geography– where did the anglo saxons come from and where …€¦ · why did the anglo saxons...

Post on 25-Jan-2021






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  • HumanandPhysicalGeography2he/shecandescribeandunderstandtheworkingsofrivers,mountains,volcanoesandearthquakes.




    Use a map of Europe and atlases to name the countries of Europe. Use a colour key and arrows to show which

    countries the Anglo Saxons came from and where they settled. Examine the

    Can you find out, by using the internet, how rivers run from the

    mountains to the sea? (Computing links)

    Look at a map of an Anglo Saxon village and use the

    four points on a compass to describe the location of

    features of an Anglo Saxon settlement.

    Can you discuss what settlers might need to look for when deciding where to build a village? Can you suggest which area would be most suitable from three locations and explain why?

    Using your Anglo Saxon map, can you describe directions and distances needed to travel between different Saxon locations? (Maths links)

    Using your map of the UK, can you draw on some of the key rivers and link these to important Anglo-Saxon settlements?


    Geography– Where did the Anglo Saxons come from and where did

    they choose to settle? What makes a good location for an Anglo Saxon



    Using an an atlas can you find all the cities with Anglo-Saxon derived names? Can you plot the Anglo Saxon settlements on a map of the UK? Can you find the Sutton Hoo ship burial site? (Maths links)

    Can you observe erosion in action when pouring water to

    create your own river?

    Compare Anglo Saxon settlements with Roman settlements. Can you suggest why Anglo Saxons didn’t choose to create settlements like the Romans’?

    Can you debate which location is the most suitable to build a village? (Literacy links)

    Can you write the journey of a water droplet around the water cycle? (Links to Science and


    Can you create a map in pastel, that shows important features of an Anglo-Saxon village? (Links to Art)

  • Make8-he/shecanusesimplemechanicalsystemsinhis/herproductse.g.Gears,leversandcams.




    Can you create a border for your Bayeux Tapestry by printing? Can you add to your printed border by using chain stitches and back stitches to add detail?

    Using different resources, can you create and present a presentation of

    your favourite inventor/designers work? Can you argue as to why your

    designer/ inventor is the greatest? (ICT and History links)

    Can you work in a group to design a functioning water wheel? Can your group create plans for your designs and show how your water wheel works? (Science links)

    Can you create a frame structure to support your water wheel using a butt joint? Can you show how diagonal struts could be used to strengthen your design? (Science links)

    Can you follow your designs to create a functioning water wheel? Can you measure how effective your water wheel is? (Science


    Can you add appliqué designs to your Tapestry by cutting and stitching felt shapes? (Art links)




    Can you research the Bayeux Tapestry and discuss the scenes shown in the images? Can you explain why the Bayeux Tapestry was created and what it shows? Can you design a scene with a partner which shows a part of the story of the battle of Hastings? (Art and History links)

    Can you compare your finished section of the Bayeux Tapestry with your original designs? Can

    you evaluate your designs against your own success


    Can you use the internet and books to research how the Anglo-Saxons used water wheels and what they were used for? Can you present your findings to the class and explain the function of a water wheel? (ICT and Literacy links)




    Design & Technology. How did the Anglo-Saxons use water for power? How and why was the

    Bayeux Tapestry created?

  • Science: Can you compare and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases? Can you observe that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled?Can you identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle?


    Can you recognise some of the properties of solids, liquids and







    Can you make careful observations about how matter changes from a

    solid to a liquid?

    Can you describe what happens when a liquid freezes?

    Can you recognise when a liquid turns into a gas, using the terms

    boiling or evaporation?

    Can you group materials based on there appearances?

    Can you explain how condensation and evaporation take place?

    Can you link all the processes of the water cycle to changes of state of


    Can you identify the part the evaporation and condensation play

    in the water cycle?

  • The Anglo Saxons - History How did the Anglo Saxons use water?

    Why did the Anglo Saxons settle in Britain?





    Who were the Anglo Saxons?- What have the Anglo Saxons done for us today? Are there any current links to

    the Anglo Saxons that we can see today? Can you create a mind map of questions to answer? (Literacy links)

    Can you compare a Roman town and an Anglo Saxon village and explain which

    you would rather live in and why? (Literacy

    debate links)

    Can you research using books and the internet and find out the different

    periods in Anglo-Saxon History? Does the timeline run from BC to

    AD? Can you create your own timeline showing the different Anglo-

    Saxon Periods using a range of methods for recordings? (ICT,

    Literacy and Maths links)

    Can you use books and the internet to individually research where the Saxons came from and why they came to Britain? Feedback to the rest of your

    group. (Computing links)

    Can you explain why the Anglo Saxons came to

    Britain? Children take part in a debate to classify the newcomers as invaders or



    Can you investigate what homes were like for different

    social classes in Anglo-Saxon Britain?

    Children explore newspaper

    cuttings, reports and photographs to draw

    conclusions about an Anglo-Saxon burial.

    (Computing links) Computing

    Can you describe some different sources of

    evidence for what life was like in Anglo-Saxon

    Britain? Can you evaluate the reliability of

    different sources of evidence? (Literacy






    Can you answer questions about the Bayeux Tapestry such as: Who

    made the Bayeux Tapestry? Why was the Bayeux Tapestry made? How was the Bayeux Tapestry

    made? (LInks with Art and Literacy) Can you use the internet to find out how

    Anglo-Saxons built their homes? Can you find out what life was like in a Saxon village? Can you work in a group to draw a map of a Saxon

    village? Can you work in a group to build a Saxon village using reference to nets and 3D

    shapes? (Maths, DT, Geography links).

    Can you use artefacts left at the Sutton Hoo ship burial to suggest what life was

    like in Anglo-Saxon Britain? Can you create your own Anglo-Saxon

    artefact for homework? Can you include a label with it which explains how it may

    have been used and what it tells us about Anglo Saxon life?

    (Design and Art links)

    Can you use scenes from the Bayeux tapestry to retell events

    leading up to the Battle of Hastings? (Art) and Literacy links)

    Can you consider all the factors of the Anglo-Saxon legacy and create a

    mind map of all the things they left behind? Can you prepare notes and

    take part in a debate about which part of the Anglo Saxon’s legacy is

    the most significant?

  • RE: (discreet) How special is the relationship Jews have with God? What

    is the most significant part of the Nativity story for Christians today?





    Can you come up with responses to peoples questions sensibly?

    (PSHE links)

    Can you explain the meaning of some universal and cultural symbols? Can you create a symbol which represents you?

    (PSHE Links)

    Can you make comparisons between the story of the Nativity and some religious practices that Christians perform

    during advent?

    Can you read a children’s story of the Nativity and the bible text? What is the difference between a religious

    text and a story? What is the Old and New Testament? (Literacy



    Can you recognise some Christmas symbols and

    identify which are religious and which are commercial?

    Can you make a Christingle and explain

    what each part represents with reference to

    Christianity? (DT links)

    Can you listen to the story of Abraham as told in the

    book of Genesis and identify the promise being made? Can you make a promise to your class?

    (PSHE links)

    Can you recognise and draw some important Jewish

    symbols and explain what they represent ? (Art links)

    Can you use the correct names for religious

    artefacts? (eg, mezuzah, Shema, Ner Tamid, Torah)

    Can you create a Mezuzah and explain what it means to a Jew?

    (DT links, Literacy links)

    Can you ask your own questions about

    Jewish and Christian beliefs?

    Can you write instructions for how to make a

    Christingle? (Literacy)

    Can you write a conversation between a Jewish child and ask and answer key questions with speech bubbles? Can you write

    this with inverted commas? (Literacy links)

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