generational hiring guide

Post on 18-Oct-2014






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Seventy to 80 million Millenials are out there and entering the workforce every day. Chances are, you work with them and you review applications from them every day. Who are they? What do they want? And, how can you work with them? This generation……wants to learn - teach them! This generation…….wants flexibility – let them work remotely once in a while! This generation……wants to contribute (now!) – give them opportunity (now!), a network of employment sites across the country, developed a hiring guide that explores all this and more. A new era is upon us, and while we all love Mad Men, it’s time to get to know THIS GENERATION.


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Hiring Guide: You’re not Recruiting the Mad Men GenerationIn the 60s, employers had many ways to motivate their employees. One was to make work a contest, and they’d all work their fingers to the bone to win. The professional who did the best might get a nice dinner at a swank restaurant while the runner up received an engraved pen. The boss fired the rest.

In many industries and professions, workers were grateful just to have a job. They put in long hours without complaint—doing their best regardless of praise or validation. They even willingly “paid their dues” before asking for promotion. It’s not the 60s anymore. Gone are the Peggy Olsons and Kenneth Cosgroves, the Don Drapers and Roger Sterlings of the Mad Men era. To recruit the best, and brightest, of America’s new crop of employees successfully, it’s time to move forward.

What is a Millennial, and Why Should I Care?Also known as Generation Y, the millennial generation is comprised of individuals born between 1979 and 1989 or 1980 and 2000, depending on the source of the definition. There are an estimated 70 to 80 million of these young people, and most of their parents doted on them and indulged them throughout childhood.

At home, in school, and in sports, authority figures told them they were special. They never learned about winners and losers, as they all received a reward or award just for trying. They expect this type of treatment to this day.

More than half of Generation Y moves home after college graduation. This allows them to be picky about their first job and quickly opt out of any position they decide they don’t enjoy. It happens frequently, as their expectations are high, even for entry-level roles.

Well educated, technologically skilled, and very self-confident, Millennials are naturally high performers. Unfortunately, they are also high maintenance.

So why should you care about a generation that some consider entitled, demanding and whiny? The simple answer is because the demographics of the American workforce are changing. Sixty-year-olds are now working alongside 20-year-olds. Baby boomers are retiring in droves while members of Generation X continue to opt out of long hours to raise their families. Generation Y is now in demand.

According to the predictions of one human resources firm, there will be nearly 63 million Generation Y employees in the workforce by 2014. The number of baby boomers will drop to fewer than 48 million, while the Generation X workforce will remain stable at 41 million. By 2025, Gen Y will comprise 75 percent of the total workforce. Your small business is unlikely to survive without them.

2014 millennials workforce

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“Small companies (those with fewer than 100 employees), currently employ 47 percent of Generation Y workers. Medium businesses (those with 100 to 1500 on staff), employ 30 percent, while large companies (those with more than 1500 workers),only employ 23 percent.” - Time Magazine

Millennials are attracted to smaller companies with flexible environments. They are not interested in working within the traditional authority structures found at large corporations. Instead, they require an integrated work and social life, positive reinforcement and continual feedback.

Get to Know the Millennial Generation:What the Heck do These “Kids” Want? After extensive research, we’ve identified the key factors Generation Y considers when searching for a job—none of which you’d find at the ad agency of Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce. Consider these “hot buttons” and incorporate a few of the suggested key words and phrases when building job descriptions.

1. NurturingNo more berating and deflating, or criticism that is less than constructive and harsh in tone. Generation Y wants managers who they perceive to be fair, direct, and engaged in their professional development. If you want to attract Millennials to your organization, you must offer professional development opportunities to keep them engaged, paid time off to pursue those opportunities, tuition reimbursement and coaching. They are looking for formal and informal training opportunities that help build their skills and knowledge base for their next position

Key words and phrases to use: professional development, continuous coaching, continued education, career development, tuition reimbursement, skill-building opportunities, career path coaching, developmental coaching, knowledge-building opportunities, and supportive work environment.

Work Force Profile: Millennials

Born: 1979 - 2000Population: 70 - 80 million



Workforce in 2014




Work Force Profile: Boomers

Born: 1946 - 1964Population: 72 million


Workforce in 2014



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2. Constant feedbackForget annual performance reviews, millennials want to hear from their boss every single day. In 2007, Robert Half International, a specialized staffing firm, conducted a survey of 1000 adults between the ages of 21 and 28. Of those college students and employees, only 10 percent indicated they would be comfortable communicating with their bosses once a week—most demanded daily feedback.

Key words and phrases to use: continuous feedback, daily feedback, weekly performance review, monthly performance review, and open door management philosophy.

3. Office flexibility It’s my way or the highway doesn’t fly with Generation Y. They also do not respond well to micromanaging. Raised with technology such as texting, instant messaging, social networking and Internet surfing, they are uniquely capable of multitasking and finding shortcuts that may increase your workplace’s efficiency. When you hire Generation Y, you can expect a lot of questions—many pertaining to why you require them to do things a certain way. While this can be understandably annoying, it can also lead to new solutions.

Remember, 97 percent of these professionals own a computer and 94 percent own a cell phone. Seventy-six percent use Instant Messaging and 15 percent log onto the program 24/7. According to one 2012 survey on Generation Y and technology, 60 percent are online all the time via their smartphones. In fact, smartphones have surpassed desktop computers as the preferred workplace device. Survey respondents rated them twice as popular as desktop PCs and three times as popular as tablets.

If you want to attract—and retain—productive Millennials, you must allow them to manage their own workflow, create their own processes, use their preferred devices, and, sometimes, question authority.

Key words and phrases to use: empowering employees, listening to good ideas, workflow flexibility, self-direction, personal efficiency, flexible workspace, cutting-edge technology, and digital communication.

4. Time away from the officeRoger may have routinely ordered Peggy to work all weekend, but Generation Y will not accommodate those types of demands. They have no interest in working 50, 60 or even 70 hours a week to get the job done, and they don’t enjoy rigid Monday through Friday or 9-to-5 schedules. Work life balance is extremely important to this generation, and they want the two to integrate seamlessly.

Fortunately, they don’t mind putting in extra hours from time to time or checking in on an important project over the weekend as long as you reward them with time off or additional flexibility during the week. If you want to attract Generation Y workers, these concessions are essential.

Key words and phrases to use: schedule flexibility, flexible work hours, paid time off, healthy work/life balance, personal time off, make your own schedule, and no overtime required.

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5. Work from home or telecommuting Forget three martini lunches; Generation Y prefers to work from home. In fact, they believe they can (and should) be able to use technology to work from anywhere at any time. For example, in 2011 Cisco surveyed 2,800 college students and recently employed graduates. Sixty percent of those surveyed want to work remotely with a flexible schedule. Seventy percent believe it is unnecessary to make regular appearances at the office.

Telecommuting and remote work arrangements are actually popular across most generations. In 2010, 69 percent of all workers surveyed agreed that going to an office is unnecessary. According to the Telework Research network, 20 to 30 million Americans actually work from home at least one day a week. Seventy-six percent of those work for private sector companies.

Of course, working remotely just isn’t possible in some businesses. Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer recently demanded that the company’s employees stop working from home and show up in person because she felt that virtual arrangements were hampering workforce collaboration.

In cases such as this, you can try another approach: rather than issuing an edict or prohibiting telecommuting, try to make your workplace so appealing that Generation Y would rather be there than at the coffee shop or at home. We’ll talk more about this later.

Key words and phrases to use: telecommuting, work from home, remote work opportunities, choose your own location, limited office time, and flexible work arrangement.

6. Challenge them from day oneGeneration Y is the most educated workforce ever. More than 63 percent hold bachelor’s degrees and nearly 13 percent have earned their masters. These professionals want to make an immediate impact on the job, so give them plenty of opportunities to shine.

They grew up with plenty of stimulation, so they easily become disengaged if you do not challenge them. Effective ways to do so include making their job duties as diverse as possible and allowing them to work independently to come up with their own methods and solutions.

If you want to attract this highly motivated workforce, make sure your job description highlights the contributions the position makes to the success of the company—even if it’s an entry-level role.

Key words and phrases to use: fast-paced, dynamic, evolving, essential, diverse, independent thinking, out-of-the-box, innovation, and challenging.

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7. Clear promotion pathMillennials may know that they have to start at the “bottom,” but they don’t want to stay there for long. Help them figure out the next career move or they may jump ship if they don’t see an opportunity for promotion.

This means you must have training and mentoring programs in place from day one and use “career pathing” to guide them from Point A to Point B as quickly as possible. In fact, one survey found that 50 percent of Generation Y students and employees believe they should not have to spend more than one or two years proving themselves in an entry-level position.

Key words and phrases to use: career development, supportive work environment, opportunity for advancement, opportunity for promotion, career path, career pathing, and professional development.

8. Reward and recognition How many times did Don, Pete or Roger take credit for the work of the copywriters and assistants beneath them? Unlike Peggy and Joan, Generation Y won’t tolerate this type of treatment. They want employers to recognize them for their work and its results. They are not interested in making anyone else look good.

If you want to catch the eye of Generation Y, your company needs to offer incentives such as performance-based bonuses, employee recognition programs, merit increases, employee recognition programs and lots of fun little rewards for a job well done.

Key words and phrases to use: performance bonuses, merit increases, employee recognition, employee appreciation, rewards, incentives, recognition, celebrate success, and profit sharing.

9. Fun workplace and culture While Millennials tend to be independent thinkers, always questioning the status quo, they also enjoy teamwork and collaboration. Even more than that, they love to have fun. Generation Y expects the office to be as enjoyable as home—and their workmates to treat them like family.

This means offering plenty of office-organized activities, company-sponsored events, interdepartmental competitions, creative job perks, a family-like environment, and, above all, fun.

That may sound counterproductive; they’re at work to work, after all. But according to CBS News, “Online shoe retailer has found that the best way of keeping employees is giving them what they want. Actual work actually happens, despite goofy parades, snoozing in the nap room, and plenty of happy hours.”

Key words and phrases to use: supportive work environment, family atmosphere, fun at work, fun on the job, celebrate, open door culture, teamwork, team building, collaboration, community, company-sponsored activities, camaraderie, and friends.

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10. Casual dress This is not the glam 60s. Generation Y wants to wear business casual or straight casual. They balk at outdated dress code requirements such as suits and ties, hosiery or closed-toed shoes. Prohibit jeans, sneakers and flip-flops and you’ll lose Millennials.

In fact, one survey revealed that 41 percent of Generation Y workers prefer business casual attire, while 27 percent would be happiest in sneakers and jeans. A mix, depending on the situation, is acceptable to 26 percent. Only 4 percent want to deck themselves out in traditional business garb.

Key words and phrases to use: business casual, casual, dress-code free workplace, comfortable attire, and suit and tie not required.

How to Reach the Millennial GenerationTechnology is the key when reaching out to Generation Y workers. Remember, almost all of them own computers and cell phones and spend much of their time online in one way or another. Help wanted signs in the window and traditional classified ads in the local paper are not the best way to reach them. Scary as it may be, you need to embrace the newest outreach methods.

“Fifteen percent of employers reported modifying their policies in order to appease their Gen Y employees. Of those employers who made changes, 57 percent implemented more flexible work schedules and 33 percent created new recognition programs.” - CNN

Online Job BoardsA 2012 study by Millennial Branding revealed that 77 percent of Generation Y relies on job boards as their primary job search resource. This means you must position advertisements on these venues if you want to reach the highest number of Millennials. Fortunately, companies such as RegionalHelpWanted, with its extensive network of local job boards, make this easy. Offering 30-day posting packages and custom plans, RHW is affordable and efficient.

Mobile ConsiderationsIf two arms and two legs add up to four appendages, Generation Y has a fifth—and it’s their smartphone. In fact, 90 percent check email or surf the web on their smartphone as part of their morning routine. They even use it to search for jobs.

A survey by Educate, a UK-based recruitment company, recently revealed that 72 percent of job seekers want to receive career opportunity information on their mobile device. Sixty-three percent have already searched for jobs on their smartphones, and 48 percent have applied for a job using the device.

Another study, this one by Potentialpark, an online recruiting research lab, found that 69 percent were interested in mobile features that would allow them to look for job openings. Sixty-three percent even want to be able to track the status of a job application from their phone.

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While researching companies for their study, Potentialpark ranked Orange, PepsiCo and Credit Suisse as the top three organizations in regards to mobile recruitment communications. All three companies have dedicated mobile career sites and career applications available. As a small business owner, you may not have the resources available to develop proprietary career websites and smartphone applications. This is where RegionalHelpWanted comes in.

The company launched a mobile application in September 2012. Since January 2013, visits to the app are up 53 percent from the previous 90-day average. Applies through the app have increased 32 percent, and new candidate registrations have increased 41 percent. In total, RHW mobile applications, including all RHW sites, average 2,000 visits per day.

Social MediaGeneration Y has made social media—including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram—a part of their life. In fact, according to the Cisco survey cited earlier, 56 percent will not even accept a job at a company that bans the use of social media. And 67 percent regularly access Facebook from their smartphone. As such, it makes sense for every business to add a social media component to their job advertisement plan.

Writing Job Descriptions that Appeal to Generation YYou know what Gen Y wants; you’ve even changed your office policies to accommodate their unique needs. You’ve explored the key words and phrases that help you communicate the benefits of working for your company, and you’ve learned where to go to find this valuable segment of the workforce. It’s time to put it all together into job postings they can’t ignore.

To do so, employ the following tactics:

• Creative Title: Most job seekers will search for open positions by job title, such as “assistant manager.” While you need to keep these keywords in your title, you shouldn’t hesitate to add a little eye-catching flair. For example, “super hero assistant manager able to leap tall buildings and drive sales.”

• Eliminate Boredom: Generation Y has a short attention span unless you actively engage them. Avoid long, boring job advertisements that focus on lists of duties and requirements.

• Active Copy: Keep the tone upbeat and use short, lively words and active voice whenever possible.

• Hit Those Hot Buttons: Remember the ten key factors important to this generation and hit on as many of them as you can within your job description.

• Emphasize the Opportunity: Especially important for entry-level positions, make sure you present the job as an opportunity for continued learning and professional development.

Add the Fun: You can link to your website’s career page to engage Millennials further with additional details about your company, culture and career paths. Don’t forget to add a “Like” button for your business Facebook page.

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Consider These (Good) Real-World ExamplesIn the examples below, you’ll notice that the emphasis is on the company culture and benefits of working for the organization. While responsibilities and qualifications are included, they are not the main focus of the advertisement.


A career with Aflac is more than just a job. We are committed to treating our employees like family, offering a supportive work environment with excellent benefits, competitive salaries, and award winning resources.

OperationsAnalystIISpread Your Wings

We are the duck. We inspire and are inspired, listen and respond, empower our people, give back to our community, and most importantly, celebrate every success along the way. We do it all ... The Aflac Way. Aflac, a Fortune 500 company, is an industry leader in voluntary insurance products that pay cash directly to policyholders and one of America’s best known brands. Aflac has been recognized by Fortune magazine as one of the 100 Best Companies to Work For in America for the fourteenth consecutive year in January 2012 and as one of America’s Most Admired Companies for the eleventh year in March 2012.

Our business is about being there for people in need. So, ask yourself—are you the duck? If so, there’s a home— and a flourishing career—for you at Aflac.

TheBenefitsAflac is known for treating our employees exceptionally well. As one of the leaders in the insurance industry, we’re able to offer one of the most comprehensive health benefits packages available in corporate America, including free coverage from one of our pioneering insurance products, the Aflac Cancer policy. Our employees also enjoy a host of other benefits, including advancement opportunities, opportunities for continued education and professional development, merit increases and performance bonuses, profit-sharing 401(k), pension, stock purchase plans, and many more.

Work EnvironmentAflac employees enjoy a supportive work environment and organizational culture with an open-door management philosophy, excellent benefits, competitive salaries, award-winning training and development classes, advancement opportunities, Georgia’s largest on-site child-care centers, a monthly employee magazine, community activities, an annual Employee Appreciation Week, and an annual holiday party for Aflac employees and their families.

Aflac is committed to creating and sustaining a work environment and company culture, where all employees of our diverse workforce can perform at their very best. We want employees to maintain a healthy work/life balance. Employees are encouraged to schedule personal time off (PTO) to enable them to attend their children’s or family’s activities or to take care of other personal priorities.

We’re a serious company with promises to keep to more than 50 million people worldwide. But that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy being at the workplace and have some fun along the way! In fact, camaraderie and fun are encouraged so strongly at Aflac that they are a part of our values.

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Example 3: Zappos Web Analyst

Development - Analytics/EDW: Web AnalystZappos IP, Inc. is looking for a Web Analyst!Why join us? Our unique culture has made, Inc. and its subsidiaries one of FORTUNE’s 100 Best Companies to Work For 5 years straight. Find out why:

Why else? We offer an extensive benefits package for all full-time employees, including medical, dental, vision and 401k! And . . . we’re hiring like crazy right now and looking for smart, forward-thinking problem solvers to join our world-class and fairly wacky team.

Oh, and one more thing! Cover letters are cool, but do you know what’s even cooler?! Show us who you are with a cover letter VIDEO! You will be able to upload one when applying for this position. (Video cover letters are not required, but if you wanna do one, we wanna see it!) Do you love spotting trends, tracking, reporting, and analyzing website data to advance our understanding of visitors’ and customers’ behavior, and to optimize site design, content, and sales? If yes, we can’t wait to talk to you!

Example 2: Google Product Manager

Product ManagerAt Google, we put our users first. From innovative software products like Gmail, YouTube, Chrome, StreetView to pioneering mobile devices like the Android, we build products that organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible to our users. Google products are the lifeblood of who we are.

The Product Management team works closely with our engineers to guide products from conception to launch, and with our business partners to generate profitable revenue streams. As part of the Product Management team, you bridge technical and business worlds as you design technologies with creative and prolific engineers and then zoom out to lead matrix teams such as Sales, Marketing and Finance, to name a few. You have a bias for action and can break down complex problems into steps that drive product development at Google speed. As a Product Manager, you can be part of shaping Google’s next game-changer.

Responsibilities (List)Minimum Qualifications (List)Preferred Qualifications (List)

AreaThere’s always more information out there, and often, the information that matters most is what’s nearest to you. The Commerce and Local team is made up of our geography and e-commerce experts. When we’re not mapping the Amazon rainforest, we’re helping you buy a bike, recommending the best slice of pizza within pedaling distance, providing directions on how to get there, and letting you pay for it via your phone. From Google Maps and Google Places to Google Offers and Google Wallet, the Commerce and Local team helps our users navigate the world around them.

Link to learn more about specific officeLink to learn more about Product Management roles

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As part of the Website Analytics and User Research team, the Web Analyst will help define, develop, and deliver site reporting and analysis that informs strategic and tactical decision-making related to Zappos’ site and the user experience (as well as sales, research, and overall business efforts). This is an excellent growth opportunity for an analytics go-getter to help shape the future of web analytics at Zappos. Essential Functions: • Define and manage research and analysis in order to create data-driven insights about visitor behavior from

traffic patterns, order volume, conversion funnel, navigation behavior, path, and product selection. Wow us with your ability to look at a bunch of data and make recommendations about improving the business and customer experience (and proving the upside).

• Be integral part of web site projects to provide insights on visitor behaviors to the Product Management and

User Experience teams, develop a measurement plan, support developers throughout the implementation and QA process of analytics tracking, and evaluate post-launch metrics. Identify the most effective way to present the information to different audiences. Be the watch guard of the web site.

• Proactively identify opportunities and make recommendations to improve website effectiveness by drilling

into data in order to further profitability and growth. Find problems we did not even know we had. Use your keen insights to help us fix them.

• Help drive business decision-making by educating and informing Zappos teams on web metrics- terminology, concepts, trends, insights, and recommendations. Help teach us all the a-b-c’s of effective analysis.

• Consult and partner with internal departments to define and develop reporting and analysis, based on key

performance indicators and metrics, in order to optimize site content and functionality. Dazzle us with your rock-star analytics insights! Play nice with others. They will love you for it. We promise.

• Participate in additional business intelligence activities related to data analysis, as needed. Go to some meetings. Contribute. Listen. You know the usual.

• Stay up to date on latest industry developments. You are so passionate about what you do that you cannot

even imagine NOT doing this. Bonus points if you not only know who Avinash Kaushik is but also how to pronounce his name correctly!

Qualifications: (List)

If you want the fun and feel of a start-up company, but the solid management and resources of an established business, may be the place for you!

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Consider This (Bad) Real-World ExampleIn the example below, you will notice that the emphasis is on boring. It quotes a lot of statistics (about number of employees, number of mail pieces delivered annually), but doesn’t provide a Millennial job seeker with any details on company culture or the benefits of working there. Its main selling point seems to be “no experience required,” and that’s not a hot button with Generation Y.


Description: The Postal Service is the largest government related agency in terms of employees. The Postal Service currently employs nearly 1 million people and is hiring nationwide. There are MANY different positions available. There is NO experience required, paid training is provided for all job openings. The job openings range in starting salary from $13.76 to $28.91/hour. Postal Service employment also includes career advancement, good working conditions and GREAT job security.

For application and Postal Service job information, CALL toll free 1-888-786-4041 , 24 hours, Labor Services.

CALL 24 hours a day to get information on ALL of the Postal Service career opportunities available

CALL toll free 1-888-786-4041

The Postal Service is the largest government related agency in terms of employees, currently employing nearly 1 million people. There are retail locations, mail distribution centers and Postal hubs within the Postal Service’s operations. The Postal Service is currently hiring and there are MANY different positions available. The Postal Service has excellent and challenging employment opportunities. Postal Service employment includes great pay, good working conditions, career advancement, and job security that can lead to a lifetime career. To qualify for employment, you must be 18 years of age or older and a U.S. citizen.

The Postal Service currently employs nearly 1 Million people. There are many employment opportunities with the Postal Service from entry level to management. Certain career fields exist in most or all of its departments. These fields are usually administrative, general office and clerical in nature, such as accountant, administrative assistant, auditor, bookkeeper, clerk, office assistant, secretary, staff assistant, typist, etc. To allow a better understanding of the Postal Service, the following list will give a brief description of some of the career fields that make up the Postal Service.Customer Service – Performs a variety of functions to provide customer service to the general public. Customer Service is one of the largest and most important functions of the Postal Service.

The Postal Service was created over 200 years ago and is the largest agency in terms of employees, currently employing nearly 1 Million people. There are retail locations, mail distribution centers and Postal hubs within the Postal Service’s operations. The Postal Service operates over 30,000 post office location. Over 600 million pieces of mail are delivered by the Post Office to as many as 142 million different delivery points. This totals over 170 billion pieces of mail being delivered annually. The Postal Service operates over 200,000 vehicles and has the largest vehicle fleet in the world. Most of the fleet is right hand drive for easier mail delivery. The availability of job openings is based upon the needs of the Postal Service in each geographic area. Hiring by the Postal Service may depend upon passing job requirements such as an exam, completing a questionnaire, passing a drug screening and/or other screening procedures. Labor Services is a private employment service that offers assistance in gaining employment and is not affiliated with the US government, its agencies or affiliates.

13For more information, contact: | Phone: (800) 365-8630 | Email: |

ReferencesWe compiled data for this white paper from a variety of Internet sources.

Quintessential CareersCBS NewsCNN

Time Magazine,9171,1640395,00.html

USA TodayAICPA StoreCRNTechnology INCCiscoTelework Research NetworkAccounting WebJerry Del CollianoForbesMashable

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