gcse history unit 2a: germany 1918-1939

Post on 08-Feb-2017






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GCSE History

Unit 2a: Germany


Name: _____________ Year: _____

Unit 2A: Germany 1918-1939

Topic List and RAG Checklist

Topic Red Amber Green

The Treaty of Versailles

The Weimar Constitution

Economic and Political Problems in

Germany 1918-1923

The recovery under Gustav Stresemann

Impact of the Wall Street Crash on

Germany and The Great Depression


Birth of the Nazi Party

The Munich Putsch, 1923

The ideas of the Nazis after 1924

Growth of Nazi support, 1929-1932

The Nazi’s seize power 1932-1933

The removal of opposition: Reichstag

Fire and Enabling Act

The Night of the Long Knives

The Nazi police state

Nazi censorship and propaganda

Youth and Education in Nazi Germany

Women in Nazi Germany, 1933-1939

Employment in Nazi Germany

Persecution of minorities

The Treaty of Versailles

The Treaty of Versailles

Exam Question

B) Describe the measures taken in the Treaty of Versailles to limit German power?

(6 marks)

One measure taken to limit German power was ……………………………………………………...




Another measure taken to limit German power was………………………………………………...





Finally the Treaty of Versailles also……………………………………………………………………………..







The Treaty of Versailles Exam

Question Mark Scheme

Mark/ Level Requirements

1/6 Grade F One simple statement . E.g. They limited the sixe of Germany’s armed forces.

2/6 Grade E Two simple statements.

3/6 Grade D Three simple statements.

4/6 Grade C One developed statement. E.g. They limited the size of Germany’s armed forces. They were not allowed to have tanks, or a military air force.

5/6 Grade B Two developed statements.

6/6 Grade A Three developed statements.

The Weimar Constitution

The Weimar Constitution– Quiz


Question 1: Why was the new constitution democratic?



Question 2: Explain what proportional representation is.




Question 3: Why was it hard to get laws passed under the Weimar constitution?



Question 4: What was the role of the Chancellor?



Question 5: Describe 4 weaknesses of the constitution that made Germany hard to









Economic and Political problems in

Germany 1918-1923

1D) Explain why Germany was difficult to govern in the years 1919-1922. (8 marks)

































Economic and Political Problems in

Germany 1918-1923 Exam Question

Economic and Political Problems in Germany

1918-1923 Exam Question

Mark/ Level Requirements

1/8 Grade F One simple statement . E.g. Germany was hard to govern because of the

2/8 Grade E Two simple statements.

3-4/8 Grade D One developed cause. E.g. In 1919 there was an uprising by a group of com-

munists called the Spartiacists, they were only defeated when the government

4-5 /8 Grade C Two developed causes

6-7/8 Grade B One developed cause is explained. E.g. as above plus… Therefore it was difficult

7-8/8 Grade A Two developed causes are explained. Top marks for students who prioritises

one cause over the other. E.g. The most important reason Germany was diffi-

cult to govern was that……

The second most important reasons was…..

The recovery under Gustav Stresemann 1924-1929

The recovery under Gustav Stresemann 1924-1929 Exam Question

Question 2a) Explain how Germany recovered from its economic and political difficulties in the years 1924-1929 under Stresemann’s leadership. (8 marks) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………





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Mark/ Level Requirements

1/8 Grade F One simple statement . E.g. Things got a lot better, things picked up.

2/8 Grade E Two or more simple statements.

3-4/8 Grade D One developed statement of change. E.g. Things got a lot better, the economy

picked up. When Stresemann came into power there was hyperinflation, he

introduced a new currency, the Rentenmark.

4-5 /8 Grade C Two developed statements of change.

6-7/8 Grade B One developed change is explained. E.g. as above plus… This meant that the

currency was usable again, and business could begin to invest causing

unemployment to fall.

7-8/8 Grade A Two developed changes are explain. Top marks for people who link the reasons


Question 2 Mark Scheme

Impact of the Wall Street Crash and the

Great Depression 1929-1932

Question 1: What caused the start of the Great Depression?




Question 2: Why was Germany badly effected by the Great Depression?





Question 3: What social problems did the Great Depression have on Germany ?(unemployment







Question 4: Explain why the Great Depression caused the end of the Weimar Republic.








Quiz Questions

The Birth of the Nazi’s

Munich Putsch (1923)

The Birth of the Nazi Part and the

Munich Putsch (1923) Exam Question

Question 1b) Describe the key features of the Munich Putsch. (6 marks)
































Question 1b) Mark Scheme

Mark/ Level Requirements

1/6 Grade F One simple statement . E.g. Hitler was arrested.

2/6 Grade E Two simple statements.

3/6 Grade D Three simple statements.

4/6 Grade C One developed statement. E.g. The Munich Putsch could be seen as a failure because Hitler and several other leading Nazi’s were arrested.

5/6 Grade B Two developed statements.

6/6 Grade A Three developed statements.

The rebirth of Nazism 1924-1928

4) The Nazi’s had a new clear focus after Hitler left prison in 1924. They stood for:

Nationalism– Making Germany strong again, reversing the Treaty of Versailles

Socialism– Running the economy so it looked after German workers.

Totalitarianism– Hitler despised democracy, and felt Germany should have one strong leader.

Traditional Values– Women stay at home and Christian morality.

Racial Purity– Germans, the Aryan race was superior to Slavs and Jews.

5) Hitler befriended Germany’s most wealthy businessmen to improve the Nazi’s funding.

6) Hitler set up the SS as his personal security force.

Question 2: How did Hitler change the Nazi party between 1924-1929? (8 marks)



































Question 2– Mark Scheme

Mark/ Level Requirements

1/8 Grade F One simple statement . E.g He improved the party’s finances.

2/8 Grade E Two or more simple statements.

3-4/8 Grade D One developed statement of change. E.g. He improved the party’s finances by

getting donations from rich businessmen.

4-5 /8 Grade C Two developed statements of change.

6-7/8 Grade B One developed change is explained. E.g. as above plus… This meant that the

party could organise its propaganda and recruit more SA members.

7-8/8 Grade A Two developed changes are explained. Top marks for people who link the

reasons together.

Nazi Support Grows 1929-1932

Nazi Support Grows 1929-1932– Exam Question

Question 3) Was the growth of unemployment after 1929 the main reason why the Nazi party

was able to take power in Germany in 1933? Explain your answer. (16 marks)

You may use the following in your answer:

• The growth of unemployment after 1929

Nazi use of propaganda

You must also include information of your own.


































































Question 3 Mark Scheme

Mark Requirement

1-4 /16 Grade F Simple statements of causation.

E.g. The SA helped the Nazi’s get support.

5-8 /16 Grade D Developed statements of causation.

E.g. The Nazi’s were able to use fear of

communism to get votes. They

communists were getting stronger and the

Nazi’s were an alternative.

9-12 /16 Grade C Explain how the statement led to Nazi


E.g. As above plus… This meant that the

Nazi’s gained more seats in the Reichstag

and got more support.

13-16 /16 Grade A Makes a judgement on the importance of

the factors, uses 3 out of 4 of the points


E.g. We should also not underestimate the im-

portance of Nazi propaganda. Whether the

Communists were ever a real threat is open to

debate. The important things is that the con-

stant messages on posters, in public meetings

and on the radio was that the Nazis were the

saviours of Germany, so I think that is the most

The Nazi’s seize Power

The Nazi’s seize Power

Quiz Questions Question 1: What problems did Von Papen and Von Schleicher have with the Reichstag?


Question 2: What did the Nazi’s not have in 1932?.






Question 3: Why did people think the Nazi’s were losing popularity in 1932?








Question 4: When was Hitler appointed Chancellor?.


Reichstag Fire (1933) and the Enabling Act (1933)

Reichstag Fire (1933) and the

Enabling Act (1933)

Exam Question 1c) Explain the effects of the Reichstag fire? (6 marks)































Mark Requirements

1/8 Grade F One simple statement. E.g. The Reichstag fire was very important in helping Hitler gain power.

2/8 Grade E Two simple statements

3-4/8 Grade D One developed effect. E.g. The Nazi’s were able to convince President Hindenburg that there was a Communist threat to Germany. He therefore passed a rule banning Nazi opponents from meeting.

4-5/8 Grade B Two developed effects.

6-8/8 Grade A One effect explained. E.g. As above plus… This allowed the Nazi’s to gain more votes at the next election. Top marks links between factors.

The Night of the Long Knives (1934)

1 d) Explain why Hitler acted against the Sturmabteilung (SA) on the Night of the Long Knives (30 June 1934).








Question 1D) Mark Scheme

Mark Requirement

1/8 Grade F One simple statement. E.g. He was worried about the growing power of the SA

2/8 Grade E Two simple statements.

3-4/8 Grade D One developed cause. E.g. Ernst Rohm was becoming a powerful rival to Hitler, the SA had 3 million members.

4-5/8 Grade C Two developed causes.

6-7/8 Grade B One caused linked to outcome. E.g. Hitler decided to act because he was scared that…. Plus above

8/8 Grade A Prioritises causes.

The Nazi Police State

The Nazi Police State

Question 1a) What can you learn from Source A about Nazi attitudes towards the Churches in

Germany? (4 marks)

Source A: From a book about the history of Germany, 1858–1990, published in 2001.

The Nazis never quite had the courage to destroy the Churches of Germany and

risk the opposition this might have caused. The Nazis did, however, try to reduce

the influence of the Churches, with mixed results. By the end of 1933, Catholic

priests were being harassed and Catholic youth groups were forced to join with the

Hitler Youth. A new Protestant Church was introduced and a strong Nazi supporter

was put in charge of it.









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Question 1a) Mark Scheme

Mark Requirement

1/4 Grade E You just copy information from the source.

2/4 Grade D You make one inference but don’t use any evidence.

E.g. I think it tells us that the Nazi’s were scared to take on the power

of the Church.

3/4 Grade B You make two inference but don’t use any evidence

4/4 Grade A You make two inferences supported by the text.

Censorship and Propaganda

Censorship and Propaganda

Quiz Questions

Question 1: What is propaganda?






Question 2: What is censorship?






Question 3: Name at least 5 things the Nazi’s did to promote themselves?






Question 4: Who was in charge of Nazi propaganda?


Question 5: What did the Nazi’s use censorship for?






Youth and Education in Nazi Germany

Question 2. Explain how the position of young people changed in Germany in the

years 1933-1939. (8 marks)

































Mark Requirements

1/8 Grade F One simple statement. E.g. Their position changed a lot. They had to join certain groups.

2/8 Grade E Two simple statements

3-4/8 Grade D One developed effect. E.g. Their position changed a lot. At school they were taught Nazi propaganda in their lessons (so boys learned about how important military service was and girls were taught about the importance of being mothers).

4-5/8 Grade B Two developed effects.

6-8/8 Grade A One or more effect explained. E.g. As above plus… They became pawns in the game that Hitler was playing to win total control. He believed that if the young were brought up to support Nazism, they would support it for life. Top marks links between factors.

Women in Nazi Germany 1933-1939

Study Source A.

Source A: From a book on the history of Germany, published in 1985.

Women in Germany were forced to stay at home. Within months of the Nazis coming to power, many

women doctors and civil servants were sacked from their jobs. Then women lawyers and teachers were dis-

missed. By 1939 there were few women left in professional jobs. The Nazi party tried to stop women fol-

lowing fashions. Make up and wearing trousers was frowned upon. Hair was to be arranged either in buns

or in plaits. Slimming was discouraged because being slim was not thought to be good for having children.

Question 1 (a) What can you learn from Source A about the treatment of women in Nazi





























Question 1a) Mark Scheme

Mark Requirement

1/4 Grade E You just copy information from the source.

2/4 Grade D You make one inference but don’t use any evidence.

E.g. I think it tells us that women were treated as second class


3/4 Grade B You make two inference but don’t use any evidence.

4/4 Grade A You make two inferences supported by the text.

Economic Growth under the Nazis

Quiz Questions

Question 1. What are German motorways called?


Question 2. What was the level of unemployment in 1933 and 1938?


Question 3. Why are these figures not reliable?




Question 4. Name 3 rewards people were given if they worked hard?




Question 5. What was the ‘Beauty of Labour’ scheme?




Question 6. What was reintroduced in 1935? And what started in 1938?








Question 1d) Explain why Hitler carried out a policy of persecution of the Jews and other

minority groups in the years 1933-1939? (8 marks)
















































Question 1D) Mark Scheme

Mark Requirement

1/8 Grade F One simple statement. E.g. Hitler carried out attacks on Jews because he didn’t like them.

2/8 Grade E Two simple statements.

3-4/8 Grade D One developed cause. E.g. ...This is because he felt that Jews and other minorities were second rate citizens, and that the only true Germans were Aryans.

4-5/8 Grade C Two developed causes.

6-7/8 Grade B One caused linked to outcome. E.g. Due to his hatred he launched a huge propaganda campaign to convince the German people that the Jews were evil and a danger to the success of Germany. This created a hatred towards them that allowed Hitler to persecute them and.

8/8 Grade A Prioritises causes.

top related