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Post on 14-May-2015






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Talk given (in Danish) at Copenhagen University on March 2, 2012 at the seminar "Digital strategies in Danish art museums"


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Digitale mediers strategiske betydning for Statens Museum for Kunst

Merete SanderhoffMag. art.


En af søjlerne i museumsloven er bevaring. Museerne har pligt til bevare den fælles kulturarv, så også fremtidige generationer kan nyde, og lære af den.

Traditionelt har museer opfyldt denne forpligtelse ved at agere dørvogtere og begrænse adgangen. Men når kulturarven digitaliseres, muliggøres i et helt nyt omfang tilgængelighed og deltagelse.

Internettet er af væsen et netværk, der bygger på en delingskultur, og "digitale indfødte" er vant til at høste råmaterialet til deres læring og kreativitet på nettet.

I lyset af den teknologiske udvikling er Statens Museum for Kunst i gang med at gentænke sin rolle. Kulturarvens fortsatte relevans sikres sandsynligvis bedst ved at give den fri i digital form og tillade uhindret deling og genbrug.

Vision SMK digital udvikler digital museumspraksis, der ansporer brugernes lyst til kunst.

MissionSMK digital gør kunsten tilgængelig, vedkommende og inspirerende for brugerne ved at skabe synergi mellem det fysiske og digitale museum.

©SMK Foto

Farvel til de gamle forretningsmodeller

"Everyone interviewed wants to recoup costs but almost none claimed to actually achieve or expected to achieve this… Even those services that claimed to recoup full costs generally did not account fully for salary costs or overhead expenses."Simon Tanner, Reproduction charging models & rights policy for digital images in American art museums, 2004

"Since 2006 the commercial market for [images] has undergone a revolution, with consumers now expecting images free of charge, free of usage restrictions, and instantly available for use… In summary, more people want more content, from more complex sources and at more speed, but are less prepared to pay for it and less sympathetic to the real, non-digital, human resource required to deliver it."Jo Prosser, Managing Director, Victoria and Albert Enterprises.

“…as the legal designation “public domain” is supported by the rationale that eventually all creators and/or owners of content must relinquish their monopolies over such content making such content available for unmitigated access and use, attempts to restrict access through licensing provisions may be neither legally enforceable nor ethically prudent.”Memo on open access to digital representations of works in the public domain from museum, library, and archive collections at Yale University (5 May 2011)

Yale University

Smithsonian Commons

“The digital commons movement is just a few years old but the concept of a commons is quite old. Commons are usually created when a property owner determines that a given set of resources—grass for grazing sheep, forest for parkland, software code, or intellectual property—will create more value if freely shared. Our understanding of research, education, artistic creativity, and the progress of knowledge is built upon the axiom that no idea stands alone, and that all innovation is built on the ideas and innovation of others.”Smithsonian Web and New Media Strategy, Version 1.0, 7/30/2009

Pilotprojekt 2009-11 ”Billeddeling og udvikling af digitale værktøjer”

Studieophold, USA, oktober 2011Støttet af KUAS

• National Gallery of Art• National Portrait Gallery• Smithsonian American Art Museum• National Museum of Natural History• Holocaust Memorial Museum• Freer Sackler Gallery• Hirshhorn Museum

• Museum of Modern Art• The Metropolitan Museum of Art • The Whitney Museum of American Art• American Museum of Natural History• The New Museum• The Morgan Library and Museum• Art Institute of Chicago

Fælles mobil platform

Fri adgang skaber mere værdi• For brugerne

– Nem og gratis adgang til viden, oplevelser og redskaber– Mulighed for at udvikle nye produkter og tjenester

• For museerne– Større eksponering og cirkulation (delingskultur) – Øget brug af fælles kulturarvsressourcer– Mulighed for at udvikle nye forretningsmodeller i harmoni

med museets mission og nutidens medievirkelighed

• For samfundet– Kulturarv som redskab til innovation og kreativitet– Støtte en fri, lige og demokratisk adgang til kulturarven

LinksEuropeana Linked Open Data video

Memo on open access to digital representations of works in the public domain from museum, library, and archive collections at Yale University (5 May 2011)

Smithsonian Wiki

Creative Commons

”Sharing is caring – Digitized cultural heritage for all”, DR-Byen, 11.11.2011 Program:

”Digitization is a positive challenge”. Interview med HAVE Backstage

“Sharing is caring in 2012 – also on the web”. Interview med Janus Boye

Rapport til KUAS om pilotprojekt “Billeddeling og udvikling af digitale værktøjer”, 2009-11

Rapport til KUAS om studieophold i USA, oktober 2011

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