galloway blake journal

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 Galloway Blake Journal


    HUNTSVILLE, Alabama -- Jacqueline Galloway-Blake described her first visit to Africa to attend the

    funeral of Nelson Mandela as spiritual food and kept friends back home in America abreast of her

    experience with three journal entries.

    They highlight how it felt to walk in the steps of the South African civil rights leader, bumping into the

    Rev. Jesse Jackson for the second time in three months, finding a bible study to join in her hotel,

    worshipping with Seventh-Day Adventists in Pretoria, and making new friends with people from aroundt

    he world who shared a deep desire to pay their respects to Mandela.

    Here are the three entries in reverse order of her days in South Afria:

    Hello All,

    Gunu, Mandela's childhood hometown, was the site of the final service and burial.

    It is a day's journey by car from Pretoria. So, I was content to watch it on television at the hotel. My

    desire was to be surrounded by citizens of South Africa and to hear/see their reactions.

    We watched, cried and talked about the events as they transpired. Overhead fighter jets roared in an

    honor formation and the canons fired from the Union Building where Madiba had lain in state, as we

    watched the funeral. The skies were "roaring" in a final salute. Different colored fumes - representing

    the colors of SA flag - were emitted from jets.

    It was a dream come true for me to be on the soil of South Africa with the people to share their grief

    and celebrate the incredible life of reconciliation and forgiveness exhibited by this "lion" of a man.

    (Remember, the poem? If you didn't receive a copy in a previous email, just ask.)

    By the way, the night before, I met a man who travelled from England for same reason. His experience

    was similar to mine, acquired a passport in a short time, and jumped on a plane. But he went straight

    from airport to Union Building with backpack and pulling a "rollie" (as he said in his thick English

    accent). He was able to see Mandela on Friday. (That was quite a feat because thousands were turned

    away on Friday).

    I took his picture and interviewed him for radio program. He said, "I had to come to show my respects

    for Madiba." (see photo)

    Later that evening, my new friend, Monika - student at Univ of SA (see photo) - visited and gave me twogifts: a totebag from her country and bearing the name "Namibia" and a little beaded trinket.

    We ate dinner together in hotel - the salads are so attractively prepared - (see photo) and then she took

    me via taxi to her school.

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    University of Pretoria is unbelievable. The grounds are like a botanical garden, the layout of campus and

    design of buildings is modern and exquisite. They have every amenity: computer lab, laundry rooms,

    graduate dorms with private kitchenette and bath.

    And the air is fragrant with blooming foliage. Grass is trimmed to perfection. Lots of gates and students

    swipe their cards at various entry points. We visited the campus bookstore, commons, and took severalpictures. The signs are in two languages: (see photo) - Afrikaans and English. Originally, this school was

    only for Whites, and only Afrikaans was spoken, but Mandela changed all that!!!!

    We left the campus and walked around the neighborhood a bit looking for bookstores.

    The streets were quiet, clean and peaceful - nighttime in Pretoria, SA.

    She took me back to hotel, and thus ended another unforgettable day!



    Hello All,

    Sabbath Report.......

    Gail, the one person I know who lives in SA, ( we first met in NYC as youth and whom I have not seen in

    30 years) came to hotel and picked me up. First stop was Adventist Church. She said the singing at this

    church was extra-special and yes it was like a warm blanket placed on my shoulders to hear the rich

    melodies along with modern accompaniment. Lots of worshippers of all ages.

    The singing was in their language but the melodies were familiar so the messages in song were absorbed

    without translation. Sermon mostly in English.

    Before service ended, I was allowed to give my testimony of praise to God who, in two days, opened the

    doors for me to travel to the Motherland for the first time. After church a woman told me that my

    testimony was her's. She, too, had travelled on short notice.....coming from Germany after living in exile

    for 30 years. She left SA after she was shot in the leg during a massacre of apartheid regime. (Took

    pictures of her and the bullet wound and we exchanged contact info) She and I were both wearing the

    black wrist tie given to us after viewing Mandela in Pretoria.

    Ate Sabbath lunch outdoors in the warm sunshine with other groups of worshippers. A group of older

    woman called me over to talk, sharing my story again of God's miraculous gift of this journey ......they

    gave me an African name "Thandi" and said it means - she prayed and her prayers were answered.

    The members dress in very modern clothing. Some said they are planning to come to America in 2015

    for the General Conference of SDA. Gail and I were wearing more African symbols than anyone

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    else. They are apparently trying to be Western, and we African-Americans are trying to reclaim our

    African heritage.

    Next stop - Soweto, the homeland for Blacks - little houses designed to limit the growth and vitality of

    Black Africans.

    We parked in front of another Adventist church and walked up the street - lots of cars - this is the

    street where Bishop Tutu and the Mandela's lived. We passed Winnie Mandela's current residence first,

    then at the next intersection is the Tutu house behind a big wall. Turn right and walk up the busy

    residential street which has been turned into a place for souvenirs and eating - lots of people.

    I was apparently spotted as a visitor, because a child approached and asked if I'd like to hear him sing.

    Gail's husband gently "rescued" me from giving monetary tokens to more children.

    We visited the home of Winnie and Nelson - the house where she was put on house arrest.....8115

    Vilakazi St., Orlando West, Soweto.

    It is now a museum.....signed the guest book and as we walked up the street, guess who was walking

    down the street - Jesse Jackson. I spoke and reminded him that we had taken pictures together at the

    March on Washington in April. He responded.

    Next stop - Catholic church where Mandela and ANC leaders met with people to strategize, mobilize and

    inspire the people for the freedom struggle. Gail's husband, a child of Soweto, showed me the bullet

    holes in the ceiling and the broken portions of altar, etc. due to attacks by the people

    worshipped, the soldiers entered and attacked - shooting - wrecking havoc. Upstairs has been turned

    into a photographic gallery of the terrible days of apartheid. The black and white photos reminded me

    of days of Hitler in Germany.

    Gail was instrumental in saving the church from demolition in recent years and it is now a towering

    reminder of the struggle.

    Oh, by the way, Mandela's children attended the Adventist church school where we parked.

    Next stop - tour of Soweto and memorial of shooting and killing of young teenager (Hector

    Pieterson). The picture of the crime aroused international outrage (I compared it to Emmet Till).

    Next stop - Houghton, the site of Mandela's office and the Mandela Foundation. We parked and walked

    up a very modern and plush neighborhood - mansions behind high walls with barbed wire on top andguards at the gates. Lots of people walking to the current home of Mandela, where he lived until the


    When we arrived at the corner where his house sits, a large array of flowers spilled out into the streets,

    television cameras, security guards and lots of people. I met a visitor from Pittsburgh, who left USA on

    an impulse - travelled alone, determined to be here. I told Gail's husband, who has met Mandela, that I

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    would like to present my poem to the family. I was informed that the family has already left the house

    to travel to the site of the funeral - Gunu.....Mandela's childhood home.

    After standing around the barricade for a while, (which separated the crowds from getting too close to

    the house) low and behold, the door of the house opened and a woman walked out and walked right

    over to where I was standing. I beckoned her to come a little closer to barricade and told her I had apoem for the family. She took it to give to Mandela family. Amazing!!! Look at God.

    Dark clouds gathered and we along with others, hastily left. As the rains approached, I was

    informed that Mandela family is called the "rain clan". Whenever someone in family is born or dies - it


    Mandela's middle name chronicles the fact that when he was born, lightning struck a tree.

    As darkness gathered, Gail handed me a gift - large cloth bearing Mandela's photo to be worn, she said

    around the shoulders or waist.

    Next stop - Johannsburg - the city is a modern as NYC and the highways are wide. We went to a plush

    shopping mall - Nelson Mandela Center - parking structure full of Mercedes and expensive cars.

    Inside, is every upscale store and a large open area with a huge statue of Mandela....a flower memorial

    flooded the space. People of every race - Indians, coloreds, Blacks and Afrikaners - a tribute to the

    struggle for racial equality!

    After an eventful day, back to hotel with warm embraces as I left my American friend who now lives in


    God's wonders never cease!

    Thank-you, Gail.

    (Oh, by the way, in my previous report - I was mistaken about house in Houghton being a replica of

    house where he was imprisoned - it's the house in Gunu.)

    Still amazed in South Africa,


    Good Morning All,

    It's Sabbath morning and last night God led me to meet another new friend, her name is Dawn and she

    invited me to a Bible study in the hotel. It was about grace and law.

    Afterwards we chatted in hotel for hours, sharing our stories of God's leading.

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    She is spiritually hungry and searching for truth. I had a chance to share the gospel story from Genesis

    to Revelation and when we discussed the 7th day Bible Sabbath and how the Africans kept Sabbath from

    creation (since Garden of Eden was in Africa) until now.........and there are clues even in Swahili - the

    word for number seven is "saba" and the word for white man in that language is translated - "one who

    brings us Sunday".

    The Africans observed Sabbath - Saturday until the Europeans brought them a different day.

    She admired the kente I wore from America - a cloth from Ghana which reinforced the conversation

    about Sabbath-keeping origins in Africa. She said she fasts and prays on Saturday and she can feel there

    is something special about that day. I was amazed at her testimony. She does not attend any

    church. She is searching. She said she was converted in 2004 and she doesn't know what God has in

    store for her. I told her not to worry because God is guiding her.

    Anyway, I invited her for breakfast this morning, and we plan to meet at 8:30 am. Then my other new

    friend, Monique, from the University of South Africa, just called and she wants to meet with us

    also. Wow, look at God! Travel to a far country alone and God raises up friends for you!!!!

    I continue to stand amazed.

    Oh, I wrote a poem last night and would love to give it to Nelson Mandela's wife.

    Gail is taking me to her house in Houghton today, I think. By the way, Mandela built that house as an

    exact replica of the house where he was imprisoned.

    Will keep you posted. Oh, by the way, the sky is more helicopters. I can hear the birds

    chirping as opposed to yesterday when the sky was filled with drone of military helicopters.

    Mandela is being transported back to his homeland for the burial on Sunday.

    Grateful in South Africa,


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