gall stones symptoms, attack, treatments, causes, prevention

Post on 04-Jul-2015






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The gall bladder is a small sea found just under the binger. It stores bile made keep the liver, which helps you digest fats. Bile monies from the gall bladder to small interline through tubes called the cystic duet & common bite duet gall stones are made from cholesterol & other things found in the bite. They can be smaller than a ordain of sand or as large as a gold ball. Most gall stones do not cause problems but if they block a duet, they usually need treatment common types include – cholesterol, black pigment & brown pigment stones.


Gallstones Symptoms, Attack, Treatments, Causes, Prevention

The gall bladder is a small sea found just under the binger. It stores bile made keep the liver,

which helps you digest fats. Bile monies from the gall bladder to small interline through tubes

called the cystic duet & common bite duet gall stones are made from cholesterol & other things

found in the bite. They can be smaller than a ordain of sand or as large as a gold ball. Most gall

stones do not cause problems but if they block a duet, they usually need treatment common

types include – cholesterol, black pigment & brown pigment stones.


Gall stones form when cholesterol & other things found in bite make stones.

If the gallbladder does not empty as it should

Being overweight

More in females


Cohoes disease, diabetes, hereditary

Elevated blood triggered level

Black pigment gall stones occur when there is increased distraction of rbc’s & brown

pigment gallstones occur when there is slow flow & infection of bile.

Symptoms: most people which have gallstones do not have symptoms. If you have symptoms,

you mostly likely will have mild pain in the pit of your stomach or in the upper right of your

heeling. Pain may spread to your right upper bade. As shoulder blade area. Sometime the pain

is serene. It may be steady or it may come & go as it may were when you eat.

When gallstones keep blocking a bite duet you may have pain neither fever & chills, your skin

as the whites of your eyes may levin yellow. If a small gallstones passes through the bile diet &

blocks the paueratic duel or causes a reflex of liqmids & bite into the duet the patient may

develop paueroatitis

Abdinubak dustebtuibm gasm bkecgubgsm bayseam vinutubg esoecuakkt after take

of fathy foods.

Complication of gallstone includes.








Complications arises from untreated condition, or if left unfinished leading to advancement of

the disease. In ayurveda we have treatment fee the condition as well as its complication keep

wonderful herbs. These naturally occurring verbs cures the disease naturally, without leading to

hazardous side effects.


dr. Suma acharya

star ayurveda,

hubli branch.

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