fundamentals of modern belarusian · web viewу ва when preceding any word beginning with ў. у...

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Fundamentals of Modern BelarusianBy Chris Marchant


Introduction..................................................................... ii

Chapter 1 Spelling Rules .....................................................................1

Chapter 2 Noun Declension .....................................................................5

Chapter 3 Additional Points on Noun Declension............................. 17

Chapter 4 Irregular Plurals .....................................................................21

Chapter 5 Adjective Declension ...........................................................23

Chapter 6 Comparative and Superlative Adjective .............................27

Chapter 7 Personal Pronouns........................................................... 31

Chapter 8 Possessive and Demonstrative Pronouns .............................33

Chapter 9 Interrogative and Relative Pronouns....................................... 37

Chapter 10 Numerals ...............................................................................39

Chapter 11 1st Conjugation Verbs ...........................................................45

Chapter 12 2nd Conjugation Verbs ...........................................................49

Chapter 13 Miscellaneous Verbs ...........................................................51

Chapter 14 Reflexive Verbs .....................................................................53

Chapter 15 Past Tenses...............................................................................55

Chapter 16 Present and Future Tenses .................................................57

Chapter 17 The Imperative .....................................................................59

Chapter 18 Verbs of Motion .....................................................................63

Chapter 19 Verbal Prefixes .....................................................................67


Chapter 20 Gerunds and Participles...........................................................71

Chapter 21 The Nominative Case ...........................................................73

Chapter 22 The Accusative Case ...........................................................75

Chapter 23 The Genitive Case..................................................................... 79

Chapter 24 The Dative Case .....................................................................83

Chapter 25 The Instrumental Case ...........................................................85

Chapter 26 The Prepositional Case ...........................................................87

Chapter 27 Prepositional Oddities ...........................................................89

Chapter 28 Conditional Sentences ...........................................................91

Chapter 29 Adverbs ...............................................................................93

Chapter 30 Conjunctions and Particles .................................................97

GNU Free Documentation License .......................................101

While living in several former republics of the USSR, I learned to speak Russian, the lingua franca of CIS countries. Russian is spoken by the majority of adults in the CIS, and has served me well wherever I have traveled in the former Soviet Union. Russian is the dominant language in Belarus. Nevertheless, Belarusian still holds a prominent position in Belarusian society as a symbol of Belarusian identity and nationalism. Many government documents are printed only in Belarusian and most street signs are in Belarusian. Every schoolchild is required to learn the language, and almost all Belarusians can speak it at least to some extent. A knowledge of Belarusian is valuable to anyone who spends any amount of time in Belarus.

This book was written with the assumption that the reader is already moderately familiar with either Russian or Ukrainian. Little explanation is given of noun gender and cases, or verb aspect and tenses. The reader should consult either a Russian or Ukrainian grammar for more details on these principles. I have attempted, in this book, to thoroughly describe those parts of Belarusian grammar that differ from Russian or Ukrainian.

There is great variation in the Belarusian language from region to region, and any attempt to make an authoritative description of the Belarusian language will be plagued by this fact. I have strived to make this work as consistent as possible with the standard Belarusian used in most literature. To this end, I have set forth the most common declensions, conjugations, and vocabulary.ii

To my comrades of the Vitebskaya Banda

Copyright (c) 2004 Christian Cardell Marchant.Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under

the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".


Chapter 1Spelling Rules

It is important to understand Belarusian spelling, which can be quite complex and more difficult than Russian. Most of the complexity of Belarusian morphology is a result of spelling rules. This problem is aggravated by the competition between two existing orthographies, or sets of spelling rules, called Tarashkevitsa and Narkamouka. Tarashkevitsa is older and more phonetically descriptive. Narkamouka was instituted by the Soviets and is more modern. I will refer to them simply as the “Classical” and “Modern” orthographies. I have chosen to use the Modern orthography throughout this work. I have noted in this chapter those ways in which the two differ.

1.1 Vowels

Belarusian has 10 letters representing vowel sounds. They can be divided into two categories, non-iotized vowels and their iotized counterparts. The letters in the second column represent the same sounds as the vowels in the first, but with an initial “y” sound. When a consonant precedes a vowel of the second column, it is palatized.

а яо ёу юы іэ е

1.2 Invariably Non-palatized Consonants

The letters д, ж, р, т, ч, and ш are never palatized, they cannot be followed by any letter from the second column. In a situation where a word’s morphology would normally place an iotized vowel after a д or a т, those consonants are changed to дз or ц respectively. In a situation where an iotized vowel would normally follow a ж, р, ч, or ш, that vowel is changed to its non-iotized counterpart. The consonants г, к, х are never followed by the letter ы. In a situation where an ы would normally occur, it is changed to an і if following one of these three letters.

бяда misery у бядзе in misery гара mountain на гары on the mountain мяжа boundary на мяжы on the boundary пірог pastry пірагі pastriesрастуць they grow расце it grows1.3 Stress and the vowels о, э, and ё


The letters о, э, and ё normally only exist when stressed. When unstressed, the letters о and э change to а. The letter ё usually changes to a е, but sometimes it also changes to a я. See 1.4 for more details on spelling rules that effect е. Care must be taken when stress shifts to a different syllable.

Sing. Pl.вол валы oxсасна сосны pine treeстол сталы table

There are exceptions, all of which are loan words.

радыё radioтэлевізар televisionэканоміка economy

1.4 Conversion of е to other vowels

Any е or ё, which immediately precedes the accent, is changed to я. адзець to dress(per.) адзяваць to dress(imp.)вецер wind вятры winds

Exceptions to this include семнаццаць, seventeen, as well as many loan words from other languages.

семнаццаць seventeen бензін gasoline сезон seasonэлектрон electron

1.5 Conversion of о to ы

In words with the accent on the last syllable, it is common for a preceding syllable –ро- to change to –ры-.

бровы eyebrows брыво eyebrowгром thunder грымець to rumbleкроў blood крыві of blood

1.6 The apostrophe

In Belarusian, this letter fills the function of the Russian letter ъ. It only occurs following a consonant, and preceding an iotized vowel. Having no sound of its own, its function is to separate the sound of the vowel following it from the consonant preceding it. This is either to prevent the consonant from being palatized, or to conform to spelling rules because the preceding consonant is invariably non-palatized.2

аб'явіць to declare п'яны intoxicatedсур'ёзны serious

1.7 Assimilation

Belarusian, like Russian, de-voices its consonants. Voiced consonants followed by unvoiced consonants are pronounced as unvoiced. Unvoiced consonants followed by voiced consonants are pronounced voiced. Consonants at the end of words are pronounced as unvoiced.

Belarusian has assimilation with respect to palatization. If a consonant is palatized, an immediately preceding consonant is also palatized, provided it is one of the eligible consonants. Only the consonants дз, з, л, н, с, and ц are eligible to be palatized in this way. The Classical orthography represents this palatization by placing a ь between the two palatized consonants. For the purposes of both assimilation and pronunciation, the letter combination дз is treated as a single letter. The consonants б, в, м, and ф are not palatized this way, but if they are followed by an iotized vowel, consonants that precede one of these letters can be palatized by assimilation. The invariably non-palatized consonants cannot be palatized, and will prevent those consonants preceding them from being palatized by assimilation. See section 1.2 for more on invariably non-palatized consonants. The pronunciation of a word does not change depending on which orthography is used to write it. Both the Modern and the Classical forms of a word are pronounced exactly the same.

Modern Classicalдзверы дзьверы doorёсць ёсьць there isпесня песьня song

1.8 Rules for в, у, and ў

If the letter у occurs after a vowel, even if the vowel ends the previous word, it is written as an ў. This letter is pronounced like the English ‘w’.

Пайшла ў хлеў. She went into the shed.Стаіць у хляве. She is standing in the shed.Гэты хлеб увесь. This is all the bread.Гэта ўсё, што ёсць. That’s all there is.Увайшлі яны ў хату. They went into the house.Я ўвайшоў у хату. I went into the house.


The letter в cannot occur, unless it is immediately followed by a vowel, otherwise, it must change to a ў. The letter ў can precede iotized vowels, but is changed to a в if it precedes a non-iotized vowel. When preceding an iotized vowel, it is not always clear whether the consonant should be a в or an ў.

любоў love любоўю with love справа affair спраў of the affairsхлеў shed за хлявом behind the shedхлеў shed у хляве in the shed

Belarusian words cannot normally begin with an о. Many words which would otherwise begin with an о instead have the letter в added to the beginning. If the о changes to an а due to an accent shift, the initial в often drops off.

возера lake азёры lakesвокны windows акно window

There are exceptions to this rule, but they are all loan words.

одум profound thought ордэн ceremonial orderопера opera ордер warrantорган organ

Chapter 2Noun Declension

Because of the complex nature of Belarusian spelling rules, I have attempted

to give exhaustive examples of the different declensions. Most of the declensions are slight variations of one of the few basic declensions, differing only because of the manifestation of spelling rules. It should be noted that it is extremely common for a noun with accented endings in the singular to have unaccented endings in the plural, and vice-versa. Careful attention must also be paid to the points raised in Chapter 3.

2.1 Masculine nouns ending in a non-palatized consonant

Most masculine nouns with accented endings decline like стол, table.

Sing. Pl.4

Nom. стол сталыAcc. стол сталыGen. стала сталоўDat. сталу сталамInstr. сталом сталаміPrep. на стале на сталах

вугал cornerлоб forehead

Most masculine nouns with unaccented endings decline like план, plan.

Nom. план планыAcc. план планыGen. плана планаўDat. плану планамInstr. планам планаміPrep. у плане у планах

аўтобус busклас class

Masculine nouns with accented endings in –д or –т decline like суд, judgment. The final consonant becomes either ц or дз for the prepositional singular.

Sing. Pl.Nom. суд судыAcc. суд судыGen. суда судоўDat. суду судамInstr. судом судаміPrep. на судзе на судах

куст bushліст leaf

Masculine nouns with accented endings in –г, -к, or –х decline like пірог, pastry.

Nom. пірог пірагіAcc. пірог пірагіGen. пірага пірагоўDat. пірагу пірагамInstr. пірагом пірагаміPrep. у пірагу у пірагах


бок sideмех sack

Masculine nouns with unaccented endings in –г, -к, or –х decline like гук, sound.

Nom. гук гукіAcc. гук гукіGen. гуку гукаўDat. гуку гукамInstr. гукам гукаміPrep. у гуку у гуках

луг meadowстрах fear

Masculine nouns with unaccented endings in –д or –т decline like погляд, outlook. This declension is just like for план except the final consonant becomes ц or дз for the prepositional singular.

Sing. Pl.Nom. погляд поглядыAcc. погляд поглядыGen. погляду поглядаўDat. погляду поглядамInstr. поглядам поглядаміPrep. у поглядзе у поглядах

асфальт asphalt

Masculine nouns with accented endings in –ж, -р, -ц, -ч, or –ш decline like двор, yard.

Nom. двор дварыAcc. двор дварыGen. двара двароўDat. двару дварамInstr. дваром двараміPrep. на двары на дварах

нож knifeканец endмяч ballкош basket


Masculine nouns with unaccented endings in –ж, -р, -ц, -ч, or –ш decline like катэдж, cottage.

Nom. катэдж катэджыAcc. катэдж катэджыGen. катэджа катэджаўDat. катэджу катэджамInstr. катэджам катэджаміPrep. у катэджы у катэджах

ровар bicycleхарч foodпалец fingerаркуш sheet of paper

2.2 Masculine nouns ending in –ь or -й

Most nouns of this group with accented endings decline like пень, stump.

Sing. Pl.Nom. пень пніAcc. пень пніGen. пня пнёўDat. пню пнямInstr. пнём пняміPrep. на пні на пнях

агонь fireручай stream

Nouns of this group with unaccented endings decline like партфель, briefcase.

Nom. партфель партфеліAcc. партфель партфеліGen. партфеля партфеляўDat. партфелю партфелямInstr. партфелем партфеляміPrep. у партфелі у партфелях

аўтамабіль automobileгай grove

2.3 Neuter nouns ending in –о or -а

Most neuter nouns ending in -о decline like крыло, wing.

Nom. крыло крылыAcc. крыло крылы


Gen. крыла крылаўDat. крылу крыламInstr. крылом крыламіPrep. крыле крылах

акно windowпісьмо letter

Most neuter nouns ending in -а decline like кола, wheel.Sing. Pl.

Nom. кола колыAcc. кола колыGen. кола колаўDat. колу коламInstr. колам коламіPrep. на коле на колах

дрэва tree

Neuter nouns ending with д or т as the final consonant decline like крыло or кола, except the final consonant becomes ц or дз respectively for the prepositional singular.

Nom. Prep.гняздо гняздзе nestжыта жыце ryeлета леце summer

Neuter nouns ending in –га, -ка, or –ха decline like воблака, cloud.

Nom. воблака воблакіAcc. воблака воблакіGen. воблака воблакаўDat. воблаку воблакамInstr. воблакам воблакаміPrep. на воблаку на воблаках

рэха echo

Neuter nouns ending in –жо, -ро, -цо, -чо, or –шо decline like вядро, bucket.

Nom. вядро вёдрыAcc. вядро вёдры Gen. вядра вёдраўDat. вядру вёдрамInstr. вядром вёдраміPrep. на вядры на вёдрах8

ружжо gunяйцо eggплячо shoulder

Neuter nouns ending in –жа, -ра, -ца, -ча, or –ша decline like акенца, small window.

Sing. Pl.Nom. акенца акенцыAcc. акенца акенцыGen. акенца акенцаўDat. акенцу акенцамInstr. акенцам акенцаміPrep. на акенцы на акенцах

мора seaаблічча countenanceпадстрэшша eaves

2.4 Neuter nouns ending in –ё or -е

Neuter nouns ending in –ё decline like жыццё, life.

Sing. Pl.Nom. жыццё жыцціAcc. жыццё жыцціGen. жыцця жыццяўDat. жыццю жыццямInstr. жыццём жыццяміPrep. на жыцці на жыццях

галлё piece of firewoodпачуццё sense

Neuter nouns ending in –е decline like пакаленне, generation.

Nom. пакаленне пакаленняAcc. пакаленне пакаленняGen. пакалення пакаленняўDat. пакаленню пакаленнямInstr. пакаленнем пакаленняміPrep. у пакаленні у пакаленнях

выключэнне exception

2.5 Neuter nouns ending in –мя 9

There are seven nouns of this group. They decline like стрэмя, stirrup. Many of these nouns have no plural form.

Sing. Pl.Nom. стрэмя страмёныAcc. стрэмя страмёныGen. стрэмя страмёнаўDat. стрэмю страмёнамInstr. стрэмем страмёнаміPrep. аб стрэмі аб страмёнах

бярэмя armfulвымя udderплемя tribeполымя flameсемя seedцемя top of head

2.6 Neuter nouns ending in –я

Nouns of this type decline like цяля, calf. All are animate and represent animal young.

Nom. цяля цялятыAcc. цяля цялятGen. цяляці цялятDat. цяляці цялятахInstr. цялём цялятаміPrep. аб цяляці аб цялятах

парася pigletжарабя foal

2.7 Feminine nouns ending in –а

Most nouns of this group with accented endings decline like сцяна, wall.

Sing. Pl.


Nom. сцяна сценыAcc. сцяну сценыGen. сцяны сценDat. сцяне сценамInstr. сцяной сценаміPrep. на сцяне на сценах

галава head сасна pine tree

Most nouns of this group with unaccented endings decline like галіна, branch.

Nom. галіна галіныAcc. галіну галіныGen. галіны галінDat. галіне галінамInstr. галінай галінаміPrep. на галіне на галінах

бульба potatoe крама store

Nouns of this group with д or т as the final consonant decline like сцяна or галіна, except the final consonant becomes ц or дз respectively for the prepositional singular.

Nom. Sing. Dat. & Prep.пліта пліце slabхата хаце homeвада вадзе waterбяседа бяседзе discussion

Nouns of this group with the accented endings –га, –ка, or –ха decline like нага, leg. The ending changes to -зе, -цэ, or -се respectively, for the prepositional and dative singular.

Sing. Pl.Nom. нага ногіAcc. нагу ногіGen. нагі ногDat. назе нагамInstr. нагой нагаміPrep. на назе на нагах

Nom. Prep. & Dat.11

страха страсе roof рука руцэ arm

Nouns of this group with the unaccented endings –га, –ка, or –ха decline like дарога, road. The ending changes to -зе, -цы, or -се respectively, for the prepositional and dative singular.

Nom. дарога дарогіAcc. дарогу дарогіGen. дарогі дарогDat. дарозе дарогахInstr. дарогай дарогаміPrep. на дарозе на дарогах

Nom. Prep. & Dat.скруха скрусе sadnessзорка зорцы star

Nouns of this group with the accented endings –жа, -ра, -ча, -ца or –ша decline like мяжа, boundary.

Sing. Pl.Nom. мяжа межыAcc. мяжу межыGen. мяжы межаўDat. мяжы межамInstr. мяжой межаміPrep. на мяжы на межах

гара mountainкаланча observation towerдуша soul

Nouns of this group with the unaccented endings –жа, -ра, -ча, -ца or –ша decline like мара, dream.

Sing. Pl.Nom. мара марыAcc. мару марыGen. мары мараўDat. мары марамInstr. марай мараміPrep. на мары на марах

вежа spireраніца morningануча ragкаша porridge

2.8 Feminine nouns ending in –я12

Nouns of this group with accented endings decline like зямля, land.

Nom. зямля земліAcc. зямлю земліGen. зямлі земляўDat. зямлі землямInstr. зямлёй земляміPrep. на зямлі на землях

сям'я family

Nouns of this group with unaccented endings decline like лінія, line.

Nom. лінія лінііAcc. лінію лінііGen. лініі лініяўDat. лініі лініямInstr. лініяй лініяміPrep. на лініі на лініях

куля bullet партыя party

2.9 Feminine nouns ending in –ь or consonant

There are a couple of points that must be noted for these nouns. If the final consonant is preceded by a vowel, it is doubled in the instrumental singular. If the genitive plural ending is accented, it will be –ей or –эй, otherwise it will be –аў or –яў.

Nouns of this group with the ending –ь decline like сувязь, connection.

Sing. Pl.Nom. сувязь сувязіAcc. сувязь сувязіGen. сувязі сувязяўDat. сувязі сувязямInstr. сувяззю сувязяміPrep. на сувязі на сувязях

радасць joyсоль salt

Nouns of this group with the endings –ж, -р, -ч, or -ш decline like ноч, night.

Nom. ноч ночы13

Acc. ноч ночыGen. ночы начэйDat. ночы начамInstr. ноччу начаміPrep. у ночы у начах

вупраж bridled horse мыш mouse



Chapter 3Additional Points on Noun Declension

3.1 Accusative form of animate nouns

The accusative form of plural animate nouns is identical the genitive, not the nominative case. Adjectives describing these nouns take the genitive ending.

Пастух збірае сваіх кароў. The herdsman gathers his cows.Туды дзяўчат пасылалі. That’s where we sent the girls.Прасіў у яго, не за сябе, за двух I asked him, not for myself, but for two

маленькіх дзетак. little kids.

The accusative case is identical to the genitive for singular masculine animate nouns as well. Corresponding adjectives take the genitive ending.

Яна прыдбае новага мужа. She will get a new husband.Ён перажываў за старэйшага брата. He was worried about his older brother.Паважанага пешахода ігнаруюць і The respected pedestrian is ignored and

прыгнятаюць пошлыя вадзіцелі. oppressed by common drivers.

3.2 Masculine genitive singular endings а/я versus у/ю

There are two groups of masculine nouns. One of these groups has genitive singular endings of а and я, the other group has genitive singular endings of у, and ю. There is no easy way to tell to which group any given noun belongs.

Nouns with the genitive singular endings -а or –я are typically words that can be described in English with the word “many.” These nouns are often concrete, countable objects.

Nouns denoting people, animals, and body parts Units of measurement and currency Geographical concepts

брата of the brother малатка of the hammerграма of the gram пальца of the fingerдня of the day перашыйка of the isthmusкантынэнта of the continent рубля of the rubleканя of the horse чалавека of the personNouns with the genitive singular endings –у or –ю are typically words that

are used in the partitive sense. In other words, some portion of a whole is implied. Typically, such words represent more abstract ideas. They can usually be described in English with the word “much.” If a word in English cannot have an 16

article like “the” applied to it, it will have the –у or -ю genitive ending in Belarusian.

Nouns that denote a group, gathering, or collection of other things Natural phenomena, characteristics, actions, and spatial directions Emotions, senses, and abstract concepts Substances and other nouns that can be described in English by the word


выгляду of the glance роду of the typeдажджу of rain сну of sleepжалю of pity страху of fearколеру of color усходу of the eastнабору of the collection холаду of the coldнатоўпу of the crowd цукру of sugar

3.3 Genitive plural endings

It is often very difficult to predict the genitive plural endings of nouns. The genitive plural form must be memorized for every feminine noun, and for masculine nouns ending in –ь.

Feminine nouns ending in –а or -я are the most problematic.

вежа вежаў of the spires зямля земляў of the landsгалава галоў of the heads крама крамаў of the shopsгаліна галін of the branches лінія ліній of the linesзорка зорак of the stars сям'я сем'яў of the families

Masculine nouns ending in –ь also have this issue.

госць гасцей of the guests локаць локцяў of the elbowsконь коней of the horses пень пнёў of the stumps

Some nouns can have either ending.

мяжа меж or межаў of the boundariesсасна сосен or соснаў of the pine-treesхата хат or хатаў of the cottages

3.4 Irregular prepositional endings

Many maculine and neuter nouns with unaccented endings whose final consonant г or х, have irregular prepositional singular endings. The final consonant morphs into з or с respectively.


бераг на беразе on the shoreверх на версе on topкажух у кажусе* in the leather jacketлуг на лузе in the fieldначлег на начлезе in the lodgingsпарог на парозе on the thresholdснег на снезе on the snowстог на стозе on the haystack

*The form у кажуху is equally common.

The following masculine and neuter nouns have irregular prepositional forms.

брат аб брату about the brotherгорб на гарбу on the humpмеч на мячы on the swordпост на пасту at the watch-postход на хаду in motion

гняздо у гняздзе in the nestмалако у малацэ in milkрэха у рэсе in the echo

3.5 Feminine Instrumental Ending Variation

There exists a variation of the instrumental ending for feminine nouns ending in –а or –я. This alternate ending is created by replacing the final -й with a -ю. This variation is common, but is non-standard and should be avoided by the non-native speaker. This variation extends to adjectives and pronouns as well.

Бабуля толькі галавою паківала. The old lady just shook her head.Я пайду з табой разам. I will go together with you.З пэўнаю перасцярогай ў душы, Бураў With definite caution in his soul, Burau

пераступіў і другі парог. crossed the second doorway also.

3.6 Gender and declension disagreement

Masculine animate nouns ending in –а or –я do not decline like other masculine nouns. If the accent falls on the ending, the word declines exactly as though it were feminine. If the accent falls on the stem, the word has feminine endings for the nominative, accusative, and genitive singular cases, but has masculine endings for all remaining cases. Note the examples of бацька, father, and тата, dad.

Sing. Pl. Sing. Pl.Nom. бацька бацькі тата татыAcc. бацьку бацькоў тату татаў


Gen. бацькі бацькоў таты татаўDat. бацьку бацькам тату татамInstr. бацькам бацькамі татам татаміPrep. аб бацьку аб бацьках аб таце татах

сабака dogслуга servantсуддзя judge

3.7 Declension misfitsSome nouns do not fit well in the normal declension patterns. These include

the neuter noun дзіця, child, and the feminine nouns любоў, love, and кроў, blood.

Nom. дзіця дзеці любоў кроўAcc. дзіця дзяцей любоў кроўGen. дзіцяці дзяцей любові крывіDat. дзіцяці дзецям любові крывіInstr. дзіцём дзецьмі любоўю крывёйPrep. аб дзіцяці аб дзецях аб любові у крыві

There are many nouns, mostly foreign words, which do not decline. They have the same form, regardless of case or number.

маці motherпані Mrs.

Chapter 4Irregular Plurals

4.1 Words with no plural form

Many words have only a singular form. Most of these words have no plural in English either. Included are things like substances, proper nouns, and ideas.

бульба potato сонца sunвецер wind спакой stillnessліха evil сярэдзіна middle

Most neuter nouns ending in –мя have no plural form.

бярэмя armful семя seed19

вымя udder цемя top of headполымя flame

4.2 Words with no singular form

Many words have only a plural form.

абцугі pincers каноплі hempакуляры eyeglasses кпіны laughterарэлі child’s swing крупы porridgeвыбары election людзі peopleгрошы money нетры depthsгрудзі chest паводзіны behaviorджунглі jungle прысмакі hors d’oeuvresдзверы door сані sledдровы firewood суткі twenty-four hoursзабабоны superstition шахматы chessзносіны relations штаны pants

4.3 Irregular pluralsThe plural forms of these words have different stems than the singular forms.

Masc.Sing. Pl. Gen. Pl.пан gentleman панове паноўсусед neighbor суседзі суседзяўчорт devil чэрці чарцей

Neut.вока eye вочы вачэйвуха ear вушы вушэйзерне grain зярняты зярняткалена knee калені каленяўнеба sky/heaven нябёсы нябёсаў

Fem.дзяўчына girl дзяўчаты дзяўчаткурыца chicken куры курэй

4.4 Nouns ending in -ін20

These animate nouns denote types of people. Other than the nominative plural ending, the rest of the plural endings are the same as for other nouns. The genitive plural ending is –аў and is unaccented.

Masc. Fem. Pl.гараджанін гараджанка townsperson гараджанеграмадзянін грамадзянка citizen грамадзянемешчанін мяшчанка aristocrat мяшчанепалачанін палачанка courtier палачанеселянін сялянка villager сялянеславянін славянка slav славянехрысціянін хрысціянка christian хрысціяне

татарын татарка tatar татары

Chapter 5Adjective Declension

Adjectives generally match the gender and case of the noun they describe. As mentioned in Section 3.1, the accusative case of animate masculine nouns and plural nouns is identical to the genitive case. Consistent with this, adjectives describing these nouns also have accusative endings identical with the genitive case. 5.1 Non-palatized stem adjectives

These adjectives with accented endings decline like малады, young.Masc. Neut. Fem. Pl.

Nom. малады маладое маладая маладыяAcc. малады (-ога) маладое маладую маладыя (-ых)Gen. маладога маладога маладой маладыхDat. маладому маладому маладой маладымInstr. маладым маладым маладой маладыміPrep. аб маладым аб маладым аб маладой

аб маладых

These adjectives with unaccented endings decline like чырвоны, red.

Nom. чырвоны чырвонае чырвоная чырвоныяAcc. чырвоны (-ага) чырвонае чырвоную чырвоныя (-ых)Gen. чырвонага чырвонага чырвонай чырвоных


Dat. чырвонаму чырвонаму чырвонай чырвонымInstr. чырвоным чырвоным чырвонай чырвоныміPrep. аб чырвоным аб чырвоным аб чырвонай аб чырвоных

Adjectives with accented endings of –гі, -кі, or –хі decline like другі, second.

Nom. другі другое другая другіяAcc. другі (-ога) другое другую другія (-іх)Gen. другога другога другой другіхDat. другому другому другой другімInstr. другім другім другой другіміPrep. аб другім аб другім аб другой аб другіх

Adjectives, with unaccented endings of –гі, -кі, or –хі, decline like хуткі, fast.

Nom. хуткі хуткае хуткая хуткіяAcc. хуткі (-ага) хуткае хуткую хуткія (-іх)Gen. хуткага хуткага хуткай хуткіхDat. хуткаму хуткаму хуткай хуткімInstr. хуткім хуткім хуткай хуткіміPrep. аб хуткім аб хуткім аб хуткай аб хуткіх

5.2 Palatized stem adjectives

Adjectives, whose stem ends in a palatized consonant, decline like апошні, last.

Masc. Neut. Fem. Pl.Nom. апошні апошняе апошняя апошніяAcc. апошні (-яга) апошняе апошнюю апошнія (-іх)Gen. апошняга апошняга апошняй апошніхDat. апошняму апошняму апошняй апошнімInstr. апошнім апошнім апошняй апошніміPrep. аб апошнім аб апошнім аб апошняй

аб апошніх

5.3 Adjective ending variation

The adjectives declined above have the most current and accepted endings, but variations do exist. One common variation replaces the final –й of the feminine prepositional ending with a –ю. See Section 3.5 for more on how this variation affects nouns. Another variation replaces the final –й of the feminine genitive ending with a –е. Although these variations do exist, they are non-standard and should be avoided by the non-native speaker.22

5.3 Short adjectives

The use of short adjectives is much more rare in Belarusian than in Russian, being used almost exclusively for the neuter third person impersonal. As in Russian, such adjectives are only used predicatively. The neuter form of the short adjective is identical to the adverb. See Chapter 29 for more on adverb formation.

Only a very few adjectives can take a short form for anything other than the third person impersonal. These include гатовы, ready, and рады, glad. The word павінен, which translates as should, has no long form and can only be used as a short adjective.

The forms of the most common short adjectives are given below, along with some examples.

Masc. Neut. Fem. Pl.гатоў гатова гатова гатовыпавінен павінна павінна павіннырад рада рада рады

Будзь гатоў! — Заўжды гатоў! Be prepared! — Always prepared!Я рада, што пакінуў. I am glad that he left.Яна павінна адразу сказаць ім. She should immediately tell him.

Было маркотна, калі ён не прыйшоў. It was sad when he did not come.Мы дужа працавалі, каб усё We worked hard so that everything

было зроблена ў час. was done on time.

The long adjective is usually used if the subject is not the neuter third person impersonal.

Пакой поўны людзей. The room is full of people.Яна не абавязаная дапамагчы яму. She is not obligated to help him.



Chapter 6

Comparative and Superlative Adjectives

Only qualitative adjectives can have a superlative or comparative form. If an English adjective can be used comparatively or superlatively, the equivalent Belarusian adjective most likely can as well. By the same token, if the English adjective cannot be used comparatively or superlatively, the Belarusian adjective probably cannot also.

6.1 Short comparative adjective formation

The short comparative form of an adjective is identical to the comparative adverb. The comparative adverb is formed by removing the final –ы or –і and replacing it with an accented –ей. See 29.4 for more on the comparative adverb.

бедны poor бядней poorerбелы white бялей whiterважны important важней more importantвольны free вальней more freeвясёлы fun весялей more funдакладны precise дакладней more preciseранні early раней earlier

If the last consonant of the adjective is invariably non-palatized, the final –ы is replaced with –эй.

мудры wise мудрэй wiserпрыгожы beautiful прыгажэй more beautifulхітры cunning хітрэй more cunning

For adjectives ending in –ты or –ды, the ending is removed and replaced with one of the accented endings –цей or –дзей respectively.

багаты rich багацей richerгусты thick, viscous гусцей thicker, more

viscousжоўты yellow жаўцей more yellowмалады young маладзей youngerпросты simple прасцей simplerтоўсты thick, fat таўсцей thicker, fatterцвёрды hard, firm цвярдзей harder, firmerчысты clean чысцей cleanerThere are a number of irregular comparative adjectives.

высокі high вышей higherглыбокі deep глыбей deeper


далёкі far далей fartherшырокі wide шырэй wider

блізкі near бліжэй nearerвузкі narrow вужэй narrowerгладкі smooth гладзей smootherкароткі short карацей shorterсалодкі sweet саладзей sweeter

глухі deaf глушэй deaferдарагі expensive даражэй more expensiveдоўгі long даўжэй longerлёгкі light лягчэй lighterмяккі soft мякчэй softerціхі quiet цішэй quieterхуткі fast хутчэй faster

6.2 Short comparative adverb usage

Because short comparative adjectives are adverbs, they do not decline and can only be used predicatively.

Я маладзей за яго. I am younger than him.Кожнаму хацелася стаць бліжэй Each wanted to get closer to the water.

да вады.

6.3 Irregular short comparative adjectives

A small number of adjectives have unique short comparative adjective forms, separate from their short comparative adverb form. These adjectives all end in –шы, decline like other adjectives, and are not limited to predicate usage.

вялікі big большы biggerдобры good лепшы betterдрэнны bad горшы worseмалы small меншы smaller

Some examples of usage of short comparative adjectives are given.

Сам быў не ў лепшым стане. I myself was not in any better shape.

Там былі яблыкі болшыя, The apples were bigger over thereчым тут. than here.

The adjective малады, young, has the normal short comparative form маладзей, but it also has an additional short comparative form малодшы, which has the specialized meaning of junior. The adjective стары does not have a 26

normal short comparative form, but there is the specialized word старшы, which means older, or senior. Both малодшы and старшы are used like any normal adjective.

Малодшы лейтэнант камандаваў The junior lieutenant commandedмінамётнай ротай. the mortar company.

Апроч мяне была ў маці яшчэ My mother had another daughter besides

дачка, мая сястра старшая. me, my older sister.

6.4 Long comparative adjectivesAdjectives that do not have a short comparative form can be used

comparatively by placing either больш, more, or менш, less, before the word.

Я больш палітычны, чым вы I am more tactful than both ofразам узятыя. you combined.

Беражок ля ямы стаў больш The rim around the hole becameзручны. more convenient.

6.5 Superlatives ending in –ейшы or –эйшы

Any adjective which has a short comparative form can form a superlative by appending the ending –шы to that short comparative form. Adjectives without a short comparative form that ends in –ей or –эй do not have a unique superlative form.

бядней poorer бяднейшы poorestбялей whiter бялейшы whitestдаражэй more expensive даражэйшы most expensiveкарацей shorter карацейшы shortestмякчэй softer мякчэйшы softestраней earlier ранейшы earliest

The adjective стары, old, has no short comparative form, but does have the superlative старэйшы, oldest.6.6 Superlatives using the adverb самы

The superlative form of any qualitative adjective can be formed by placing the adjective самы, most, before the adjective and by then declining самы to agree with the adjective. This is the form used for adjectives that do not have a superlative form ending in –ейшы or –эйшы, like the adjectives discussed in Section 6.3.

Яны стаялі перад самым крутым They stood in front of the steepest hill.узгоркам.

А ўвогуле розум — не самае Generally, the mind is not the most


галоўнае ў чалавеку. important thing to a person.

6.8 Superlatives with the prefix най-

This prefix can be appended to ordinary superlatives, the comparative adjectives mentioned in Section 6.3, or to adjectives that normally has no special superlative form. The prefix най- slightly changes the meaning of the word. A normal superlative indicates that the characteristic of the noun is the extreme when compared to others. When the prefix най- is appended, the meaning indicates that the characteristic of the adjective is extreme, regardless of whether it is compared to others or not.

Гэта — найбольшы знак для This is a really big sign for the town that

гарадка, што заўтра вайна. war is tomorrow.Гэтую даведку, бы найдаражэйшы She buried this affidavit in the

papers, asдакумент, яна загарнула ў if it were a most valuable


Я калісьці буду найпершы. Someday I will be the very first.

Chapter 7Personal Pronouns

7.1 Personal pronouns

1st Pers. Sing. 2nd Pers. Sing. 1st Pers. Pl. 2nd Pers. Pl.

Nom. я ты мы выAcc. мяне цябе нас васGen. мяне цябе нас васDat. мне табе нам вамInstr. мной* табой* намі вамі28

Prep. аба мне аб табе аб нас аб вас

3rd Pers. Masc. 3rd Pers. Neut. 3rd Pers. Fem. 3rd Pers. Pl.

Nom. ён яно яна яныAcc. яго яго яе іхGen. яго яго яе іхDat. яму яму ёй імInstr. ім ім ёй* іміPrep. аб ім аб ім аб ёй аб іх

7.2 The reflexive personal pronoun

The reflexive pronoun is a direct synonym for the subject of the sentence. This means that it cannot be the subject of a sentence and does not have a nominative form. This pronoun is used when the subject of the sentence is also some other part of the sentence, such as the direct or indirect object.

Acc. сябеGen. сябеDat. сабеInstr. сабой*Prep. аб сабе

*The variations мною, табою, ёю, and сабою are very common, but are non-standard and should be avoided by the non-native speaker. See 3.5 for how this variation effects nouns.7.3 The pronoun сам

This pronoun is used to emphasize part of the sentence, either the subject, an object, or indirect object. When not used with the subject of the sentence, the pronoun сам simply imparts emphasis and is not actually translated. When used with the subject of the sentence, however, its meaning can be roughly translated as myself, yourself, himself, etc... The pronoun сам is used like an adjective, matching the case and gender of the noun it describes.

Masc. Neut. Fem. Pl.Nom. сам само сама саміAcc. сам (-ога) само саму самі (-іх)Gen. самога самога самой саміхDat. самому самому самой самімInstr. самім самім самой саміміPrep. аб самім аб самім аб самой аб саміх

Ён вырашыў сам прыйсці. He decided to come himself.Аднойчы нават выратаваў саму Once he even rescued the queen.


каралеву.Але гаварыў ён толькі з самімі But he only spoke with the neighbors.


Chapter 8Possessive and Demonstrative Pronouns

These pronouns follow the same rules as adjectives, declining for gender and case to match the nouns they modify, see Chapter 5 for more details on adjectives.

8.1 Possessive pronouns

The first person singular possessive pronoun мой, my, declines as follows.

Masc. Neut. Fem. Pl.Nom. мой маё мая маеAcc. мой (майго) маё маю мае (маіх)Gen. майго майго маёй маіхDat. майму майму маёй маімInstr. маім маім маёй маіміPrep. аб маім аб маім аб маёй аб маіх

The second person singular possessive pronoun твой, your, declines as follows.

Nom. твой тваё твая тваеAcc. твой (твайго) тваё тваю твае (тваіх)30

Gen. твайго твайго тваёй тваіхDat. твайму твайму тваёй тваімInstr. тваім тваім тваёй тваіміPrep. аб тваім аб тваім аб тваёй аб тваіх

The first person plural possessive pronoun наш, our, declines as follows.

Nom. наш наша наша нашыAcc. наш (нашага) наша нашу нашы (нашых)Gen. нашага нашага нашай нашыхDat. нашаму нашаму нашай нашымInstr. нашым нашаму нашай нашыміPrep. аб нашым аб нашым аб нашай аб нашых

The second person plural possessive pronoun ваш, your, declines as follows.

Masc. Neut. Fem. Pl.Nom. ваш ваша ваша вашыAcc. ваш (вашага) ваша вашу вашы (вашых)Gen. вашага вашага вашай вашыхDat. вашаму вашаму вашай вашымInstr. вашым вашаму вашай вашыміPrep. аб вашым аб вашым аб вашай аб вашых

8.2 Third person possessive pronouns

The words ягоны, his, ейны, her, and іхны, their, are the most common way of indicating possession. They decline like normal adjectives and their usage is extremely common, however there are some who feel that their usage is colloquial and that possession should be indicated by preceding the noun with the genitive form of the third person pronoun.

8.3 The reflexive pronoun

The pronoun свой roughly translates as one’s own, and declines as follows.

Nom. свой сваё свая сваеAcc. свой (свайго) сваё сваю свае (сваіх)Gen. свайго свайго сваёй сваіхDat. свайму свайму сваёй сваімInstr. сваім сваім сваёй сваіміPrep. аб сваім аб сваім аб сваёй аб сваіх


8.4 The interrogative possesive pronoun

The pronoun чый roughly translates as whose, and declines as follows.

Nom. чый чыё чыя чыеAcc. чый (чыйго) чыё чыю чые (чыіх)Gen. чыйго чыйго чыёй чыіхDat. чыйму чыйму чыёй чыімInstr. чыім чыім чыёй чыіміPrep. аб чыім аб чыім аб чыёй аб чыіх

8.5 The demonstrative pronouns

The pronouns гэты, this, and той, that, decline as follows.

Masc. Neut. Fem. Pl.Nom. гэты гэта гэта гэтыяAcc. гэты (гэтага) гэта гэта гэтыя (гэтых)Gen. гэтага гэтага гэту гэтыхDat. гэтаму гэтаму гэтай гэтымInstr. гэтым гэтым гэтай

гэтыміPrep. аб гэтым аб гэтым аб гэтай аб гэтых

Nom. той тое тая тыяAcc. той (-аго) тое тую тыя (-ых)Gen. таго таго той тыхDat. таму таму той тымInstr. тым тым той тыміPrep. аб тым аб тым аб той аб тых

The pronoun гэны, that, declines just like гэты. It is not very common.

Гэны ўсё можа. That guy can do anything.Усе пра гэна даведаліся. Everybody found out about that.

8.6 The pronoun увесь

The pronoun увесь, all, declines as follows.

Nom. увесь усё уся усеAcc. увесь (усяго) усё усю усе (усіх)Gen. усяго усяго усёй усіхDat. усяму усяму усёй усімInstr. усім усім усёй усіміPrep. аба ўсім аба ўсім аба ўсёй аба ўсіх32


Chapter 9Interrogative and Relative Pronouns

These pronouns follow the same rules as adjectives, declining for gender and case to match the nouns they modify, see Chapter 5 for more details on adjectives.

9.1 The interrogative pronouns

The pronouns што, what, and хто, who, decline as follows.

Nom. што хтоAcc. што кагоGen. чаго кагоDat. чаму камуInstr. чым кімPrep. аб чым аб кім

The pronouns нішто, nothing, and ніхто, nobody, decline like што and хто except for the genitive case, for which the accent lies on the middle syllable.

Гэта нішто. It’s nothing.Я нічога не сказаў. I didn’t say anything.Год таму зразумеў, што ў жыцці A year ago I realized that in life,

я ніхто і нішто. I am a nobody and a nothing.У пакоі ўжо нікога не было. There was already noone in the


9.3 The pronoun які

The pronoun які declines just like the adjective другі, second, see 5.1 for the complete declension. The pronoun is used as the conjunction which or what. It is also used as an exclamation.

Якую кнігу чытаеш? Which book are you reading?Вось кніга, якую чытаю. This is the book, which I am

reading.Якая дата сёння? What is the date today?Якая прыгожая дзяўчына! What a pretty girl!


Chapter 10


Numerals10.1 Numerals and case governance

The numeral адзін, one, is used just like an adjective, following the same rules. It declines to match the case and gender of the noun it describes. See Chapter 5 for more details. The numerals два, two, тры, three, and чатыры, four, as well as абодва, both, all decline to agree with the case of the noun that they govern. Два and абодва also decline to match the gender of their corresponding nouns. Like adjectives, the accusative animate forms of these numerals coincide with the genitive forms for masculine objects.

У мяне застаецца адна ручка. I have one pen left.У нас два новыя сталы. We have two new tables.Я прыехаў з дзвюма гарматамі. I arrived with two cannons.Ён тры дні не паднімаўся з гнілой For three days, he did not get up

саломы. off of the moldy hay.Ён узяўся абедзвюма рукамі за вугал. He grabbed the corner with both


When the numerals два, тры, чатыры, and абодва are used as either the subject or the inanimate direct object of a clause, the nouns that they govern take a special form. For feminine nouns, this form is identical to the genitive singular. For masculine and neuter nouns, it is formed by appending either ы or і to the root, depending on whether the root has a palatized or non-palatized ending and on other spelling rules. Any modifying adjectives are declined for the nominitive plural.

У селяніна ёсць два кані. The villager has two horses.Дзве дзяўчыны прыйшлі. Two young ladies came.Вось гэтыя тры акны. Look at these three windows.Чатыры чалавекі стаяць там. Four people are standing

over there. Абодва сыны служаць у арміі. Both sons are serving in the

army.Абедзве даты вельмі прыблізныя. Both dates are very close.

10.2 The number one

The number адзін, one, declines as follows.


Masc. Neut. Fem. Pl. Nom. адзін адно адна адныAcc. адзін (-аго) адно адну адны (-ых)Gen. аднаго аднаго адной адныхDat. аднаму аднаму адной аднымInstr. адным адным адной адныміPrep. аб адным аб адным аб адной аб адных

The plural form адны is used with nouns that have no singular form, as well as with certain idiomatic constructions.

Там былі адны хлопцы. There were only boys there.Ён там быў толькі адны суткі. He was here for only twenty-

four hours.The word адзін is also used in certain constructions to mean each other.

Мы разумеем адзін аднаго. We understand each other.Падморгвалі адзін аднаму зайздросным They winked at each other

withкалючым вокам. prickly envious eyes.

10.3 The number two and the word both

The number два, two, declines as follows.

Masc. Neut. Fem.Nom. два два дзвеAcc. два (двух) два дзвеGen. двух двух дзвюхDat. двум двум дзвюмInstr. двума двума дзвюмаPrep. аб двух аб двух аб дзвюх

The word абодва, both, declines as follows.

Masc. Neut. Fem.Nom. абодва абодва абедзвеAcc. абодва (абодвух) абодва абедзве (абедзвюх)Gen. абодвух абодвух абедзвюхDat. абодвум абодвум абедзвюмInstr. абодвума абодвума абедзвюмаPrep. аб абодвух аб абодвух аб абедзвюх


10.4 Three and four

The numbers тры, three, and чатыры, four, decline as follows.

Nom. тры чатырыAcc. тры (трох) чатыры (чатырох)Gen. трох чатырохDat. тром чатыромInstr. трыма чатырмаPrep. аб тром аб чатырох

10.5 Five and up

These numbers all decline like сувязь, as shown in Section 2.9, including сем, seven, and восем, eight, even though they do not end in a ь.

пяць five чатырнаццаць fourteenшэсць six пятнаццаць fifteenсем seven шаснаццаць sixteenвосем eight семнаццаць seventeenдзевяць nine васемнаццаць eighteenдзесяць ten дзевятнаццаць nineteenадзінаццаць eleven дваццаць twentyдванаццаць twelve трыццаць thirtyтрынаццаць thirteen

10.6 Forty, ninety, and one hundred

The words сорак, forty, дзевяноста, ninety, and сто, one hundred, decline as follows.

Nom. сорак дзевяноста стоAcc. сорак дзевяноста стаGen. сарака дзевяноста стаDat. сарака дзевяноста стаInstr. сарака дзевяноста стаPrep. аб сарака аб дзевяноста аб ста

10.7 Fifty, sixty, seventy, and eighty


These numbers decline like пяцьдзесят, fifty. These words have two roots, both of which decline. Because of this, although the main accent falls on the final syllable, there is a quieter accent on the end of the first root.

fifty sixty seventy eightyNom. пяцьдзесят шэсцьдзесят семдзесят

восемдзесятAcc. пяцьдзесят шэсцьдзесят семдзесят

восемдзесятGen. пяцідзесяці шасцідзесяці сямідзесяці

васьмідзесяціDat. пяцідзесяці шасцідзесяці сямідзесяці

васьмідзесяціInstr. пяццюдзесяццю шасцідзесяццю сямідзесяццю васьмідзесяццюPrep. пяцідзесяці аб шасцідзесяці аб сямідзесяці аб васьмідзесяці

10.8 Two hundred and beyond

These numbers also have two roots, which both decline. The number дзвесце, two hundred, has only one accent. The numbers трыста, three hundred, чатырыста, four hundred, and пяцьсот, five hundred, have only one accent in the nominative and accusative cases, but two accents in the rest of the cases. The numbers шэсцьсот, six hundred, семсот, seven hundred, восемсот, eight hundred, and дзевяцьсот, nine hundred, have two accents throughout all their forms.

Nom. дзвесце трыста чатырыста пяцьсотAcc. дзвесце трыста чатырыста пяцьсотGen. дзвюхсот трохсот чатырохсот пяцісотDat. дзвюмстам тромстам чатыромстам пяцістамInstr. дзвюмастамі трымастамі чатырмастамі пяцістаміPrep. аб дзвюхстах аб трохстах аб чатырохстах аб пяцістахNom. шэсцьсот семсот восемсот дзевяцьсотAcc. шэсцьсот семсот восемсот дзевяцьсотGen. шасцісот сямісот васмісот дзевяцісотDat. шасцістам сямістам васмістам дзевяцістамInstr. шасцюстамі сямюстамі васмюстамі

дзевяццюстаміPrep. аб шасцістах аб сямістах аб васмістах аб дзевяцістах

10.9 Collective numerals

These numbers are used with nouns that do not have a singular form, and in certain cases with animate nouns. The collective numerals have adjectival endings


for the oblique cases. When a collective numeral is in the nominative or accusative case, the noun that it governs takes the genitive plural case. For oblique cases, the noun takes the same case as the numeral. As always, the accusative animate form is the same as the genitive.

Nom. двое трое чацвёра пяцёраAcc. двое трое чацвёра пяцёраGen. дваіх траіх чацвярых пяцярыхDat. дваім траім чацвярым пяцярымInstr. дваімі траімі чацвярымі

пяцярыміPrep. аб дваіх аб траіх аб чацвярых аб пяцярых

Nom. шасцёра сямёраAcc. шасцёра сямёраGen. шасцярых семярыхDat. шасцярым семярымInstr. шасцярымі семярыміPrep. аб шасцярых аб семярых

The words двое, трое, and чацвёра can be used with nouns that only have a plural form.

У нас двое саней. We have two sleds.Загадана ўзяць ежы на трое сутак. It was ordered that enough

food be taken for three days.

These numerals can also be used to denote a number of people. They are especially used with men, workers, children, and words that decline like the neuter nouns of Section 2.6.

У яго трое дзяцей. He has three children.Чацвёра манахаў-дамініканаў неслі Four Dominican monks

carried aвялізны чорны крыж. large black cross.

Сем прыйшлі, а пяцёра з іх спазніліся. Seven came, but five of themwere late.

There is along with these words the word абое, which means both.

Сцяпан моўчкі пазіраў на абаіх. Stsyapan silently glanced at bothof them.


Аблапіў дзяўчыну і абое паваліліся ў He hugged the girl and both fell into

мяккую канюшыну. the soft clover.

10.10 Ordinal numerals

These adjectives are used as ordinal numbers.

першы first пятнаццаты fifteenthдругі second шаснаццаты sixteenthтрэці third семнаццаты seventeenthчацвёрты fourth васемнаццаты eighteenthпяты fifth дзевятнаццаты nineteenthшосты sixth дваццаты twentiethсёмы seventh трыццаты thirtiethвосьмы eighth саракавы fortiethдзевяты ninth пяцідзесяты fiftiethдзесяты tenth шасцідзесяты sixtiethадзінаццаты eleventh сямідзесяты seventiethдванаццаты twelfth васьмідзесяты eightiethтрынаццаты thirtieth дзевяносты ninetiethчатырнаццаты fourteenth соты hundredth

Chapter 111st Conjugation Verbs

Most of the difficulty involved with Belarusian verbs comes from the spelling rules, which distort the ending of the verb. Careful attention to spelling rules predicts and explains the different variations of conjugation. Verbs of the 1st conjugation are called type 1 verbs. Unless otherwise noted, all verbs here are imperfective.

11.1 The root ends in a vowel and the ending is accented

In general, type 1 verbs conjugate like даваць, to give.

даю даёмдаеш даяцедае даюць

1st Pers. Sing. 2nd Pers. Sing.жаваць to chew жую жуеш


пець to sing пяю пяеш

This group also incudes verbs whose stem ends in ь or the apostrophe. An example of these is біць, to hit.

б’ю б’ёмб’еш б’яцеб’е б’юць

ліць to pour лью льешпіць to drink п’ю п’еш

11.2 The root ends in a vowel and the root is accented

Verbs of this type conjugate like чакаць, to wait.

чакаю чакаемчакаеш чакаецечакае чакаюць

гадаць to guess гадаю гадаешшыць to sew шыю шыеш

11.3 The root ends in a consonant and the ending is accented

Most verbs of this type conjugate like жыць, to live.

жыву жывёмжывеш жывяцежыве жывуць

1st Pers. Sing. 2nd Pers. Sing.зваць to call завузавешгрызці to gnaw грызу грызеш

For verbs of this type, whose root ends in д or т for the first person singular and third person plural, the final consonant changes to either дз or ц for the other persons. They conjugate like класці, to put.

кладу кладзёмкладзеш кладзяцекладзе кладуць

ісці to go іду ідзешцвісці to bloom цвіту цвіцеш


For verbs of this type, whose root ends in г or к for the first person singular and third person plural, the final consonant changes to either ж or ч for the other persons. They conjugate like пячы, to bake.

пяку пячомпячэш пячацепячэ пякуць

сячы to cut up сяку сячэшберагчы to safeguard берагу беражэш

Verbs of this type, whose root ends in an invariable non-palatized consonant conjugate like браць, to take.

бяру бяромбярэш берацебярэ бяруць

перці to make one’s way пру прэшцерці to rub тру трэш

11.4 The root ends in a consonant and the root is accented

Verbs like these conjugate like цягнуць, to pull.

цягну цягнемцягнеш цягнецецягне цягнуць

1st Pers. Sing. 2nd Pers. Sing.прыняць to accept прыму прымешузяць to take вазму возмеш

Verbs of this type, whose root ends in д, conjugate like быць, to be.

буду будзембудзеш будзецебудзе будуць

ехаць to go [by vehicle] еду едзешкрасці to steal краду крадзеш

Verbs of this type, whose root ends in г, conjugate like магчы, to be able.

магу можамможаш можацеможа могуць

легчы to lie down лягу ляжаш


Verbs of this type, whose root ends in an invariably non-palatized consonant, conjugate like рэзаць, to cut.

рэжу рэжамрэжаш рэжацерэжа рэжуць

казаць to say кажу кажашплакаць to cry плачу плачаш


Chapter 122nd Conjugation Verbs

Most of the difficulty involved with Belarusian verbs comes from the spelling rules, which distort the ending of the verb. Careful attention to spelling rules predicts and explains the different variations of this conjugation. Unless otherwise noted, all verbs here are imperfective. Verbs of this conjugation are called type 2 verbs.

12.1 The root ends in a vowel

Accent placement of type 2 verbs has no effect. Some examples of these verbs are стаяць, to stand, строіць, to prepare, and таіць, to hide.

стаю стаім строю строім таю тоімстаіш стаіце строіш строіце тоіш тоіце стаіць стаяць строіць строяць тоіць


12.2 The root ends in a consonant

These verbs conjugate very similarly to the verbs in 12.1, but there are variations on the endings, depending on what consonant the root ends in. Verbs, whose root ends in л or н have the same endings as the verbs shown above.

помню помнімпомніш помніцепомніць помняць

1st Pers. Sing. 2nd Pers. Sing.валіць to knock down валю валішгнаць to chase (determinate) ганю гоніш

Verbs of this type, whose root ends in б, в, м, п, or ф, have a л added between the root and the ending for the first person singular.

раблю робімробіш робіцеробіць робяць


ставіць to put стаўлю ставішкарміць to feed кармлю кормішкупіць to buy (perfective) куплю купіш

If the final letters of the root are дз, з, с, сц, or ц, they change for the first person singular as shown below. An example of these verbs is хадзіць, to walk.

дз —> джхаджу ходзім з —> жходзіш ходзіце с —> шходзіць ходзяць сц —> шч

ц —> ч

1st Pers. Sing. 2nd Pers. Sing.вазіць to transport важу возішляцець to fly лячу ляцішнасіць to carry нашу носішпесціць to pamper пешчу песціш

Verbs of this type, whose root ends in an invariably non-palatized consonant, conjugate like бачыць, to see.

бачу бачымбачыш бачыцебачыць бачаць

гаварыць to speak гавару гаворышслужыць to serve служу служышрашыць to decide рашу рэшыш

Chapter 13


Miscellaneous Verbs and Verb Irregularities13.1 Three miscellaneous verbs

The verbs бегчы, to run, даць, to give, and есці, to eat, conjugate as follows.

бягу бяжым дам дадзім ем ядзімбяжыш бяжыце дасі дасце еш ясцебяжыць бягуць дасць дадуць есць


13.2 Shifting stress

For many verbs, the accent is on the ending for the first person singular, but is the root for all other persons. This happens most often when the final syllable of the infinitive is accented.

Infin. 1st Pers. Sing. 2nd Pers. Sing.вазіць to transport важу возішгаварыць to speak гавару гаворышпрыняць to receive прыму прымешхацець to want хачу хочаш

13.3 Verb ending variation

The verbs conjugated above have the most current and accepted endings, but variations do exist. One common variation that effects verbs of the types discussed in Sections 11.1 and 11.3 is to replace the ending of the 1st person plural, -ём or -ом, with the endings -ем or -эм, respectively. Another common variation, which affects all verbs with accented endings, replaces the final -е of the 2nd person plural with a -ё. Although these variations do exist, they are non-standard and should be avoided by the non-native speaker.


Chapter 14Reflexive Verbs

14.1 Use of reflexive verbs

The one characteristic that all reflexive verbs have in common is that they cannot take a direct object in the accusative case. Very often, the fact that the verb is reflexive means that the subject of the sentence is what is being acted upon.


Мяч кідаецца ім. The ball is thrown by him.Яны баяцца. They are afraid.

14.2 Conjugation of reflexive verbs

Reflexive verbs in general are all formed from non-reflexive verbs in the same way. Below are given examples of both type 1 and type 2 reflexive verbs. The reader will notice that they are formed in the exact same way. An example of a type 1 reflexive verb is старацца, to try, and an example of a type 2 reflexive verb is туліцца, to press against.

стараюся стараемся тулюся тулімсястараешся стараецеся тулішся туліцесястараецца стараюцца туліцца туляцца

1st Pers. Sing. 2nd Pers. Sing.падабацца to be pleasing падабаюся падабаешсяспадзявацца to hope спадзяюся спадзяешсябаяцца to fear баюся баішсянарадзіцца to be born нараджуся народзішся

14.3 Reflexive past tense, participles, and gerunds

All other parts of the verb are formed like normal verbs, with the suffix –ся placed on the end.

Ён стараўся дапамагаць. He tried to help.Ляжалі абняўшыся і маўчалі. They lay hugging and were quiet.Міхась быстра падняўся з зямлі, Michael quickly got up off the ground,

не аглядаючыся вакол. not looking around.


Chapter 15Past Tenses

15.1 Past tense formation


Belarusian verbal aspect is similar to Russian and Ukrainian. Consult a text on one of these languages for more information on verbal aspect. Belarusian has two past tenses, the past perfect and the past imperfect. The past tense form is conjugated for gender and number, but not for person. The past tense is formed from the infinitive of the appropriate aspect.

Мы шмат рабілі, калі жылі там. We were getting a lot done while we were living there.

Я пазнаёміўся з ім, калі прыехаў. I met him when I arrived.Густая і чорная вада цякла ціха The thick and black water flowed quietly

і спакойна. and peacefully.

Infinitives with the ending -ць form the past tense by replacing the final -ць with -ў to form the masculine, -ло to form the neuter, -ла to form the feminine, or -лі to form the plural. If unaccented, the neuter ending is -ла.

Infin. Masc. Neut. Fem. Pl.быць to be быў было была быліжыць to live жыў жыло жыла жылічытаць to read чытаў чытала чыталачыталі

15.2 Past tense of verbs ending in -чы or -ці

The past tense of these verbs really just have to be memorized. If the masculine form ends in -ў, the verb is conjugated for the other genders by replacing the final -ў with the proper ending, either -ло, -ла, or -лі.

весці to bring вёў вяло вяла вяліесць to eat еў ела ела еліісці to go ішоў ішло ішла ішлікласці to put клаў клала клалаклалікрасці to steal краў крала кралакралісесці to sit сеў села села селіцвісці to bloom цвіў цвіло цвіла цвілі

If the masculine past tense form ends in a consonant, the other genders are formed by simply adding the appropriate ending to the end of the masculine form.

Infin. Masc. Neut. Fem. Pl.бегчы to run бег бегла бегла

бегліберагчы to take care of бярог берагло берагла бераглівалачы to drag валок валакло валакла


легчы to lie down лёг лягло ляглаляглі

магчы to be able to мог магло магламаглі

пячы to bake пёк пякло пяклапяклі

сячы to cut up сек секла секласеклі

стрыгчы to cut [hair] стрыг стрыгло стрыгластрыглі

везці to transport вёз вязло вязла вязлілезці to climb лез лезла лезлалезлінесці to carry нёс несла несланесліпамерці to die памёр памерла памерлапамерліперці to make one’s way пёр перла перлаперліцерці to rub цёр церла церлацерлі

15.3 Past tense of verbs ending in -нуць

Most verbs ending in -нуць form the past tense normally, but there are a few irregular ones that just have to be memorized. These ones form the masculine past tense by removing the -нуць ending. The other genders are formed by adding the appropriate ending.

глухнуць to go deaf глух глухла глухла глухлізнікнуць to disappear знік знікла знікла зніклімерзнуць to freeze мёрз мерзла мерзла мерзліпранікнуць to penetrate пранік пранікла пранікла пранікліпрывыкнуць to get used to прывык прывыкла прывыкла прывыклісохнуць to become dry сох сохла сохласохліузнікнуць to arise узнік узнікла узнікла узніклі

Chapter 16


Present and Future TensesBelarusian verbal aspect is similar to Russian and Ukrainian. Consult a text

on one of these languages for more information on verbal aspect.

16.1 Present tense

Belarusian has one present tense and two future tenses, the future perfect and the future imperfect. The present tense is formed by conjugating the infinitive of the imperfect aspect of a verb for the correct person.

Я тут жыву. I live here.Я жыву цяпер у сяброў. I am living with friends right now.Я жыву з імі месяц. I have lived with them for a month.

The verb быць, to be, has no present tense conjugation. The verb to be is often rendered in the present tense as a pause, represented as a dash when written. It is dropped completely in third person impersonal constructions. Some of the functions of the verb to be can also be filled by other verbs like бываць, to occur, and стаць, to become.

Я — амерыканец, а ты — беларус. I am an american, and you are a belarusian.

Хлопчык — вельмі галодны. The young man is very hungry.Цяжка вывучыць новую мову. It is difficult to learn a new


The word ёсць is also used to fulfill some of the functions of the verb to be. It is used either to emphasis the existence of the subject, or as a predicate meaning there is. The word ёсць is etymologically descended from the obsolete present tense conjugation of the Common Slavonic verb byti, to be.

Ён з’явіўся такім, якім ён і ёсць He appeared as that person, whom he isпа сваёй натуры. by his nature.

Ёсць які-небудзь стары, што да Is there anyone old that lived hereвайны тут жыў? before the war?

16.2 Future imperfect formation

The future imperfect tense is formed by conjugating the verb быць for the correct person, and following that with the infinitive of a verb’s imperfective aspect.


Што будзеш рабіць? What will you be doing?Я буду многа чытаць. I will be reading a lot.

16.3 Future perfect formation

The future perfect tense is formed by conjugating the infinitive of a verb’s perfective aspect for the correct person.

Што зробіш? What will you do?Я скончу гэту кнігу. I will finish this book.

Chapter 17The Imperative

17.1 Formation of the imperative

In the case of the vast majority of Belarusian verbs, the imperative is formed as follows. Conjugate the verb for the 2nd person singular and remove the final two letters. If the stem ends in a vowel, add an -й. If the stem ends in an invariably non-palatized consonant, nothing is added, otherwise add either an -і or a -ь. The 54

ending -і is added either if the infinitive is more than one syllable and the accent falls on the last syllable, or if the root ends in two or more consonants (note that the letter combinations дз and дж are each treated as a single letter). If neither of these two conditions is met, then a -ь is added. This forms the singular form of the imperative. To form the plural imperative, the suffix -це is appended to the singular form.

Infin. 2rd Pers. Sing. Stem Imp. Sing. Imp. Plбраць to take бярэш бяр- бярыбярыцеглядзець to look глядзіш глядз- глядзіглядзіцеглянуць to glance гляніш глян- гляньгляньцежыць to live жывеш жыв- жывіжывіцелегчы to lie down ляжаш ляж- ляжляжцемыць to wash мыеш мы- мыймыйцеехаць to drive едзеш едз- едзьедзьцерабіць to do робіш роб- рабірабіцерэзаць to slice рэжаш рэж- рэж рэжцесячы to cut up сячэш сяч- сячы сячыцестаць to become станеш стан- станьстаньцестукнуць to knock стукнеш стукн- стукністукніцечакаць to wait чакаеш чака- чакайчакайце

17.2 Vowel changes due to spelling rules

There are several verbs, which seem to be irregular, but the changes of their vowels are really just manifestions of spelling rules.

баяцца to fear баішся бо- бойсябойцесясмяяцца to dare смяешся сме- смейся смейцесястаяць to stand стаіш сто- стой стойце

17.3 Verbs beginning with вы-


If imperative form of verb ends in an -і (or -ы due to spelling rules) the verb formed by adding the prefix вы- to the verb also has an imperative that ends in -і, even though the accent will fall on the prefix.

Infin. Imp. Sing. Infin. Imp. Sing.весці to lead вядзі вывесці to lead away выведзіказаць to say кажы выказаць to state smthng. выкажырваць to tear рві вырваць to tear away вырві

17.4 Irregular imperatives

Certain verbs have irregular imperatives. A few of these are given below.

Infin. 2nd Pers. Sing. Imp. Sing. Imp. Pl.даваць to give даеш давайдавайцедаць to give (Perf.) дасі дай дайцеесці to eat еш еш ешце

біць to hit б’еш бі біцеліць to pour льеш лі ліцепіць to drink пьеш пі піце

17.5 1st person plural imperative

The most common way of forming the 1st person plural imperative is by using the word давайце. If the verb is imperfective, давайце is followed by the verb’s infinitive. If the verb is perfective, the word давайце is followed by the verb conjugated for the 1st person plural.

Давайце яшчэ нальём. Let’s pour in some more.Давайце крычаць: хто слабей Let’s yell: Whoever yells the

weakest,крыкне, таго зьядзём. him we will eat.

Alternatively, verbs do have a special form for the 1st person plural imperative.

Бярэм манаткі і марш! Let’s grab our gear and move out!Уцякайма, пакуль не позна. Let’s get out of here, while it’s not to

late.Едзем на базар, каб купіць ежу Let’s go to the market to buy food

на заўтра. for tomorrow.If the 2nd person singular imperative ends in -й, the 1st person plural

imperative is formed by adding the letters -ма to the end of the imperative.

Infin. Imp. Sing. 1st Pers. Pl. Imp.


будаваць to build будуй будуймамыцца to wash oneself мыйся мыймасячытаць to read чытай чытайма

If the 2nd person singular imperative ends in an accented -ы or -і, the 1st person plural imperative is formed by replacing that final letter with -эм or -ем respectively.

бегчы to run бяжы бяжэмбрацца to wrap around smthng бярыся бярэмсякрычаць to yell крычы крычэм

сарваць to tear (Perf.) сарві сарвемспаць to sleep спі спемхадзіць to walk хадзі хадзем

Otherwise, the 1st person plural imperative is identical to the 1st person plural indicative form.

быць to be будзь будземсесці to sit down (Perf.) сядзь сядземлегчы to lie down (Perf.) ляж ляжам

17.6 3rd person imperative

The third person imperative is formed by placing either the particle хай or няхай before the verb, conjugated for the third person, either singular or plural.

Хай гаворыць. Let him speak.Не чапай, хай ляжыць. Don’t disturb him, let him lie.Хай будзе святло. Let there be light!


Chapter 18Verbs of Motion

There is a set of verbs expressing motion, whose imperfective aspect has two distinct parts, the indeterminate form and the determinate form. The determinate form is used when expressing a distinct progression from one point to another. The indeterminate form is used in all other instances.

Indeter. Deter.хадзіць ісці to walk

хаджу ходзім іду ідзёмходзіш ходзіце ідеш ідзяцеходзіць ходзяць ідзе ідуць


хадзіў хадзілі ішоў ішліхадзіла ішлохадзіла ішла

ездзіць ехаць to go [by transport]

езджу ездзім еду едзешездзіш ездзіце едзеш едзецеездзіць ездзяць едзе едуць

ездзіў ездзілі ехаў ехаліездзіла ехалаездзіла ехала

бегаць бегчы to run

бегаю бегаем бягу бяжымбегаеш бегаеце бяжыш бяжыцебегае бегаюць бяжыць бягуць

бегаў бегалі бег беглібегала беглабегала бегла

вадзіць весці to lead

ваджу водзім вяду вядзёмводзіш водзіце вядзеш ведзяцеводзіць водзяць вядзе вядуць

вадзіў вадзілі вёў вялівадзіла вяловадзіла вяла

вазіць везці to transport

важу возім вязу вязёмвозіш возіце вязеш везяцевозіць возяць вязе вязуць

вазіў вазілі вёз везлівазіла везлавазіла везла


ганяць гнаць to chase

ганяю ганяем ганю гонімганяеш ганяеце гоніш гоніцеганяе ганяюць гоніць гоняць

ганяў ганялі гнаў гналіганяла гналаганяла гнала

качаць каціць to roll

качаю качаем качу коцімкачаеш качаеце коціш коціцекачае качаюць коціць коцяць

качаў качалі каціў кацілікачала кацілакачала каціла

лазіць лезці to climb

лажу лазім лезу леземлазіш лазіце лезеш лезецелазіць лазяць лезе лезуць

лазіў лазілі лез лезлілазіла лезлалазіла лезла

лятаць ляцець to fly

лятаю лятаем лячу ляцімлятаеш лятаеце ляціш ляціцелятае лятаюць ляціць ляцяць

лятаў ляталі ляцеў ляцелілятала ляцелалятала ляцела

насіць несці to carry

нашу носім нясу нясёмносіш носіце нясеш несяценосіць носяць нясе нясуць


насіў насілі нёс неслінасіла несланасіла несла

цягаць цягнуць to pull

цягаю цягаем цягну цягнемцягаеш цягаеце цягнеш цягнецецягае цягаюць цягне цягнуць

цягаў цягалі цягнуў цягнуліцягала цягнулацягала цягнула


Chapter 19Verbal Prefixes

19.1 Prefix usage

Adding a prefix to an imperfective verb usually creates a perfective verb with a modified meaning. Adding a prefix to an imperfective verb of motion does not create a perfective verb, but a new imperfective verb with a modified meaning. The same prefix is attached to the perfective aspect of the verb of motion to form the perfective form of the new verb.

When a prefix ending in a consonant is attached to a verb beginning in an iotized vowel, a buffer symbol ‘ is placed between them.

When хадзіць has a prefix attached to it, the accent moves to the root for all forms. When ісці has a prefix attached to it, the initial і- changes to an й- and the accent falls on the prefix for all persons in the present tense except the 1st person singular. The exception to this is the prefix вы-, for which the accent always falls on this prefix, irrespective of person or tense. When either хадзіць or ісці has a prefix attached, which ends in a consonant, an ы is placed as a buffer between the prefix and root.

аб’явіць to announce пад’ехаць to drive upпрыходжу I am coming прыходзіў I cameпойдзе he will go пайшоў he wentразышліся they dispersed адыходжу I am leaving

19.2 Directional prefix meanings

Each of these prefixes has additional meanings that have nothing to do with direction, but for now I have only listed the meanings which imply a direction of motion. Prefixes can be added to verbs to create new verbs. Adding a prefix to the indeterminate form of a verb of motion creates the imperfective infinitive of a verb, and adding the prefix to the determinate form creates the perfective infinitive of the same verb. The exception to this rule is the verb ехаць and ездзіць, to go [by transport]. The perfective aspect of a verb can be formed by adding a prefix to ехаць, but the imperfective aspect of the same verb is formed by adding the prefix to the verb язджаць. The form язджаць rarely occurs on its


own, without a prefix. These prefixes can also be added to other, non-motion verbs.

па- This prefix is added to the directional infinitive to form the perfective infinitive for all verbs of motion.

пайсці to go [somewhere, on foot]паехаць to go [somewhere, by transport]пабегчы to run [somewhere]панесці to carry [something somewhere]

аб- This prefix implies encompassing or overtaking motion.

абыходзіць абыйсці to walk aroundаб’язджаць аб’ехаць to drive aroundабганяць абагнаць to overtakeабкладваць абкласці to surround [with something]

ад- This prefix has the meaning of moving away.

адыходзіць адыйсці to withdrawадносіць аднесці to carry offадбіраць адабраць to take awayадрываць адарваць to tear off

вы- This prefix has the meaning of going out of something.

выходзіць выйсці to exit [on foot]вынасіць вынесці to carry outвыбіраць выбраць to selectвырываць вырваць to tear out

да- This prefix implies movement as far as, or up to, a certain point.

даходзіць дайсці to reachданосіць данесці to bring as far asдаганяць дагнаць to catch up toдабірацца дабрацца to get as far as

з- This prefix has the meaning of coming off of, or coming out of.63

зыходзіць зыйсці to come off ofз’язжаць з’ехаць to departзносіць знесці to take down from, to take out ofзнімаць зняць to remove

за- Verbs with this prefix have the meanings of traveling far, or pastsomething.

заходзіць зайсці to walk behindзабегаць забегчы to run aheadзаносіць занесці to carry [far] awayзакладваць закласці to place behind

на- Verbs with this prefix have the meaning of collision with something.

находзіць найсці to come across, to walk intoнаязджаць наехаць to run into [with a vehicle]нападаць напасці to fall intoнаступаць наступіць to approach [a certain time]

пад- This prefix has the basic meaning of upward motion.

падыходзіць падыйсці to approach [on foot]пад’язджаць пад’ехаць to drive up toпадбягаць падбегчы to run up toпаднімаць падняць to lift

пера- This prefix has the meaning of crossing over something.

пераходзіць перайсці to walk acrossпераносіць перанесці to carry acrossперадаваць перадаць to pass alongперакладваць перакласці to transfer, to translate

пра- This prefix gives verbs the meaning of passing by something.

праходзіць прайсці to pass byпраязджаць праехаць to drive pastпрабягаць прабегчы to run byпраносіць пранесці to carry by


раз- This prefix gives verbs the meaning of movement in various directions, or distribution.

разыходзіцца разыйсціся to disperseраз’язджацца раз’ехацца to drive away [in various

directions] разбягацца разбегчыся to run off, to scatterразлятацца разляцецца to fly away, to scatter

у- This prefix gives verbs the meaning of entering. It changes to ува- with хадзіць and ісці.

уваходзіць увайсці to enterуязджаць уехаць to drive inубягаць убегчы to run inуносіць унесці to carry in

уз- This prefix gives verbs the meaning of upward motion.

узыходзіць узыйсці to walk upузлазіць узлезці to climb upузлятаць узляцець to take offузвышаць узвысіць to elevate

Chapter 20Gerunds and Participles

Gerunds and participles are not commonly used in colloquial Belarusian, but they are found in literature.

20.1 Present imperfect gerunds


These gerunds are formed by conjugating an imperfect infinitive of a verb for the 3rd person plural, removing the final -ць, and appending the ending -чы. They are often also used as a present active participle, but they do not decline.

Infin. 3rd Pers. Pl. Gerund вяртацца to turn вяртаюцца вяртаючысягаварыць to speak гавораць гаворачыпісаць to write пішуць пішучыхадзіць to walk ходзяць ходзячычытаць to read чытаюць чытаючы

Яго вусны заварушыліся, нібы His lips moved, as though forming a

творачы святую малітву. sacred prayer.Нават будучы параненым, ён не Even being wounded, he didn’t have

меў права на спакойнае the right to a peaceful life.жыццё.

20.2 Past perfect gerunds

These gerunds are formed from perfective verbs by conjugating the verb for the past tense masculine singular and adding the ending -шы.

напісаць to write напісаў напісаўшызрабіць to do зрабіў зрабіўшывярнуцца to return вярнуўся вярнуўшысяпрынесці to bring прынёс прынёсшыпабегчы to run пабег пабегшы

Напісаўшы, што трэба было, ён Having written what was necessary, heпачаў поркацца ў паперах. began to pore over the papers.

Перанёсшы яго, рыбы доўга не Having carried him over, the fish did notвярталіся. return for a long time.

20.3 Past passive participles

Participles are adjectives, obeying all the same rules that other adjectives do. Most of them are formed by attaching –аны, or –ены to the root of the infinitive. There really isn’t much rhyme or reason to the formation, each participle needs to be memorized. These participles can be formed from either aspect, but they are formed much more often from the perfective aspect.

Infin. Past Pass. Part.пісаць to write пісанызвязаць to bind (perfective) звязаныкупіць to buy (perfective) купленызрабіць to do, to make (perfective) зробленыскласці to stack (perfective) складзены


Monosyllable infinitives form the past passive participle by removing the suffix -ць and appending -ты.

мыць to wash мытыбіць to hit бітышыць to sew шыты

У выстаўцы ёсць каран беларускі, In the exhibit there is a Belarusian Koran,

пісаны татарскімі літарамі. written with the Tatar alphabet.Яна была падобна да зробленай She was like a statue wrought from

stone.з каменю фігуркі.

Давялося-б яму зараз выціраць He just happened to peel his face awayсвой твар ад слядоў, а from the footprints, and his

headгалаве прышлося-б happened to become aquainted

withпазнаёміцца з бітым шклом. the smashed glass.

20.4 Other participles

Other participles such as the Present Active, Present Passive, and Past Active may be encountered very occasionally, especially in technical literature. These participles are uncommon in normal literature, and their use in Belarusian is considered to be a symptom of language interference from Russian. It is preferable to use other synonymous constructions.

Chapter 21The Nominative Case

21.1 Use of the nominative case

This case is taken by the subject of the sentence. If the verb of the sentence is ёсць, or if there is no verb, then the object of the sentence also takes the nominative case.

Беларусь — прыгожы кут. Belarus is a beautiful land.Але ён дурны, а я разумны. But he is foolish, and I am wise.

The direct objects of verbs such as зваць, to call, and its derivatives, often take the nominative case.

Яго завуць Саша. His name is Sasha.67

(Literally: [They] call him Sasha.)

The direct object of the verbs быць, to be, and стаць, to become, can take the nominative case if the direct object is an adjective that is being used as a predicate.

Яна стала цяпер жвавая. She’s now become lively. Рана ці позна будуць названыя Sooner or later, they will be labeled

злачынцамі і праклатыя. criminals and damned.


Chapter 22The Accusative Case

22.1 Use of the accusative case

The direct object of most verbs usually takes the accusative case. Certain prepositions are followed by nouns in the accusative case, often when motion is implied. A period of time placed in the accusative case, with no preposition preceding it, indicates that an action was carried out over the course of that time.

Скажы мне, ты запраўды мяне Tell me, do you really love me?кахаеш?

Я жыў з імі месяц. I lived with them for a month.

22.2 Prepositions with the accusative case

The following prepositions can be followed by the accusative case. Often, the meaning of the prefix revolves around a sense of motion. The meaning of each preposition in that context is given.

аб againstЛодка стукнулася аб бераг. The boat bumped against the


з aboutПрайшоў з кіламетр. I walked about a kilometer.


за behindЁн пайшоў за хату. He went behind the house.

atСаджуся за стол. I sit down at the table.

afterГаварылі далёка за поўнач. They talked well past midnight.

[not translated, expresses distance]Жыве за 40 кіламетраў за He lives 40 kilometers from the


inГэта можна зрабіць за два This can get done in two days.


на onПаставіць яго на стол. He will put it on the table.

toІдзём на Магілёў. We’re going to Mohilyou.

[not translated, similar to ‘per’]Два разы на тыдзень. Twice a week.

byДыван тры на шэсць метраў. The carpet is three by six


па up toСтаіць у вадзе па пояс. He stands in water up to his


Пайдзі пад студню па ваду. Go to the well for water.along

Людзі ішлі па той бок. People were walking along that side.

пад underСхаваў яго пад падушку. He hid it under the pillow.

aboutГадоў пад сорак. About forty years.

toПайдзі пад студню па ваду. Go to the well for water.

паўз byПраязджалі паўз лес. We drove by the forest.


пра aboutМы гаварылі пра яго. We were talking about him.

праз throughПрайсці праз натоўп. To pass through a crowd.

afterПрыйшло праз дзве гадзіны. It arrived after two hours.

because ofПраз гэта я многае страціў. I suffered a lot because of this.

скрозь through (implying difficulty)Промні прабіваліся скрозь Sunbeams broke through the

галіны. branches.

цераз acrossПераступіць цераз парог. To step across the threshold.

throughДождж ішоў цераз поўнач. It rained right through midnight.

у toДзеці ходзяць ў школу. The children go to school.

inЗапісаў гэта ў сшытак. He wrote it down in his


Яны ўвайшлі ў лес. They walked into the forest.on

Стукаць у дзверы. To knock on the

Страляць у праціўніка. To shoot at the enemy.up to

Намяло снегу ў пояс. Snow drifted up to waist height.[not translated, similar to ‘per’]

Адзін раз у год. Once a year.on

Не працую ў выхадныя. I don’t work on weekends.[used to denote multiplication]

Два ў тры — шэсць. Two times three is six.



Chapter 23The Genitive Case

23.1 Use of the genitive case

This case is used both by certain prepositions and also to express ownership and relationship. Some verbs, like баяцца, to fear, and хацець, to want, require that the direct object be placed in the genitive case. To negate a sentence, the particle не is placed before the direct object, and the direct object is placed in the genitive case. A lack of something can be expressed by the word няма, followed by the noun in the genitive plural, or genitive singular if the noun has no plural form.

Расліны баяцца марозу. Plants fear frost.Я сама гэтага хацела. I wanted this myself.

Невядома, хто гаспадар гэтага Noone knows who the owner of thisкатэджа. cottage is.

Я не маю часу. I do not have any time.Я нічога не разумею. I do not understand anything.

Шкада, але і ў мяне нічога няма. It is sad, but I do not have anything either.

23.2 Prepositions with the genitive case

The following prepositions can be followed by the genitive case. The meaning of each preposition in that context is given.

ад fromАд сасны адламалася галінка. A branch broke off from the

tree.Схаваліся ад дажджу. They hid from the rain.Ад вясны да восені. From spring to fall.

thanМацней ад грому. Stronger than thunder.

акрамя butТам нікога не было No one was there

акрамя мяне. but me.

апрача but73

Там нікога не было No one was thereапрача мяне. besides me.

без withoutБез усялякай прычыны. Without any excuse.

вакол aroundВакол яго сабраліся людзі. People gathered around him.

воддаль far fromВоддаль дарогі стаяла вёска. Far from the road stood a


да untilЯшчэ некалькі дзён да жніва. It is still a few days until

Дадаць пяць да трох. Add five to three.Ужо да берага падплываў. He had already swam to the bank.

дзеля for [someone’s benefit]Зраблю гэта дзеля цябе. I will do this for you.

для forДля яго гэта лёгкая справа. It is an easy thing for him.

з off of (opposite of на + accusative) Прыбраў ліст з акна. He removed the leaf off of the

window.out of (opposite of у + accusative)

Выйшаў з вады. He got out of the water.

замест insteadХочаш вады замест чаю? Do you want water instead of tea?

звыш more thanНабраў звыш двух дзесяткаў. He gathered more than



каля nearДрэва расце каля плоту. The tree grows near the fence.

aboutКаля пяці гадзін. About five o’clock.

ля nearЁн там ля лазьні блізка жыў. He lived there, close near the


між amongСпрэчка між сябраў. An arguement among friends.

паводле in accordance withАпранутая паводле апошняй Dressed according to the

latestмоды. fashions.

паміж betweenСтаяць паміж двух агней. To stand between two fires.

пасля afterПасля аб'яднання, яны After the unification, they

selectedвыбралі старэйшага. an elder.

Настаўніца, якая прыедзе The teacher, which will come afterпасля вучылішча. the school.

супраць acrossХата стаіць супраць школы.The house is across from the


Плысці супраць цячэння. To swim against the current.Хто «за» і хто «супраць»? Who is “for” and who is “against”? Здарылася супраць маёй It happened against my will.



сярод in the middle ofДрэва стаіць сярод поля. A tree stands in the middle of a


у [used to show possession]Няўжо ў іх няма сабакі? Do they really not have a

dog?У яго баліць галава. His head hurts.

atШыць паліто ў краўца. To have the coat mended at


Chapter 24The Dative Case

24.1 Use of the dative case

This case is used to signify indirect objects, and is also used by certain prepositions. Very often, words in the dative case can be translated into English as


having the word ‘to’ placed before them. There are also certain constructions with predicates that use the dative case.

Вы даяце прыклад усім нашым You give an example to all our workers.калгаснікам.

Мне трэба выйсці. I have to leave.Адставаць жа нельга нам! We must not fall behind!Не дваццаць табе летаў! You are not even twenty years old!

24.2 Prepositions with the dative case

The preposition most commonly used with the dative case is па. There are many different meanings of па + dative, but a few examples are given below. For these usages, the preposition па only takes the dative when the indirect object is singular. If the object is plural, it must take the prepositional case.

Я даў дзецям па яблыку. I gave the children one apple apiece.Паляўнічы ідзе па слядах звера. The hunter went along the animal’s

tracks.Спаборніцтвы па футболу. Soccer competition.Не прыехаў па хваробе. He did not come because he was

sick.Таварыш па універсітэту. A friend from college.

The preposition к is also used with the dative case. This preposition is quite

a bit rarer in Belarusian than it is in Russian. Often, the preposition да + genitive is used in Belarusian in situations where Russian uses к + dative.

[used to indicate moving towards something]Травы цягнуліся к сонцу. The plants strained towards the


Спякла пірог к святу. She baked a pie for the holiday.just before

Прышоў на сход к дзвюм I came to the meeting just beforeгадзінам. two o’clock.


Chapter 25The Instrumental Case

25.1 Use of the instrumental case

This case is used by certain prepositions and also to signify that the noun functions as some means for an action. The direct object of some verbs, especially those that translate as to be, also takes this case. A word in the instrumental case can often be translated into English by preceding it with the preposition “with.”

Галоўнай іх сілай былі гранаты. Their main weapon was grenades.Мы давай паедзем машінай. Let’s take the car.Ты павінна валодаць гэтай мовайYou should have such control of this

так, каб чулася як удома language that you feel at homeміж людзей, якія among people, who speak

Belarusian.па-беларуску гавораць.


25.2 Prepositions with the instrumental case

The following prepositions can be followed by the instrumental case. The meaning of each preposition in that context is given.

з withЯ пайшоў з імі. I went with them.

за behindІдзі за мною. Walk behind me.

між betweenДарога ўецца між палямі. The road winds between fields.

над overНад лесам навісла хмара. A stormcloud hung over the forest.

exceedingМароз над усімі маразамі. A frost exceeding all frosts.

пад beneathЖыта залоціцца пад сонцам. The rye ripened beneath the


Быць пад строгай аховай. To be under heavy guard.

паміж betweenПаміж небам і зямлёю. Between heaven and earth.

перад in front ofНе адступаць перад Do not retreat in the face of

цяжкасцямі. difficulty. before

Перад тым, трэба падумаць. Before that, one must think.compared to

Яны нішто перад ім. They are nothing compared to him.


Chapter 26The Prepositional Case

26.1 Use of the prepositional case

This case is only used when following prepositions, hence the name. The following prepositions can be followed by the prepositional case. The meaning of each preposition in that context is given.

аб aboutГаварылі аб усім. We spoke of everything.

на onКніга ляжыць на стале. The book lies on the table.

inНа вайне куды болей In war, such strength is

патрэбна такая вось needed much more.дужасць.

па [used to denote movement all over or around something]Ехаць на санях па лёдзе. To ride a sleigh over the ice.

amongЧуткі хадзілі па вёсках. The rumors circulated among


afterПа абедзе. After dinner.


For the usages of па given below, the prepositional case can only be used if the object is plural. If it is singular, the dative case must be used, see 24.2 for examples.

Пайшлі па ягоных слядах. They followed in his steps.Снаборніцтва па лыжах. Skiing competition.

пры nearЁн быў пры смерці. He was near death.

withЯ застаўся пры сваёй думцы. I was left with my opinion.

у inСтаіць у пакоі. He is standing in the room.


Chapter 27Prepositional Oddities

27.1 Preposition variation

The prepositions listed below have a special form when preceding certain words.

normal form auxiliary form

аб аба When preceding the words мне, ўсім,and ўсіх.к ка When preceding the word мне.пад пада When preceding the word мной.над нада When preceding the word мной.перад перада When preceding the word мной.у ва When preceding any word beginning with ў.у ў Otherwise, if it follows a word ending in a vowel.з са When preceding a word whose first letter is

either ж, з, м, с, or ш, and whose second letter is a consonant

27.2 Pronouns following prepositions

A characteristic unique to Belarusian of all the Slavic languages, a prosthetic н is not added to the pronouns ён, яно, яна, and яны when following a preposition.

аб ім about itда яго to himз ёй with herнад імі over them


27.3 Prepositional assimilation

Certain prepositions and particles are assimilated into the words that follow them. They and the words in front of them are pronounced as one word. For purposes of pronunciation, all spelling rules should be applied to the preposition as if it were part of the next word, for example, if the following word begins with a palatized consonant, the ending of the preposition is pronounced palatized. Classical orthography writes the prepositions with the rules applied, while Modern orthography does not. Pronunciation of prepositions reflects the application of the spelling rules, regardless of which orthography is used.

Classical Modern

Устаў зь зямлі. Устаў з зямлі. I got up from the ground.Як сарока бязь хваста. Як сарока без хваста. Like a magpie without a tail.

27.3 Prepositions with adverbs

Sometimes prepositions can be followed by an adverb, which is not declined.

Які прагноз на сёння? What is the forecast for today?Нам трэба купіць ежу на заўтра. We need to buy food for tomorrow.

Chapter 28


Conditional Sentences28.1 Real conditional sentences

Conditional sentences consist of two clauses, a condition, and the result of that condition. If the result is certain, given the condition, then the sentence is formed thus; the first clause begins with калі and states the condition. The second clause can optionally begin with the word дык, and then states the result.

Калі ён здаровы, дык ён можа If he is healthy, then he can work.працаваць.

Калі ён ведаў, ён не ішоў. If he knew, then he did not go.

28.2 Hypothetical conditional sentences

If the result is uncertain, then the particle бы (б when preceded by a vowel) must be inserted into the result clause and any indicative verb must be changed to the past tense. If there is speculation involved, then the condition clause can also have бы added to it and the verb changed to the past tense.

Калі ён здаровы, ён мог бы If he is healthy, he might be able to work.працаваць.

Калі б ён быў здаровы, то мог бы If he were healthy, then he might beпрацаваць. able to work.

Калі ён ведаў, ён не пайшоў бы. If he knew, he might not have gone.Калі б ён ведаў, то не пайшоў бы.If he had not known, he might not have



Chapter 29Adverbs

29.1 Adverbs formed from adjectives

Most adverbs are formed by removing the final –ы or –і from the adjective and adding -а to the ending. If the stress in the adjective falls on the last or next to the last syllable, it often shifts to the first syllable for the adverb.

блізкі close блізка closelyважны important важна importantlyвясёлы happy весела happilyдакладны precise дакладна precisely


ранні early ранна earlyціхі quiet ціха quietly

29.2 Compound adverbs

These adverbs are formed by adding ‘па-‘ to the front of the adjective. When certain possesive adjectives are formed from animate nouns, they can be made into adverbs indicating similarity of behavior to the animate noun.

дзіцячы child’s па-дзіцячы childishlyвоўчы wolf’s па-воўчы like a wolf

Ordinal numbers form adverbs by declining the adjective for the nominative neuter case and adding the prefix.

першы first па-першае firstlyдругі second па-другое secondlyтрэці third па-трэцяе thirdly

Some adjectives, especially ones denoting language or nationality, form an adverb by appending the prefix and changing the final -і to an -у.

беларускі Belarusian па-беларуску in Belarusianбрацкі brother’s па-брацку like a brotherанглійскі English па-англійску in English

29.3 The adverbs болей, меней, больш and менш

The adverbs болей and больш mean more, and меней and меньш mean less. See Section 6.4 for more on the usage of these adverbs.

Сястры ён болей не ўбачыць. He will not see his sister anymore.Куды болей за іх баяўся Ізяслаў Izyaslau feared his own people much

свайго народа. more than them.У жыцці, аднак, усё сталася болей In life, however, everything

became moreскладана і меней шчасліва. complicated and less happy.

Кожны з якіх збіў больш за 100 Each of which destroyed more than 100нашых самалётаў. of our planes.

Я памкнуўся бліжэй, і Франі I strove closer, and I did not see Franyaбольш не пабачыў. any more.

Яна, тым не менш, таіла ў сабе She nevertheless concealed within herself

неразгаданую загадку. an unsolved riddle.


Ён пачаў менш успамінаць былое. He started to remember the past less.

29.4 Comparative and superlative adverbs

There are two ways to form the comparative and two ways to form the superlative form of an adverb. The short comparative form is the more common of the two. It is identical to the short comparative adjective. Section 6.1 covers its formation thoroughly. Not all adverbs have a short comparative form, but all adverbs can also form a comparative by preceding the adverb with болей or больш.

На вайне куды болей патрэбна In war, such strength is much moreтакая вось дужасць. necessary.

Рабілася ўсё болей сцюдзёна на It became much colder at this windyгэтым ветраным узлеску. forest-edge.

«Размова пра паходы скочана» “All talk of the march is finished” he saidсказаў больш лагодна more good-naturedly.

Гэта ідэя будзе больш выгадна. This idea will be more profitable.

There are two ways of forming the superlative adverb. The first is to precede the adverb with найбольш, most. The second way is to follow the adverb by the phrase за ўсё or за ўсіх.

Нас маглі накіраваць куды заўгодна, They could place us wherever isале найбольш верагодна – у convenient, but most likely, it

willстралковы батальён. be into a rifle battalion.

Але найбольш зацята я не хацеў But most stubbornly, I did not want toстаць кампазітарам. become a composer.

Але болей за ўсё яму дакучала But mostly, he felt cravings of hunger.адчуванне голаду.

Болей за ўсё верагодна, што ён It was most likely that he felt theадчуў непажаданую unwanted perspective of

loneliness.пэрспэктыву адзіноты.

29.5 Miscellaneous adverbs


There are many important adverbs that are not derived from adjectives. A very few of them are listed here.

дзе where куды to whereтут here сюды to hereтам there туды to thereнідзе nowhere нікуды not to anywhereусюды everywhere

адкуль from whereдома at home адсюль from hereдадому to home адтуль from there

ніадкуль not from anywhereкалі whenцяпер now сёння todayзараз immediately заўтра tomorrowтады then учора yesterdayпотым after thatніколі never вельмі veryзаўсёды always зноў again

ледзь barelyяк how надта significantlyтак so/that way крыху a littleнеяк some way шмат a lotніяк no way многа much/many


Chapter 30Conjunctions and Particles

30.1 Coordinating conjunctions

Coordinating conjunctions join two different phrases into one sentence.

і andЁн прыехаў і адразу пачаў He arrived and immediately began

працаваць to work.both

Мне падабаюцца і клубніца I like both strawberries andі маліна. raspberries.

а and (contrasting)Ты школьнік, а ён студэнт. You are in grade school, and he is

in college.but

Ён паехаў, а я засталася. He went, but I stayed behind.

аднак althoughГэта не зусім лагічна, аднак This was not completely

logical,значна больш нелагічна although his next

action wasбыў яго наступны much more logical.ўчынак.


але butГалоўнай іх сілай былі Their main weapon was grenades,

гранаты, але кідаць іх but it was still a long wayбыло яшчэ далёка. to throw them.

ды andКаму-ж, калі не ім, па фэстах Who, if not they, should

wanderвалачыцца, ды з around the festival and makeбяднейшых пакепліваць? fun of poor people?

butЛюдзі паміралі, ды не спынялі People died, but they did not

stopбарацьбы. the fighting.

потым thenЛіць пот за іншых в ўласнай To pour sweat for others in

theirпатрэбе, потым ад own need, then be preparedголаду змерці гатовы. to die from hunger.

таксама alsoДзеці працавалі таксама як і The children worked also,

just likeдарослыя. the adults.

то bothГэта ідзе то ўверх, то ўніз. It goes both up and down.

See Chapter 28 for examples of то as a conditional conjunction.

ці orЦі рана, ці позна, ці зусім не Either sooner, or later, or he

will notпрыйдзе. come at all.

30.2 Subordinating conjunctions

Subordinating conjunctions join a clause to another clause, on which it depends.

бо becauseХадзем шпарчэй, бо Let’s walk faster, because we are

спознімся. going to be late.

каб so thatЁн хоча, каб яго сын быў He wants his son to be a doctor.



30.3 Predicates

When these are used, the sentence will not have a noun in the nominative case as a subject. Often they are used in combination with the dative case.

можна one mayГэта можна зрабіць за два This can get done in two days.


нельга one must notНельга хадзіць па газонах. No walking on the grass.

one cannotЧалавеку нельга жыць без Man cannot live without love.


няма there is noneУ мяне няма грошай. I do not have any money.

трэба it is necessaryНа кожны стрэл трэба было For each shot, they needed to get

браць дазвол камадзіра the commander’s permission.

шкада it is sadШкада, што тое да мяне It is too bad that it still has

notяшчэ не дайшло. come to me.

30.4 Suffixes

There are suffixes that can be attached to any interrogative pronoun or adverb. Doing this is equivalant to appending “some” to the beginning of an interrogative pronoun or adverb in English.


Ён яшчэ дадаў пра злачыннасць He again thought about the crimes of that

тае вайны, за якую калісьці war, for which sometime, someoneпрыйдзецца некаму адказваць. would have to answer.



Што-небудзь тлумачыць я не меўThis was something that I did not have the сілы. strength to explain.

Ёсць які-небудзь стары? Што да Is there someone who’s old? That livedвайны тут жыў? here before the war?


Ён пашукаў чаго-колечы з’есці. He looked for something to eat.

30.5 Other particles

аж [indicates a limit or extremness]Гналі нас аж да Дунаю. They pursued us all the way

to Duna.Навокал зрабілася аж All around it became way too quiet.

занадта ціхмана.

але yesАле, я вас разумею. Yes, I understand you.

абы if onlyАбы яна пазваніла... If only she would call...

justХачу забіць яго, абы ціха I want to kill him, just so it would

было. be quiet.

жа [adds emphasis]Ён жа вярнуўся тайком, без He returned secretly, without

дазволу. permission.

так yesТак, але... У чым я магу вам Yes, but... How can I help you?


Так думаў я. I thought [adds emphasis]

Бо іх ужо так шмат Because there is already so manyна тым баку. of them on that side.

ці [indicates question]Ці размаўляеш па-беларуску? Do you speak Belarusian?


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The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, andmultiple identical Invariant Sections may be replaced with a singlecopy. If there are multiple Invariant Sections with the same name butdifferent contents, make the title of each such section unique byadding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the originalauthor or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number.Make the same adjustment to the section titles in the list ofInvariant Sections in the license notice of the combined work.

In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled "History"in the various original documents, forming one section Entitled"History"; likewise combine any sections Entitled "Acknowledgements",and any sections Entitled "Dedications". You must delete all sectionsEntitled "Endorsements".


You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documentsreleased under this License, and replace the individual copies of thisLicense in the various documents with a single copy that is included inthe collection, provided that you follow the rules of this License forverbatim copying of each of the documents in all other respects.

You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distributeit individually under this License, provided you insert a copy of thisLicense into the extracted document, and follow this License in allother respects regarding verbatim copying of that document.


A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separateand independent documents or works, in or on a volume of a storage ordistribution medium, is called an "aggregate" if the copyrightresulting from the compilation is not used to limit the legal rightsof the compilation's users beyond what the individual works permit.When the Document is included in an aggregate, this License does notapply to the other works in the aggregate which are not themselvesderivative works of the Document.


If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to thesecopies of the Document, then if the Document is less than one half ofthe entire aggregate, the Document's Cover Texts may be placed oncovers that bracket the Document within the aggregate, or theelectronic equivalent of covers if the Document is in electronic form.Otherwise they must appear on printed covers that bracket the wholeaggregate.


Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you maydistribute translations of the Document under the terms of section 4.Replacing Invariant Sections with translations requires specialpermission from their copyright holders, but you may includetranslations of some or all Invariant Sections in addition to theoriginal versions of these Invariant Sections. You may include atranslation of this License, and all the license notices in theDocument, and any Warranty Disclaimers, provided that you also includethe original English version of this License and the original versionsof those notices and disclaimers. In case of a disagreement betweenthe translation and the original version of this License or a noticeor disclaimer, the original version will prevail.

If a section in the Document is Entitled "Acknowledgements","Dedications", or "History", the requirement (section 4) to Preserveits Title (section 1) will typically require changing the actualtitle.


You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document exceptas expressly provided for under this License. Any other attempt tocopy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Document is void, and willautomatically terminate your rights under this License. However,parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under thisLicense will not have their licenses terminated so long as suchparties remain in full compliance.


The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versionsof the GNU Free Documentation License from time to time. Such newversions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but maydiffer in detail to address new problems or concerns. See

Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number.If the Document specifies that a particular numbered version of thisLicense "or any later version" applies to it, you have the option offollowing the terms and conditions either of that specified version orof any later version that has been published (not as a draft) by theFree Software Foundation. If the Document does not specify a versionnumber of this License, you may choose any version ever published (notas a draft) by the Free Software Foundation.

ADDENDUM: How to use this License for your documents

To use this License in a document you have written, include a copy ofthe License in the document and put the following copyright andlicense notices just after the title page:


Copyright (c) YEAR YOUR NAME. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".

If you have Invariant Sections, Front-Cover Texts and Back-Cover Texts,replace the "with...Texts." line with this:

with the Invariant Sections being LIST THEIR TITLES, with the Front-Cover Texts being LIST, and with the Back-Cover Texts being LIST.

If you have Invariant Sections without Cover Texts, or some othercombination of the three, merge those two alternatives to suit thesituation.

If your document contains nontrivial examples of program code, werecommend releasing these examples in parallel under your choice offree software license, such as the GNU General Public License,to permit their use in free software.


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