genre 20 slides

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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Master Head:The main heading of a magazine, which is ideal to stand out to readers.The company may influence on the reader even if they don’t like the artist so likely to purchase it.

Sub heading:Represents for the main story line for the magazine. People who are generally in to such things are very much encourage upon it.

Use of colour & font:Attracts the buyer, peopleTend to compare the appearanceIf it looks more appealing

Sell lines/ slogans: Catches audience’s attention to buy the magazine and act upon it and what is included in the magazine. Also the sell lines in this its encouraging the target audience to buy it due to the person who has visited a tv series which could enhance a person to read on.

Main Image:The main image stands out To the target audience which genially are teenagers. Also the artist used are using postures which influences readers by catching their attention.

Main headline: StoryFans would be influencedBy the storyline. The difficult imagesAround the magazine can also portrayWhat the magazine is about.

Issue date & price: in this magazine there is no date so make effectOn target audience. The price on it might neglect a person to buy the magazine.


Master Head:As she’s a celebrity so influence's readers more, also the writing blends in with the background which would make readers wonder and likely to purchase the item.

Sub heading: Its attractive to the target audience , due to the colour which stands out to readers as its written on top of the model so referring to what the main aim is.

Use of colour & font:There's not much use of Colour in this magazine Which may put of buyers. Also There is no use of background colourWhich makes the main image stand-Out.

Sell lines/ slogans:‘ if you got it.flaunt it’Encourages readers to buy the magazine, as I believe this slogan is very effective which would influence many, I believe magazine like this can change behaviour of a individual.

Main Image:The main image will Influence opposite gender Due to beauty. There is a close up shot used from a face on angle whichPortrays the main focus of the musicMagazine.

Main headline: StoryBased on a celebrity Which would be influencing As they regard her to be aRole model.’if you got it,flaunt it’ tells the story to us that its based on fashion and influencing media.

Issue date & price:The price might put someone off due toThe price & the issue date to help them know its secondary data.


Similarity:Both magazine’s are aiming to the target audience. Both have big master heads which influences a buyer so more or less likely to buy the magazine. I believe both of the magazine use effective slogan and sell lines which could influence readers to buy it. They both have bar codes which represents illegal rights as if one of them didn’t have it could mean the magazine was fake which often happens in the media.

Differences:Both appeal to different age groups. Two different type of magazine as one is indie as other is pop & rock which makes a significance choice upon a individual. The layout of the front cover is placed in different aspects, as the automatic would be more appealing to teenagers as its funky where as Adele's magazine influence women in their 20’s as its more Grown up and likely to give advice where as the automatic would be more of a indie rock theme to influence readers to buy their albums.

Comparing Both Magazine’s

Comparing Two Content Pages

Responsible Q logo


Variation of fonts

Issue date Main imageThe left hand column- Article

exclusive to the issue, this normally influences readers to find out what is provided in the music magazine. Also the number on pages are in red which catches the audiences attention.The main image- catches the audiences attention as the picture is portrayed in a landscape where the outfits of the artist don’t fit in so makes the audience curious to ready the magazine. Also the colours used in the picture makes the boys stand out from the environment.Font- shows that’s the boys are the main audience in the magazine and also the context displays a lot of meaning of the picture as speech marks are use to portray what the band are trying to say. The pull quote makes people wonder.The head line –’the world’s biggest and best music guide’Catches target audience attention as it will make them trust the magazine so likely to be purchased every week to keep to date with the stories.The Q REVIEW’-is a catchy name which catches buyers attention, also reviews the buyers on wanting to read other sections of the magazine.

Master Head

The buzz word used next to the name of famous band will intrigue the audience

‘Every month’- it will give the audience an idea of routine , so likely to purchase the magazine every week

Master head

Issue Date

The left hand Column- The drummers have placed copy on here so it catches audiences don’t use informal language on this contents page as the target audience group for this magazine is between 25-35.Also the page numbers stand out with a different font and colour to make it easier to find the page.‘Contents ;’which stands out the audience on what the page is based on, as these type of magazines are based on teenager which are likely to be inpatient, so scheme read through it.Font- The Drummer’ don’t really stand out with the font colours its very carm, I believe this is due to the target audience as its based on adulthood. The main colour in this magazine which highlights the main points would be red for useful outputs.Main Image- conforms to the masthead in the contents page.All the pictures on the contents page all relate to the master head and as the largest image portrays the meaning of the contents page. Also the layout of this contents page is rather based on images rather the this may influence readers as it shows viewers the artist are on what pages which tends to encourage readers to read it.

Regular would influence readers who normally buy this magazine and let them find out new stories, this would encourage them to buy it every week.


Similarity:They both use similar colours in the contents pages on the written concept. The column section is shown to be in the same place in both which I believe it catches peoples attention and are likely to look on the same direction when going through a contents page in a music magazine. They both have a issue date which shows it is reliable. They both contain ‘contents’ to be in bold letters so achieving the role of being eye catching to the readers. The main image is also placed in the same place which may show that people are use to looking at the picture on the right hand side.

Differences:I believe the Q is more encouraging in words rather than drummers as drummers is based on pictures on what page each item is on rather then Q which has contents which is more persuasive than Drummers. Q has a sell/ slogan line which catches the audiences attention unlike the drummers where it portrays it through pictures , regarding the target audience the drummers are not using persuasive writing which is needed. The master head in Q is much more small unlike drummer where its placed in big font so readers can identify what type of music magazine it is.

Similarities & Differences

Comparing Double page


This double page spread is showing the story of the ‘The Teenagers’ who are a very well known band with an independent audience. The main colour scheme for this double page is blue and white and these are colours which stand out and look calm compared to other colours, this can be showing how they are a relaxing band to listen to and can appeal to a wider audience than the one they have the moment. The main focus the band as they stand out it shows that they are going to be the people who are giving the most information and who this double page is going to be based on. There is a variety of fonts in this double page and but they do not over-power what the text is saying. The shots is of a group in a long shot position as it shows their whole body but you can still see their facial expressions because it is in focus on their expressions. The mode of address for this band is informal as they are just lying on a bed and they are relaxing in informal costumes. The mise-en-scene shows lots of the same type of outfits as it would be what they wear when they are just staying with friends rather than going out. The audience for this magazine are people who enjoy a large range of music and this can be shown by a wide range of different genres on the left hand side of the page, by appealing to this audience they have a wider range of people to aim at but they have to compete with lots of other rival magazines who will be aiming at the same audience. The lure on this double page is the star appeal and the colours as the colours can attract them in and then when they are reading they may keep focus because they are a well known band in the rock industry. The mise-en scene in the background is what they think is a typical teenagers bedroom.

The master head

Main image

This double page spread is showing the story of the ‘Lily Allen’ and this magazine has conventions which you would expect in a music magazine. It has a very large title which takes up half of one page and this shows the importance of it and the fact they definitely want you to read it. The text is very mixed up in the title which could shows how her life has been mixed up, with highs and lows of her career. The text in the main section is very structured showing how it can be turning to a more serious topic rather than having a mix. The text colour is black and white which means that could be the light parts of her life are white and the dark parts are black. The mode of address in this text is formal as it shows her life in a light which means that it needs to be taken seriously rather than something to laugh at. The shot of Lily Allen is a medium long shot showing most of her upper body which can show what she stereotypically wears and also what the dark make up can show is that she can occasionally have a dark side to her. The audience for this magazine is for people who enjoy a range of music from pop to r&b and this opens it up to a wide audience but also means that it has other magazines which it has to compete with in order to achieve a good enough audience to create a profit. This magazine has features which are different to others as lots of others have smaller titles which means that their is more room for the text whereas this one wants this title to be noticed more than the actual text. It also has one image taking up a whole page whereas other magazines would have a smaller image with text underneath having a quote or more information about the image. The lure for this double page spread is star appeal as Lily Allen is a very well known artist and people may want to buy this magazine because they want to read more about her life.

Main image

Speech – stands out compared to other magazines so influences a person to buy it

Target audience- young age

Similarity:They both have big master heads which attracts buyers attention very quickly, both the magazine have a big main image which portrays what the magazines about, so both of them are very clear to understand. Both have good amount of writing which is to be read.

Differences:The layout in both the magazine are very different. The teenagers two page spread has a lot more rang of colours and slogans to catch peoples attention where as the second one wont appeal a lot of people unless they are interested in the persons thoughts.

Similarities & Differences

Indie was originally shortened from the word ‘independent’ in the 1950s and 60s. In a world where huge labels dominated the musical industry, stifling creativity and originality, independent music was a back-street rebellion. With a distinctly low-tech approach to every aspect of the music-making process – from recording to publicity – this ‘do-it-yourself’ movement symbolised a rebirth of popular music.

Originally interchangeable with terms such as ‘alternative rock’ and ‘underground’, Indie music ranged from the dreamlike and evocative beats of The Velvet Underground to the primal teenage rebellion of the Stooges. Slowly Indie record labels grew up and developed a small but devout following, whilst encouraging musical experimentation and developing connections with other art forms like film and painting.One of the most experimental and influential musicians of the early days of Indie was Captain Beefheart. His 1969 album Trout Mask Replica brings together shards of pop, jazz, blues, poetry and rock to create a collage of surreal fantasy that has inspired dozens of musicians, including the likes of The Beatles.

The history of indie

No genre is harder to define than Indie. At some point or another in music history dozens of music styles could be classed as Indie. With no clear reference point or outline, Indie music has spilled over musical boundaries and seeped into almost every genre available. The growing popularity of Indie music was reflected in the sales; record label Cherry Red’s Indie compilation record ‘Pillows and Prayers’ sold more than 120,000 copies, and new order’s 1983 ‘Blue Monday’ became the best selling 12-inch single of all time, with UK sales estimated at over 1 million.From that point on Indie’s rise in popularity seemed unstoppable, culminating in the 1989 Reading Festival with a line-up entirely devoted to Indie music. Indie was overtaking rock and pop as the voice of a generation.



In 2006 it all changed, with Arctic Monkeys utilising new social media to self-publicise their debut album Whatever You Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not. Rapidly becoming the fastest selling debut album of all time, selling almost 400,000 copies in the first week, the Arctic Monkeys showed how the Internet had truly changed the music industry in a way that was beyond the control of major record labels. In a way, the Arctic Arctic Monkeys introduced a new generation of listeners to Indie, and kick-started a new musical chapter.

In the wake of Franz Ferdinand and the Arctic Monkeys Indie ‘landfill bands’ have flooded the charts: The Wombats, Vampire Weekend, Friendly Fires, the Cure, the Horrors and Fleet Force, to name just a few of the bands that have defined this new musical generation. Fans of the Stooges, The Sex Pistols and the Ramones were fuelled and inspired by a sense of exclusivity and the discovery of something new. Now, clubs across the country are playing bands whose predecessors performed in garages and cellars, and even the most musically unaware schoolgirl can sing along to ‘Let’s Dance to Joy Division’ and ‘I Bet That You Look Good on the Dance Floor’.

But does the fact that Indie is now unashamedly mainstream alter its message, or stop it from being good music? I can proudly say that I am a fan of modern Indie music; I have entire playlists dedicated to it, I know every lyric to The Wombats’ second album The Wombats Proudly Present, This Modern Glitch and I think festival line-ups are all the better for including more and more Indie bands. Whilst being mainstream does not automatically equate to creating bad music, I will readily admit that Indie music no longer holds the attention of

those who want to break away from popular music. I would personally suggest Dubstep. The high-aiming concepts behind the music of Nero, Skillled and Deadmau5 are not dissimilar to those

behind Captain Beefheart and Joy Division, with the same sense of exclusivity and mild superiority.

Using Twitter and YouTube, Dubstep music has generated the same effect as the underground posters and slogans of the 1960s. The

sound produced is very different, and connections with Indie music are not immediately obvious, but if you look carefully, they are closer

than you might think. However, with Nero already scoring number ones with the single ‘Promises’ and their debut album Welcome Reality, one can only wonder how long it will be until Dubstep

explodes into mainstream music consciousness and starts to lose its grime of underground cool.


Key artists in the development of the genre /at the moment

The key artist at the moment for indie is Joy Division which is part of the NME music magazine, Joy Division were an English rock band formed in 1976 in Salford, Greater Manchester. Originally named Warsaw, the band primarily consisted of Ian Curtis (vocals and occasional guitar), Bernard Sumner (guitar and keyboards), Peter Hook (bass guitar and backing vocals) and Stephen Morris (drums and percussion). Joy Division rapidly evolved from their initial punk rock influences to develop a sound and style that pioneered the post-punk movement of the late 1970s. According to music critic Jon Savage, the band "were not punk but were directly inspired by its energy".

Audience / fans – who are they? Demographic?

The target audience for indie is normally listened by men who are between the ages 15—24 years old . This is normally due the dressing sense and cultural lifestyle which relates to male audience. Indie music has a response among youngsters as its been shown to be a famous child we all watch grow up. The word indie comes from ‘independent’.A lot of students embody this theme as it gives the sense of freedom. Within this genre being low-budget is hard to compose an idea based on others interpretation.

Indie pop

Extreme metal

Afro punk

Death metal


Indie rock


Art rock

Skate rock

Doom metal



Sub Genres Of Indie

Public perception of the genre, is it a popular genre with mainstream appeal or more niche?

Creative freedom with smaller, independent record labelsMost people do not know about indie music. Independent music, in my opinion, is the form of all music with out the persuasion of the general public, as well as the persuasion of the immense gain of wealth that we see today by current mainstream artists. These independent artists have an unexpurgated, pure of form music with out the control of demanding labels and corporate companies. Independent music is superior to mainstream garble because you can appreciate the music for exactly what it is, and not have some preconception of the music just because it’s popular, or enjoy it because the “artist” puts on a “good show”.Indie artist are superior compared to mainstream artists because they are not owned by corrupt labels and corporate companies, and have not been created in order to please the general public. Today’s indie artists can range from post-punk garage rock, to new wave lo-fi, but they all have something in common. All these independent artists stay true to their artistic integrity. They are able to do this because their creative talent is not constrained by the large labels. Compared to the most of the current mainstream, they have not been conjured up by a corporate company in order to seduce the general public into enjoying their music by using depraved tactics in pursuance of pleasing the mind and senses of the easily manipulated. Certain widely accepted artists tend to lack originality. This is because they eradicate their off beat artistic ideas, in order to make their music more digestible for the masses. This causes their music to be muddled with pointless simplistic beats that most people enjoy. Therefore, compared to the current mainstream, Independent artists do not break down their creative ideas and boil them down into nothing so that a large majority of people will accept it.

Record labels / key industry figures?..

Rough Trade

The big daddy of British indie labels, Rough Trade has had its ups and downs since 1978 when Geoff Travis founded it in the back of his Notting Hill record shop. Its early roster was an embarrassment of riches: the Smiths, the Fall, and Stiff Little Fingers whose Inflammable Material, Rough Trade’s first ever album release, sold more than 100,000 copies. The label went bust in 1991, losing a decade, but soon after its relaunch in 2000, Travis happened upon a little-known New York band called The Strokes. Now owned by Beggars Group, the label manages acts as diverse as Antony & the Johnsons and Micachu

XL Recordings

Not many labels combine critical acclaim and profitability with greater aplomb than XL Recordings. It started out in 1989 as a dance offshoot of Beggars Banquet Records and has since grown in scope and success. The label’s roster reads like a who’s who of exciting crossover talent – MIA, Dizzee Rascal, the xx, Vampire Weekend – and with Adele’s second album, 21, dominating the charts, XL’s accountants must be grinning ear to ear. While his label thrives, boss Richard Russell still commands street-level credibility: his latest acquisition is LA rap wunderkind Tyler.

what other magazines covering the genre indie:

Snare sell their issue by attracting the buyers attention regarding how the magazine is Placed out, for example as you can see across its in big bold writing which catches buyersAttention very quickly. The main focus would be the main image of the magazine which Attracts many buyers.Snare is a popular magazine in the indie sector, many people rate it to be very good.Snare comes out once a week, they contain different features such as fashion, bands and mostly based upon feminine characteristics'.

SNAREmaster head

BarcodeIssue date

Main image


Cover lines

RELEVANTRELEVANT has been the leading platform reaching Christian twenty- and thirtysomethings. RELEVANT Media Group is a multimedia company whose purpose is to impact culture and give voice to what God is doing in and through our generation. We believe encountering God changes lives, so the magazine looks at how we can live that out in tangible and intentional ways. We talk about culture and real-life issues that other faith-based magazines might shy away from, because we believe it's important to address the gritty stuff of life—even when it makes us uncomfortable. If it's relevant to our readers, you'll find it on our pages.Relevant comes out every week and isn't very pricey therefore many people tend to buy it who enjoy indie music.


PULP is a visually charged bi-annual fashion magazine. The unapologetic editorial content within each issue depicts and explores thematic ideas and trends relevant to the current mood of fashion, street culture and the world. PULP MAGAZINE utilizes home-grown and international contributors to weave the multicultural point of view that is distinctly Canadian into international fashion. PULP breathes, invigorates, inspires and encourages creative thought. Pulp is normally sold for £3.00They normally come out every week as many indie fans enjoy reading pulp.

Cross media – what other media covers that genre? TV

stations / shows? Radio stations / shows? Websites?


Indie has a TV show which contains music from all the best artist that are working for indie, this TV show makes money of providing it for the audience. Also you can personalise your own music or even play karaoke by going on to the website. So as you can see indie is portrayed in several ways to the target audience.

Website slogan

Indie Artist Portrays different genres

The radio station for indie works through the internet, as below I have placed a site where you can stream live indie music. So from this its portrayed that indie music has been constructed nation wide.

Radio Station/websites

Artist Case Study:• Oasis

• Radiohead – EMI to XL recordings

Oasis were an English rock band formed in Manchester in 1991. Originally known as The Rain, the group was formed by Liam Gallagher(vocals and tambourine), Paul "Bonehead" Arthurs(guitar), Paul "Guigsy" McGuiganbass guitar) and Tony McCarroll (drums, percussion), who were soon joined by Liam's older brother Noel Gallagher (lead guitar and vocals). They have had eight UK number-one singles and eight UK number-one albums, and won fifteen NME Awards, nine Q Awards four MTV Europe Music Awards and six Brit Awards.


• Thomas "Thom" Edward Yorke (7 October 1968) is an English musician, artist and philanthropist who is the lead vocalist, principal songwriter. Guitarist and pianist of the rock band Radiohead. He mainly plays guitar and piano, but has also played drums and bass guitar (notably during the Kid And Amnesiac sessions). In July 2006, he released his debut solo album, The Eraser to critical acclaim. Thom Yorke is also the lead singer of Atoms for Peace.

• Yorke has been curtsied among the most influential figures in the music industry; in 2002, Q Magazine named Yorke,6th most powerful figure in music,[and Radiohead were ranked #73 in Rolling Stone's"100 Greatest Artists of All Time" in 2005. Yorke has also been cited among the greatest singers in popular music; in 2005.


Predictions for the future? How might the genre develop? What direction does it appear to be heading in?

Prediction for indie music is very unlikely to get very famous due to the fact R&B and Hip pop seems to be the most famous in todays media. The genre may at least develop if there were more artist which were portrayed to others to unsure everyone got in sight of indie music and how it really is. To be displayed in shops with posters or even playing songs in shops which right know the only music we tend to hear its either R&B or hip pop.

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