gan journal

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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Gan journal



by The Board of Boat Sellers, Inc.

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ISBN 749-770-1414Printed in USA and Italy

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Due to technical (many of them) difficulties, the Grand Journal is a little bit late in its grand coming out. But its

content is still it’s usual awesomeness. Enjoy.

DedicationThis journal is dedicated to the

Lubavitcher Rebbe Melech Hamoshiach Shlita

Whose brochos have been an enormous and perpetual source of

inspiration and encouragement, making this amazing summer possible.

By the Grace of G-d Erev Shabbos-Kodesh, 18 Elul1 5740. Brooklyn, N.Y.

To The Sons and Daughters of our People Israel, Everywhere, G-d bless you all,

Heartfelt Shalom and Blessing:

As the year 5740 draws to its con-clusion, and in these last days of preparation for the New Year — may it bring goodness and bless-ing to us and all our Jewish peo-ple, it is fitting to reflect on a point which, though mentioned on pre-vious occasions,5 is particularly timely and relevant now; relevant also in terms of action, which is the essential thing.

We are referring to the fact that the outgoing year is a year of She-mittah, and the incoming year is a year of Hakhel.

The Mitzvah of Hakhel, as or-dained in the Torah,7 is that at the end of every seven years, immedi-ately after the year of Shemittah, when Jews make their pilgrimage to the Beis HaMikdash (Temple), during the festival of Succos, all Jews had to be gathered (hakhel) — the men, and the women, and the children even babies,8 and the king9 read to them sections from the Torah, selected for their conten10 to stimulate Jews in the observance of Mitzvos and strengthen them in their faith and in Yiddishkeit; and it made a pro-found impression on them, as if they heard it from G-d Himself.

One of the reasons why the mitz-vah of Hakhel has been reserved for this particular time is the fol-lowing: Inasmuch as the year of Shemittah12 is a “Shabbos unto G-d,” when the time that was re-leased from work in the field and orchard (the principal occupation

in those days)13 was dedicated to increased Torah study, and to prayer14 and Mitzvos, in the full-est measure, it was the proper and fitting preparation to make their pilgrimage, all as one na-tion,15 and to make the peo-ple most receptive to the Torah reading, “as if they heard it from G-d,” so that it evoked in them a profound soulful experience, as when the Torah was given at Sinai;16 and the impression was

so deeply engraved upon their hearts and minds that it was subsequently reflected in the everyday life throughout all the years ahead.

Although the Mitzvah of Ha-khel, in its concrete and plain form, is connected with the time of the Beis HaMikdash, there is the well-known principle18 that all matters that are connected with the Beis HaMikdash, such as sacrifices19 and the like, are in their spiritual content rele-vant at all times. This is why the daily prayers, which have been enacted in the place of the sac-rifices,20 substitute for them. A Jew prays with all his heart, of-fers himself completely in sub-mission to his Creator, and is ready to sacrifice the best of his possessions2l and his most pas-sionate interests (the “fat and the blood”)22 to the will of G-d — and it is acceptable to G-d as a “burnt offering” in the Beis HaMikdash. Indeed, also during the times when Jews had a cen-tral Sanctuary and Mikdosh and actually offered sacrifices there, it was the Jewish heart that He desired most, in accordance

with His imperative, request, and promise: “Let them make Me a Sanctuary, and I will dwell within them”23 — in their inner-most Jewish hearts.

The same is true of Shemittah. For although the command-ment to work the soil for six years and rest during the sev-enth year is confined to the Land of Israe125 (where the soil, too,

is sacred)26 and not anywhere else, yet the spiritual content of Shemittah as a “Shabbos unto G-d,” in the sense of the holiness of Shabbos,27 is enduring and relevant everywhere and at all times, and is bound up with the holiness of the “Holy Nation”;28 and this holiness transcends the limitations of time and space.

In light of the above, and since we are at the threshold of the year of Hakhel, it behooves eve-ryone of us to reflect earnestly on the content and purpose of this mitzvah, which is, as the To-rah declares:29 “... in order that they may hear, and that they may learn, and fear G-d, your G-d, and observe to do all the words of this Torah; and that their children, who know not (as yet), should hear and learn to fear G-d, your G-d.”

It is also obvious how strongly the Mitzvah of Hakhel empha-sizes the Torah-education of our children. It follows that also those who are grown in years but still “children” in Yiddishkeit;

all those “who know not,” who, for one reason or another, did not get the proper Jewish edu-cation; and even those who belong to the category of “one who knows not to ask,” namely, those who do not know, and do not feel, that they miss some-thing and should ask and seek help — these also must be as-sembled to let them hear and learn what Torah is, what a Mitz-vah is, in a manner of learning that would imbue them with fear of G-d, and, most impor-tantly, that they should “observe and do all the words of this To-rah,” the Torah from Sinai that shall never be changed30 — all of the above with such impact, “as if they heard it from G-d Himself.”

May G-d grant that everyone, man, woman and child in the midst of all our people should act in all the above mentioned matters, to strengthen, deepen, and disseminate Yiddishkeit in the everyday life, both in them-selves and their families as well as in their surroundings, in the fullest measure, and this will bring still more blessings with the kesivo vachasimo toivo in all respects, materially and spir-itually.

And all Jews — the men, and the women, and the young children — should very soon indeed merit the true and com-plete Geulo through our right-eous Mashiach, through realiz-ing and acting accordingly and from now on while still in Golus: “We are Your people and sheep of Your pasture, we will thank You for ever; we will tell Your praise to generation and gen-eration.

With esteem and blessing for a Kesivo Vachasimo Toivo for a Good and Sweet Year, and for Hatzlocho in all above,


“A Jew prays with all his heart... it is acceptable to G-d as a “burnt offering”

in the Beis HaMikdash.”



Dear Campers and Staff of Chayolei Hamelech,

What a great summer it was and I will miss all of you when you leave for the cold and long winter ahead. I know that you have been inspired in camp. I watched you Daven, learn and play. The Chayos that you displayed, the energy that you gave in everything that you did inspired me as well. You should know that everything that we’ve invested to make camp work was worth it. But now that you are going home, I want you to take that Chayos and inspiration with you and pass it on to your family and friends. I want them all to realize that you are a new boy and matured both Begashmiyus and Beruchniyus. I hope that you will return and I’m sure that you will, but don’t worry: our separa-tion wont be for long. Just as we did in previous years, we are planning ongoing programs for the upcoming winter months. Reunions, to rejuvenate the Chaolei spirit with your devoted staff.

Don’t forget all the lessons you have learned in camp, make sure you use the inspiration every day and share it with your friends who weren’t lucky enough to be in Chayolei Hamelech this year. Re-member, that we live to give Nachas to the Rebbe MH”M and the he is guiding our every step.

To the staff, I thank you for the most successful two months ever. The dedication you showed, the care for every single camper and the excitement that you displayed makes Chayolei Hamelech the family it has become. I wish you every bit of Hatzlocha in your upcoming year of Yeshiva. Remember that your Shlichus didn’t just end but rather it was only a beginning.

To all of you, don’t forget we live for one goal. Everything we do in camp and outside of camp is with one thing in mind and that is to bring Moshiach, where we all be able to see our Rebbe MH”M Shlita again. May that happen now!

Yechi Adoinainu Morainu Verabainu Melech Hamoshiach Leolom Vo’ed!

Yours Truly,

Rabbi Yankel Spritzer and Rabbi Shloime Rutman

Dear Campers

As we sit together and discuss the summer that passed we have many thoughts on our minds. We remember (almost four months ago now, even though it feels a lot shorter) as all of you, some nervously, marched into camp - most holding luggage and backpacks to heavy for you - ready to enjoy a great summer. Boruch Hashem, we can say that every single soldier achieved his goal and had the best summer of his life.

But more than fun (even though thankfully the trips, sports and activities were a blast) everyone (Campers, Counselors, Learning Teachers, General Staff and Head Staff) gained so much in their Yiddishkeit and Chassidishkeit - all because of each other.

The Davenings with Chayus, the thorough learning both improved as the summer went on. The Farbrangens that we had with our counselors and learning teachers and sometimes our special Shabbos guests ring deep in our eyes and more importantly in our hearts as we learned to be a true Chassid and give Nachas to the Rebbe MH”M. We took what we saw and heard and acted on it. In sports, trips and of course in the Ruchniyus part of our day.

The Rebbe explained many times, camp is a place that molds children in to Chassidim. We feel with the help of our devoted staff, we accomplished what the Rebbe wants. We can confidently say every camper came out of camp improved in some (or many) areas of their Chassidishkeit.

What you did in camp should not just be a passing experience but something that continues into the rest of the year.

Don’t lose the Chayus that you gained in camp and make sure to keep in touch with your staff and of course your friends.

We wish all camper and staff members, with lots of Hatzlacha in everything they do. May we merit to have the complete redemption with the Hisgalus of the Rebbe MHM, NOW!

Yechi Adoneinu Moreeinu Verabeinu Melech Hamoshiach Leolom Voed

Rabbi Silverstein, Zalmen Sandhaus and Zalman Baumgarten

A very special letter from your beloved and esteemed,


Letter FromThe Editor

T o our loyal readers...

For five years now, the Blackout Weekly - Lackawaxen’s most read pub-lication - has brought you; laughs, up to the minute news, Mazal Tov’s, important notices and various other useful information.

Thanks to our dedicated writers, publishers and editors, our newslet-ters do not only run weekly- during camp but they are also published monthly during the year with some Yomim Tovim specials.

We now present you our annual souvenir journal. As a bit of camps ex-citement starts to wear off (Chas Veshalom) we bring you a book filled with letters, songs, good byes and memories. So sit back, drink an ice-pop, chew a Laffy Taffy and slowly re-live the greatest summer yet.

Included are some of your favorites - “Week in review”, “Dear diary”, Polls, lines of the week (summer), “The Shmoozal” and so much more.

We hope and trust you’ve enjoyed reading as much as we’ve enjoyed typing. With Brochos for much Hatzlocha in your year.Moshiach Now.

See you next year (or by the next reunion)The Blackout Weekly

P.S Just to refresh your memory or for you look up something, all eight publications from the summer are included at the back. Enjoy!

Dear Bunk Aleph

Wow! We had so much fun together and in so little time. We wish it could have been more than two months but all good things come to an end. What made camp so amazing and especially our bunk was of course the campers - and we thank you for giving us a great summer and letting us do the same for you. The trips, sports, food, night activity, late nights, secret runaways and the swimming that kept us cool was so memorable. The Kavanah we had during Davening, the beautiful singing and the Chayus you guys had really made this summer, the best one we ever had

Each one of you brought something to the bunk, and therefore made this bunk the best it can be:

S.E - A boy who Davens with chayus and shows a lot of Derech Eretz and is definitely one of the most mature kids the bunk.

D.K - Shows a lot of Derech Eretz and listens extremely well.

S.B.G - What a kid and of course someone who loves canteen trips!

Y.H - Besides for being camp’s trouble maker he showed great Ahavas Yisroel to the rest of the bunk.

O.S - One of the best Daveners in the whole entire camp!!

S.G - Showed tremendous improvement - more than anyone in the bunk in his behavior, Davening, and of course Derech Eretz.

S.N - Was always excited for the next best thing in camp.

To some up - We had a great summer to remember and hope you did to.

See you again next summer and we wish you all a great success in school and a healthy upcoming year. From your loving counselors, Shai and Dovid Bikel.

P.S Thanks to the Head Staff, staff and rest of the campers for making this summer such a blast!


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

To Our Dear Campers!

Wow the summer is already over! We can’t believe how fast it went by! Just because its over does not mean that the good times we had are over. Like when there was no tissues in the bathroom,(don’t worry we didn’t need them anyway)!!! How about the time when we made an amazing skit on Tisha B’av,etc etc. We know you guys had a great summer because we had an awesome summer with you! We had one of the best bunks in camp the whole summer, we won the first Shabbos competition and the first month bunk competition, that’s amazing! We must all learn from what we did this summer, we had great Ahavas Yisroel and Derech Eretz as a bunk. We must continue these good things throughout the year. We must always remember (like we always said after lights out) that the Rebbe is with us and guiding us in every step of the way. We must do what the Rebbe wants! Remember how we Davened every day (In our little hut by ourselves)

I’YH we will see you all in next year in Camp Chayolei Hamelech with the Rebbe in Eretz Yisroel!! Have a great year and keep in touch. Yechi Adonainu Morainu V’rabbanu Melech Hamashiach LeolamV’ed!! Your counselors,Shmuli Wilhelm 917-714-5803 Menachem Shmuckler


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

To the best bunk in camp - Bunk Gimmel.

We were debating if this should be written in Goyish or Yiddish but since the keyboard on the computer is in Goyish we are going to write it like this. Please ask someone to read it to you!

Where to start? Well we have to start with us winning Bunk Competition. You guys worked as hard as you can and through Davening, good behavior, cleaning and everything else we did you were deserved winners.But let’s not forget all the things we went through together. Remember how we taught camp how ‘Ach Tzadikim’ and sung and even forced HCZBS to let us do it ourselves sometimes. Remember the amazing late nights even once sneaking off to the Machene side of Camp. The awesome survival with Zushe De Mohel! The sports having MVP’s and best sportsmanship coming from our bunk!

Of course the highlight of our week was Shabbos when we showed the rest of camp what it means to have Chayus by the singing and how to really Daven.Having fun on those loong bus rides and then having an absolute blast on the trips! The Shabbos competition tripS we went on take the cake!

Spending two months together with you was awesome and reminded of us of what we put our counselors through so many years ago - you guys were great and we look forward to keep in touch and meeting up with you in Crown Heights when we get back from Yeshiva.

Don’t forget to keep all the new Hachlatos that you started in camp! See you in 770!

Shmuly and Dovid.


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

What wAs BuNk DAlEd DOING DuRInG LearnING clASSES???D. Hasis- Sitting outside 749

Y. Kamo- pretending his foot hurts

Y. Yavich- writing Pirkei Avos w/o a pen

T. Sears- having a philosophical debate w/ Menachem

Y. Steinmitz- trading his shoes to Devir for snacks

S. Pevsner- smiling… =)

Y.Y. Piekarski- “Menachem, I’m


Z. Tauber- “What, we learn here?!”

R. Goldstein- asking if canteen has come yet….

S. Freidfertig- showing me how many Rebbe cards he’s won during THAT learning class

A. Franklin- asking Menachem for a Fresca…..

Remember Bunk Daled, WE’RE SOLID!!!! =)


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

Dear Bunk Hey Shlit”a,

It feels like yesterday as we were teaching the last learning class of the first month, when we were officially told that wer’e becoming counselors together. The excitement was overwhelming as we wrapped ourselves in toilet paper ready to greet the most awesome bunk ever. And sure enough you guys didn’t let us down. The second month was the most enjoyable summer we could of ever imagined.

The mini survival barbeque, the middle-of-the-night popcorn party with the “gegaingsters” (which Alexander enjoyed the most), the roller skating (uncle crazy still owes us 1), the pizza making (with Yaakov’s pizza full of ketchup - o sheken o shelo), the survival - going into the woods and making a bon fire, Ari’s friday night stories, the capture-the-flag game, the soda and peppers on Shabbos, the tickets (Yisroel giving Levi 30 tickets at one shot), Yisroel’s scary story that he never finished (Mendy Ginzburg wants to hear the rest), the special ventriloquist show (which Berel won for us - I’m telling u i never saw someone do so well by auction night) by LD Rabbi Silverstein (Shmuli and Shlomo were amazing puppets!), the “Yona!, whoah”, the Shbbos competition trip and all the other awesome things which if we would list them, they would fill up the entire journal, made our summer the greatest ever.

The most important thing not to forget is that we came to camp not only to have fun but also to gain in Yiddishkeit (as our bunk rocked away davening after davening - all trying to emulate Mendel Spritzer’s beautiful davening), Chssidishkeit (like some of the Chabad Hanhogos that Shmuel told us every night), even in simple menchlichkeit (we can all learn from Yirmiyohu how to be a true mentch) and most importantly in Hiskashrus to the Rebbe Shlit”a; to make sure we continue our bunk’s minhag and the bunk’s hachloto to look every night before we go to sleep at the Rebbe’s picture next to our bed, let the Rebbe know all the good things we did today, how we did lots of mitzvos with the clear mindset that we are doing them in order to bring Moshiach and how we really want the Rebbe Melech Hamoshiach to take us out of golus right now!

We will end off with what we would say together every night right before hamapil as we looked carefully at the Rebbe’s holy image: Yechi Adoineinu Moreinu Verabeinu Melech Hamoshiach Leolom Voed!

Have a great year, we’ll keep in touch and we’ll see you IY”H next year in Chayolei hamelech in Yerusholayim!

Your loving counselors (who already miss each and one of you)

Shmuel & Yisroel


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

M. Spritzer didn’t think so muchA. Bulman knew what to buy in canteenB. Yanover wouldn’t read his blackout friday night in the darkS. Weller would make a lot of noiseL. Carlebach wasn’t so famousY. Goffstein didn’t always ask “whats today’s halocho”?S. Abramowitz would be on time for lights outM. Ginzburg liked scary storiesY. Huchussen’s glassas wouldn’t have brokenCounselor S. Granovetter actually continued his story Counselor Y. Yarmak was’t so chayusdik on friday nightsBunk Hey Counselors would have the bathroom passThen it wouldn’t be the Marvelous Bunk Hey!

What if if Stranded on an iSland what item would u have?:Yaakov Goffstein: A red video cameraShmuly Abramowitz: A basket ballMendel Spritzer: A family dining roomYirmiyohu Huchussen: A bottle of gateradeAlexander Bulman: Yisroel YarmakMendy Ginzburg: Some noshBerel Yanover: A pillowShlomo Weller: YirmiyohuLevi Carlebach: Any guy he can talk toBunk Hey: Chayus!Counselors Yisroel Yarmak and Shmuel Granovetter: Bunk Hey because we can’t survive without you guys!

Dear bunk Vov shlita,

wow how fast the summer flew by!!! all the late nights, runaways, survivals with zushe the mohel(i hope you are jewish....)night activitys and all the other wacky things we did together. but the main thing we did this summer was doing every-thing in a way of bechol derachecha daehu. whether it was yarlmulke and tzitzis in the water park or our chayus every single day we proved to ourselves that we are and can be chassidim of the rebbe any time and any place. have a great year and K.I.T.!!!!

peace and vov!!!

your loving counselors

mendy and levi

if he was on a jour-ney in the desert what would be the one thing he would take...MULI TAICHMAN- his basketballMENACHEM LANG- a bathroom passMENDY CHUDAITOV- nothing-he lost it..BEREL MYHILL- his hockey stickYISROEL FRIEND- rabi nachman kipaLEVIK COHEN- shishim shanah albumYISROEL KOKIN- his sunglassessMENDEL RODAL- his chitasMEYER ORENSTEIN- the blackoutAVI BILINSKY- his bathing suitCHAIM SHUCHAT- a laundry bag????


mendy woke up for mbp?we got struck by lightning?we were in bed on time?are runaway?watermelon and sa-lami?the ggangsters woke us up for pop-corn?levik flew like su-perman?We didnt rock the house???????????


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

Dear Bunk Zayin

We will always remember how a bunk of just 5 rocked the whole camp and how much fun we had the entire time. The exciting late nights, the survivals that we survived and all the many prizes that we won. But nothing topped the chayos and achdus we all felt when singing side by side all the chassidishe niggunim and heartwarming songs. We hope you will all keep in touch and we will see you again next summer in camp chayolei hamelech B’Yerusholaim ir hakodesh With Moshiach Tsidkeinu Bekorov mamash.

Dovber Abraham & Amir Kohan

Remember when…

Mendy S. won like 10 free slices by night activity.

Mendel B. climbed into the mikveh so he could open up to let all the campers in.

Shloime S. let the arrow go by mistake hit the bulls-eye while playing archery.

Sholom S. ` won a toilet plunger by night activity.

Yisroel F. d.j.ed for the whole bus.


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

טייערע באנק ח’, (שליט”א!)

מיר שרייבן דער בריוו איןאידיש, אזוי וועלן אלע פארשטיין. (חוץ פון די וועלכע מיר ווילן נישט זיי זאלן פארשטיין!)

דער זומער איז געווען אונזערעבעסטע זומער. (ווייל עס איז די ערשטע זומער וואס מיר האבן נישט געקראגן א קנס!)

די צייט איז דורכגעלאפן אזוי שנעל. (ווייל אונזער זייגער איז צובראכן געווארן!)ביטע נישט פארגעסן צו ארויסגיסן דיין נעגל וואסער. (און עסן לאפי טאפיס!)

אוןדער עיקר איז אז מיר זאלן זען זיך מיטן רבי’ן. (און נישט נאר די טויזענטער רבי בילדער!)

דיינע זיסע קאונסלערס (וועלכע לערנען אין אהלי תורה!)שמולי זלמנוב און פאלי פופאק

In 20 years:Ephraim Barber: In Brunoy Chazaring Tanya Baal Peh

Mendel Borochov: Still saying “It’s not fair”

Mordy Cadaner: Still singing

Mendel Hendel: Writing for Beis Moshiach

Levi Laufer: Mashgiach in Oholei Torah

Boruch Liborow: Shliach in Brunoy

Mendel Rodal: Finally in Oholei Torah

Shmuli Sandhaus: Head Counselor

Motti Sternberg: Still wearing a headband tie

Mendel Weinbaum: Director of Tzivos Hashem

Ephraim Barber: Hot peppersMendel Borochov: A bed to jump onMordy Cadaner: A BendalMendel Hendel: A coin collectionLevi Laufer: His own Siddur

Boruch Liborow: Cherry cokeMendel Rodal: A better bunkShmuli Sandhaus: Any kind of super snackMotti Sternberg: Bubbies salty cookiesMendel Weinbaum: French fries

If alone on an island he would need:


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

Dear Bunk Tes Shli”ta

ULY! ULY! The words are still echoing in my ears from our banquet as we head towards learning and school and the leaves start to brighten. But who can forget the summer from The Story, to the arrival of our new friends bunk yud, when things really started to get hectic, we never even had a chance to be sick during learning class. (: You guys were just awesome! Seriously I don’t know what we would do without you guys to be honest we were really thinking it would be a quiet summer but each and everyone of you really put in effort and made it great. Now that we’re on the topic remember that time when we all woke up early for a runaway and it started thundering and raining? Well, after a canceled river run swim and survival, we aimed for the breakthrough Baruch Hashem Robin Robin Robinue offered after little sleep to drive us… to the Gan chayolei hamelech’s first ever Wal Mart trip and just for SIX GP! Eventually 1st month had to end Iowa Iowa hey! Yeah and we are sending a representative there. And of course in my last late night memories we each got two slices of pizza and swimming with our lifeguard Yitzi. Then finally we woke up and Yosef returned just in time for color war. And we have come back with a new attitude learned, some in davening some in midos hativim and appreciation and some even learned which towels and socks belonged to them! But we all shined extra well in new areas respectively and definitely took advantage . This year you should take what you learned Chasidim zeinen nairos lehoir gaining from negel vasser by the bed davening out loud with a chayus ahavas yisroel to learning about Moshiach.

Yechi adonenu morenu verabenu melech hamoshiach lolam vaed!

Your Counselors,Yitzi and Yosef

Avi Ivri’s Laun-dry Bag

Bom Bom Ain’t it great to be crazy

Clean up Whats coun-selors helper?

Ducks in Bunk tes by M.Y.

EGP play which we watched

Fly swatters

Grand Trips

Hot dogs

Its not fair

Judgement Night


Late nights


Negel vasser , Who left theirs out?

Ohr Menachem whom joined our bunkhouse

Pool which we loved

Quick stop slurpees 6GP!

Rebbe picture we looked at each night

Six G P!!

The Degalim


Ventriloquist Shlaykes

Walmart first ever in gan history

Xciting summer

Yarmulkah and tzitzis (water park

Zushe’s survival

If I would get a penny for every time … said:

Amichai “Last year in Parks-ville…”Hillel “Why only me”Dovi “When are whe going Canoeing”M. Belinsky “Did you see my hat”M. Yavich “When’s swimming?”Izak (singing) “For it’s the holli-est place…”M. Prager “…I try best…”Levi “yeah, I know there is alate night”Avi “It smells good in here”Aron “I just learned two more lines of the Maamar”M.M.S. “I need to take a shower”

I would be a milloinaire


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

WHAT IFY. Chazzan: Wasn’t afraid of spiders,bought the hokey stick for $7

M.A Goldstien:didnt do TZHNever brought negel vaser

S. Freidfertik:knew everything so he didnt have to ask any questionsDidn’t want late nights

Y Silverstien:wore jeans CH”V(didn’t complain, just kidding)

A, Pevsner :Didn’t finish his album,Wasn’t the best davener

M. David:didn’t have a recorder,Made trouble

C . Touber:Won the scooter (sorry),Wasn’t the the most cheerful boy

S ChaninNever haked-a-kup,didnt wake up the night of the marker raid

In 20 yearsY. Chazzan: Stand Up Comedian

M.A Goldstien:Shliach in yehupitzland

S. Freidferdik:Major Mushroom

Y Silverstien:Manufacture of sleeping pills

A, Pevsner :Rov of Crown Heights

M. David:Still Moshe David (what you expected his name to change?)

C . Touber:Night Activity Director

S. Chanin:Head Counselor

Dear campers of bunk Yud

You probably cant read this so technically I could just hak-a-chainik for a couple of lines (but then again isn’t that what I always do) but since you will get your parents to read it or the bunk tes ULY I guess ill have to write something.

So bunk yud what can I say you guys are crazy (in a good way) remember that time you woke up early and ran around camp looking for a puddle to do mikve in or when you went to sleep at 4 am after survival and woke up the first in camp. Well I can go on forever talking about the awesome time we had so I think ill sum every thing in the next couple lines

- First day MS was black and YR was a dog - your counsellor is a frog - carousal park - singing/screaming on the bus - fighting with bunk tes - YC mega phone - sports - YR a coach - 9 days- water park midget mirror crazy water slides - a million late nights - bonfires of toilet paper - the stories - SF questions on stories - boring grand sing (wait no don’t remember that) - Survivel in the morning- survival till 4 am - overnight - YC camera and MUCH MORE...

So thank you for giving us such an amazing summer and of course your totally welcome for us giving you such a awesome summer to! :)

See you in 770 “for its the holiest place” tenersi in contatto (Italian: keep in touch)

Your Best Counselors, Yossi Rodal, Mendy Seldowitz

You would if you could be as good

as bunk yud


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

Dear Bunk Zayin,

The best bunk of the first month. Wow its been so long I can hardly remember most things that happened the, but how can I forget the best bunk in the world.

Remember the first day when we went ice skating and then the next day sports started and the next something awesome again and Bowling n’ Pizza, Lazer Tag, just fun filled weeks, the Friday nights singing, Shabbos Shmoozing and it just flew by, then we had bog war then the grand trip Six Flags and then it was over. And it was all so fast. and when we got to the busses I realized that almost our whole bunk was leaving. :(

What can I say you guys were really the best.

So don’t forget We’re bunk Zayin we are Flyin’ when we win we’ll leave them cryin’

Keep in Touch Your counselors

Yossi Rodal , Mendy Seldowitz


Boys Scout Oath\’On my honor, I will do my best

To do my duty to G-d and my country;

To obey the Scout Law;

To help other people at all times;

To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight

by Moshe Levy

WHAT IF..Mendy Klien: didnt buy pirate pops

Moshe Levy: never went to boyscouts

Mendy Melamed: Said a Posuk at lineup

Mendy spritzer: was really the counselor

Mendy Ginsburg: didn’t foget all of his ... at home

Levi Samuels: Wasnt so polite.

Uziel Rubashkin: Really stayed for second month

Mendy Shachar: brought a pillow

Hungeret Hungeret Gib Mir Chulent Cuz’ Mir Hungeret. Mushy Gouy ....(ill never get it right)

Tought by Mendy Ginsberg

Chut•tch•ess\’ a product or thing which use is unidentified. inveted. by Mendy Melamed{. note: it has been discountiued due to exrteme overusage{.


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

Dear Campers’שיחי

as the summer comes to an end its very hard for us to say goodbye because we don’t know when the next time we will meet,

IY”H next year we will be learning in Oholei Torah, through out the next year we will try to be in touch with everyone!

just remember that second Sunday in camp when they announced that we were the winners for Shabbos competition and following that we won bunk competition, this is a sign that we have the power to ןעוואד with a lot of חיות and if we really want we can do it, and if we ever slack out in middle of the year we can remind ourselves how it was in camp

let’s continue all those חסידישע הנהגות that we started in the summer through out the year and with that we will be הכוז to see the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach and the Rebbe will able to say ”ראו גדלי שגדלתי“

Yechi Adoneinu Morenu Verabeinu Melech HaMoshiach Leolam Voed !!!

Levi, Nochum.

What If...Raziel Hasis: would not be punished the day of the break-out ... then he would of had a suitcase!!!

Yonatan Hecht: didn’t ask for late nights daily..?!

Avremel Turen: would have known it the whole time ... then maybe Yos-sel would have of scheduled color war according to your plans!!

Shlomo Pinchas: didn’t have a DSI to play with ... ?

Meir Shifrin: didn’t buy a ice cream in can-teen daily... ?

In 20 years...Raziel Hasis: still listing to the magic yamuka

Shneur Gorden: just like Professor/Scientist Sil-man Shlit”a

Avremel Turen: director of CCH branch in Chi-cago

Eli Lankraum: head coundler like hes uncle Didi

Remember when...Mendel Fisher: was arguing with Raziel on the 2nd day of camp that Zalmi Rak-sin is a head-counsler

Tovia Jacobs: was the mafia in the game


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

Dear Bunk Yud Beis.The most mature (Oh sheken Oh Shelo) bunk in camp this year. What should I write to you? You knew everything about camp (and made sure everyone knew that) and you probably remember every detail even better them me (well then again you were around more then I was) I’m sure you’ve dissected (I know that’s a fancy word) every part of camp better than I can, but I’ll try re-live some of the memories: Remember winning Survival like a million times Remember almost not winning Shabbos competition and then winning and then not winning (what happened in the end) Remember having a camper part of the Bog War breakout (of course we knew it the whole time, but we knew everything the whole time Remember always being on time for bedside inspection (Chai Beseeret….) Remember having like two campers by the end of every Shabbos meal But most of all Remember how whenever we wanted to be the best we were! In all seriousness. It was a crazy summer and I know you all had as good a time as I had. From the first day when we set up our bunk how we wanted it, to the last day when we left it how no one wanted it, we had a the best summer anyone could wish for.Now a month later (although it feels like yesterday) I think all the times we took care of ourselves to have the best runaways, late nights and survivals (basics) Make sure you keep all the amazing chayus alive throughout the year - I’m sure we’ll be bumping into each other a lot!

Keep in touchMendy.

What if:E.E didn’t juggleWe didn’t always take the Shuls video machineM.R slept in our bunkhouseY.M didn’t get all those special Shabbos goodiesL.N stayed in our bunkM.T actually had to leave camp by Bog warMendy had a Co counselorWe never had to do lineup againS.F didn’t have his Hachnosos Tefillin in campA.T was in our bunkOur bunkhouse wasn’t next to 749Then we wouldn’t have had the best bunk in the best camp in the world!


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

Dearest Bunk Yud Gimmel (or as some referred to us - Bunk Chof Ches)

What a summer. To be honest you guys were hard to deal with. Now that we’re making a Cheshbon Hanefesh right before Rosh Hashana, we just wanted to apologize for the tough times we might have given you, but you should know it was just a return to the way you treated us.

In all seriousness, as the oldest bunk in camp you guys showed us what you are truly made of and what you were able to do. We won everything even though the other bunks might not even know - late nights, Shabos competition, bunk competition. What a blast just winning everything from everyone.

Then there was thr Chayus, we showed camp what it was all about. Line Ups, Davening, Lights out (Kidding) it was just amazing to see the enthusiasm that you all had. Then on Shabbos, we just knew how to take it to a new level. Staying up late and Farbranging through the night!

The fun and trips that we did together was an absolute blast! Do you remember all of them? Starting from the first Ice Skating, where besides for having a good time, we helped all those that needed help and by bowling how we got the highest scores and so on and so forth. It was an incredible two months highlighted by the fact that we still keep in touch with each other and are constantly bumping into each other all out over town.

Please keep in touch and most of all remember all the memories and all the new things you started doing over the summer


Your best and lovingly dedicated counselors

P.S Kesiva Vechasima Tova


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

צו מיינע טייערע תלמידים שיחי׳

After such an amazing summer, it’s hard not to feel sad, no more trips sports prizes and fun,

the camp spirit and chayus are gone.

But if we look at the ‘bigger picture’, and realize how much we’ve accomplished in camp: the

we gave the rebbe, that we brought moshiach much closer, and how we grew to become תחנ

proud soldiers in the rebbe’s army - then we “don’t cry because it’s over, we smile because it

happened” - because the summer isn’t gone - it stays a part of us forever!

The rebbe taught us ״מאך דא ארץ ישראל״

[make `Eretz Yisroel` over here!] - we don’t have to wait until we become parents teachers or

shluchim so then we could do “big” things that affect allot of people, instead, right now we

should find that “small” thing that we can do and do it and that will surly tip the scale to the

good side and bring moshiach now! (let’s not forget to keep up the החלטות we made in camp)

Thank you so much Amichai, Yossi, Motti, Dovi, Mendel, Mendel, Mendel, Mendy, avremy,

Chaim, Shmuel D. and Mendy K. - every one of you, well-behaved, full of energy and powerful

- for giving me the best summer ever!


Your loving learning teacher,

Levi Eidelman


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

Dear Learning Class,

Aren’t you glad that it’s over? Now you don’t have to come to learning class for 3 WHOLE HOUR’S!! A DAY!!! Wait now you go to school have 6+ hour’s and homework. You know maybe you do miss learning class (and i guess camp as well). Too bad we only thought of this now after camp huh. Well it was nice teaching you all. can’t say it was my easiest summer by any stretch but you guy’s weren’t too hard on me. I hope you enjoyed participating in my class and just for the record how many times did my punishments actually happen, i know i’m a horrible teacher but what can i say i feel bad for you guy’s i still remember being a camper and the last thing you wanted to do was learning class. Anyway have a good school year, don’t drive you’r teacher mad (if he’s having trouble with you give him my number). and maybe i’ll see you next summer.

Rabbi Paul

What If....1st month Tuvia Jacobs got his fishing trip

2 M Shlomo Pinchas wasn’t so attractive too bugs

1 M Yisroel Kokin Didn’t like rebbe cards

1 M Eliyahu Ezagui Wouldn’t have had a rubber chicken

1 M Shlomo Bass and Shmelke Brandwein Weren’t friends

1 M Yossi Brandwein Wasn’t called shmelke

1&2 M Moshe Cohen Didn’t try to be a staff member

1 M Tuvia Jacobs Would make trouble

2 M Eli Lainkram Didn’t have a camera

2 M Mendel Yavitch Wouldn’t Complain

2 M Ahron Sidorov Didn’t have Bar-Mitzvah lessons

2 M Mendel Fisher Wouldn’t chant peoples names every time they walked past

2 M Sholom Freitfertieg didn’t like rebbe cards


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

Dear soldiers of Tzivos Hashem,

Do you remember those boiling hot days when just walking from the shul to the dining room wouldmake us sweat? Imagine having to play basketball one of those days. It’s boiling hot and sweat is pouring down your face, but you keep on playing. Soon your throat feels dry, you feel like you’re dehydrating, but it’s in middle of the game and you have no water. Suddenly, just when you really feel you can’t bear the thirst anymore, AHCEBS shows up carrying a cooler with ice cold water. “Half time” calls the ref and you run to drink. “A mechaye”, “I was about to die”, “I almost fainted”, “Meilich, you saved my life” - these are some of the reactions that can be heard as the campers make a brocho and gulp down the water.

There was once a boy that wrote to the Rebbe about a hachloto he had made and received an answerfrom the Rebbe as follows: “you have revived me, like cold water on a thirsty soul”. You would think theboy made an amazing hachloto to receive such an answer from the Rebbe, no? I mean, we know howmuch we appreciate a cold cup of water when we are shvitzing, so if the Rebbe wrote to this boy “youhave revived me, like cold water on a thirsty soul” he must have done something really special, right?

Wrong! The boy’s hachloto was that instead of saying brochos on the way to Yeshivah, he will wakeup 5 minutes earlier and say brochos at home from a siddur. That’s it! “What’s the big deal”? Youwonder, “anyone could do that”. Yet we see, that for the rebbe it is a big deal. Something which tome and you looks like a small thing means so much for the Rebbe - “like cold water on a thirsty soul”,because the Rebbe looks at the effort that we put into our hachloto.

We too can revive the Rebbe “like cold water on a thirsty soul”. Over the last two months we learned alot of new things that we could do to give the Rebbe nachas, and we should choose one or two thingsthat we will take home with us and continue doing throughout the year. Whether its washing negel vaser by the bed, saying brochos from a siddur, giving tzedaka before davening, making sure never to walk anywhere (even to and from the shower/mikvah/pool) without our tzitziz on, making sure our yarmulkah stays on during sports, fighting nicely (ha ha), preparing negel vaser by our bed, etc. whatever it is, for the Rebbe it means a lot.

And lastly, but really firstly in importance, before we go to sleep we look at a picture of the Rebbe andthink about what we did today to make him happy and what we will do tomorrow to make him evenhappier, so that he will be nisgale as Melech HaMoshiach and take us out of golus, NOW!

Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu Verabeinu Melech Hamoshiach Leolam Voed


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771



Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

A - Assistant TZH director (too many to count…)B - Bank (where is it?)C - Cocoa Club (no comment)D - Duch (huh?)E - Economy class (when will I finally get there?)F - Fight nicelyG - Gazebo (stand behind the stick!)H - Hachlotos that we madeI - “I don’t read Goyish”J - JoblessK - Kidush Levono (oh sheken oh shelo)L - Lifeguards that never missed MikvahM - MBP (whatever…)N - Negel Vaser we tripped over every nightO - On my mind constantly: Eifo Hadgalim???P - Picture of the Rebbe before going to sleepQ - Quite a program we had this yearR - Ranks we wished we would have reachedS - Shower (I’ll do anything to get points)T - Tzivos Hashem board (thank you BLGCHRS)U - “U owe me a can of soda”V - Video’s we watched in our bunkW - Water Park (Yarmulka and Tzitzis)X - Xpecting to see you in 770 on ShabbosY - Yisroel YarmakZ - ------

Lets learn our ABC’s (goyish)


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

Dear Mamee and tatteeNow Eye am the moistest confustest ever becoz I am home now so wat izthe point of righting to u? dijya no that I started skool and so fahwe hav lernt oh look I got a knew pensil to uze in skool so az I wazsaying if I am home enyway wats de point of righting to u coz I kenjust speaked 2 u wenever eye want. So insted this tyme I wil right 2my frends hu are not in de sayme skool as me I want to speek a litelbit abowt ower amayzing sumer!

Ju yu remember wen we went swiming everee day in those yuge puddels ofblak water in de grownd outseyde of ower bunkhowzes? End also rememberhow wee dident hav eny clothez left after the sumer! remember do atmhu waz de best at everything I think eeven beter then me at jugelingso mutch and he also waz en amayzing acter by all de brake outs! Elsoremember de camp anthem dat we uzed to sing about yonah (ooo) andremember uncool crazy and his un cool uncool.Wayte a second I need to get sumthing

Okay I am bak now I jist had to get a lolly you no those hyuge onewith al deh colors our bestest cook yolish dididint mayke it but now Iam liking it it should tayke me lest then for houwerz to eet it andonlee sicks sherts why is the leter “H” in de word hours? I elso

Dear Diary


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

started a goyish clas so now I am lerning inglish so soon u wud reedmy leterz wen I right them oh yeah I luv de new eye scream store/trukdat driyves eround crown hites and chaim fogelstein singz on itremember wen he cayme to camp in de midel of the nite and I slept thruit and elso I triked my cownsler he though I wazint sleeping. De otherthingz I remember (elso I wanted to tel u befour I rote dis leter Ilernt to spel de word remember) I luv how long it taykes me to walkhome from skool wen I am not nesesarily thinking of the way sumtimes Ijust think of other things lyke imagine if I ownded camp I wud maykeit the hole year round No I wudint mayke it round I lyke the shape itzin right now becoz of how long it takes to get from the diening roomto my bunk so der is a lot less tyme for cleen up. remember de dieningroom I think eye left my basket-case- ball der that eye one in won ofde amuzment parksEnyway if I ownded camp I wudint call it an amuzment park becoz wat izthat enyway?

Sooo bak to my memoriz. y is it called memoreyz if I say remember itshud bee called remembers so remember how mutch fun we had and howmutch I speek ebout camp in skoolHold on my mamee is caling me to eetLove me

P.S byePea pea es I wil be rightint to u all dis hole year I cant wait see youPeeee peeee pee es - Moshiach now

A Shmoozel with LeemanovYou are holding a Chayolei journal in your hand. A journal is supposed to be read. If you are from Oholei Torah you will

just look at the pictures.

So then what is the point of the making of the Journal? To read your counselors letters? Well that might be,

especially since this is the only time you counselor can talk and you can’t disturb. But who reads the letter anyway?

So then maybe it is in order for you to have your friends contact information. Come on, seriously, who even looks at that? It is only for your counselor to know which house not

to walk into by mistake...

You are probably thinking that the conclusion will be, that it is in order for the counselor to make fun of you when you are not around, so you can’t do anything to him. Now while you are probably right, I cannot say so, due to the policy agreement contract I signed before taking oath into

the Chayolei regime over a Yechi Yarmulka and a pole. So as far as this article is concerned this big fat monstrous

q uestion was not yet answered....

Finally, after much meditation, contemplation, fabrication, inspiration, conversation, deliberation, consideration,

stimulation, motivation, aspiration, perspiration, and unification, we have come to the dramatic finalization that the

purpose of the... what were we talking about again... oh! right the purpose of this journal is, drum roll.... To keep

the staff busy.


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

T.T.T.O. Every dollar I earn

Every corner I turn, a mosquito I findMy soap’s in my suitcase, awaiting it’s timeThe head counselor’s coming, emotions run highMy mattress still smells to the sky

My friends they all mock me. I can’t understandWhy did I Shlep to this muddy old landEspecially now when I have no laundryI should have stayed home with mommy

ChorusI have the holiest socks, from all of my bunk-matesThe spiders all rest, under my mattressEven when deodorant I finally put onAfter one activity it’s gone

The food here’s so bad, I feel like I’m dyingThe head counselor’s so mean, I sit and start cryingI can’t wait for visiting day to finally showIt’s then I’ll let my parents knowChorus..

Frenchies go, step on your toeAs they’re marching to and froYou stop and say, Keskechufei [= what are you doing]You just stepped on my toe

In Brunoy ghetto, you better goAnd put a lock on all you knowOr else you will be wondering where your stuff did go

Frenchies yelling, Frenchies cryingFrenchies smelling, Frenchies flyingWhen they fly happiness Americans will show

A Shabbos off’s a celebrationFrenchies finally take vacationNow it’s time to be a part of Brunoy ghetto

For one hour, there’s a showerAnd at night there is no powerYour bathroom’s light, is not so bright, it looks pretty sour

If to Seder you are lateThen at the door you’ll have to waitThat doesn’t mean you have to hate the Brunoy ghetto

Because there’s good food on your plateWho cares if in the line you waitWhile all the Frenchies that you hate casually skip you

If you get a calling card, to call home is still quite hardJust ask for toilet paper if you can get thru


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

Aibidolaa Aibeedoo


Chayolei Hamelech (the best camp in the world!)


Endless fun



Hayom Yom Huledet X3 Yossi Smaller!

It’s Yonah! Wooooo!





Na’aseh V’nishmah

Oh Sheken Oh Shelo




Shleikis Hoizenhalter

Three, two, one!

Uncle Chatzkel

V’Yalah Balagan



Yonah, Yonah, Yonah Meir Shifrin


Yonah again! Wooooooooooooo!

Mysteries of Chayolei

What is under Shloimie’s hat?

Who painted our faces while we were sleeping?

How do you get to the basement of 749?

Why does the staff lounge need so much water?

What is a pole?

Why does the pathway stop halfway?

Why do Yidden sleep in the Goyim’s place?

How are you supposed to mop the back room?

What is Yossi Nadler’s job?

Why is clean up not marked?

What is laundry?

What do the staff do after lights out?

What is uncle crazy’s real name?

Are the plays true stories?

What is in the attic of the staff lounge?


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

What if?We went to Hershey Park?

It actually never rained in the Rebbe’s Camp?The Journal came out on time?Zushe actually left by Bog War?We got to see Uncle Chatzkel?

Yossel was mentioned without saying the word Pole?The Learning Director wasn’t married?

The PA Manager could speak fluent English?We Knew what the word Reveille actually meant?

No one screamed on the Reveille tape?Some people think it should be “Screamt on the. ....”

The EMT didn’t do everything?ZR was actually Head Counselor?

The Head Staff didn’t have Golf Carts?AA got something to do by the Grand Sing?

People knew the difference between Grand Sing and Grand Scene?We knew what unvanquished was?

There was a real Color War Breakout?We had Cocoa for the whole two months?

There were no Hasis’s in camp?Camp ran out of Laffy Taffy’s?

The road in Gan was completed?No one cheated in Kluger?


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

Rain - Rabbi Sillier - Carousal Park - Chaim Fogelman - Survival – Bowling and Pizza - Talent Night – Canteen – Kadur HaElyon – Shmaryonkee – Championships -747 – Kiev -– Pole – Freeedman – Raul – Chatzkal - Shvacha Meises – Neged – Renovation - Nostril – “Abidoola Aibedoo” – Rebbe I’ll do it– Yarmulkah and Tzitis - Robin’yu – Shlaykes Heizenhalter – Shishim Shona cards – Waiters … - Exclusive – Pouch - Ice Skating - “Are you kidding me?” - Staff play - Grand Sing - Dr. Middos - Ventriloquist Show – Dance Night – EGP play - Di-zzaaaster – Blackout Weekly – Basics – Mushroom – 749 - Unvanquished – Chayol Channel – Zissele – ATM – Yolish – Spaceship – Maaseh – Wal Mart – Clementon Park - Brother Night – Water Slide – Trees – Charlie – Zalmy and Mendy – Bein – Bivouac – Bon-Fire – PA – Staff Seder - Goyims Place – Shabbos – General Baseball Learning Class – Staff Baseball game - Competition – Slurpee’s – Zushe de Mohel - Boating - life guards – Late nights – Pop-Corn –– Reveille – Run-aways – Delaware – Rally – Line-up – Lazer Tag – Carnival – Laundry!! – Phone Calls – MBP – Reb Yisroel - Egg yokes - Lightning attack - “Zalmen, Zalman you must understand” - Tzivos Hashem– Chosson and Kallah– Friday Nights – Bunk Coh Ches - Swimming – SIX FLAGS – Under the Sea - Chabad Of Rutgers - Dear Diary - Ice Skating (again) – Laffy Taffy – Skits – Scavengers – Visiting Day – Mafia - Journal – Banquet – Uncle Crazy – U Haul - Basics - Night Activity - Violins - Sports Leagues – Bog War - Kadur Hatachton – Deers - Frizbee - BackMAN – Yossi Smoller – Rain - Kol Hakovod Yafe Meod - Bendel -Legendikerheit – Shpiel of Fortune – Gold Cart rides - Broken suitcase - Visiting Day - Gegangsters - Roller Skating - Bom Bom – Gefilte Fish - Kitchen Manager - Color War - Levi Varnai – Maklowski – Yanki Greenberg came to town – Ices - Feldman - Naaseh VeNishma – Gazibo - Iowa – Golf Cart – Hypnosis Show - Capture the Counselor - TH shops - Trading days - Make Your Own Pizza – Yona, Yonah…. – Capture the Flag – Limud – Doctor – Dear Diary – Yossi Nadler - Cocoa Club - Steve the Juggler - Water Park – BERKO – Kluger – BBQ’s – Uncle Crazy – Grammen – Moshiach Flag – Rain - Tzivos Hashem - EMT Skits - Reb Yolish - Juggling Show - Banana Boating - Learning

Never ends - Journal - Davening - Learning -

Giving Nachas to the Rebbe MHM!

2 months 2 minutes



Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

Night activity song 5771

T.T.T.O. up up and away (Dr. middos)

A spaceship from Kiev has landed here in camp,

campers saw him walking out with a friend in hand,

This “FARBLUNDGIT” looking fellow witch ill describe to you,

looked nothing like your regular typical Jew.

Smelly socks, a funny tie with a little big red nose,

a beautiful pink jacket with a purple hat that glows,

there’s something strange in Chayolei like running walking shoes,

I don’t know what to think, i’m totally funcused….


Hello Chayolei another special day,

uncle crazy has invented something “LEGENDIKERHAIT”,

crazy wacky fun together all as one,


So behave well in your class, for a chance to get on stage,

to win some awesome prizes from all those crazy games,

hyper jumping up and down then spinning round and round,

will probably result with you lying on the ground!


Hello Chayolei another special day,

uncle crazy has invented something “Legendikerhait”,

crazy wacky fun together all as one,



Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

Bog War

Winning team of Kadur HaTachtonFar into the heavensIn a place so pure and freeSouls are gathered by the throne A melody is ringing, the angels are singingRejoicing on the making of a home

A gentle voice announcesMy son, my little oneThe master plan is near and almost throughThere is a generation that is just for youThe greeting of Moshiach Tzidkanu

Chorus:Naaseh venishmah forever I will do itLike the stars in the sky i’ll never cease to shineI will give myself to youhakadosh boruch hu“B’chol derochecha doahu”

But listen dear neshamaSo willing to adhereIn this life you are on your ownThe road ahead is windingThe pleasures are so blindingAt time you may feel you’re all alone

Nothing will be lackingBut the truth is still concealedA darkness that brings lies and so much greedThe golus of illusion is causing such confusionNeshama’le do you still agree?


Winning team of Kadur HaElyonLife was so very hard, for poor Reb ZalmanHe toiled, yet with a raised chinTo have enough food ready, for his wife and familyYet still a joyful Frum Yid to beThen one day, a few men came his waySmiles spread on their facesThe Galach said accept our way, you’ll see a brighter dayDon’t agree, your life I’ll take away

Chorus:I will not forsakeI will not give upMy Yiddishkeit for anythingYou can do what you wishEven take my lifeHashem Echod I will forever cry

Three days passed by, on his way to dieReb Zalman turned to his family and saidMeineh Kinder stand tall, for Yiddishkeit won’t fallMoshiach will come and take us home


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

Color WarTheme song of Winning team – Team Limud (TTTO: Ani Ma’amin, MBC)

The years gone so fastThinking about the pastShmulik remembers his ZaideTo the questions he would hearHe answered loud and clear His words still echo in the distance

Chorus:The Rebbe taught usThe easiest wayTo live with MoshiachWith a story, a taleTogether we learnAll about GeulahThen we will singTo the Rebbe, our king

Shmulik’s changed his viewA goal born anewLearning to bring Moshiach

Chorus:The Rebbe taught usThe easiest wayTo live with MoshiachWith a story, a taleTogether we learn

All about GeulahThen we will singTo the Rebbe, our king

Winning theme song of team Maaseh (T.T.T.O “Lo Avo” - Avraham Fried)A Siren sounds loudly through the streetsChassidim rush to try and claim their seatsThe crowd still grows in seven seventyThey all await to see the king

A Path is cleared, the Rebbe takes his chairLchaim, joyful singing fills the airHis loving gaze on everybody thereThe Rebbe’s voice so loud and clear

Chorus:My dear Chassidim Her Zich TzuI know that you’ll pull throughKert A Velt forever To change the world anewOur mission now is clearTo reveal Moshiach hereOpen your eyes,The geulah has arrived. X2

All at once they poured out to the streetsTeffilin on the Yidden that they meetMenorahs standing tall and burning brightShabbos Candles light up the night

With new meaning they march on faithfullyPreparing for Moshiach our KingCarrying on the mission joyfullyAs the Rebbe’s voice still does ringChorus:


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

Color WarWinning Alma Matter of Team Limud(TTTO – V’Hu Keli)

To comp I did goA place I don’t knowHow will I fit in With the othersLeaving my friendsA long way from homeOh how I feel so alone

Camp is almost doneFriendships have begunMy counselor so caring, devotedExcitement fills the airA Chassidish atmosphereI’m so glad I chose to come here

Chorus:Oh Chayolei, please knowI feel right at homeYour Chayus, your flame I will carryNext Friday nightYour warmth and your lightI‘ll shareWith my family

Goodbye ChayoleiHow much I have changedWithout youWhere would I be

My Yiddishkeit burns brightNew meaning in my lifeOf how to liveWith the Rebbe…Our King

Winning Alma Mater of Team Ma’ase(T.T.T.O. Evdu Es Hashem Shalsheles jr.)

Dear Camp ChayoleiA letter I write todayYou’ve helped me stand on my ownLet me share how much I’ve grownAffected by all those around My feelings are always so down Embarrassed by all passersby What’s inside I try to hide

Then one day, in chayoleiAll that has changedAs we walked together as onemy tzitzis at my sideand my kippah on tightI’m filled with prideOf my yiddishkeit

Now it is so very clearMoshiach is already hereA Chossid of the Rebbe I amIt is all thanks to camp

Chorus:Good bye Chayolei, So much dear friends I’ve madeFarewell to those memorable timesYour spirit lives in meWe are one familyForever chayolei


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

Returning Hit

Rebbe I’ll do it (T.T.T.O. Kanei by Helfgot, the Eighth note)

Sometimes it’s so hard to do what’s right, He thinks to himself late at night, Friday is near,The time for Mivtzoim,I don’t know why, but I’m too shy, To ask them if they’re Jewish. My friends they all do seem to know, To shopkeepers and businessmen they go,They each have their wayThey know just what to say, It comes to me, i want to speak, But I’m just too embarrassed

Chorus:But Rebbe I’ll do it,I’ll do it to the fullest,For you are our father,And we are your children,With love we do sing,Long live our kingFor you Tatte we will do anything. The next Friday happily i went, From the store i was rudely sent, But it will get done, for I’m the Rebbe’s son, The love so strong, it burns in meI want to make him happy So Rebbe...

Song composed year 5770By Levi Marlow


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

Summers Hit

Zalman tell me

Zalman, tell me what went wrongYour happy face fadedLet me see you smile lighten up, my friendThe Rebbe said, “It won’t be longThe time we awaitedMoshiach’s in the air, the Golus soon will end”

Berel, do you rememberFarbrengens how we sat thereTruth, light, strength, lifeWe felt the warmth that lifted us aboveWe saw the smile that expressed a father’s loveWe felt the Rebbe’s presence at our side

But now, where do I turnFor guidance, for concernFor truth, light, strength, lifeWhere’s the warmth that lifted me aboveWhere’s the smile, where’s that flame of loveHow these painful feelings can I hide

Zalman Zalman, you must understandNothing is without the Rebbe’s handThe Rebbe says he’s here nearContinues with his work to bring Moshiach here

Rebbe, I’ll try to make you proud of meMy only wish, a true Chosid to beKnowing that you’re here nearI’ll try to do my part to bring Moshiach here

Until that day I will stand strongLiving on with youAnd soon the day will come, your face we all shall seeA Roieh with his sheep belongGuiding every JewStanding by them, so he said and so shall be


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771

Make sure to read the monthly newsletter to find out when your freinds birthdays are and give them a call

Shmuli Abramowitz

156 Goffe Terrace


Phone: 203.752.1988

Levi Albukerk

565 Crown St 3E

Brooklyn, NY 11213

Phone: 718.6041506

Yosef Albukerk

565 Crown St 3E

Brooklyn, NY 11213

Phone: 718.6041506

Nissan Andrusier

427 Sterling St

Brooklyn, NY 11225

Phone: 718-771-3210

Menachem Mendel Backman

1543 President St

Brooklyn, NY 11213

Phone: 718-493-2381

Efraim Barber

672 Crown St

Brooklyn, NY 11213

Phone: 718-778-3119

Benny Bartfield

640 Eastern Pkwy

Brooklyn, NY 11213

Shloma Bass

406 Lilac Lane

Postville, IA 52162

Phone: 563-864-7169

Avraham y. Belinsky

349 Crown St #4G

Brooklyn, NY 11225

Phone: 718-778-1729

Menachem m. Belinsky

349 Crown St #4G

Brooklyn, NY 11225

Phone: 718-778-1729

Menachem mendel Borochov

349 Crown St #3F

Brooklyn, NY 11225

Phone: 718-773-0251

Shmelke Brandwine

116 Cheryl St. P.O.B.#1035

Postville, IA 52162

Phone: 563-864-3627

Daniel Bulman

68 Robinwook Dr.

Thornhill, ON L4J6K7

Phone: 905-738-0483

Alexander Bulman

68 Robinwook Dr.

Thornhill, ON L4J6K7

Phone: 905-738-0483

Mordechai Cadaner

324a New York Ave

Brooklyn, NY 11213


Levi Carlebach

17 Nottington Rd

Ocean, NJ 07712

Phone: 732-922-0042

Shimon Chanin1594 Union St.

Brooklyn, NY 11213Phone: 718-756-8354

Aryeh Chayo332 New York Ave.Brooklyn, NY 11213

Phone: 718-735-4227

Yosef Chazan742 Montgomery St. #C5

Brooklyn, NY 11213Phone: 718-778-4020

Amichay Chudaitov1526 President St.Brooklyn, NY 11213

Phone: 347-661-4317

Mendy Chudaitov1526 President St.Brooklyn, NY 11213

Phone: 347-661-4317

Dov ber Cohen1206 Carroll St.

Brooklyn, NY 11225Phone: 718-773 3577

Israel arye leib Cohen265 Troy Ave

Brooklyn, NY 11213Phone: 917-474-0030

Levi yitschak Cohen265 Troy Ave

Brooklyn, NY 11213Phone: 917-474-0030

Moshe tzvi Cohen525 Brooklyn Ave #2d

Brooklyn, NY 11225Phone: 718-773-1793

Yossi Dalfin555 Crown St. 1E

Brooklyn, NY 11213Phone: 718-604-7221

Yanky Dalfin555 Crown St. 1E

Brooklyn, NY 11213Phone: 718-604-7221

Moshe David1637 President St

Brooklyn, NY 11213Phone: 718-778-9137

Shmuel Dickel135 Brick Church Rd.

newhempstead, NY 10977Phone: 563-343-3514

Israel yosef Elkayam2145 Ne 124th St

N. MIAMI, FL 33181Phone: 786-360-6144

Shneur zalman Elkayam2145 Ne 124th St

N. MIAMI, FL 33181Phone: 786-360-6144

Eliyahu shlomo Ezagui781 Eastern Parkway #3b

Brooklyn, NY 11213Phone: 718-778-4707

Levi Feldman2932 W. Jarvis

Chicago, IL 60645Phone: 773-381-0691

Menachem mendel Fischer575 W Post St. P.O.B. #34

postville, IA 52162Phone: 563-864-7851

Menachem M. Flint671 Crown Street

Brooklyn, NY 11213Phone: 718-771-2077

Michoel arye leib Franklin781 Montgomery St.Brooklyn, NY 11213

Phone: 718-771-0484

Sholom dovber Friedfertig1320 Carroll St

Brooklyn, NY 11213Phone: 718-778-3967

Shmulie Friedfertig1320 Carroll St

Brooklyn, NY 11213Phone: 718-778-3967

Yisroel Friend801 Eastern Pkwy

Brooklyn, NY 11225Phone: 718-756-6413

Simcha Friend801 Eastern Pkwy

Brooklyn, NY 11225Phone: 718-756-6413

Baruch Gansburg3 Tampa Ct

Brooklyn, NY 11225Phone: 718-953-9005

Menachem Gansburg3 Tampa Ct

Brooklyn, NY 11225Phone: 718-953-9005

Menachem mendel Ginsburg145 N Fuller Ave

LoS ANGELES, CA 900369Phone: 323-932-0232

Yaakov Goffstein6680 Elbrook Ave.

CINCINATI, OH 45237Phone: 513-477-8640

Aaron Goffstein6680 Elbrook Ave.

CINCINATI, OH 45237Phone: 513-477-8640

Reuven Gohnmardi627 East New York Ave. #4l

Brooklyn, NY 11203Phone: 718-773-7334

Shimon Goldenberg319 W. Williams

Postville, IA 52162Phone: 563-864-7911

Moshe aharon Goldstein607 Lefferts Ave. #1Brooklyn, NY 11203

Phone: 718-953-2452

Reuven chaim Goldstein607 Lefferts Ave. #1Brooklyn, NY 11203

Phone: 718-953-2452

Shalom dov ber Goodman317 Harper Place

Highland Park, NJ 08904Phone: 732-545-2365

Eliyahu Goodman317 Harper Place

Highland Park, NJ 08904Phone: 732-545-2365

Shneur Gordon7142 Rollingridge Dr.Charlotte, NC 28211Phone: 704-442-9131

Yovel Hasis208-22 26th Ave.Bayside, NY 11360

Phone: 917-609-0811

Devir Hasis208-22 26th Ave.Bayside, NY 11360

Phone: 917-609-0811

Raziel Hasis208-22 26th Ave.Bayside, NY 11360

Phone: 917-609-0811

Yonatan Hecht317 Lull St (P.O.B. #566)

postville, IA 52162Phone: 563-864-3238

Menachem mendel Hendel763 Eastern Parkway #C1

Brooklyn, NY 11213Phone: 718-493-4128

Yeremiyahu Hutcheson3916 Neptune AveBrooklyn, NY 11224Phone: 210-213-3322

Avraham Ivry1412 Carroll StreetBrooklyn, NY 11213

Phone: 718-715-6361

Tovia nissim Jacobs2324 Nurray Ave.

Pittsburgh, PA 15217Phone: 563-380-8689

Hillel Kampin2355 Ocean Ave #5IBrooklyn, NY 11229

Phone: 347-587-7068

Yitschok (izzy) Katz506 Lefferts Ave.

Brooklyn, NY 11225Phone: 718-778-3340

David Khavin428 East 98th St #3eBrooklyn, NY 11218

Phone: 718-287-8224

Mendy Kievman601 Midwood St

Brooklyn, NY 11203Phone: 718-431-5957

Menachem mendel Klein

523 Lilac Ln. Apt #8

postville, IA 52162

Phone: 563-537-1770

Yeshaya Kohn

1501 New Heaven Ave

Far Rockaway, NY 11691

Phone: 347-370-5769

Isroel Kokin

396 Kinston Ave

Brooklyn, NY 11225

Yossi Komarovsky

645 Lefferts Ave. Apt#2j

Brooklyn, NY 11203

Phone: 718-953-0823

Dovid Krishevski

3231 Healy Ave 2fl

Far Rockaway, NY 11691

Phone: 718-471-1650

Yosef yitchok Kuperman

299 Crown Street

Brooklyn, NY 11213

Phone: 917-876-2360

Yosef yitzchol Labkowski

46 Ranch Trail W

Williamsville, NY 14221

Phone: 716-580-4600

Menachem Lang

733 Eastern Parkway

Brooklyn, NY 11213

Phone: 718-794-3361

Levi Laufer613 East New York Ave

Brooklyn, NY 11203Phone: 718-778-5511

Avraham M.M. Lavian141-26 71 Road

Flushing, NY 11367Phone: 718-263-1861

Eli Leinkram56 Anglesea Stbondi, NS 2026


Moshe y Levy1045 Ne 174th StMIAMI, FL 33162

Phone: 305-652-7770

Shneur zalman Levy1045 Ne 174th StMIAMI, FL 33162

Phone: 305-652-7770

Baruch Liberow665 Crown StreetBrooklyn, NY 11213

Phone: 718-493-6149

Menachem Lipskier440 Brooklyn Ave #3e

Brooklyn, NY 11225Phone: 718-771-4011

Levi y Malinas422 Troy Ave

Brooklyn, NY 11213Phone: 718-467-0196

Yoseph Malka1577 Carroll St

Brooklyn, NY 11213Phone: 718-773-4311

Mendy Melamed6609 N. Richmond St

chicago, IL 60645Phone: 773-743-4836

Dovber Myhill4667 Vezina

Montreal, QC H3W1B7Phone: 514-344-5327

Sholom Nebanzahl10 Menzel Ave

MAPLEWOOD, NJ 07040Phone: 973-762-5459

Mendel Nebanzahl10 Menzel Ave

MAPLEWOOD, NJ 07040Phone: 973-762-5459

Yisroel aryeh Notik6650 Westbury

Montreal, QC H3W2X6Phone: 514-341-2027

Meyer s Orenstein770 Lefferts Ave #B-1r

Brooklyn, NY 11203Phone: 718-735-2304

Shnehor Pevsner349 Crown Str #2gBrooklyn, NY 11225

Phone: 718-953-6913

Avremy Pevsner349 Crown Str #2gBrooklyn, NY 11225

Phone: 718-953-6913

Yaakov yosef Piekarski1589 Union St.

Brooklyn, NY 11213Phone: 718-221-9744

Menachem mendel Piekarski1151 Lincoln Pl

Brooklyn, NY 11213Phone: 718-771-8928

Shlomo yisrael Pinhas850 WE 175th St.

n Miami Beach, FL 33162Phone: 305-652-7023

Menachem mendel Prager858 Eastern Parkway

Brooklyn, NY 11213Phone: 718-493-4535

Menachem mendel Rodal675 Empire Blvd #4fBrooklyn, NY 11213

Phone: 718-778-5372

Uziel Rubashkin240 E. Greene StrPostville, IA 52162

Phone: 563-864-3044

Aizik Rutman534 Montgomery Street

Brooklyn, NY 11225Phone: 718-467-3524

Mendel Rutman

534 Montgomery Street

Brooklyn, NY 11225

Phone: 718-467-3524

Levi Samuels

21 Mountain View Dr.

Weatogue, CT 06089

Phone: 860-217-0276

Shmuel Sandhaus

1394 Union St.

Brooklyn, NY 11213

Phone: 718-604-0780

Shalom Schanowitz

1611 President St.

Brooklyn, NY 11213

Phone: 718-493-2046

Mendy Schanowitz

1611 President St.

Brooklyn, NY 11213

Phone: 718-493-2046

Shmuli Schlanger

7 Beaumont St

Brooklyn, NY 11235

Phone: 347-326-4546

Osher Schneerson

470 Malbone St

Brooklyn, NY 11225

Phone: 347-787-8521

Yisroel shlomo Schwei

557 Montgomery St. 2ndFLR

Brooklyn, NY 11225

Phone: 718-684-3667

Tzadik Sears

686 Eastern Pkwy #3r

Brooklyn, NY 11213

Phone: 347-351-6132

Mikhoel Seskutov

2924 N Bremen St.

Milwaukee, WI 53212

Phone: 414-455-1336

Shmuel Seskutov

2924 N Bremen St.

Milwaukee, WI 53212

Phone: 414-455-1336

Menachem mendel Shachar

320 Lull St

postville, IA 52162

Phone: 563-864-3305

Meir Shifrin

16740 NE 9th Ave B10

N Miami Beach, FL 33162

Phone: 305-770-4476

Chaim eliyahu Shuchat

420 Troy Ave.

Brooklyn, NY 11213

Phone: 347-365-9922

Shalom Shwarzberg

621 Montgomery St

Brooklyn, NY 11225

Phone: 718-778-0529

Aharon Sidorov

1065 Lincoln Place

Brooklyn, NY 11213

Phone: 718-363-2840

Yitzchok Silberstein

388 Crown St.

Brooklyn, NY 11225

Phone: 718-778-7935

Levi yitzchok Spielman

985 Lincoln Pl

Brooklyn, NY 11213

Phone: 718-774-4180

Mendel Spritzer

4 Kelly Court


Phone: 609-655-7727

Motty Sternberg

331 Crown St

Brooklyn, NY 11225

Phone: 718-773-7866

Mendy Stinmitz

770 Lefferts #B4l

Brooklyn, NY 11203

Phone: 718-773-5320

Israel Stinmitz

770 Lefferts #B4l

Brooklyn, NY 11203

Phone: 718-773-5320

Shmuel Taichman

770 Lefferts Ave. # C1R

Brooklyn, NY 11203

Phone: 563-380-1146

Yaki Tauber

420 Sterling St

Brooklyn, NY 11225

Phone: 718-363-9822

Schneur Tauber

420 Sterling St

Brooklyn, NY 11225

Phone: 718-363-9822

Chaim Tauber

420 Sterling St

Brooklyn, NY 11225

Phone: 718-363-9822

Avrohom Turen

6237 North Whipple St

Chicago, IL 60659

Phone: 773-338-0080

Aharon Tzukernik

249 Booklyn Ave

Brooklyn, NY 11213

Phone: 917-805-3747

Menachem Tzukernik

249 Booklyn Ave

Brooklyn, NY 11213

Phone: 917-805-3747

Dovi Van halem

856 Eastern Parkway

Brooklyn, NY 11213

Phone: 718-221-9299

Nathaniel Vansickle

1115 Greenfield Ave.

Pittsburgh, PA 15217

Phone: 563-379-6879

Yermiyahu Vansickle

1115 Greenfield Ave.

Pittsburgh, PA 15217

Phone: 563-379-6879

Yechiel Vogel

1345 Union Str

Brooklyn, NY 11213

Phone: 718-467-6505

Mendel Weinbaum

447 Troy Ave #1

Brooklyn, NY 11203

Phone: 718.774.0041

Solomon Weller

3533 Amberacres Dr #405e

cincinnati, OH 45237

Phone: 5136310177

Sholom ber Yanover

706 Eastern Parkway

Brooklyn, NY 11213

Phone: 646-982-3886

Yosef yitzchok Yavich

441 Brooklyn Ave. # 6k

Brooklyn, NY 11225

Phone: 718-773-7416

Menachem mendel Yavich

441 Brooklyn Ave. # 6k

Brooklyn, NY 11225

Phone: 718-773-7416

Dovid Zaetz

706 Eastern Pkwy #6i

Brooklyn, NY 11213

Phone: 718-774-9244

Make sure to

To our greatest supporter, our faithful readers:

After enjoying the humor and inspiration of the Blackout weekly, culminating with the publication of Lacka-waxen’s only souvenir journal, we are sure that every camper wishes he had the full collection to boast. Well, we want to help you fulfill that dream and we have en-closed with this great magazine a freeCOLLECTOR’S SPECIAL, THE ENTIRE BLACKOUT WEEKLY VOLUME FOUR!

Enjoy reading and re-reading, sharing with your par-ents, family and friends and just taking a moment to re-digest the greatness of this past summer!

Looking forward to Chayolei’s Blackout weekly volume four based in Yerushalayim with Moshiach Tzidkeinu!

Enjoy,The editors

From the Editors PenChayolei Hamelch Journal 5771



At Home. At Last.

A project of Raul contracting Inc. and THE “ready” Shul in conjunction with the E.M.T. SHLITA

Vol. 5 Issue 1 Parshas Chukas . Summer 5771



It took 5771 years, 9 months and 26 days and boom – perfection. With 58 of the most devoted Staff – Handpicked like one picks out his socks that he will wear every morning (or every second morning for campers – Ed) and along with a newly renovated Shul with paint smells that could take you anywhere into the highest realms, and with new bunk-houses that were built by the Arts and Crafts Director, Camp Chayolei Hamelech got off to the most rocking start of its times.

Campers rolled off the bus nervously as PAMSDDBS and PDYFS directed them to the Shul and they sat. The Head Counselors realizing that an entire camp wass sitting in the Shul with nothing to do, quickly improvised and decided to give a speech. So the two (three) of them walked in and practiced their parts for the Staff Play that may or may not hap-pen this summer. HCZBS started off and played mostly the part of a drunk, scary narrator – the first such narrator in histo-ry. HCZSS’s character was a scary one who seemed intent on giving inspiration-al speeches. NADZRS played the part that is given to someone looking for a job.

After meeting our counselors, and un-packing we had lunch, I already feel the

theme of this summer is going to be “Tuna Fish, again?” But lunch was del-ish, lineup was plain weird and Mincha and supper were rocking (this has to be the first time I rocked at a supper, but Hey, he’s a rocking cook.) Then we sat down to watch a video. Honestly, I have no idea what it was about and you could tell I wasn’t the only one that was lost because the Head Counselors himself explained the video – By the way, I’m still completely confused and the only thing I took out from the video was, WOW! Apple makes really cool com-puters.

Then out of nowhere the guy who we knew was going to be Night Activity Director started shaking (like he does in pretty much every play since Sheishes Yemai bereishes. Oh you don’t believe me… Watch! –ed) and LGYYS attempt-ed a color war break out. After that failed, NADZRS dressed in some awe-some Red Cross attire came running on-to the stage. He then taught a song that included words like: “It’s”, “here”, “the”, “a”, “furblungit”, “legendikerheit”, “foncused”, absolutely (next time you play shpiel of free slice, that is how you actually spell absolutely – ed)

And then we went to sleep.

Wednesday we got treated to a show of ventriloquism followed by the Learning Directors speech. He absolutely put the fear of someone into the campers. Skip-ping right to lunch, the Head Counselors decided that because of the incredible behavior on Days 1 and 2, we would be treated to Sports. That was a joke of some sort because really we were going

י ח י א ד ו נ נ ו מ ו ר נ ו ו ר ב י נ ו מ ל ך ה מ ש י ח ל ע ו ל ם ו ע ד

Pick a Caption: 1. “USA! USA! USA!” 2. So many campers?! 3. Where is THE flag? 4. Whos the guy in the

third row eleventh per-son from the right?

5. Eifo Ravak Hageula?

Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771



Remember the story of the miraglim in Parshas Shelach? Instead of doing exactly what Moshe said, the miraglim added things which they were not instructed. Parshas Chukas describes another team of miraglim, sent out many years later.

The Jewish people were getting ready to enter Eretz Yisrael after wandering forty years in the desert. Moshe Rabbeinu sent spies to the area of Ya'azer, which the Jewish people had to cross in order to enter Eretz Yisrael. The spies were asked to scout the area and report back to Moshe.

The miraglim sent to Ya'azer did more than spy out the land - they also con-

quered it for the Jewish people. These miraglim were praised for what they did.

But wait a minute. These spies were not instructed to fight the people of Ya'azer. Didn't they also add to their instructions? Didn't they make the same mistake as the first team of miraglim?

No. If we look closely, we'll see that this time, things were very different.

These miraglim knew about the mistake that had been made before. During the forty years of wandering in the desert, the Jewish people had been doing teshuvah. Now they were all anxious to enter Eretz Yisrael. The miraglim wanted to show that the teshuvah of the Jewish people was complete.

The first miraglim made the mistake of adding something wrong to their instruc-tions. The second team of miraglim add-ed something right. The addition of the first miraglim prevented the Jewish peo-ple from entering Eretz Yisrael. The addi-tion of these miraglim enabled them to enter the Promised Land.

By adding a right thing to their instruc-tions, they corrected the wrong additions made by the first miraglim.

The first miraglim were timid and afraid. They did not trust HaShem, even though He had promised to help. The second group of miraglim had such tremendous trust in HaShem that they decided to fight the unfriendly people of Ya'azer by them-selves. They knew that HaShem would help.

(Adapted from Sichos Shabbos Parshas Chukas, 5750)

Chayolei Hamelech Poll . This week we asked a random

3,000,047.2 campers…

Why did you come to camp?

12% “Because my counselor plays the Golden Crown to put us to bed

at night” 3.2% “I’m in camp?” (mostly bunk

aleph) 56.7% “I’ve been here for the

past four years” 000.1% “I didn’t, I went to Kiev”

47.9% Shlichus! (BEEETTTACH! - ED)

39% “what's Zalmy Spritzer”

Question of the week: CACS: “Where is the third Head Counselor, I haven’t seen him in a while…”

to be going Ice Skating!! (Picture the most excitement you’ve ever seen that’s how excited all the campers looked for a trip they all “knew was happening the whole time” No really, I knew) Any-who, We went Ice Skating, I for one don’t think it was because of behavior but rather a trip that was planned months in advance.

As camper EES outdid FCFSD-FECADFHCNADZRS’s costumes, campers went round and round in circles on their skates for a while. They then found the rink and went Ice skating. This was fun, I spent most of the time standing in the middle and watching CYDS from Bunk Aleph skate. I could-n’t skate and he was an inspiration to all those parents who send their campers to camp when they’re still 4.

We went to the bathroom, because the Head Counselors didn’t want us to make any bathroom stops on the way back

from Ice Skating. Then they gave us wa-ter to drink. Go figure.

We came back and went to sleep.

Thursday was our first normal day in camp (depending on your exact defini-tion of normal – ED) Sports started, swimming started, MBP started. Every-thing started, except the Head Counse-lors golf cart. Thursday’s night activity was one of kind. The way it worked was as follows: CMSS came up and got him-self some Pizza. We all loved it.

Maariv, according to some, was so Gashmak that it was heard in 770. 2 bunks won the first Survival – run by SDZNS and other dedicated staff – and while I’d love to tell you all about it, as of now, they have yet to return. In fact, while reading this, camp administration have made mental notes (as oppose to non-mental notes that they make during the week) to speak to The Survival Di-rector about coming back earlier and not

being so adventurous. Cool thing is, he doesn’t speak English.

Ever wonder if peanut butter actually comes from butter?

So next week I’ll tell you about Friday and Shabbos, if they still want to hear.

Good Shabbos!


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


So you were sitting by the Shabbos table, and you saw someone giving out papers. FREE papers. So you go and take one or two (just in case) and you start reading. Or maybe you just happened to find it all covered up with Ba-baganush stains, and figured it was worth get-ting a bit dirty. Beats me why.

But it is a good thing you did, because you will gain nothing from reading it. And your waiter will have a harder time doing his job. Which brings us to the question: Why are they called waiters? Usually the campers are wait-ers for the waiters. Go figure. Actually don’t go figure…

On the same note why are they called learning teachers? Are there teachers for something else besides learning? Maybe they’re learning how to be teachers. That makes cents, on vis-iting day… the Learning teachers that is… Whatever, you won’t understand. Basically

the learning teachers make cents on visting day. Now I’m making some sense… Oh, and it’s called learning class. I guess in other clas-ses you don’t learn? Are you even getting the questions?

On a higher note, why are they called bunk houses? What does bunk mean? Is it a house without a basement? Is it a basement without a house? Or maybe it is neither?

All these questions are making me dizzy… hold on… I think my head is… Oy vey… Few! Don’t worry that was nothing I’m OK.

So what was I saying… I mean writing… I mean typing… Oh never mind! Back to the questions: What’s shmayonky? You know as in “we want Shmayonke!”. Was Moshiach called Shmaya. No! The Rebbe is Moshiach! See you actually gained something from read-ing this. See you next week!

Heylow “mame” and “abba”, “sabba”, “safta”, “feteh moshe”“dod” shmuel, an missezz “fligel” from “nexte” “dor” how’z you? i M barooch hAshem “gut” im leerneng vee tzu schriebben)) in English beesser [speel-ling, prah-poor-lee sow duh ledders I put in duh sings dat look lyke too dots ne-air duh word meens its in yinglish ok? Campeh rite now is um-buh-lee-vuh-blee “legendikerhait” I luv m-eye bunkeh “oon” my “clownslers” day are duh best, I mayde a nu friends mooshe duh cow an my

deer friend tzvi duh dear, if I spin round “oon” ah “room” “vet” “ich” end up “oiffen” floor? Sow me an miy friend shoo-ee duh shoe went for a walk on duh big eye-sss-ez room wiff duh campeh I folded only twice’s . “oy” deed i tel you ah boat duh three headed clownselors, “oon” won of dem diss-uh-peerd! “alleh-men” is “zugging” dat a spaceship “iz “ah-rup” “geffalin” “duh” in “dem” campeh , “oon” day are saying “ah” “meh-shoo-ge-ner “ “oon” “zien” friend in hand, R waking “ah-room” duh campeh, this is CRAZY!?!?#$% wat’s “ah” T-shirt? Is dat sumting you oh-nlee wear wen you drink tea?> beecuz my English friends frum England sai’did day have so many T-shirts. Today I wanna be a pretzel, but knot a lollypop

beecuz dat sucks. Me an my dear freeind shoo-ee ha-did a glue eating race but we got stuck-did in middle, today in lerning clas-says we lerndid how to knock a ladybug off you’r T-shirt accord-ing to halacha! I never wanna leaf campeh its sow much happiness. Smell you later have to take “ah” sh’hour now gut Shabbos. p.s. duh campeh is next to duh reh-ruh-rear river!

Line of the week: HCZBS: “I’ll send you flying… flying means home.”

The Chayolei ‘Haktzanot’

A Shmoozel with Shmool-Zal


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


The hardest working campers of the week:

Bunk Aleph: Michoel Sesketov Bunk Bais: Yossi Labkovsky Bunk Gimmel: Aron Tzukernik Bunk Daled: Yirmeyohu Vantzikle Bunk Hey: Berel Myhill Bunk Vov: Chaim Shuchat Bunk Zayin: Uziel Rubashkin Bunk Ches: Levi Laufer Bunk Tes: Issac Andrusier Bunk Yud: Tuvia Jacobs Bunk Yud Alef: Eliyohu Ezagui Bunk Yud Beis: Mendy friedman

The hardest working students of the week: Rabbi Granoveter’s class: Shmuel Sesketov Rabbi Gurkov’s class: Issac Rutman Rabbi Shuffrin’s class: Nisson Andrusier Rabbi Yarmak’s class: Levi Samules Rabbi Rendler’s class: Stay Tuned... Rabbi Brody’s class: Menachem Ganzberg Rabbi Paul’s class: To hard to choose... Rabbi Spinner’s class: Mendel Rodal Rabbi Yusevitch’s class: Shneur Levy

Rabbi Edelman’s class: Mendel Hendel Rabbi Goldshmitd’s class: Boruch Gansberg On behalf of all the staff of CCH we ap-preciate your amazing effort keep up the

awesome work.

Words of the week: Legendikerheit, Shvacha Meises, Spotly.

Published by the Chayolei Hamelech Board of Bored souls at their weekly bored meeting.

Summer 5771 Lackawaxen, PA

Another project of:

The Blackout Weekly Lackawaxen’s most read publication

© All rights reserved. No parts of this newsletter may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the Chayolei Hamelech Board of Bored souls, That includes all types of S***PING.

On behalf of EVERYONE we’d like to welcome two very special

former head staff members -founders, invisionaries, and pio-neers - Didy Waks and Rosh Ye-

shiva Mendel Scharf.

We hope you enjoy Shabbos with us as much as we will with you. We hope you Shep a lot of Nachas and see the fruits

of your labor.

On behalf of the Editors of this publica-tion, the head staff, the staff, the

campers and Dovber Bryski, we’d like to wish a hearty Mazal Tov to hardest

working staff member MENDY BERKOWITZ on the occasion of his

birthday, Shnas Hatzlocha!

It would be a shame to leave out the E.M.T.



Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


ZZZZZZZZZ… A full week of camp.

A project of “we love Gan-Izzy” inc. in conjunction with the “nothing happened on Gimmel Tammuz “ committee.

Vol. 5 Issue 2 Parshas Bolok . Summer 5771



Right, so where were we? Shabbos. What an incredibly, uplifting, inspira-tional, chayisdik and memorable Shab-bos! It really instilled the right energy in me for the rest of camp! (Pick one word from those two sentences and put it in your color war song – ED)

In all seriousness Shabbos was incredi-ble. The Davening, Singing was amaz-ing and no one really wanted it to end, but alas, Moitze Shabbos came and so Shabbos ended. Not before the very first Shmaryonkee of the summer. SDZNS, NADZRS, LTMPS, CWODSLS, CYKS and LGYYS all starred in what was a moving story about a Portuguese man who has an intense love for Spanish songs and Raul. There were two Sheya Lishners on stage and then they tried to imitate the Head Counselors first speech, but failed miserably. All in all, whatever we saw (that which wasn’t blocked by the actors themselves) was funny – in a not-so-funny-way.

Sunday was the first time of many that the line “It never rains in the Rebbe’s camp” was heard. For some odd reason this line is always said on days when there is this weird mist falling from Shomayim. So, we played UNO, Risk, and Monopoly and then remembered we had campers to take care of so we

brought the games to them. The campers either won or lost the games and then watched last year’s camp video in which many of them noticed themselves. This excited them for some strange reason.

Other things that happened on Sunday included a midget night activity, Uncle Chatzkel’s introduction (we haven’t seen him since) and Yossel Friedmans ab-sence (he HAS been seen since) A few things about Chatzkel and his nephew, NADZRS. They aren’t very good at ven-triloquism.

Monday, after scouting reports were handed in and many (many many) hours were spent dividing teams, the grand sports leagues were introduced. PAMSDDBS did the honors, except that someone else read out the names due to his cold that he caught the other day. In the younger division, teams name were yesterday, tomorrow, last week and to-day. That means at any given time today could be playing tomorrow or next week. Earlier today, tommorow played yesterday and last week will play yester-day, tomorrow.

In the older division, some team names include: Now, never, . CACS was heard asking if he is now or never?

Monday night after HCZBS and OD-CWSLS finished supper, 1000 popsickle sticks were stragically placed around camp. When night activity started, campers went around and practically cleaned camp grounds. The campers that weren’t punished went and collected the Popsicle sticks. Each bunk then creative-ly made stuff out of said Popsicle sticks.

י ח י א ד ו נ נ ו מ ו ר נ ו ו ר ב י נ ו מ ל ך ה מ ש י ח ל ע ו ל ם ו ע ד

Pick a Caption: 1. Who is that next to

Shmuel? 2. Camp Rabbi. 3. The Mashpia (number 2) 4. Kiev?! 5. Where is R.C.Y.W.S.? 6. Eifo Hadgalim?


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


A king was waiting anxiously with a crowd of people. From afar they were able to see a man walking slowly, as if in a trance. The man looked strange: he could see with only one eye, and that eye had come out of its socket.

As he began to speak, the crowd of people turned away from him. Some were disappointed, and others were angry. But the man ignored them and continued speaking as if a spell had been cast over him.

This story repeated itself twice more. Each time, fewer people came out to see and listen to the strange man, while others even began to mock and laugh at him. The king finally became upset with the man and sent him home in disgrace.

Who was this king and why was he so disap-pointed?

The king was Ba-lak. He ruled in ancient times, when people believed in magicians and wiz-ards. Balak called the master wizard

of his time, Bilaam, to try to curse the Jewish people.

But Bilaam did not curse the Jewish people. Instead, he blessed them with words HaShem put in his mouth. His prophecies contain great blessings for the Jewish people and for the entire world.

Bilaam prophesied about the coming of the Ma-shiach: "I see it, but not now. I can gaze upon it, but it will not be in the near future. A star shall go forth from Yaakov and a staff shall arise in Israel."

The Rambam explains, " 'I see it, but not now,' is King David. 'I can gaze upon it, but it will not be in the near future,' is King Mashiach. 'A star shall go forth from Yaakov,' is King David, and 'A staff shall arise in Israel,' is King Mashiach."

Why does the prophecy mention King David together with King Mashiach? First of all, to strengthen our faith that Mashiach will come. David was born many hundreds of years after Bilaam's prophecy. We have been waiting even longer for Mashiach. However, we can be sure that the second part of the prophecy will be ful-filled, just as the first part came to pass.

There is also another lesson. Putting the two kings together in the same prophecy shows us that they will do similar things. David spread the study of the Torah and the observance of the mitzvos among all the Jewish people. He defeat-ed all their enemies and brought peace to the land. He brought the Aron HaKodesh to Jerusa-lem and prepared for the Beis HaMikdash to be built.

These are the type of things Mashiach will do. Mashiach will bring all the Jewish people to keep the Torah. He will lead them to Eretz Yis-rael where they will live in peace. And he will build the Beis HaMikdash.

(Adapted from Chidushim UBiurim B'shas, Vol. II, p. 262)

Chayolei Hamelech Poll . This week we asked a random

3,076,049.8 campers…

What does BIVOUAC mean?

12% “its when you go outside and wac all the bee’s”

3.2% “time for the general staff to sleep”

56.7% “its Russian for “the Germans are coming!””

47.9% “its stands for: Best in-vention via our unanimous ad-

ministration committee” 39% “why is Zalmy Spritzer”

Question of the week: “how could it be in the afternoon and they were Davening Shachris?

Some made 770, same made a spaceship from Kiev (Hey we haven’t mentioned Kiev yet) and other things were made.

Camp got into serious mode for Gimmel Tammuz and lots of extra Davening and Learning happened. On Tuesday after-noon all the campers got dressed into white(ish) Shabbos shirts and went to the Shul for a rally. The rally was em-ceed by the Head Counselors who spoke about the significance of the day. The Pesukim were recited followed by a heartfelt Yechi. Under the watchful eye of MLTEGPRCYWS, LDRYSS told a personal story showing how the Rebbe’s Brochos continue to be showered upon us and that he is truly with us at every moment. After Tzedokah and Niggunim were sung, we wrote letters to the Reb-be. A real beautiful rally!

We then went to sleep.

Wednesday after breakfast, HCZBS an-nounced the exciting news of cleanup to

be followed by packing, and no, he was-n’t sending anyone home, we were go-ing an overnight. I didn’t realize that that’s what bivouac meant till we were sleeping in our sleeping bags much later. As we were about to leave Lazer Tag was announced. We boarded the buses and arrived at Lazer One. Lazer Tag was awesome and sweaty and fun, we played arcade games but it seemed more fun to watch others play arcade games. We also stalled.

That night we found a nice patch of green grass to set up our sleeping bags and pillows, we made a fire that SDZNS is still trying to get started. The singing was beautiful, the barbeque delicious (ask the staff) and the atmosphere surre-al. As we sat round the bonfire, in total unity, we sang songs, roasted marshmal-lows and then heard a three hour story from PFYFS.

And then we went to sleep. Some of us. Also the staff had a kumzitz.

Thursday morning we returned to camp and had a week rest period. The head staff and some staff showed off their baseball skills as NADZRS hit a couple of balls into New York (it hit 749 to be exact)

That’s the end, I tried.

Have a great Shabbos!


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


A Shmoozel with Leemanov Oh, it’s you sitting there again. So let’s get straight to the point which is: Why does camp have so many weird names? For example why is it called canteen? Does it mean that some cans there are teenagers? Now I understand why some of the soda tastes funny. And speaking of funny, I was just sleeping on the floor the other night. That’s it… that’s the punch line. What you don’t get it? Don’t tell me you think it’s not funny to sleep on the floor. Few! Thank you for not telling me it’s not funny, (even though you can’t…) Speaking of you… Please stop reading now. NU! Why are you continuing to read? You think I don’t realize? My spies tell me everything, don’t try to fool me. Even if you turn you head to the side and peek with your eyes, I can still tell that you are

reading. Fine… do what you want; I won’t stop you, (even though I can’t… (Sounds familiar no?)) Ok you win… if you really insist; I’ll get back to the point (if there is any). How do the counselors sleep through the revile tape? I just don’t get it… They are the closest to the speakers! Maybe it has to do with canteen. And I hope you got the answer I just told you otherwise… well… you’ll lose time of your next trip. This means in other words, that you will fall down much faster. And I will not explain that either. It won’t help you even if you continue read-ing. I said it won’t help! Why don’t you ever Derher the first time? I mean read the first time… I mean Deread… I mean don’t read… ARRRRRRGGGHHH! This is getting frustrating. $%$%^#*&^*&%# I give up.

“abbindoo la’abbindoo hello mame taate you” hallo camp is duh bestest, hallo me an berel duh beer an tzvi my deer freind chase-did a froggy all duh way to “yahupitz”, over dear me meetid a fun-E looking fehlow named row-blin duh cow driver, he was all wayz steering at us in duh cow side mirrrr-ror when he was dryveng duh wat he calls duh “cow-moo-bill” did you no dat when it rains its duh “malachim” in duh dhoe-mayim taking a shhuor?! B”H lucky fur us day don’t take hot wons, den we wented to lazers house and playdid tag dat was fun, hallo duh peepull “durton” keptid akting silly and day were lyke screeming stuff lyke runny nose stop running and and smelly sneekers stop smelleeng and running or

spatula stop running hallo ah spatula cant run it dose-int even have a mouth, anywayz zalman duh flying fly toldid me dat if you mayke a tum-blesauce on apples den it bee-comes squashdid apples, hallo wanna hear ah joke, i thoughted visiting day was nexter week so why are all youre ant-shere, hehe “ich” “been” “ah’zoy” silly J, wanna here ah joke shooe toldid me, he saydid dat what do you get when u croos duh new payvedid roads an a phone an a rabbi? Rabbi tar-phone! Hehe dat was a even sillier joke, I real-eye-sed jokes donut have to be funne N-E-more, why is it calldid BEE-vo-wack? It shouldid bee calldid mosquit-o-wack! Mister mayor I am sorry dat duh city garbage dump is smelly but I cant help with dat N-E-more, I-M-A changed person I take shhour’s now. Today “s-iz” “gevuren” “ah” “groise” earth quake in duh camp for ah joke, wen I will grow up I will own-lee eat healthy junk food, hallo I learndid dat if you tie both of youre

shoooe layces “tzuzamen” “doo” “vest” “fallen” “ah-rup”, I heardid dat duh canteen is mayking rockets to fly to duh shoomayim wiff duh canteen prices attatchet to it, but I heard dat he maydid duh rockets in side an instead duh prices whent through duh roof! Haha now he has to fix duh roof pee-pull can be sow silly sumtimes ok I go now gut shbbos. p.s. me and tzvi gluedid hour selves “tzuzamen” beecuz dats wat friends doo day sticky “tzuzamen” p.s.s. wen you come to visit mee don’t 4 get to bring me socks ok mine gotted “shmutzik” sow I true dem “ah-rois” ok gut Shabbos#$%#@^&*&.

Line of the week: Zalman, Zalmen, You must understand...

The Chayolei ‘Haktzanot’

A Shmoozel with Shmool-Zal #2


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


The hardest working campers of the week:

Bunk Aleph: Yanky Dolfin Bunk Bais: Yossi Labkovsky Bunk Gimmel: Menachem Gansberg Bunk Daled: Yossi Kamrovsky Bunk Hey: Berel Yanover Bunk Vov: Mendel Rodal Bunk Zayin: Menduy Spritzer Bunk Ches: Yossi Dolfin Bunk Tes: Dovi Van Heilem Bunk Yud: Shlomo Pinhas Bunk Yud Alef: Shea Kohen Bunk Yud Beis: Yossi Kahn

The hardest working students of the week: Rabbi Granoveter’s class: Dovid Zaetes Rabbi Gurkov’s class: Aharon Tzukernik Rabbi Shuffrin’s class: Mendy Ginsberg Rabbi Yarmak’s class: Mendy Fisher Rabbi Rendler’s class: Sholom Shwartzberg Rabbi Brody’s class: Mendy Pikarsky Rabbi Paul’s class: Tuvia Jacobs Rabbi Spinner’s class: Mendel Rotman

Rabbi Yusevitch’s class: Levi Feldman

Rabbi Edelman’s class: Mendel Prager Rabbi Goldshmitd’s class: Michoel Susketov On behalf of all the staff of CCH we ap-preciate your amazing effort keep up the

awesome work.

Words of the week: Chatzkel, OisGecheshbent, Farblonget.

Published by the Chayolei Hamelech Board of Bored souls at their weekly bored meeting.

Summer 5771 Lackawaxen, PA

Another project of:

The Blackout Weekly Lackawaxen’s most read publication

© All rights reserved. No parts of this newsletter may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the Chayolei Hamelech Board of Bored souls, That includes all types of S***PING.

On behalf of the entire camp Chayolei Hamelech we would like to welcome two very

special M’chanchim in Lubavich, Yossi Bryski and Shmulie Turk.

A word from Mendy Friedman: NO!

Teams Win Tie Loss Point

Now 4 0 2 12

Never 3 2 1 11

Later 3 1 2 10

Soon 3 0 3 9

Before 2 0 4 6

Always 1 1 4 4

Team Win Tie Loss Point

Today 6 0 0 18 Yester-

day 3 1 2 10 Tomor-

row 1 1 4 5 Last

week 1 0 5 3

Mazal tov! to Zalmi Sandhause on his engagement

L’chaim was already… and to Yanky Dolfin on his Birthday


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


And the winner of Bog War is… Kadur HaWhat?

A project of team Kadur HoemTzoei inc. in conjunction with ZR’s Tachtonim

Vol. 5 Issue 3 Parshas Pinchos . Summer 5771



This week started with Shabbos, which was rock-ing and we didn’t expect any less. Shmaryonkee was about a card, or cart, or car (these were actual attempted jokes) and there gangeseterees. Moitze Shabbos we had a rocking Kiddush Levonah and there was some music if you sat right next to the speaker. A wonderful time was had by all. We went to sleep.

Monday we had bedside inspection. And then got dismissed to the buses for bowling and pizza. It was incredibly fun and delicious (the pizza was delicious and the bowling, fun. Not the other way around. –ED) The swimming when we got back took the cake (to where? -ED) though.

Monday Night as SDLGTKHZNS went up to be Chazan for Maariv, PAMSDGTKHDBS remem-bered they had a UNO game to finish. He came rushing in and caught ZUSHE right before Maariv started and whisked him away to their private, Israeli game room. Feeling totally embar-rassed about his misconduct, SDLGTKHZNS decided it was best if he just left camp for good. He spoke with the Head Staff and they agreed but it was decided to blame VISA (not the credit card) for his leaving. So at lunch, he gave an emotional speech that no one quite understood and said good-bye.

Later, moments before lineup, he was seen heav-ing an empty suitcase into a van that had no place for him to actually sit in. The van drove by lineup, he waved good bye and that funnily enough made campers believe that this was a bog war breakout. Meanwhile by supper the ATM – HCLDFEMTMHS told us about the trees that were being cut and seemed to be begging for more work.

At night activity, NADGTKHZRS got up (obviously). He then explained the rules of escape from Golus, wearing Russian clothing leading people watching him to believe he actually stole this game from “Escape from Russia” which some say IS actually escaping from Golus. Then to get everyone to listen to him (since lots of campers really believed bog war was about to be broken out and therefore weren’t listening to the rules) NADGTKHZRS started singing the now famous “abidoolo a bidoo. Hearing how this was-n’t working out, SDLGTKHZNS came out of nowhere and tried to show how it’s done. Camp-ers were so shocked that he wasn’t in New York they didn’t even respond. ZUSHE, being even more shocked, in a quick panic shouted “BOG WAR”. Now it was the Head Staff who were shocked. This was all very shocking.

While the Staff danced to Lo Yisa Goi, the Head Staff and camp administration agreed if everyone would promis not to staple staples into the stage wall, then Bog War could happen. They quickly dived the teams based on smile and explained the themes that are still confusing some. Then after dividing the staff it was time to find Captains, Lieutenants and Generals. But how would we pick on such short notice? We made a quick trip to the Maintenance building and found the first six shirts lying around.

The Captains came out with Helmets and the short preparation time was evident in their en-trances. Then the curtains opened to what was supposed to be each team’s lieutenant General, except that the stage was empty. Then without hint of anything SDLGTKHZNS came out of nowhere for the second time that day this time on a rope and from the ceiling. About three weeks later THDLGTKHMNS did the same; we all

know it takes a while for people to jump in Cha-yolei (Vehamavin Yovin – ED)

Then after some cheering, screaming and chants that made us realize that a shipment of Ricolla for the next few days was in order, music sounded. Where were we? The Razag? OT Ballroom? It was a wedding! And there were Mitvah Tantzes and everything. Yay. The Chosson – PAMSDGTKHDBS chose team Kadur Haelyon based on Gorel that happened previously (wait, so

י ח י א ד ו נ נ ו מ ו ר נ ו ו ר ב י נ ו מ ל ך ה מ ש י ח ל ע ו ל ם ו ע ד

Pick a Caption: 1. Second month? 2. Who/where/what is that? 3. “NO!” 4. “...And next year you’ll be

washing dishes...” STILL. 5. Eifo Levi Varnei 6. Chelek MeiHakahal HaRa-

chav 7. Eifo HaDegalim?


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


At the end of last week's parshah, we read about the sin committed by Zimri ben Salu. Pinchas wanted to make sure that the wrongdoing of Zimri would not bring HaShem's anger upon Bnei Yisrael. And so rather than let Zimri continue, he risked his own life and killed Zimri.

This week's parshah begins by telling us that HaShem rewarded Pinchas. When HaShem saw that he risked his life for the sake of the Jewish people, He told Moshe: "Pinchas turned My anger away from B'nei Yisrael.... There-fore I will give him a covenant of peace." When praising Pinchas, HaShem calls him: "zealous."

A zealous person puts aside concern for himself and does whatever has to be done to fulfill the will of HaShem. A person may have to risk his life in gashmiyus or make sacrifices in ruchniyus, but because he is zealous, he doesn't think about him-self. He has one thought in mind:

what HaShem wants.

There is another person in the Tanach who is called "zealous" - Eliyahu Hanavi, who

said: "I have been very zealous for the sake ofHa-Shem." Actually, our sages teach us that "Pinchas is Eliyahu," so it is not a surprise that they were both zealous for the sake ofHaShem.

When Eliyahu Hanavi said this, he also told HaShem how disturbed he was by the wrong-doings of the Jewish people. He cried out toHa-Shem, telling Him how many of His people had gone astray.

HaShem was not pleased to hear Eliyahu criti-cize B'nei Yisrael. HaShem wants us to always look for good in others. And that good is always there; we may just have to look a little harder to find it.

And so HaShem appointed Eliyahu as the Angel of the Bris, and instructed him to attend the bris mi-lah of every Jewish child for all time to come. He would be there to see how the Jewish people are

faithful to HaShem, and how they keep His mitzvos.

HaShem taught Eliyahu that a person who feels zealous should show extra measures of Ahavas Yisrael; he must always try to find merit in the Jewish people.

This became Eliyahu's mission - pointing out the good in others and in this way, bringing people close to each other. And so when thenavi Malachi describes how Eliyahu Hanavi will announce the Geulah, he says: "He will turn the hearts of fathers to the children and the hearts of children to the fathers." And when the Rambam describes Eliyahu's mission, he says: "He will come solely to establish peace."

As we join together in Achdus and Ahavas Yisra-el - which give us the strength to overcome the challenges of the galus - EliyahuHanavi will cer-tainly be there to seek out our merits. He will point out the abundance of Ahavas Yisrael that we have, and will lose no time in announcing the coming of the Geulah.

(Adapted from Likkutei Sichos, Vol. II, p. 344)

Chayolei Hamelech Poll . This week we asked a random

3,085,028.2 campers…

What was the best part of the bowling

and Pizza trip?

12% “phone reception” 3.2% “the arcades”

52% “the fact that kiev actual-ly has a bowling lane and pizza

shop” 56.7% “all the unlimited free

soda!” 47.9% “walking off with my brand new cool red bowling

shoes” 39% “visiting day”

24% “what is Zalmy Spritzer?”

Question of the week: CYRS: “What actually is bog war?”

we knew Bog War was happening? I’m confused. –ED) and The Kallah – NADGTKHZRS chose Kadur Hatachton based on that teams Chayus (I guess he wasn’t invited to the meeting with the Gorel – ED) we then screamed Maariv.

Bog War had started and we went to sleep, except that nobody really did.

The first day brought stuff and the songs. The first song, an original, was about one of the three judges. He had a fight with the Galach and held his chin up high. The moving tune composed, written and lyricized by CSZS, reached a crescen-do by the chorus where ZalmAn says he would never give up his Yiddishkeit. Kadur Hatachton’s song –an Abie Rotenberg classic- described the journey of a Neshoma (almost like an actual Abie Rotenberg classic – ED). This song was com-posed by LGCRS and NADGTKHZRS.

After some more of this and that (more this than that… -ED) it was time for the scavengers. Campers piled into the Shul and were treated to corn. Not the food, but BERKO style. This scav-enger also included the obligatory shaking scene by NADGTKHZRS. After changing his hood instead of his hood and his cap instead of his cap and turning instead of turning, the scavenger ended. The next scavenger, Kadur HaElyons first, was about a Russian news station and was seri-ously long and other stuff.

The third scavenger was a look into Ahvas Yis-roel Shul. The final scavenger was LTMPS diet idea. It didn’t work even though the surgeon re-moved everything including the kitchen sink.

The first plays actual name was “Cliché”. There was the obligatory Bar Scene. A Beis Midrash Scene. A child returning to Yiddishkeit, a market place and of course HLGAAS acted as a soldier as he and SDLGTKHZNS showed off a little bit. There was also a cry out of Shema Yisroel once or twice or something like that.

Kadur Hatachtons play starred ODCWSLS who died twice. Then again just about everyone died, leading to a request from HCJZSS not to kill the audience. There were a few parts to the play: Number 1: There was a competition between the actors of which character could say his word more. One had to say “Kid”, one said “job” and the other “whack”. Number 2: Kill everyone. Then randomly in the middle there was a baseball game. Unrealistic really. When was the last time The Bom Bombanio struck out against The Sandhouse?

After two exhausting, exhilarating, chayusdik and memorable days of Bog War, it was time to Da-ven maariv and go to sleep. Some are still sleep-ing (quite like any other morning – ED) and now we’re back to Friday. I still can’t quite understand

how so much happened in one week! I guess that’s Chayolei for you.

A Guten Shabbos!


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


Hey kid! The following song is not meant to be taken seriously, (like everything in the Shmoozel – ED) because the truth is that your staff do not want your tips, and they will even tear it up in your face to prove it (and then tape it back together when you’re not looking). And because the main purpose for visiting day is that the campers should restock on nosh and become homesick (or restock on home and get noshsick). Winning Theme song of The Losing

team of Kesef Minolon! Life was so very hard, for the poor counselor He toiled, day out and day in To have prizes ready, for his bunk a plenty Yet still a wacky sane Yid to be Then one day, good news came his way

Visiting day is on Sunday It is the time the campers pay; you’ll see a brighter day If they don’t then this is what you say Chorus: X5 I will not forgive I will not forget If the money you don’t pay You won’t get anything I’ll make you die Your family and friends can all cry Sunday passed by, the counselor did cry He turned to his campers and said I decided after all, I won’t make you fall I’ll tell my mommy to take me home

~ Frown We Lost! ~

Camp is to much fon this year I don’t know what to du, my bestest frind says he loves it here even more then in the city …. Duh! of corse he does, the city doesn’t have bunkbeds, and anyways my pet mos-quito, yossi , thinks so to…. he likes me…. I mean loves me.

We learnt this week in learning class to honer you muther and peretz… but I don’t have a peretz in my family so im gonna honer my frinds brother peretzs instead.

I like pizza too, we went to a store this week witch had pizza…. I think it was called a pizza store…. There were veggi tables there.

Then we bowld I don’t like the shoes their. And the white things at the end of the lane keeped on faling down, I think the bowling ball hurted them but no one saw it .my clownser told me to apologize to the 911 peo-ple for calling them …. I just wanted to help the little white things !?

We had a boggy war, but there was no fighting… no hands allowed … but the clownslers were playing a play on the stage, they were sleeping on the stage but I could tell even they were faking coz but.

…. Hey? these arnt my pants!…….

Anyways, Then the Russins came but they didn’t even do anyting to us they tried kissing the stage a lot but I dont think the stage liked it much coz it made a bench-wall fall. Then some mafia came … I don’t know what they do for a living but I

don’t care, I would probly forge tit even if I knew…. Yea I forgot I think

The nine days are comeing up…. I hope it dosent last to long….. how many days it will take up of camp??.

P.s I soo a cat DOT

Line of the week: SGRGRS: “I walked into the staff lounge and there were kids there even younger then Yossel”

The Chayolei ‘Haktzanot’

A Shmoozel with Leemanov #3


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


The hardest working campers of the week:

Bunk Aleph: Benny Bartfield Bunk Bais: Yizchok Cohen Bunk Gimmel: Aharon Tzukernik Bunk Daled: Yossi Kamrovsky Bunk Hey: Nesanel Vansickel Bunk Vov: Levi Cohen Bunk Zayin: Levi Samules Bunk Ches: Mendel Boruchov Bunk Tes: Mendel Prager Bunk Yud: Avremel Turen Bunk Yud Alef: Simcha Friend Bunk Yud Beis: Mendy Paul

The hardest working students of the week: Rabbi Granoveter’s class: Yirmeyohu V. Rabbi Gurkov’s class: Yossi Albekurk Rabbi Shuffrin’s class: Uziel Rubashkin Rabbi Yarmak’s class: Yonatan Hecht Rabbi Rendler’s class: Mendey Shechter Rabbi Brody’s class: Reuven Gohnmardi Rabbi Paul’s class: Tuvia Jacobs Rabbi Spinner’s class: Chaim Shochat Rabbi Yusevitch’s class: Yossef Labkovsky

Rabbi Edelman’s class: Mendy Klein Rabbi Goldshmitd’s class: Benny Bartfield On behalf of all the staff of CCH we appreciate

your amazing effort keep up the awesome work.

Over used words of the week: cleverness, kid, basics, ‘ligit business, Shma Yisroel.

Published by the Chayolei Hamelech Board of Bored souls at their weekly bored meeting.

Summer 5771 Lackawaxen, PA

Another project of:

The Blackout Weekly Lackawaxen’s most read publication

© All rights reserved. No parts of this newsletter may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the Chayolei Hamelech Board of Bored souls, That includes all types of S***PING.

We would like to take the extra space opportunity to welcome a former LT & ACD & LD & EGPC & CFBWS & TPMSIU and a

long time friend and supporter Rabbi, SHU”B,

Gershon Riesenberg Shlita.

On behalf of the Head Staff, the

Judges, Camp Administration, all

those close to our cause, and

Mendy Spritzer, we extend a Yash-

er Koach and a big Thank You to all

the staff members of GAN on their

effort to make this Bog War a

smashing success.

You will all get a Laffy Taffy or Ice Pop.


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


All about the flags...

A project of the “more flags more fun” committee inc. in conjunction with TZHDLTGTCTYMFDMNS

Vol. 5 Issue 4 Parshas Matos . Summer 5771



What a week. Let’s back up to Shabbos. When was that? Feels like months and months ago. Or seconds ago, if you go by the whole “time flies when you’re having fun” line. Ever notice that the English lan-guage is weird. More on that some other time, mmmkay? OH EM GEE is it hot to-day! Am I supposed to remember what hap-pened 7 24 hours ago in this sweltering heat that makes Mr Six soaking in sweat under his mask and in his tuxedo.

Oh yes. The main article… Let’s start by Shmaryonkee (I mean we already know that Shabbos was awesome and there is no rea-son to actually write that out. Oh there! I wrote it) So Shmaryonkee was about bog war as the actors made fun of their own plays and scavengers. Sunday morning was weird. We didn’t get woken up by that an-noying reveille tape, but rather the Gegang-sters and some awesome lifeguards. We ran around like crazy people and had pillow fights. Ah, so it was just like any other morning. But then we went for a Mikveh/Swim (again, still like any other morning) and this was some sort of bribing idea. Why, you may ask? Because today was visiting day. Aha!

As we cleaned our bunkhouses in case our fathers would want to take a shlof on our beds, as HCZSS pointed out, the waiters made a sign out of cups and hung up some posters indicating they thought they de-served money (apparently our parents didn’t agree with them) Then out of anger for not

being picked as Generals, Lieutenants or Captains they ironed their names and some other words on their shirts, effectively ruin-ing 4 normal good shirts.

During line up already the smells of fire filled the camp grounds. As the administra-tion worked to put out that huge bonfire, parents started lighting barbeque and the smells of delicious chicken and steaks filled the air. It was a beautiful day as parents reu-nited with their long lost sons. They played ball, related stories and spent money in can-teen. Slowly but surely parents realized that there really isn’t that much to do with your kids after eating and catching up, so they left. Other parents were quite the opposite and still have their kids or something like that.

We also played volleyball and baseball and other stuff. Then we went to sleep.

Monday was just a regular day in camp, the good type. Sports, learning class, meals and good ole night activity. Then as we set up our tables for Maariv we realized it was just camper, the HC and three general staff – THDLGTKHMNS, SDPAMGTKHDBS and SDLGTKHZNS. We nonetheless, Davened and leined Krias Shema beautifully and found out that our dear counselors and staff had gone to Wal-Mart. We await the awe-some stuff you bought for us!

Then we went to sleep – or so the Head Counselors think so.

Tuesday was a little bit of a late wake up because the staff were fasting – like we care. After Slichos and a long Shachris some ate breakfast. Others were way too cool for that. Then after learning class and lunch we made a grand Moshiach day Carnival. It looked exactly like most carnivals do. Or not so much but it was a blast we got to throw sponges, eat flour, mirror maze and other wonderful events. After that we watched our

י ח י א ד ו נ נ ו מ ו ר נ ו ו ר ב י נ ו מ ל ך ה מ ש י ח ל ע ו ל ם ו ע ד

Pick a Caption: 1. “Zalmen, Zalmen you must

understand…” 2. “life was so very hard for

poor Reb Zalmen…” 3. Which one is head coun-

selor again? 4. Want to switch positions? 5. His glasses match his hair 6. EIfo HaDegalim?


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


"Hello, Zalmy. How was your first day at camp?"

"It was great, Mommy," burbled Zalmy excit-edly. "We had such a good time that I don't feel sorry anymore about not going to over-night camp."

"Who is your counselor? Is he nice?"

"Oh Mommy! he's the best! At first, we were really disappointed. he seemed so strict. he kept talking about all the camp rules. he wouldn't let us play on the roof, and he said shiur time was going to be just like class.

"But then we saw that he wasn't just being firm because he was a stubborn person. We asked to have extra swim time and the life

guard said 'No' at first. Then Moishy, our coun-selor, became very insistent, just as firm as he was when he spoke

about the rules. he convinced the life guard and we had a ball.

"And you know, Mommy, it really wasn't so bad to have shiur like class. Everybody was quiet and listened. Moishy is really as good as rabbi Greenberg."

Zalmy’s counselor seems like the type of person who has learned a lesson from the name of Parshas Mattos.

In this Parshah, the Torah lists the numbers of the Jewish people, counting them by tribe. The tribes are called Mattos, which means "staffs," because the head of each tribe carried a staff of leadership. The tribes are also called Shevatim, which means "rods."

What is the difference between a rod and a staff? Both are sticks, but a rod can be bent, while a staff is firm and hard.

A rod is a stick which has been freshly cut or is still connected to the tree from which it grew. But a staff is a stick which has been cut from its tree a long time ago. Over time, it has become dry, hard and firm.

Before our Neshamos come to this world they are like rods - connected to HaShem and easi-ly bending in the direction of His holiness. But here, our Neshamos are enclosed in bod-ies and are like staffs - HaShem's holiness is not easily felt.

But that doesn't mean that being hard and firm is bad. Just like Zalmy's counselor, Moishy, who showed the boys that firmness can be good, our Neshamos need to be strong in this world so that we can fulfill HaShem's will.

(Adapted from Likkutei Sichos, Vol. XVIII, p. 378)

Chayolei Hamelech Poll . This week we asked a random

4,0215,026.7 campers…

How many people visit six flags in

one day?

12% “14” 3.2% “people? Whats that?” 52% “depends what the deal

on the soda is” 56.7% “why are you walking

like that? 47.9% “six flags? Why so lit-

tle?” 000000.1% “either 10s of

thousands or 100ts of thou-sands or a million”

39% “Did you see the parking lot?”

24% “when is Zalmy Spritzer?”

Question of the week: FHCFYKCDFJHKMMFS: “Eifo Harav Baras Shlita?”

Head Staff and staff demolish YKC in a baseball game that was so uneven that the field even felt uneven.

Then an excitement announcement: To the pool to hear the winners of Bog War. It was so hot outside that the staff and campers from the not winning fully team didn’t even care that their name wasn’t called, they just wanted to jump in the pool and swallow half the water.

After an assorted dose of learning classes led by too many learning teachers to actually put down their initials we davened and went to the dining room for supper. Some ate so much that you would think they hadn’t eaten all day –BBEERRKOO. Supper was basi-cally the breakfast special from Crown Ba-gels. Yum.

Wednesday was like a regular day except we were allowed to bother our staff again be-cause now they weren’t fasting anymore. Then we started running away from our staff therefore the NADGTKHZRS just made it into a game handed out passports and we were trying to leave Russia and Golus or

Chayolei. There were clues, I didn’t get any of them but just followed every one.

Thursday morning we got woken up earlier. We had no idea that this was early, but they said so. Then in the middle of reveille, there was an announcement that we were going to six flags, which we knew the whole time. So we went around collecting flags except there weren’t even six. So we went to the amuse-ment park.

Up, down, to the right, to the left, overhead, under head, upside down, somersault, back-wards, forwards, quick, slow and with short stops. And then we arrived. We sweated and it was hot. Rollercoasters, arcade games and other stuff six flags have to offer. It was awesome. Also some guy in an old man suit danced.

After coming late for lunch and Mincha we went back into the park and watched dol-phins do two tricks and some old lady scream at us. Then we ate and went on the bus a bit longer it was very hot again.

We then went to sleep.

Its Friday again and it’s still hot.

Have a great Shabbos!


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


I have good news and bad news: The good news is there were no lines in six flags. The bad news is there were lit-erally no lines. There was just a big empty path in the ground, so we had to spread out our feet in order to get on the ride. If you don’t understand read again (that is a general rule of the Shmoozel – ED) and also see how people around you are still walking. Anyway, my favorite ride was the roller coaster that goes up and down, round and round. And when you go up the one on your right goes down. When you go down the one on your right goes up. And of course the scariest part of the ride, are the horse’s faces.

Speaking of scary faces, it’s a good thing those roller coaster people cover their eyes, even though they’re already wear-ing sunglasses and don’t need to. Those silly people are probably the ones who don’t know how to make money. They make you pay for a cup to get free refills, instead of just giving free drinks and charging for the bathroom. My second to most favorite ride was the bumpy one where you lie down, only to be woken up by your counselors when you get to camp. “I’m not scared of roller coasters,” said the frightened camper. “I’m not scared of campers,” said the frightened counselor.

tiere tatte un mamme enouff is enouff but never enouff of camp plzzzzz i want to stay fur one more month! and i lyke choocolate and vallina an cimonnin an if you eat berrys wiff a straw does dat mayke it strawberry's? hallo wen moshiach comes day say we will bee fl-eye-ing on duh eagoals do day charge for over wait on your suit cases? hi pappa and mamma today "ich" "been" ah "gutteh yingele" but you are going to aks mee "ma nishtana ha'yom me'kol ha'yomim" well beecuz tooday i gavedid away to a poor person myi dollhair duller dallir dahleer dowller a single bill of money,

instaid of playeeng ah R-KAID in dhu ah-muh-mu-zment park, we allsow wentid to ah soda "feh"ctory and gottid lots of free soda's an free "vasser" duh hole day what a trip! i am a peice of grass today helping duh in-veh-eye-er-ment be greeener k. deer mister bus dryver can you plz start looking at duh rooad wen you drive an not at duh mirrrror tank you a boy hoo keeps hes hands most of duh times on duh in side of duh win-dow hallo did you ever watchdid a beeee make honey cell fur money dats fun-E oy now my nose is runny oh lookdid a bunny ah dat looks yummy where is choni? who drives duh train of thought? rob-in toldid me dat he used to ah long time ago!? wen i grow up i wanna be ah sir-fievel drektor

soe i can mayke your child "servivedid" sir-f-eye-vill. hallo duh TZH drektor toldid me duh moshiach degel pin iz lyke an EZ pass in erztz yisroel?! ok a gut-teh shabbus p.s. im going to sh-hour fur duh thirdest tyme diss zummer, p.s.s. (once beecuz it raindid it wasnt my fault)

Line of the week: HCYS: “Di Naieh Goy Hut Gekumen. Er Iz A Yid, Zain Nomen Iz Yankel”

The Chayolei ‘Haktzanot’

A Shmoozel with Leemanov #4


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


The hardest working campers of the week:

Bunk Aleph: Shneur Elkayam Bunk Bais: Shimon Goldenberg Bunk Gimmel: Dovid Zates Bunk Daled: Yirmiyohu Van-Sikel Bunk Hey: Shmuly Dickel Bunk Vov: Muly Teichman Bunk Zayin: Menachem Klien Bunk Ches: Mendel Hendel Bunk Tes: Mendel Shanawitz Bunk Yud: Mendel Fisher Shlit”a Bunk Yud Alef: Yossi Malka Bunk Yud Beis: B. D. Robbin

The hardest working students of the week: Rabbi Granoveter’s class: Mendey Tzukernik Rabbi Gurkov’s class: Rabbi Shuffrin’s class: Mendel Shanawitz Rabbi Yarmak’s class: Mendel Fisher Rabbi Rendler’s class: Tzvi Hirsh Kampin Rabbi Brody’s class: Yossi Kuperman Rabbi Paul’s class: Rabbi Spinner’s class: Berel Mayhil Rabbi Yusevitch’s class: Levi Feldman

Rabbi Edelman’s class: Mendel Spritzer Rabbi Goldshmitd’s class: Dovid Kershvsky On behalf of all the staff of CCH we appreciate

your amazing effort keep up the awesome work.

Over used words of the week: Di-zzaaaster, re-fill, seen, scene.

Published by the Chayolei Hamelech Board of Bored souls at their weekly bored meeting.

Summer 5771 Lackawaxen, PA

Another project of:

The Blackout Weekly Lackawaxen’s most read publication

© All rights reserved. No parts of this newsletter may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from me.

On behalf of the Head Staff, all the staff, The blackout weekly, the campers and my broken thumb

We’d like to bid farwell to the 11 campers leaving us this week. We realize that you tried everything in your power to stay. Hatzlocha

and see you next year in CCH Yerushalayim

Teams Points

Now 290

Never 290

Soon 190

Later 250

Always 220

Before 140

Teams Wins Loss Ties Points

Today 9 3 1 27

Yesterday 7 3 3 22

Tomorrow 5 6 2 10

Last week 3 10 0 3

Teams Wins Losses Ties Points

Now 10 2 1 31

Never 6 3 4 22

Later 7 5 1 22

Always 4 7 2 14

Soon 4 9 0 12

Before 4 7 2 14

Teams Points

Tomorrow 210

Today 210

Yesterday 210

Last week 150


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


One trip a week...

A project of the new pouches inc. in conjunction with when is the EGP play again?

Vol. 5 Issue 5 Parshas Masei . Summer 5771



Hello there. And another splashtacular week has passed by. To recap we have to go back to last Shabbos, which seems like an eternity ago considering the multitude of things we’ve done since then. Shabbos had the usual amount of Chayus (from no one I’m going to just write that sentence in abbreviation – SHTUAOC) except this time because of the few campers leaving our midst we added some Goodbye songs which everyone likes (everyone likes the songs not the campers that left) Since there was some sort of a heat wave going around, Shmaryonkee was done in the air conditioned Shul. It starred Robin and Shiya.

Sunday morning as campers rolled out of bed on their way to the usual harassment of their counselors, they were shocked to see their counselors’ beds empty. Was this a runaway, a getaway or color war breakout? Maybe this is what happens every day at this time of the morning! What time is it?

By lineup we were informed that the 46 hardest working staff members went on a grand trip (that’s pretty much everyone besides the head staff) The Head Counselor asked the campers why the staff had left and the answers varied. Some said “because they deserved it” or “because of their hard work” and CMMGS said “To get away from us annoying campers”. His words, not mine.

With that in mind, every single camper davened perfectly, ate like a mentch, cleaned up, benched word for word inside his bencher, made their bunk spotless and were seated on time for learning class – Almost as if camp was running smoother than any other day.

CMSS in the midst of carrying bread and water to his bunk commented “I don’t get what’s so hard about this waiter job, anyway!”

LDRYSS and LTRRBS made this splashtacu-lar baseball learning game that we played for two hours; we got dismissed to the lunch room to, MAKE OUR OWN PIZZA. Not only was the pizza to come out worse than when the cook makes it, we would also spend half an hour making it. AWESOME! So we put on gloves, aprons and started making our own pizza. CURS (remember him?) won the most creative pizza prize – the prize was to make the Head Counselor pizza. Finally the staff came back and it did not seem like the trip was fish-ing.

Sunday night instead of night activity we got our flashlights and stuff and went to a grand huge-end-of-the-first-month-bonfire. First we heard a story from Uncle Chatzkel. I pretty sure it was actually NADGTKHZRS talking and I’m not even sure he was trying to hide that. Then we sang songs, lots of songs. The winners of bunk competition were announced.

Monday brought rain and championships which always go hand in hand. Teams won, teams lost, water was poured on players that were already dripping from water. Go figure. Tuesday was a mixture of happiness and sad-ness. First I injured my foot, but I got an Ice-Pop so it was a mixture. Also some kids came and left.

After speeches from everyone who thinks they’re important, we got our first night activi-ty of the second month, it involved a space

ship, BERKO, SDLTGTKHZNS and UCHATZKELS and his new hairdo. Wednes-day was the first full day with our new campers and the sports was fierce and exciting.

Right after sports as we were getting ready for learning class there was an urgent announce-ment to go to lineup. Truth is we were just confused… Is it learning class now? What usually happens at this time? We don’t have

י ח י א ד ו נ נ ו מ ו ר נ ו ו ר ב י נ ו מ ל ך ה מ ש י ח ל ע ו ל ם ו ע ד

Pick a Caption: 1. what are you DOOOING?! 2. DeZZZaster… 3. What is my schnitzel doing

on the moon? 4. Who even does that?! 5. “no I will not be a head

conselor in Chayolei!” 6. Eifo HaDegalim?


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


In this Parshah, we read about the journeys of B'nei Yisrael in the desert, and about the dif-ferent places where they camped. One of those places was Hor Hahar, where Aharon HaKohain died. The pasuk tells us that Aharon passed away on the first day of the fifth month.

Did you know that Aharon is the only person whose date of passing is mentioned in the Chumash?

Chassidus teaches that on a person's yahrzeit, everything he strived for during his life, all his avodah, gets added strength and brings about change in the world. This is true of every Jew, and especially true of a great tzaddik like Aharon HaKohain.

We can see a clear connection between

the avodah of Aharon and the date of his passing. The first day of the fifth month is Rosh Chodesh Av, a sad time for the Jewish

people. It's the beginning of the nine days during which we mourn the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash.

The Torah states that Aharon died b'echad lachodesh, "on day one" of the month. The word "one" reminds us of Aharon's specialavodah. He was a person who loved peace and pursued peace, trying to bring people together. He would do all he could to stop arguments and help peo-ple join together in Achdus.

Our Rabbis tell us that the clouds of glory, the ananei hakavod, which surrounded, protect-ed and assisted the Jewish people in the desert came in the merit of Aharon. This is no coinci-dence. Just as the clouds surrounded the nation on all sides, protecting it as one group, so Aharon strived all his life to bring Achdus.

Our Rabbis tell us that the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash and the galus which fol-lowed happened because of a lack of Achdus. If this is so, then creating more Achdus takes away the reason for the galus, and when there is no reason for the galus, it will come to an end!

So that extra power of Achdus which comes on Aharon's yahrzeit is just what we need to help us during the sad days of Av.

We must follow in the path of Aharon, as our Rabbis tell us: "Be like the students of Aharon - love peace and pursue peace." And they say "the students" not "a student" to teach us that we should try to get others to work on bringing more Achdus into the world. And then, just as Hor Hahar was one of our nation's last stops on the journey to Eretz Yisrael, the journey of the Jewish people throughout the centuries will reach its destination - the geulah.

(Adapted from Sefer HaSichos 5751, Vol. II, pg. 716)

Chayolei Hamelech Poll . This week we asked a random

5,0285,096.3 campers…

Where did the staff go this past Sun-


12% “Wal-Mart” 3.2% “staff?! Where were the

campers?” 52% “sky diving”

56.7% “Ah, Yossi Nadler came to camp!”

47.9% “what? Sunday? that was so long ago I don't even

remember any more” 0000000.1% “Kiev”

39% “I didn't realize they left” 24% “how is Zalmy Spritzer?”

Question of the week: CMMSS: I don't understand what the waiters do here anyway?!

watches anyway. Then at the end of lineup we were told to get our bathing suits for Go-Karting. Huh?

It was a grand trip (not THE grand trip) to Ca-rousal Park. We went go karting, bumper boat-ing, water sliding and miniature golfing. Some of us including LGSKS and HLGAAS biked and others including HCJZBS, HCJZSS, SWIZSS played catch. A truly enjoyable few hours were spent. It was Awesomatious.

We got sent off to sleep and as our tiny, little eyes were closing shut, the reveille tape went off. As I sat there thinking, I couldn’t have just slept of 9 hours (or whatever amount of hours it is we sleep) I hear that there is some sort of EGP play. I was shocked, shocked, I tell you. I also knew it the whole time.

We watched the best EGP play of the year. Which was produced, directed, acted, written etc by the WHOLE EGP and a whole load of specific people too. Before I tell you all about the play that may or may not still be going on, I would like to mention that the two best parts (music and Dr Middos) were done by some of our very dear staff. We’re more than proud that you unselfishly lent your talents to the EGP toichen-filled play.

The play which mentioned the camp director once or twice or three times or four times, (Did you know it’s funny to mention Shloime Rut-man in the same sentence) had a little of inside jokes (either that or the jokes weren’t particu-larly funny).

The play also mentioned a few things they were upset about. Wait, did I mention Stake, or steak. Another good joke…. Since Gan didn’t have night activity the play started with a very funny Shmaryonkee, imitating Dr Middos and the plug and dizzy.

So the play – It had two scenes – one of the two scenes had characters that couldn’t speak. So it had like one full scene.

There were aliens (who acted as astronauts) and then actual aliens, whose annoying sounds I still here at night.

All in all a great night was had by all. Good Job EGP. Then we finally went to sleep.

Friday was also awesome, just because. We had sports and other incredible swimming stuff. That night we had an awesome Night activity were we guessed stuff and won prizes.

And now that most of my paragraphs have like one sentence or two, I’m going to sign off.

Have a good Shabbos and stuff.


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


Rock, paper, scissor, shoot!

I understand that scissors can beat paper, and I get how Rock can beat Scissors, but there's no way Paper can beat Rock. Is Pa-per supposed to magically wrap around Rock leaving it immobile? If so, why can't paper do this to scissors. Eh, forget scissors. Why can't paper do this to people?! Why aren't sheets of college-ruled notebook paper constantly strangling those attempting to take notes in class? I'll tell you why, because paper can't beat anybody, a rock would absolutely tear a paper to pieces in two seconds. When I play rock, paper, scissors. I always choose rock. Then when somebody claims to have beaten me with their paper, I show them my already made rock and they drop the paper in-stantly.

(read “TH” instead of “S” something is now thomething.)

Mamme an tatte I loth-ted two of my teeth so every-thing thounds like this “.To whom this may concern, plezzz eth-cuze me fur comeing layte to lernin cla-thes… again, you C I waz thtuck in duh bathroom an kouldnt get out, until thum-won came an fixdid duh door. hallo wen I waz thoe liddle I waz lyke a liddel baby wen I waz a baby, wen I grow up I wanna be bigger, kan a cow gump ohver duh moon? Beecuz slimy gumpdid but he lanadid on duh moon and I heardid he wonts to oh-pen ah-nodder camp on duh moon! Kan I

pleez go to it nexter thummer pleez pleez, day thay dat fur activitees we get to th-pace out, hallo I love dat game! If I kould be ah “shepsele” I woodent, but if I kould ba ah “goat” I woodent! Me an tzvi gotted stuckdid in ah thunderthtorm todaiy it waz thoe th-cary an loud lyke duh revvelee tape in duh moreneeng. KABOOOM! CRASH! HA-HA! Dats what they thound lyke, my clownsler th-ays I am lyke a pencil sumtymes beecuz lots of things I do are pointless! I think it’s beecuz I am very sharp! To MR. ala walla kabab Y.kudan chief of duh terrorist group “R.I.P. O.F.F.” please stop shooting rocket prices through the roof of our little country called CANTEEN thank you. the united na-tion anti terrorism organization. Does I have to mayke ah brocho if I drinkdid water frum duh thwimming pool? Hallo I am “mul-tea taskdid” ,

ok “ich darf gayin yetzt es iz bald shabbus duh” a gutte shabbus

p.s. I wazent gonna tayke a sh-hour diss week

p.s.s. but it wasn’t my fault it waz raining thoe hard before shabbus its not my fault

p.s.s.i think I don’t have to sh-hour again fur lyke ah-nodder 5 weeks

Line of the week: LTMPS: “...and her name is Akoroh”

The Chayolei ‘Haktzanot’


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


The hardest working campers of the week: Bunk Aleph: Ari Chayo Bunk Bais: Levi Feldman Bunk Gimmel: Mendy Tzukernik Bunk Daled: Shneur Pevzner Bunk Hey: Levi Carlbach Bunk Vov: Meir Orenstein Bunk Zayin: Sholom Shwartzberg Bunk Ches: Mordechai Kadaner Bunk Tes: Mendy Belinsky Bunk Yud: Shmuly friedfertick Bunk Yud Alef: Eli Lancrum Bunk Yud Beis: Moshe Cohen Bunk Chof Ches: Elimelech Backman

The hardest working students of the week: Rabbi Munitz’s class: Yechiel Vogel Rabbi Gurkov’s class: Daniel Tulman Rabbi Shiffrin’s class: Yirmiyohu Huchinson Rabbi Mochkin’s class: Eliyohu Gorden Rabbi Rendler’s class: Shimon Chanin Rabbi Brody’s class: Solomon Weller Rabbi Paul’s class: Menachem Mendel Fisher Rabbi Spinner’s class: Levi Laufer

Rabbi Yusevitch’s class: Mendel Backman

Rabbi Edelman’s class: Avremy Pezner Rabbi Goldshmitd’s class: Shneur Elkayam Rabbi Backman’s class: Levi Malinas

On behalf of all the staff of CCH we appreciate your amazing effort keep up the awesome


words of the week: IDJIET, pouch, exclusive, carbon dioxide.

Published by the Chayolei Hamelech Board of Bored souls at their weekly bored meeting.

Summer 5771 Lackawaxen, PA

Another project of:

The Blackout Weekly Lackawaxen’s most read publication

© All rights reserved. No parts of this newsletter may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from me.

On behalf of the entire camp, the whole Crown Heights, the editors, the world in general and Reb Le-

vi Varnei Shlita. We’d like to wish a HUGE

MAZAL TOV to the matriarch of camp, world famous hostess and mother of the Spritzer twins to


on the occasion of her birthday. May you spend many, many more in good health and with lots of Na-

chas and many more Simchas. We thank you for everything.

On behalf of everyone and Choni Shagalow, we’d like to wish a massive Mazal Tov to the latest Waks edition - a baby boy to Didy and

his Wife. We cant wait for him to be in Yuvals bunk next year.

Lot’s of Nachas and all the Brochos.


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


Plays, plays and more plays...

A project of the hired mic system in conjunction Yonah Meir Shiffrin

Vol. 5 Issue 6 Parshas Devorim . Summer 5771



At the beginning of this week, the camp ad-ministration, the head staff, the bored, the Cha-yolei alumni and PDYFS sat down to discuss what we the campers would do throughout the nine days – a period of nine days where we don‟t go on any trips or go swimming – and a unanimous decision was reached that we would make a whole bunch of plays and when those are over we would make some more plays.

And so it was. First we had Shabbos which was great and ended with a Shmaryonkee about CYS. Moitze Shabbos because of the upcoming nine days that we are currently in (man, we really do know how to celebrated the nine days!) HLGAAS allowed the entire camp to have their last night swim for a while. Fol-lowing that some campers took their last show-er for the next nine years.

Sunday, the sports teams were divided and I for one still do not know which team I‟m on. PAMSDGTKHDBS made two leagues with a whole bunch of cities. Then finally the nine days started. Monday when we weren‟t exactly sure how we would fill the activities we were told to go behind the pool for some „water fun‟. We took our balloons and kvorts and shislach and were ready and oh, it‟s a water slide. Well there goes our fun until we went flying down and realized, wait this IS fun! Backwards, for-wards, on my back on the front and then the lifeguards came and it was back to just for-ward!

Monday night was a special Night Activity called brothers night. Besides for all the differ-ent activities and races some pairs of brothers did against each other, there was the “famous

questions while the other brother waits out-side” and listens to the answer so he can an-swer them correctly. Starring in this night ac-tivity was HCJZSS who did a marvelous job dressing up and getting wet. He pretty much spent the whole week dressing up.

On Tuesday, man this week is going quickly. We finally got the first of our long awaited plays. It was SGP who performed a play that included two brothers and some singing. There were gun shots and other war things that hap-pened.

Then we went to sleep.

Then some of us got up to watch the second play (Shhhh, don‟t tell anyone). Then for real we went to sleep.

Wednesday we got up with still more plays on the horizon. After bentching by breakfast HCJZBS announced that there would be a spe-cial show after lunch, excitement really filled the air. That meant for the entire two hour learning class period all we could do was think and speak about the show that had something to do with LDRYSS. Was he going to do a general learning class? Was he going to teach us how to work the golf cart? Maybe he‟ll give us lessons on how to be a good Learning Teacher! As we entered the Shul there was a stage set up with a very high stool and a Mechitza with stuff behind it. It was a magic show! I see the dove!!

Then out of nowhere came NADGTKHZRS and was it a night activity? He introduced LDRYS and then the show started. Incredible!

He found some puppets that could actually talk! This sounds like a joke, but it‟s true. He was having actual conversations with some small characters. The first guys – who looked like a camper in one of the younger bunks – name was Shleikes, or CSHS. He was a cool guy. He sang, although not very well at all and spoke a lot about ADD (It takes one to know one, apparently)

י ח י א ד ו נ נ ו מ ו ר נ ו ו ר ב י נ ו מ ל ך ה מ ש י ח ל ע ו ל ם ו ע ד

Pick a Caption: 1. HCZSS: “What is he do-

ing?” 2. Color war!!! 3. “when the water rises

to this level after it rains…”

4. Eifo HaDegalim!


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


Tovah was thoroughly enjoying herself. She and her family were touring Eretz Yisrael, and today their destination was Kever Rochel - the burial place of Rochel Imeinu in Beis Lechem. The guide was explaining why Rochel Imeinu was buried on the roadside and not inMeoras HaMachpeilah, where the oth-er Avos and Imahos are buried. Tovah was-n't really listening. She had learned all about this in school.

At the site, a few Chinese tourists who had been walking around taking pictures stopped to listen. Tovah noticed that they were nod-ding their heads as the tour guide spoke. "They look as if they really know what he is talking about," Tovah thought to herself, and she was even more surprised when one of

the tourists took a book out of his bag and leafed through the pages as if looking for something. Soon he was reading

silently to himself.

Tovah was very curious. She walked over and looked at the book. The Chinese tourist smiled and held it up for Tovah to see. "It's the Bible in Chinese," he said with a heavy accent. "I was just following the story your guide was telling."

Tovah was amazed to discover that the To-rah had been translated into Chinese. But she really shouldn't have been. In this week'sparshah - Devarim - we read that "Moshe explained the entire Torah very clearly." Rashi tells us that this means that Moshe translated the Torah into 70 lan-guages.

Why? Because he knew that a time would come when the Jewish people would be liv-ing all over the world, and not everyone would understand Hebrew. And having the Torah in many languages also enables non-Jews to read it and learn about the sev-en mitzvos that they must keep.

But why was Moshe the one who translated the Torah? In his time, all Jews lived togeth-er and everyone understood Hebrew. It was not until hundreds of years later that the Jews would be spread out all over the world and speak other languages.

The reason is that Moshe Rabbeinu was the only person who "spoke face to face with HaShem," and the "Shechinah spoke from his mouth." Even though the transla-tions of the Torah would not be needed until much later, the only person who could put the holy words of HaShem into other lan-guages was Moshe Rabbeinu.

(Adapted from Likkutei Sichos, Vol. III, p. 875

Chayolei Hamelech Poll . This week we asked a random

6,0285,756.3 campers

What is a play?

12% “bar scenes” 3.2% “father!” “son!”

“awww” 52% “when the mics and

lights don't work” 56.7% “a reason to give

Mendy Friedman attention” 47.9% “plays? Whats that?”

39% “things to do in the nine days 7 times”

00000.1% “don't touch my church!”

24% “Zalmy Spritzer?”

Question of the week: CSWS: “can I please get a belly rob?!”

Then another talking puppet or a miniature human came out. This cutie was known by two names, either Zeesele or Zaidy. This guy looked like the old, grumpy type. He remi-nisced about the old days when CAGDSRS was HC and ATMEMTMHS was (only) LD and how they still sang “OT Chai” way back then. Apparently they did not have amazing manners back then as he disgustingly picked his nose for all to see. He then asked LDRYS for help. The last puppet looked eerily similar to our dear Infirmary director; just this guy was a big mouth. He answered some questions and even his personality fitted to be an ATM.

A wonderful time was had by all and we thank the multitalented Rabbi Sillier for a wonderful performance. A great thank you goes out to Shleikes, Zissele and the AMT for wonderful performances as well. After the wonderful ventriqunvanquishalist show we watched the Weekly Chayol Channel starring CMFS, NADGTKHZRS and PAMSDGTKHDBS.

After some more sports, arts and crafts, water fun and learning class, it was time for more plays this time the EGP bunk war variety. The first one there was a kidnapping scene and a father and son meeting (hmm déjà vu?) The second one was about the oldest fight in the

history. Elevator against lift. Color VS. Colour. You Tube and You Chube. All about the Eng-lish and Americans. Classic.

Then we went to sleep for the 5th time this week.

Thursday excitement filled the air as we eager-ly awaited the Grand Staff Play 5771. But wait, there would be another show beforehand. Not a play but another show. We filled the Shul and saw a stage with juggling clubs. Was this go-ing to be a juggling show by CEES? (He thought so…-ED) Anyway as MC NADGTKSZRS introduced World Champion Juggler and Philadelphia‟s comedian of the year, the guy tripped and hurt himself. So we quickly found another juggler/comedian who came out. His name was Steve.

Steve dazzled us with amazing tricks and fun-ny remarks as he juggled up to 7 balls. He jug-gled bowling balls, axes, fire and did some incredible acts such as having three clubs in the air at one time. Using the crowd as props he cracked corny remarks and joked about dropping axes on LTKDMPS. He then read us a fan letter which I think he made up himself.

After we were left unattended for a few hours the staff put on a show. We couldn‟t hear any-thing (except the rendition of Kol Nidrei by LGMBPDSTS) or see much, we definitely did-continued on page 3)


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


“40 Dollars? What do you need 30 Dollars for? Here’s a 20…” Jewish father in response to his sons request for 50 Dollars.

Dear Tatti, Camp i$ really great. I am making lot$ of friend$ and $tudying very hard. With all my $tuff, I $imply can`t think of anything I need. $o if you would like, you can ju$t $end me a card, a$ I would love to hear from you. Love, Your $on The Reply: Dear Son, Please NOte that I have seen your NOtebook and I kNOw that Chumash, NOvi and ecoNOmics are eNOugh to keep even an hoNOr student busy. Do NOt forget that the pursuit of kNOwledge is a NOble task, and you can never study eNOugh. Love, Dad

Hey Mamme! Vuv tatte! Hallo diss weak in duh camp waz so “legendikerheit”! today I em ah pan-cake, beecuz duh head COWnselor satid on mee! Wen I become head of duh clownslers amuh gunna mayke dem have bed slide inspekshin! Does you no dat duh word kidding means too akt lyke a kid so you saiy stop KIDding around but im suhppozed to be kidding cuz im ah kid, but im not a grown up soe U cant saiy hey vuv grow up beecuz im not ah grown up, just kidding, C it works I am so smart, just kidding…again. Uh wear do you sink jellee comes frum!? duh

Of coorse jeellee fish, you do-nut half to be rabbi albert finstein to feegure dat out, U do-nut half to even bee ah ohalei torah nick, duh dats why its cold “jellee” fish! Hallo we cant even it hotdogs & buggers in duh nine daiyz! Dear NASA space station head quarters, a few of you spaceships have landed on my prop-erty with out permission, if you do not come and move them within the next day it will belong to me (and I am not kidding) Yours truly Camp director shloimy ruttman. Hallo I never knowed I had ah twin!? Any-wayz I letid duh camp staff play wiff my chew chew train and day brokedid it, anyway ah man and his puh-pit was talking on duh stage but duh puh-pit waznt mooveeng his lips! How did he mayke duh man talk? Ok

I half to go now camp pikchure a guts Shabbat shalom.

p.s. I stink hashem is getting me bak fur not sh-houring

p.s.s I stink its not just for diss zummer but my hole life!

p.s.s.s. duh cook worked his “kishkes” out and hes serving it in duh chulent… yummy!

Line of the week: “yonah yonah yonah meir shiffrin…”

The Chayolei ‘Haktzanot’

(continued from page 2)

n‟t understand anything besides what the Zaidy – FHCFYKCDFJHKMMFS – ex-plained to us, but it was fun.

A few moments that stuck out: LGMBPDSTS burned his arm, and then the Zaidy cleverly made it like that was part of the story. I‟m pretty sure they used real Matzeivos. The train was supposed to move smoother than it actually did. They hired microphones and it still didn‟t work. NADGTKHZRS didn‟t shake even once. CSWS wants his belly rubbed. And that‟s pretty much it. A great time was had by all.

Then we went to sleep.

We‟re back by Friday and we just finished a picture that took longer than it should have. We‟re gearing up for a rocking Shabbos.


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


The hardest working campers of the week: Bunk Aleph: Sholom ber Nehbenzil Bunk Bais: Yisroel Elkayam Bunk Gimmel: Aizik Rotman Bunk Daled: Menachm Allouch Bunk Hey: Berel Yanevor Bunk Vov: Berel Myhill Bunk Zayin: Yisroel Friend Bunk Ches: Boruch Librow Bunk Tes: Mendy Shanowitz Bunk Yud: Moshe Goldstein Bunk Yud Alef: Shlomo Pinchas Bunk Yud Beis: Mendel Rutman Bunk Chof Ches: Dovid Elberg

The hardest working students of the week: Rabbi Munitz’s class: Yisroel Elkayam Rabbi Gurkov’s class: Yossi Kamerovsky Rabbi Shiffrin’s class: Mendy Baruchov Rabbi Mochkin’s class: Shneur Pezner Rabbi Rendler’s class: Rabbi Brody’s class: Moshe Goldstein Rabbi Paul’s class: Nissen Andrisier Rabbi Spinner’s class: Levi Cohen

Rabbi Yusevitch’s class: Yaakov Goffstein

Rabbi Edelman’s class: Amichai Chodaitov Rabbi Goldshmitd’s class: Sholom Nehbenzill Rabbi Backman’s class: Sholom Scwartzberg

On behalf of all the staff of CCH we appreciate your amazing effort keep up the awesome


Over used sentences of the week: are you kidding me?, here we go, ill take care of you.

Published by the Chayolei Hamelech Board of Bored souls at their weekly bored meeting.

Summer 5771 Lackawaxen, PA

Another project of:

The Blackout Weekly Lackawaxen’s most read publication

© All rights reserved. No parts of this newsletter may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from me.

On behalf of Rabbi Rutman, the Spritzer twins, Lacka-waxen county, the fire department, EMS, Lackawaxens

police officials, all the staff and Steve the juggler, We’d like to thank

Yossi Nadler Shlita for all is hard work and for making our dream his re-

sponsibility. Thank you!

A word from the radio waves:

“Zalmy Spritzer come in” Thank you!


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


“Im proud to be a Lubavitcher…”

A project of the ’in house E’ inc. in conjunction with yossels popcorn seeds

Vol. 5 Issue 7 Parshas Voeschanan . Summer 5771



And so yet another week has passed. We had some serious leagues and water slides to start us off. But back to shabbos - SHTUAOC (which - for those of you with a good forgetory - stands for: Shabbos Had The Usual Amount of Chayus) and ended of with a hilarious Shmaryonkee about all the plays way back(man) when. Sunday night was "make a fool of yourself on stage" night. NADGTKHZRS called it 'Talent Night' but we should him. From singing to musical instruments to juggling. There was a whole array of talent on showcase and the en-tertainers wowed the audience. Monday afternoon was the annual eat eggs with ashes while sitting on the floor and wear-ing leather shoes activity. Following that we went to the Shul to watch the story of Kamtza/Bar Kamtza. We were supposed to see the sto-ry in a humorous way. We saw neither. Then we Davened Maariv and read Eicha - Oh it was Tisha Ba'av. That's why we're doing all these weird things. Anyway, so we read Eicha. The staff had gotten a bit restless (that's what happens when they don't learn for eight hours straight) and threw popcorn seeds at everyone. Then we went to sleep. Tisha Ba'av, although sad, was actually fun (weird, right?) We watched videos, watched skits, watched the staff attempt to play baseball on empty stomachs. We also acted in skits that were about all sorts of things ranging from lights out, to Kingston Ave, to bathroom stalls.

At around 7:00pm all the staff put Tefillin on. What’s new, you may ask? Well this time they did it inside the Shul. After Mincha and a video we Davened Maariv and ate. Sheesh, I was hungry! After eating we gathered outside the Shul for Kiddush Levonah which ended in Lebedike dancing.

Wednesday we awoke and exactly as the clock hit Chatzos – when the ‘9’ days officially end-ed – music sounded and the older division hit the water. We canoed, kayaked and rafted our way down the Delaware with the help of HLGAAS and the rest of the amazing life-guards. It was a lot of fun. We got back to camp and continued our sports.

A couple of hours later the younger division went on the same excursion down the Dela-ware. By supper – the first meat supper in a whole nine days (YUM) - NADGTKHZRS got up and he looked whacky as per usual. Any-way so he stood on a bench and announced that night activity would be box night. Also known as Auction night. And so one camper from everyone bunk went to get dressed up (future NAD auditions) and they would represent their bunks in the auction. They idea behind the representation is that not everyone would be shouting out – well that didn’t work.

Anyway to make a small article, long – A ton of fun was had as every bunk won many prizes and some not so really prizes. Late nights, Reb-be cards, 749 tours, ventriloquist show and many other upcoming exciting activities. The final box that was auctioned off went to Bunk Yud Beis and as the bunk representative walked up – CEES came up he was spritzed

water and it was announced that he had just won the entire camp a grand trip – THE grand trip. Before Maariv HCJZBS explained to us what NADGTKHFCFSDUCZRS mumbled. That early Thursday morning we would be going on Chayolei’s Grand Trip to Clementon Water and Them Park (AKA Splash World). The park, he told us, is the biggest of its kind in southern Jersey. Fondly known as Splash World, the park hold some of the most twisted

י ח י א ד ו נ נ ו מ ו ר נ ו ו ר ב י נ ו מ ל ך ה מ ש י ח ל ע ו ל ם ו ע ד

Pick a Caption: 1. If we let go he’ll get

squashed. 2. “I saw the penny some-

where…” 3. “now that we put on our

camp T-shirts 4. Tip your golf cart?! 5. Eifo Hadegalim?!


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


"Which part of the davening can we find in this week's parshah?" Avi asked his learning group.

"That's easy," Bennie, Shmuel, and Dov called out together. "It's the Shema."

"It's probably one of the first parts of the davening you were taught," said Avi. The boys nodded. "And since we have been saying it from the time we were small and reciting it at least twice a day, we may just say it by heart without really thinking about the words."

The boys looked at each other and slowly nodded again. "Avi is right," they thought to themselves.

"So let's take a close look at the Shema," said Avi. "You might be surprised at all the differ-ent mitzvos we will find in this one tefillah."

"We can use our Sefer HaMitzvos to help us," suggested Dov.

Soon everyone was leafing eagerly through the pages.

"The pasuk Shema is one mitzvah: to know

that HaShem is one."

"Veahavta is another mitzvah: to love HaShem."

"Vishinantam livanecho is another mitzvah: to teach Torah and to study it."

"Videbarta bam is another mitzvah: to read the Shema twice each day."

"Ukishartam is two mitzvos: to put on the head tefillin and the hand tefillin."

"And Uchisavtam is another mitzvah: to put up a mezuzah."

Yossi had a question: "The pasuk vishinan-tam speaks about teaching younger children. But we're supposed to study Torah all our lives, even after Bar Mitzvah. So why doesn't the Torah men-tion that?"

Avi smiled. "That's to teach us that we should al-ways learn Torah like children do."

The boys were surprised. "Like children?"

Avi explained. "When a person studies the Torah and understands what he is studying, he might become proud and think he's very important. After all, he has been able to under-stand HaShem's Torah, and that's no small accom-plishment.

"Sometimes it happens that the more a person knows, the prouder he becomes. HaShem doesn't want that, because when a person becomes proud, he stops thinking about HaShem and starts thinking about himself instead.

"There is no real reason to be proud; when com-pared to HaShem, even the greatest Rabbi is like a little child. So when the Torah tells us about the mitzvah of studying, it mentions children. Even when a person grows up and learns a lot, whenever he opens a Chumashor a Gemora, he should think of himself as a young child. Even when he suc-ceeds and learns a lot, he has to remember that it'sHaShem's Torah, and he is like a little child being taught by his father, Avinu shebashomayim."

(Adapted from Likkutei Sichos, Vol. XIX, p. 38)

Chayolei Hamelech Poll .

This week we asked a random 7,8289,726.4 campers

What is a ‘mushroom’?

12% “the only room you cannot enter”

3.2% “the REAL Shluchim” 52% “an ingredient for „make your own pizza‟

day” 56.7% “I don't know but its growing in my bed”

47.9% “ 39% “they have cante-

lopes” 00000.1% “I don't know

my place is legit” 24% “= Zalmy Spritzer?”

Question of the week: TZHDMNS: “is this the grand trip?”

and winding water slides that reach speeds that outdo any water park in the Northern Hemi-sphere.

Thursday as we got woken up by music, we went straight to the Shul for Kriya. We loaded the busses and off we were to our Grand Trip. We Davened on the busses and arrived at the park to join many, many other Jewish boy

camps. We tried everything from rollercoasters to ships, to carou-sels, to shooting basketballs and winning. Just as we were running out of things to do, the Water part of our day

started and we went nuts. Tubes, boats, slides. Inside, outside, wave pools, water jungle gyms, boating. We took over the park. Proudly wearing Yarmul-kah and Tzitis we marched around singing excitingly attracting attention of other camps who joined our groups.

After three hours of total awesomeness we got dressed and boarded the busses to head back to camp totally exhausted. One and half hours into the bus ride we suddenly pulled up along-side a building. Were we in Crown heights? No. But a beautiful replica of 770 hosted us for Mincha, Supper – a delicious Barbeque – and Maariv. This was the Chabad House of Rutgers University. We were hosted by CLCS father and we heard a beautiful, personal Rebbe story from Rabbi Goodman – father of two campers, CEGS and CSBGS. The story had a lesson and a personal touch and was also very entertain-ing.

We boarded the buses and went to sleep.

And yes, you guessed it, we’re back to Friday gearing up for a smashing Shabbos that pre-cedes the last full week of camp – man, time flies when you’re having fun. And as campers call home to remind their parents to visit them, and some go on a banana boating trip for Shab-bos competition trips.


A Guten Shabbos!


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


Hallo Y doo I half two rite ah ledder if U R comeing viziteeng daiy? Iznt et goying two com ahftur I all-redee “zug” U evereeting!? Soe I geh-S I wil tel wats gonna happin layder, can of soda U breeeng me ah pear of shooo laysiz fur my crocks? Hallo “ich “hub” “gegangen” “oiff“ “ah” “glitch”. Hallo we wentid two ah “vasser” park “un” ah “amunmuzment” park, “s’iz gevuron” over dear a lot of yoilisher’s “un” poilisher’s “un” oilishers! “S’iz” “gevuron” also “asach” snacks “un” “satmier” camps. won of dem sat on “mier”, iz dat Y day are cold “sat-mier”? hallo everee-won iz sayeeng

duh off-ice guiy is getting smoller!? I don’t sink soe! Dats just myi oh pin yun. I borrowed ah core-tur frum tzvi an now I am 7 and 3 core-turs and ah knickel an 2 penknees years older, dear mister cow please the next time you make milk can you please make it chocolate milk!? Oh and tzvi wants to know if you can make it soy milk!? Den I wanna bee ah elevator beecuz day R allwayz up lifting peepull, den I waz bentching… bentching ben ching ha dat sounds lyke a Chinese persen, ben ching duh sun of ching whats ching? benny ch eeng ee bent string ha dats ah silly word. Sumwon toeld mee I am ah munkees uncool! Am I really ah monkees uncool? Anywho I am stinking of tayking a sh-hour now , Y doo I kneed soup fur wen I sh-hour? Oh kay now I half to go

gut shabus and wen u get diss I al-redee sawerd U soe im sayeeng hi now fur laydder kay!

p.s. I prabubbley randid out of money alredde soe can of sode U pleez send mee more tanks

p.s.s. glaa glla boogle bagga bagga kla kla ching chang chung, sorry I was borde gut shabus uh-gen.

Line of the week: CYHS: what?! Im so bad at talents!”

The Chayolei ‘Haktzanot’





Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


The hardest working campers of the week: Bunk Aleph: Dovid Kershvsky Bunk Bais: Yechiel Vogel Bunk Gimmel: Daniel Bulman Bunk Daled: Eddie Something Bunk Hey: Shmuly Yarmak & Yisroel Grano Bunk Vov: Berel Myhill Bunk Zayin: M. M. Backman Bunk Ches: Efraim Barber Bunk Tes: Menachem Yavich Bunk Yud: Shmuly Friedfertick Bunk Yud Alef: Mendel Fisher Bunk Yud Beis: Simcha Friend Bunk Chof Ches: Reb Dovid Vidrin

The hardest working students of the week: Rabbi Munitz’s class: Levi Albekuirk Rabbi Gurkov’s class: Aharon Tzukernik Rabbi Shiffrin’s class: Yisroel Friend Rabbi Mochkin’s class: Menachem Flint R’ Rendler’s class: B. Yanevor & S. Friedfertick Rabbi Brody’s class: Yosef Yavich Rabbi Paul’s class: Mendy Fisher Rabbi Spinner’s class: Avremel Turen

Rabbi Yusevitch’s class: Shmuly Abramowitz

Rabbi Edelman’s class: Yossi Malka Rabbi Goldshmitd’s class: Rabbi Backman’s class: Sholom Schwartzberg

On behalf of all the staff of CCH we appreciate your amazing effort keep up the awesome


Over used words of the week: Yarmulkah and Tzitzes. Backman. Wal-Mart.

Published by the Chayolei Hamelech Board of Bored souls at their weekly bored meeting.

Summer 5771 Lackawaxen, PA

Another project of:

The Blackout Weekly Lackawaxen’s most read publication

© All rights reserved. No parts of this newsletter may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from me.

On behalf of The campers and staff of GAN we’d like to extend a hearty thank you to The Shluchim of Chabad of Rut-gers for accommodating us and making us feel at home in your Chabad House. It was a great experience and was truly inspirational to see the good work you

are doing.

Much Hatzlocha in all your work.

On behalf of decent people everywhere, We’d On behalf of decent people everywhere, We’d like to welcome Hardest Working Staff Member like to welcome Hardest Working Staff Member

(sorry, Yossi Nadler) (sorry, Yossi Nadler) Sholom Ber Berkowitz. Sholom Ber Berkowitz. We hope you enjoy your short stay with usWe hope you enjoy your short stay with us


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


“And the winner is…”

A project of the Chassanim and Kalos Inc. in conjunction with General Reb Yisroel Shlita.

Vol. 5 Issue 8 Parshas Eikev . Summer 5771



Wow. What a smashing, crashing, out-of-this-world fantastically bashing last full week of camp.

It all started with Shabbos, which as you know by now HTUAOC (And No! I will not tell you what that stands for - you should know by now)

In a show of Achdus, all three of camps pro-grams and YKC (I'm kidding - all four of camps programs) joined together for a beauti-ful Shalos Shudis/Seder Niggunim. Run by HCJZSS and EGPHCFSGPHCCDBS we sang a lot of The Rebbe's Niggunim and heard word by prominent Cincinnati Rabbis. First we heard from Shliach Rabbi Kalmonson who spoke about the total awesomeness of this camp. Following him was YKCRYRGAS who agreed with him and spoke about the year 5772.

Also in attendance was CFRYSS. After Maariv we were treated to a Shmaryon-kee by SDLGTKHAZNS, ODCWSLS, LTMPS and SDPAMGTKHLTGLDBS which mentioned stuff and poles (remember when we made a joke about poles). Noticeable Absentee was FCFSDFECADNADGTKHLGT-MUCZRS - and we hope he is ready for tomor-row. Then HCJGTLZBS announced there would be absolutely no late nights because of visiting day. As were dozing off into our sleeps there was announcement on the PA system to go to the Shul. Unsure of what we did wrong we headed there and boy we surprised to see all

the staff up! They don't go to sleep at the same time as us?!?

Long story, short - Rabbi Fogelman AKA Chaim Fogelman had rolled out of bed to come play for our ever exciting dance night. He did not disappoint. Starting off with a concert and gradually changing into a full fledged dance night he entertained, inspired and uplifted the crowd physically and spiritually. His energy was given over to the crowd as he played some of his own and other famous hit songs. We thank him for giving over his precious morning time. Sunday morning excitement filled the air as we excitedly anticipated visiting day. Cleaned, showered and then it rained and rained and rained... It's still raining. Boruch Hashem no one let the rain dampen their spirits and a fun day was had by all visitors and campers. In the middle of the day we were treated to a perfor-mance from our very own, magnificently tal-ented Chayolei Hamelech choir. Accompanied by staff the boys dazzled and amazed the audi-ence with their beautiful voices. The choir was under directorship of MBPDLGFLTCTMSTS and FCLGCRS. And then the parents went home and we had Night Activity which was a blast as we played Fee, Fi Foe and another word. And then we went to sleep. Monday we awoke and were back into the regular hustle and bustle of camp schedule. Staff didn't show up to lineup which didn't surprise anyone. By Mincha we found out.

During Karbonos were informed that most of our staff had gone on their annual, weekly WalMart trip. As the HC - FPAMBBFLDJGTLZBS - said "1, 2, 3" to start Ashrei, the stage curtains opened to all the Staff standing with their arms around each other. When the dancing and dust settled we realized it was Color War (and not a Bivouc or the such)

י ח י א ד ו נ נ ו מ ו ר נ ו ו ר ב י נ ו מ ל ך ה מ ש י ח ל ע ו ל ם ו ע ד

Pick a Caption: 1. Judges Skit? 2. “Moshe, can I please just say one

thing? 3. You want me to end it? That

can’t be right. 4. A grand sing in Boro Park 5. “The way this arm wrestle will work is…” 6. You’re the caterer, but I didn't get invited to this wedding 6. Eifo Hagdalim


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


"Tatti, I finished the typing you asked me to do for you," Dovie announced.

"Thanks, Dovie," his father replied.

"You told me that your office will pay me. How much will I get?"

"They'll look at the work, and they'll let you know."


"Yes, Dovie?"

"I want them to know that there was a lot of work. It's true, a professional secretary might have done it faster, but still, you gave it to me at 8 o'clock at night. At that time of day, you can't find a secre-tary. I did my best...."

"Don't worry, Dovie," his father assured him. "I'm sure they will consider not only the amount of

work, but also the late hour, and the effort you put into it."

Parshas Eik-ev begins by telling us

that HaShem promises: "It will come to pass if you listen to these laws... that Hashem... will keep His covenant.... He will bless... the fruit of your land, your grain, your wine, your oil, the calves of your herds, and the lambs of your flocks."

Is having all these things the way HaShem rewards us for keeping the Torah and its mitzvos?

No. Pirkei Avos teaches us: Sechar mitz-vah, mitzvah - the reward for keeping a mitzvah is the mitzvah itself. Every mitzvah connects a Jew to HaShem forever. That is the greatest reward that can be given.

To put it another way: The reward of a mitzvah is the chance to fulfill another mitzvah in the future. As another mishnah in Pirkei Avos says: mitzvah goreres mitzvah - "One mitzvah leads to another."

Why then does the Torah tell us about all the

things HaShem promises to give us for keep-ing mitzvos? The Rambam explains: "If you serve HaShem with happiness and observe His way, He will grant you these blessings... so that you will be free to gain wisdom from the Torah and occupy yourself with it."

HaShem does not grant us blessings in payment for the mitzvos we do. Just like HaShem Himself is Ein Sof, so are His mitzvos. And so the only fair payment for them is the mitzvah itself - or a chance to fulfill another mitzvah.

But like the people at Avi's father's office who were going to take into account all the effort he put in, HaShem appreciates our effort. He sees that we are doing our best and working hard to perform His mitzvos. So He says: I will make it easier for you. I will bless your households and businesses, so you will not have difficulties. You will be able to devote your time and energy to mitzvos.

So the rewards that HaShem gives us with these blessings is really the ability to keep on doing more and more mitzvos.

(Adapted from Sefer Sichos 5749, p. 641)

Chayolei Hamelech Poll . This week we asked a random

8,5269,223.1 campers

What was your Favorite part of the summer?

12% “Slurpee’s” 3.2% “Being a Kallah”

52% “The one appearance Un-cle Chatzkel made” 46.7% “Bivouac”

39% “Grand Pillow Fight” 00000.1% “Black and Blue

mark…” 69% “Favorite part?! I loved

every single minute!” 24% “who is Moshe Henig”

Question of the week: why wasn't there a judges skit at the grand sing?

After the teams were split, the judes - FHCAFPAMFSDFCPDJYFS, FYKC-CHCJZSS, FSDHLJAAS, FCFKMHLZSAMSS - entrance it was time for teams to be introduced to their captains. They come out together doing Kulas and just in gen-eral going nuts. They were: For team Maaseh - CCSWS and MBPDLTCSTS and for team Limud: CCYRS and CCLVS. They pumped their team up for Bias Moshiach Was (Gematria of Bias Moshiach is this year) Then the Lieutenant Generals who were de-moted from their esteemed General position from Bog War and continued their theme of marriage by being sent to other teams for a break.

Then the Generals came out. One did Mivtzoim on the other - bringing out each teams Toichen. Then Mincha, Supper and pretty much the rest of Color War was done with much Chayus and screaming. The scavengers were funny and depicted dif-ferent characters coming through airport secu-rity. Then we saw a regular day in the Mikvah of camp. The. Last two scavengers were about talking mannequins and about a machine that rejected Yuval Hasis. Next day after MBP as everyone got ready for

the grand plays, there was team time, new songs and some serious swimming. The first play was about. Israeli terrorists who hijacked 3 staff members and then two friends from South Africa got upset that they didn't know were their Israeli friends (from three different backrounds) were. They were able to get right outside the Mosque without being detected and one of their friends were killed. They then devised a plan and it worked to perfection. Yitzi came from the roof, and all was good. The second play, a comedy, was about stuff. Plates and a factory and a haunted house. It was straight to the point with little dialogue. But the Yidden prevailed. Finally we were all excited for the GRAND SING. After a day of doing random activities so the staff could build - we entered the shul as fish, girls and secret emes agents. Charlie visit-ed as did the French twins. There was a band a shark, water and a really great time was had by all except MSS. The program included a bunch of different entrances, the ATM's speach, songs, singing and songs, banners grammen and hilarious comedy songs. At 12:30 we davened Maariv. Exhausted but in good spirits we went to sleep. Thursday, out-of-the-blue we went Ice Skating, despite already having gone on our grand trip.

And the final Night Activity was a of course Judgment night. Everyone and anyone was taken to court and different rulings were made. T'was fun. And now we're back to our last Friday. We're really excited for the last shabbos, excit-ed for the banquet, excited for the last Shmaryonkee, excited to go home and upset to leave camp. A Guten Shabbos and a great year. Till next


Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


2 months in 2 minutes Rain - Rabbi Sillier - Carousal Park - Chaim Fo-

gelman - Survival – Bowling and Pizza - Talent Night – Canteen – Kadur HaElyon – Shmaryonkee – Champion-

ships -747 – Kiev -– Pole – Freeedman – Raul – Chatzkal - Shvacha Meises – Neged – Renovation - Nostril – “Abidoola Aibedoo” –

Rebbe I’ll do it– Yarmulkah and Tzitis - Robin’yu – Shlaykes Heizenhalter – Shishim Shona cards – Waiters … - Exclusive – Pouch - Ice Skating - “Are you

kidding me?” - Staff play - Grand Sing - Dr. Middos - Ventrilquast Show – Dance Night – EGP play - Di-zzaaaster – Blackout Weekly – Basics – Mushroom – 749 - Unvanquished – Chayol Channel – Zissele – ATM – Yolish – Spaceship – Maaseh –

Wal Mart – Clementon Park - Brother Night – Water Slide – Trees – Charlie – Zalmy and Mendy – Bein – Bivouac – Bon-Fire – PA – Staff Seder - Goyims Place – Shabbos – General Baseball Learning Class – Staff Baseball game - Competition – Slurpee’s – Boating – Late nights – Pop-Corn –– Reveille – Run-aways – Dela-

ware – Rally – Line-up – Lazer Tag – Carnival – Laundry!! – Phone Calls – MBP – Reb Yisroel - “Zalmen, Zalman you must understand” - Tzivos Hashem– Chosson and Kallah– Friday Nights – Swimming – SIX FLAGS – Under the Sea - Chabad Of Rutgers - Ice Skating (again) – Laffy Taffy – Skits – Scavengers – Visiting Day – Journal – Banquet – Uncle Crazy – Night Activity - Sports Leagues – Bog War - Kadur Hatachton – BackMAN – Yossi Smoller – Rain - Legendikerheit – Shpiel of

Fortune – Gegangsters - Roller Skating - Bom Bom – Gefilte Fish - Color War - Levi Varnai – Maklowski – Yanki Greenberg came to town – Ices - Feldman -

Naaseh VeNishma – Iowa – Golf Cart – Hypnosis Show - Capture the Counselor - Make Your Own Pizza – Yona, Yonah…. – Capture the Flag – Limud – Doctor –

Dear Diary – Yossi Nadler - Cocoa Club - Steve the Juggler - Water Park – BERKO – Kluger – BBQ’s – Uncle Crazy – Grammen – Moshiach Flag – Rain and

much, much more (Stay tuned to see more in the journal)

1 pants dat I joust founded in miy soot kayse, 1 black & white shabus shirt, 1 undershirt (hallo sumwon else wroted there nayme in it, AH chutzpah) 1 skewl bus tzitzis ( I call it dat beecuz it’s yellow like won, 1 regular sock, 1 holy sock, 1 shoe (beecuz I kant find duh udder wun, oh yea and of coorse my bayise bowl gluve, sea mamme I rememebbered

to pak evereeting! Hallo kan u start two mayke snitchel now soe wen I getid hoiyme it will be red-E, im sow starveeng frum duh last to month’s. hallo hez duh won dats a loose chiken! Dear camp cha-yoile this is oilish ”dem” cook, I just want to say I had duh best summer of ma life, never did sumwun let me youz soe much free oil before! Ah joke: witch room kant U wak into?...... 749. Hallo U will B soe hapee I am bringeeng bak hoiyme a fool bahdull of shame-poo, dear camp chaya-leah wen duh camp direc-

tor job opens up again, dats wen you will know I quit that job until then its mine, yours truly moishele the ATM machine .oh kay gut shabus

p.s. if U R one-during Y I have so liddle colse’s left itz beecuz I doenaytid it too duh lost & found, I did miy part and lostid it! But day never found it…. AH Shvache my-ses

p.s.s. yaaaaaaaay I founded my udder shoe! It waz on my foot, never thought too looook dear! Silly me

Line of the week: LDGTMYSS: “… all the sweat and tears of Jewish blood”

The Chayolei ‘Haktzanot’

Relive your



Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


The hardest working campers of the week: Bunk Aleph: Shneur Gansberg Bunk Bais: Yisroel Dovid Henig Bunk Gimmel: Menachem Flint Bunk Daled: The whole 4GP Bunk Hey: The whole bunk hey Bunk Vov: Avi Belinski Bunk Zayin: Yisroel Schwei Bunk Ches: Shmuly Sandhause Bunk Tes: Mendy Shanowitz Bunk Yud: Moshe David Bunk Yud Alef: Shneur Gorden Bunk Yud Beis: Mendel Rutman Bunk Chof Ches: Avremel Yusevich

The hardest working students of the week:

Rabbi Munitz’s class: Yisroel Cohen Rabbi Gurkov’s class: Yossi Kamerovsky Rabbi Shiffrin’s class: Eliyohu Ezagui Rabbi Mochkin’s class: Ari Franklin Rabbi Rendler’s class: David Levy Rabbi Brody’s class: M. Gansberg & S. Weller Rabbi Paul’s class: Yitzy Silverstein Rabbi Spinner’s class: Levi Carlbach Rabbi Yusevitch’s class: Meir Orenstein Rabbi Edelman’s class: Chaim Tauber Rabbi Goldshmitd’s class: The whole class Rabbi Backman’s class: Sholom Schwartzberg On behalf of all the staff of CCH we appreciate

your amazing effort keep up the awesome work.

Over used words of the summer: Pole, Robin, Dizzaster, Kidding, Splashtucaler, “Zalmy Spritzer come in”.

Published by the Chayolei Hamelech Board of Bored souls at their weekly bored meeting.

Summer 5771 Lackawaxen, PA

Another project of:

The Blackout Weekly Lackawaxen’s most read publication

© All rights reserved. No parts of this newsletter may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from me.

This weeks Nosh for the MBP learning This weeks Nosh for the MBP learning has been sponsored in part by a dear has been sponsored in part by a dear

Staff member LizchusStaff member Lizchus Eidle Bas ChasyaEidle Bas Chasya

In the merit of all the Tanya and Mish-In the merit of all the Tanya and Mish-nayos Baal Peh, may she have a nayos Baal Peh, may she have a Complete and speedy recovery. Complete and speedy recovery.

Teams Wins



league Points

1 ILLINOIS 8 3 4 28

2 FLORIDA 9 6 0 27

3 NEW YORK 5 7 3 18

4 CALIFORNIA 4 8 3 15

Teams Win Loss Tie league Points


8 4 2 26

2 HADITCH 8 5 1 25

3 NEVEL 8 6 0 24

4 ZITOMIR 6 5 3 21

5 ROSTOV 3 7 4 13

6 LUBAVITCH 3 9 2 11

Chayolei Hamelch Journal 5771


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