friday - isna

Post on 05-Oct-2021






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FRIDAY6:15 PM Regist rat ion Opens / Maghr ib Prayer SAC Ballroom Lobby

6:45 PM SAC Ballroom South

Welcom e Session

Speakers: Al Hirani, Azhar Azeez

7:00 PM

SAC Ballroom South

Session 1

Loving Your Deen | Fram ework for Our Im aan

To truly appreciate your deen, you have to learn to love it first. Come join us as we push the limits in discussing the difference between understanding, practicing, and loving your deen. Let us go past just simply going through the motions as we bridge the gap between submission of the body and submission of the mind.

Speakers: Yassir Fazaga, Alt af Husain

8:00 PM Isha Prayer

8:15 PM

SAC Ballroom South

Session 2

When Should t he Hear t Ache?

While we try to avoid heartache most of our lives, there are moments during which our hearts must ache. Join us to know when heartache is justifiable and actually necessary, and how we can channel our shared pain into unifying our hearts.

Speaker: Zahra Bil loo

9:00 PM

SAC Ballroom South

Fr iday Closing Rem arks

Speakers: Sarah Youssef


10:30 PM

Nueces Courtyard

Firm Root s | A St ronger Fut ure t hrough Conf l ict

Everywhere we look, people are complaining about their problems and difficulties. However, for the believer a ?difficulty? is not only relative, but actually a means of drawing closer to our creator. We will discuss how our problems really can be our strengths, with the right attitude.

Speaker: Om ar Husain

SATURDAY10:00 AM Check In / Regist rat ion / Break fast ART Building Lobby

10:30 AM

ART 1.102

Welcom e Session

Speakers: Al Hirani, Azhar Azeez

10:40 AM

ART 1.102

Session 3

Unif icat ion of t he Hear t s

As our Ummah has become fragmented throughout generations, we strive to create dialogue about how the essence of "Love" may be the missing link necessary to bind our hearts back together as an Ummah of excellence and strength as described by the Prophet Muhammad (SWT). What about Love are we missing? How do we use love as a tool to repair such a broken Ummah? Including Q&A

Speaker: Alt af Husain

11:40 AM

ART 1.102

Session 4

A Sound Relat ionship Bet ween t he Hear t and it s Creat or & Sust ainer

How can we love our creator and love like our creator? The love of Allah (SWT) is never ending and all encompassing. It is through His love that we are able to benefit from this Dunya and the next. Our relationship and love for Allah (SWT) is the key to a true inner peace and love. Join us as we learn how to tighten the bond between our hearts and the love for the Almighty. Including Q&A

Speaker: Dawood Yasin

12:55 PM Dhuhr Prayer

1:15 PM

ART 1.102

Session 5

A Balanced Devot ion t o Hum anit y

Looking through the lense of humanity is many times more difficult as we tend to focus on our own struggles. Whether we are blurred by our culture, or our location, or our colour, it is important to adjust the focus to see the whole picture. Come learn the importance of loving one another and how to truly devote ourselves to humanity as we fight the struggles of the ummah together.

Speaker: Zahra Bil loo

2:00 PM Lunch East Mall

3:05 PM

ART 1.102

Session 6

Spir it ual Ident it y of t he Qalb

The state of our Qalb extends to one?s entire spiritual identity. It is important that we truly understand the ins and outs of our hearts in order to truly understand our Deen. Come discuss how pure hearts translate to the rest of our deen.

Speaker: Dawood Yasin

4:10 PM Asr Prayer

4:30 PM

CLA 0.126

College Sist ers' Q & A Session 7A Speakers: Zahra Bil loo, Yassir Fazaga

4:30 PM

CLA 0.130

College Brot hers' Q & A Session 7B Speaker: Dawood Yasin

4:30 PM

SAC 2.302

Adult s' Q & A Session 7C Speaker: Om ar Husain (Legislative Assembly Room)

5:35 PM

ART 1.102

Session 8

Our Beloved Prophet | Know Him , Love Him , Follow Him

As our world becomes populated with influencers who may not embody our values, it is important to reattach our hearts to the best of examples - our very own Prophet (PBUH).

Speaker: Azhar Azeez, Yassir Fazaga

6:30 PM Maghr ib Prayer

Please Not e: Celebrat ion Banquet w it h Keynot e Speaker Wajahat Ali st ar t s at 7:00 PM

6:50 PM

ART 1.102 Session 9A MSA

Do You Love Yourself?

Do you accept yourself? Many of us have had a time in our lives in which we find it difficult to accept, embrace, and love ourselves. Come join us in a discussion about how sometimes the heart needs to be trained to love its own through mental health.

Speaker: Yassir Fazaga

6:50 PM

SAC 2.302

Session 9B MYNA

The Power of Love.... but isn't t hat Haram ?

Unfortunately, religion and love are seen as two separate concepts. Then why does it feel wrong to talk about it in religious spaces? Did you know that Islam has many different words and levels of love towards different entities and people? Join us to learn more about what these types of loves are and the power they can have on you!

Speaker: Om ar Husain

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