian politician was poisoned with Novichok, the same class of

huge support among youth in the Oromia re-gion and returned to Ethi-opia after Abiy came to power and urged exiles to come home amid sweep-ing political reforms that led to him receiving the Nobel Peace Prize.The Oromo make up Ethiopia’s largest ethnic group but had never held the country’s top post un-til they helped bring Abiy to power. Now ethnic ten-sions and intercommunal

violence are pos-ing a growing challenge to his reforms.Jawar has become fiercely critical of the Ethiopian leader, most recently over the postponement of the general election once planned for August be-cause of the coronavirus pandemic. The gov-ern-ment’s mandate expires late next month, and a new election date has not been set. Jawar has

to be a 40-hour trip went badly: For eight harrowing days, they were stranded in the Mediterranean Sea, appar-ently los-ing their way and running out of diesel. At least four adults and two children died — including Sufian’s little boy. Six are missing.“I took my son with me not to give him a high life, not to give him the life of rich people,” said Sufian, 21. “I was trying to give him a good life where if he will ask me for a potato chip bag or a juice box I am able to give

Soviet-era agent that Britain said was used on a former Russian spy and his daugh-

The early arrivals at Sanam Luang, a large field that has hosted major political dem-onstrations for decades,

one of every four new virus infections are being detected, regional chief Isabel Díaz Ayuso an-nounced at a news con-ference.The areas are also the poorest, more densely populated, and have a prevalent virus incidence above 1,000 cases per 100,000 for the past 14 days. The same rate for the whole of Europe, in-cluding the U.K., stood at 76, according to the

after having mechanical prob-lems.Markings on the plane indicated that it is oper-ated by Silverstone Air in neighboring Kenya. The company could not be reached.The heavily fortified Aden Adde International Airport in Mogadishu is home to diplomatic mis-sions and is a hub for hu-manitarian flights in the Horn of Africa nation try-ing to rebuild from three decades of conflict.Somalia has seen at least two other such plane crashes this year. In July,

Thai protesters rally to push demands for democratic reforms

BANGKOK - Thousands of demonstrators defied police warnings and oc-cupied a historic field in Thailand’s capital on Saturday to support the demands of a student-led protest movement for new elections and reform of the monarchy.Organizers predicted that as many as 50,000 people would take part in the two-day protest in an area of Bangkok historically as-sociated with political pro-tests. A march is planned for Sunday.

ter in England, in 2018.Navalny was kept in an induced coma for more

were a disparate batch, several with their own flags. An LGBTQ contin-gent waved their iconic

than a week while being treated with an antidote. He said in a Saturday post on Instagram that once he was brought out of the coma, he was con-fused and couldn’t find the words to respond to a doctor’s questions.“Although I understood in general what the doc-tor wanted, I did not un-derstand where to get the words. In what part of the head do they appear in?” Navalny wrote in the post, which ac-companied a photo of him on a stair-case. “I also did not know how

rainbow banners, while red flags sprouted across the area, representing

ROME- Pope Francis is urging po-litical leaders make sure coronavirus vaccines are available to the poorest nations. He says in many parts of the world, there is a “pharmacological marginalization” of those without access to health care.Francis met Saturday with members of an Italian aid group that collects donated medicines from pharma-ceutical companies and distributes them to clinics and centers helping the neediest.Francis says far too many people die in parts of the world for lack of drugs widely available elsewhere, and po-litical leaders must take their plight into account.“I repeat, it would be sad if in distrib-uting the vaccine, priority was given to the wealthiest, or if a vaccine be-comes the property of this or that na-tion and not for everyone,” the pope said. Francis has previously called for universal access to the vaccine. (AP)

The Latest: Pope urges vaccine access to poorest nations

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DOHA - The UN Security Council in a statement on Friday welcomed the start of intra-Afghan talks in Doha, saying it strongly reaffirms its commitments to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national unity of Afghanistan.The direct peace negotiations be-tween the negotiating teams of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Taliban are about to start in Doha as the two sides have held few meetings in small-group set up called the “contact groups” to dis-cuss rules and regulations for direct talks. The opening ceremony of the negotiations was held in Doha on September 12 in which Abdullah Abdullah, head of the High Coun-cil for National Reconciliation also attended. According to TOLOnews reporter Karim Amini, the “contact groups” will hold their next meet-ing on Saturday. “The members of the Security Council recognized that a sustain-able peace can be achieved only through a comprehensive and in-clusive Afghan-led, Afghan-owned peace process that aims at a perma-nent and comprehensive ceasefire

as well as an inclusive political settlement to end the conflict in Afghanistan. The members of the Security Council strongly encouraged parties to the negotiations to continue pursuing confi-dence-building measures including reductions

in violence, and to continue to engage in good faith,” said the statement.The members of the Security Council reaffirmed the importance of the United Nations’ role in promoting ...( More on P4)...(7)

UN Security Council Welcomes Start of Intra-Afghan Talks

WASHINGTON - US President Donald Trump on Friday called the Taliban tough and smart and said the United States is dealing well with the militant group in Af-ghanistan.The Taliban signed a peace deal with the United States on Febru-ary 29. The start of last week’s peace talks in Doha between the negotiating teams of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and the Taliban are part of the agreement the militant group signed with the US. “We’re dealing very well with the Taliban,” Trump said at a news conference according to a White House statement. “They’re very tough, they’re very smart, they’re very sharp. But, you know, it’s been 19 years, and even they are tired of fighting, in all fairness.”

KABUL - Mr Mujahid in an ex-clusive interview with DID Press agency touched on issues of cease-fire, Doha Talks, Afghanistan’s achievements during almost two decades and preserving values.“The Islamic government is one hundred percent our goal, our 19-year fighting is for the end of the occupation and the establishment of an Islamic system, and this is the reason behind 40-year fighting of the Afghan people,” Mujahid said, adding that the name of the (system) is important for them.The Taliban spokesman continued that their Jihad had two purpose. One, is to put an end to the occu-pation, and the other is establish-ing an Islamic system.“Therefore, now, anyone who hin-ders the formation of the Islamic system, preventing it or does not

KABUL - Gulbuddin Hekmat-yar, veteran Afghan mujahideen leader and head of the Hezb-e-Islami party, has expressed his willingness to form an alliance with the Taliban in Afghanistan.“Hezb-e-Islami is ready for di-rect talks with the Taliban, as well as for partnership and coop-eration. We believe that if these two groups join hands, the cri-sis in Afghanistan will end soon and no force will be able to stand against it,” he told supporters at the party’s headquarters in the

and divided,” while the Taliban and Hezb-e-Islami “share mutu-al beliefs, values, and ideology.”Earlier this month, he said the US had realized that its presence in Afghanistan had resulted in nothing but financial and human losses.“They [Americans] want a deal with the Taliban – implemented soon and without delay – and the Kabul government has also been told that the agreement will be implemented [even if they op-pose it],” he said.

Trump also pointed to the peace negotiations with the Taliban and said, “we’re having some very good discussions with the Taliban, as you probably heard.” He stressed that the number of US forces in Afghanistan will be less than 4,000 in near future. “And so we’ll be out of there, knowing that certain things have to happen — certain things have to be fulfilled. But 19 years is a long time, 8,000 miles away. Nineteen years is a long time,” Trump added.This comes as H.R. McMaster, former US national security ad-viser, said President Trump part-nered with the Taliban ahead of this month’s peace negotiations in Doha but insisted on continued support of Washington to the Af-ghan government. He ...( More on P4)...(8)

allow the Islamic system to be es-tablished, whoever it would be, a religious scholar or a great ethnic figure, killing her/him is jihad,” he elaborated.On forming an interim adminis-tration, Mujahid said: “one hun-dred percent, the interim govern-ment is not our suggestion and we see ...( More on P4)...(10)

capital Kabul on Saturday.“When the first round of talks between Kabul [the Afghan government] and the Taliban is completed, we are ready for the Hezb-e-Islami and the Taliban to start talks. The decision now rests with the Taliban.”The Taliban, engaged in land-mark direct talks with the Af-ghan government since last Sat-urday, is yet to comment on the offer.Hekmatyar asserted that the Af-ghan government was “weak

Hekmatyar claimed the Afghan government was looking to de-lay the peace process until No-vember’s US presidential elec-tion.On the role of other regional countries, he said India, due to its rivalry with Pakistan, was dissatisfied with the peace push and had started supporting local militias to act as spoilers.“China and Pakistan have a com-mon and coordinated position on Afghanistan, not only do they support ...( More on P4)...(9)

US Dealing Well with ‘Tough,’ ‘Smart’ Taliban, Says Trump

Taliban Against Formation of Interim Gov’t

Afghanistan: Hekmatyar Ready to Join Hands with Taliban

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