from kpis to outcomes - the shift from service delivery to strategy

Post on 15-Jan-2017






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From KPIs to Outcomes – The Shift from Service Delivery to StrategyIT leaders need to grasp new opportunities to deliver on the strategic value of IT across the enterprise.

IT leaders are under increasing pressure

to understand the strategic value of IT

within their organisations.

Why is this?

At every level of the enterprise, IT has lost its monopoly over IT expertise. And most, if not all, senior managers now demonstrate a much greater awareness of emerging technologies than they did in the past.

The board expects IT

to be able to engage at a

strategic level.

Meanwhile, as businesses continue to migrate to cloud-based and hosted services,

IT departments are freed up from the labour-intensive support and maintenance of on-premise systems to address the strategic value of IT.

For some IT managers the transition, from day-to-day

service delivery to harnessing the strategic value of IT in a more business-centric role,

is a steep and often slippery learning curve.

This is forcing many IT leaders out of the realms of traditional IT management and into a much broader business role.

This often requires a sharp shift in both mindset and skillset.

The idea of IT directors making a more strategic contribution was

explored by leading global auditor, KPMG,

back in 2013.

KPMG summarised this new senior business role as

one in which IT is able not only to support today’s dynamic business environment, but to help evolve

their service delivery model.

Perhaps you’ve just started out on this journey yourself?

Well rest assured you’re not alone

Around 48% of businesses are already using some form of

cloud computing, and 31% of the remaining organisations intend to

do so within the coming year.The Attitude Survey, conducted by Vanson Bourne on behalf of the Cloud Industry Forum

IT professionals are working hard

to adapt constantly to the ever-changing

industry landscape.

Moving beyond KPIs and support services, they are grabbing this new career opportunity with both hands and really getting to grips with how IT can benefit an organisation at a far more strategic level.

What does it take to be a strategic leader?

From navigator and change driver to talent advocate, global thinker and all-round entrepreneur.

These are just some of the nine different roles global human

resources consultancy, DDI World, recently

identified as crucial to success in a strategic

leadership position.

It’s a world away from week-in, week-out IT system management.

Many IT leaders are working with

other senior team players to shape enterprise-wide

strategy and drive growth.

They are driving change to achieve cost efficiencies, risk management and diversification into new markets. This is all exciting stuff, and it can propel your professional career far beyond system installation and support.

The good news is that service providers have acknowledged this journey and the new difficulties you’re facing. Their response? Some valuable tools and services.

The shift from service delivery to strategy is only a threat if IT leaders allow it to be.

At a time when board members are deepening their understanding of the strategic value of IT, there has never been

a better time to be a senior IT professional.

But of course, the transition will inevitably take time away from what is already a busy working day.

The move to cloud-based services is helpful here – lifting away much of the infrastructural burden that IT departments have traditionally carried. And a

Managed Print Services strategy can also support IT, freeing up even more time for IT departments to meet and exceed strategic expectations.

Cloud computing is freeing up IT leaders to move

into more strategic roles, taking charge of complex

initiatives aimed at driving growth.

Senior managers across the enterprise now have a much stronger awareness of new technologies, and expect IT to understand

their strategic value.

Managed Print Services is a great example of

third-party provision that can help IT to deliver on its

strategic potential.

Key Takeaways


Find out how you can deliver an MPS strategy that is exactly right for your business. Download:

How to Create an MPS Strategy to Meet the Demands of the Enterprise

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