front pages of winter project (1)

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  • 8/9/2019 FRONT PAGES of Winter Project (1)



    As a B.B.A. student, we had to undergo for research process on the topic of Consumer

    Buying Behavior of Mercedes Benz. I were here to take research on what people think about

    purchasing Mercedes Benz car .I took sample of !! students.

    All the people Co"operated with me throughout my pro#ect by giving me with their valuable

    answers. I am sure that this pro#ect will feed me the different dimensions of all the people

    which vary from each other.

    I have collected all re$uired information related to my pro#ect to my level best. It was a great

    e%perience to prepare the $uestionnaires and research. Because till now I #ust got theoretical

    knowledge about different"different research proposals, but here I had practical knowledge.

  • 8/9/2019 FRONT PAGES of Winter Project (1)


    Mercedes BENZ




    Particuar Pa!e

    n"#$ INTRO%UCTION. Industry &rofile
























    Shree Uttar Gujarat BBA College

  • 8/9/2019 FRONT PAGES of Winter Project (1)


    Mercedes BENZ

    Mercedes3Ben4is a erman automobile manufacturer, a multinational division of the ermanmanufacturer -aimler A. he brand is used for lu%ury automobiles, buses,coaches, and trucks.

    he head$uarters of Mercedes"Benz is in /tuttgart,Baden"01rttemberg, ermany.he name first appeared in 2'+ under -aimler"Benzbut traces its origins to -aimler"Motoren"

    esellschaft3s 2! Mercedesand to 4arl Benz3s 55+ Benz &atent Motorwagen, which iswidely regarded as the first gasoline powered automobile. Mercedes"Benz3s slogan is 6-as Besteoder nichts6 78nglish9 6he best or nothing6:. Mercedes"Benz is part of the 6erman Big (6

    lu%ury automakers, along with Audiand BM0, which are the best selling lu%ury automakers inthe world.


    In 55* the townspeople of Cannstatt, ermany, were startled to see &aul -aimler,son of ottlieb -aimler, roll away from ;o.) aubenheimstrasse on a wooden"spoked two"wheeler powered by a fraction of a horsepower four"cycle internalcombustion engine. hat belt driven motorcycle 7actually a four"wheeler as it had twoeight"inch diameter outrigger wheels to keep it stable when at a standstill: was theforerunner of all automobiles.

    ottlieb -aimler was the first man to harness with any true degree of success acombustion engine into a road vehicle. ranted there were horseless vehicle

    predecessors to -aimler3s motorcycle but -aimler3s was the first recognized internalcombustion vehicle and the first to incorporate a practical transmission system.

    /hortly after -aimler applied for his combustion motor patent, Carl Benz ofMannheim, ermany was granted a erman patent covering a three"wheel motor carhe constructed in 5)). his single cylinder, (Company, at Mannheim.

    Shree Uttar Gujarat BBA College
  • 8/9/2019 FRONT PAGES of Winter Project (1)


    Mercedes BENZ

    -aimler continued his automotive research and prior to his death in 2!! was creditedwith such inventions as the honeycomb type radiator? the float type carburetor? ="twincylinder engine 7such as used in present"day @arley"-avidson motorcycles:?interrupted low"tension electric ignition? four"cylinder engine? foot accelerator? and

    motor and transmission in one integral section.

    he first recorded auto race, sponsored by the &etit"ournal of &aris in 52) andconducted over a &aris to ouen course, attracted forty"si% entries and was lookedforward to as a test of the steamer and electric versus the gas burners. he first threewinning cars were powered by -aimler"built engines. rom that time on the -aimlerMercedes and later 7after 2'+: the Mercedes"Benz were to gain continuing prestigethrough their high"speed performance.

    A wealthy banker"sportsman 8mil ellinek of =ienna was much impressed by the

    success of the -aimler motor in racing competition. @e purchased controlling stockinterest in -aimler in the early 52!3s and put nearly unlimited funds at the disposal ofottlieb and -aimler3s two sons, &aul and Adolph. It was ellinek who encouraged-aimler in his idea to create what was to be the most powerful car of its day, a (* h.p.Monster.

    In 2!! the )"cylinder -aimler was completed and the car was christened in honor of8mil ellinek3s beautiful daughter, Mercedes. he new car was an immediatesensation. rom its flaring front fenders, rakish rearward sloping steering column tothe "head type cylinder construction and twin carburetors, the Mercedes was a beauty

    and did #ustice to its namesake.

    ellinek, controller of the -aimler plant, and father of the young ladyfor whom the 2!! lu%ury four"wheeler was named, was so obsessedwith his interest in high"speed automobiles that for nearly3 five yearshe held e%clusive rights to the bulk of the Mercedes production and

    carefully limited the sale of the cars to individuals of known influence. ellinek3s owninternational reputation as a sportsman and his careful selection of purchasers of thelimited number of Mercedes available placed the cars with an upper"bracket clientelewhich, nearly as much as the car3s own intrinsic superior engineering and design, gave

    the Mercedes it3s reputation as a $uality and high performance product.

    If one were to have made a post"war visit to the famous Mercedes"Benz factory atDnterturkheim, ermany in Ectober, 2)*, one would have good reason to concludethat no new cars would emerge from this site for at least another five years. he word6site6 is used reservedly, for between F! and 5! percent of the factory buildings had

    been destroyed by aerial bombardment and this same fate had overtaken most of the

    Shree Uttar Gujarat BBA College

  • 8/9/2019 FRONT PAGES of Winter Project (1)


    Mercedes BENZ

    other plants at /indelfingen and elsewhere. Additionally, a large $uantity of the lightmachine tools had been dispersed during the war in what became the rench occupiedzone of ermany. aw materials were practically non"e%istent and the technical staffdisrupted by the de";azifying enactments which were then being enforced with the

    utmost severity. But in fact, it only took -r. lng, 0. @aspel and E. @oppe, and theirco"directors a matter of only three years to rebuild and re"e$uip the factories and tointroduce the first post"war models. In 2)5, the new four"door saloon, which wasmade in its entirety at /indelfingen, followed closely on the lines of the '.( liter car of2(2.

    @istory Ef he hree"&ointed /tar

    5uait6 ran7in!s

    /ince its inception, Mercedes"Benz had maintained a reputation for its $uality and durability.Eb#ective measures looking atpassenger vehicles, such as . -. &owersurveys, demonstrated a

    downturn in reputation in these criteria in the late 22!s and early '!!!s. By mid"'!!*,Mercedes temporarily returned to the industry average for initial $uality, a measure of problemsafter the first 2! days of ownership, according to . -. &ower.G'*HIn . -. &ower3s Initial uality/tudy for the first $uarter of '!!F, Mercedes showed dramatic improvement by climbing from

    '*th to *th place and earning several awards for its models. G'+Hor '!!5, Mercedes"Benz3s initial$uality rating improved by yet another mark, to fourth place. G'FHEn top of this accolade, it alsoreceived the &latinum &lant uality Award for its MercedesJ /indelfingen, ermany assemblyplant.G'FH. -. &ower3s '! D/ Initial uality and =ehicle -ependability /tudies both ranked

    Mercedes"Benz vehicles above average in build $uality and reliability.G'5HG'2HIn the '! D4 . -.

    &ower /urvey, Mercedes cars rated above average.G(!H

    A '!) i/eeCars.comstudy for eutersfound Mercedes to have the lowest vehicle recall rate.G(H

    ModelsGeditHSee also:List of Mercedes-Benz vehicles

    Shree Uttar Gujarat BBA College
  • 8/9/2019 FRONT PAGES of Winter Project (1)


    Mercedes BENZ

    Mercedes"Benz A"Class7compact:Mercedes"Benz C"Class7-"segment:

    Mercedes"Benz CK/"Class7)"door coupL:

    Mercedes"Benz 8"Class78%ecutive car:

    Mercedes 0'! a%i"=ersion

    Mercedes"Benz /"Class7lu%ury sedan:Mercedes"Benz /K"Class7rand ourer:

    Mercedes"Benz /K/AM Black /eries 7supercar:Mercedes"Benz M"Class7lu%ury/D=:

    Current 8"de ran!eGeditH

    Mercedes"Benz offers a full range of passenger, light commercial and heavy commerciale$uipment. =ehicles are manufactured in multiple countries worldwide.

    he /martmar$ueof city carsare also produced by -aimler A. A"ClassN @atchback

    B"ClassNMulti &urpose =ehicle7M&=: C"ClassN /aloon,8state> CoupL

    CKA"ClassN ) -oor CoupL CK/"ClassN ) -oor CoupL and 8state

    Shree Uttar Gujarat BBA College
  • 8/9/2019 FRONT PAGES of Winter Project (1)


    Mercedes BENZ

    8"ClassN /aloon, 8state, CoupL andCabriolet "ClassN/ports Dtility =ehicle7/D=:

    K"ClassN Karge /ports Dtility =ehicle 7/D=: KA"ClassN Compact /ports Dtility =ehicle 7/D=:< Crossover

    K4"ClassN /ports Dtility =ehicle 7/D=: K8"ClassN /ports Dtility =ehicle 7/D=: M"ClassN /ports Dtility =ehicle 7/D=:

    /"ClassN Ku%ury /aloon /K"ClassN rand ourer

    /K4"ClassN oadster ="ClassN Multi &urpose =ehicle 7M&=:< =an

    AM N /ports car< /upercarVans[edit]

    Mercedes"Benz /printerused as a police busMercedes"Benz produces a range of vans? Citan7a rebadgedversion of the enault

    4angoo:, =itoand /printer.Trucks[edit]

    See also:List of Mercedes-Benz trucks

    Mercedes"Benz Oetrosused for snowplowing

    Dnimog, a famous allround vehicle by Mercedes"Benz

    Shree Uttar Gujarat BBA College
  • 8/9/2019 FRONT PAGES of Winter Project (1)


    Mercedes BENZ

    Mercedes"Benz rucks is now part of the -aimler rucks division, and includes companies thatwere part of the -aimlerChrysler merger. ottlieb -aimler sold the world3s first truck in 55+.

    G('Hhe first factory to be built outside ermany after 00II was in Argentina. It originally builttrucks, many of which were modified independently to buses, popularly named Colectivo. oday,

    it builds buses, trucks and the /printer van.

    Gcitation neededH

    Buses[edit]Main article:Mercedes-Benz buses

    Mercedes"Benz produces a wide range of buses and coaches, mainly for 8urope and Asia. he

    first model was produced by 4arl Benz in 52*.

    En9ir"n8enta rec"rdGeditHMercedes"Benz has developed multiconcept carswith alternative propulsion, such as hybrid"

    electric, fully electric, and fuel"cellpowertrains. At the '!!Frankfurt motor show, Mercedes"Benz showed seven hybrid models, including the F!!concept car, powered by a hybrid"electric

    drivetrain featuring the-iesEttoengine.G(+HG(FHIn '!!2, Mercedes"Benz displayed

    three BlueO8Econcepts at the;orth American International Auto /how. 8ach car features adifferent powertrain " battery"electric, fuel"cell electric, and gasoline"electric hybrid.G(5HG(2HIn thesame year, Mercedes also showed the =ision /*!! &@8= concept with a 2 miles 7( km: all"

    electric rangeand CE' emissionsof F) grams

  • 8/9/2019 FRONT PAGES of Winter Project (1)


    Mercedes BENZ

    Kogo historyGeditHG+*H





    Shree Uttar Gujarat BBA College
  • 8/9/2019 FRONT PAGES of Winter Project (1)


    Mercedes BENZ



    Vision:Our vision is simple, yet ambitious. We want to be the first-choice provider of financial services for ourcustomers and dealers in partnership with our automotive brands.

    Mission:Lead in the Innovation and elivery of the !rand"s #ustomer $%perience throu&h 'ma(in& )eople and

    'ma(in&Service.Daimler Financial Services entered the Indian market on July 1, 2011 as a ca!tive "inance com!any, su!!ortin# the"inance and insurance o" Daimler automo$iles %hanks to innovative and customer "riendly "inance solutions, underthe $rand&ercedes-'en( Financial, the )oy o" drivin# a &ercedes-'en( has never $een moreo$taina$le than no*

    &ercedes-'en( Financial o""ers a "ull ran#e o" "inance and insurance services that su!!ort, &ercedes-'en(, itsDealer +et*ork and most im!ortantly, its customers hen you "inance and insure your vehicle throu#h &ercedes-'en( Financial, you *ill receive a "ocussed "inancial services solution, ensurin# you #et a !roduct *hich has $eentailored eactly to your drivin# and "inancin# needs

    It.s a "inanci in# e!erience en#ineered to $e the "inest



    1. Mercedes Benz has a strong brand value and global leader in premium

    2. Lack of capital constraints3. Leader in innovation i.e. 1stto introduce diesel engines, fuel injection a

    locking brakes

    . More than !12bn allocated for "#$

    %. &trong presence in motor sport under McLaren Mercedes

    '. Manufactured and assembled in over 2( countries across the )orld

    *. Mercedes holds patents on the majorit+ of safet+ features

    Weakness 1. igh maintenance cost of Mercedes Benz cars


    1. $eveloping h+brid cars and fuel e-cient cars for the future

    2. apping emerging markets across the )orld and building a global bran

    3. /ast gro)ing lu0ur+ automobile market # increased income


    1. overnment policies for the automobile sector across the )orld

    2. ver increasing fuel prices

    3. ntense competition from global automobile brands

    Shree Uttar Gujarat BBA College

  • 8/9/2019 FRONT PAGES of Winter Project (1)


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