game engine 4.0 required at start · tion...

Post on 06-Feb-2018






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Operation Market Garden

17–25 September 1944

A Domination Style Campaign

For CMBN (all modules)

Version 3.1 February 16th, 2017

Game Engine 4.0

Required at Start of


Table of Contents

Coming Soon



‘FGM Highway to Hell: The Campaign’ is a tournament conducted for FGM mem-

bers who have CMBN and all its modules. This campaign combines all the great

features of FGM’s classic ‘Domination Style Campaign’ along with some new Op-

eration and Strategic type functions.

The goal of this campaign style tournament is to semi-historically recreate Opera-

tion Market Garden, while utilizing all the features, capabilities, and enhance-

ments of The FGM Club, along with all modules of CMBN.

The length of the campaign will encompass the same time frame as Operation

Market Garden, 17th September thru 25th September 1944. Each day will be split

into 4 time frames (Dawn, Day, Dusk, and Night). This will provide 32 Opera-

tional/Strategic Rounds and also ensure a final conclusion.

There will be an overall Campaign Overseer (Fredrocker aka TeddyR) who will be

responsible for all on goings within the campaign.

The player functions within the campaign will utilize three basic functions, and at

minimum will require four to five dedicated members per side, but will allow for a

large number of ‘Field Commanders’. Thus the campaign can function properly

with eight total members, but you could have as many as 30-40 additional mem-

bers (also there is a revolving door policy for these slots as members come and go).

See next page for side breakdown of forces.

Individual battles will be structured to last between 45 and 90 minutes and can

contain a mix and match of force’s that could equal up to 4500 pts. They will be

fought on Custom made and Quick Battle Maps that will be modified for current

conditions and reflect the location of the battles. The force mix will be incorporated

into the battle by the CO whom will have received this information from the Oper-

ational and Strategic Commanders.

From here on the following abbreviations will be used CO (Campaign Overseer),

OC (Operational Commander), SC (Strategic Commander) and FC (Field Com-

mander), The OCs and SCs will make up the Command Team. Also for the Three

Blind Dice that determine things the TBD will be used in the manual.


A breakdown of each sides overall starting OOB are provided below, with the red

lettering identifying the Command Team


As we can see from the previous pages diagram, there will be five main members for

the Allied Side (OC, SC x4, The OC can function as an SC if need be) and the same for

the Axis Side. The FC slots may be filled by FGM Members and if they drop out then

reserves can be put in the vacant places.

Initially the OCs and a 2IC (SC) will be chosen by the CO. The OC and the 2IC will

pick their other SCs. This will be via a forum thread as deemed necessary. FCs will be

picked by the OC and SCs via a signup thread in the FGM Forums.

The OC’s and the SC’s will be the required players to make this campaign possible. So

minimum we will need 8 players (4 per side) to accomplish this...


There will be one ‘Map file’ (Photoshop) that will be edited by the CO. This file will

produce Maps as follows:

Operational Map with FOW (located for all to see at FGM Forum)

Strategic Map (per side) (located in the FGM Forum HQs)

Mini Maps (used in running commentary, or to center in on action areas)

Operational Map


The Operational Map will be placed in the Main FGM Forum Section for all to see. OCs

and SCs from each side will use the Operational Map to plot ‘Movement’ and to deter-

mine their overall plan to ensure victory. Until units can be ‘spotted’ there is Fog of

War (FOW) built into the map. The example on the previous page shows two units per

side. These units are not identified at the current game turn.

Lets say it is turn 5 and it is time for the OCs and SCs to plot their ‘Movement Com-

mands’ for their units and submit them to the CO for plotting on the map. The Allies

decide to move one unit two hexes , and leave the other unit as is. The Axis Team de-

cided to leave both units in place. (see detailed breakdown from The Movement Phase)

The determination of these moves will be based of the Strategic Maps that will be up to

date in each sides FGM Forum HQ Area. The Strategic Maps will look as follows:

Strategic Map—Allied View


Strategic Map—Axis View

As you can see from the two Strategic Map graphics that each side will know all the

info needed about their own units but will still have Fog of War about the other sides


Ok, now lets get back to what the movement phase will look like on the Operational



Operational Map—Showing Movement Phase Information

Based upon the movement of units the CO has determined that there will be an

‘Action’ between Hex 1411 and 1512. This determination will include the following

information (all determined by dice rolls—the three blind dice (TBDice)—see page xx

for more info).

Two Battles will be fought here (both will be Allied Attacks)

One Battle will be on a Wooded based map

One Battle will be on a Village based map

Both battles will be small and last 60 minutes

On Average Allied side will use approximately 14 points per battle (TBDice)

Axis side will use 7 points in the Wooded Battle and 10 Points in the Village

Battle (TBDice)

At this point the updated Operational Map will be produced. The OCs and the ap-

propriate SCs will determine the composition of their fighting forces based upon the

above information and provide this to the CO. (See The Battle Phase for a more de-

tailed breakdown)


Operational Map—Action Phase

Upon receipt of the force composition (explained later in the OOB Section) the CO will

put together the battles and provide the Combat Mission File (Turn 1 saved provided

with a password to Allies [will always be the Allied file 001], with the file going to the

Axis player).

All the battles for the Action Phase will commence and ‘hopefully’ within 3-5 weeks

(depending on battle sizes) all the Action will be completed. The CO reserves the right

to have Field Commanders provide battle files with immediate ‘Cease Fire Instruc-

tions’ in order to expedite the Action Phase and keep the campaign moving along


In the case above the two battles would be fought and Total Victory Points from the

battles will be provided via After Action Reports to the CO. This will determine the

outcome of the unit action on the Operational Map. All battles will be recorded into

the Combat Mission Recorder and be available for review at the FGM Highway to Hell



Once all the action is completed, recorded, and resolved the CO will produce the up-

dated Operational and Strategical Maps and place in appropriate place in the FGM Fo-


Operational Map—Movement Phase (next turn)

Note that on the Operational Map both units involved in the action are no longer part

of Fog of War but exposed for what they are. If units go out of contact with the enemy

for a period long enough to be determined by the CO they might again go back to a

FOW unit.

Hopefully this explains how the Mapping process will work during the campaign.

Now we will go on to discuss how OOB and units interface from the Strategic side of

the campaign with the Combat Mission side of the campaign.


OOB’s—How they work!

FGM Highway to Hell will have a unique OOB setup that involves ‘levels’ of unit

breakdown to get from and Operational/Stregic level to what gets placed on the battle-

field of a Combat Mission battle.

Each side will have access to a web-based spreadsheet that will provide all the infor-

mation need for the OCs and SCs to do their duties. This spreadsheet will be updated

before the start of each Movement phase so Commanders can understand the strength

of their units in both the Operational/Strategic level and the Combat Mission level.

The first tier of the spreadsheet will look as follows:

For an explanation and follow thru we will use the 508th PIR of the 82nd Airbourne

Division commanded by Colonel Roy F. Lindquest (this is the unit that was featured in

the example of the map process in the previous pages).

Note: Throughout the spreadsheet there will be ‘links’ to website information per-

taining to certain units and or commanders of those units for historical reference.

The counter for the 508th. The information on

the counter is straight forward.

26 is the Units’ Strength in Combat Mis-

sion Terms (see Detailed Unit Breakdown)

6 is the Units Movement Factor

508/82 Self Explanatory

OOB—Operational Level Spreadsheet


Lets look at the link all the way to the right of the 508th in the Operational Spreadsheet

(see previous page), it is located with the text AB INF. When a commander clicks on

this link the following information will be displayed (All this info will be housed at the

FGM Highway to Hell website and access will be controlled via https, The HQ forums

OOB– Detail Unit Breakdown

As you can see from the graphic, the 508th has the following breakdown for Combat

Mission. All units are AB Infantry.

HQ Team, Engineer Plt, HQ Company, 3x Parachute Companies, and a FO.

Breakdown of the first Parachute Company.


Motivation – High






The 5 to the right of Parachute Company is the point strength of that unit on an Opera-

tional level.

If we go back to the battle(s) during the Action Phase discussed during the MAPS

(FLOW and OVERVIEW Section) we remember that the CO determined that the 508th

would have two battles during the action phase and is allowed to use up to XX points

as determined by (TBDice). Well we can see that the 508th only has 26 total points. This

is where the OC and the 82nds SC determine what units will fight in what battles.


An example of this would be battle 1 in the woods, the SC decides I need the HQ Team

(1), Engineer Platoon (4), 1 Parachute Company A (5), and the FO (2). This information

will be filled in on the Battle Planning Sheet.

Battle 2 will have the HQ Company (4), and 2x Parachute Companies B and C (10). This

information will be filled in on the Battle Planning Sheet.

Note: Attached Artillery/Air Units can be assign if allocated to the OC that Action

Phase. Example say the OC provides a Air Support Element [strife] (Typhoon 1B) to

the SC for that turn, he entails assigns it to battle 1(Artillery and Air units do not count

toward points in a given battle, only ground forces do). This information will be filled

in on the Battle Planning Sheet.

Note: CM units identified in the DUB are composite make-up of a unit within the

‘CM’ OOB… example: 1 Rifle Company may have 1 less platoon and two armored cars

assigned to it, or an SP Howitzer Battery may have only 2 platoons, and 2 platoons of

Infantry… but the basic makeup of that unit will be that of which is described in the

DUB… The reason behind this would be you don’t want a CM Battle with 10 STuGs

and no infantry fighting 5 Infantry platoons… The StuGs would get their heads handed

to them...

Now remember after the battles are complete, all the factors/details described above for

a unit can change for the next round of action. Elements can become depleted to the

point that they may not be available to fight (except in a defensive action) for a specific

timeframe. Hopefully this explains the OOB process and how it will work.


The following tables/charts/information will be used in conjunction with the campaign:

A Movement Table, which will give the OCs and SCs how many movement points

it cost to enter a hex on the operation map. (located on the main map)

A definition of the Victory Locations and there awarded points on the Operational

Map (see posted VP Map)

Available Artillery and Air assets for the upcoming turn will be on the Battle Plan-

ning Sheet for that turn.

A Forecasters Chart which will explain the potential weather for the next 36

hours . The Chart will be on located on the map.. (see Battle Phase

A reinforcement report, (see movement phase info)




Everything in this section is mirrored, as one side is doing it, so is the other. The

breakdown is simple for the Operational Turns, each OP Turn will include a Move-

ment Phase, and a Battle Phase….


The Participants— Operations Commander, All Strategic Commanders (I will

call this the Command Team). They are responsible for the coordination and setup of

their HQ Area and how they want to command their side. The OC will be the go be-

tween the CO and the appropriate side. Also there will be a thread for each turn con-

cerning Questions for the CO, that anyone can ask a question...

The Tools/Information Needed—Operational Map, Strategic Map, OOB, Move

Sheet . All Commanders (OC,SC,FC) will have access to these via a sticky thread with-

in their HQ.

NOTES: Maximum 2 units per hex, units may both be ‘Dug In’,. During the

movement phase multiple units may move through the same hex but at the end only 2

units may occupy a hex.

Procedures (Sequence) -

1. The Command Team should check the Detail Unit Breakdowns (in OOB) from

units in the previous turns fighting to see the effect combat had on them.

2. The Command Team will review both the Operational and Strategic Map which

will be updated from the previous turn.

3. Based upon the Command Team’s Overall Strategy, the Operation Commander

will confer with his Strategic Commands on which units should move, dig in, etc

for the upcoming movement phase.

4. The Movement Sheet for that turn should be updated with all Units that are mov-

ing having there path plotted and units digging in identified. This Sheet should be

filled out in detail, and files are provided both .xlxs and .obs for Commanders to

work with. Any Concerns contact the CO.

5. The Movement Sheet will then be sent to the CO (Campaign Overseer).

6. A new Operational and Strategic Map will be posted with the movement identi-

fied, and all Battles identified for the upcoming BattlePhase.

7. The Battle Planning Chart will be updated and posted in the appropriate HQ

Sticky Threads.

8. End of Movement Phase.


The Movement Chart is located on the Maps provided


The movement points in parenthesis ( ) is the cost to enter the hex, +1 and +2 are

additional Points required to enter the hex. Example Light Rough 2 Move Pts to

Enter, Light Rough with Elevation Change 3 Move Pts to Enter...

Highway Movement—Certain units ‘R’ units, designated with an R before their

movement allowance are only charges a 1/2 point for using Highway Hexes.


When the Movement Sheet is produced, it will contain Units that will be appearing

within the next two turns (reinforcements). The Status Field will contain the letters

REF1 or REF2 (for 1 turn away or 2 turns away) The Hex Location Field will contain a

hex number (which is the probable location within ZOC of where the unit will appear.)

SPECIAL NOTE FOR ALLIED AB TROOPS — Starting with Turn 4 the Allied

OC may Identify any REF2 units landing location by placing a Drop Zone Loca-

tion for AB and a Landing Zone Location for Glider troops in the Hex Location

Field upon Movement Submittal to the CO.

Movement Chart









So looking at the Movement Chart on the Pervious Page you will note the following:

Units Stacked (only 2 Units per Hex) together will have a ‘Light Green’ back-

ground in Hex Location field

Status Field will identify if your units are Dug In and to what level (1,2,3)… It

cost 5 Movement Points to Dig In and the Unit must not move on that turn. So

3 Turns and 15 Movement Points later you can have a Unit at D3. See break-

down of defensive Combat Mission Units that each level can receive when


Status Field will also Identify Reinforcements and a few turns before arrival a

turn number will appear indicating what turn it will arrive on.

The Command Team will fill in the Movement for all units on that turn. Note

when moving on a highway or road you may put Hwy, or Rd in the cell be-

tween start and end points so as not to put in each hex. For other movement all

hexes must be plotted, and don’t forget to ensure you are adding your move-

ment points right.


During the Dawn Movement Phase of each day, Units may be broken down into

smaller entities or combined back together.

Of course not all units will be allowed to breakdown, during the night time Turn the

Operations Commander (in conjunction with the SC’s) for either side may request by

providing a list of not more than 5 units to be considered for breakdown. The break-

down of Units can never be more than a 70%-30% split. The CO will provide a break-

down(s) of Identified Units during the Dawn Turn (this request does not guarantee

that any or all units will have breakdown capabilities come the dawn turn)… The de-

termination for this will be done using the (TBDice)



The Participants— Operations Commander, All Strategic Commanders (I will

call this the Command Team).

The Tools/Information Needed— Strategic Map, OOB, Battle Planning Chart.

Procedures (Sequence) -

1. The Command Team will review both the Strategic Map and the Battle Planning

Chart along with the OOB.

2. Operation's Commander and the appropriate Strategic Commander will deter-

mine which units/sub-units will fight within the battles according to the outline of

the Battle Planning Chart.

3. The Battle Planning Chart will be filled in by the Command Team and sent to the

Campaign Overseer. Please fill this in properly with the appropriate DUB Unit(s)

numbers, otherwise the CO will pick the first unit in sequence...

4. As The Campaign Overseer puts together the CM Battles, the Command Team

will inform Field Commanders (this can include the Opertion’s and Strategic

Commanders) of who will fight what battles…

5. This information is sent to the Campaign Overseer, who will then provide the

“001” .ema file to the appropriate party. Note: Passwords will be the same for

each side (Axis = XXX, Allied = YYY) throughout the campaign. This is a fail safe

if a member fails to complete his battle on time and doesn’t respond to the cease

fire terms of the Campaign Overseer. Fast Fast Fast was the world of the day for

the Allies in the real campaign.

6. AFTER BATTLE RESULTS— upon completion of the battles the CO will be grant-

ed access to the Dropbox folder used by the players… the LAST Two .ema files

will be gathered by the CO for analysis. If the players are not using Drop Box,

then the CO should receive via email the last two .ema files.

7. The OC’s and the SC’s will determine the retreat/advancement of forces after the

battle phase. Via the Battle Advance/Retreat Sheet (See Operational Unit Retreat/

Advance later on in this document)

8. The Campaign Overseer will update the OOB’s, Strategic Map and The Opera-

tional Map based upon the outcome of all the battles. A New Movement Chart for

the next Turn will be put in place.

9. The Game Turn will advance and new weather conditions, and any reinforcement

will be added to the Operational and Strategic Map.

10. Back to Movement Phase next turn….


While the CO is plotting all the movement of units, there will be times when Units run

into each other or meet. This is when battles are determined.

All battles that occur on map will be placed on the Battle Planning Sheet—for the Com-

mand Team to fill in. The sheet will include the Battle Number, Hex Location, Units

Involved (from specific side only), Battle Type, Terrain and Operation Points Allowed

(TBDice) (see Three Blind Dice later in booklet). The weather will be taken from the

Weather of the current game turn.

It will be the job of the Command Team to; Identify the Commander, and Pick the De-

tailed units to be used from the OOB. (see graphic next page.)

Upon completion of the Battle Sheet it will be returned to the CO, so the battles can be

created and distributed to the players.





le P






For All Battles in the Highway to Hell Campaign:

All Battles will be constructed using 'ELITE' skill level.

Weather will be taken from the weather chart (below left) plus the next 36 hours

(6 turns) weather will be listed on the Forecasters Chart (below right)… Both

these are located on the main map.

First Turn Artillery/Mortar/Air Support plotting:

Assault/Attack/Probe - Defensive Player may not use indirect fire on turn 1, but

may use a delay when using pre-planned strikes, The Attacking Player may plot

fire (Air Attacks, Artillery, etc) against the defensive based upon LOS/LOF as

provided by the game engine.

Meeting Engagement - Neither Side may plot any first turn strikes...

8 Turn Retreat (Preservation) Rule - if either side decides that they will not be able

to fight the battle based upon Spotted Units, etc... Then a player may stop the

game on or before the 8 minute mark... The last two .ema files will be sent to the

CO or Drop Box Access will be granted to the CO, the files will be analyzed for

OOB changes and the player requesting the stoppage will have his Core unit lose

space on the OP Map... (If part of multiple battles per one core unit, then it will be

considered a 150 point defeat, but the OOBs will only suffer the damage as done

in the first 8 turns)

Anytime after Turn 8 normal Ceasefire routines as provided by the game engine

are in effect. Negotiation of a Ceasefire between both sides can occur anytime, but

remember the team who initiates the ceasefire shall be the team who will retreat

on the Operational Map. (If part of multiple battles per one core unit, then it will

be considered a 150 point defeat, but the OOBs will only suffer the damage as re-

ceived at the time of the ceasefire)… Once a ceasefire exists the last two .ema files

will be sent to the CO or Drop Box Access will be granted to the CO.


Special ‘Safe Retreat Rule’ is also in affect anytime after the 8 minute mark. This

will work as follows:

All maps will have a double 32 meter border on each sides friendly edge.

Within the first 32m moving towards edge will be a double row of ‘lined sin-

gle shrubs, followed by 32m of open ground. This area 64m is considered a

safe area for retreat purposes only…

Setup zones will be beyond this area, NO COMBAT may be resolved from

this area. This area cannot be used to hide…

No mortars or other units may fire from or into this area, it is for a safe re-

treat only. Any Unit that ends up in this area via the Tac AI or by his own

plotting is considered retreated and out of action for the rest of the game

The player retreating my stop the game at anytime, by contacting his oppo-

nent and invoking the rule.

The last two .ema files will be sent to the CO or Drop Box Access will be

granted to the CO, units in the safe zone will be considered retreated, units

not in the safe zone will be considered lost.

This rule results in the battle being lost Operational/Strategical. On Op map

the unit will require to retreat

This rule should be a last ditch effort if players cannot come to an agreement

on a ceasefire.

Unit Identities within the CM Battles will be identified by their Unit Number/Core

Unit... example... 41/501 Para Coy (this is the CM Label) - 41 Unit Number, 501

Counter (AB Infantry Battalion), Parachute Company..

The last two .ema files will be sent to the CO or Drop Box Access will be granted

to the CO upon Battle Completion.


All these decisions will be communicated from each side via the OC on the Advance

Retreat Form provided by the OC as the last step to the Battle Phase. These discussions

will take place before the release of the OP Map (pre-Movement phase of the next

turn). When a battle is complete there will be a couple of different outcomes:

Draw— The OCs have a choice of retreating one hex or leaving their units in


Losing Side — The side that has lost (via the battle, or via each retreat rule) will

automatically lose one hex, but if the OC deems necessary they move back 2 hex-


Winning Side — May leave their unit as is, or may move one hex into the evacuat-

ed hex from the retreating unit.

Hex movement will be up to the OC’s of each side, but no ‘strange’ type retreating will

be allowed by the OC.



Things that could influence a Units Readiness:

Headcounts—review of the AAR will show loses and appropriate information

will be transformed to the headcount field (Headcount percentages will never

drop more than 20% even in a Total Defeat). The headcount is also affected by

Supply, Units in supply will have a certain percentage of additional troops to

draw upon. When a unit’s Headcount would go below 50% (the games limit),

other areas such as Fitness will also take a toll. A Unit can be eliminated, which

will be determined by the Units OC and the CO.

Supply — Units in supply will probably not lose or gain any ammunition levels

based upon a battle, Units out of Supply will take an ammunition level hit de-

pending on the battle and carnage incurred.

Leadership — Units that have a Total Victory might see some improvement in

Leadership, a Total defeat could affect Leadership in an adverse way. This value

will not change very often, now if a Unit takes a few Total Defeats or Victories in

a row then the value will change.

Fitness — Units that take a Total/Major Defeat might become Weakend, or Unfit

for a turn or two, depending on the severity of the defeat.

Motivation — Again Total Defeats and Victories could influence a Units Motiva-

tion, especially over the course of a couple battles.

Experience — Will not change, unless the units spends a state of Unfit for multi-

ple turns.

Equipment — Will always stay the same.

Vehicle Kills will be reflected in battles, but remember we are dealing with a unit

breakdown at the CM level (DUBs)... The more vehicles killed within a unit the less

likely they will get more, but again they might get a little less.

As far as one to one ratios, The CM product on the battlefield is a 'representation' of

what would be a 'makeup' of the real force..... granted Companies, etc will have, based

upon battle results, out comes on their Headcount, and also Supply (based upon their

supply status)... but with vehicles, i.e. 3 PzGrenadier platoons go to battle, one is in

SPW's the other two on ground, who is to say the other 2's SPW's aren’t ready for the

next battle... its a 'cerebral' type concept...


So lets take a Recon Platoon, 8-10 Recce M5's and 6 M5 Tanks, 10 Jeeps with MG's, bla

bla, ... I cannot track all that (think if BFC could, that would be awesome)... but what I

can do, and YES, all the players have to trust me, is apply a specific mindset, each time

a battle is complete, and update the DUBs accordingly... It will be specific in my mind,

(Think of things like, damn they got 5 new PzIV's after losing 7, but the 5 new ones are

'Green') and there are other determinations like that, so in closing the answer is yes the

results of Armor Kills will be reflected in future battles…


When a battle Occurs during Movement... Say Unit A runs into xUnit G for a meeting

engagement in the foothills (Much like the 505th and the 21st SS Pz in Turn 1)... The

CO will take Three Regular Die (Dice, I call them the Three Blind Dice)... The Die can

roll numbers between 3 and 18... The scale that is used to start the roll is as follows:

Meeting Engagement - Side A - 2, Side B - 2

Probe - Side Probing - 3, Side Defending - 2

Attack - Side Attacking - 5, Side Defending - 2

Assault - Side Assaulting - 7, Side Defending - 2

These are the numbers added to the CO Dice Roll for each Side... Lets look at this a

little closer....

Unit A is in a Meeting Engagement with xUnit G, so both sides start with a '2'

The CO rolls the Dice for Unit A - '12' is the total of the three die...

The CO rolls the Dice for xUnit G - '9' is the total of the three die...

The Totals added show that Unit A has '14' points, and xUnit G has '11' points...

(If the Points are above the total point with that Unit it will be rounded to the

Units Max...)

These are the amount of points each unit may pull from its DUB for the fight...

(OC and SCs choice, you might not want to chose a unit that has 'Weak' Fitness,

or is at 60% Headcount, bla bla bla)..

The Maximum Points ever used in a Battle is '25'

The Minimum Points ever used is '5'…

Also if a Unit has 14 points to expend on a battle, it does not have to use all 14 it can

use as many as the OC and SC’s see fit...



The CO keeps a Battle Scoring Sheet of each battle… The information in that sheet in-


Battle No. Hex Locations, Battle Type, Allied Cmdr, Allied Unit, Allied Action, Allied

Pts, Axis Pts, Axis Action, Axis Unit, Axis Cmdr… plus who owns what VL’s and a

total points from the battle scoring…

The VL’s Allied Pts, Axis Pts, Neutral Pts… will be added to the battle scoring (Total of

points won during a battle) to determine the winner after the 32 Turn… This infor-

mation will not be released… but you can track if you look over all the AAR’s and alos

the Retreat Rules…

A Thread in the Main Highway to Hell forum will be produced by the CO before the

next movement phase map is produced and it will show the outcome via words, i.e.

dem dudes retreated… bla bla bla— or screenshots depending on the CO’s mode as to

how all the battles turned out… Plus info can be taken from action of the front… What

this means:

IF you don’t come to completion you will probably not know what damage you

caused except via verbal fredrocker-ease…

150 pts is awarded to the team after his opponent pulls a retreat… (8 turn rule)

All cease fires will be played out from the last two turns by the CO with observa-

tion on extra casualties (this takes a lot of fuckin time but I believe it is necessary).

Scores will be what it is… in theory if you are a lucky bastard and call for a a cease

fire you will get your points from the battle minus 150… but if both agree to a

cease fire than the points from battle completion will be taken…

What the line above means, players PLEASE Clarify who took a cease fire or

if both sides agreed…

On a side note… its funny that I see so many Retreats with the 8 minute rule… when at

least in my mind (remember your opponent doesn't know what you got (HQ, 2 Snipers

and a LMG), but 22 turns in with good leadership, you got all your troops and you can

figure what your opponent has, plus you plunked a Cmdr ad 3 dickheads… then you

ask him for a cease fire since you control one VL worth 200 pts… so you lose 150, but

that’s off 200 plus your intel… so your fifty points ahead of a retreat… anyway, things

like this should be looked at… me I am a dummy so I dunno…



Supply will be done in abstract by the CO during the end of the Battle Phase while up-

dating OOB-DUBs after battles. The following guidelines will be used.

Axis Supply — Units that can draw a direct line to a HQ Unit, an Occupied City or Vil-

lage Hex, or an Unoccupied City Hex will be considered ‘in supply’. In Supply units

will never take a large decrease in their CM Supply status, at times it might increase.

Units within Supply of HQ Units will also benefit in the area of Headcount (The po-

tential to get some reserves and or reinforcements called up).

Allied Supply — AIRBOURNE Units will be considered in ‘AB Supply’ if they can

trace a direct path back to a Landing/Drop Zone. AB Supply will help with keeping

that Units Supply level somewhat steady. As the XXX Corp Units move north towards

Arnhem, Airbourne Units will also be considered in supply if they can trace a direct

line to the Main Highway and that Highway is Enemy Unit (including Zone of Con-

trol) Free back to the Allied Start Area on the Southern End of the Map. XXX CORPS

Units will be considered in supply if they can trace a direct line to the Main Highway

and that Highway is Enemy Unit (including Zone of Control) Free back to the Allied

Start Area on the Southern End of the Map.

THREE BLIND DICE (TBDice) — see ZOC section




When units are in ZOC of other units I roll the Three Blind Dice vs the following:

Roll 3,4 no battle

Roll 5-14 one battle

Roll 15-17 two battles

Roll 18 three battles

(Meeting Engagements are determined by the CO when two units meet during move-


Then for the 3 Daytime Turns the following occurs: Roll 3,4 Allied Probe

Roll 5,6 Axis Probe

Roll 7-11 Allied Attack

Roll 12-16 Axis Attack

Roll 17 Allied Assault

Roll 18 Axis Assault

The 1 Nighttime Turn is as follows: Roll 3-9 Allied Probe

Roll 10 –16 Axis Probe

Roll 17 Allied Attack

Roll 18 Axis Attack

The next step is as follows, Dice are rolled to determine how many Operational Points

you may use in each battle (all numbers below are added to the die roll)

Meeting Engagement - Side A - 2, Side B - 2

Probe - Side Probing - 3, Side Defending - 2 (Total +1 for Probe)

Attack - Side Attacking - 5, Side Defending - 2 (Total +3 for Attack)

Assault - Side Assaulting - 7, Side Defending - 2 (Total +5 for Assault)

Each Unit exerts a Zone of Control of one hex (see

graphic). Zones of Control effect the following:

When a Units moves into an enemy’s Unit

ZOC then movement ceases (and Action is

determined for the Battle Phase).

Enemy Zones of Control will effect the above

Supply Abstract Rules of direct line to….

ZOC will affect how Units retreat based up-

on losing a Battle(s).


Remember since we are using the OOB/DUB System, (not a Quick Battle) we need to

come up with a method (much like a QB) that will give an advantage to the Probe-

Assault player… That is the reason for the added Qty’s to the Die Roll… Hope that

makes sense...


Engineers/Pioneers that 'DIG IN' to a plus 3 can have map space mined (If a unit

goes into that space it will go into CM and have a fairly well mined map with an

Exit Zone... and one or two enemy Engineer Squads...) and the Engineer Unit can

leave and the hex is still mined…

Engineers that 'DIG IN' to a plus 3 and stay in the hex next to a bridge may blow

that bridge at anytime they feel fit to do so in a Battle Phase....


Field Commanders—Remember to check in with your Operational/Strategic Com-

mander when either gaining access to the HQ or at the start of the turn, this will

give you a better chance of getting assigned a Battle if there are more Field Com-

manders then Battles.

A DAR would be nice of your battle but is not required.

Ribbons will be awarded to those who have fought in a battle or are actively in-

volved in the HQ functions. (If you have been in a battle, and do not have a rib-

bon, contact the Ribbon Committee … see FGM Website)

Remember to check the rules booklet for updates

Time in playing battles are important, usually a Battle Phase will last approxi-

mately 30-40 days, if you cannot commit to getting a 60-70 minute battle done in

30-40 days then please don’t accept a Field Commander position for that turn…

And Last, please enjoy the campaign and get involved, the more involvement you

bring the more enjoyment to all… FGM is a truly great place where we have the

ability to attempt Large Scale Player Involvement like this…

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