frequently asked questions in tcs interview

Post on 23-Dec-2021






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Frequently Asked Questions in TCS Interview

Below mentioned questions are for reference and they might get change as per

interviewer. As we cannot predict the actual questions it is always better to

prepare for all aspects.

Students from Non-CS-IT background should prepare basic fundamentals of

programming languages and latest technologies that you have mentioned in your

resume. Some branch specific core subjects’ questions might be asked.

Don't by heart given subject specific technical questions as it is, those questions

won't come as it is, consider it as a reference. Focus more on your resume.

For TCS, some students may have one or two or three interviews. It totally depends

on interviewer panel. For some students TR, HR , MR can be combined in one

interview, for some students it can be separate interview.

Note: It is always better to have Mock Interview to boost up the confidence and

chances of selection.

To prepare for mock interviews, click here:

Technical Interview Questions:

Tell me in brief about your project.

What kind of technology you have used in your project and what was your role in it?

What kind of challenges do you face during your project?

Tell me about certifications and internships what you have mentioned in your



How you are preparing yourself to compete with the current demands of industry?

Tell me something about latest technologies like AI, ML, IoT, Cloud Computing.

Tell me about Dynamic Programming and Greedy Approach.

How will you calculate time complexity?

Which programming language you prefer the most?

What do you mean by Software Patch?

How will you define reusability of code?

What is an array?

Define Data Abstraction. What is their importance?

Write a function to swap two numbers without using a temporary variable.

Memory Allocation in C/C++

What is virtual function and pure virtual function?

Name four storage classes available in C.

Explain static variable.

Explain function overloading concept.

Define the term’s classes and objects.

List out some areas in which data structure is applied extensively.

What is insertion sort and bubble sort?

Explain what command-line argument in C is?

What is a pointer?

Explain the difference between pass by reference and pass by value.

Differentiate between null and void pointer.

Explain the concept of Tree.

What is data warehousing? Why should we use data warehousing?

Explain compiler and interpreter.

Explain garbage collector.

What is a digital signature?

Explain the functionality of linked list.

What are the four basic principles of OOPS?


What is inheritance?

What is the way of inheriting variable of one class to any other class?

What is Polymorphism?

What are the different types of inheritance?

What is the difference between classes and interface?

What is software development life-cycle?

What is normalization of databases, joins, and keys?

What are loops?

Explain about Joins, Views, Normalization, Triggers?

List different advantages of DBMS

What is Database Management System?

What is database Schema?

What are the conditional statements?

What is the difference between the foreign key and reference key?

What is the difference and similarity between C and C++?

What is cloud computing, the application of cloud computing, SAAS?

Do you know of any real-time applications of cloud computing?

What is a linear data structure?

Explain quick sort with algorithm and example?

Given an array, how will you search an element in the most efficient manner?

Tell me something which is not a part of your resume?

What are you doing to increase your communication skills?

Why you are applying for the IT industry and why not jobs in your Core domain?

Explain your project & your role in the project?

What is bitcoin? Advantages of blockchain?

Who built C?

Difference between Call by Value and Call by Address?

Difference between merge sort and insertion sort?

Example of merge sort.


How to count the elements of a String?

Basics about structure, linked list, queue.

What is Dangling Pointer?

Basic SQL queries?

C program to check whether a number is prime?

What is a double pointer?

Difference between C and C++.

OOPs concepts - All the definitions of OOPs concepts

Difference between while and do while.

Interface definition,

Platform dependency


Prime number program

If you are okay with relocation, then why didn't u choose to do engineering in some

other state?

What do you understand about a Subnet Mask?

What is NAT?

What is piggybacking?

What is a Ping?

What is Ethernet?

What is the difference between the Java Development Kit (JDK), Java Runtime

Environment (JRE), and Java Virtual Machine (JVM)?

What are interrupts?

What is Indexing in Databases?

What is dangling pointer?

What is Recursion?

Why Python is called as Interpreted Language?

What are benefits of using Python?

What do you mean by dynamically typed language?


Explain data structures in Python.

What are modules and packages in Python?

What is self in Python?

Explain constructor and destructor.

What is the use of docstring?

How memory is managed in Python?

What are Python Namespaces?

What are annotations in Java?

What do you mean by Abstract Class?

Tell me about Java Singleton Class.

What is lambda in Python?

What is pickling and unpickling in Python?

What are negative indexes and why they are used?

Why pointers are not supported in Java?

Difference between IPv4 and Ipv6

HR Interview Questions:

Tell me about yourself

What do you know about TCS?

What do you think is the biggest strength of TCS?

What are your areas of interest?

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Are you ready to work anywhere in India?

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

Are you willing to work in different shifts?

Why TCS?


If you are a team leader and one of your team members is not responding well, how

will you handle such situation?

Being alone child to your parents how do you feel? Family background? Will your

parents support for your job? About siblings, Tell me about your family background.

Tell me about your flexibility? Flexibility to work at any time

Tell me your strengths & weakness, your strengths, what are your strength &

weakness that you would like to improve? Any weakness? How are you working on

weaknesses? What you want to improve in yourself, Weakness with example

Why TCS? About TCS?, What do you know about TCS?& profiles?, why our company?,

Any negative point about TCS, Any positive point about TCS, about TCS: IT sectors,

Why IT company?, 1 negative and 1 positive thing about TCS, Tell me about TCS,

recent news about TCS, TCS project, Why do you want to join TCS? Just as it is your

1st Recruitment drive or really you will to work with TCS? Why do you like to join the


Family background?

In TCS as an employee? How was the experience in TCS? Do you know anyone from


Where do you stay?

Any shifts constraints, any time constraints, are you ready to work late hours? Are

you okay with shifts? Can you work for 24hrs, Time constraints? What do you know

about Night shift? Will you be ready for it? Comfortable with night shifts? Time &

work constraints, Will you work at night shifts? Are you flexible in terms of timings?

Ready to relocate? Are you relocatable? Cochin-Yes or NO, About time

constraint/place? Reallocate, Location constraints? Your parents have any problem, if

we have you in Chennai, are you ready to relocate? Are you okay with relocating?

Will you work in Chennai? Are you ready for relocating? Will you accept if we

relocate you to Chennai? Comfortable with relocation? Are you flexible in terms of

locations? Are you ready to work in Chennai for 3 years? Are you ready for job

outside Maharashtra?


Hobbies, Interest, what are your hobbies, how do you pass your time? Do you have

any photographs related to your hobby? Hobbies (Reading). which is the recent book

you read? How can your hobbies play a vital role for the company's growth?

What is IT IS?

Why mentioned good management qualities. can you justify (with example)

Where do you see yourself in 2years., What do you expect in future? After joining

TCS what will you do?, Where you see after 5 years?

10points about yourself that I should select you, Why I should select you? Why

should TCS hire you? Something about you different from others, Why should I hire


Draw a quadrant, mark point and tell me your personality.

3years bond-OK or Not, TCS Bond service, are you ready to sign a bond of 2 years

with TCS?

If given a chance to study abroad, will you? Any plans for higher studies? Do you have

any future education plan?

Where are you from?

Why there is a variance in your marks? Why constantly decreasing marks?

What would be your parents’ reaction?

Which area would you prefer? How was your technical? Which is your area of

interest? Area of interest to work in TCS, Interest in


A situation was given? how would you handle it?

Are you adaptable to any situation? Give example

Have you lead any team/controlled crowd of people efficiently?

What is ITI?

Asked about the women grievances cell

Is working in team good or alone? Why?

How do you manage your stress?

Any back question?


What is meant by IT Infrastructure?

If you are mentioning in resume that I have ability of problem solving then which

problem you recently faced?

How many squares are in on chess board?

Opinion about women empowerment?

Any questions you want to ask? Do you have any question for me?, Do you have any

questions?, Would you like to ask me any question?

difference between IT IS & EIS

What is IT IS?

How you are multitasking?

How you are innovative?

About ACM?

How was your TI and MR?

What do you know about IT IS?

Where are you from?

If I am new to Mumbai, describe how you will introduce Mumbai to me in 5 words,

what is the one negative thing about Mumbai

Tell me one policy for women that TCS provides


2 challenges faced in Eng. College

Situation given by HR. How to solve the problem?

About college and college day

Difference between hard work and smart work

How were your interviews and explain the questions asked to you?

Why not Microsoft?

If you want to choose the best manager from Shri Krishna and Shri Rama then whom

will you choose? Why?

What is TATA Swachh?


You are from Mechanical then why are you applying for an IT company? Are you

ready to work in an IT company being a mechanical engineer?

Are you satisfied wherever we send you?

Tell me one thing that I would like to listen.

How was your last interview?

Tell me a special thing about yourself.

What is NSS?

What will you do if you do not get selected?

Are you satisfied if we offer you an ITIS service?

Will you work for any given profile?

Why should I give you a job if you've got a good family background?

Tell me about your likes, dislikes, family, your interest and whatever you want to

share with me.

How many siblings do you have and what are they doing?

Do you help your mother in household work and what's the price of onion in the


Which sabji do you like and which one do you dislike?

What about your accommodation and food if you are getting a job in Chennai?

Questions on particular situations.

Asked about Campus Commune, the respective scores and events participated.

Asked to make a paper boat.

If you are a mechanical engineer then why do you want to work in an IT company?

What type of work would ITIS do?

If I send you to Kabul for a project then will it be fine with you?


revenue of TCS?

ready to work in ITIS?

which domain would you like to work?

team work is good or want to work alone?


what will you do if your leader is arrogant as well as members are arrogant?

why you didn't join army?

giving any situation and we have to tell how to tackle them

any new inventions?

situation: you, father and husband are travelling in ship…. ship sinks, so whom will u

save if only you know swimming.

What does your dad do?

Being Mechanical, why IT(TCS)

If you are selected in core, will you do the job?

Impress us!!..Make us happy!!

"If you get a lottery of 1 million and asked to distribute amongst your family

members, how will you do it?"

Why do you want to join IT Company?

You are a topper, what will be your next step if you fail?

How do you upgrade yourself?

If you are not placed in TCS, what will you do?

What is creative thing that you have done in your engineering?

do you really want to join or you are just sitting for this drive due to pressure from


have you read the service details or something like that

Are you willing to work in any domain?

Are you willing to work on IT projects being mechanical student?

Tell me 3 things which you don’t like?

Which game you play?

Problem solving attitude, have you solved any problem in practical life?

Will you work in IT Sector?

what you have done in your extracurricular activities

why the switch from mechanical to IT?

Your project is core mechanical why do you want to switch to computer


you have less knowledge about IT as compared to other how you will manage

write an email to your principal asking for a lab for your project

Why being mechanical in TCS?

ITIS ok or not?

What is your favourite subject?

Why Mechanical?

What is Internet?

Seminar-explain in short

Willing to work for application services?

Asked a simple puzzle

What will be your attitude while working for TCS?

What’s your ambition?

Why had you selected diploma after 10th?

Puzzle to count no. of squares

How many close friends you have?

What is that one thing you would like to add to TCS?

Any creative thing you did in engineering?

Achievements in Life.

Success Definition.

How was your TI and MR interviews?

Who is your role model?

What is your view about our president?

Why this college?

Why came in Pune?

Favourite Subject.

Which movie you recently watched? Do you see Hollywood/Bollywood movies?

Which movie you like the most?

What you do on weekends?

Any software courses?


Do you have friends in Pune?

Salary Expectations

MR Interview Questions ( Optional, sometimes MR can be

merged with TR or HR ):

If your boss is arrogant, he asks you to work for 10- 11hrs, daily, how will you react to


If you have written a code & your friend in the team shows the code to boss, how will

you react

If your boss is arrogant & your team member are also arrogant. how will you handle

that situation?

How will you manage job after your marriage?

How will you work on project in one year?

Non curricular activity.

Meaning of name

Situation-1) You have to do a project with 5 people whom you hate, so how will you

manage.2) Two graduate, one brilliant but lazy, arrogant, other not brilliant but

sincere and hardworking. you have to give appraisal, whom you will give better."

Elective Subject?

What if you are not given your preferred area?

Situation: - Convincing to client after refusing the project

What do you do apart from technical any hobby?

Which quantity do you have that is different so that you get job in TCS?

Any new invention/technology that you like?

How about growth in the company when it comes to everyday change?

Being an ENTC Eng. how will you manage in IT?

Situation: -Convincing a client who does not want a project when it is about to


Who is CEO & chairman TCS & tata group?


Any specific goal of life?

How did you deal with pressure situation?

how we decide dimensions of laptop screen & tv screen?

Explain the things not in CV?


you are doing work on embedded system then why are you joining IT IS in TCS?

How many satellites are needed to cover whole earth?

Difference between leader and manager

What you will do if any one slaps you

If your company is in very bad situation and everyone is resigning, how you will stop


Where you see yourself 5 years down the line and 20 years down the line?

TCS has huge revenue, where it goes?

Have you lead a team?

What are your aspirations? Where do you see yourself 2 years down the line?

Have you done any certification?

What is the tagline of TCS? (Experience Certainty)

What according to you is the wrong thing going on around you?

What is more important? Money or Work?

If a computer guy works better than you and if I give him

good pay then is it injustice for you as you are from mechanical?

who is the most important person in your life?

what you have done to make that person happy?

tell me about TCS?

how will you as a mechanical engineer fit into TCS?

Why you moved to IT industry?

ITIS information

How many squares are in the given figure?

If you are team leader of 10 people and in team 6 people are against you, what will

you do

If I give you good work and no money for 3 months, will you work

Will you work for 16 hours?

what is your expectation after 1 year?

you have stage fear?

If TCS and Thermax are on alternate days then which will you prefer? why?

location constraints?

why your marks are decreasing

Have you been a leader?

Difference between stress and pressure?

What will happen if I put diesel in petrol engine?

Why you don’t try for core company?


Which management subjects you have? And what are the different management


Will you continue with extra activities even after joining companies?

Leader & manager difference

If selected, what will you do & if rejected what will you do?

What is the true intention of your project?

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