game promotion

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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Game Promotion

Originally games such as Pong were created not to focus on the graphics but to get people involved in a game. It was first played in pubs and then created for the Atari 2600. Graphics across the years have always been deceiving, people have always have digressions between box art and the actual game footage. Box art would always be better than the actual game, also these days trailers for the game would use a better style of graphics or using live video to advertise the game.

Marketing typically during the 80s was aimed at the adolescent boy market, sexism was ongoing and relatively still active during todays games. (Barbarian, BMX XXX, Sheʼs Been Freaked, Hitman Absolution 2012)

There are also instances of ʻsynergyʼ with a spin off cartoon(s), movies and pop songs. Examples of this are Sonic, The Nintendo endorsed “The Wizard” and Pokemon. 

Sonyʼs ʻThe Game is Just the Startʼ campaign.

Marketing theses day is most important and a lot of the time is displayed online, it can be social networked to also publicize more. Taking little parts of the game and creating parts in the real world. (Just Cause 2)

Augmented Reality (Magazine)

(DLC) Promotion through providing additional gameplay/ skins for game characters through real world products ie. Cola and Fifa

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