get yourself pampered! indulge in these natural stress relievers

Post on 07-Aug-2015



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Get Yourself Pampered! Indulge In These Natural Stress


Stress is out body’s way of reacting to a stressor such as an environmental condition or a stimulus. What causes stress?

• Work• Relationships• Life Changes• Environment• Self-Generated

Despite the factors that trigger stress, don’t let it hijack your life. Instead, increase your happiness and wellbeing by pampering your skin with these natural stress relievers.

1. Avoid Caffeine

Caffeine can boost your energy and adrenaline which makes you anxious. Avoiding or cutting down caffeine consumption will help you reduce your stress and anxiety symptoms.

2. Aromatherapy

Burning some aromatherapy oils such as lavender or rose can help you immediately relieve from stress by raising mood, reducing anxiety and aiding focus and concentration.

3. Take A Bath

Taking a hot bath can soothe your body and adding Epsom salt in your water can give you more a more relaxing and calm feeling. It can raise your body heat which helps in regulating mood and stress or anxiety.

4. Get A Massage

When you’re stressed, your muscles are tense. Getting a gentle massage can improve circulation and help you chill out. You can request a therapist to do it or even you family member. Or better yet, you can drop by a spa.

5. Have A Sip Of Chamomile Tea

Drinking three cups of chamomile tea a day can help you relieve stress by reducing its symptoms. It contains chemicals which promotes relaxation.

6. Spoil Yourself In A Good Quality Sleep

The key to a stress-free life is a good quality sleep. It could help you find the right balance that allows you to feel well-rested and ready for the day.

7. Take Time To Meditate

At least 15 minutes of meditation per day can help you relax and at the same time, relieve stress. This slows you to let your thoughts run free or just focus on your breathing which helps in releasing stress.

8. Acquire Naturopathy

Naturopathy is excellent for treating stress wherein you can change your internal environment by altering your diet slightly and using supplements to get you back on track.

Ask A Naturopathic Doctor Today!

Discover more about the benefits of Naturopathy on your body and how it

could help relieve other conditions aside from stress.

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