future simple will

Post on 14-Jun-2015






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This powerpoint shows the uses and rules for the future tense. In this case we are going to learn the auxiliary verb Will..


Diego Arenas

English Teacher

To talk about future we use WILL.

There is no difference in the use of the verbs in any personal pronoun, we say:

I will

You will

He, she , it will

We, they will

orI won’t

You won’t

He, she, it won`t

We, they won’t

To make the affirmative we use:

Subject + will + verb (base form) + complement

Examples: He will play tomorrow

They will study French in two years.

I will travel to Spain next Sunday.

To make the negative we just add not to the previous formula or replace will by won’t

Subject + will + not + verb (base form) + complement

Or Subject + won’t + verb (base form) + complement

Examples: They won’t fight tomorrow

I will not do your homework.

In the interrogative form we use this :

Will + Subject + verb (base form) + complement+ ?

Example: Will you study with me?

And the answers can be 2, negative or affirmative.

Will you study with me?

No, I won’t or Yes, I will.

Will she dance with me?

Yes, she will.

No, she won’t.

Words and expressions referring to future:

In a year, next month, in the future, in a couple of years, next october, the day after tomorrow, etc.

Assumptions: Probably, I think, maybe, perhaps.

In a couple of years there won’t be transantiago anymore.

I will drive a car next week.

Will expresses a spontaneous decision, an assumption with regard to the future or an action in the future that cannot be influenced.

Uses of Will.

Spontaneous Decision:

Wait, I will help you.

Assumption regarding the future:

She will probably come back tomorrow.

Other uses of Will

• A promise: I will help you with your homework.

• An action that can’t be influenced: It will rain tomorrow.

•Conditional clauses type I: If you study, you will pass english.

Now think about things you will do in your future and things you will not do in the future.

You can start like this:

Next year I will buy a guitar.

Tomorrow I will know everything about the future.

Good luck!!!

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