getting started with docker (for developers)

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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‣ Why you should contain

everything in containers

that contain things

‣ Everything about Docker

‣ Euclid's proof of the

infinitude of primes

What we won’t be covering

‣ Learn about Docker from a developers perspective

‣ Learn how to get started with Docker

‣ Learn the basic Docker commands you will use every day as a developer

‣ Get Docker installed and running on your machine

What we will be covering

‣ Husband

‣ Dad

‣ Coach

‣ Youth Leader

‣ Co-Owner of Computer Know How

‣ Member of Team ColdBox

‣ Open CFML Foundation Board

The Obligatory Who Am I?

‣ Tried Docker

‣ Deployed Docker

‣ Installed Docker locally

‣ Written a Dockerfile

‣ An image on Docker Hub

Little about you

Matrix of Hell

How shipping solved the problem

How containers solve the problem

Docker is Open Source

Written in Go

Its not Ruby, so the Python people are happy

Its not Python, so the Ruby people are happy

Its not Node.JS, so most people are happy

Its not Java, so everyone is happy

Its not CFML, so no one is happy

A contract between Dev and Ops

Build Once Run Anywhere

Cattle, not Pets

Install Party


Image, a hierarchy of files, with meta-data for how to run a container.


Container, a contained running process, started from an image.


Registry, a repository of images. - Public or Private


Dockerfile, a script for creating images.


Storage outside the container.

Commands for images

‣ $ docker images # shows all images.

‣ $ docker import # creates an image from a tarball.

‣ $ docker build # creates image from Dockerfile.

‣ $ docker commit # creates image from a container.

‣ $ docker rmi # removes an image.

‣ $ docker history # list changes of an image.

Commands for Dockerfile‣ FROM - The image the new image will be based on.

‣ COPY - Copy a file or dir into the image

‣ ADD - Like copy, but can be a URL or unpack a tar

‣ RUN - Ran a command inside the container

‣ ONBUILD - Run commands when building

‣ CMD - Default command to run

‣ ENV - Set a environment variable

‣ EXPOSE - expose a port

‣ VOLUME - Specify that a directory should be stored outside the union file system

Commands for containers‣ $ docker create # creates a container but does not start it.

‣ $ docker run # creates and starts a container.

‣ $ docker stop # stops it.

‣ $ docker start # will start it again.

‣ $ docker restart # restarts a container.

‣ $ docker rm # deletes a container.

‣ $ docker kill # sends a SIGKILL to a container.

‣ $ docker exec # executes a command in a running container.

Commands for inspecting‣ $ docker ps # shows running containers.

‣ $ docker inspect # info on a container (incl. IP address).

‣ $ docker logs # gets logs from container.

‣ $ docker events # gets events from container.

‣ $ docker port # shows public facing port of container.

‣ $ docker top # shows running processes in container.

‣ $ docker diff # shows changed files in container's FS.

‣ $ docker stats # shows metrics, memory, cpu, filsystem

Demo time

“Thank you.”

–hold up applause sign here

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