future of it podcast series: turning the retail store into a high-octane digital experience

Post on 26-May-2015






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Future Of IT Podcast: Turning the Retail Store into a High-Octane Digital Experience https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/id860805882?mt=2 Subscribe to the Future of IT Podcast Channel https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/id860805882?mt=2 Read Rachael McBrearty’s blog: Turning the Retail Store into a High-Octane Digital Experience http://blogs.cisco.com/ioe/turning-the-retail-store-into-a-high-octane-digital-experience Read Doug Webster’s blog: Top Mobility Trends CXOs Should Watch http://blogs.cisco.com/news/top-five-mobility-trends-cxos-should-watch Join the conversation on Twitter at https://twitter.com/search?q=%23futureofit&src=typd #FutureOfIT



Turning the Retail Store into a High-Octane Digital


Rachael McBreartyChief Creative, Cisco Consulting Services

Future Of IT Podcast Featuring:

Doug StephensRetail Industry Expert, Author

of The Retail Revival: Reimagining Business for the

New Age of Consumerism

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“Media is becoming the store and the store in essence is becoming media.”

Source: Doug Stephens


“We’ve got the same ability to transact right on our phones at home as when we are in the store. The experience has to be making that connection to the brand in

a way that is really meaningful…”

Source: Rachael McBrearty, Cisco


“The transition now is that in a world where a consumer has all these choices at their fingertips and there’s really no

need to go to a store when you get right down to it. Retailers need to start thinking:

Experience first, then recognize the fact that the purchase comes after that experience...we have to focus on that

powerful experience.” Source: Doug Stephens


“Another big trend that we’re seeing is in data analytics. We’re able to make more

connection into that physical environment…think of it as bringing web analytics into your store; capturing new

information in real-time, use analysis to get insights into how customers are using

your store…”Source: Rachael McBrearty, Cisco


“We have this once in a lifetime opportunity but I think retailers have to be

a lot smarter about it...”“We need to be much more overt with customers and say, ‘We’re prepared, we

want to make an even trade. If you’re willing to give us information, if you’re

willing to participate, we promise you we will make your experience incrementally

better or exponentially better…” Source: Doug Stephens


“There’s a huge opportunity to be really transparent about what the services that

we’re trying to provide and the value back to consumers and that’s extremely

important.”Source: Rachael McBrearty, Cisco


“...a real matter of establishing trust and the only way you can do that as a retailer is to give something in

return, give it openly – Neiman Marcus is doing that through the use of their app. It’s an exchange of

value. You get the app, give some personal information and they give you a completely different

level of experience with the sales person in store.”Source: Doug Stephens


“Wearables are going to come into that, the Internet of Everything…as more things become captive the clothing I’m

wearing or the device I’m using – all these things in my life all become more


“I think as consumers we are going to be able to shed a lot of the mundane

decisions – giving us time for focusing on purchases that matter…”

Source: Doug Stephens


“Businesses can’t necessarily be a fast follower today. You really have to start to think about the value preposition for

your brand and how you engage with your customers.”

Source: Rachael McBrearty, Cisco


More about the Future Of IT:

Read Rachael McBrearty’s blog: Turning the Retail Store into a High-Octane Digital Experience

Subscribe to the Future of IT Podcast Channel via iTunes


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