gbtps byod pilot packet

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  • 8/13/2019 GBTPS BYOD Pilot Packet


    "Our students must be nomadic, flexible, mobile learners who

    depend on their ability to connect with people and resources."John Seely Brown, author

    Green Brook Township School District

    Bring Your Own Device

    BYOD Pilot Program Packet

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    Why Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in Green Brook Township Public Schools?

    The Green Brook Township Public School district believes that 21stcentury instruction is necessary for

    21stcentury learning. Blending learning environments where the best pedagogical practices and most

    relevant and useful technological advancements in hardware and software is what GBTPS strives for.

    Providing students with an environment that fosters and encourages this belief is part of our core values.

    All members of our learning community hold the responsibility to value technology and achieve

    technological proficiency to prepare students for future jobs and careers, which currently may not exist.

    Schools must challenge students with rigorous, personalized academic experiences. They should also

    foster innovation and creativity, as well as embrace emerging technologies. In a 21stCentury learning

    environment, students actively engage in a cohesively integrated curriculum, access information, and

    apply it in solving authentic problems. Students would become active digital leaders and citizens within

    the BYOD model and framework for appropriate digital consumption and production.

    As GBTPS move towards 21stcentury goals, online state Core Curriculum testing and flipped learning

    models, best educational practices dictate that real world learning should mimic real world experiences.

    Online communication is critical to the students learning of 21stCentury skills and tools and offers

    authentic, empowering experience that will help students take control of their learning and education.

    Our students are living in a world where they have immediate access to information anytime and

    anywhere. Many students have personal education device's (PEDs) in their pockets that can be used to

    allow them to learn in their own style and at their own pace. Learning does not, and will never, start and

    end with the sound of a bell. Learning and engagement can happen, should happen 24/7, 365. With

    digital learning, every student can access high quality and rigorous instruction in every subject, thereby,

    maximizing their opportunity for success in school and beyond. A decade ago, this was just a dream.

    Today, it is reality.

    Benefits of BYOD Policy

    Reduces technology and technology maintenance costs

    Increases skill attainment relevant to workforce and higher education requirements

    Personalizes learning experiences

    Eliminates overhead cost for IT Departments and frees up money to be spent on professional

    development and infrastructure

    Not beholden to the technology life cycle

    Encourages students independent learning

    Promotes anytime, anywhere learning opportunities flipped classroom model Allows for group collaborative and co-curricular learning practices

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    BYOD Uses


    Productivity (Word Processing, Multimedia Presentations)

    Student response systems (quizzes)

    Subject specific apps Taking notes

    Watching subject related videos

    Digital textbooks

    Reading novels


    QR Codes

    Inquiry Learning

    Supporting Facts of BYOD Policy

    Students who may not have computers are likely to have access to internet on their phone

    The Pew Internet and American Life Projects Feb 2010 study, Social Media and Young Adults indicatedthat:

    I. 74 percent of American teens have a high-speed internet-connected computer at home, but

    93 percent of American teens say they go online

    II. 41 percent of teens whose family income is less than $30,000 go online using their phones,

    with that number dropping to the 20-percent range for higher-income brackets

    For more information -


    What is the D in BYOD?

    Device: For the purposes of BYOD, Device means a privately owned wireless and/or portable

    electronic piece of equipment that includes laptops, netbooks, tablets/slates, iPod Touches, and other

    devices. These portable devices, under educator supervision, will be used for word processing, wireless

    Internet access, image capture/recording, sound recording, and information transmitting, receiving,

    storing, etc.

    Educational Rationale

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    Implementing a BYOD initiative will allow educators to personalize the learning experience like never

    before. Educators will be guided by Blooms Digital Taxonomy to help teach students while using

    technology in and out of the classroom.

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    Readiness Walkthrough

    The implementation of a BYOD requires the support of a robust wireless infrastructure. The GBTPS

    Technology Department upgrades the wireless access in the summer of 2012 to help with this initiative.

    With the help of Ruckus Wireless, two new Zone Directors were put in place that offers an a/b/g/n

    wireless network. 52 wireless access points were installed in both the IEF Elementary School and the

    Green Brook Middle School to increase school coverage to 100%. A network evaluation will be

    conducted once a pilot has taken place to determine any and all necessary infrastructure changes and/or

    upgrades that are needed before full implementation. If any changes are to be made, it will be in the

    addition of wireless access points within school classrooms.

    Network Administration

    The implementation of BYOD may require minor changes in the way network administration is currently

    being done. There are several considerations regarding security, accessibility, cloud computing, etc. Therecommendation is being made that the readiness evaluation report would include any and all network

    administrations changes needed to support BYOD.


    Only the internet Wi-Fi Student and Guest SSID provided by the school may be accessed while on

    campus. Students are required to sign onto the Wi-Fi network to ensure proper filtering, group policies,

    and network monitoring. Personal internet connection devices, such as but not limited to, cell

    phones/cell network adapters, WAN cards, are not permitted to be used to access outside internet

    sources at any time.

    Responsibility to keep the device secure rests with the individual owner who keeps it with them at all

    times. GBTPS is not liable for any device stolen or damaged on school property. If a device is stolen or

    damaged, it will be handled through the administrative office similar to other personal artifacts in similar

    situations. It is recommended that skins (decals) and other custom touches are used to physically identify

    your device from others. Additionally, protective cases for technology are encouraged.

    FAQs Parent, Student, and Educator


    See attached FAQs Appendix A, Appendix B, Appendix C

    Parent Education Forum

    The Education Forum is designed to cast the vision for 21stCentury Learning in the Green Brook Township

    School District and to educate parents on BYOD. Numerous dates are anticipated for these events to

    shed light on the initiative and to answer questions the general public may have.

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    Policy and Procedures

    School Board Policy

    The Green Brook Township Public School district will need a new policy on BYOD. The policy should refer

    to a new, updated district technology Acceptable User and Use Policy (AUP). The AUP in the district will

    also include a Device User Agreement that is signed by both students and parents wishing to use

    personally owned devices on the school district network. Here is a recommended policy.

    Acceptable Use Policy

    See Appendix D

    Student User Agreement

    See Appendix E

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    Implementation Guide

    Pilot/Revision/Implementation Proposal

    Initial Stages Step 1

    Once guidelines have been set up and AUPs adopted, initial surveying will be conducting with entire schooldistrict. The survey will indicate what devices each student has, how they use that device, and why they would

    want to use this device in school. Results will be tallied by the District Technology Committee and the

    Technology Department. Professional development for educators will be available through professional

    development days, summer development hours, online enrichment webinars, and mini-teacher lessons, which

    will all be provided by the Technology Department, in conjunction with expert educators. Online resources, blogs,

    wikis, and videos will also exist within the Technology Departments website. All of this will be made available in

    May 2013 and will be ongoing throughout the pilot in all steps/phases.

    Pilot Initiative Step 2

    The Green Brook Township Public School District BYOD pilot will begin March 2014 and run until the 2014 school

    year (or sooner if administration deems necessary.) Grades 8 will be included in the first test group designed to

    work through issues in a controlled environment. Two parent forums will take place. Specific zones will be set

    up for BYOD use.

    These zones will follow the following color schemes:

    Green: Zones indicating general and open use of devices (Before/After school)

    Blue: Zones where devices are permitted for specific instructional use (Classroom use)

    Yellow: Zones where devices must be silent and out of sight (if possible) (hallways, bathrooms,

    cafeteria) Red: Zones where devices are strictly prohibited (high stakes testing areas, Admin advisement)

    Pilot Review Step 3

    Reviewing the BYOD pilot program throughout the 2013-2014 pilot testing time will help the school and parents

    understand what is working and what changes might be necessary to improve experiences for all parties. Pilot

    program teachers, students, and parents will be asked to complete survey at the start and end of the pilots, with

    periodic surveying done throughout the pilot. The District Technology Committee will help shift through survey

    data to explore changes needed to be made to continue the pilot.

    BYOD Review and Renewal Step 4

    The Board of Education will levy a decision to expand the pilot to full implementation or to exit the pilot and not

    continue the BYOD initiative during the summer of 2014.

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    BYOD Technology Guidelines

    While using the Danielson Model to observe and evaluate teacher effectiveness in the classroom, the LoTiH.E.A.T. Framework will also be used to evaluate use of BYOD technology within pilot groups.

    H.E.A.T. Framework taken from

    Higher order thinking,

    Engaged learning,

    Authentic connections, and

    Technology use.

    PDF: H.E.A.T. Framework

    PDF: H.E.A.T. Lesson Plan Scoring Guide

    The H.E.A.T. Framework measures the integration of these four

    factors in classroom instruction.

    Higher-Order Thinking Look-Fors

    Students taking notes only; no questions asked

    Student learning/questioning at Remembering level

    Student learning/questioning at Understanding level

    Student learning/questioning at Applying level

    Student learning/questioning at Analyzing level

    Student learning/questioning at Evaluating/Creating levels

    Engaged Learning Look-Fors

    Students report what they have learned only Students report what they have learned only; collaborate with others

    Students given options to solve a teacher-directed problem

    Students given options to solve a teacher-directed problem; collaborate with others

    Students collaborate to define the task, the process, and/or the solution

    Students collaborate to define the task, the process, and/or the solution; collaboration extends

    beyond the classroom

    Authentic Connections Look-Fors

    The learning experience is missing or too vague to determine relevance

    The learning experience provides no real world application, or represents a group of connected


    The learning experience provides limited real world relevance

    The learning experience provides extensive real world relevance

    The learning experience provides real world relevance and opportunity for students to apply their

    learning to a real world situation

    The learning experience is directly relevant to students and involves creating a product that has a

    purpose beyond the classroom that directly impacts the students

    Technology Use Look-Fors

    No technology use is evident

    Technology is used only by the teacher

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    Student technology use appears to be an add-on and is not needed for task completion

    Student technology use is somewhat connected to task completion

    Student technology use is directly connected to task completion with shared or limited resources

    Student technology use is directly connected to task completion with one-to-one or unlimited


    Appendix A

    Green Brook Township Public School BYOD FAQs Parents

    What if my students device is stolen or damaged? What recourse can I take?

    Students bring electronic devices to school at their own risk, as they do in the current environment. They are

    regarded like any other personal item. The district will not be held responsible if an electronic device or other

    item is lost, stolen, or misplaced. Some devices have a device locator; it is recommended that you enable this

    feature if possible.

    Is it required that my child use School wireless? Can they use their own 3G or 4G service or cellular plans?

    Students with a personally owned device need to use the students or guest wireless network. Also, as an added

    benefit of being able to monitor student activity on the Wi-Fi network, student cellular data will not be used. In

    addition, content accessed over 3G and 4g networks are unfiltered.

    My child is bringing a device to school for instructional purposes. Will they have access to things they normally

    do with district equipment?

    Your child will have access to any of the web-based software the district currently uses (databases, library search

    tools, etc.) Software may be run differently on different devices for varying reasons.

    As a parent, am I required to add additional software (virus protection, filter, tracking device, etc.) to my childs


    Virus protection for laptop and netbook PCs is required. Device location software is not required but is

    recommended. While on the Student or Guest SSID Wi-Fi network, student activity is filtered as it normally is.

    I do not have adequate funds to purchase the latest up-to-date device for my student. Should I still send them to

    school with a device?The BYOD initiative does not require that your student have a device. If you have an old, or outdated device that

    still connects to a Wi-Fi network and meets the requirements, a student can still bring them to school. The

    students are not required to bring a device if they do not want to.

    My child does not have a device.

    Students who do not have a device but want to use one in a BYOD initiative can loan district owned device out

    from a school media center. That student is responsible for bringing the device back in the form it was received

    in on a daily basis.

    How will my students device be used in the classroom?

    Schools must challenge students with rigorous, personalized academic learning experiences that foster

    innovation and creativity. Students will engaged in a cohesively, integrated curriculum, access information, and

    apply it to solve authentic problems in a collaborative manner.

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    Appendix B

    Green Brook Township Public School BYOD FAQs Students

    I do not have my own electronic communication device to bring to school. Will I penalized or miss out on


    No! It is not mandatory for students to bring a device, even if they do own one. When electronic devices areused to enhance learning in the classroom, students without a device will be provided access to appropriate

    district owned digital devices. Keep in mind that learning can be enhanced greatly for the entire class even if only

    a handful of students have a device.

    I have turned in my signed copy of the GBTPS Acceptable Use Policy. Can I start bring my device to school?

    Students who are in the pilot classes must also sign an additional pilot agreement. Pilot classroom teachers and

    students can bring personal devices approved for school use to school after submitting both agreements.

    I have my device with me in class. How do I get to the internet?

    Most devices will detect a wireless connection when you are near one. Most of the time, devices will ask you if

    you would like to join a network when prompted. Choose the Students network and enter your network

    username and password to join. If you choose the guest network, please enter in guest as the username and

    welcome as the password.

    My device is not prompting me to choose a wireless network. Is there another way to connect?

    In the settings menu of your device, there is usually an icon for a network. Go to this icon and choose either

    Student or Guest wireless networks.

    I cant get my device to connect to the network! Can I get some help from someone?

    Sure! Your classmates that have similar devices will be able to assist you as your first line of help. Other

    resources may be available to help you connect to the wireless networks in your school; it is recommended that

    you consult the Technology Department website for guides. It is not the responsibility of your teacher or other

    staff to troubleshoot individual devices during the school day.

    I need to save my work in my network folder. Why cant I access this resource?

    You are on the Student or Guest wireless network. It is not the same as the network you would normally access

    from a school computer. You will not see a network folder if you are using a PC laptop or netbook. You will need

    to save your work in another place, such as a flash drive, hard drive, cloud service (E-Backpack, Google Drive), or

    a course management system.

    I need to print the assignment I just completed, why is there no printer when I try this?

    Like network folders, printers are networked differently in the school and will not be available when you log in to

    the guest network. Some network solutions including saving it to a cloud service, such as Google Drive, Dropbox,

    or E-Backpack, or putting it on a flash drive. Keep in mind that using school printers in the classroom or other

    learning spaces is at the discretion of the teacher or other school administrator and going green should be a

    priority when decided whether to print or not.

    My device was stolen when I brought it to school. Who should I contact about this?Bringing your own device to school can be useful, however some risks are involved as well. It is always a good

    idea to record the devices serial number to have in case of theft. The Green Brook Township Public School

    District is not responsible for theft of a device, nor are they responsible for any damage done to the device while

    at school. Any time a theft occurs, you should contact a school administrator to make them aware of the


    Why am I filtered on my own computer or device? Shouldnt I be able to see what I want to on my own device?

    Internet filtering is a requirement of all public schools. The Childrens Internet Protection Act (CIPA) requires all

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    network access to be filtered regardless of the device you use to access it while in a public school. You own your

    device, but the network you are using belongs to the school and Internet access will be filtered.

    Am I still held accountable to the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) I signed at the beginning of the school year even

    though this is my own personal device?

    Yes. The Acceptable Use Policy for GBTPS remains in effect when you are using your own device. Violating the

    terms of the AUP would be a student code of conduct violation and rights and privileges will be revoked.

    Am I able to connect my personal device to an open network port and gain access to the internet?

    No, the wired network is for district computer only.

    Can I charge my device in a classroom or in school?

    Charging the device should happen at home. It is the responsibility of the student and any charging of personal

    devices is prohibited at school. Special permission to charge devices will be made by the building administration

    and tech department.

    Does the district guarantee access to district provided internet access on personal devices?

    Access to the districts network or internet connection is not guaranteed. There may be periods of times when

    the districts internet connection is not accessible. There may be certain devices that are unable to access the

    districts network at any time.

    Can I use my 3G or 4G cellular data connection instead of Wi-Fi?

    No. You must connect to the districts Wi-Fi to ensure proper filtering. Any device not on the network and caught

    using personal networks will be subject to the consequences in the Acceptable Use Policy agreement.

    Can I use my personal technology device to record student or teachers conversation, instruction, or likeness

    during class or outside of class?

    The recording of instruction or conversation during class is at the discretion of the teacher. The person who is

    being recorded must be made aware of the fact that he or she is being recorded and express permission to be

    recorded. Any picture or video capturing outside of classroom instruction is strictly prohibitedand subject to the

    consequences in the Acceptable Use Policy agreement.

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    Appendix C

    Green Brook Township Public School BYOD FAQs Staff

    My classroom is not conducive to student owned technology. Am I required to allow my students to access their

    technology tools in the classroom?

    We encourage teachers to leverage student owned technology tools in their classroom with sound pedagogicaljudgments for learning. The design of the lesson should be used to determine the best use of student provided

    technology and the rules that apply.

    How do I get my students to put away their devices if I dont want to use them during a lesson?

    Use the term devices down or devices away. All students must comply or face disciplinary action.

    Some of my students cannot access the network on their devices. I dont have time in a class period to help

    them with this. Should I put in a technology work order request or call/email the technology department?

    No. Students who cannot access the GBTPS student or guest network or who may have technical issues with

    their technology tool need to take care of that issue by working with their users manual that came with the

    device out of the classroom.. You may direct the students to the Technology Department website for additional

    help which will house how tos and documents. You are welcome to help if you choose, but it is not a staff

    members responsibility to ensure that student owned technology is functioning properly.

    I have students who are using their cellular data plan and not the district Wi-Fi. Is this allowable?

    Students are to join the district wireless network. Any student found not on the network is in violation on the

    Acceptable Use Policy and is subject to the consequences in the agreement.

    One of my students was using their device to bully another student in the district. How do I handle this?

    Any disciplinary infraction that occurs from using technology tools should be referred to a building administrator,

    as well as the HIB coordinator. This would be a student code of conduct issue.

    Will students have access to any common software packages via the student network access?

    No locally installed software packages will be available. We will continue to evaluate the pilot and the needs for

    the future and make changes based on district recommendations. Students will have access to their Google

    Apps accounts, as well as any other accounts set up for them via a web-based or cloud-based program or

    service that we currently use.

    What shall I do if one of my students devices is damaged or stolen?

    Any theft issues should be handled as you normally would handle them in your building. GBTPS is not

    responsible for any damage or theft of student owned technology tools. It would be a good to remind students

    to keep a record to the devices serial number just in case theft occurs, as well as marking or putting decal on the

    device to help identify it.

    I dont know how to integrate BYOD technology into my classroom. What should I do?

    There will be professional development for those teachers in the pilot groups, as well as for any other teacher

    who wants to have access to it. Summer development and online webinars, handling by the Technology

    Department, will also be available. Mini-lessons and faculty meeting professional development will be handledby expert 21stcentury teachers and PLC group time should focus on 21stcentury tools and teaching strategies. An

    online database of information can be found on the Technology Departments website as well.

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    Appendix D

    Green Brook Township Public School Acceptable Use Policy

    Technological resources and personally owned devices, including iPads, at Green Brook Township Public School

    District are used for supporting the educational experience and mission of the school. Green Brook Township

    Public School Districts goal is to promote educational excellence by facilitating creative thinking, resource

    sharing, scholarship, research and communication. Use of these technologies is a privilege that carries

    responsibilities and behavioral expectations consistent with all school rules and policies, including but not

    limited to those stated in the Student Handbook. As information on the Internet appears, disappears and

    changes, it is not possible to predict or control what students may locate or use. They may encounter

    information that is inaccurate, controversial or inappropriate. To ensure that students will benefit from their

    personally owned devices, and the schools computer/Internet resources, all users are expected to adhere to the

    following guidelines.

    Acceptable Use

    Members of the Green Brook Township Public School District will use personally owned devices, along

    with all other electronic communication and computing devices, in a responsible, ethical and legal

    manner at all times.

    Computer labs and GBTPS owned equipment must be used for school-related purposes only.

    Common sense and good judgment is expected to be used at all times.

    The Green Brook Township Public School District network may not be accessed without authorization.

    Users must only log on using their assigned user account.

    Students will not share their usernames, passwords, addresses or other personal information on the

    Internet without the authorization of a parent or Green Brook Township Public School District

    representative. Users must never post personal contact information about themselves or other people.

    Personal information includes reference to age, names, as well as individual/school/parent/parent

    workplace address and telephone number.

    Any viewing, sharing or transmission of material containing inappropriate content, offensive language,

    derogatory rumors/gossip or other content not in keeping with Green Brook Township Public SchoolDistricts mission or philosophy is strictly prohibited. In addition, device use, whether or not utilizing the

    Green Brook Township Public School District network, which could pose a risk of property loss or

    physical or mental harm to anyone is prohibited.

    Before using their iPads, Green Brook Township Public School District strongly encourages students to

    consider whether others may regard their electronic communications and other iPad uses as offensive,

    harmful or otherwise inappropriate.

    Respect for and proper care of computer equipment is expected to be shown at all times. Food and

    drink are not permitted near computers.

    Students are solely responsible for the care and safekeeping of their devices. Any loss or damage to

    student owned devices is the financial responsibility of the student. Students must immediately report

    damage or loss, including theft, to Green Brook Township Public School District.

    Users must not engage in deliberate attempts to damage or disconnect computer equipment or

    peripherals alter hardware or software components, change computer setups, develop or activateviruses, install unauthorized software or change settings.

    In order to maintain the safety and security of the Green Brook Township Public School District,

    personal device activity, including communications, Internet history and other uses may be subject to

    monitoring by Green Brook Township Public School District. With respect to students' privacy, such

    monitoring would only occur if reasonable suspicion of inappropriate activity or probable cause of

    policy violation is present.

    All files created, sent, received and stored on GBTPS owned equipment are the property of Green Brook

    Township Public School District.

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    The network administrator has the right to view and/or delete user files contained on the GBTPS


    Users must never modify or destroy data to which they are not authorized.

    Certain Internet materials may not be copied or reproduced without the permission of the author or

    other right-holder. It is the students responsibility to respect and adhere to all copyright, trademark and

    other intellectual rights and trade secrets laws.

    Only authorized, licensed Green Brook Township Public School District -installed software can be usedon Green Brook Township Public School District owned technology. Users must not install software of

    any kind (legally licensed or otherwise) without the expressed permission of the Green Brook Township

    Public School District IT Department.

    There is limited bandwidth and space for saving files on the GBTPS network and users must respect

    these resource limits.

    Users shall obey all privacy laws at all times. Posting and/or distributing photographs or audio/video

    recordings taken of any persons is strictly prohibited without their expressed consent.

    Green Brook Township Public School District cannot guarantee the privacy, security or potential harm or

    damage caused by any Internet activity. Users should conduct all Internet activity with the understanding

    that any data, documents and computer activities could become publicly available.

    Users must never engage in Internet activity, which, if it became publicly available, would embarrass or

    cause negative publicity to Green Brook Township Public School District, its staff, faculty, students or

    other school-related parties. We encourage parents to take an active role in monitoring their child's use of social networking sites

    such as FaceBook, Instagram, Twitter, and others. Green Brook Township Public School District will also

    take appropriate measures to maintain a respectful and responsible climate with regard to these sites.

    Green Brook Township Public School District is not responsible for any damage suffered by a user. This

    includes, but is not limited to personal financial obligations, loss of data resulting from delays,

    non-deliveries, inadvertent exposure to inappropriate material, service interruptions or civil or criminal


    This agreement will extend for the period a student is in attendance at Green Brook Township Public

    School District. All student users require the consent of their parent, legal guardian or sponsor before

    they can be issued accounts and access to computers.

    Consequences for Misuse

    The use of technology is a privilege. The personal device/computer/internet Acceptable Use Policy must be

    followed. Any user violating this policy is subject to loss of computer privileges, possible disciplinary action by

    the school up to and including expulsion, and legal action (civil and criminal) including reimbursement for any

    financial losses. Technology use is also subject to regular discipline procedures, as outlined in the Green Brook

    Township Public School District Student Handbook.

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    As a student, I understand and will abide by the above policy and guidelines. I further understand that any

    violation or the above may result in the loss of my network and/or device privileges as well as other school or

    police disciplinary action.

    As a parent, I understand that my child will be responsible for abiding by the above policy and guidelines. I have

    read and discussed them with him/her and they understand the responsibilities they have in the use of their

    personal device.

    _______________________________________ _____________________________________

    Device Name Serial Number


    MAC Address

    _______________________________________ _____________________________________

    Students Signature Date

    _______________________________________ _____________________________________

    Parents Signature Date

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