get to know about warts - what causes them and what get rids of them

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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Remove Warts, Causes, Treatment, Remedy, Health


Get To Know About Warts - What Causes Them And What Get Rids Of Them

The knowledge on how to remove warts has

become very important because, let's face it,

they are completely unattractive. Dermatologists

are the best persons to perform wart removal.

After all, they have the medical qualifications to

do the job.

Warts are skin growths, caused by the Human

Papilloma Virus (HPV). Warts grown when the

virus enters the skin through a cut or a wound.

The top layer of the skin would then grow into a

wart. There are essentially 5 types of warts which

have different appearances and grow on different parts of the body. Warts commonly appear on

the hands of the person. Gray-brown in color, they are quite on the rough side and resemble a

dome. Plantar Warts, as the name suggests grow on the soles of the feet. Hard, thick and dark,

you will find some specks in them. Walking becomes tortuous and even standing for prolonged

periods becomes an ordeal. Flat Warts, on the other hand, are flat growths that often attack the

arms, legs, and even the face. These small Flat Warts come in different colors. They could be

brown or yellow, sometimes even pink. If you are wondering about the other two types, they are

the Filliform Warts and the Periungual Warts. Warts found around the nose and mouth are known

as the Filliform Warts. Periungual Warts, on the other hand, frequently appear around the toenails

and fingernails. You will have difficulty running and walking if you happen to have toenails with

Periungual Warts under them.

When there is a cut through the skin, the Human Papilloma Virus enter the body via some bodily

fluids. Sharing personal items such as razors and towels could do that to you. Therefore it's better

not to share razors, towels and other items which can transfer bodily fluids. The best way to

remove warts therefore is not to contract them in the first place. Scratching warts and then other

parts of the body could also be instrumental in making them spread to other parts of the body.

The most important factors to know regarding Removing Warts is not to lance them with a needle

or other sharp device. You will be running the risk of infection if you try removing warts like this.

Seeking a physician's expertise would be the best way for you to go about things. The doctor

would then proceed towards performing a biopsy. The doctor will take a sample of the wart and

look at it under a microscope. Through this biopsy, the doctor will be able to tell if the wart will

have a possibility of becoming cancerous in the future or not.

Treatments to remove warts may include Home remedies, such as salicylic acid or duct tape. The

physician may also suggest an office visit to kill the wart using medication either topically or

injected directly into the wart. Another process you could turn to is freezing. Cryotherapy is the

more technical term for this exact process.

These treatments can be relied on in terms of safety. Still, you ought to know that warts can come

back even after they have been removed. You may have removed the wart successfully, but the

human papilloma virus, which is the culprit, remains.

When considering how to remove warts, a physician is your best resource. They would be the best

people to approach about this problem since they have the requisite training, skill and competence

to deal with skin warts and similar problems.

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