geography and the early settlement of india

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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Geography and the Early settlement of India. History Alive Chapter 13. subcontinent. India is a subcontinent of Asia. India is attached to the continent of Asia, but surrounded on three sides of water. physical features of India. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Geography and the Early settlement of India

History AliveChapter 13

Geography and the Early settlement of India1subcontinentIndia is a subcontinent of Asia. India is attached to the continent of Asia, but surrounded on three sides of water.

2physical features of India

An aspect of the land, such as mountains, plateaus, and rivers3Brahmaputra River

The river starts high up in the Himalayas.Winds through snowcapped mountains and narrow canyons.The water is cold and clear and rushes over sharp rocks.4Summer

Heavy monsoon rains add water to the Brahmaputra River.A monsoon is a large wind that often brings lots of rain.

5Brahmaputra RiverThe heavy rains cause the river to overflow leaving rich minerals.The minerals are used to grow crops.

6Deccan Plateau

Triangle shaped area between two mountain ranges in southern India.A plateau is an elevated or raised, area of land that is flatter than a mountain.

7Deccan Plateau

8Deccan Plateau

9Deccan PlateauDifferent kinds of landLarge granite rocks formed by volcanoes.Hillier parts have thin forests and low, scrubby bushes.The plateau is fairly dry, but the monsoon rains provide most of the water.

10Eastern and Western Ghats

Long mountain chains near the coasts of India.When seen from above they form a large V.11Western GhatsHigher than the Easter Ghats.Sleep slopes, narrow valleys, thick hardwood forests, and extremely heavy rains.Wet climate encourages tropical plants.

12Eastern Ghats

Not as wet as the Western Ghats.Several rivers flow through these green mountains which are sprinkled with hardwood trees.Rivers rarely flood, but are not safe for travel.The rivers move very fast and plunge suddenly over cliffs.13Ganges RiverFlows across most of northern India.Rivers carry sediment from the Himalayas to the northern plains.Sediment is used as a fertilizer.During the rainy season, the river can flood and destroy crops.

14Ganges River

15Ganges River

16Himalaya Mountains

Located on Indias northern border.Highest mountain range in the world.home of snowsThe water from the ranges glaciers (ice fields) feed northern Indias major rivers.Earthquakes and landslides are common in the area17Himalaya Mountains

18Himalaya Mountains

19Hindu Kush MountainsBarrier between India and present-day Afghanistan.The mountain range is one of the highest in the world.Snow and ice permanently cover the slope.


Khyber Pass

Twenty eight mile long gap between the mountains.It connects central Asia to the Indian subcontinent.Traders used the pass to enter the Indus River valley.

21Khyber Pass

22Indus RiverBegan in the Himalaya Mountains.Gets water from the melting snow of the Hindu Kush Mountains.Best farmland in the world.Compared to Egypts Nile River.

23Indus River

24Indus River

25Thar Desert

Mostly sand and stone.Rolling sand dunes for hundreds of miles.Littered with rocks.Most of the time the heat is unbearable.There were rivers, but not now.Rain is rare.26Thar Desert

27Early Settlements in IndiaFirst people settled by the rivers.

28The End


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