game as a teaching strategy in romania, ka2

Post on 23-Jan-2017






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Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for the school education project: Puppets mission: childhood without borders 2014-2016

Kindergarten Latinka, Shumen, Bulgaria

Games as a learning strategy in kindergarten

Games are leading type of activity in preschool. When playing, the child imitates the actions and behaviours of the others but in a creative way. Games develop the child as a person. They develop those parts of its psyche that would subsequently affect the success of its working and learning activities as well as its relationships with people.

Children's theatrical games are associated with independent creative transformations and free interpretations of familiar literature.

They give children the opportunity to walk into the essence of the literature works, the experiences of the characters and the nature of the situation.

Children's theatrical games put together the wealth of gaming culture, artistic speech, art, music and dance. Everything that fascinates children.

Story-role-playing games are distinctive for preschool children and they also occupy an important place in their lives.

Social relationships between adults, born in the process of collaboration, are a main object of transformation. Through role-playing games, kids represent the norms of human life and activities, which helps them acquaint and learn more about social reality.

The specifics of the subject role-playing games introduce adults by their social function - mother, traveler, client; professional - chef, doctor, vendor.

Role-playing games build and improve social experience. That is why those type of games are important for the formation of social consciousness, intensive development and effective preparation of the child for school.

Construction games are another variation of games. Whats specific here is that these games are creative and children actually transform objects which were originally created while building relations with each other.

Via the constructed models, children recreate their knowledge and understanding of the surrounding material objects.

This game helps children to develop practical experience and technical skills, as well as forms the development of space orientation.

The real value of construction games is rooted in the combination of subject, playing, cognitive and social activities of the children.

Autodidactic games are typical games with rules. They are specifically developed for educational purposes and incorporate both cognitive and educational potential. These games naturally stimulate children's cognitive activity through game tasks, content rules and pursuit of victory.

Thus, the child develops cognitive activities without even realizing it and literally trains itself.

Autodidactic games, which are based on gaming interest, create cognitive attitude towards intellectual tasks and therefore activate the cognitive perception of reality.

Folklore games are among the variety of traditional games which bring knowledge of human daily life, beliefs and values.

Folklore games combine text, melody and movements. Festivity, majority and spectacle are among the key features of folklore games.

The world of folklore games is both pragmatic and enchanting, romantic and beautiful. Their language is terse and precise. The content is presented through simple dialogue.

Childrens folklore games are full of educational activities and clear folklore perspective.

They influence childrens minds spontaneously and indirectly by enhancing morale and inspiring respect for labor, knowledge and all virtues.

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