freelation zone - 1st winner integrated campaign aduinfest 2016

Post on 16-Jan-2017






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Problem• Indonesian young people nowdays cannot be separated from the gadget and

gadgets have become a part of their life.

• Many young people found themselves playing gadgets when they were gathering together, hanging out, meetings and many other things.

• Playing with gadget too much can have a bad effect, one of

them can threat their relationship.

Insight• Indonesian youngster nowdays are very busy with their own gadgets,

they can not be a single day without gadgets.

• In this era, Indonesia young people often spent time together in the

restaurant / café. They go to this places to find quality time with their


• Usually they spend a long quality time with thier friends but without

realizing that gadget is often interrupt their quality time.

• Indonesian young people love anything that is free.


Invite indonesian young people to understand the

importance of quality time with your friends without

being interrupted by playing gadget .

This campaign invites young people to understand the importance of quality time with their

friend without interrupted by playing gadget.

Freelation zone will cooperate with one of the fast-food restaurant McDonald's because

McDonald is a 24-hour restaurant that is already known and a favorite place of young

people to do quality time.

Media2. Banner Digital & Konvensional

1. Unconventional media

Charging freelation

Gate Freelation zone

3. Conventional Media


How it works

1. Promotion through banner ads that

are on social media, e-commerce,

and billboard on the road, as well as

in each restaurant Mc Donald so that

young people aware of this


2. Target audience will visit the nearby

Mc Donald as they were curious about

the campaign of freelation zone.

3. Every table in the Mc Donald will

be placed charging freelation and

posters that explain the working of the

charging freelation

How to works (Unconventional Media)

• The Charging freelation will be activated by putting their

gadget. The machine will be switched on and will

charge by itself. If one of those gadget are taken then

charging freelation will deactivated and restart from the


• Once their phone was placed, the target audience can

have a conversation with their friends. Charging

freelation will automatically record their conversation

and the conversation time will be marked by the

indicator lights.

• When they have a conversation, the indicator will run,

the longer they talked, the indicator will light up more

and more.

• When the indicator light is full, charging freelation will

send a notication to the admin and the admin will deliver

food to the visitors who made the conversation.

• Charging freelation be activated up to 3 times with 3

different reward. Hadiah 1 Hadiah 2 Hadiah 3


• Freelation will become trending

topic of conversation among

friends on the social media.

• Indonesian young people will

appreciate quality time with their


• They prefer to enjoy the moment

together with his friends without

being interrupted.

• Their friendship among them will

remain good or could become


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