from separation to unified consciousness

Post on 28-Aug-2014






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This presentation outlines the theory of the Unified Field of Consciousness and how this applies to permanently healing our Wounds of Separation as a means to become fully embodied in Unified Consciousness


Birth the New Era

Separation to Unified Consciousness

The Wound of Separation

Separation to Unified Consciousness

From this to that

The wound that never heals Continuous healing

Separation Consciousness

• Since the dawn of civilization (6,000 years ?)

• Fear of scarcity

• Benefits• compete and succeed• provide and support• control

• Civilization

• The grit in the oyster

Unified Consciousness

• Evolutionary imperative

• Trust in abundance

• Benefits• collaboration• more with less• flow

• Deep connection

• Harmony

What is Needed?

The means to heal the wound

The energy paradigm


The answer

The Unified Field of Consciousness

The Cosmos - Primary Assumptions

• Energy-Consciousness All that we experience, physically and metaphysically, is energy and consciousness (ultimately, energy (physical reality) and consciousness (metaphysical reality) are one and the same phenomena).

• Holographic The whole is present everywhere and can be discerned conceptually even when only parts of the whole are visually apparent.

• Fractal The same patterns are repeated at all scales from micro to macro.

• Unified There is a unified field within which all manifestation exists; there is no separation between "things.”

• Dynamic It pulses between equilibrium (the zero-point "vacuum" state) and disequilibrium (the manifest state) continuously.

Cosmometry – Marshall Lefferts

The Cosmos - Primary Assumptions (cont’d)

• Centered by Singularities Every manifest entity has a singularity at its center that connects it to the Unified Field.

• Polarized Energy moves inwardly and outwardly, contractively and expansively, simultaneously.

• Infinite Energy Potential The unified field has an infinite amount of energy available (or at least a quantity so vast that it might as well be infinite).

• Synergetic The phenomena of "the behavior of whole systems that are greater than and unpredictable from the behavior of their parts when viewed separately" is inherent in all systems.

Cosmometry – Marshall Lefferts

The Unified Whole

Cosmometry – Marshall Lefferts

Energy and consciousness

(the physical and metaphysical experience of reality)

are a unified whole,

and that all “things” are

entirely and instantly interconnected as one.

The Torus

Cosmometry – Marshall Lefferts

• Fundamental form of energetic flow• It contracts and expands simultaneously• The Universe is a seamlessly embedded fractalization

of torus energy flow• Everything is toroidal in nature

Torus Characteristics

Cosmometry – Marshall Lefferts

• It is made from the medium in which it exists• It is self-generating and self-sustaining• It exchanges information and resources throughout

itself and with the environment in which it exists• It has a continuous feedback loop and is self-reflexive• It is both an autonomous entity and integral part of a

larger wholeness

• It is centered by a singularity that connects it with the entire Universe

Singularity and Black Hole

Black Hole Singularity

The Human Dimension

Cosmometry – Marshall Lefferts

Those who are possessed by nothing possess everything.Morihei Ueshiba

Healing the Wound

Latent Wounds

Unconscious beliefs


Unconscious Social Contract

Contracted breathing

Embodied contractions

Limiting beliefs

Social conditioningGuilt

Activated Wound

Thought Belief

Endless story

Healing the Wound

Thought Belief

Activate center

Connect to Unified Field

Accept, acknowledge, love

Separate from trigger

Healing the Wound

Thought Belief

Separated from trigger

Connect with feeling

Drain into black hole

Triggered and Latent Wound Healed

Thought Belief

The thought has no power

Belief has no power

Deepening connection with Unified Field

Torus energy flowing freely

Healing Constellations

Shared singularity

Raising Vibrations

Transforming Low Vibrations to

High Vibrations

(Unconditional Love)

Our Soul Purpose

• Our purpose is to transform from • fear to love• scarcity to abundance• resistance to flow• separation to unification

• We serve our purpose by transforming ourselves by supporting the transformation of others

• We fulfil our purpose by permanently healing our collective Wound of Separation

Healing Protocols


I centre myself (breathing into lower belly)

• I am acceptance• I am sorry• I am forgiveness• I am (unconditional) love• I expand my energy field to include the whole universe• I expand my consciousness to include all consciousness

Healing Protocols

Process• I focus on feeling the feelings in my body• I test the intensity of the feelings out of 10• I let go of the thoughts, get deeply into my feelings. I don’t resist• With my in-breath, I connect from my centre, down between my

legs, and up my spine to the location of the feelings• With my out-breath, I re-connect to my centre• I visualize a funnel from my feelings to the black hole and

singularity at the centre of my lower belly• I allow the feelings to drain away into the black hole and

singularity• I continue until the intensity reaches 0

Healing Protocols

Wrap up• I am gratitude• I am joy• I am peace• I am enlightenment• I am Buddha/Christ consciousness• I am Divine consciousness• I am pure consciousness• I am One• I am totally aligned with the co-creative evolutionary

impulse of awakening consciousness


• Unified Field of Consciousness

• Torus (Expansion and Contraction)

• Singularity

• Permanently healing our own Separation Wounds

• Releasing our limiting beliefs

• Helping others to heal/release theirs

Image from Thrive Movement

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